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<KNUBBIG> Hi, I googled a bit but found nothing concrete: I have an i9300 and would like to have the new pie controls on it as well. Is there any way? If yes, what do I have to do? Thanks.
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<FrankFuchs> !download <jewel>
<clibot> FrankFuchs: Unknown device <jewel>
<FrankFuchs> !downlad <evolte>
<clibot> FrankFuchs: Unknown command "downlad"
<FrankFuchs> !download <evolte>
<clibot> FrankFuchs: Unknown device <evolte>
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<Jiangyi> KNUBBIG: You're going to have to make your own build with expanded desktop enabled.
<KNUBBIG> Jiangyi: okay, thank you :)
<KNUBBIG> would be nice if I could just enable it, though :/
<Jiangyi> KNUBBIG: Actually, you gotta make a build with navbar enabled too, forgot about that part. :-P
<Jiangyi> Pie really isn't meant for devices with hardware keys.
<Jiangyi> In fact, it's practically useless on it.
<KNUBBIG> Jiangyi: :) Thanks again. I tried an app that did the same thing and just liked the functionality
<Jiangyi> KNUBBIG: LMT launcher?
<KNUBBIG> Jiangyi: no it was called Pie Control
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<Jiangyi> It probably has more features than the one in CM :-P
<Jiangyi> The CM one is really basic, it's basically just navigation controls.
<KNUBBIG> That might be but the one in CM looks way better
<KNUBBIG> And the pro version with more customization isn't free :)
<Jiangyi> Yeah, definitely not as useful as the app.
<KNUBBIG> well looks like I'ma give LMT launcher a try
<KNUBBIG> hm LMT looks just like Pie Control judging by the functionality, thank you :)
<KNUBBIG> good night! :)
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<EgotisticalElf> ROFL
<EgotisticalElf> guy comments on the BBQScreen app if it can be shared via the web, maybe through Youtube
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<Jiangyi> lol yeah
<Jiangyi> seems legit
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<lion0738> I'm using SHW-M250K(GT-I9100), I can't receive any sms with korean words :(
<clibot> [Link] code.google.com: Issue 100 - openetna - Korean SMS receive - Provide an open firmware for etna - Google Project Ho...
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<mihav_> Hi there! I installed 10.1-20130327-NIGHTLY-i9100 and everything except MMS is working. APN setup is OK, and I see in adb log that MMS transaction fails.
<mihav_> Exception occurred while handling message: { what=1 when=-14ms arg1=1 obj=transactionType: 2 uri: content://mms/6 pushData: null mmscUrl: null proxyAddress: null proxyPort: 0 }
<mihav_> Any ideas what to check and how to fix this?
<mihav_> !changelog i9000
<clibot> mihav_: Unknown device i9000
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<mihav_> With regards to MMS, it seems to be issue with reading APN settings. GO SMS Pro has given me the clue. Any way to change that? The adb error message says: java.lang.SecurityException: No permission to write APN settings: Neither user 10035 nor current process has android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS.
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<mihav_> So I was able to get it to working state reconfiguring the Go SMS Pro to use its own mms settings, instead of APNs.
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<codeworkx> sudo pacman -S unzip
<codeworkx> wtf
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<Ric> hi
<Ric> may i know anyone available there could help out
<Ric> everything seems to be working fine after i updated latest cm10 night, goo.im [i9100g] EXCEPT for the gmail
<Ric> my gmail unable to open.
<Ric> whenever i tried to click on it, it will appear "unfortunately, gmail has stopped."
<codeworkx> cm10 or cm10.1 ? ;-)
<Ric> cm-10.1-20130330-NIGHTLY-i9100g.zip
<codeworkx> that's 10.1
<codeworkx> did you flash the new gapps?
<Ric> oh thank God i found this chat system
<Ric> yes i did
<codeworkx> reinstall gmail from market?
<Ric> playstore working fine
<Ric> oh oh
<Ric> hold on i give a try
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<Ric> ahh!!
<Ric> it works!!!
<Ric> thank you @codeworkx!!
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<Ric> thank you very much
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<a-st> Heyho everyone ;)
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<mihav_> @codeworkx, any idea why MMS wouldn't be funcioning in the 10.1 release? Security permission exception while accessing APN settings.
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<codeworkx> mihav_: no idea. i dont use sms or mms
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<Dpetruy> hello people ?
<Dpetruy> anybudy here?
<a-st> Dpetruy: Yeah :)
<a-st> codeworkx: Thanks to you and your team for the awesome work with cm10.1 :)
<a-st> Dpetruy: do you need help?
<Dpetruy> Hello my name is Douglas Im from brasil and very happy with this new CFW Cyano 10.1 from you congratulations!
<a-st> codeworkx: just noticed that latest cm10.1 for i9100 builds fine with linaro 2013.03 :) Just needs a litte patch :)
<Dpetruy> I have only one question, I use a GT-9300, to this hardware exists face unlock?
<mihav_> @codeworkx: how would I go about researching this issue? I've commented on a xda thread about it. I know android development, though I've never built a ROM. There seems to be an issue with accessing APN properties (like mmsc url, etc). Would you be willing to give some pointers? Or should I just submit a cyanogenmod jira issue?
<codeworkx> no bug reports on nightly builds
<codeworkx> mihav_: flash latest nightly, do a full wipe, try to reproduce it, post logs
<a-st> an do a backup of your current rom first :)
<mihav_> @codeworkx:OK. Will do. Where do I post the logs? Is this thread appropriate, or perhaps somewhere else? (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2047436&page=2) And also, which logs? Is adb logcat output sufficient?
<clibot> [Link] forum.xda-developers.com: [DEV][GT-I9100][JB][4.2.1] CyanogenMod 10.1 development thread - Page 2 - xda-developers
<Dpetruy> I use the GT-i9300 I don't find de face unlock, this works in this CFW?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You're adding schedulers to devices now? o_O
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I bought the app, happy?
<a-st> Jiangyi: which app are you talking about? :)
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<Jiangyi> a-st: BBQScreen
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<a-st> Jiangyi: looks nice :)
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<a-st> Jiangyi: Which device do you own? :)
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: totally
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<a-st_> oh sorry :)
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: Can I go back into the channel then?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: hah
<nebkat> no
<Jiangyi> a-st_: N4
<Jiangyi> nebkat: aye yah D-:
<a-st_> Jiangyi: oh :( Just wanted to ask if you are interested in a Linaro CM10.1 build
<Jiangyi> Didn't Linaro stuff break a lot of things last time they were merged into CM?
<a-st_> Not sure. i9100 built fine with latest linaro toolchain :)
<Jiangyi> Well, I was talking about the framework optimizations
<nebkat> Jiangyi: buy me a n4 and i'll let u in
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<nebkat> trust me 350 dollaz ain't nothing compared to the magic that happens in #blamesamsung
<Jiangyi> ......
<Jiangyi> nebkat: BTW, I get grey artifacts at the bottom if I turn the quality or scale up. :/
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: http://imgur.com/ywtr8YM
<clibot> [Link] imgur.com: imgur: the simple image sharer
<a-st_> Sad that Pie Controls are only available for devices without hw keys :-\
<codeworkx> buy one without hw keys?
<a-st_> Nice idea :)
<codeworkx> you've hw keys. you don't need pie controls.
<Chuck_Bartowski> pie is a lie
<a-st_> That's true, but pie controls look awesome :)
<codeworkx> but zero benefit
<codeworkx> = bloat
<nebkat> Jiangyi: "Don't be an idiot and listen to mom"
<nebkat> U FAIL
<Jiangyi> nebkat: :-/
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<mihav_> @clockworkx, where should I post the logs and procedure and which logs? Is logcat output sufficient to troubleshoot this issue?
<cheddar_> Can I get out of the phone-triangle-computer screen on I9000 without JIG or home button?
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<codeworkx> cheddar_: you'll need odin to flash a working rom onto it
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<cheddar_> I'm using heimdall on Linux, but it doesn't recognize the device
<cheddar_> And ADB is not working
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<codeworkx> cheddar_: udev rules
<cheddar_> I'm running it as root
<cheddar_> And it works with HTC Sensation
<codeworkx> adb 1.0.31 needed on 4.2.2
<codeworkx> update it
<codeworkx> and grant access from device
<codeworkx> it will ask you
<cheddar_> It is up to date
<codeworkx> adb version
<codeworkx> Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31
<cheddar_> Yes the version is 1.0.31
<codeworkx> what does adb devices say?
<cheddar_> List of devices attached
<cheddar_> HT19WV804348device
<cheddar_> with HTC Sensation
<cheddar_> nothing with the I9000
<codeworkx> usb debugging enabled?
<cheddar_> I'm stuck on the phone-triangle-computer screen, heimdall screwd up somehow when flashing cfroot
<cheddar_> But it was enabled
<cheddar_> Homebutton did'nt
<cheddar_> work but I used adb reboot download
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<cheddar_> I think I need to make a jig
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<pharcyde> !changelog d2att
<clibot> pharcyde: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T): http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#d2att/cm10/latest
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<Sohail> Hello
<BRICKED> hey there is a problem i am facing.. i formated the system files and did data reset of mobile GT-N7000 and when tried to load the CM 10.1 nightly rom the rom did not get load its saying bad and no installation is happeneding and i am stuck with the initial screen of samsung.. can any one please help me?
<Sohail> I have a samsung galaxy s 2 I9100 .... I tried to do the official Jelly Bean updae on it thru Kies as well as OTA but it gives error
<Sohail> I am about to start the process of updating it thru cynogenmod 10.1 .... hope i can do it without issues
<Sohail> any help or suggestion plz?
<BRICKED> hey there is a problem i am facing.. i formated the system files and did data reset of mobile GT-N7000 and when tried to load the CM 10.1 nightly rom the rom did not get load its saying bad and no installation is happeneding and i am stuck with the initial screen of samsung.. can any one please help me?
<BRICKED> plzz help my mobile has got bricked i am very tensed
<Sohail> Anybody expert at s2?
<BRICKED> plzzzz some one help me!
<BRICKED> hey there is a problem i am facing.. i formated the system files and did data reset of mobile GT-N7000 and when tried to load the CM 10.1 nightly rom the rom did not get load its saying bad and no installation is happeneding and i am stuck with the initial screen of samsung.. can any one please help me?
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<raggamania> hello?
<BRICKED> hey there is a problem i am facing.. i formated the system files and did data reset of mobile GT-N7000 and when tried to load the CM 10.1 nightly rom the rom did not get load its saying bad and no installation is happeneding and i am stuck with the initial screen of samsung.. can any one please help me?
<Tajgeer> BRICKED wipe data / factory reset
<BRICKED> tajger
<BRICKED> i did all this and lost my data
<BRICKED> plus the operating system
<Tajgeer> that's why it is called "factory reset"
<BRICKED> and now the Cm10.1 which i hav loaded on the memory card is not working
<BRICKED> i had formatted / system also
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<Tajgeer> use download mode then
<Tajgeer> to flash rom
<BRICKED> so the problem is not i am not bale to move ahead of my initial samsung screen expect for geting to the recovery menu
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<BRICKED> but can u give me a link where the rom is in .tar.md5
<BRICKED> if i get that link for GT-N7000 then hopefully ill be able to make it
<Tajgeer> but you've finally installed cm10.1 or not?
<BRICKED> no its not getting installed
<BRICKED> its getting aborted all the three 10.1 versions latest which i hav
<Tajgeer> what's the reason of aborting?
<BRICKED> so i want a rom which i can ghet in .tar.md5 format then i can flash thru odin
<Tajgeer> any error displaying?
<BRICKED> i think the reason is i had formated everything even the system and emmc
<BRICKED> so now i think that it mite be becoz the kernel Cm 10.1 mite also hav got erased
<BRICKED> error showing is BAD
<a-st__> BRICKED: where are you from?
<BRICKED> hey i am fromm india
<clibot> [Link] forum.xda-developers.com: [STOCK ROMS] N7000 All stock ROMs + install + Root guide All at 1place,Latest 4.1.* - xda-developers
<Tajgeer> find a good version for your device
<BRICKED> can u help me
<BRICKED> i am doing that only but i cannot find any rom wid .tar.md5
<BRICKED> all are basicaly zipped
<a-st__> BRICKED: unpack the zip
<BRICKED> ok then?
<Tajgeer> http://www.hotfile.com/dl/199936441/6c2bf3b/N7000DXLSE_N7000OLBLSE_XSE.zip.html should be ok for you, just unzip and it should contain .tar.md5 file
<clibot> [Link] www.hotfile.com: Hotfile.com: 1-CLICK Dateihoster: N7000DXLSE_N7000OLBLSE_XSE.zip
<clibot> [Link] www.hotfile.com: Hotfile.com: 1-CLICK Dateihoster: N7000DDLSC_N7000ODDLSC_INU.zip
<BRICKED> ok thanks
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<a-st__> Excuse my stupid question, but how do I undo all local changes using the repo command?
<codeworkx> repo abandon branch
<codeworkx> git stash
<codeworkx> git reset
<codeworkx> mv xxx /dev/null
<codeworkx> shutdown -h now
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<Tajgeer> shutdown is required? :(
<a-st__> codeworkx: you forgot rm -rf /
<nebkat> a-st__: git reset --hard
<gbyers[Away]> hey nebkat
<nebkat> hello
<a-st__> nebkat: thx :)
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<g_byers> nebkat are you guys connected with bbqdroid ?
<nebkat> g_byers: yes
<clibot> [Link] www.androidpolice.com: [New App] BBQScreen Mirrors Your Display On A Computer At 25FPS (Root Only)
<nebkat> g_byers: yeah
<nebkat> good thing I told them to credit me instead of plody only lol
<g_byers> I guess you could help me troublshoot it then
<g_byers> :P
<nebkat> g_byers: eh?
<nebkat> sure
<nebkat> whats wrong
<nebkat> g_byers: first, have you tried lowering you scale and quality settings?
<g_byers> I put them as low is it goes to see it it would work
<nebkat> g_byers: what ip does the app show
<nebkat> g_byers: enable the debug option
<g_byers> ok
<nebkat> and turn the switch off/on
<nebkat> then adb logcat | grep "BBQScreen"
<Frd^> le fu nighlyt freezes
<nebkat> xplodwild: assistance
<nebkat> g_byers: I g2g, continue talking to plody
<g_byers> ok im downloading adb
<g_byers> (didn't install it on this machine) :P
<xplodwild> g_byers: tried lowering scale? what device?
<g_byers> I lowered the scale to as low as it goes, I am on a nexus 4
<xplodwild> hmm, weird
<xplodwild> developed the app on my nexus 4, so it better work on it :p
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<g_byers> xplodwild I have the logs up now if you want them
<xplodwild> yup
<g_byers> xplodwild http://pastebin.com/nvzrheb9
<clibot> [Link] pastebin.com: BBQ Screen Log - Pastebin.com
<a-st__> Anybody listening to Killswitch Engage? :D
<RedShift> mmm bbq
<xplodwild> g_byers: 100% sure the IP is good? there is no connection it seems
<xplodwild> g_byers: also, check "Debug" in the app
<a-st__> maybe firewall?
<xplodwild> a-st__: local network, unlikely
<a-st__> xplodwild: some stupid routers block p2p connections in local networks
<RedShift> uh?
<RedShift> define "stupid routers"?
<xplodwild> must be very stupid then
<g_byers> xplodwild there is a problem where I have to leave a space to get the dots to match - http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/8934/screenshot20130330at203.png
<xplodwild> no that's expected don't worry
<a-st__> RedShift: AVM FRITZ!Box ;)
<xplodwild> g_byers: can you try USB tether?
<xplodwild> g_byers: http://joshuawise.com/horndis if you don't have already :)
<clibot> [Link] joshuawise.com: HoRNDIS: USB tethering driver for Mac OS X | Joshua Wise's domain
<RedShift> are you connected using wireless? some wireless routers do have the option to isolate individual wireless stations from each other
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<g_byers> xplodwild would it have anything to do with their being a space in the ip don't know if it has somthing to do with ipv6 ?
<xplodwild> g_byers: nah, the space is filtered auto
<xplodwild> maybe ipv6 but don't think so
<RedShift> someone said ipv6?
<xplodwild> g_byers: did you get my message about the usb tether?
* RedShift is AWAKE!
<g_byers> nope still not working :/
<g_byers> yes I tried xplodwild
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<xplodwild> g_byers: using ip?
<g_byers> yep
<g_byers> I could try the windows app and see if it works?
<xplodwild> yes please
<xplodwild> because usb tether works fine on my macbook
<xplodwild> (though it's running 10.6)
<xplodwild> don't think there has been new firewall stuff in newer osx releases
<xplodwild> not that could filter such packets
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<g_byers> it's really strange because an older app that does a similar thing to yourscalled webkey works fine :/
<xplodwild> webkey uses TCP
<xplodwild> we do UDP
<xplodwild> brb
<g_byers> ok, vm ware is playing up .-.
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<xplodwild> g_byers: well if osx filters, vm might not get packet either
<xplodwild> g_byers: do you have access to another machine?
<g_byers> come to think of it, I wonder could it be eset
<a-st__> eset includes a network filter afaik
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<g_byers> well, idk what is wrong
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<muds> hi there
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<muds> i just wanted to report a little bug that happened just yesterday
<muds> and hear if someone encountered the same problem
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<a-st__> muds: Just tell us :
<Kihokki> No
<muds> yesterday i upadted to the fresh nightly
<muds> i rebooted then,
<Kihokki> Don't complain on nightlies
<muds> it prompted the pin, and i put there the right one
<muds> not a complain
<Kihokki> Seriously it's a nightlie
<muds> i can't use my sim now
<muds> also with other rom
<muds> other version
<Kihokki> Expect bugs
<muds> yeah
<muds> but also if i rollback
<Kihokki> Then flash stock via Odin
<muds> my sim just doesn't work
<a-st__> maybe your sim card is dead ;)
<muds> but it's really odd
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<muds> just search over the internet and i'm not the only one having this issue ( and the other ppl didn't used nightly )
<muds> i just searched*
<muds> it doesn't ask me a pin anymore
<muds> and i cant receive calls, sms, and other stuff
<a-st__> try the same sim in an other phone
<Kihokki> If they're using the same phone as you then I think it's just the phone
<muds> i'm trying the sim on another phone right now, but it's odd
<muds> nono Kihokki the phone was all different
<muds> someone had the same on sgs2
<muds> i'm on sgs3(int)
<Kihokki> Did they talk about RIL?
<muds> uhm i don't know what that is, so i honestly don't know
<muds> ok so on the other phone tells me the sim was defintively locked
<muds> how that can be possible O_O
<muds> i can't insert the puk? O:O
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<Kihokki> Hmm
<Kihokki> Why you can't?
<muds> it doesn't ask me for the puk :(
<Kihokki> Just put PUK into pin field
<Kihokki> Then press ok
<muds> mmmm but doesn't appear the window that asks me the code
<Kihokki> D:
<muds> it just boot up the phone
<muds> and tells me that's blocked
<muds> O_O i can't understand why
<muds> it just happened
<muds> without an explanable reason
<muds> but the question is, why on the other phone (that's a samsung stock with 4.1.2)
<muds> just do that
<muds> no one knows i suppose :P
<Kihokki> How about other sims?
<muds> it works with other sims
<Kihokki> I would to your operator if I were you
<Kihokki> *would call
<muds> yeah it might be that's the problem
<muds> i'll call
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<muds> so it's strange, there is no way to get the window to prompt me the pin?
<a-st__> maybe put the puk into the emergeny call window
<Kihokki> I think that the card may be broken too
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<muds> a-st__: doesn't work :(
<muds> Kihokki: that it's really strange because, once i updated, it asked me the pin, i inserted it and just keep me asking
<muds> so i rebooted and ta-dah
<a-st__> muds: unlock the sim with another mobile phone
<muds> a-st__: i just tried, but tells me that the sim it's locked
<muds> :(
<muds> so i suppose i need to change the sim
<muds> (it doesn't ask me the pin now )
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