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<Vtec_> Hwy. I flash the new nighlty for my tablet and my system ui keeps crashing
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<alzear> Hello, I have a newbee question. I am thinking of flashing my S3 i9300 with CM 10.1 night build using Mobile Odin. My question is after flashing CM 10.1 how do I get gapps installed? Since I don't have google play I can't install Mobile Odin and flash gapps. Any suggestions or is it something obvious I missed?
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<alex89> !supported samsung
<clibot> alex89: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<alex89> !download galaxys2
<clibot> alex89: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [4b133e]
<alex89> !galaxys2
<clibot> alex89: Unknown command "galaxys2"
<alex89> !galaxys2
<clibot> alex89: Unknown command "galaxys2"
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<STF> hello guys could it be that the actual stable cm9 mod (for Samasung Galaxy 2) has buggy mobile Internet software solution? Because after a time a need totaly to restart the my SGII to be able to go online? I tried manual deactivation and activation but it did not help. Also i so that the Systemaria overview seems to be buggy, sometimes it means ones has a public ip, but truly ones has not - you can check it with terminal emulation and 'ip add
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<tmarble> I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100 (running 10.1) and the mobile network often goes offline (despite being in a good coverage area) -- anyone see that?
<RossWell98> tmarble: custom kernel?
<tmarble> RossWell98: nopes.. the one that came with CM
<RossWell98> tmarble: you've checked the APN ?
<RossWell98> romaing, or other
<tmarble> RossWell98: hmmm no... how do I check the APN again?
<RossWell98> your operator?
<tmarble> T-Mobile (USA)
<clibot> [Link] APN settings for data and picture messaging (MMS): T-Mobile myTouch 3G / myTouch 3G Slide / myTouch ...
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<tmarble> RossWell98: I've made some adjustments to conform to the doc... thanks for your help!
<RossWell98> :/
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<RossWell98> Hey why the GSM standby eat my battery ? :O
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<eldabest> hey guys anyone know what I need to modify to change animation speeds to 0.25x? right now min is either 0 or 0.5x
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<RossWell98> eldabest: idk for 0.25
<RossWell98> But why ? xD
<eldabest> because I like 0 but I also like seeing the animations...I just find 0.5 is too long lol
<RossWell98> Oh like Nova ?
<eldabest> I'm not sure never used that
<eldabest> I'm on cm10.1 there must be a file I can edit to change it to 0.25 instead of 0.5
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<eldabest> anyone know what file?
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<Bert__> The animation for what? The boot logo?
<RossWell98> Bert__: menus etc
<Bert__> Ah, no idea.
<RossWell98> tmarble: you can update your radio rom too :)
<tmarble> RossWell98: how do I know which one to flash... and why should I trust those bits?!
<RossWell98> idk , I've tested, the GPS is cool now and I have a good reception
<RossWell98> tmarble:
<clibot> [Link] Index of /sgs2/radios/
<RossWell98> I use
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<jethro> hi
<RossWell98> tmarble: Oh no
<RossWell98> Stop
<RossWell98> >.<
<RossWell98> You are in US
* tmarble is in a meeting atm
<RossWell98> ô.o
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<jethro> so, I read through logcat messages, and it appears SecondaryTablContrtoler fails to add routes. Can this be the reason to my tethering problems ? logcat files available at . I'm using cm10.1 on i9100 btw.
<clibot> [Link] Index of /~jethro/cm10.1
<jethro> next thing I'm trying is tethering with another sim. that will rule out the possibility that my tethering problems are induced by my carrier
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<jethro> another thing I can't quite understand is why dnsmasq is being sent and the first time I try to tether, and the following ones.
<codeworkx> google dns servers
<jethro> I knowx what they are
<jethro> why the tho ?
<jethro> hi codeworkx
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<tmarble> RossWell98: what's wrong with being in the US :-P
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<RossWell98> tmarble: If you flash a XX radio rom, you can't use your phone i think :D
<tmarble> RossWell98: oh, I see.. hey, can you point me to the full open source for the radio then so I can build it myself :)
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<RossWell98> tmarble: compile a radio rom ?
<tmarble> why not!
<tmarble> well, compile source to make a radio rom
<RossWell98> tmarble: Ok, if you want, the don't like build kernel, radio, etc :S
<RossWell98> I*
<tmarble> I've often wondered what those XX... "Radios" mean on
<clibot> [Link] I9100 Info - CyanogenMod
<tmarble> and where they come from.. etc.
<clibot> [Link] xda-developers - View Single Post - [REF] Galaxy S 2 Shipped Modem Collection
<RossWell98> maybe XX can work for you, if you have a i9100 you can test ^^
<RossWell98> no risk
<tmarble> nice that has obfusticated WHOIS and nothing execpt "Um, ya" on /
<RossWell98> but need a radio rom for you if it not works
<RossWell98> ?
<tmarble> links to XX... above
<RossWell98> xD
<RossWell98> tmarble: use this :
<RossWell98> :P
<clibot> [Link] Index of /sgs2/radios/
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<tmarble> no i9100 UG (North America) rom
<RossWell98> yes xD
<RossWell98> maybe, it's not needed for you ^^
<RossWell98> tmarble: what is a ATM meeting ? :o
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<Trydex> !device
<Trydex> Will there be a docking option in 10.1 again?
<RossWell98> Trydex: a docking option?
<Trydex> in the options 9.0 there is a option docking so i can use mu infuse docking station on my i9300
<Trydex> but in 10.1 that option is gone
<RossWell98> verify in Advanced options
<RossWell98> or Audio
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<Trydex> let me install 10.1 again so i can check it out
<RossWell98> for me, in advanced option I have a new menu called "Dock" with "Use dock USB audio" in
<RossWell98> and in "Audio" i have "Insertion sound" etc etc
<Trydex> for some reason i cant find Advanced options
<RossWell98> I'm in i9100 (Galaxy S2)
<RossWell98> but in "Aduio" you can found options
<RossWell98> Audio*
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<Trydex> I foud in Audio the option *Dock insert Sound*
<RossWell98> Oh good :)
<Trydex> thanks lets go en try it out :)
<RossWell98> and that's it?
<RossWell98> Try a dual-boot kernel
<RossWell98> or backup you current CM ^^
<Trydex> Dual-boot kernel sounds cool but i dont want to change each time i go in my car :P
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<RossWell98> hehe :P
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<Trydex> mhee :( is does not work
<Trydex> At Docks Audio is grayed out
<Trydex> well atleast its charging now in the dock so that +1
<Trydex> thanks for helping me out
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<Jiangyi> Aw
<Jiangyi> No CM devs got into Google I/O :-(
<Jiangyi> Why is Google always so bad at handling these kind of things :-/
<Jiangyi> repo rebase
<Jiangyi> derp, wrong window.
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<RossWell98> :|
<chadouming> lol Jiangyi
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<clibot> [Link] Twitter / ChainfireXDA: Quick, more I/O tickets are ...
<Jiangyi> I guess they're not all gone lol
<Jiangyi> nvm, gone again.
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<chadouming> don't want google I/O ticket :(
<chadouming> don't even know where it is
<Jiangyi> Amuuuurica, obviously.
<Jiangyi> :-P
<waratte> Amuuuurica?
<Jiangyi> Yes waratte. Where you and frankdrey are at. :-D
<Jiangyi> Where is frankdrey anyways, haven't seen him in a while.
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<RossWell98> San Francisco :/
<Jiangyi> Well, I didn't mean IO is actually where they're at. But they are in Amuuuurica. :-P
<chadouming> 'murica
<chadouming> america, FUCK YEAH !
<RossWell98> :o
<clibot> [Link] Google I/O 2013
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<waratte> Jiangyi: He just doesn't join here. :P
<Jiangyi> Impossibru
<Jiangyi> He always joins here o_o
<waratte> No, possibru, I see him now. :P
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<frankdrey> Hi Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Why u no join this channel D-:
<frankdrey> Dunno
<Jiangyi> o-o
<frankdrey> Been a bit too busy to follow the large amount of discussions that go on here :p
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I was waiting for you to explain this foolishness
<Jiangyi> One sec
<clibot> [Link] State lawmaker defends bike tax, says bicycling is not good for the environment | Seattle Bike Blog
<frankdrey> Oh yeah
<frankdrey> He's an idiot :P
<frankdrey> He apologized later
<RossWell98> ..
<RossWell98> oh no
<Jiangyi> :-P
<frankdrey> I'm not gonna read that article because 1) on my G1 2) already discussed it in my politics class :p
<frankdrey> But does it mention why he said that?
<RossWell98> but WTF ?!
<frankdrey> He said that the increased lung activity emits more CO2
<Jiangyi> Yep
<frankdrey> In that case why not tax pedestrians?
<frankdrey> Let's do some calculations
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<frankdrey> Rate of breathing * time of trip = CO2 emitted
<frankdrey> For bike, rate is high but time is low
<frankdrey> Walking is equally opposite :p
<RossWell98> We need electrics wheelchairs ! :O
<frankdrey> Lol
<RossWell98> why they do it ?
<frankdrey> Next, he will want to tax breathing
<RossWell98> xD
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ill start hanging out here again :p
<Jiangyi> Yay
<frankdrey> I finished my 3 big papers last week
<frankdrey> Those were why I was so busy
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<felidae> hi folks, any idea on cyanogenmod 9/10 support on a SHW-M250S galaxy s2?
<felidae> !supported
<clibot> felidae: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm attempting to make a 4.2.2 build with the old ICS sauce for 9100g. Should help track down some things. :-P
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<plastikman_> does anyone have a recomendation for a kernel that supports EXfat
<plastikman_> for CM10.1
<plastikman_> looking to ditch touchwiz but would really like exfat
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<frankdrey> @ping
<frankdrey> !ping
<clibot> frankdrey: Unknown command "ping"
<wifi> !pong
<clibot> wifi: Unknown command "pong"
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<clibot> [Link] xkcd: Ineffective Sorts
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<ale01> Hi Everyone I have just flashed the CM10.1 on my I9300 S3 (4.2.2) and I get a sudden Freeze of the phone and I have to reset it. ayone has any idea what can this be?
<plastikman_> logs shuold be in /data/tombstone or something like that
<plastikman_> for the lask_kmsg
<plastikman_> might help
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<wifi> /proc/last_kmsg
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<Thiagovfar> I too have that issue. It happens too sporadically, tho. I'd love to find a way to reproduce it easily.
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<Thracky> plastikman_: exfat requires licensing fees of $300k minimum, so any kernel implementing it without licensing is asking for a lawsuit from MS.
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<plastikman_> bleh i know its closed source
<plastikman_> has it been implimented through fuse?
<plastikman_> i guess ill just have to wait for it to be reverse engineered
<plastikman_> heh
<Thracky> also any reverse engineering of it would also likely lead to a lawsuit :P
<plastikman_> only in the us
<Thracky> ah right Microsoft is only in the USA
<Thracky> forgot about that.
<plastikman_> you know what i mean
<plastikman_> i assume someone is doing it
<plastikman_> out of their reach
<codeworkx> plastikman_: no way
<Thracky> nobody wants to throw themselves on that grenade.
<Thiagovfar> Why do we need exfat?
<codeworkx> plastikman_: distributing any kind of exfat implementation = ms kills you
<plastikman_> dont "need" it
<plastikman_> i would like it
<plastikman_> :_)
<codeworkx> use ext4 :-P
<Thiagovfar> no suitable alternatives?
<Thracky> Thiagovfar: the sd consortium "requires" it for sdxc I believe.
<Thracky> but you can just format them.
<plastikman_> can i have all 64 GB win vfat?
<plastikman_> *with
<codeworkx> use ext4
<Thiagovfar> Nice way to go, requiring a patent for that.
<Thracky> yep, dunno how MS weaseled themselves into that one, but they did.
<plastikman_> i suppose that would work
<codeworkx> sd consortium = braindead idiots
<Thracky> yep
<codeworkx> paid by ms
<codeworkx> plastikman_: ext4 works fine
<Thracky> it's funny because exfat implementatoins are all over the fucking place too
<Thracky> not even remotely standardized
<plastikman_> codeworkx, with MTP?
<codeworkx> yes
<plastikman_> kk then ill jsut do that
<Thracky> mtp just relies on the phone's ability to read the filesystem
<plastikman_> and then ill make zeh switch
<plastikman_> thanks
<Thracky> not the computer's
<codeworkx> that's the reason mtp got introduces
<codeworkx> doesn't matter which filesystem
<Thracky> as long as the phone can read it ;-)
<plastikman_> sweet that makes things easier
<plastikman_> i never take the card out of the phone
<plastikman_> lol
<codeworkx> but dont use a windoze tool to format it
<plastikman_> i just need to modify the fstab?
<plastikman_> i can use my linux box to do that
<codeworkx> nothing
<plastikman_> :)
<codeworkx> format it ext4 with linux
<codeworkx> and put it into phone
<Thracky> can't you just format it via shell on the phone?
<codeworkx> will work too
<Thracky> guess you'd have to unmount first
<plastikman_> i need to back up some stuff
<plastikman_> hehe
<Thiagovfar> Doesn't cwm format it to ext4?
<plastikman_> no
<plastikman_> that is for somethign else
<Thiagovfar> I believe it does, I've noticed a transition from vfat to ext4, after formating it via recovery.
<plastikman_> thanks for the info codeworkx ill get on that and be done with touchjizz
<plastikman_> Thiagovfar, then ill look at that too
<plastikman_> i was thinking the format sdcard option
<plastikman_> for making the old apps2sd
<Thiagovfar> But it didn't tell me it was going to format as ext4
<plastikman_> anyway im out
<plastikman_> thanks!
<Thiagovfar> just did it
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<RossWell98> Hey it's possible to format insternal storage in ext4 ? :32
<RossWell98> -2
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<Thiagovfar> Format? sure! Will it work? I have no idea.
<RossWell98> :/
<RossWell98> no
<RossWell98> I've tried
<Thiagovfar> verbatim error message?
<Thiagovfar> s/verbatim/Is that a verbatim
<RossWell98> :/
<Thiagovfar> Don't worry about internal storage
<Thiagovfar> it's yaffs2
<RossWell98> What is "verbatim" ? Oo
<RossWell98> yes i know
<Thiagovfar> !define verbatim
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Unknown command "define"
<RossWell98> But in mass storage it's FAT32 x)
<Thiagovfar> !google define: verbatim
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Welcome to Verbatim: Removable External Storage Drives - Digital ...:
<RossWell98> hehe
<Thiagovfar> grr
<RossWell98> okay
<Thiagovfar> not even google knows the answer
<RossWell98> I'm in wikipedia :/
<clibot> [Link] verbatim - Wiktionary
<RossWell98> Oh
<RossWell98> In french it's idiot
<RossWell98> Ok
<Thiagovfar> !geo user RossWell98
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Error resolving ip for host unaffiliated/rosswell98
<RossWell98> I'm in France Paris
<Thiagovfar> I assume you're French
<RossWell98> You can ask too x)
<Thiagovfar> that's a way of asking
<RossWell98> :/
<RossWell98> STALKER!
<Thiagovfar> I could have done /msg clibot !geo user RossWell98
<Thiagovfar> That would be stalking
<RossWell98> Oh ok
<RossWell98> I format my internal storage?.
<Thiagovfar> since you've already corrupted it... It can't get worse.
<RossWell98> NOOO
<RossWell98> XD
<RossWell98> When he say her storage corrupted
<RossWell98> He ask me for a "reformat"
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<RossWell98> Oh sorry
<RossWell98> I talked about the internal storage for personal files
<RossWell98> xD
<Thiagovfar> You didn't lose any, did you?
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<RossWell98> what ?
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<Thiagovfar> Did you lose any important file?
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<RossWell98> Yes :P
<RossWell98> what do you mean "important"
<Thiagovfar> The file describing the cure for cancer.
<RossWell98> Not but the cure for life
<RossWell98> and photos of my girlfriend :o
<koegs_> i got the backup of that photos
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<RossWell98> not really improtant stuff
<RossWell98> koegs: ?
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