nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<Jiangyi> OK, it worked after trying for like, 5 times. ._.
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<Chuck_Bartowski> #netbrick
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<Jiangyi> Not sure how this showed up on my stream..... ._.
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<chadouming> dafuq is that shit Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> chadouming: My thoughts exactly.
<chadouming> did you share to save her at least ?
<Jiangyi> I can't, my internet's struggling to load anything atm :-|
<chadouming> y u no tether with your phone ?
<Jiangyi> Also, not sure if I should buy into it.....
<Jiangyi> chadouming: That's gonna fail hard
* Jiangyi has no data plan
<chadouming> aw
<chadouming> what the hell are you doing with a nexus 4 with no data plan ?
<Jiangyi> idk xD
<Jiangyi> Blame overpriced data plans
<chadouming> haha
<chadouming> it only cost me 88$/month
<Jiangyi> Currently, phone services cost me $50/year xD
<chadouming> eh
<chadouming> they should make internet plan where your phone also serve as modem
<chadouming> they would win so much
<chadouming> 1st, can deserve easily even far away place
<chadouming> 2nd, people would not use internet when not at home
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<Jiangyi> +1
<Jiangyi> <string name="easter_egg">Magikarp used Splash but nothing happened.</string> <-Calculator easter eggs LOL
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> how do you get it ?
<chadouming> 0/0 ?
<Jiangyi> Now how do I translate that..... xD
<Jiangyi> Durno, just saw it in the strings
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<chadouming> wow
<chadouming> the calculator got fucking advanced
<Jiangyi> Yep, it's way beyond me now
* Jiangyi is having a horrible time trying to translate it
<Jiangyi> Too much math for high school student :-S
<chadouming> lol
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<DvineLord> is a good site for stock firmware?
<DvineLord> was wondering what type of file do you get directly from kies?
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<Onixs> DvineLord
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<Onixs> it is
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: tagged
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<DvineLord> stupid router
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<nebkat> hmm
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<nebkat> ikillcypher: dud
<nebkat> !nuclearbomb ikillcypher death
<clibot> ikillcypher: 10
<clibot> ikillcypher: 9
<clibot> ikillcypher: 8
<ikillcypher> you ban me from teamhacksung ?
<clibot> ikillcypher: 7
ikillcypher was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [Wrong wire! You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was silver.]
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<nebkat> !unban ikillcypher
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<Jakey> G;day, I'm having trouble sending pictures via messaging, once I press send, messaging force closes and it doesn't send - any ideas?
<ikillcypher> logs
<ikillcypher> we need to read what went wrong so we can fixed it
<Jakey> could you point me in the right direction? How do I take logs
<ikillcypher> download catlogs from playstore
<codeworkx> Jakey: mms? might be broken on last nightyl
<Jakey> I am running 01/03 at the moment. yes mms
<codeworkx> will be fixed with next nightly
<Thiagovfar> Nice... Just as I flash the nightly.
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<Jakey> so you expect 03/03 to have same problem?
<ikillcypher> Jakey, you could check
<ikillcypher> on whats is happending and when will it be fixed
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod10.1:GT-I9300:Nightly:Known issues - Teamhacksung Wiki
<codeworkx> Jakey:
<clibot> [Link] BBQLog - Official CyanogenMod 7, 9, 10 and 10.1 Changelog for Android distrubtion
<codeworkx> Jakey: seems to have the fix
<Jakey> so if I install 03/03 you saying it's fixed? @codeworkx ?
<codeworkx> Jakey: should be
<Jakey> Thanks I have been running 10.1 nightlies since start of feb, but only just tried to send mms today so I was unsure if it was a new issue or not. Thanks, I will upgrade to 03.03 now and cross fingers, thanks again :)
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<KNUBBIG> Hey, I've been trying to find information on how to update cwm and found a forum topic that used the dd command which I tried as well. The command executed correctly but didn't change a thing. Any help or more reliant way to update cwm? Thanks.
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<Thiagovfar> KNUBBIG: Don't mess with dd if you don't know what you're doing
<ikillcypher> lol
<KNUBBIG> Thiagovfar: what do you mean?
<Thiagovfar> dd can break thing rather easily
<KNUBBIG> Thiagovfar: I know that, that's why I read the thread carefully
<Thiagovfar> if you used dd on your boot or kernel partition, be glad your phone still boots.
<w00tc0d3> Thiagovfar: bullshit. dd on kernel doesn't matter
<KNUBBIG> But as it was sticky and nobody had complained it had done something wrong I figured out it would be safe to use
<KNUBBIG> dd if=/sdcard/recovery.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 was the command except that it ended with 22
<KNUBBIG> i know that's a big difference
<KNUBBIG> but I don't know why one thread says this and the other says that
<Thiagovfar> Different phones, maybe
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<KNUBBIG> Thought so but the thread didn't say these links differed from phone to phone so I figured they were the same for android :/
<KNUBBIG> any other help to update cwm?
<Thiagovfar> What device do you have?
<KNUBBIG> s3 i9300
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<Thiagovfar> I can't help. I don't have one of those.
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<KNUBBIG> damn. Thanks nevertheless :)
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<Thiagovfar> If it was a i9100 I'd tell you to leave recovery alone. It is built into the kernel.
<KNUBBIG> I guess I'll just leave the old version until there is the need to updated. Just wanted the update to be able to use cwm touch because I have bad experiences with physical buttons being wrecked :)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yay :-D
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<gabmus_> hello
<gabmus_> my brother has a problem with his i9100
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<Thiagovfar> gabmus_: what problem do you have?
<gabmus_> im writing it, wait :P
<gabmus_> the internal memory (i think you call it rom) is almost full, but apps are not the problem
<wolfpac> hi thiagovfar
<gabmus_> i tried with a factory reset but nothing
<gabmus_> running cm10.1
<wolfpac> !supported samsung
<clibot> wolfpac: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<wolfpac> claiming interface failed.... i get this when i type heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot
<wolfpac> can ne one here help me with this please
<wolfpac> formy galaxy S9000
<Thiagovfar> Wouldn't that be a Galaxy S i9000?
<gabmus_> i don't really know how to solve this problem... it is really strange and annoying
<gabmus_> mine i mean
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<Thiagovfar> wolfpac: Please check your phone model is it realy s9000 or is it i9000?
<wolfpac> galaxy s i9000
<wolfpac> tat was understood.. so i didnt . say it
<Thiagovfar> !device i9000
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Unknown device i9000
<wolfpac> the full name is Galaxy S I9000
<Thiagovfar> !device galaxys
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Unknown device galaxys
<Thiagovfar> !device galaxysmtd
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Information for Samsung Galaxy S:
<wolfpac> here the name is different
<wolfpac> one sec
<Thiagovfar> !geo user wolfpac
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<wolfpac> yea tat one
<wolfpac> excatly
<Thiagovfar> !geo host
<clibot> Thiagovfar: {country: "India", region: "Andhra Pradesh", city: "Hyderabad", latlong: {17.375305, 78.474396}, time: "Sun 19:59 IST"}
<wolfpac> wow
<wolfpac> ur investigating me ..
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<wolfpac> shudda used a proxy
<Thiagovfar> Yeah, because there's the i9000b
<Thiagovfar> on south america
<wolfpac> aaah
<Thiagovfar> Just double checking
<wolfpac> problem here in indiais ..
<wolfpac> none of the phones are manufactured here
<wolfpac> they are imported from china or korea ..
<wolfpac> or some other place
<Thiagovfar> Yeah, everywhere.
<Thiagovfar> Regardless of where they're assembled, there are different versions for different carriers (US) or regions.
<Thiagovfar> Anyway, try following the install guide up there
<mosasaur> I want to remount my external_sd with umask 0000, but mount ignores my options. Any ideas?
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<gabmus_> im trying to delete logs in /data/log
<Thiagovfar> mosasaur: What does it give you, instead?
<gabmus_> am i doing something wrong or dangerous?
<mosasaur> Thiagovfar: it gives the same options it had, except that I seem to be able to change things like noexec and nosuid
<mosasaur> but uid and gid fmask and dmask umask revert to their original values
<mosasaur> if I try to remount as ro (as a test), it fails with "device or resource is busy"
<Thiagovfar> What is the filesystem?
<mosasaur> vfat
<Thiagovfar> vfat only supports read/write flags
<mosasaur> ah thanks Thiagovfar, that clears that up
<mosasaur> but the mount is with on errors remount ro
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<Thiagovfar> something must have some file open for writing
<gabmus_> ok, i think that was the porblem
<gabmus_> thank you anyway
<gabmus_> bye
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<mosasaur> /dev/block/vold/179:25 /data/local/mnt/external_sd vfat rw,dirsync,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1015,fmask=0702,dmask=0702,allow_utime=0020,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,utf8,errors=remount-ro 0 0
<mosasaur> ^ output of mount
<Frd^> looks good
<mosasaur> Thiagovfar: yes I think something is having a file open but fuser -m did not find it
<mosasaur> Frd^: it looks good, but only root can access files
<Frd^> hisecure
<Thiagovfar> lsof /data/local/mnt/external_sd
<Thiagovfar> but don't post the output here, if it's huge
<mosasaur> yeah huge! :-)
<mosasaur> but that's probably because I am running a chroot on that device. I am rebooting now.
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<mosasaur> how can it still give so much output after umount /storage/sdcard1 ?
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<mosasaur> " If name is a path to a directory that is not the mounted-on directory name of a file system, it is
<mosasaur> treated just as a regular file is treated - i.e., its listing is restricted to processes that have it
<mosasaur> open as a file or as a process-specific directory, such as the root or current working directory."
<mosasaur> ^ lsof
<mosasaur> so there are still hundreds of processes referring to this sdcard, after it's unmounted?
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<addy_> hi
<addy_> guys i need help with samsung note gt n7000
<addy_> is anyone there?
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<mosasaur> I have a gt-n7000
<addy_> wow
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<addy_> dude i got tuck, while flashing, at the upgrade gone wrong issue screen
<addy_> its not going to recovery screen anymore
<addy_> only download screen is posssible to access
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<addy_> hi can anybody help me oout
<addy_> I am stuck at download sreen on my gt n7000
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<DvineLord> will this method for installing cwm actually work?
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i777 - CyanogenMod
<DvineLord> imma try it once this phone charges
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<DvineLord> awesome that worked. glad i didnt have to search for a tar kernel to flash
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<clibot> [Link] Dropbox - 2013-03-03-12-59-39.txt - Simplify your life
<chadouming> fix permissions Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Not my logcat, someone else's :-/
<nebkat> chadouming: I hope you dont mean the recovery menu item :P
<Jiangyi> Guy complaining about video lagging...
<chadouming> nebkat : ofc no, i'm talking about the option in bbqtools :P
<nebkat> oh my :P
<nebkat> that is the same thing idiotte!
<chadouming> nou
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<clibot> [Link] State lawmaker defends bike tax, says bicycling is not good for the environment | Seattle Bike Blog
* Jiangyi facepalms
<Jiangyi> WTH is nonsense?
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<chadouming> wut
<chadouming> just, wut
<Jiangyi> WTH is this nonsense*
<chadouming> “You would be giving off more CO2 if you are riding a bike than driving in a car,” he said. However, he said he had not “done any analysis” of the difference in CO2 from a person on a bike compared to the engine of a car
<chadouming> dafuq
<Jiangyi> #AmericanLogic
<Jiangyi> Where's frankdrey when you need him :-P
<Jiangyi> Have to have him explain this foolishness
<chadouming> seriously, kill that guy
<chadouming> also kill his childrens
<chadouming> his sibling
<chadouming> and all his fan
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: uploaded intl bootloaders to thread and lsp modem to rommanager
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Heh... I posted those on the thread a while back xD
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-I9100G][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies - Page 206 - xda-developers
<Jiangyi> chadouming: In Chinese, there's a saying: 诛灭九族
<Jiangyi> Which is basically the punishment that requires your entire extended family to be wiped out :-P
<chadouming> Zhumie the Aboriginal
<chadouming> ?
<Jiangyi> Yeah, Google translate fail lol
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<chadouming> lol
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<chadouming> but yeah, 诛灭九族 that guy !
<Jiangyi> +1
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<chadouming> i probably don't know, but in fact it mean : "I want to have sex with" and you are just expecting me to post that somewhere
<Jiangyi> LOL
<Jiangyi> Nah, I'm not that kind of guy :-P
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: move here
<nebkat> chadouming: can we let w00tc0d3 use one of the servers?
<nebkat> and pay appropriately?
<chadouming> wut ?
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: 13EUR, for a chroot with SSH
<w00tc0d3> a month
<chadouming> no
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<clibot> [Link] MDBG English to Chinese dictionary
<Jiangyi> Close enough :-P
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: unless you want the automated nightlies or bbqd I guess its a no :/
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: seems approriate to me
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: none of us use the server, it would be a lot of extra load
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: chadouming: give me another offer, i need ssh
Miyamoto has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Miyamoto> Hello folks ^_^
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: chadouming: I agree with capping HDD space on 300GB or something
<w00tc0d3> I only need a few AOSP/CM/AOKP/PA/W00TR0M trees
<Miyamoto> Could I get some help please ??
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: mmh... too much for us sorry
<nebkat> Miyamoto: ask your q
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: 150GB
<w00tc0d3> 175GB*
<nebkat> well overall
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<nebkat> we dont mind if its automated (at night) or through bbqd
<nebkat> we still need the server for ourselves
<Miyamoto> I installed CM 10.1 last nightly on my samsung S II, but now it's simlocked, I tried Galaxy S unlock and Salaxy S2 SIM unlock >> in vain ..
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: oO
<clibot> [Link] BBQ
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: its our default page
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: yes, but check @ load and @ ram
<nebkat> and we have wildcard subdomain
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: yeha, and it should stay that way :P
<nebkat> btw thats not even the ex10 xD
<w00tc0d3> lol
<w00tc0d3> it's a waste of resources ;PPP
<w00tc0d3> it doesn't matter for you if I use the server, because you pay the same and I pay, too :P
<w00tc0d3> you pay 20EUR/m per person
<Miyamoto> anyone can suggest me a solution please ?
<w00tc0d3> and I do 13 EUR/m :P
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: when we get rich from bbqd then i'll buy a server all for myself
<chadouming> w00tc0d3, nope
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: chad actuall pays 100e/m xD
<w00tc0d3> XD
<nebkat> 110 to be precise
<chadouming> eh, and you forgot bacon xD
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: to throw you back in reality, BBQDROID probably won't make you rich xD
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: i kno :'(
<w00tc0d3> maybe it won't be enough to finance the servers!
<chadouming> but anyway, this give us the possibility to scale
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: do the math pl0xx
<Miyamoto> I installed this and get my S2 sim locked
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-I9100][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies // discussion thread - xda-developers
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: ok, let's say 150EUR/m = 150000 (EUR CENT) / 18 = 8333 builds pr month xDDDDDDDDDDDD
<nebkat> ?
<nebkat> what
<Miyamoto> Could someone advise please (:
<nebkat> this is how you calculate
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: to get the minimum builds to finance the box
<nebkat> !math 60 * 24 * 30 / 7
<clibot> nebkat: 6,171.428571428572
<nebkat> each can do 6000 builds at max capacity
<nebkat> !math 6000 * 0.25
<clibot> nebkat: 1,500
<chadouming> Miyamoto, CM doesnt unlock your phone
<nebkat> full capacity 1500
<nebkat> make it 1/15 capacity and it still pays off
<Jiangyi> Miyamoto: Samsung put in anti-soft unlock things in the RIL that CM now uses. :/
<w00tc0d3> max capacity =
<Miyamoto> chadouming: the phone was ok, but before installing CM , it says flash kernel in the thread .. that's what I did and then it got locked
<w00tc0d3> !math 60 / 7 * 24 * 31
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 6,377.142857142858
<w00tc0d3> each month
<nebkat> hlj
<nebkat> you did the exact same as me with one more day :P
<w00tc0d3> !math 6337 / 0.18
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 35,205.555555555555
<Miyamoto> Jiangyi: I dont know about RIL,
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<w00tc0d3> !math 6337 * 0.18
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 1,140.6599999999999
<w00tc0d3> 1140EUR/m at full capacity
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<w00tc0d3> I know XDA's got a buildbox
<nebkat> !math 0.25 usd eur
<clibot> nebkat: Error evaluating expression.
<nebkat> !money 0.25 usd eur
<clibot> nebkat: 0.25 USD = 0.19 EUR
<w00tc0d3> dunno if it's for RD's only
<Miyamoto> nebkat: didi yousee my q ^^ ?
<Miyamoto> Sorry for my bad english am moroccan ..
<nebkat> Miyamoto: it wasnt simlocked before?
<nebkat> but it is after cm?
<Miyamoto> nop it was ok >> working under 2.3.5 stock
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: ping me if you come back on my offer
<Miyamoto> nebkat: I think it's CWM ??
<nebkat> Miyamoto: we never change simlock
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: wanna use bbqd anyway? :P
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: I really need Jenkins integration, sorry :P
<Miyamoto> nebkat: I'm not accusing you, just saying , I think it's CWM that SIMLocked it ..
<clibot> [Link] [KERNEL] ClockworkMod Recovery - xda-developers
<nebkat> Miyamoto: impossible
<nebkat> cwm and cm never simlock
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: and there are so many people offering *free* boxes to build on... that I just came to you because I knew BBQTEAM had a box, and wanted to pay for good quality :D
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: honestly i'd give it to you
<nebkat> but everyone else says no :P
<w00tc0d3> :P
<Miyamoto> nebkat: but I did exactly what the instructions said :/ how can it be possible then ? ;-(
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: xplodwild: if you come back to it, ping me,
<nebkat> Miyamoto: you cant use your sim now?
<chadouming> w00tc0d3, these box are winzip thing most of the time
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<chadouming> we build from source every time
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: dont listen to the quebeccan
<nebkat> oh
<nebkat> nvm
<nebkat> chadouming: I thought you meant our boxes xD
<Miyamoto> nebkat: yes, it asks network code :/
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: winzip thing?
<Miyamoto> the rom is smooth and working perfectly
<Bert__> Miyamoto, since 20130217 some Samsung stuff was added that borked things.
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: boxes are real life?
<chadouming> wait
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: ah... you mean CM building from source?!
<chadouming> are you talking about online kitchen
<clibot> [Link] Sim Network Unlock - Samsung Galaxy S II Experimental Mod - CyanogenMod Forum
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: I'm running my own ROM
<chadouming> or linux box online
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: and I searched a build environment for it
<clibot> [Link] I9100 Info - CyanogenMod
<chadouming> eh, maybe one day we'll allow custom rom
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: I have my own ROM -> want to do nightlies, 8 devices -> need ssh -> ??? -> profit
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: and I wanted to pay 13EUR/m for it
<Miyamoto> Bert__: thanks Im checking it out
<chadouming> that's not what we are offering
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: no. i gave a custom offer
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<nebkat> chadouming: we are not offering ssh access
<chadouming> i know
<nebkat> lets do eet
<nebkat> buy ex10
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: nebkat offered bbqdroid things for a fair price, but it doesn't fit in how i want it ;-)
<nebkat> rent to 6 ppl for 15e/m
<nebkat> ???
<nebkat> PROFIT
<Miyamoto> Bert__: thanks for the precious information , I'm not a pro but I think I have the miminum requirement to flash a rom etc, I missed that after a certain point, cm started to corrupt efs ..
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: want you rom on bbqd in the future?
<nebkat> for others to use
<nebkat> you get part of the money too btw
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: oh, does it *cost* me money?
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<nebkat> w00tc0d3: no
<nebkat> you allow us to include your rom
<nebkat> we build it for $0.25 cost to user
<nebkat> you get some amount of that
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: then, no problem, I'll finish it :)
<Bert__> Yeah, I was lucky. I flashed 20130217 with no problem and then saw the issues being reported. Obviously I am waiting to update until things are cleared up.
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: like... $0.10 or more like $0.05?
<Miyamoto> nebkat: Bert__ will it be unlocked if I flash another ROM ? =)
<w00tc0d3> Miyamoto: no.
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: more like 0.025
<Miyamoto> nebkat: Bert__ sorry for my annoyance
<nebkat> Miyamoto: np, have fun
<Miyamoto> :(
<w00tc0d3> !money 0.025 USD EUR
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 0.03 USD = 0.02 EUR
<Jiangyi> Don't buy locked phones next time :-P
<w00tc0d3> ROFLCOPTER
<w00tc0d3> well, ok
<nebkat> !money 0.25 usd eur
<clibot> nebkat: 0.25 USD = 0.19 EUR
<nebkat> thats more like it
<w00tc0d3> my previous ROM had 512k downloads
<nebkat> 0.019
<nebkat> xD
<w00tc0d3> in one month
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: that sounds nice
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: all you have to do is stop nightlies and do weeklies or something
<nebkat> BAM
<Miyamoto> Jiangyi: it was unlocked .. since installing cm10.1 nightly
<w00tc0d3> !math 100000 * 0.02
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 2,000
<Bert__> Miyamoto, I don't know.
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: weeklies?
<Jiangyi> Miyamoto: You mean you bought it factory unlocked?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: my old ROMs had nightlies, that made them nice!
<Miyamoto> Bert__: ok :'(
<Miyamoto> Quote : WARNING: as of this writing, it seems like the nighties somewhere after started to corrupt the /efs partition (where IMEI and other important stuff is stored), so proceed with caution! Details/discussion in [1].
<Miyamoto> I missed this ..
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: everyday I merged new AOKP and kernel patches and so I kept people happy :D
<Miyamoto> Jiangyi: yes it was unlocked under 2.3.5 stock
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: money or nightlies
<nebkat> U CHUSE
<Jiangyi> o_O OK, that's bizarre then.
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Any insights into this?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: lemme do quick math, let's say 50k people do one build a month (it'd probably 10k people 2 builds a week but k), and I get 0.02
<w00tc0d3> !math 10000 * 8
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 80,000
<w00tc0d3> !math 80000 * 0.02
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 1,600
* w00tc0d3 is rich
<w00tc0d3> nebkat is rich
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: dont you love it when you start doing simple math with the bot?
<w00tc0d3> chadouming is rich
<waratte> waratte is rich
<chadouming> chadouming is not rich
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: haha yeah, on sunday evening I'm too damn lazy to calculate things
<chadouming> living well as a student, but definitively not rich
<nebkat> !bomb waratte easy get this right and you gonna be rich k?
<clibot> waratte: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (RED, GREEN, BLUE) before time runs out!
<clibot> waratte: 10
<clibot> waratte: 9
<clibot> waratte: 8
<clibot> waratte: 7
<clibot> waratte: 6
<clibot> waratte: 5
<clibot> waratte: 4
<clibot> waratte: 3
<clibot> waratte: 2
<clibot> waratte: 1
waratte was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red.]
<nebkat> damn
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<waratte> o_o
<Miyamoto> Thanks for all who answered me
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<nebkat> waratte: want to play again?
<waratte> Lol, no.
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: you know pulser pretty good, right? :p
<nebkat> sure
<w00tc0d3> would he give me access to XDA buildbox even if I ain't RD?
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<w00tc0d3> in mind keeping, that I have slow PC?
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: link me to your old rom
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: lets ask teammate for stats, k?
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: I just want to see the rom
<w00tc0d3> because there was quite some annoyance about it
<nebkat> out of curiosity
<w00tc0d3> and in the end XDA wasn't happy
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: about what
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: the ROM, there was a team about Paradoxxx, netchip and me.
<Miyamoto> folks, may I ask something again ^_^ ?
<w00tc0d3> I cooperated with netchip and Paradoxxx
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: :O
<nebkat> :OOOOOOOO
<Jiangyi> Uh oh.
<nebkat> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
<nebkat> :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
<w00tc0d3> wat
<Jiangyi> Wuh oh.
<nebkat> you. netchip. and...
<nebkat> Paradoxx?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
<w00tc0d3> i did backstage things
<w00tc0d3> netchip kanged things
<w00tc0d3> and paradoxxx did the social things
<chadouming> LOL
<Espenfjo> haha
<nebkat> xD
<chadouming> you can forget the xda buildbox access xD
<w00tc0d3> ikr xD
<nebkat> chadouming: xD
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: I hope you have moved on from them fools
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: ofc
<w00tc0d3> paradoxxx scammed us all
<w00tc0d3> the users, netchip and me
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: what was the rom called again?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: HyDrOG3N-ICS
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: what is your rom now
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: W00TR0M
<Jiangyi> lol I remember hydrogen
<w00tc0d3> it was quite good & popular
<w00tc0d3> and Paradox was a good guy, except he couldn't handle all the donations
<w00tc0d3> i recently signed up at xda
<chadouming> yeah right, hence why the good guy scam everyone ?
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: probably due to his parents not learning how to handle money
<chadouming> lol
<nebkat> paradoxxx was an asshole, but lets not go into that
<Espenfjo> Probably not
<w00tc0d3> well
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: well what does your rom have that is unique
<chadouming> there is a difference between not knowing how to handle money and steal people
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: I pick the best things from all ROMs
<w00tc0d3> based on AOSP
<Jiangyi> Bah, mashups :-|
<w00tc0d3> Jiangyi: ?
<chadouming> yet another mashup
<chadouming> w00tc0d3, apparently it's the trend
<chadouming> people does that for rom, theme, kernel
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: the interesting thing is
<nebkat> cm probably has over 10 million users
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: it's the trend yeah, but you saw the fucking stats of HyDrOG3NICS?
<nebkat> considering the amount of people that opt out of stats
* Jiangyi sticks with CM
<Jiangyi> CM 4 life
<nebkat> if only 1% of those used bbqd once a month
<nebkat> !math 10000000*0.01*0.25
<clibot> nebkat: 25,000
<w00tc0d3> would be cool
<nebkat> 25000 eur per month
* Jiangyi put up a root guide once. The file got well over 30000 downloads xD
<w00tc0d3> think about it
<Jiangyi> Then Mediafire said it was it violated their ToS and pulled it T_T
<Jiangyi> - it
<chadouming> haha
<Jiangyi> - was
<w00tc0d3> a huge box with 1Gbit/s had a downtime of 2 hours because users massively downloaded HyDro
<w00tc0d3> 512k downloads = 51200k MB
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<w00tc0d3> and that x2
<w00tc0d3> it was HUGE
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: get all your fools on bbqd to repay the shit paradoxx did xD
<chadouming> 512K download in 1 month ?
<w00tc0d3> chadouming: 1 1/2 month yes
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: hope bbqd can handle it xDDDD
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: more users = more servers
<nebkat> it wont be an issue
<chadouming> w00tc0d3, we have scalability
<nebkat> we get the money before users can build
<nebkat> we are thinking of allowing max X builds per day
<nebkat> to stop spammin
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: hope you can convince pulser to get me on that box... lol
<nebkat> no
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: altho... Paradoxxx got recognized contributor
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: you know you dont need to clobber between each build?
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<nebkat> w00tc0d3: stupid approvers? :P
<nebkat> I saw yeah
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: just run mka bacon and it'll only recompile what has changed
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: not when makesfiles change
<w00tc0d3> makefiles*
<w00tc0d3> and there is some child @ cyanogenmod-dev who got access to buildbox but won't say who have it :'(
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: which makefiles are you changing?
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: if I merge things, Makefiles change
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: just dont merge all the time
<nebkat> work over day
<nebkat> then sync and clobber at night
<nebkat> I lived on a shitty laptop that took 3 hours to compile GINGERBREAD
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: at night?!?!?!!
<w00tc0d3> at night my PC has to be turned off
<w00tc0d3> it's on my bedroom
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> i have a pc and a laptop open all the time
<chadouming> both in my room
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: then clobber during the day while you are afk
<nebkat> chadouming: same
<nebkat> not in my room though
<nebkat> its silent enough if it had to be
<w00tc0d3> lol i hate that
<chadouming> laptop is silent
<chadouming> pc is not since i had to go back to stock heatsink
<w00tc0d3> nebkat: I have parents... They're going to kill me if they say how many kilo watt hours my computer uses if it's to be turned on the whole day :P
<nebkat> w00tc0d3: your parents check the kWh meter? xD
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<w00tc0d3> nebkat: my father knows my PC uses 200 watt under full load
<DvineLord> what gapps are recommended for 4.2.x?
<nebkat> we have like 4pcs/laptops turned on almost all the tiem
<nebkat> DvineLord: latest
<w00tc0d3> 200 * 8 = 1.5kW, = 0.30cent
<DvineLord> 1130 is recommended
<nebkat> DvineLord: whichever is latest on
<DvineLord> 1212 is latest
<nebkat> use it then
<DvineLord> hope i can find a quick rom for this i777, too bad i wont be able to test calls since i only have microsim and no adapter
<w00tc0d3> phew
<w00tc0d3> DrMacinyasha is around
<w00tc0d3> he's doing
<clibot> [Link]
<DvineLord> is that one you built yourself?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: good boy
<nebkat> Jiangyi: still dont want any of that cocaine?
<Jiangyi> Yeah, after I saw that the one on has a bad Google Now :-P
raXuz|Away is now known as raXuz
<Jiangyi> nebkat: NU
<nebkat> is that a yes?
<Jiangyi> No.
<Jiangyi> Nada.
<Jiangyi> Zip.
<Jiangyi> 不要.
<Jiangyi> Non.
<w00tc0d3> NEIN
<Jiangyi> Nein!
<chadouming> 9
<Jiangyi> lol
<DvineLord> i like mediafire no wait time and fast dls
<w00tc0d3> i hate dat popups
<DvineLord> adblock plus
<Jiangyi> Adblock ftw
<DvineLord> i havent seen popups in years
<w00tc0d3> paywalls!
<w00tc0d3> think about it
<DvineLord> thats where bugmenot can help
<DvineLord> =)
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Yoshimo has joined #teamhacksung-support
<ravel> hello everybody. I have the save network lock problem as this poster:
<clibot> [Link] Sim Network Unlock - Samsung Galaxy S II Experimental Mod - CyanogenMod Forum
<ravel> however, I can't play with Odin because my Win7 64bit (or Odin) doesn't recognize the phone (Galaxy S II)
<ravel> it doesn't even show as an unknown device in the device manager. nothing happens when I plug it in, and have tried everything(?)
<DvineLord> does adb work?
<ravel> download mode and recovery - the same thing, windows or odin don't see the phone.
<DvineLord> did you install the drivers?
<DvineLord> try to use another port and not a usb 3.0 port or maybe another cable
<ravel> drivers have been installed, including the google usb driver.
<ravel> all ports have been tried, also different computers and different cables
<DvineLord> i use winxp cause it gives least issues with EVERYTHING
<clibot> [Link] View any installed/connected USB device on your system
<DvineLord> use that see if it shows anything for your phone
<DvineLord> uninstalling devices from there doesnt physically remove the drivers, itll just reconfigure them again if they are jacked when you plug device in again
<ravel> let's see
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<chadouming> that is sa
<chadouming> d
<ravel> it shows two android adb interfaces and two Samsung usb devices
<DvineLord> does it say device is plugged up?
<chadouming> might have to throw away an almost new case because i threw away HDD screw xD
<chatonmeow> !supported Samsung
<clibot> chatonmeow: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmt
<ravel> DvineLord: one of them is, but that is my hard drive :-P others are not
<DvineLord> if the phone is unplugged uninstall the samsung devices
<DvineLord> then plug phone in again
<ravel> the both samsungs are actually hard drives.
<DvineLord> oh
<DvineLord> what is format /preload in cwm?
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<ravel> so, no trace of the phone. it is running Cyanogenmod 10.1 NIGHTLY 20130224
<DvineLord> turn the phone off
<DvineLord> see if it detects
<ravel> how do I check that preload?
<DvineLord> im asking
<DvineLord> im in cwm now asking what that does.
<ravel> umm... are you asking what that does in my phone?
<DvineLord> who cares
<DvineLord> what it does on any phone
<ravel> format: not found
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<DvineLord> what version of cwm are you using? im using
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<ravel> oops. I tried that in cm, not cwm.
<DvineLord> i think your confused
<DvineLord> how could you try that in cm
<ravel> heh. is cwm's version.
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<ravel> well, I found that format but I wonder if I should even try it
<DvineLord> i did then flashed rom
<DvineLord> seems fine
<DvineLord> i777 has a pretty crappy touchscreen
<ravel> I can flash anything with Odin because the phone doesn't show in Windows in any way...
<DvineLord> that does suck though
<DvineLord> does it not charge with the phone turned off?
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<ravel> it charges ok
<DvineLord> with the computer?
<DvineLord> if the phone worked fine before connected to computer and it charges now with the phone powered off connected to the computer then i assume the problem is your rom
<ravel> dunno - it doesn't show up in download mode either
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<jcrompton> I am having a problem with a specific app called Vocera for hospital communication. The device will work fine for my NOte 2 on any Sammy based ROM but when I try to use it on a CM10 or AOSP based ROM the app installs but will not accept the server and registration key entry. I have a log during installation of the app and the entry of the registration key if someone thought they might could help. The app developer s
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<jcrompton> Log for VMP install and reg key entry :: 02-27 15:19:40.718 D/dalvikvm(20221): GC_CONCURRENT freed 2235K, 17% free 12034K/14448K, paused 2ms+4ms, total 31ms 02-27 15:19:41.838 D/Finsky (20221): [1] InstallerImpl.requestInstall: Request install of vocera.vmp v=84 for single_install 02-27 15:19:41.843 D/Finsky (20221): [1] InstallerImpl.kick: Installer kick vocera.vmp - starting vocera.vmp 02-27 15:19:41.923 D/dalvikvm
<jcrompton> sorry log didn't paste ,, not sure how to send on chat
<xplodwild> w00tc0d3: pong
<DvineLord> so what did igio90 do to get shitlisted from xda?
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<Kihokki> DvineLord: Dunno but I rely on Faryaabs SuperNexus
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<DvineLord> thats on my list to flash
<DvineLord> went with hellybean first. this touchscreen seems pretty unresponsive though.
<DvineLord> what phone u have Kihokki?
<Kihokki> DvineLord: Samsung i9100
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<DvineLord> ill trade you a i777 for it
<Kihokki> DvineLord: lol btw got amazing battery life on Supernexus
<Kihokki> About 10 hours with random use and constant wife connection
<DvineLord> my main phone htc one xl evita been having issues with all 4.2.X roms except cm10.1
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<DvineLord> i have jellybam 6.4.0 on it now first boot gave System UI fc
<DvineLord> but jellybam has progressed alot. id like to get liquidsmooth on my evita though, love that rom.
<Kihokki> Well I can tell you that Supernexus is awesome
<DvineLord> hopefully this i777 likes it. my main this with mine is touchscreen. and the screen so used to my 4.7" 720p display
<Kihokki> It will work as it says
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][AOSP][JB][4.2.2][JDQ39] SuperNexus 2.0 - I9100 - BUILD 3 [17-02-13] - xda-developers
<ravel> I restored my old CM 9.0 backup. however, it is not rooted, so I cannot use Mobile Odin.
<ravel> any idea how I could get superuser access on it?
<Kihokki> What's wrong with PC odin?
<ravel> it doesn't detect my phone.
<Kihokki> Which phone?
<Miyamoto> ravel: do u have USB drivers installed ?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: enterteein me
<Kihokki> I was going to ask same
<ravel> Miyamoto: of course. I already discussed that on this channel two hours ago... :-)
<ravel> so, any idea how to root cm 9?
<Kihokki> lol how did you ever installed CM9 on it then?
<ravel> with odin, in last August
<Kihokki> Yeah, link me a CM which you can flash with Odin
<ravel> I have tried to find a way to enable su on this but haven't found any
<ravel> this is frustratig...
<Kihokki> Flashing CM via Odin is not possible
<Kihokki> Trolling or something
<ravel> I am trying to flash stock rom, I already have it on the phone.
<ravel> as a zip file, I mean.
<Kihokki> But you made Odin already work with PC
<Kihokki> Just plug in the phone with download mode on, uninstall its drivers and replug it, don't let it download anything from Windows update
<ravel> odin or windows do not detect the phone, so I can't
<ravel> I have already tried uninstalling all the drivers (several times)
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<ravel> 23:33 < ravel> so, any idea how to root cm 9?
<Kihokki> You're doing it wrong then
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<ravel> it seems no one has come up with the right way
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<DvineLord> supernexus really that good of a rom?
<Kihokki> DvineLord, Absolutely
<DvineLord> better run smoother then the ones ive tried
<Kihokki> ravel, We've told you that you need to make your usb drivers work already
<DvineLord> that or im just used to the speed of the MSM8960
<Kihokki> Well, I use this every day
<DvineLord> if ravel phone charges while it's powered off hooked up to the computer i think it is a rom issue not driver issue
<DvineLord> ive had some roms where usb doesnt work, since it's cm10 it might be a freak install
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<DvineLord> ravel, use this method to boot cwm then flash super cwm flashable zip
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i777 - CyanogenMod
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<ravel> DvineLord: that is a bit older version than what I have now
<ravel> Kihokki: afaik they should work as intended
<ravel> (of course I am trying to install stock, not cm)
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<Kihokki> DvineLord, Well usb charging should be working
<Kihokki> Also, I'm on Ubuntu and S2 works as mass storage mode, and as a modem too. Download mode works via Heimdall.
<Kihokki> Everything is fine.
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<ovr9000> I'm looking to update to CM 10.1 and I'm running Android 2.3.4 with an old balls kernel ( and rom (villainrom 2.5). Do I need to update the kernel and android version before flashing to CM or is it safe to go for it? apologies for being a noob
<ovr9000> or does CM 10.1 come with android 4.2.1 and I'm a bigger idiot than I thought?
<Kihokki> which device?
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<Kihokki> ovr9000
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<Kihokki> !devices
<clibot> Kihokki: Unknown command "devices"
<Kihokki> !help
<clibot> Kihokki: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !tts}, {!math}, {!money}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<Kihokki> !device
<Kihokki> !changelog N7105
<clibot> Kihokki: Unknown device N7105
<Kihokki> !supported
<clibot> Kihokki: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Kihokki> hnnngh
<Kihokki> !changelog n7105
<clibot> Kihokki: Unknown device n7105
<Kihokki> !math 100/0
<clibot> Kihokki: ∞
<chadouming|m> Eh, nice try
<DDave> !math 100/0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
<clibot> DDave: ∞
<DDave> :3
<DDave> :(
<DDave> Forgive me, I had to try
<ovr9000> sgs2 i9100
<chadouming|m> Even if it's javaz it's well made :P
<DDave> May you bomb me?
<Kihokki> I had one bot which crashed if divided by zero but I made it to kill users attempting that :p
<Kihokki> !math 100/@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
<clibot> Kihokki: Error evaluating expression.
<Kihokki> :T
<Kihokki> ovr9000, Well when you install CM it also installs new kernel
<Kihokki> But I would still recommend using SuperNexus because battery life
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<Kihokki> And both of them are Android 4.2.2
<chadouming|m> !bomb ddave
<clibot> ddave: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (RED, GREEN, BLUE) before time runs out!
<clibot> ddave: 10
<clibot> ddave: 9
<clibot> ddave: 8
<clibot> ddave: 7
<clibot> ddave: 6
<clibot> ddave: 5
<clibot> ddave: 4
<clibot> ddave: 3
<clibot> ddave: 2
<clibot> ddave: 1
DDave was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red.]
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<chadouming|m> xD
<DDave> :(
<DDave> xD
<Kihokki> CM has more features but Supernexus is more stable ovr9000
<chadouming|m> Try not to yell it !
<DDave> And yes, I find this kind of game rather entertaining!
<chadouming|m> !bomb 3 ddave
<clibot> 3: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (RED, GREEN, BLUE) before time runs out!
<clibot> 3: 10
<clibot> 3: 9
<clibot> 3: 8
<DDave> green
<clibot> 3: 7
<clibot> 3: 6
<clibot> 3: 5
<clibot> 3: 4
<clibot> 3: 3
<DDave> red
<chadouming|m> Aww
<clibot> 3: 2
<DDave> blue
<DDave> how
<clibot> 3: 1
<DDave> do I
<DDave> use
<chadouming|m> Stupid bot
<Kihokki> lol :D
<DDave> !red
<clibot> DDave: Unknown command "red"
<DDave> !cut green
<clibot> DDave: Unknown command "cut"
<DDave> ? xD
<chadouming|m> My bad, I bombed "3"
<chadouming|m> !bomb ddave 3
<clibot> ddave: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE, PURPLE, BROWN, WHITE, BLACK, GREY) before time runs out!
<clibot> ddave: 10
<DDave> chadouming|m, thank you for the good fun
<clibot> ddave: 9
<clibot> ddave: 8
<clibot> ddave: 7
<Kihokki> !bomb Kihokki
<DDave> !cut green
<clibot> Kihokki: You do not have permission to run "bomb"
<clibot> DDave: Unknown command "cut"
<clibot> ddave: 6
<clibot> ddave: 5
<clibot> ddave: 4
<DDave> green
<clibot> ddave: 3
<clibot> ddave: 2
<clibot> ddave: 1
<DDave> red
DDave was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was grey.]
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<DDave> what the heck :(
<ovr9000> @ Kihokki I was looking at the supernexus and dorimanx kernel, I'll try the supernexus first. thanks for the help
<chadouming|m> NEBKAT fix your bot
<DDave> chadouming|m, thanks for the fun
<DDave> I shall be back for more when the bot works :D
<ovr9000> and Im liking this bomb game haha
<Kihokki> ovr9000, I actually use it without Dorimanx as I used to before, but I find that Supernexus works better with its own CM based kernel
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][AOSP][JB][4.2.2][JDQ39] SuperNexus 2.0 - I9100 - BUILD 3 [17-02-13] - xda-developers
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<Jiangyi> Oh lawd. Faryaab.
<Kihokki> Well, it's CM kernel after all
<Kihokki> Jiangyi, Woot
<Jiangyi> Kang-fest xP
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