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<cloud47> where can i see the current known issues for the i9300 ? and can anybody tell me if samsung camera is working already on cm? thx
<cloud47> !device
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<pcristian> hello. anyone online?
<pcristian> because i have a small problem
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<Dwark^Work> xplodwild > work work
<xplodwild> yup
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<lion0738> hi, I'm using GT-I9100 / CM10.1 3/21, stock kernel. I can't hear any sound at low volume in headsets and speakers..(no problem with higher volume / custom kernels like dorimanx). is there any way to fix this?
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<iKillCypher> lion0738,
<iKillCypher> you cant hear any sound ?
<lion0738> only can't hear sound like music and videos at low volumes.
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<iKillCypher> check your earphones
<iKillCypher> or maybe there is something wrong with your phone
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<lion0738> there are no problem with other kernels like dorimanx
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<pJ__> I'm experiencing a glitch with CM10 for the SGS3 i9300. Is there anyone online that can assist me?
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<koegs> pJ__: what glitch?
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<pJ__> When I go to my APN settings to add my carrier I add everything I need and hit 'save' and it doesn't actually save it. It just goes back to the blank page.
<pJ__> Randomly last night while I was texting my girlfriend my service dropped and I checked it and it was just deleted and wouldn't let me add anything :(
<pJ__> I've tried 3 different ROMS and backups from several weeks ago. And nothing is working.
<pJ__> I'm trying to go back to the stock ROM to see if that fixes it but I don't know which one to download.
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<koegs> ah, you also posted to the thread :)
<pJ__> Yeah. I usually never have to bug the developers for this kinda thing but I don't know where else to turn.
<pJ__> I've been up for over 24 hours now :|.
<pJ__> Well I'm going to bed. I hope someone replys by the time I wake up.
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<koegs> is there a "standard music player in CM"?
<chadouming> apollo
<koegs> seems i have uninstalled it at some ppint :)
<koegs> *point
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<Bert__> You must have worked hard to do that, it can not be uninstalled from the Apps menu. It can be disabled. Perhaps you disabled it and then hid disabled apps.
<jomp16> or deleted the Apollo.apk in /system/app
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<Bert__> I call that working hard.. not hardly working. :-)
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<koegs> hm, strange, it is not hidden and /system/app/Apollo.apk does exist
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<jomp16> reinstall?
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<KaZo58> !changelog n7000
<clibot> KaZo58: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note:
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<Rockj> !supported
<clibot> Rockj: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<Rockj> btw, Im running a 9.1.0 stable build on my samsung galaxy s2 (GT-I9100) - anyone experienced that the radio signals just disappears sometimes? I have to reboot my phone to get it back online again
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<Rockj> baseband version says I9100XXLPQ
<Rockj> (thats the radio?)
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<Rockj> and how is the 10.1 nightlies? still issues with some parts not working when it comes to functionality?
<Rockj> doesnt seem to find the wiki entry that existed earlier when it comes to what parts of functionality that doesn't work
<Rockj> !device GT-I9100
<clibot> Rockj: Unknown device GT-I9100
<Rockj> !device I9100
<clibot> Rockj: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<EgoElf> Rockj, change the modem up to a different one. YMMV on different ones.
<EgoElf> if 9.1.0 is good for you, not a HUGE reason to upgrade, 10.1 is not good enough for a stable release thus far and has issues that may or may not ever get fixed
<codeworkx> cm9 wasn't good enough too
<Rockj> so what features that works in cm9 doesn't work in cm10?
<codeworkx> same
<Rockj> aha, so those missing features that were missing are fixed?
<Rockj> might give cm10 a try then.
<codeworkx> tvout is still not working
<codeworkx> dock audio is not implemented
<Rockj> but that has never been working due to closed binary stupid blobs
<Rockj> afaik
<Rockj> I guess the missing features in cm10 got fixed when samsung released official 4.2.x branch?
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<Rockj> docking I'm not using anyway, so that's fine
<Rockj> btw, is battery life better with newer version of android?
<Rockj> EgoElf: hhmmm, YMMV? didn't see that particular radio on the wiki, nor did I find my own.
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<EgoElf> it may have been the radio that was on the phone when you initially put CM on it
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<angelsl> Rockj: when did that happen?
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<Rockj> ive had it for a few months, but I havent really done anything on my phone. Phone was working fine for a long time after the 9.1 flash as far as I remember
<Rockj> <- Located in Norway with Netcom.
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<nomida> Hi
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<nomida> I compiled a kernel for my tab 7.0 p6210
<nomida> I found boot.img inside the
<nomida> and I tried to split boot.img
<nomida> but the ramdisk file is empty
<nomida> do you have any suggestion?
<nomida> thanks
<nomida> :)
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<nomida> why I have this kind of error: boot.img: no Android Magic Value boot.img: not a valid Android Boot Image.?
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<codeworkx> nosklo: s2?
<codeworkx> oops
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<Ese> Howdy
<Ese> I have galaxy SIII, in order to download and use the latest nightly i need the ICS stock right?
<Ese> where can i download it from?
<Ese> Anyone's alive?
<Ese> I had Omega rom and i want to install the latest official cm nightly.. what are the steps i need to do?
<Ese> Thanks.
* frankdrey doesn't know
<frankdrey> Yo, Jiangyi, how does n4 save pictures from MMS
<frankdrey> my friend says she clicked save but it's not in Gallery
<frankdrey> well, anybody with 4.2 really :p
<frankdrey> where does it go?
<Baskey> frankdrey: I clicked "save"
<Baskey> and now it's in gallery
<Baskey> so it works
<frankdrey> i see :p
<frankdrey> she must be doing it wrong :D
<Baskey> definitely
<Jiangyi> idk, I don't have MMS xD
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<Kihokki> wifi: Why some of these people aren't using Google and XDA's awesome forums? This channel almost makes me cry
<wifi> what is the difference between a duck ?
<Jiangyi> Idiottes, there will always be. :-P
<frankdrey> laziness?
<frankdrey> I ain't googlin' shit
<wifi> dat answer
<wifi> is about right
<Kihokki> At least when people come here to tell that their uwsum Mort music player isn't working makes me cry
<Kihokki> If they're lazy then how do they get in here?
<Kihokki> I'm losing my faith in humanity when they aren't taking backups nor follow instructions on wiki
* Jiangyi doesn't follow the instructions on wiki :-P
<clibot> [Link] <Jackson> How do I install this ICS on sgs2? <Jackson> anyone? <mr_fribble> le -
<Jiangyi> But I know what I'm doing lol
<wifi> lol, instruction
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<frankdrey> wiki instructions are sometimes plain wrong
<Kihokki> wifi: ;__;
<frankdrey> lol
* frankdrey wants to code a memory leak
<frankdrey> just for fun :D
<frankdrey> just throw away 1gb of ram to see what the OS does :D
<Kihokki> >Make awesome code
<Kihokki> >Don't release memory because it's cheap anyway
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> hmmk so let's see, I just tell malloc to gief 1gb of ram :D
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<pJ__> I'm experiencing a glitch with cm10 is there anyone online that can help me?
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<pJ__> codeworkx:
<Kihokki> Explain
<pJ__> Randomly last night when I was texting my girlfriend I lost service then went to check my APN settings for my carrier and they where gone, just randomly. Then when I went to add a new one and hit save. It wouldn't save. It just went back to the blank screen.
<pJ__> Basically when I try to add a new APN it just won't work. Nothing happens when it hit save.
<pJ__> I've tried re-flashing the rom and even backups from weeks ago along with a factory reset. And nothing seems to work :(
<pJ__> Is it possible the file that holds the apn settings got corrupt or deleted and it just has nothing to save to?
<Kihokki> Hmm
<Kihokki> Does calling work?
<pJ__> I've been searching for this issue for 8 hours now and a lot of people have had it not even just from flashing roms.
<pJ__> No it doesn't.
<Kihokki> Is it a recent bug?
<pJ__> It's not even detecting my sim card because I use straight talk and there service doesn't work without proper apn settings
<pJ__> I looked and didn't see it.
<Kihokki> Did you flash CM recently before that bug?
<Kihokki> It might be a new bug in nightlie builds
<pJ__> No I've had it for over a week now.
<pJ__> Actually month not week
<Kihokki> That's really weird. Are you sure that the SIM card is really working?
<pJ__> Yes. I've called my carrier and talked to them and everything is working on there end.
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<pJ__> I'm going to try flashing the stock ROM on it and see if that works. The download is soo slow though.
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<DuperMan> use a mirror
* Thiagovfar Uses mirror.
* Thiagovfar Finds himself actually very handsome.
<jomp16> Grr, i have to create a web site, but i don't know how to create a CSS, so i will use one from interwebs, but the good css is paid, and free is more or less
<Kihokki> use the frames
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<jomp16> Kihokki, sorry, frames?
<Kihokki> jomp16, If you don't know CSS then use HTML frames
<jomp16> nah
<jomp16> wgeting whole site :P
<jomp16> (Yes, i know, isn't cool and ilegal)
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<jomp16> Yah, ripped all thinks
<jomp16> stuffs *
<jomp16> wget is better than other tools to rip for Windows :)
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<jomp16> yah, recovering the php files
<jomp16> i got the color.php working again
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<pJ__> I can flash the stock sgs3 rom just using cwm right?
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<pJ__> I guess not. It's saying installation aborted :|
<Gaglia> hi everybody :) I want to buy a Samsung Galaxy S 2 and install CyanogenMod... I'm a n00b here but I noticed that there are two different models: the i9100 and the i9100G - which one should I look for? (also note that 16 vs 32 GB is not *so* important for me but I'd like to have the NFC)
<wifi> pJ__, no you can'T
<wifi> i think that neither has NFC
<wifi> but you should get the G
<wifi> cause it's ti-omap and not stupid exynos
<pJ__> I don't even know what that means. I'm just trying to fix a glitch with cm10 and it seems nobody has heard of my problem :|
<pJ__> Would you be able to help me if your not to busy?
<Gaglia> wifi, I've read there is a NFC-enabled version of the S2... but I don't know wehther it's one of the two models I linked
<Gaglia> so you say TI-OMAP is better anyway?
<Gaglia> (I've read the NFC version is, like, 1-2 mm thicker)
<wifi> 100000000000000000000x better
<wifi> those NFC version must be carrier variant
<wifi> ask Jiangyi
<pJ__> wifi: would you be able to answer a quick question about a problem I'm having?
<Gaglia> ok, thanks!
<wifi> depend on the problem
<pJ__> Last night when I was texting my girlfriend my phone randomly lost service. I checked my APN settings and they were deleted. I tried to add it again. And when I hit save, it just goes back to the blank APN screen. It doesn't actually save.
<wifi> tried to reflash the rom ?
<wifi> are you on cm first ?
<pJ__> Yes.I'm on cm10 nightlys build
<wifi> try to reflash the rom
<pJ__> I tried going back to past recoverys I've made and that didn't work along with a factory reset. Will reflashing it be different?
<wifi> maybe
<wifi> if that doesnt work, try to wipe data
<wifi> if that doesnt work try to go back to stock with odin
<wifi> if that doesnt work i don't know
<Gaglia> ah, here it is
<Gaglia> (a.k.a. the i9100), with a 4.3-inch display, an 8-Megapixel camera and a Samsung dual-core processor, as well as today's top graphics processor for 3D games. There's also a version with NFC, called the i9100P.