nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<RossWell98> I've tried, the package manager bloocking me :|
<a3Dman> anyway, apple dropped the word Mac from the OS, so it's just OS X
<a3Dman> RossWell98: been a long time since I installed it, it has outdated packages which I didn't like
<RossWell98> It's the case for me too
<jomp16> Windows sucks, lacks useful commands, simple programs bundled (md5, ssh, etc), etc
<RossWell98> jomp16: Windows, i think is just for lambda users
<jomp16> Translate lambda
<RossWell98> ssh isn't included from base in arch :)
<jomp16> Noobs?
<jomp16> Wget, ipconf, etc, etc
<RossWell98> In french, Lamda is a normal user...
<RossWell98> For you idk >.>
<jomp16> Portuguese
<RossWell98> :D
<RossWell98> and we are all noobs
<RossWell98> from base :)
<RossWell98> jomp16: fluent you speak english ?
<jomp16> I want to know what the current OS who's Linux is current using, if he know all commands, etc
<jomp16> No, basic English
<RossWell98> oh :o
<jomp16> Why?
<RossWell98> just a question ^^
<RossWell98> "<jomp16> I want to know what the current OS who's Linux is current using, if he know all commands, etc" << ?
<jomp16> I'm constantly talking in english on interwebs
<RossWell98> Me only here :/
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<jomp16> My internet sucks
<RossWell98> jomp16: You use wifi or data network for IRC ? :D
<jomp16> Wifi
<RossWell98> mh
<jomp16> Current using on tablet
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<RossWell98> I sympathize so ...
<jomp16> Paying to 2 megabit, but i'm receiving 5 megabit B-)
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<jomp16> More or less 550KB/s
<RossWell98> Oh good, my old connection when i was with cow xD
<RossWell98> cows*
<RossWell98> jomp16: what is the price of your connection ?
<jomp16> R$70
<RossWell98> $70 ? :|
<jomp16> Brazilian coins
<jomp16> Brz i think
<jomp16> Real
<RossWell98> $36 so
<RossWell98> I was scared
<jomp16> The provider is GVT
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<RossWell98> Me 29€ therefore $37 (USD) for 100Mbits/s
<RossWell98> :/
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<RossWell98> jomp16: You have a good ping?
<jomp16> In IRC ping current is 165ms
<RossWell98> oh ok :/
<RossWell98> jomp16: You want a CLI IRC client for your Arch ?
<jomp16> 160 to 600
<jomp16> XChat
<RossWell98> no
<RossWell98> CLI :)
<jomp16> Command line? quassel
<jomp16> Correct?
<RossWell98> I was thinking more a weechat
<RossWell98> quassel can be run in a terminal ?
<jomp16> If i'm correct, quassel has a cli and a gui client
<jomp16> The quassel core is a cli
<RossWell98> oh
<RossWell98> I didn't know :o
<RossWell98> 1 community/quassel 0.8.0-2
<RossWell98> QT4 irc client with a separated core
<RossWell98> ô.o
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<RossWell98> jomp16: since just now we are talking in the middle of 132 people :|
<jomp16> :-P
<RossWell98> I'm afraid :'(
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<RossWell98> jomp16: What is your phone?
<jomp16> Phone: gti5500, tablet: p3110
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<RossWell98> :o
<RossWell98> jomp16: your ROM?
<jomp16> Gti550: cm7, p3110: cm10.1 with custom kernel
<RossWell98> :D
<RossWell98> jomp16: No cm-10.1 for your GTI550 ?
<jomp16> Has a cm9, 10 and 10.1, but its lags
<RossWell98> oh :o
<jomp16> The phone is from 2010, Eclair and Froyo
<RossWell98> Oh ok
<jomp16> Gingerbread only with cm
<RossWell98> And you think its a performance problem ?
<RossWell98> jomp16: what is the codename of your phone?
<jomp16> Afk
<jomp16> Yeah, hardware
<RossWell98> Sleep time
<jomp16> Codename? gti550
<RossWell98> 'night
<jomp16> Night
<Kishidan> Nacht
<RossWell98> Kishidan: ?
<Kishidan> Guten nacht :)
<RossWell98> German ?
<Kishidan> Yes.
<RossWell98> Oh ok
<RossWell98> Thanks you too ^^
<Kishidan> ^^
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<utkanos> hey do you guys support the schi815 vzw galtab7.7 ?
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<Jiangyi> utkanos: AFAIK, no. :-P
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<utkanos> haha figured it out anyway thanks though Jiangyi
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<Bend3r> hmm i checked FAQ and issues but don't see a note about wifi tether... should I use built-in or Wifi Tether or not supported (note 2 sprint)
<Bend3r> I tried the built in hotspot and cant get it to connect
<Bend3r> hmm
<Bend3r> guess my question was too stupid...
<Jiangyi> Nah, no one here atm just has a note 2 sprint :-P
<Bend3r> ah sorry
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<Ultrawhite> Hey I was just wondering about how long it takes for CM10.1 to boot on their s2's
<Ultrawhite> Mine is looping
<Ultrawhite> at the cm 10 load screen
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<jomp16> time elapsed?
<Ultrawhite> I gave it about 5~10 minutes
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<Ultrawhite> I've rooted an htc glacier before but I'm not incredibly skilled obviously
<Ultrawhite> I'm going to have to come back tomorrow it's pretty late right now and I can't think that well, thanks for the consideration though :D
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<mithun46> any1 thr?
<mithun46> !n7100
<clibot> mithun46: Unknown command "n7100"
<mithun46> !N7100
<clibot> mithun46: Unknown command "n7100"
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<stucky> sorry anyone here
<stucky> i just updated my i9100g to your 4.2.2 and i found that the status bar is not working so i downgraded back to the previous 4.2.1 version. but now the phone stuck at cyanogenmod logo. what should i do?
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<Muhib96> I am using Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100. As I wanted to flash CM, I have installed ClockWorkMod Recovery using Heimdall. My flashing is successful and my phone is perfect. But when I turn on the phone, the starting is something like this:
<clibot> [Link] ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
<Muhib96> Why the "Yellow-thing" at the bottom, why am I having this?
<Muhib96> Please someone go to the link to view the screenshot
<Muhib96> Is someone there?
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<Muhib96> I am using Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100. As I wanted to flash CM, I have installed ClockWorkMod Recovery using Heimdall. My flashing is successful and my phone is perfect. But when I turn on the phone, the starting is something like this: [link][/link]
<clibot> [Link] ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
<Muhib96> Someone reply please....
<Devourz> well
<Devourz> that triangle there is because you flashed something non samsung
<Devourz> :P
<Devourz> nothing to worry about it
<Devourz> means your flash counter is >1
<Devourz> lol
<Muhib96> Devourz: Is that normal?
<Muhib96> Should it appear if I install in my phone?
<Devourz> if you flash stuff with odin or heimdall yes
<Devourz> anyhow
<Devourz> gotta run
<Devourz> bb
<Muhib96> thnx...
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<Mrius> Hello, i have just installed Cyanogen mod 10 (stable but then i made update to experimental 10.1 m2) i need to know how do i access Google store for app ?
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<chadouming> 1 min and 2 sec no answer, WORST SUPPORT CHANNEL EVER !
<Jiangyi> lul
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<Bert__> You get what you pay for!
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<prasad> Hello Guys, I have recently modded my SGSIII att&t to CM10.1 Monthly from 2013 Feb, however I was running before a 10.1 Mnthly from Jan 2013, after I updated the ROM, my photos and videos are moved to a /systemandoird/Data/XXXX and everything looked like .bin files, I am not able to retrieve those images and videos, would someone please help me to rename those .bin files to .jpg or something so I can view those . Any he
<Jiangyi> o_o daflip?
<Jiangyi> That doesn't sound normal at all.
<prasad> I can access thes files
<prasad> now I have them on my PC
<prasad> is there a way to convert these .bin files to jpg or something readable ?
<prasad> any app or software that converts these ?
<Devourz> try old fashioned
<Devourz> show extension on filetypes
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<Devourz> rename extension to jpg ro w.e
<Devourz> assuming they are just renamed on ur phone
<Devourz> lol
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<prasad> i changed the extension on those to .jpg
<prasad> and tried to open the files then I get error can't open this file
<Guest10368> Should I just blurt my question out?
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<Devourz> well if you renamed some of your video files
<Devourz> to .jpg or w.e
<Devourz> sure wont work
<Devourz> lol
<Guest10368> Is there a list of radios supported by CM10 for the Samsung Galaxy SII SGH-I777?
<Guest10368> !device
<prasad> thse are like 1.2 MB types
<prasad> so I have two folders like one that says .image and other as .video
<prasad> :)
<prasad> it kinda put the files appropriately on each folder
<prasad> however they are all .bin file formats
<prasad> :)
<prasad> crazy stuff
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<John__> hello world
<John__> any1 here?
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<peter____> i have an SG I777 and have been trying to install the CM 10.1 ROM but i get an error and it tells me that the installation was aborted
<peter____> anyone can help me with that?
<Thiagovfar> !downloads i777
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Unknown command "downloads"
<Thiagovfar> !download i777
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II (ATT): [6b3e41]
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<peter____> any idea why i would get an error that download's been aborted? i followed all the correct steps
<Thiagovfar> Download aborted?
<peter____> yes
<Thiagovfar> While downloading the zip?
<peter____> i went into recovery mode
<peter____> then attempted to download from zip, yes
<peter____> had the same issue when trying to install AOKP as well as Nexus ROMs
<peter____> what gapps go with the latest build for nightly?
<Thiagovfar> gapps for 4.2
<peter____> cool
<peter____> on the xda forums it says that i should not restore apps from titanium backup
<peter____> how else do i do it?
<Thiagovfar> You don't
<peter____> is it automatic?
<Thiagovfar> Nope
<Thiagovfar> You can restore the apps from titanium, yes. But you're advised not to restore system settings from it.
<Thiagovfar> And to expect some apps to misbehave
<peter____> ah ok
<peter____> so once i install the rom and gapps, do i go to reinstall the titanium app, then restore the apps only?
<Thiagovfar> Yeah, that's generally the way it works.
<peter____> thank you so much
<peter____> i'm going to try to install again
<peter____> see what happens
<peter____> installation aborted
<Thiagovfar> Try downloading it again
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<Thiagovfar> There are a bunch of zips there
<peter____> it says error in /sdcard/cm-10.1 (status 7)
<peter____> not sure what i'm doing wrong
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<eldabest> hey does anyone know where I can see old changelogs like older than are displayed on bbqdroid?
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<peterperfect> eldabest why would you want that?
<eldabest> I went back to a nightly from February because the March nightlies have terrible bat life...I went back and my bat life has gone up 200-300%...I think I know what the problem is and I want to know when they implemented it so I can upgrade to the nightly before that so I can have the most up-to-date one before they updated to sammy kernel sources
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<eldabest> do old changelogs even exist? i9100
<eldabest> anyone?
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<eldabest> anyoneee?
<Guest10368> I'm trying to install the lastest CM10 nightly, but the installation aborts. I'm using CWM, and it aborts, saying "assert failed: (traceback)" (Status 7) Installation Aborted.
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<Fake_> Anyone here? I need help. Just 2 mins i need.
<Frd^> ye
<Fake_> Does on CM 10.1 work OTG function?
<Fake_> On my Galaxy tab 2 7.0 P3110 does not work, is it cable wrong or CM?
<Frd^> no idea
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<Bert__> !changelog i9100
<clibot> Bert__: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: Gerrit Code Review
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Nice :-D
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I saw my friend's E971. The back effect does suck. xD
<chadouming> lol
<Jiangyi> We laughed at his ICS too xD
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<chadouming> eh, tell him to install my cm xD
<Jiangyi> He's not smart enough :/
<chadouming> aw yeah, keep him with ics then
<chadouming> apparently rogers should roll out jb update end march
<Jiangyi> My friend and I will just mock him with our N4s xD
<chadouming> lol, my optimus G would be better than your nexus 4
<Jiangyi> Eh :-P
<chadouming> if i could have one xD
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<aweenooblet> I'm trying to install the latest nightly of CM10 on my samsung galaxy s2 sgh-i777, but it hangs at the splash screen. Does anyone know what's going on?
<aweenooblet> That is to say, it gets stuck at the splash screen.
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<aweenooblet> Right, upon attempting a reflash, I try to clear the cache and do a factory reset, but the reset hangs at clearing the cache. I'm using sk8's CWM touch recovery. Does anyone know what's up?
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<jomp16> Hello! Using Quassel IRC in Arch Linux :)
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<Thiagovfar> ping
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crypcryp has joined #teamhacksung-support
<crypcryp> i have a samsung galaxy s3 d2vzw
<crypcryp> i would like to run a i9300 rom
<crypcryp> is this possible ?
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<chadouming> nope
<crypcryp> dam
<crypcryp> i found a rom that is running on a i9300 im wondering if i can run it on my d2vzw
<crypcryp> do i just check out build.prop or what ?
<crypcryp> nevermind wifi dosen't work
<crypcryp> no point
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