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<Guest58236> Hi. Am I in good place to ask a question regarding CyanogenMod 10.1?
<Guest58236> hello?
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<Jake_> G'day G'day - I have a bluetooth OBD2 interface to my car, I can pair with it but the app which interfaces it can't seem to connect - any ideas?
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<Jake_> Can someone provide the known issues link? (not the one linked on xda)
<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: CyanogenMod
<frankdrey> bleh
<frankdrey> codeworkx, what did you do to the wiki? D:
<Jake_> Cheers matey
<frankdrey> Jake_, it used to be on the wiki, but is gone :(
<Jake_> Are they on the JIRA or will I be wasting time signing up there?
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<frankdrey> no idea
<frankdrey> Jake_, I'm looking at JIRA and I'm not registered
<clibot> [Link] Issue Navigator - CyanogenMod JIRA
<jomp16> Finally my new mobo is here
<jomp16> I will pick today
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<fasdfa> hi
<fasdfa> ive rooted and flashed a one note 2 with cyanogene mod 10.1. Now i have bad signal bars and have no LTE. Any help
<fasdfa> anyone here
<jomp16> Not related --> How multitask works on Android and iOS?
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<PandaUK> Hello, i updated CM mod on my phone (galaxy s3 international) and it took away the reboot option to go into recovery mode, how do i access recovery mode now?
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<wilfred> hi
<wilfred> i got an error while trying to instal, it says (Status 7) Installation aborted.
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<byon> !support Samsung
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<byon> Hi there, my battery page is screwed after flashing to CM 10.1
<byon> any idea how do i fix that page?
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<tropozoid> on the wiki there are a few links for the radio. I installed a nightly build. Which radio do i have to choose ?
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<mastering> someone in here ?
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<Ruszek83> Hello
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<Ruszek83> Does anyone else experiencing problems with Kies with this ROM =?
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<Ruszek83> anyone here ?!?!
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<Bert__> Why would you want to use Kies with CM? I would not expect it to work. You would need to return to a stock ROM for KIES to work. I would assume that Kies Desktop not be able to see the phone and that Air Kies to look for some specific thing in the Samsung ROM. If you are looking for a replacement for Air Keis (on the device) look at Airdroid.
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<Demosthenex> nice! so when trying to submit information regarding an issue, attach in forum or uncompressed files?
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<_jomp16> Thanks God, I got my PC again
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<Demosthenex> nice. so updating my s2 to 10.1 killed bluetooth completely. it won't even start.
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<Demosthenex> better. 10.1 gets no call audio at all
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<EnderBlue> !supported Samsung
<EnderBlue> bot is broken. that, or ChanServ is lying to me.
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<jomp16> Installing Arch on my real PC :-)
<codeworkx> +1
<Demosthenex> hurrah! no call audio at all, and i can unlock my pattern with any pattern, and bypass locks via the camera on the lock screen.
<Demosthenex> time to roll back to 10.0
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<Demosthenex> damn, next time i should make a nandroid backup instead of just titanium.
<jomp16> Yeah
<jomp16> Nandroid is trhe best backup ever
<jomp16> The *
<Demosthenex> yeah, its fine
<Demosthenex> i'll reformat, apply 10.0 and restore all
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<Demosthenex> ah well i'll make a backup of the borked copy just in case ;]
<jomp16> The bugs isn't in known issues?
<Demosthenex> is now
<Demosthenex> well i filed in jira
<jomp16> So, cody need to put more hacks, for now forget about it?
<Demosthenex> pardon, was that english?
<Demosthenex> if you mean if the coders need to implement more code to fix the issue, it is quite likely.
<jomp16> Cody = code workx
<Demosthenex> for now they have logcats, but my phone is unusuable, so i'm going back to cm 10
<jomp16> The man
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<Demosthenex> ah
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<jomp16> I don't want to ping him
<Demosthenex> no need, it's in jira
<Demosthenex> wtf, i formatted and reinstalled 10.0 and gapps, and on boot the keyboard keeps dying
<EgoElf> did you wipe data?
<Demosthenex> everything
<Demosthenex> factory, cache, and davlik
<Demosthenex> repeating now, this time no gapps
<EgoElf> odd
<Demosthenex> i'll let titanium restore
<Demosthenex> last time the keyboard was funky, was because gapps didn't match
<Demosthenex> i think it's a hoot how much linux is under the hood here ;]
<EgoElf> i know the 10.1 apps don't work on 10.0
<jomp16> Format /system tfoo?
<Demosthenex> yeah, i have two separate copies of gapps
<Demosthenex> jomp16: clockwork wipes that
<Demosthenex> i think ;]
<jomp16> No
<EgoElf> ya, but the cm install does some fancy backups in place
<jomp16> Wipes /data and /cache
<EgoElf> you may need to manually format /system, then install CM and gapps
<Demosthenex> ah
<Demosthenex> let's see what happens, it's booting
<jomp16> Old files on /system
<jomp16> I always wipes /system
<Demosthenex> there a simple way to do that in clockwork recovery?
<Demosthenex> oh crap! there's still google play and such
<Demosthenex> /system must be intact
<Demosthenex> right, it was under storage in CWM
<Demosthenex> this time i got data, cache, system
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<Demosthenex> ah, another nice thing would have been to make titanium make a zip for me to apply instead of redownload and restore
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<makkeonmies> HI, is there any version of CM for note II(n7100) which has working allshare cast?
<codeworkx> no
<makkeonmies> damn, any change it will be working some day?
<codeworkx> probably never
<codeworkx> ask samsung for sources ;-)
<makkeonmies> guess i have to live without it then :P cant stand stock rom and had CM on my all other devices
<makkeonmies> well thx for confirmation anyway
<codeworkx> next time buy nexus :-P
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<archfool> Is there no CM 10.0 for I777?
<makkeonmies> was going to buy nexus device but couldnt find any shop in my country selling those and cant order from google in here -.-
<jomp16> +1
<jomp16> Here only exists Galaxy Nexus
<jomp16> Nor Nexus 4/7
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<jomp16> Cody: I need to change the target of GRUB to run on x86-64 or I can use i386-pc?
<EgoElf> archfool, i777 did get the CM10, but the releases are not available anymore from CM
<jomp16> Build it or find a mirror?
<archfool> Why would they yank releases?
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<archfool> or were they that bad? ;)
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<Demosthenex> so my phone works fine (before i started restoring it), but it said baseband was "unknown"
<Demosthenex> cause for concern?
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<jomp16> SII?
<jomp16> If yes, has a know issue: the ROM delete some infos
<datagutt> Jiangyi: write me a chinese letter which tells me how i really deserve access to miui beta
<datagutt> xD
<a3Dman> iLOL'd
<datagutt> orly
<a3Dman> yarly
<datagutt> i have many 'credits' on their chinese forums
<datagutt> No idea how i got them
<a3Dman> lol
<datagutt> a3Dman: i can probably google translate "ALL HAIL THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY" and instantly get in
<a3Dman> roflcakes
<jomp16> lol
<a3Dman> only if google doesn't translate it to "SCREW ALL YOUR CHINESE COMMUNIST CRAP"
<a3Dman> you get a ban instead...
<jomp16> +1
<datagutt> a3Dman: i think jiangyi would send me that verson
<datagutt> version*
<datagutt> not google translate
<datagutt> :P
<a3Dman> evilJiangyi
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<RedMonkey> hi
<Demosthenex> jomp16: indeed, a galaxy s2. care to elaborate?
<RedMonkey> I saw this link with known issues/bugs for i9000 but is not working
<RedMonkey> what are the known issues/bugs for s2?
<RedMonkey> i9100 not i9000
<RedMonkey> !supported Samsung
<makkeonmies> hdmi not working for s2 atleast, and i guess fm radio was not working either
<RedMonkey> that's not so important
<Demosthenex> i'm on the hercules model
<makkeonmies> ^^, there migth have been something else also but it was not big deal since i cant remember it
<RedMonkey> thanks
<jomp16> Installing Gnome
<jomp16> Installed nvidia drivers, working fine on xorg test
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<Guest73978> hi
<Guest73978> could anyone please give me a helping hand
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<jomp16> Guest73978: ask and wait a answer
<makkeonmies> i may try depending on the actual proplem
<Guest73978> I have a GT9100 g galaxy s2 and its rooted and i installed last night the nightly but I cant manage to install gapps , is there any specific reason or gapps version i need?
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<jomp16> Installing Android 4.2.2? Use this GApps:
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<jomp16> Check md5sum too b7e53e96e1c8b1a1c4865bf29418c8e0
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<Demosthenex> jomp16: you have a specific issue in mind on the s2? ;]
<jomp16> I don't have/own a S2
<jomp16> Only Galaxy 5 and P3110
<Demosthenex> you were saying about the baseband issue
<jomp16> Known issue, see device
<jomp16> !device i9100
<Demosthenex> mine's the herc, not i9100
<jomp16> Device model?
<jomp16> The OMAP variant?
<Demosthenex> SGH-T989, the tmobile
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<captainWTF> Need to find me a new rom for my phone lol. this stock rooted stuff pissin meh off.
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<Demosthenex> hrm, mine still says unknown baseband. wiped /system, cache, and data. restored just cm-10.0 & gapps
<jomp16> You can call?
<Demosthenex> yeah, other than call audio issues i can make calls and send text
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<Demosthenex> my wife has same phone, with cm-10, but it says something there...
<Demosthenex> well, it's more recently manufactured, but same model
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<cafriend_> Is my Samsung Galaxy S2(SPH-D710BST) I got through Boost Mobile, supported?
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<cafriend_> !supported Samsung
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<RedMonkey> !device i9100
<jomp16> Bot is died
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<waratte> The bot was always dead, not physically but functionally.
<jomp16> Probably the new not of chad is best
<jomp16> Clibot has much CPU leaks
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<Demosthenex> i'm not seeing much data out there, other than tmobile deployed an updated baseband with their last big update, which my phone didn't receive prior to putting CM on
<Demosthenex> anyone know where could find radio updates (SGH-T989)?
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<darkmike> USE !device n8010
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<darkmike> Hi all, I use android n8010. could you help me to find why I can't boot on Humberos[20130315] ? I install it using twrp recovery and I have infinite "boot time". Thank you for your answer.
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<darkmike> To be clear, my device name is : Samsung galaxy note 10.1 (n8010 )
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<Jiangyi> darkmike: Wipe data
<darkmike> +1
<darkmike> THX I'll try it
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<cloud47> hi, one small question: is there already the possibility to use the samsung camera @ cm? thx
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