nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<jomp16> anyone here can help me with MySQL?
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<waratte> I always pronouce MySQL as "My Squirrel".
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<Juzzy84> !device Samsung Galaxy S3
<clibot> Juzzy84: Unknown device Samsung
<Juzzy84> !device GT-i9300T
<clibot> Juzzy84: Unknown device GT-i9300T
<Juzzy84> Hi guys, I'm running Win8, installed drivers, trying to install CWM and getting error claiming interface failed
<Juzzy84> !supported
<clibot> Juzzy84: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Jiangyi> Juzzy84: You sure you got the right drivers?
<Juzzy84> Jiangyi: I used zadig and installed the driver for Gadget Serial as for CM instrcutions
<Jiangyi> Ah Heimdall.
<Jiangyi> Juzzy84: If all else fails, try Odin. :-P
<Juzzy84> Do you have a quick guide I can use to do that?
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<cdesai> !open
<clibot> cdesai: Unknown command "open"
<cdesai> !op
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<JaredP> I had a question about an issue I am having connecting to mobile networks. It seems that when i turn wifi on/off it likes forgetting the mobile network i've selected and the network mode i have chosen and i have to select them again. (Samsung galaxy SIII AT&T)
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<dinorun> need cm10.1 tar file
<dinorun> ihave wiped all my internal sd emmory
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<dinorun> anyone can help me ?
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<sedak> hi !
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<sedak> do any of you would have an idea how I could save a galaxy s whose embedded nand seems dead ??
<sedak> nand is not detected by kernel at boot...
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<sedak> I'm thinking about doing a custom vesion to use the external nand as the embedded nand, do you think it might work ??
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<Jiangyi> Aw man, slept without heat for the entire night D-:
* Jiangyi is cold
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: pussy
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You don't live in Canada
<codeworkx> PUSSY
<Jiangyi> -.-
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<Fissurez> CODY
<codeworkx> 50% to go.... Resident evil 6
<codeworkx> cant wait
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<avar> I did some attempts at installing Cyanogenmod that failed, but I went for a newer version of a Siyah rooted kernel with the stock ROM. I had a previous version of a rooted Siyah (but can't remember the version, duh!), now everything works except when I make calls the person I'm calling just hears static, and I hear them just fine.
<avar> And they can't hear me at all, does this problem sound familiar? It's kind of hard to google for "sgs2 inaudable call" or something.
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<dinorun> hi
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> is it ok to flash teh latest nightly on top of a m2 release?
<diegoviola> is m2 just another nightly?
<Jiangyi> Yes.
<diegoviola> ok ty
<waratte> You're welcome.
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: play doom with me k?
<nebkat> Fissurez: ^
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<Fissurez> nebkat dont have doom
<Fissurez> and i'd rather play firefall
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<waratte> doom? :o
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: Don't have it either :/
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<nebkat> Fissurez: download gzdoom
<nebkat> Jiangyi:
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<Muhib> Flashed CM 10.1 in my Galaxy S3 I9100, but why motion sensors not working?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<nebkat> DO ET
<Muhib> is anyone there?
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<Muhib> Oye, I haven't got the whole day, please someone reply.
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<ernie`> Galaxy S3 I9100?
<Muhib> Yup!
<ernie`> doesn't exist
<ernie`> its either Galaxy S2 i9100 or S3 i9300
<Muhib> It's Galaxy S2 I9100
<Muhib> Galaxy S2 I9100, not S3
<ernie`> that makes more sense
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Sorry, I'm heading out :-/
<Muhib> Maybe it's not called motion sensor
<ernie`> I don't have that phone, so I can't answer about it
<nebkat> Jiangyi: FU
<ernie`> nebkat, what up dood
<Muhib> let me give an example: if I touch a photo and move the phone back and forth the photo zooms in and out, what's the sensor called - that's not the fact. The problem is it's not happening after getting CM
<nebkat> ernie`: wanna play doom?
<ernie`> sure, if it works on mac
<nebkat> ernie`: FU
<Jiangyi> Muhib: That's a Samsung thing, CM doesn't do that.
<ernie`> theres no port to mac?
<Jiangyi> Muhib: Use Z-devicetest to check if your sensor actually works.
<ernie`> nebkat, I'm on easter break, so only laptop
<Muhib> That thing worked when I had the stock rom. And the other sensors such as orientation, acclerometer, light sensor are working perfectly.
<Muhib> So you want to say that feature doesn't exist in CM? If so, then why are you asking me to test my sensors?
<Jiangyi> Muhib: Like I said, it's a Samsung Touchwiz software thing. I'm telling you to test them just in case that I'm interpreting you wrong.
<Jiangyi> But from your description, your hardware's fine, it's just that the feature's not in CM.
<Muhib> Okay, thanks for the help? An optional question: why there aren't any Stable CM build for S3 I9100?
<Jiangyi> Exynos is too buggy to have stable.
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<Muhib> So, does it mean that we will have no stable release in the future?
<ernie`> most likely no
<nebkat> <Jiangyi> nebkat: Sorry, I'm heading out :-/
<nebkat> lies
<ernie`> haha
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<ernie`> nebkat, what about awesomenauts?
<nebkat> ernie`: "buy it now"
<nebkat> gtfo
<nebkat> fear combat is awesome
<nebkat> but windoze only
<ernie`> hmm
<ernie`> there should be more cross platform casual multiplayer games
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<ernie`> LoL is free to play
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<Thracky> LoL has quite possibly the most offensive and cruel communities of any game I've ever seen :P
<ernie`> still better than HoN
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<RedShift> LoL? HoN?
* RedShift feels left out
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<ernie`> LoL == League of Legends
<ernie`> HoN == Heroes of Newerth
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<t0m3k6> hello everyone
<t0m3k6> can someone tell me how to install miracast app or allshare cast app on cm 10.1?? if it is possible?
<t0m3k6> my phone is i9300
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<rolandoxreyes> I wanted to find out, I'm new to the whole rooting thing and just rooted my galaxy s2 and I downloaded your rom. After I installed it, everything works on it nice and smooth but there's no market place app and I can't down load any apps. How can I fix this???
<frankdrey> you didn't flash google apps
<frankdrey> download it there ^
<frankdrey> and flash in CWM recovery
<rolandoxreyes> what do you mean flash my google apps?
<frankdrey> make sure you download the correct version for your ROM. it says "CM10" "CM10.1"
<frankdrey> do you have CM10 or CM10.1?
<rolandoxreyes> how can i find out?
<frankdrey> :(
<frankdrey> you disappoint me
<frankdrey> you should know what you're flashing
<frankdrey> how did you "install" this ROM?
<frankdrey> what was the file you flashed called?
<rolandoxreyes> i put the zip for the galaxy s2 tmobile on my sd card and installed it
<frankdrey> what was the zip called?
<rolandoxreyes> it is a 10.1
<clibot> [Link] Downloads - Downloading
<frankdrey> download that
<frankdrey> put it on your sd card and install it on top
<rolandoxreyes> what does that do?
<frankdrey> the same way you installed cyanogenmod
<frankdrey> it installs the google framework
<frankdrey> which includes Play Store
<rolandoxreyes> ok thank you so much
<frankdrey> no problem
<rolandoxreyes> any resources you can recommend for me to get better at this?
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<frankdrey> that you ask for that...there's not really a central place to learn all this
<frankdrey> I guess the only way is to ask questions like that and annoy everyone :D
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> And we need to remember that it's not easy to learn all this on your own :P
<Jiangyi> Or just read a lot of random things here and there, and get better eventually :-P
<frankdrey> ^
<Jiangyi> You also learn through experience.^^
<frankdrey> hay Jangi how do I dl rom to my apple iphone s3?
<frankdrey> ^ but don't ask questions like that
<frankdrey> wait...
<frankdrey> hay Jangi how I dl windows rom to my sony iphone s3 that has superpower copied to it and i have a charger?
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: u type mah name wrong, I no answer :p
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<waratte> Jiangyi is an IRC bot. :o
<Jiangyi> +1
<waratte> Speaking of IRC bots...
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, :P
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<clibot> [Link] When Canada Rules the World - YouTube
<Jiangyi> LOL
<Jiangyi> chadouming: ^
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<waratte> LOL
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<ffs> hey guys, just wanted to confirm, there are no stable versions of Cyanogen Mod for S3 i9305 right?
<Jiangyi> ffs: No there isn't.
<Jiangyi> Didn't it just get nightlies?
<ffs> yep it did, thanks for confirming, wanted to make sure :)
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<Guest90394> "!device"
<frankdrey> !device