nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<Jiangyi> nebkat: That's just the system info page.....
<nebkat> https
<nebkat> n00b
<DvineLord> i guess i needa samsung phone just for the aosp rom variety
<Jiangyi> :-/
<DvineLord> too bad i need lte and im on at&t
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: Error: Please enter a invite longer than 5 characters.
<nebkat> fuuuuuuuuuuu
<nebkat> Jiangyi: "KANADA"
<Jiangyi> kewl, thanks!
<Thiagovfar> What's going on there?
<Jiangyi> nebkat: So when do I get the creditz? :-P
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<Jiangyi> Also, no building for 10.1? D-:
<nebkat> sorry wifi derped
<nebkat> Jiangyi: added
<nebkat> Jiangyi: i'll fix tomorrow
<Jiangyi> Thanks!
<nebkat> might still work thoigh
<nebkat> try it
<Jiangyi> Well, there's no N4 for me to choose.... :-/
<nebkat> looks unchecked but might work
<nebkat> Jiangyi: wanna help with devices? :P
<Jiangyi> Sure? :-P
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<crypticmofo> !device d2vzw
<clibot> crypticmofo: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III (VZW):
<crypticmofo> !changelog d2vzw
<clibot> crypticmofo: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III (VZW):
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<getstring> how long does it take to clone the CM repository?
<crypticmofo> ok
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<crypticmofo> im assuming this chan is all about CM support and hacking the SGS3 correct ?
<Jiangyi> crypticmofo: Not so much for the American S3s :-/
<crypticmofo> Jiangyi, hmm ?
<Jiangyi> getstring: Depends on your internet speed. It's about a 12GB download?
<crypticmofo> oh
<Jiangyi> crypticmofo: This is more the chan for Intl. variants.
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<crypticmofo> Jiangyi, what variantes ?
<Jiangyi> i9300 for example
<crypticmofo> aw
<Thiagovfar> crypticmofo: the repo size is around 8.5 GB,
<Jiangyi> If you have a question, shoot, we can try to help. :-P
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Wrong person lol
<crypticmofo> yea crazy
<crypticmofo> im assuming everyone is on a CM rom
<Jiangyi> Most of us. On various devices though.
<crypticmofo> yea
<crypticmofo> CM rom kills my battery
<Jiangyi> Meh, battery's subjective. :-/
<crypticmofo> im a wifi wh0re so
<crypticmofo> i need a rom that can hang with my wifi wh0reingness
<Bert_> I found CM helped my battery i9100... about 10-15%
<crypticmofo> nope
<a3Dman> it's the same since I bought this damn device
<getstring> Jiangyi thanks, it has been running for 6h, it makes sense
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Wrong person?
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Think you were trying to tell getstring that, not crypticmofo :-P
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Yeah, that's right
<Thiagovfar> I'm off to sleep. Bye
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<jomp16> Yah
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<jomp16> Installing GNOME
<jomp16> Installed the X Server and its is working fine
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<sebnimh84> hi is anybody there
<waratte> I am, but I'm unable to help you.
<jomp16> Yah, installed GNOME 3 on Arch :)
<jomp16> Isn't hard...
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<sebnimh84> oh man
<sebnimh84> I've just unbricked my device
<sebnimh84> and now it doesn't seem to read my SIM, or any other SIM
<sebnimh84> but my SIM works on other devices
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<Flumdahl> what is the difference between the regular nightly and
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<mart> Any German using cm 10.1 for gtn7105 aka t0lte? If yes do you get lte network i dont get lte
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<f702013> curious if anyone here can help me with a miui related issue
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<spykins> hello everyone.......... does anyone have any idea how i can decompress a passworded rar file without the password........... i suffered for 5days to download the software.. now i don't have the password cos i have link to a site which is not working....... pls help
<clibot> [Link] Download l.i....a...e..t..txt
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<Tsz> someone know what issue for the tab2 7.0 cm10.1?
<Tsz> any one in here?!
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<Tsz> any one know what is the issue for the tab2 7.0 cm10.1?
<Frd^> explaing yourself
<Frd^> just error error error givs nothing
<Kihokki> lol Spykins lost his money
<Kihokki> Tsz: I haven't hear of ones
<Tsz> What is the existing problems for the tab2 7.0 cm10.1
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<Kihokki> Guess what FAQ means and Google and teamhacksung wiki
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<Asad2005> I have a galaxy note GT-N7000 with CM10.1 nightly build 3rd March 2013 and few times my phone switches off due to low battery while battery percentage was at least 50%, I think the battery percentage is not showing correct status, any solution for this ?
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<Guest53397> HIIII
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<vibe_> hey i m new to cyanogen roms n flash yesterdays nightly on my sgs2
<vibe_> when i tried to flash gapps from recovery it says unable to mund /sdcard
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<Guest24058> !changelog i9300
<clibot> Guest24058: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<koegs> what is the difference between the and
<clibot> [Link] CM10.1 Nightlies Changelog - I9300
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<Asad2005> I have a galaxy note GT-N7000 with CM10.1 nightly build 3rd March 2013 and few times my phone switches off due to low battery while battery percentage was at least 50%, I think the battery percentage is not showing correct status, any solution for this ?
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<codeworkx> Asad2005: log or it didn't happen
<Asad2005> What do you mean?
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<peterperfect> that if you didnt log, it didnt happened
<peterperfect> or the log is the proof to what happened
<peterperfect> thats a couple of ways of saying the same thing
<peterperfect> :)
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<Baskey> fi
<Baskey> #fail
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<a3Dman> new touchwiz looks very ugly
<RossWell98> a3Dman: It's TouchWizz
<wifi> lol
<wifi> what you don't like
<a3Dman> it's too damn cheap
<wifi> ?
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<wifi> gingerbean ?
<RossWell98> I don't Like the GB interface xD
<a3Dman> wifi: yes
<a3Dman> and green blue black mix is lame
<a3Dman> ^ do not want kthx
<RossWell98> It's me or this interface, is the interface of ...
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<iHydro> Hey folks, I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of a decent guide on how to port/build CM10 for I9305. I know codeworkx has ported it and is giving limited support as he doesn't own the device, so I'm keen to learn how to continue his work after he stops providing updates.
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<iHydro> Cheers codeworkx
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<STF> hey guys is there a way to recover my contact from a backup which i make mit cwm tool?
<STF> i made a backup to test sth. run restore the backup, and bam all my personal settings seems not to be restored, so if there a chance that some of my files was correct back up, how do i get to them?
<STF> otherwise i have restore a functionally nearly 8 Month old backup with a nightly build of cwm, how can i update this, because the wlan seems not to work right^^
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<w00tc0d3> nebkat: I've thought of BBQDROID for my ROM. It's OK, aslong as I get a minimum of 0.05 euro cent per build :)
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: 0.025
<nebkat> 10%
<a3Dman> nebkat: why trebecuet launcher action bar buttons padding not like other apps
<a3Dman> ?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: that's not fair
<nebkat> a3Dman: changed recently, patch is up on gerrit
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: because if I setup such a service
<w00tc0d3> i'll get more
<a3Dman> nebkat: awesome <3
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: where will you get the capital?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: Amazon cloud services
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: I'll just boot up a image when needed
<w00tc0d3> let it run for 7 minutes (build)
<w00tc0d3> and then shut it down
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: the idea is to let USERS build
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: yes
<nebkat> you know how we got this idea?
<nebkat> in cm priv channel
<nebkat> somebody says to koush (iirc)
<w00tc0d3> ok
<nebkat> "make realtime builds to users possible"
<nebkat> "50c per build"
<nebkat> "they'll think its awesome and you can buy another yacht"
<a3Dman> rofl
<nebkat> its about the feeling of making your _own_ build
<nebkat> nightlies exist
<nebkat> ofc
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: 10% is utterly bad
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: even if I place an app in the Apple Store I get more
<w00tc0d3> 20% is more fair
<w00tc0d3> reasonable
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<wifi> the thing is since you use gpl, we have no obligation to give you anything
<w00tc0d3> wifi: ?
<a3Dman> ??
<wifi> when you push android source code, we can't take it and redistribute it as we want
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<wifi> and make money out of it if we want
<peterperfect> hehe
<w00tc0d3> lol
<w00tc0d3> it's Apacher
<w00tc0d3> Apache*
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: you realise 10% is a donation, not a payment
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: yeh chad is n00b lol
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 we are not selling roms, we are selling build service
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: legally you are entitled 0
<peterperfect> nebkat gpl or apache doesnt matter in that case
<nebkat> yeah
<w00tc0d3> lol
<wifi> my bad, always mistake, kernel is GPL
<nebkat> legally we dont have to ask you about using your rom
<w00tc0d3> my ROM is mostly closed source anyways
<nebkat> good luck with that
<nebkat> closed source is useless unless you are trying to make some kind of profit
<w00tc0d3> it helps for kangers ^^
<w00tc0d3> like netchip
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 whats your rom?
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: I suppose the deal could be changed if you forced users to use bbqd
<nebkat> lol
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: thats not how you do it
<nebkat> you keep it closed until release so that they cant release before you release
<nebkat> but you dont keep it closed always
<peterperfect> nebkat we could rent the buildservice to closed source structures too
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: you realize I could also setup a cloud service and do it cheaper than BBQDROID? :) (no offense, just saying)
<a3Dman> if it's not the license, it's the ethics anyway...
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 well, its not THAT simple
<w00tc0d3> it isn't indeed
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: of course you could
<nebkat> anyone could
<w00tc0d3> but dedi servers are bad for this kind of projects
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<nebkat> w00tc0d3: why you say so?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: use AWS, or anything else. Power up a clean image, fetch the code, from a main box, and build it. 10 minutes cpu time
<w00tc0d3> around ... 2 cent building or so
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: dont you realise?
<peterperfect> you doing 1 build at a time
<w00tc0d3> and then power it off
<nebkat> that is one build
<peterperfect> for 2 cents
<peterperfect> hahaha
<nebkat> we arent here to make builds for you
<peterperfect> you will have a few dollars of profit
<nebkat> we are here to make builds for users who want customized roms
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: I can power up 10Million instances if I wish ^^
<peterperfect> yep, and will take 10 days to build
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<nebkat> w00tc0d3: are you saying you want to have a web interface, like bbq, and power of an AWS every time someone requests a build?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: yes
<w00tc0d3> and AWS has probably an API
<nebkat> go make the interface
<w00tc0d3> and else I know other ISPs who have
<nebkat> there is a reason it has taken us almost a year to get this
<nebkat> where it is now
<w00tc0d3> i know people who study web development ;-)
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: try look at it from a different perspective
<w00tc0d3> i'm sure they'll help me out, when we share the profits
<nebkat> you are here getting pissed because a service isnt giving you what you want?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: I don't agree it's a donation.
<nebkat> so you want to make a "better" version of the service?
<w00tc0d3> that's all
<peterperfect> theres no agreement
<w00tc0d3> not pissed ^^
<nebkat> I just dont get the logic with saying our service is bad then
<peterperfect> the license is made that way
<peterperfect> "i dont agree" is just silly...doesnt fit. There is nothing to not agree
<peterperfect> the answer is given
<peterperfect> we can do it. dot.
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: 20% is quite a lot
<w00tc0d3> ya think? ^^'
<w00tc0d3> uhm
<peterperfect> i dont think, im sure
<w00tc0d3> i meant peterperfect
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: it's closed source. nothing you can do without ssh keys
<peterperfect> for your system
<peterperfect> ok
<peterperfect> im talking about open source stuff
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: that is your choice
<nebkat> if you dont want to release your code obviously we cant use it
<nebkat> if you do release your code there is nothing you can do to stop us
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: look, to prevent situations like this, I keep my code closed source
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: people, making money of my work
<w00tc0d3> you can compare this with kangers making money of everything you mader
<w00tc0d3> made*
<a3Dman> don't use this license then.
<peterperfect> humn...nop
<peterperfect> its totally different
<nebkat> we are like a shop
<a3Dman> I could take any GPL software and sell it without adding one line of code.
<nebkat> offer you goods and take a profit
<peterperfect> we spend huge money and time in power servers and develop shit
<peterperfect> and let users build whatever they want
<peterperfect> add patches etc
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: its different when you kang and sell with credit
<nebkat> kanging is just shameful
<peterperfect> they only have to rent our servers
<peterperfect> just that
<nebkat> take code, say its yours and request money
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: you just said it's a donation
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: yeah?
<nebkat> so we are offering users a service to compile someone elses rom
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: I don't deliver things to a shop when they say everything they give you is a donation
<nebkat> that is true
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 but your things aind open source
<nebkat> but we are not stealing the work
<w00tc0d3> copying*
<w00tc0d3> that's a difference
<peterperfect> ?!
<nebkat> we are saying "this is w00tc0d3's rom, we are offering you the service to compile it on our servers"
<peterperfect> copyinh?
<w00tc0d3> you can't steal data
<peterperfect> ehehe...funny..we have a website
<peterperfect> exactly like nebkat says
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: ^^' and I don't want that without my permission
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 if your thing is opensource
<peterperfect> you cant do nothing
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: the thing is we dont need your permission
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: 'if'
<peterperfect> yeah
<peterperfect> if
<a3Dman> I wouldn't use cloud tools to compile if I'm paranoid with code licensing
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: if you keep your software closed then there is no issue
<peterperfect> nobody can use closed source any situation..
<w00tc0d3> but the if statement returns false
<nebkat> your choice
<peterperfect> so i dont understand this discussion
<peterperfect> hehehe
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: if your code is closed that is your choice
<peterperfect> we give less than zero shits about closed source stuff
<nebkat> and there is no argument
<a3Dman> +1
<w00tc0d3> i'm just trying to get a fair price, and not as donation
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: I think you don't care about closed source if you gain money with it
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: if you want to make a deal
<nebkat> e.g. no free builds for users, must go through this
<nebkat> or only weekly builds
<nebkat> nightlies through this
<nebkat> maybe we can make a deal
<nebkat> but if you are a third-party we cant just be giving you an amount because you think its fair
<nebkat> to recap
<w00tc0d3> nope
<w00tc0d3> true
<nebkat> either you make some form of deal with us, or you accept our offer
<w00tc0d3> but I don't have to give you code ^^
<nebkat> you dont have to
<nebkat> if you dont want to
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 btw which rom is yours?
<nebkat> if you are trying to make a deal here
<nebkat> then ofc
<nebkat> we are open to that
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Hmm... Some users are saying that status bar doesn't get stuck on some other launchers. ._. Worth looking into?
<peterperfect> Jiangyi tell them to use trebby :D
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: The problem is that it happens on trebby lol
<peterperfect> Jiangyi so maybe you can blame nebkat :)
<a3Dman> trebby is so cool, no FCs
<peterperfect> trebby is awesome...fastasfucklauncher
<Jiangyi> Meh, not yet. Needs more investigation.....
<a3Dman> and no hacks
<peterperfect> and no bloat
<a3Dman> nebkat: why adding overlay button anyway? it has two lame shortcuts imo xD
<nebkat> a3Dman: wat button?
<a3Dman> overlay menu button
<a3Dman> in drawer
<peterperfect> a3Dman why not?
<peterperfect> it makes sense to manage apps from inside the drawer
<a3Dman> 2 entries in it are easily accessed from settings
<nebkat> a3Dman: its for when you are a) not on cm and b) not default launcher
<nebkat> if its showing then there is something wrong
<nebkat> but make sure you upgrade to latest version
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<a3Dman> nebkat: link to latest?
<a3Dman> nebkat: great, I thought that this is default...
<nebkat> a3Dman: nightly, idk
<nebkat> I dont compile this shit
<a3Dman> overlay button appeared only after latest nightly...
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 what rom are you working on?
<Jiangyi> Bah, gotta figure out how to do git pull requests and such.
<Jiangyi> Freaking Superuser doesn't go through Gerrit >_>
<peterperfect> Jiangyi yeah i think dependant code didnt
<Jiangyi> Yeah, it sucks
<Jiangyi> Gerrit makes it so much easier.
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: my own
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 no name?
<peterperfect> so i can search about it
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: W00T R0M
<w00tc0d3> lol
<w00tc0d3> there's nothing
<peterperfect> so theres no rom
<peterperfect> hehe
<w00tc0d3> only in my bitbucket account ^^
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 curious to understand how users get your rom
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: how far along are you with development
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: exynos patches are cherry picked
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: XDA
<nebkat> anything UI wise?
<peterperfect> (from cm)
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<w00tc0d3> nebkat: AOSP
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: + some patches are going to be added
<Jiangyi> Oh, would you look at that
<Jiangyi> Someone already did Superuser translations for me :-P
<nebkat> I hate the way new Superuser is implemented in settings
<peterperfect> nebkat why?
<Jiangyi> I hate how it's not forked over to CM.
<a3Dman> I hate its prompt...
<Jiangyi> We have no need for a bunch of locale translations for locales that don't exist in CM >_>
<Jiangyi> Serious, Singapore Chinese? WTH is that?
<Jiangyi> seriously*
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<peterperfect> ahahaah
<peterperfect> #blamekoush?
<Jiangyi> +1
<Jiangyi> There's no such thing as zh or zh-rHK
<Jiangyi> Hong Kong does not have its own special Chinese -.-
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: I found a VPS with 16GB RAM and 8-core CPU, $0.23 per hour. I'm sure they can do per minute if we wish so ^^
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: and an API to poweroff/turn on
<w00tc0d3> via PHP for example
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<Jiangyi> Steve Kondik Patch Set 3: Lets get the dependent code in Gerrit?
<Jiangyi> Clearly it didn't get forked :/
<Jiangyi> Koushik Dutta Patch Set 3: Yeah, I'll fork the shit over sometime today and merge this once all the dependencies are on gerrit.
<Jiangyi> Koushik Dutta Patch Set 5: There's still a bit of churn, so I haven't forked yet. Will do that in a week or to. Feel free to send pull requests.
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 doesnt matter...have 1 server wont give you scale you need
<Jiangyi> Cool. I'll do it in a week then. :-P
<peterperfect> also our tool give user multiple features
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: It's a VPS. You can turn on/off as many as you wish.
<w00tc0d3> they're powered on in 57 seconds
<w00tc0d3> and then they're ready for action
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 so you can turn on 100 8 core machines and they will only charge you 0.23/hour?
<w00tc0d3> yes
<w00tc0d3> no
<w00tc0d3> 0.23*100
<w00tc0d3> $23
<w00tc0d3> and you can turn off hourly
<w00tc0d3> or per minute
<w00tc0d3> and you only pay what you used
<a3Dman> is it worth it?
<w00tc0d3> it's damn easy
<w00tc0d3> a3Dman: for a service like BBQDROID, yes
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 how you will extend the whole building service for every machine?
<a3Dman> running 100 server one hour for just 23$?
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: just implement in PHP it should powerup a VPS and the build. easy as hell
<a3Dman> I'm not sure about hosting costs anyway.
<w00tc0d3> a3Dman: yeah
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: easy eh?
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 you realize that even if you get everything in place you will waste the build setup time on every build?
<peterperfect> sync sources, apply patches + build time
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: that's 57 seconds
<w00tc0d3> lol
<w00tc0d3> just make images
<w00tc0d3> and do syncs
<w00tc0d3> so they don't have to do full sync
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 well if you say its easy do it
<w00tc0d3> peterperfect: i could perfectly easy make a script to do it
<w00tc0d3> but I can't make GUI
<peterperfect> w00tc0d3 find someone
<peterperfect> do it
<peterperfect> if so easy then finding one guy to do the guy wont be a problem to you
<w00tc0d3> it - indeed - isn't to find
<w00tc0d3> i've daily contact with such a guy
<peterperfect> so...
<a3Dman> synergy is awesome with android phones
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<noobie> hello
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: heh. you read my things about VPS?
<nebkat> im busy
<noobie> do i have to flash my bootloader if i have 4.0.4 and i want 4.2.2
<w00tc0d3> no
<Jiangyi> Depends on your device.
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<noobie> it galaxy tab 2 10.1 p5100
<w00tc0d3> iirc not needed
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<w00tc0d3> but codeworkx knows more
<Jiangyi> noobie: Flash the 4.1 bootloader if you get annoyed at random colours at boot.
<Jiangyi> Otherwise, not needed.
<noobie> so it wont cause any problems if i dont flash it?
<w00tc0d3> never flash bootloaders
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<w00tc0d3> except if you get weird problems
<noobie> ok i wont do it then thanks for the fast help :D
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<nebkat> w00tc0d3: you make a fair point
<nebkat> amazon aint bad
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: ^^'
<nebkat> but
<nebkat> how much would it cost to do 5000 builds each 7min long?
<w00tc0d3> but?
<w00tc0d3> uhm
<w00tc0d3> around $0.005*7*100
<w00tc0d3> !math 0.005*7*5000
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 175.00000000000003
<w00tc0d3> 175 euro
<w00tc0d3> but you have ultimate scalability
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: is that much or not?
<nebkat> are the servers fast enough for 7 min builds
<w00tc0d3> 8-core, 16GB RAM
<w00tc0d3> vps
<nebkat> thats not good enough
<w00tc0d3> with that specs
<nebkat> we need 64gb ram
<w00tc0d3> it is
<w00tc0d3> with ccache
<w00tc0d3> ok
<nebkat> $out on ramdisk!!!
<w00tc0d3> $1.4 for one hour, 96GB RAM and 24-cores
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: anyway we'll consider it
<nebkat> it does sound nice
<w00tc0d3> !math 1.4/60
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 0.02333333333333333
<nebkat> I must admit
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: the real question is
<nebkat> how much does it cost for one build
<nebkat> assuming a build can cost as little as 0.13c
<w00tc0d3> test it
<nebkat> so it needs to cost much less than that
<nebkat> otherwise it is not profitable
<w00tc0d3> easy
<w00tc0d3> make weekly an image
<w00tc0d3> updated with newest CM sync
<nebkat> it just cant work that way
<w00tc0d3> and repo sync when you power on instnace
<w00tc0d3> so it doesn't have to do full sync
<w00tc0d3> ^^'
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<w00tc0d3> be creative
<noobie> I got the ROM working thanks for your help everybody! :D
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: but but
<nebkat> Pricing is per instance-hour consumed for each instance, from the time an instance is launched until it is terminated. Each partial instance-hour consumed will be billed as a full hour.
<w00tc0d3> oh - i think i've found a flexible company
<w00tc0d3> just contact amazon ;-)
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<nebkat> w00tc0d3: dedicated is still better
<nebkat> there are much less risk involved
<w00tc0d3> no
<nebkat> and expense is not relative to profit
<nebkat> all we need is 400 builds per server and we have paid off
<nebkat> !math 60*24*31/8
<clibot> nebkat: 5,580
<nebkat> 5,580 theoretical builds per month per server
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<w00tc0d3> too little
<nebkat> what is too little?
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<w00tc0d3> nebkat: amount of builds
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<nebkat> !math 60*24*31/8/2
<clibot> nebkat: 2,790
<nebkat> !math 2790/400
<clibot> nebkat: 6.975
<nebkat> 697.5% profit margin at hafl capacity
<nebkat> half*
<w00tc0d3> so?
<w00tc0d3> with my system I thought of, I don't need to manually add servers etc, and no contracts :D
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: with your system there is barely a profit
<nebkat> if any profit the profit margin is tiny
<nebkat> even "just" 100% profit margin is huge
<nebkat> I suppose that would mean low usage, but as long as there is a good margin it can still be run
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: BS. $0.04 for ONE build, and I'm sure my hosting company is flexible
<Kihokki> My feelings about this channel sometimes, but not now
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: and i can hotplug
<nebkat> Kihokki: true
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: is this cost to produce a build?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: yes. if the hosting company would change hourly -> minute
<nebkat> that is 400% margin, and still impossible
<nebkat> 400% margin at max build prioce
<w00tc0d3> 200% is even good
<nebkat> because builds wont always be 25c
<w00tc0d3> $0.04
<w00tc0d3> !math 25/0.04
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 625
<w00tc0d3> 625%
<nebkat> we must be calculating wrong?
<nebkat> its (sell price - cost price) / cost price
<w00tc0d3> !math (25-5)/5
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 4
<w00tc0d3> 400%
<nebkat> !math!math (2790-400)/400
<clibot> nebkat: Unknown command "math!math"
<nebkat> !math (2790-400)/400
<clibot> nebkat: 5.975
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: is that assuming you can definitely get builds in 7 min?
<nebkat> or that the cost will be exactly 0.04?
<w00tc0d3> yeah
<w00tc0d3> but even if 200% i'm happy
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: we should totally make builds be 50c :P
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: ^^
<nebkat> the idea with 25c is that its just dirt cheap
<nebkat> we need it so that there is no second thought about paying
<nebkat> replace a weekly coffee with weekly builds for your device
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: 25c without gerrit patches and 50c with?
<nebkat> gerrit patches are free
<nebkat> vip prority is 25c
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<w00tc0d3> you have a quece?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat:
<nebkat> wat?
<chadouming> queue*
<chadouming> i suppose
<w00tc0d3> yes
<chadouming> and to answer you, yes
<w00tc0d3> that's not with AWS
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<knix> !supported
<clibot> knix: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<nebkat> !supported samsung
<clibot> nebkat: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<knix> !device i9100
<clibot> knix: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<knix> What's up with the lack of stable builds for the i9100?
<knix> Are testers needed or anythign?
<Jiangyi> Exynos4.
<Jiangyi> Won't get stable. :-P
<knix> Did somethign change in JB? 9.1 works great
<Jiangyi> Samsung's lack of cooperation. :/
<knix> So I shouldn'[t even bother trying nightlies? :(
<Jiangyi> Nah, you can try them.
<Jiangyi> They're still pretty good.
<KaZo58> !device n7000
<clibot> KaZo58: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note:
<knix> Jiangyi: So is the s3 better? Are they not releasing specs for the s2 chipor something:
<knix> Or the one in the 9100 anyway
<Jiangyi> S3 is still Exynos 4. Samsung doesn't help the devs at all, and the things they do provide on occasion are pretty useless most of the time.
<Jiangyi> That being said, the north american S3 with a Qualcomm chip is a whole other story.
<Jiangyi> Just avoid Exynos in general :-P
<chadouming> hail qualcomm, nein exynos
<chadouming> simple
<Jiangyi> Heil OMAP, nein Tegra too
<chadouming> yup
<jomp16> Chromium in Arch crashes the whole VirtualBox :'(
<chadouming> the patch for bluez is amazing :D
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<jomp16> I need my PC now to install Arch!
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<geneous> Hey Guys, I have a Galaxy S2 and want to put cyanogen 10.1 on it. Where can I get a odin flashable verison cyanogen 10.1 for this phone?
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