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<Gaglia> so, it's the i9100P, I have to stuck with the Exynos apparently :(
<wifi> i'd still take the I9100G without NFC
<pJ__> Okay thanks. I'll try it.
<Gaglia> why so badly?
<Gaglia> I mean, matters of performance of what?
<wifi> cause exynos is real shit for dev
<wifi> and you will have glitch and all the bad things
<wifi> cause they have to work with stupid undocumented blob
<Gaglia> but all the benchmarks I've found so far are more favorable to the Exynos, I have to say (although only slightly)
<Gaglia> uhm ok
<pJ__> wifi: if this doesn't work do you know someone who would be able to help me?
<wifi> benchmark mean nothing
<wifi> pJ__, your carrier
<Kihokki> You can add NFC via microSD-card
<a3Dman> sgs2 is too fast kthx
<pJ__> I'm using the international sgs3 with straight talk. I have no support through anyone.
<pJ__> Apperantly my phone is from hong kong and I don't have long distance calling on my home phone :\
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: I've heard your problem before
<pJ__> Know a fix?
<pJ__> I'd love you forever
<Thiagovfar> I don't remember
<Thiagovfar> remember*
<pJ__> :(
<Thiagovfar> But I do remember this issue was mentioned
<Thiagovfar> What's the name of the file where the APN is stored?
<pJ__> I have no idea. How do I find out?
<Thiagovfar> We wait for someone to tell us
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: I9100G runs a ton smoother than I9100 in terms of AOSP.
<wifi> /system/apn-conf.xml
<pJ__> That works. I thought from the beginning maybe the file got deleted some how. But I would have no idea how to find out.
<pJ__> Thank you wifi
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: I tried galaxy nexus and not much difference...
<pJ__> Is it possible to add that into the files of my phone?
<wifi> pJ__, try reset to default option instead of addin
<clibot> [Link] Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100/i9100P vs i9100G
<pJ__> You mean go back to stock with odin?
<wifi> a3Dman, gnex has same soc than i9100G
<wifi> pJ__, no
<wifi> settings -> network -> mobile network -> access point name -> menu (reset to default
<a3Dman> wifi: I know, and they're similar in terms of performance
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Ignore it, it's old as hell.
<wifi> )
<Gaglia> but performance apart, it kinda sucks that it has no native NFC (and only 16 GB intenral storage)... that's a pity
<pJ__> Oh. I tried that. More than once.
<Thiagovfar> found it
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: This was when there was only crappy stock GB, and no AOSP support.
<Gaglia> anyway since it seems that this exynos.thing does not look particularly friendly I'll probably go for the i9100G
<Thiagovfar> See the exchanges starting at 13:38
<pJ__> I see.
<pJ__> I hope they explain how to extract that. Because I don't know how.
<a3Dman> Gaglia: i9100g is the best if you care for CM
<Gaglia> Jiangyi, fine, but what do you mean "crappy stock GB"? N00b here, sorry :)
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Samsung's stock GB 2.3 firmware ran really bad on the i9100G. :-P
<a3Dman> this comparison is made with stock GB ROM for both devices and from a long time
<Jiangyi> But that was all that was available for it back then.
<Gaglia> good, seems like i9100G wins by a far margin
<a3Dman> all features work
<a3Dman> unlike i9100
<Gaglia> I'll go for it :) thanks
<Jiangyi> There's only one glaring random software glitch with 9100g and CM10.1 right now :-P
<Jiangyi> Notification drawer would get stuck randomly til you restart SystemUI
<a3Dman> I have zero glitches now
<a3Dman> :)
<Jiangyi> But I'm sure you can use CM10 until that gets resolved.
<Gaglia> what are the main differences between 10.0 and 10.1?
<a3Dman> 4.1 4.2
<a3Dman> android versions
<Thiagovfar> also, 10.1 is active development, 10 isn't
<Jiangyi> This only started with 4.2.2, 4.2.1 was fine :-/
<Jiangyi> 10's considered done and stable.
<pJ__> wifi: I can't find the /system/ folder. It's going to be in the internal storage right?
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: Nope
<Thiagovfar> is's going to be on /
<pJ__> Oh my god I'm so clueless
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<wifi> TRUE
<wifi> sry cap
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<Jiangyi> ._.
<clibot> [Link] Strike With Me
<Jiangyi> Strike against toilets......?
<Thiagovfar> The guy with the same problem, the other day, was building it's own version of CM. Guess this is _not_ your case.
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Think cody just forgot to update the extract script for that case. :-P
<pJ__> I'm not finding the system file
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Indeed
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: What did you do so far?
<pJ__> In means of trying to fix it?
<Thiagovfar> yup
<pJ__> Re-flashed the rom. Tried 3 different roms. Factory reset. Tried restoring previous backups from weeks ago. Apn default reset.
<Thiagovfar> Do you have a backup?
<pJ__> I have several backups but not of the stock rom. I guess it got deleted somehow. Because it's not there :\
<Thiagovfar> Do you have a stock image to flash?
<pJ__> I downloaded the zip file
<pJ__> But I've never flashed one before like that using odin
<wifi> Jiangyi, every time i see matt damon, the only thing i can think of is Team America: World Police
<Thiagovfar> It would be wonderful if you could get stock running and check if the issue persists.
<pJ__> would this be what I need to do?
<clibot> [Link] [Guide+ROMS]Odin Flash+Root Guide & Stock Firmwares LE4/6/8/9/F/D, LF1/2 - xda-developers
<pJ__> Whats weird is after I flashed cm10 for the first time my apn settings stayed the same.
<pJ__> Nothing changed at all.
<pJ__> Is that normal?
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<Thiagovfar> Yes, that's normal
<Thiagovfar> uh
<Thiagovfar> please check this: Settings -> About Phone -> Baseband Version
<Thiagovfar> Tell me what you see
<pJ__> "Unknown"
<Thiagovfar> That's a start
<pJ__> Yay
<Thiagovfar> Did you mess with it?
<pJ__> Also thank you for helping me. I really appriciate it
<pJ__> I did not.
<pJ__> I don't even know how.
<Thiagovfar> Used any app that required root?
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<Thiagovfar> ^ That's one way to screw up
<pJ__> Not that I can think of.
<Thiagovfar> Do you have adb running?
<pJ__> Well. I did get cwm touch recently
<pJ__> I don't have it on this pc. Should I download it?
<Thiagovfar> You should have it
<pJ__> One second lemme download it
<Gaglia> ah, two last questions please:
<Gaglia> 1) is it a good moment to buy the i9100G? I mean, prices are still a bit high here in Germany (340 EUR), maybe now that the S4 is out we can expect a price drop in a short time?
<pJ__> Thiagovfar: if we get this fixed im making a tutorial on xda about how to fix this issue.
<wifi> that phone doesnt worth 340EUR
<Gaglia> 2) is there any VM software especially developed for Android? I mean, a VM which runs inside android, so I can, i.e., run a browser inside a sandboxed environment
<wifi> nope
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: You might as well just buy an N4 with that money. ._.
<Gaglia> oook, thanks
<Gaglia> suggested price for the phone?
<wifi> well, the N4 will be around 340EUR
<wifi> and you will have all the new hardware
<Gaglia> sure, I didn't want to buy it at that price in fact!
<Jiangyi> And freaking Windows just BSODed on me again >_>
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: =). Let's check some more things
<wifi> + NFC
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: adb ready?
<pJ__> Okay. adb is installing btw it's almost done
<wifi> Jiangyi, time for you to install linux :P
<Gaglia> wifi, I know but I have... dimension constraints, and the S2 is smaller :)
<Thiagovfar> you can wait for it, or use terminal emulator on the phone
<Jiangyi> wifi: I still haz BBQLinux, but I can't run BF3 in that, can I?
<wifi> Gaglia, why you no want bigger phone ?
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: The two are not that much different in size to me :-/
<wifi> Jiangyi, probably with wine
<pJ__> It's finished. One sec
<wifi> and Jiangyi can comment about both size, he got both xD
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: adb root
<pJ__> Am I running sdk manager?
<Jiangyi> Well, had both
<Gaglia> Jiangyi, N4 is almost 1 cm longer
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: adb shell ls /sbin/cbd
<Jiangyi> Then again, I always wear pants with baggy pockets, so.....
<Gaglia> 8.sthg mm
<Gaglia> not much, I know but...
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: What's the output of that?
<Jiangyi> Trust me, it's not bad at all. :-P
<pJ__> Sec. Forgot to install the packages
<Gaglia> I believe you :P plus, it's sexy as hell, but it's really not what I'm looking for
<Jiangyi> Maybe go second-hand?
<Gaglia> mumble, maybe
<Gaglia> I don't know if it's a good idea to go second-hand for a phone like that ._. let's see
<Jiangyi> I have a feeling that the GNex is probably pretty cheap by now.
<Gaglia> but prices are not dropping as fast as I expected
<Jiangyi> Gaglia: Most people list their I9100Gs as I9100s cause they don't know any better, just an FYI.
<pJ__> I did it using the terminal and it said device not found.
<Gaglia> I'll go for the i9100G
<clibot> [Link] Samsung Galaxy S II DualCore Smartphone 4.3 Zoll: Elektronik
<Gaglia> I think it's this one
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: For starters, you need to plug the device in, and enable adb debugging on the phone
<Gaglia> Wichtige Informationen
<Gaglia> Haftungsausschluss
<Gaglia> AChtung! Es handelt sich um das i9100G.
<Gaglia> but the price... blah
<Jiangyi> Fail Amazon is fail, puts I9100 in the title. :-/
<Gaglia> yeah I know... there are angry comments if you read
<Jiangyi> Yeah, they don't know that they actually got the better version. lol
<Gaglia> if I understood correctly, they have listed both the i9100 and the i9100G models under the same product sheet
<Gaglia> if you change the color and select the schwarz(EU import) option you get the "G"
<Jiangyi> Still pretty damn expensive.
<Jiangyi> !money 2600 CNY EUR
<clibot> Jiangyi: 2600.00 CNY = 323.48 EUR
<Jiangyi> Yeah, looks like that's about the price for it these days, even though it's pretty ridiculous.
<pJ__> Okay I have it plugged in and have debugging enabled and its saying the same thing on the temrinal
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: Are you on linux?
<pJ__> win7
<Thiagovfar> You need drivers
<pJ__> Samsung?
<Thiagovfar> Try Google USB Driver first
<Thiagovfar> from the sdk manager
<pJ__> One sec
<Thiagovfar> If that doesn't work, install Kies, from Samsung. That should get you going.
<Thiagovfar> Is flashing a Baseband from CWM safe?
<pJ__> Kies just keeps saying installing hotfix and repeats itself. I'm about to fucking break this phone.
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<Thiagovfar> Don't
<Thiagovfar> If I'm correct, you just need to flash a modem
<pJ__> Finally it's finishing the install
<pJ__> I hope your right.
<pJ__> One sec
<Thiagovfar> !geo user pJ__
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<Thiagovfar> !geo host
<clibot> Thiagovfar: {country: "United States", region: "Missouri", city: "Festus", latlong: {38.117706, -90.3976}, time: "Thu 20:00 CDT"}
<pJ__> I've got kies running
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<Thiagovfar> close it
<Thiagovfar> We only want it's drivers
<pJ__> Also if this would be easier using team viewer let me know.
<pJ__> Okay
<Thiagovfar> unplug the device, plug it again, and go for adb
<pJ__> C:\Users\PJ>adb root 'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
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<Thiagovfar> where did you install adb?
<Thiagovfar> you need to cd to that folder
<pJ__> P:\adb
<pJ__> so cd/ P:\adb ?
<Thiagovfar> cd "P:\"
<Thiagovfar> then, adb
<pJ__> It won't change to it. It just keeps saying im on the root directory :|
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<pJ__> C:\Users\PJ>cd P:\ C:\Users\PJ>
<Thiagovfar> Oh
<Thiagovfar> Try just
<Thiagovfar> P:
<pJ__> Worked.
<Thiagovfar> adb?
<pJ__> C:\Users\PJ>cd p:
<pJ__> P:\
<pJ__> C:\Users\PJ>adb 'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
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<Thiagovfar> hmm
<Thiagovfar> that's not working well
<Thiagovfar> try typing the whole path to adb
<Thiagovfar> like
<Thiagovfar> P:\adb
<pJ__> Already did. I even tried P:\adb\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk\platform-tools
<Thiagovfar> what about P:\adb\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk\platform-tools\adb
<pJ__> The system cannot find the path specified.
<Thiagovfar> fallback to the terminal emulator on the phone
<pJ__> Theres a way to open it up in the cmd prompt using like the shift key or something I can't remember how though :|
<pJ__> Okay
<pJ__> I did adb on the terminal and a bunch of information came up
<Thiagovfar> on the terminal emulator:
<Thiagovfar> su
<pJ__> so its working
<Thiagovfar> okay
<Thiagovfar> back to adb
<Thiagovfar> adb root
<pJ__> its saying device not found again oh my god.
<Thiagovfar> lol
<Thiagovfar> go to the device
<Thiagovfar> open the terminal emulator
<Thiagovfar> there, type: su
<Thiagovfar> give root access to it
<Thiagovfar> then,
<Thiagovfar> ls /sbin/cbd
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<pJ__> okay that worked
<pJ__> i think. it didn't give an error
<Thiagovfar> what does ls /blah says?
<pJ__> nothing happened really it just said sbin/cbd under it
<Thiagovfar> ok
<Thiagovfar> what does it say if you do
<Thiagovfar> ls /blah
<pJ__> no such file or directory
<Thiagovfar> good
<Thiagovfar> what's your phone variant?
<pJ__> What's that mean?
<Thiagovfar> the phone model
<pJ__> Oh. i9300
<clibot> [Link] xda-developers - View Single Post - [Stock Official Firmwares] I9300XXEMB5 (4.1.2) - United Kingdom...
<pJ__> It's the international version
<Thiagovfar> Download a baseband
<Thiagovfar> flash it with cwm
<pJ__> should i download the first one under modems_cwm?
<Thiagovfar> I suggest you download the one for your country
<Thiagovfar> but I don't know what it is
<pJ__> Well I'm in the united states
<Thiagovfar> Yeah
<Thiagovfar> But what basebands are for USA?
<pJ__> I'm hoping someone else knows because I don't even know what a baseband is.
<pJ__> Perka: the OP is actually in the channel atm. Any chance he's actually at his pc?
<Thiagovfar> For testing purposes, you can pick anyone
<pJ__> One more thing. I can't read anything on this page. Where is the download button?
<pJ__> found it
<Thiagovfar> Just double clicking the file is enough
<pJ__> Rebooting into recovery
<pJ__> should i clear anything before flashing this?
<Thiagovfar> nope
<pJ__> flashed it.
<pJ__> rebooting it now
<Thiagovfar> Just cross your fingers and pray that it doesn't destroy anything
<Thiagovfar> When booted up, check baseband version again
<pJ__> omg
<pJ__> its asking for my sim pin again
<pJ__> i think it worked
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<Thiagovfar> congrats
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<pJ__> I've never been so happy
<pJ__> How can I repay you?
<Thiagovfar> saying thanks, I guess
<pJ__> Whats your xda fourm name?
<nickjhart> hi I love the i9305 10.5 build... except i've found one small problem that I can't seem to find on the forum... push Exchange email doesn't work :(
<nickjhart> 10.1 build sorry
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: I'm not on XDA
<nickjhart> has anyone else found this problem?
<pJ__> Oh. :\. Well thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it. I'm going to make a tutorial tonight on how to fix this issue if it happens to anyone else.
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<Thiagovfar> nickjhart: Yeah. Google killed Exchange sync;
<pJ__> I'm going to try to do a restore of my previous data and hope it works
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: The issue here was: you somehow lost your baseband/radio/modem
<nickjhart> Thiagovfar, thank you.. is there any workaround?
<pJ__> Is that common? I've never heard of it happening
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: The question is: What did it? CM doesn't touch baseband
<pJ__> I'm going to look through my installed apps and delete anything suspicious. I come across
<Thiagovfar> CM uses the baseband it finds on the phone. If you don't mess with it, it won't be changed (i.e. will remain the stock one)
<nickjhart> Thiagovfar: I'm not certain we're talking about the same thing. The Exchange Push service still exists; push doesn't work on SGS3 i9305 with this build
<pJ__> That's weird.. It wasn't even really doing anything but talking to my girlfriend.
<Thiagovfar> Since it vanished out of thin air, I can only suspect some app deleted it (maybe not intentionally)
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<pJ__> Is it possible to lock the baseband so this doesn't happen again?
<Thiagovfar> Or, your phone is starting to fail
<Thiagovfar> Personally, I disable root.
<pJ__> I just bought the phone not even 60 days ago.
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<pJ__> I'm probably going to do that then.
<Thiagovfar> That would prevent damage from malicious or miscoded apps
<pJ__> You can disable it using SU right?
<Thiagovfar> you can disable it under development settings
<pJ__> I didn't know that. Thanks :)
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<nickjhart> anyone with any suggestion on the push problem i mentioned above?
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: You're welcome
<pJ__> You're my hero.
<clibot> [Link] Official Blog: Winter cleaning
<Thiagovfar> nickjhart: bullet point 2
<pJ__> One more thing. Is it possible to store apps on my external sd card?
<Thiagovfar> pJ__: Don't know
<pJ__> Dang.
<Thiagovfar> on i9100, external is internal
<pJ__> I'll google around. Thanks again :
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<Thiagovfar> For CM, at least
<pJ-AFK> Oh really?
<nickjhart> Thiagovfar, that point seems to apply to Google sync and Exchange sync services; but that's not the issue. The services still exist in 4.2.2 ... The push service is not working.
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<pJ-AFK> That's odd. I'm going to snoop and see if I can reverse that.
<Thiagovfar> nickjhart: That's all I know about it. Sorry.
<Thiagovfar> pJ-AFK: Starting with Galaxy Nexus there isn't even "external storage"
<nickjhart> Thiagovfar: thanks anyway.
<Thiagovfar> That on AOSP
<pJ-AFK> Are you serious?
<Thiagovfar> Everything is stored on a single partition: apps, data, your files
<pJ-AFK> Part of the reason I choose android over iso was because of the external storage option.
<Thiagovfar> Well, your device has external storage
<Thiagovfar> It just can't be used to install apps on it
<pJ-AFK> yeah but I can't move apps to it :(
<Thiagovfar> AFAIK, moving apps to external storage has only one goal: Free up internal space
<Thiagovfar> Because the first android devices had as little as 512MB of internal storage
<Thiagovfar> Today, that is utterly useless, as 8/16/32GB are standard
<pJ-AFK> My first android phone the lg optimus v only had like 256mbs
<pJ-AFK> I just like the extra space because I use my phone as an mp3 player as well
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<Thiagovfar> Just put your media files on whatever storage you see fit
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<Thiagovfar> I'm going to bed now. Bye
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<jdiddyub> hey so..ive used a bunch of cm based roms on my previous phones...thinking about flashing it on my note 2 (tmobile) tonight...can anyone comment on any known issues?
<jdiddyub> ive done some reading and havent stumbled across anything major
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<deveshdbz> hey i need help
<deveshdbz> i flashed cm10.1
<deveshdbz> on galaxy s3
<deveshdbz> but i dont get network
<deveshdbz> it shows available networks
<deveshdbz> but it cant connect
<deveshdbz> to any of them
<deveshdbz> what should i do ?
<deveshdbz> it says cant connect right now try again later
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<darshan> i recently flashed cyanogenmod on my s3 but now i have prob. it hangs a lot.
<darshan> i flashed it thro goomanager.. n now i'm not able to update to latest nightly builds... :( :(
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<Shiva_> hey guys help plz..
<Shiva_> I am on I9100g CyanogenMod 10:I am not able to view my Picasa albums in the gallery. Any Idea why ? I have enabled the syn for google photos in the setting already.
<Shiva_> gapps installed and its visible in G+ though
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<KaZo58> the new gallery doesn't support picasa anymore
<KaZo58> maybe theres a thread for that in xda forum
<KaZo58> for your phone
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<Shiva_> Hi all.. need a quick info. I am on JB4.2.2 on my SGS I9100G-Cyanogenmon 10.1. I have configured a VPN server under the settings menu. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to place a shortcut to this menu so I can enable . doable the VPN without having to go everytime into the menu>setting>vpn etc
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<devesh> anyone can help me out pleasE?
<devesh> i updated my galaxy s3
<devesh> to cm 10.1
<devesh> but now it cant connect to network
<devesh> please help me out im so freaked out
<devesh> it shows emergency calls only and no service
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<Shiva_> @devesh did you try your sim in another phone
<Shiva_> simple but I did that ant it kept telling me sim registration failed
<devesh> yea
<devesh> i tried my sim in my ipad
<devesh> its working
<Shiva_> but then after a couple of hours it started working fine on its own. Is a stupid coincidence
<Shiva_> but iam sure its a basic function that cannot be flawed in any Rom.. :-)
<devesh> sir i guess its a common issue
<devesh> can you tell which other rom should i try ?
<Shiva_> i was on 10.1 it was working fine.. try the stable version cm-10.0.0
<devesh> can you give me link?
<devesh> im so worried
<devesh> will it be fixed if i change rom ?
<angelsl> Shiva_: check quick settings
<angelsl> and get a launcher that can launch non-MAIN activities directly
<devesh> @angelsl
<devesh> is that for me ?
<Shiva_> @devesh-yes it should. Cyanogen wiki has the
<angelsl> no devesh
<devesh> ok im downloading 9.1.0
<Shiva_> angelsl is answering my query :-)
<devesh> hope network is fixed
<angelsl> Shiva_: there's no VPN tile it seems
<devesh> is it possible that i downloaded a network locked version of cm 10.1 ?
<devesh> something like which doesnt work in my country india ?
<angelsl> not sure if Trebuchet can add activity shortcuts directly
<angelsl> i know Apex can though
<Shiva_> yes very much. .. which ver of SIII are you on ?
<devesh> 4.2.2
<Shiva_> @angles-trebuchet cannot there is only a quick dropdown to take me into settings but then I need to open wifi& NW & then expand it then open vpn
<Shiva_> its a pain ;-) being in China I use it way to often .. you wont believe how much :-P
<angelsl> right.. get another launcher then
<Shiva_> mate are u on S III I9300 or I9305
<devesh> 9300
<Shiva_> any suggestions for a launcher ?
<devesh> ADW?
<Shiva_> angelsl> any suggestions for a launcher ?
<devesh> shiva
<devesh> what should i do ?
<Shiva_> devesh - sugest u follow this
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-I9300][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly Builds - xda-developers
<devesh> i have same rom
<devesh> and sir
<devesh> can you help me out ?
<devesh> how to revert to stock
<devesh> and clear bin counter?
<devesh> so that i get back warranty ?
<Shiva_> flash it with stock rom first that should solve your network issue.
<angelsl> Apex, Shiva_
<Shiva_> binary counter reset needs a usb jig right ? hope you know
<devesh> i dont know whats a usb jig
<devesh> but i have reset counter on my old galaxy y many times
<angelsl> Shiva_: Triangle Away.
<devesh> there was just a flashable file
<devesh> which when flashed resets counter
<Shiva_> if u are able to get into recovery mode i dont think you need to worry about warranty for now. Flash with stock rom and check first
<Shiva_> thats what I would do !
<Shiva_> thanks angelsl
<devesh> stock rom is 800mbs?
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<Shiva_> yes
<Shiva_> sounds about right
<Shiva_> angelsl>Apex is kewl.. thanks mate.
<Shiva_> its grouped all the gapps into one folder by default
<Shiva_> i think its a pretty neat thought
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<xplodwild> devesh: no need to go private when needing help when you have a hundred users ready to help in the channel
<devesh> oh ok
<devesh> can any one help me ?
<devesh> fix network issue
<devesh> on my galaxy i9300 i flashed cm 10.1 nightly
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<devesh> please can somebody help m eout
<devesh> i really need help
<XDS2010> can the touchstone mod also be done on the S3 Mini ?
<XDS2010> and is it better or worse ? or indifferent.
<devesh> please help me out
<XDS2010> devesh: did you try resetting your network settings ?
<devesh> how ?
<XDS2010> or the entire device ftm
<devesh> i flashed new rom also
<devesh> still no network
<XDS2010> what is the issue exactly ?
<devesh> my sim is working
<devesh> but it shows no sevice
<angelsl> devesh: what is your IMEI?
<devesh> even shows all available networks
<angelsl> okay wait, don't tell me your IMEI
<angelsl> is your IMEI a valid IMEI?
<devesh> yea its valid
<devesh> its not starting 0000 types
<angelsl> not all zeros or Unknown?
<devesh> starts from 3456
<devesh> nope sir
<angelsl> like your phone actually shows that now??
<devesh> it says
<devesh> mobile network state- disconnected
<devesh> signal strength - -111dbm 3 asu
<devesh> network unknown
<devesh> roaming - not roaming
<devesh> my phone number - unknown
<devesh> mobile network state disconnected
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<devesh> imei - 3531....
<devesh> imei sv 01
<devesh> is it possible that cm 9.0 i downloaded is not for india region ?
<devesh> can you give me link of a rom that works in india ?
<XDS2010> devesh: things are to fresh (new) right now for their to be localized roms
<XDS2010> you're barking up the wrong tree
<devesh> should i try another rom now ?
<devesh> other than cm ?
<XDS2010> its worth a shot
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<sjsjs> caller cant hear me please help
<sjsjs> im use gtab p3100
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<devesh> please can anyone help me out
<devesh> im in serious trouble
<devesh> anyone there ?
<devesh> my phones network has stopped working
<devesh> since i flashed cm 10.1 nightly
<devesh> the sim is working fine
<devesh> on other devices
<devesh> but it shows emergency calls only
<devesh> and there are available networks but when i choose to connect on any network
<devesh> it says cant connect try later
<devesh> i even flashed other rom cm 9.1
<devesh> thats a stable rom
<devesh> but still it cant connect to network
<devesh> please help me out
<clibot> [Link] GetRIL - Android Apps auf Google Play
<Kihokki> Try that
<devesh> ??
<Kihokki> Maybe your ril is mismatched with baseband
<devesh> should i download that app on my phone ?
<Kihokki> Yes
<devesh> thanks a lot man
<devesh> ill just try it
<devesh> please wait while i try
<devesh> can you give me link to apk ?
<devesh> cause this rom doesnt haveplay store
<koegs> devesh: cm10.1 has the play store, just install gapps
<devesh> im on cm 9.0 right now
<devesh> im downloading it
<devesh> i found getril on xda
<devesh> man im such a mess today
<devesh> if its RIL problem ? can it be fixed?
<Kihokki> You can always flash it to stock and start everything over with Odin
<devesh> hey bro
<devesh> youre god man
<devesh> you were right
<devesh> it says RIL/baseband doesnt match
<koegs> devesh: you can also get gapps for cm9.0
<clibot> [Link] Downloads - Browsing gapps
<Kihokki> It should fix mismatch yoo
<Kihokki> *too
<devesh> yea is downloading
<devesh> MAN!
<devesh> I LOVE YOU
<devesh> YOURE A SAVIOUR!!1
<devesh> i love this forum
<Kihokki> I'm not yet sure if it works but it should :D
<devesh> its downloading RIL
<devesh> if this works ill marry you if youre unmarried
<Kihokki> At least it'll make less battery drain if baseband and ril will match
<devesh> i just need to download ril?
<devesh> it will fix automatically?
<devesh> its done
<devesh> it said sucessfuly installed
<devesh> but still ril and baseband doont match
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<Kihokki> Try reboot
<lanarrijal> please help me
<devesh> reeboting
<devesh> still same
<devesh> :(
<devesh> no network
<devesh> and ril/bb doesnt match
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<devesh> wgat to do?
<devesh> what*
<Kihokki> Wait for magical ops to invent something
<Kihokki> Like wifi
<devesh> i dont understand
<Kihokki> Have you tried other kernels?
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<devesh> nope
<devesh> how
<devesh> if i download stock
<devesh> and use odin?
<devesh> will it fix?
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<devesh> can anyone help me please
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<devesh> please help
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<devesh> helpp me please
<lan> when i put my headset and make a call, a caller cant hear me. when i reboot and put that, still same problem again
<lan> what should i do?
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<devesh> please help
<devesh> me
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<lan> help me
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<devesh> help me please someone
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<devesh> help me
<Thiagovfar> When there is a headphone plugged in, an incoming call rings on the headphone, but not on the speakers. Is this: a) User bug; b) CM bug; c) Device-specific bug; d) Feature. i9100
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<lan> my headphone is still good when i play a music but when i make a call, some caller cant hear my voice when i use my headphone
<lan> my model device gtab 2 p3100
<lan> cyanogenmod 10.1
<lan> anyone can help me to fix this problem?
<Thiagovfar> lan: Sit tight and wait. Whoever knows how to help will do so.
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<lan> thanks tiaghovfar
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<Bauer1> Hello, I've got a Galaxy S with GB, apparently there is some kind of recovery installed (not clockwork) called Android Recovery, but it has no backup option - can I just flash the ClockWork recovery over it via the Rom Manager application?
<Thiagovfar> Bauer1: You should be able to.
<pawitp> actually, you can't
<pawitp> due to the strange way Samsung handled recovery
<pawitp> you'll need to download a kernel with CWM integrated and flash that
<Bauer1> hmmm, in that case I flash new kernel with CWM, then backup, adn only then proceed with flashing CM10.1 via
<pawitp> yes
<pawitp> though you're backup will probably be useless
<pawitp> your*
<pawitp> unless you want to restore stock ROM in the future
<pawitp> since you can't restore stock backup on CM rom
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<Bauer1> hmmm, so no point in backup? can I then flash the using the Android Recovery I already have then?
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<iKillCypher> should I get a Samsung Galaxy Nexus used set and sell away my galaxy s2 ?
<iKillCypher> im ordering online
<Espenfjo> nexus4
<iKillCypher> is there a used set :( ?
<iKillCypher> $268.99
<iKillCypher> + $4.99 shipping
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<iKillCypher> I dont really trust getting a phone online :(
<iKillCypher> damn man
<Bauer1> iKillCypher: check out Swappa, if you are lucky enough to be in the US
<iKillCypher> nope
<iKillCypher> not from US
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<Kuba> !supported samsung
<clibot> Kuba: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Kuba> !changelog i9100
<clibot> Kuba: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<Kuba> !download i9100
<clibot> Kuba: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [50bec4]
<Bauer1> !changelog i9000
<clibot> Bauer1: Unknown device i9000
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<Kuba> Bauer1: i believe galaxy S is not supported here
<Bauer1> Kuba: how comes? there is CM romfor SGS
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<EgoElf> teamhacksung doesn't support every samsung phone
<EgoElf> though, iirc, all the sgs1/sgs2 variants are supposed here
<EgoElf> and the intl sgs3
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<angelsl> Bauer1: galaxysmtd
<angelsl> !changelog galaxysmtd
<clibot> angelsl: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S:
<Bauer1> thanks angelsl, CM10 is ICS?
<angelsl> CM10 is 4.1
<angelsl> !download galaxysmtd
<clibot> angelsl: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S: [f6d3bd]
<angelsl> yeah, it has 10.1
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<jomp16> Why Jenkins is breaking build for p110
<Bauer1> so 10.1 is 4.2?
<jomp16> p3110 again?
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<angelsl> yes Bauer1
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<Bauer1> ok.. well the changelog is very nice, but where can I find a list of known issues or features that still are not fixed? so I can make an informed decision on what to install\
<angelsl> i think SGS should be quite perfect
<angelsl> that's my guess anyway
<Zaba> i9000 works altogether pretty fine, yeah
<iKillCypher> isnt i9000 has full project butter lol
<Bauer1> really? so JB should be quite stable and 'buttery' on SGS?
<Zaba> thanks to pawitp for continued great work :)
<iKillCypher> I have no idea :I
<iKillCypher> ask pawitp atleast you guys have documentation >:(
<Zaba> Bauer1, well, it's mostly smooth for me
<Bauer1> Zaba, what about stability, FCs, freezes and crashes on JB SGS?
<iKillCypher> lol
<angelsl> iKillCypher: the damn SGS has the benefit of the Nexus S
<angelsl> same chipset
<iKillCypher> indeed
<iKillCypher> they have project butter
<iKillCypher> PROJECT BUTTER *_*
<Zaba> never froze or crash for me yet, the only issue I've noticed in latest-ish nightlies (I'm running 20130316) is that lockscreen camera doesn't work most of the time
<Bauer1> more inclined to it :)
<Zaba> and well, I don't really overload it with apps
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<iKillCypher> yeah galaxys2 is lacking from that
<iKillCypher> :(
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<Bauer1> Zaba: hmm, my wife doesnt overload it as much as I do either, just a few games here and there and few useful apps..but she is driven crazy when its not responding to touch suddenly on GB
<Zaba> I don't really remember how the stock ROM was like on mine anyway :P
<angelsl> all we need for "project butter" on i9100 is a hwcomposer that /actually does something/
<angelsl> of course, it's not worth the effort
<iKillCypher> just see how freaking smooth
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod 10.1 Running on the Nexus 4 - YouTube
<iKillCypher> angelsl ofcause it is
<iKillCypher> it will be much more smooth
<iKillCypher> honestly I dont mind getting a galaxy nexus
<iKillCypher> but fk me on the proce
<iKillCypher> price*
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<Sufrostico_> !download ace
<clibot> Sufrostico_: Latest build (nightly) for HTC Desire HD/Inspire 4G: [edd09d]
<Sufrostico_> !suported samsung
<clibot> Sufrostico_: Unknown command "suported"
<Sufrostico_> !supported samsung
<clibot> Sufrostico_: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantm
<Sufrostico_> !download cooper
<clibot> Sufrostico_: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Ace: [063713]
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<IRConan> !download i9300
<clibot> IRConan: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [7b1d8a]
<IRConan> that's quite a cool bot
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<Sufrostico_> hi, if I try to installl cm on the ace 5830M it will work ?
<Sufrostico_> I just install the correct ClockworkModRecovery .. and I'm making a backup
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<Sufrostico_> will my phone brick if I try to install the current CM stable for cooper ?
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<Sufrostico_> anyone ?
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<lan> cant anybody help me?
<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> you say "can't" which is "cannot"
<frankdrey> so my negative to that means that someone can help you
<lan> hahaha sorry
<frankdrey> :D
<lan> my phone just get a problem
<frankdrey> 1. what phone
<frankdrey> 2. what problem
<frankdrey> 3. what did you do to get to there? aka what did you break?
<lan> gtab 2 p3100
<frankdrey> awesome
<frankdrey> you've met the right person if you want help with that
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<lan> im using jb4.2.2 cyanogenmod 10.1
<frankdrey> mhm
<lan> a caller cant hear me when i make a call
<lan> when im reboot the problem still same again while im start a headphone again
<frankdrey> wait, reword that.
<frankdrey> so they can't hear you ever?
<frankdrey> or just with headphones?
<lan> yes just with headphones
<lan> but headphones still good when im play the music and make a record voices
<frankdrey> headphones don't have a mic?
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<lan> while im during a call. the problem will be start again
<frankdrey> do the headphones have a mic?
<savi> hey, i just opened "Bedienungshilfen" (Accessibility?) @ Settings and tried to activate TalkBack when my i9100 got a black screen and had to be restarted with battery out/in. Now the Phone cant mount the internal sd card. Recovery say emmc cant be mount, windows just can mount the external sd. any idea?
<lan> yes
<lan> my headphone have a mic
<frankdrey> lan, I'll bet you the headset isn't compatible with the type of jack your tab has
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<lan> but my headphone is made by original samsung. Im using this headphone when im buy my tab.
<frankdrey> hmmk
<frankdrey> post your issue in the rom thread
<frankdrey> this is something the developer needs to fix
<lan> can u give me a link to post this problem. thanks... :-)
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<frankdrey> well now I can't
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<Jiangyi> Oh joy.
<Jiangyi> school's having earth hour, no lights :-/
<Ravenheart> set the desk on fire
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<DuperMan> rule of thumb - do my best to avoid buying audio gear that needs 'burn-in' if my ears aren't shit that needs to be made familiar with the quality of quality shit
<DuperMan> like, burn-in :P
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<Kihokki> Seeeeeeees
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Then there are the headphones that actually do better when burned in (like mine). :-P
<Jiangyi> Oh damn, BF3 Premium for $25.
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<phretor> !supported Samsung
<clibot> phretor: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<phretor> !changelog i9300
<clibot> phretor: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<phretor> aren't cm10 (not cm10.1) available for i9300?
<frankdrey> phretor, you can get cm10 at, but why not just use cm10.1?
<phretor> it's very crashy on my international i9300
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<frankdrey> i doubt cm10 will be better but you can find it on
<frankdrey> go to devs, then cyanogenmod (or cm? dunno) and find your device and go to nightlies
<phretor> frankdrey: it didn't use to crash that often with cm10.0
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<frankdrey> i see
<frankdrey> well, then go ahead :)
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<phretor> is it normal that is extremely slow in download bandwidth?
<codeworkx> yes
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<waratte> yes
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<pharcyde> !device
<pharcyde> !changelog
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<pharcyde> just flashed cyanogenmod rom last nights build for my att galaxy s3, i have about 400 photos on my external sd card, the gallery thumbnail craps out and FC when i swipe around, anyone else having this problem?
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<frankdrey> pharcyde, clear media storage data?
<savi> hey, today i opened settings -> accessibility and tied to turn talkback on. instead of turn talkback on i got a blackscreen and had to restart my phone with battery out-in
<savi> after the restart the phone cant find the internal storage anymore
<savi> i cant mount emmc in recovery, open the storage in windows while in usb mode etc.
<savi> any idea? (expect of try to reflash a stock with odin)
<pharcyde> thanks frankdrey got it dude ;D
<Jiangyi> pharcyde: Got a min to check something for me? :-P
<frankdrey> savi, did you have a custom kernel?
<savi> nope
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<savi> cm 10.1 kernel for galaxy s2
<frankdrey> hmmk
<savi> build from 20.03
<frankdrey> seems like your internal storage is corrupted :(
<savi> maybe its because my encryption is on
<frankdrey> maybe
<savi> but im not sure and because i cant mount the storage i cant format it
<frankdrey> might have shut down in a decrypted state and fked crap up :p
<savi> downloading the stock takes 2 more hours
<savi> and i still hope to fix this problem without delete everything :(
<frankdrey> well, you don't need to download stock to delete everything :p
<frankdrey> a simple wipe data / factory reset in CWM could do the trick
<frankdrey> but yeah, mess around a bit more with your encryption and storage settings before resorting to that
<savi> i just read in xda that download and install stock over odin
<savi> could fix the error
<savi> but i will try to wipe data and factory
<frankdrey> 1. try to fix it in Android
<frankdrey> 2. wipe data
<frankdrey> 3. flash stock
<frankdrey> if #1 doesn't work, go to #2, if #2 doesn't work, do #3
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<phretor> is there any solution to "" that keeps crashing every 2 seconds?
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<frankdrey> phretor, uhh that does not sound good
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<zw> Hi!
<zw> Love how canyogen writes cahnnel, but not server :P
<zw> But anyway, anyone able to spare 2 min to help me?
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<codeworkx> zwirc: wassp?
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<jomp16> Cody: you doesn't dropped support for P3110 yet? If no, why Jenkins build is breaking ONLY for P3110?
<codeworkx> jomp16: because github derps?
<codeworkx> jomp16: cause something is broken?
<jomp16> in console output, only has a traceback
<codeworkx> urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
<jomp16> so, GitHub derps only for P3110? Cool
<codeworkx> jomp16: that's not device specific
<codeworkx> jomp16: it's about timing
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<Jiangyi> Urm...
<Jiangyi> lul?
<jomp16> Jiangyi, good damn you! You found a easter egg!
<Jiangyi> jomp16: I think this was the April Fools joke from 2011 :-P
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<jomp16> now, what is from 2012?
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<Jiangyi> Don't think they did one last year :-P
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