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<rhcp> Anyone looking for a nexus 10? http://swappa.com/listing/CRA289/view
<clibot> [Link] swappa.com: Nexus 10 (Google) For Sale - CRA289 - $540 > Swappa
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<RossWell98> someone ?
<frankdrey> RossWell98, what's the problem, sir? *crackle* over *crackle*
<RossWell98> No problem :)
<RossWell98> Just a little question :)
<RossWell98> I want to build for a i9100 and a zeux
<RossWell98> I should make clobber or I can use the i9100 out to build the zeus ?
<frankdrey> just lunch and make?
<RossWell98> sure ? :)
<frankdrey> try? :P
<RossWell98> Yes :)
<RossWell98> The zeus build isn't for me :P
<frankdrey> I haven't really tried building for 2 devices from one source
<frankdrey> wait, do you want to use the out files (compiled files) for this zeus?
<RossWell98> Yes x)
<RossWell98> I not want to rebuild all x)
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<frankdrey> hmmm...I think the build system is pretty intelligent, so just go ahead and try lunch zeus (or whatever model would be) and then make
<RossWell98> make can replace files no ?
<frankdrey> ofc?
<RossWell98> i'll check if the result has a kernel of i9100 or samsung settings xD
<RossWell98> ofc?
<frankdrey> of course
<RossWell98> bo, what is "ofc" xD
Baskey is now known as GAYBEN
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<RossWell98> O.o
<frankdrey> Baskey, hi
<Baskey> hello, frankdrey
<RossWell98> Oh ok
<RossWell98> ofc = of course
<RossWell98> T.T
<frankdrey> :3
<RossWell98> HEYYYY
<RossWell98> BUT
<RossWell98> oh nooo -_-
<frankdrey> but what?
<RossWell98> He build in out/target/product/zeus
<RossWell98> and not out/target/product/i9100
<RossWell98> forgot ._.
<frankdrey> ah, well it should at least re-use some of the built files
<frankdrey> such as the java crap
<frankdrey> ofc, it needs to rebuild device specifics
<RossWell98> x)
<RossWell98> ccache helps a little
<RossWell98> ramdisk :3
<RossWell98> ok so, "problem" solved
<RossWell98> frankdrey: Thanks for your white night o/
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<tyagu> hi guys, is that true latest nightly got pie control feature? how to activate it!!!
<frankdrey> tyagu, turn on extended desktop
<frankdrey> hold power and press extended desktop
<tyagu> ok done.
<frankdrey> i know that's how you activate it
<frankdrey> but i don't know how pie necessarily works :p
<tyagu> it showed enabled.
<tyagu> then nothing happen after that..
<clibot> [Link] www.youtube.com: How to: Enable and Use PIE on the Lates Cyanogenmod Nightly - YouTube
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<tyagu> thanks bro..
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<Jiangyi> tyagu: Settings, system, pie controls
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, I figured I don't really even need a phone
<frankdrey> *new
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: hmm?
<Jiangyi> o_O
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, remember? me looking for new phones and stuff?
<Jiangyi> yes yes
<Jiangyi> but why don't you need a new one anymore?
<frankdrey> because i guess my iCrap is good enough
<frankdrey> has all I need
<frankdrey> + Galaxy on Fire 2 :p
<Jiangyi> :/
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> maybe once i code my own space adventure roguelike for Android :D
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<MacDrunk> hello need some help
<MacDrunk> im looking for the modem of the UHMS9 kernel
<MacDrunk> thats the one samsung released for my cell prodider i need the modem
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<Jiangyi> Canadian eh?
<Jiangyi> Not easy to find :-/
<MacDrunk> hmm no canadian mexican
<MacDrunk> bye the way i have the file tar.md5 file how can i extract separete files,, like phone, pda and csc files
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<Jiangyi> MacDrunk: 7-zip? ._.
<MacDrunk> jiagy i use win rar
<rhcp> Jiangyi Find someone to buy my steal of a nexus 10 plz
<MacDrunk> do i need to use 7-zip
<Jiangyi> MacDrunk: same sort of thing :-P
<MacDrunk> i removed the md5 file extension and only left the tar extension
<Jiangyi> rhcp: I don't have enough American friends, sorry :-/
<MacDrunk> then i unziped to a folder and i now see some bin files
<rhcp> ill ship out of america
<rhcp> if you want
<rhcp> :)
<rhcp> long as they pay the shipping
<rhcp> dont care
<Jiangyi> Yeah, but no warranty then :-/
<rhcp> Sure why not?
<rhcp> If something were to go wrong with it. Ship to google
<rhcp> same like people buying play store N4's and shipping back for repair
<rhcp> comes with the trade
<MacDrunk> boot.bin, cache.img, factoryfs.img, hidden.img, modem.bin, param.lfs, sbl.bin, zImage...
<MacDrunk> that would be correct right???
<MacDrunk> i read on a xda thread that the modem + ril convination locks the sim
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<Jiangyi_> rhcp: Last I checked, Google Canada refuses to honour warranty on American devices
<rhcp> thats why i said. You ship it to US google
<rhcp> like everyone else
<rhcp> if something happends
<MacDrunk> im looking for a umms1 modem
<rhcp> canada post is not that bad
<Jiangyi_> Yeah, but where are they gonna send it back to? I don't think they'll be willing to send it back to a Canadian address :/
<rhcp> As long as you pay
<rhcp> why not
<MacDrunk> from UHSM9 stock firmware
<rhcp> Whoever wrote the first android recovery I forget his name
<rhcp> shipped his N4 3 times
<rhcp> afaik
<Jiangyi_> MacDrunk: You have the modem.bin file?
<Jiangyi_> rhcp: Idk man, seems like too much hassle to convince my friends into it :-/
<Jiangyi_> I'll ask if you want though...
<rhcp> did you see what I'm including?
<rhcp> its like > 150 worth of shit
<MacDrunk> well afther i removed the md5 extension
<MacDrunk> and leve the tar extension yes i got the modem.bin file after i unzip it
<clibot> [Link] swappa.com: Nexus 10 (Google) For Sale - CRA289 - $540 > Swappa
<rhcp> thats my listing
<Jiangyi_> MacDrunk: Just flash the modem.bin file in PHONE then
<MacDrunk> that would be my umms1 mode file
<rhcp> i never flash a modem
<rhcp> lol
<MacDrunk> hmm ok and which ones are csc and pda
<rhcp> every time i see a person flash a modem
<rhcp> i see their IMEI get fucked
<rhcp> and efs
<MacDrunk> hmm
<rhcp> Personally, I wouldn't flash a modem :)
<rhcp> unless you read that others have done it
<Jiangyi_> rhcp: Flashed plenty of modems in the past, nothing happened :/
<rhcp> with no problems
<rhcp> depends on phone i assume them
<rhcp> I know on the S3, and few others
<rhcp> bye bye IMEI
<Jiangyi_> I'll certainly ask around for you, looks like an ok deal.
<MacDrunk> now i know
<rhcp> I know for a fact on the note2 if you flash a modem across it can go from XXX -> YYYY
<Jiangyi_> even after Canadian shipping.
<MacDrunk> modem is modem.bin
<MacDrunk> csc is cache
<rhcp> ok deal? :) Its the play store price with 150 worth of shit
<rhcp> lol
<rhcp> its a steal
<MacDrunk> and the rest of the files is code right
<MacDrunk> or pda
<Jiangyi_> MacDrunk: You know you can just put the entire file in PDA and flash away right?
<Jiangyi_> does the same thing.
<Jiangyi_> gotta run, catch you guys later.
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<MacDrunk> damitt
<MacDrunk> well yea i only need to flash the modem
<MacDrunk> thats i
<MacDrunk> t
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<rhcp> Well, Do it. And worse to worse you have a bad IMEI :)
<rhcp> I didn't bother to scroll up but what device?
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<ionstorm66> Any get wallet to work on the latest Note II nightly?
<ionstorm66> when I try to install it it gets stuck at device not ready
<ionstorm66> if I try and follow one of the tut that has be replace nfc apks and so's then it wont boot
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<ev_> Hey, can anyone help me?
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<d3js0n> hi
<d3js0n> anyone here ?
<codeworkx> no
<d3js0n> lol
<d3js0n> I have one question
<d3js0n> is it safe to use titanium or it is not on i9100 like is stated in OP
<d3js0n> for CM 10.1
<d3js0n> I mean is it really dangerous
<codeworkx> its fine for userdata and apps
<codeworkx> but never restore system data taken from another rom
<d3js0n> thx man
<d3js0n> no I never do that I am using CM since G1, just bought SGS2 and want to play.
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<RossWell98> Hee, If I want a .bashrc it's in /data/.bashrc ?
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<a3Dman> RossWell98: yes, /data is $HOME
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<RossWell98> Ok thanks o/
<a3Dman> or you could set an initial command from the terminal emulator settings to source any file you need at any particular location.
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<kenci> hi all
<kenci> cant find known issues for i9300 int version.. for cm10.1
<kenci> they are gone :/
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<nushoin> hello
<nushoin> Anyone knows where the teamhacksung build scripts have gone?
<Jiangyi> teamhacksung died :-/
<nushoin> Oh
<nushoin> So all the build scripts are gone? Or did they integrate it into CyanogenMod?
<clibot> [Link] github.com: codeworkx/buildscripts �� GitHub
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<nushoin> Thanks!
<nushoin> Is there some new 'official' way to build and bundle a kernel?
<Jiangyi> Umm
<Jiangyi> . build/envsetup.sh && brunch cm_whatever-userdebug ?
<Jiangyi> That's always been the official way. :-/
<nushoin> But that would build the whole image if I understand correctly
<nushoin> Bummer
<Jiangyi> Oh, you just want the kernel?
<nushoin> Yep
<nushoin> I was looking all over the internets (well, Google) and found nothing.
<Jiangyi> Shoot, I don't remember if there was a way to do that. Bleh.
<nushoin> Well I'll just use codeworkx scripts.
<nushoin> What happened to the team, anyway
<nushoin> ?
<codeworkx> nushoin: . build/envsetup.sh && lunch cm_i9100-userdebug && mka bootimage
<Jiangyi> OK, that^'
<nushoin> @codeworkx does this also create the kernel.zip file?
<codeworkx> no
<nushoin> Ok, I'll take a look into your old scripts
<nushoin> Maybe I can scavenge something
<nushoin> Thanks guys!
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* Jiangyi knows :-/
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<Jiangyi> Yes, I saw that too lol
<codeworkx> GAYBEN: i dont think so
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<Jiangyi> LOL
<clibot> [Link] plus.google.com: Kirill Grouchnikov - Google+ - Kim Jong Un finally read the iTunes EULA, is not impressed.���
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<waratte> Does the EULA actually read that?
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<CRC404> Anyone out there?
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<CRC404> I was curious if anyone has ahad issues with font size changing on 4.2.2 CM10.1
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<d3js0n> hi
<d3js0n> where can I find i9100 CM 10.1 kernel ?
<CRC404> I can see a root requirement not allowing the font size changing app to apply the changes, but the rom should have had root
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<daandy> jo device
<daandy> ,5○*/ /58*25*8/*//88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888255555555555555555555555555555
<daandy> 2
<daandy> 25*
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<Frd^> damn cm10.1 is freezing randomly
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<Kractucs> !device
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<controlShift> hi. I have some problem with the signal strenth on cm 10.1. I've the last nightly and I use the stock ril of 4.1.2 (I9100GXXSLR). Do i have to flash another modem?
<controlShift> I've a Samsung galaxy s2 i9100g
<a-st> I'm using XXLS8 on my i9100
<a-st> and signal is good
<controlShift> !device
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<controlShift> I'll see the link :)
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<Kihokki> controlShift: Use getril app to fix ril
<controlShift> ook i'll do
<controlShift> thank you for helping me
<Jiangyi> controlShift: Yes, try another modem
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<controlShift> yess i think to try DDLP5
<controlShift> that modem should work better
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<nani_> hello
<RedShift> using LS8 modem here too, works OK
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<nani_> i want to root my galaxy s2-i9100
<nani_> please help me do it
<nani_> im using a windows 8 laptop
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<RedShift> nani_ what have you researched so far
<Kihokki> Google it
<nani_> i did find the links and all
<RedShift> so what's the problem?
<nani_> but dude im hemidall is not opeaning in my lappy
<a-st> use odin
<nani_> can u give me a link for that
<nani_> procedure to root using odin
<Kihokki> Google it seriously
<RedShift> nani_: you don't need to flash a custom kernel
<clibot> [Link] forum.xda-developers.com: [04.12.2012][ICS/JB]Universal Rooting for most phones, Any ROM, now with CWM6 - xda-developers
<RedShift> that one is far easier
<nani_> thank you
<RedShift> please read it from a to z
<Kihokki> ^ this
<Kihokki> And install W7
<nani_> k
<RedShift> Kihokki what does windows have to do with this?
<Kihokki> RedShift: He said he was using ____W8____
<RedShift> so?
<Kihokki> So it matters
<RedShift> no it doesn't...
<Kihokki> It's W8
<Kihokki> Now it matters
<Kihokki> Because it's me
<RedShift> nani_: just to be clear, you don't need windows 7 to root your phone, whatever OS you use will be fine
<RedShift> including windows 8
<nani_> ohkkk
<Kihokki> DOS works fine
<nani_> but i was getting some .dll errors
<nani_> i downloaded the .dll files but still hemidall was not opeaning
<RedShift> nani_: the XDA topic I linked you to, you only need an SD card for that
<Kihokki> Try compatibility modes
<RedShift> stick with ODIN on windows
<nani_> ohkk
<nani_> thanks for the help
<controlShift> I see that LS8 modem is for I9100. is there it also for I9100g?
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<RedShift> controlShift are you using getril?
<RedShift> it should detect your model automatically
<RedShift> anyway, the i9100g is different hardware, so the modem version will probably differ
<controlShift> i used getril, but it can0t detect the ril of cm10.1 since it became 4.2.2
<controlShift> now i fleshed a new modem and the signal shold fix
<controlShift> I see tat i have to flash the bootloader for JB. the modem is into the bootloader?
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<seeseman4> Hello al
<seeseman4> all*
<seeseman4> I have a question regarding my rooted Samsung Galaxy S2, ATT version
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<RedShift> seeseman4 42
<seeseman4> A few weeks after rooting, the phone's speaker and microphone stopped working
<seeseman4> any media sounds (youtube, mp3 player) also stopped working
<seeseman4> however the system sounds (ringtones, notification sounds) still worked
<RedShift> I don't think that has anything to do with the rooting
<Kihokki> Don't tell me you installed something related to BEATS
<seeseman4> I am running CyanogenMod 9, and have tried installing 10, to no avail
<seeseman4> no, i did not
<Kihokki> Well that's good
<Devourz> did
<Devourz> reverting to stock
<Devourz> fixes the problem ?
<seeseman4> I'm not sure how to do this
<Devourz> im 90% positive
<Devourz> you got some volume
<Devourz> settings
<Devourz> down to 0 volume
<Devourz> lol
<DuperMan> bsi. no spoilers. TUESDAY
<Devourz> if system sound works
<Devourz> fine
<RedShift> if you suspect a hardware problem, you should flash it back to stock with a wiped /data to verify
<seeseman4> haha alright, well how would I access the specific volume settings
<Devourz> means speaker is fine
<Devourz> also
<Devourz> its still
<Devourz> 31
<Devourz> so no trollin yet
<Devourz> lol
<DuperMan> 42
<RedShift> if you press volume up/down you should get a popup with that'll give you additional volume settings
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<RedShift> with a button that'll
<seeseman4> I'm looking at all of my volume settings, nothing appears to be down to 0
<DuperMan> no. eyetrack gesture 'slow dry blink of dismay, failing to be actual despair since hope was never had', a.k.a 'gneh', sinonymuous to the vocification 'meh', should do that
<DuperMan> expand obvious sub-menu:D
<RedShift> won't be long before these things will accurately detect emotions
<RedShift> image your phone detecting you're sad, changing the wallpaper to some nice korean chick to cheer you up
<DuperMan> cool. pandora playlist for my pr0n
<DuperMan> like, apply the emotion allocating gimmick to any video stream
<DuperMan> count chicks, account for facial symmetry, facials, tears, smiles
<DuperMan> and complement user's mood with appropriate pr0n during workouts.
<DuperMan> fuck. fuck. free millions of currency: first 'tantric trainer' app based on my ramblings gets the prize:|
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<Jiangyi> RedShift: enjoying your i9100g? :-)
<RedShift> hasn't arrived yet, easter...
<RedShift> should be here tuesday or wednesday
<RedShift> guy only posted it last tuesday
<RedShift> if he would have posted it monday, I would have probably gotten it already :-(
<DuperMan> yo Jiangyi. any s4's round yet?
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<Jiangyi> ah I see
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: what?
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<DuperMan> Jiangyi: general acknowledgement as you're a good guy
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: I meant the S4 part ._.
<Jiangyi> not sure what you're saying LOL
<Baskey> DuperMan: DUDE R U STONED
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<DuperMan> Baskey: as much as I can be which means 'no mister :( '
<Baskey> aw :C
<Thracky> duperman is on teh crackz as usual
<Thracky> :P
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: just wondered if any of our, and I use 'our' loosely, finest, got their hands on the s4 yet :D
<Thracky> i don't think anyone wants to heh
<DuperMan> Thracky: that was cold. IKNIFEYOU
<DuperMan> <3
<Thracky> :(
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: what Thracky said, no one's getting it :-P
<DuperMan> I had the totally not crack related flu since literal last monday
<DuperMan> what is the verb to describe 8 cores sucking?
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I'm stuck at freaking PMall, save Meg
<Jiangyi> meh *
<Thracky> lolol
<DuperMan> :|
<Thracky> asian canadian easter = go to pacific mall.
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: well, it is one of the few places open.... :-P
<Thracky> you have to GO somewhere?
<Thracky> home is not an option?
* Jiangyi has been home for the past 2 days
<DuperMan> batman silent bob.
<Jiangyi> well, kinda 2 days
<DuperMan> I was with Thracky at first, then realized I wish I had anywhere not bollocks to go.
<DuperMan> :|
<Jiangyi> At least I got bubble tea. :-D
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<DuperMan> fad
<DuperMan> HOW AWESOME IS BUBBLE TEA??????????????
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Very.
<DuperMan> 2002 ice coffee awesome or
* DuperMan does an overzealous samurai pizza cats announcer's bariton voice
<Frd^> anyone else having freezing on sgs3 10.1 nightlies?
<Jiangyi> ummm.... Idk lol
<DuperMan> is mallrats still relevent?
<codeworkx> DuperMan: bubble tea is the most bad stuff to kill your health
<a-st> Happy Easter codeworkx! :)
<DuperMan> oh. I like my health. my nascent scampy health.
<DuperMan> oyestHEHOLIDAYS! HAPPY!
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: nooooooooo
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You crazy
<waratte> You crazy
<DuperMan> wait it be bad to kill the health so it good for the not killing health?:O
<DuperMan> MAGIC TEA
<Jiangyi> wait what
<Jiangyi> DuperMan just confused me LOL
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<BubbleTea> I really do feel healthy
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