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<Kent_> Having trouble with Cyanmod. Keeps failing when it is selected from recovery mode and installation is aborted
<RossWell98> Hello o/
<wifi> Kent_, let me guess, it says : Assert failed ! ?
<RossWell98> with status 7 ?
<RossWell98> Kent_: what device ? error message ?
<Kent_> Yes says assert failed and installation aborted
<Kent_> Galaxy S3
<wifi> that's simple
<wifi> you don't download the right rom
<wifi> and that assert is to make sure people like you doesn't flash any rom with prior reading it's for their phone
<RossWell98> wifi: It's possible to flash an bad rom and to have no problem ? :O
<wifi> it is, but the case are really raree
<wifi> rare*
<RossWell98> Kent_: your phone is rooted?
<RossWell98> Sorry for the question...
<Kent_> I figured that and have tried a few different roms now. Which clockwork do I need? Yes my phone is rooted
<RossWell98> I saw so "no"
<RossWell98> Kent_: send the filename of the rom you want to flash :)
<Kent_> I have CWM 5.0.4 or something is there a newer update that is needed? and will do :)
<RossWell98> wow
<RossWell98> old
<Kent_> cm-10.0.0-d2att (1).zip
<RossWell98> wifi: what I mean is, CWM prevent to flash a bad rom?
<RossWell98> Kent_: Where you found this sh.. ?
<RossWell98> in ?
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<Kent_> thats what i thought but 6.27 is not working. i got this file from the same link you just sent i will try again
<Jiangyi> Kent_: Did you flash the official CWM?
<RossWell98> Kent_: Your phone is a i9300
<RossWell98> ?
<RossWell98> Kent_: you want a latest cm-10.1 CM rom?
<Kent_> yes that would be very helpful. and my phone is a S3 AT&t
<RossWell98> mh
<Kent_> and how was it prevented to flash a bad rom?
<RossWell98> wow, you've really found it in xD
<Kent_> d2att
<RossWell98> Kent_: In the rom, a file has the rom info, if you want to flash a zeus rom to a i9300, it can stop, I think
<RossWell98> It's a hypothesis
<Kent_> So cm-10.1-20130311-NIGHTLY-d2att (1).zip how is this?
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<RossWell98> Kent_: you sure sure sure it's a Galaxy S3 AT&T ?
<Kent_> yes hahaha im an amature but im positive of that XD
<RossWell98> And, why when you post a name he has a "(1)" ?
<Kent_> Ok so i need to wipe all data and all that before selecting this rom from the SD card? and it should work.
<DuperMan> amateur! it's a porn word ffs
<RossWell98> :D
<DuperMan> everybody know how to spell porn words!
<RossWell98> Kent_: I think
<Kent_> and i think i made a copy of it my bad
<RossWell98> Kent_: It's your first custom you flash ?
<Kent_> No i flashed a basic root a few days ago. But I just need to select it from recovery mode
<RossWell98> oh
<RossWell98> what rom you've flashed?
<Kent_> this
<RossWell98> DuperMan: also, it's not a porn word
<RossWell98> Kent_: It's a rom or just a things to root
<Kent_> Used to root. no root
<RossWell98> yes
<Kent_> used to root. no rom***
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<RossWell98> :|
<RossWell98> oh god
<RossWell98> You're phone isn't rooted ! :O
<Kent_> Yes it is i have root apps and root checker
<RossWell98> your*
<RossWell98> Oh ok >.>
<RossWell98> so,
<RossWell98> Why you not flash the officiel CWM?
<RossWell98> official*
<Kent_> ok I will put this new great file you have given me and blessed me with onto my SD card with Gapps thing. then clear all data and select these two roms correct and if it fails?
<Kent_> and what is the official CWM i have looked but only got BS files
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<RossWell98> how it "if it fails"?
<Jiangyi> Kent_: The one from
<mitch> is anybody there
<RossWell98> mitch: no
<mitch> lol
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<RossWell98> ahah
<Guest13019> i got a question about installing cynogenmod 10.1 on my s3
<RossWell98> ..
<RossWell98> Guest13019: Assert error?
<Guest13019> huhu
<RossWell98> Guest13019: Yes ? Oo
<Guest13019> i just bought the galaxy 16 years old could u sorta help me through it
<RossWell98> I'm 16 years too :/
<RossWell98> xD
<Kent_> Wait wait wait. Where the hell is the download in CWM? do i need to flash it or just select it from SD card once i find it?
<wifi> !geo user Guest13019
<clibot> wifi: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<Kent_> hey im 15 this is great
<RossWell98> Oh god
<RossWell98> Why?!
<RossWell98> fuu, I will leave
<RossWell98> Guest13019: what is your problem?
<Kent_> why?
<RossWell98> Kent_: I'm 54 years, i love teens :P
<Guest13019> could u guide me through how to put in on my phone
<Kent_> ok kinda weird but ok!
<RossWell98> Guest13019: Have you read the wiki ?
<Kent_> i still need help on newest CWM
<RossWell98> Guest13019: If you do not know what you're doing, do not
<Guest13019> nah i just found out about this website through google
<RossWell98> Keep the stock in your SGS3
<RossWell98> Kent_: Have you read the wiki ?
<RossWell98> (POWER)x2
<RossWell98> wifi: WHY ?!
<Kent_> yes no direct link.pretty sure thats where i got out dated CWM
<RossWell98> wow
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<RossWell98> !device d2att
<clibot> RossWell98: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III (AT&T):
<RossWell98> THANKS MAN!
<Guest13019> i have samung s3 tmobile
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<RossWell98> Guest13019: Wow you need to be precise of you not want to re-buy a SGS3 ;)
<RossWell98> << Have you read it Kent_ ?
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for d2att - CyanogenMod
<Kent_> yes i have read it sorta confusing ill give it another go and be back in a few
<RossWell98> Have you runned it : heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot
<RossWell98> ?
<Guest13019> im using these instructions ...will it scrue up the phone following these
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-I9300][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies // discussion thread - xda-developers
<RossWell98> Guest13019: You know what you will do to your phone?
<Guest13019> ??
<RossWell98> Guest13019: follow this :
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for d2att - CyanogenMod
<RossWell98> The first time I've flashed , it was a i9000 (Galaxy S)
<RossWell98> It was bricked
<RossWell98> I knew what I was doing
<RossWell98> This is how I repaired my device
<RossWell98> Guest13019: You know what you do ?
<RossWell98> Do not force yourself to flash your phone, for after tell to your friends" HEY GUYS I HAVE A FUCKIN UPDATED PHONES"
<RossWell98> Guest13019: Why you want to flash your phone ? :)
<Guest13019> i just read through the link which instruction set should i use?
<RossWell98> tell me a GOOD reason :P
<RossWell98> Yes normaly it will work :/
<RossWell98> Guest13019: You're on Windows ?
<Guest13019> correct
<RossWell98> goto : Installing a custom recovery on Galaxy S III (AT&T)
<RossWell98> Download the koush ClockworkMod recovery
<RossWell98> And download the Heimdall suite for windows
<Guest13019> ok hold on
<RossWell98> copy the clockwork mod on the heimdall directory
<RossWell98> goto a DOS shell
<RossWell98> and goto the heimdall directory
<RossWell98> and run it
<RossWell98> heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot
<Guest13019> the downloads just finished
<RossWell98> And pray jesus crist
<RossWell98> OH SORRY
<RossWell98> before
<RossWell98> Connect your device in download mode to your PC
<RossWell98> if it's a desktop PC, connect to the rear pannel
<RossWell98> and VOILA
<RossWell98> And go to the recovery and flash your fuckin awesome rom
<RossWell98> Modifying or replacing your device's software may void your device's warranty, lead to data loss, hair loss, financial loss, privacy loss, security breaches, or other damage, and therefore must be done entirely at your own risk. No one affiliated with the CyanogenMod project AND MEEEEEE! are responsible for your actions. Good luck.
<Guest13019> is that up or down on volume?
<RossWell98> For the download?
<Guest13019> yup
<RossWell98> euh
<RossWell98> For my SGS2 it's VOL DOWN + HOME + POWER
<RossWell98> try this
<Guest13019> ok
<RossWell98> Sometimes, I dream about cheese...
<RossWell98> HEY ! You tell me if it works or not huh?
<RossWell98> xD
<Guest13019> how do i open a terminal
<RossWell98> You kidding e ?
<Guest13019> lol
<RossWell98> Rah fuck
<RossWell98> Je suis Linuxiens je sais pas !
<RossWell98> Mh
<RossWell98> WINDOWS button + R
<RossWell98> it works?
<Guest13019> yup but it says "windows cannot find heimdall"
<Guest13019> nvm
<RossWell98> No
<RossWell98> no
<RossWell98> Stop
<RossWell98> you're in the window ?
<Guest13019> yup
<RossWell98> When you do the WIN +R ?
<RossWell98> Ok
<RossWell98> type cmd now
<Guest13019> ok
<RossWell98> right?
<RossWell98> (your device is in download mode?)
<Guest13019> yup its opened cmd
<RossWell98> Ok
<RossWell98> you know where is your heimdall ?
<Guest13019> yeah in a folder on desktop
<Kent_> i cant find the file either hahaha
<RossWell98> you've copied the recovery.img in the heimdall directory?
<Guest13019> yeah both of the files r in the folder
<RossWell98> You've renamed it recovery.img ?
<RossWell98> xD
<RossWell98> So, in the directory
<Guest13019> recovery-clockwork- its called this
<RossWell98> yes
<RossWell98> make a text file
<RossWell98> put it in : "heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot"
<RossWell98> and save the file with the name "flash.bat"
<RossWell98> :P
<RossWell98> done?
<Guest13019> wait i just made a new text doc now what?
<RossWell98> suicide ...
<Guest13019> lol....:(
<RossWell98> You know how use the DOS?
<Guest13019> not really
<RossWell98> I still wonder why you want to flash your phone
<Guest13019> my dad mods phones so i want to prove to him that i can do it
<RossWell98> Oh fuck
<Guest13019> just made the batch file
<RossWell98> You wan't to prove you can flash a device and render unusable
<Guest13019> no i want a working device
<RossWell98> so, why you come ask to us ? :)
<Guest13019> i thought u could help a newcomer mod the phone
<RossWell98> You know, your device will be totally bugged ? and where we are ...
<Guest13019> whats that mean?...
<RossWell98> I fear that your phone does not work after flash ...
<RossWell98> Mhhh
<Guest13019> y wont it work
<RossWell98> ...
<RossWell98> In your opinion why it is marked everywhere that it is dangerous?
<Guest13019> i thought coming here u could help me
<RossWell98> If this is done by people who do not know how to use the DOS is the phone Take affected certain death
<RossWell98> I can help you
<RossWell98> I want help you
<Guest13019> ok could you help me?
<RossWell98> But when I brick a phone I'm sad for a month
<Guest13019> lol
<RossWell98> And you will brick your phone ...
<Guest13019> does bricking mean to root?
<RossWell98> I'll be complicit in murder
<RossWell98> note that
<Guest13019> oh
<RossWell98> so
<RossWell98> we continue
<Guest13019> ok
<RossWell98> You've maked the batch file?
<Guest13019> yup
<RossWell98> the content is "heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot"
<RossWell98> whitout "(" ?
<Guest13019> but doing this will i fuck up the phone enough to make it unusable and void the warranty?
<RossWell98> You have a chance of two
<RossWell98> If you flash and you fails
<Guest13019> should i risk it
<RossWell98> the garanty won't repair your phone
<RossWell98> And a phone to the trash :)
<Guest13019> that would suck
<RossWell98> My i9000 is dead :)
<RossWell98> OK
<RossWell98> It's OK for the batch file?
<Guest13019> what phone do u have now
<Kent_> i cant get the terminal to work nothing has transfered i even copied and pasted word for word. any help :)
<RossWell98> wow
<RossWell98> Follow my tuto for Guest13019 XD
<Kent_> what
<Kent_> what?
<Guest13019> ??
<RossWell98> nono
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<Kent_> ok
<RossWell98> Guest13019: run the batch file and SEEE YOUR PHONE !
<Guest13019> i hit the flash.batch file and a black window opens n quickly closes
<Kent_> how do we open a text file?
<RossWell98> notepad?
<RossWell98> oh
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<RossWell98> Guest13019: copy the content of flash.bat
<Guest13019> ok?...
<RossWell98> ?
<RossWell98> yes
<RossWell98> NO
<RossWell98> heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot
<Guest13019> and do what?
<RossWell98> Just it in the flash.bat ?
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<Guest13019> heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot i took that and put that into a text file and renamed it flash.bat
<RossWell98> mh
<RossWell98> You know the adress to your heimdall folder?
<Guest13019> well i gotta hit the bed for school tomorrow..whats your email?..........desktop/mods
<RossWell98> received?
<Kent_> i need help i have a text file with heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot on it
<RossWell98> Yes
<Kent_> now what
<Kent_> ????
<Guest13019> just emailed you
<RossWell98> and re save it to a second file called "flash.bat"
<RossWell98> and put it in the heimdall folder
<RossWell98> with the .img file renamed "recovery.img
<Kent_> ok now what
<RossWell98> You've connected your device in Download Moe
<RossWell98> mode*?
<Kent_> thanks so much btw
<Kent_> yes its in download mode
<RossWell98> Ok
<RossWell98> now
<RossWell98> double clic in the flash.bat
<Kent_> extract the file or run it
<Kent_> when i run it it juts crashes
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<RossWell98> /
<RossWell98> :/
<Guest13019> Kent.....same thing happens to me
<RossWell98> I'm not in windows
<Kent_> hahaha so any ideas?
<RossWell98> yes
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<Kent_> id love to hear it
<Guest13019> lol
<RossWell98> You NEEEEED to know how use DOS :(
<Kent_> i have no idea
<Kent_> i just know i need to go to bed and will just close out and come b ack at it tomorrow
<RossWell98> Me too
<RossWell98> Me I'm specialized to other problem
<RossWell98> Ask tomorrow
<Kent_> thank you and good night
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<DooMMasteR> merica gets mad… 3h Hospital for 2,8k… WTF?
<clibot> [Link] I was in the ER for 3 hours for a migraine. Thank god I have insurance. - Imgur
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<tat-> shady
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<DvineLord> so what does team hacksung do? unify samsung devices? or what?
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<edlovesiraq> Hi all. looking through the forums for a Ad Hoc enabaling zip or method. tried the one for the xoom but no good. anyone know a way to enable adhoc on SG Tab 2 running cyanogenMod 9 stable. (which is AWESOME BTW).
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<DuperMan> yeah sure, but opensource is too competetive so no-one shares :(
<DuperMan> I know four, personally
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<edlovesiraq> ??
<edlovesiraq> could you kick me a link to the easiest for a noob?
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<taby_> hi all
<taby_> Can anyone help me how to identify texture type e.g "PVR,DXT" in any specific device
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<taby_> Can anyone help me how to identify texture type e.g "PVR,DXT" in any specific device
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<GS499> Can anyone help me how to identify texture type e.g "PVR,DXT" in any specifica device
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<jethro> hi
<jethro> is tethering supposed to work in cm10.1 on i9100 ? can't get it to work, be it usb, wifi or bluetooth. I can get an IP via dhcp, DNS resolution works, but I can't seem to be able to reach anything past the phone.
<jethro> as far as I can tell ip_forwarding value is 1 in /proc, and iptables rules look legit
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<jethro> I'm using 20130309 nightly fwiw
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<XDA> some cm kernel master online? i got a question
<XDA> specially for gt-i9305
<XDA> is samsung security & sds patch included in cm kernel?
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<jethro> damn it, reading/searching xda forums is such a pita. The only info I found was that tethering should be fixed on i9100/cm10.1 after feb 22's nightly. It is not quite clear what the problem was.
<jethro> and it is still not working on my phone
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<RossWell98> jethro ?
<jethro> RossWell98: ?
<RossWell98> jethro: You're problem?
<RossWell98> Your*
<RossWell98> >.<
<jethro> /lastlog jethro
<jethro> basically tethering not working on a 3 days old nightly
<jethro> on i9100
<RossWell98> wifi tethering or USB?
<jethro> usb/bt/wifi
<RossWell98> custom kernel?
<jethro> no
<jethro> I wouldn't dare asking for support with a custom kernel :D
<RossWell98> ^^
<RossWell98> With the dorimanx kernel we can't use the thetering in CM
<jethro> it's weird, sometimes I get a 10/8 IP addy via dhcp
<jethro> sometimes I get the expected 192.168/16 one
<RossWell98> ?
<RossWell98> In tethering?
<jethro> yeah
<RossWell98> He work ?
<jethro> no
<jethro> only thing that works is DNS
<jethro> because I'm querying the phone's dnsmasq afaict
<jethro> ip_forward is set to 1
<jethro> masqueading rules look legit
<jethro> I don't get what's wrong
<jethro> maybe the phone's routes
<RossWell98> And you have a 3 days old nightly?
<jethro> it's from 20130309
<RossWell98> You've tried to flash a recent nightly?
<jethro> i'll do that tonight I guess
<jethro> not really convenient to get a nightly via mobile data
<RossWell98> try with a custom kernel to seee if it's the CM kernel
<RossWell98> You use OTA?
<jethro> I use cm updater
<jethro> via wifi, whenIi'm at home
<RossWell98> Why you not use the "official" method ?
<jethro> isn't cm updater the official method ?
<jethro> the one under system settings
<RossWell98> Download a nightly, put in your phone
<RossWell98> and flash with CWM
<jethro> I doubt a later rom will help
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<jethro> since as per bbqdroid there have been no changes since 903
<RossWell98> clibot: GG
<RossWell98> yes
<jethro> are you telling me the official method is dl from, push with adb aand reboot recovery ?
<jethro> if so what was the point in pimping cm updater ?
<RossWell98> I noticed, BBQ not say anything
<RossWell98> xD
<RossWell98> adb or just connect your phone to your PC and use the good file manager
<RossWell98> :')
<jethro> do you have any idea what my problem could be ? if no please refrain from giving random advices, you're not really helping :p
<jethro> I don't mean tto be rude
<RossWell98> I not give random advices xD
<RossWell98> But when we flash nightlies
<RossWell98> when you have a problem
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<RossWell98> downgrade or upgrade ^^
<jethro> I know that
<jethro> been doing this for over 2 years now
<RossWell98> Oh ok :/
<jethro> I'll come back later, see if someone more knowledgeable has an answer
<jethro> I appreciate you spent some time trying to help me
<RossWell98> o.o
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<RossWell98> I end up really believe that all phones are different...
<RossWell98> I've never met problems...
<angelsl> jethro: have you checked logcat?
<angelsl> define 'doesn't work'?
<angelsl> if you set an appropriate static ip (in the correct subnet) does internet work?
<jethro> let me try that
<jethro> correct submetnet would the 192.168/16 right ?
<angelsl> not sure, whatever you got when you successfully autoconfigured i suppose
<jethro> I always had something like or
<jethro> afaicr
<angelsl> hmm
<angelsl> if your subnet mask is /24, you might have trouble getting the correct 3rd octet
<angelsl> just try, i suppose
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<jethro> inet brd scope global wlan0
<jethro> that's what I have on the phone
<angelsl> ah, okay
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<angelsl> does a static ip work then?
<jethro> hold on
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<jethro> inet brd scope global wlan0
<jethro> that's what I have on my laptop
<jethro> DNS works fine
<jethro> phone doesn'et seem to be forwarding packets
<jethro> ie: I can ping google from phone, not laptop
<jethro> I can reslve google from laptop tho
<jethro> (that's what I mean by dns works fine)
<angelsl> weird stuff
<angelsl> what's the default gateway set to?
<angelsl> on your laptop
<jethro> default via dev wlan0 proto static
<angelsl> hmm
<jethro> phone's IP
<jethro> and that's my only route
<jethro> am I allowed a 5 linees paste ?
<angelsl> anything in logcat?
<angelsl> i wouldn't do that
<jethro> what am I looking for ?
<jethro> ok wait i'll give link then
<jethro> holdon
<angelsl> not sure what tethering falls under
<angelsl> Netd perhaps?
<angelsl> try toggling tethering while tailing logcat
<angelsl> see if anything pops up
<jethro> hold on I'm putting the outputs on some webserver
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<jethro> you'll find ip routen output and logcat | grep tether
<jethro> let me know if you need more stuff
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<jethro> it's quite possible I've had this problem for longer (presumably started around 17/02 like many other complained)
<jethro> I just recently had to use tethering again
* Bert__ Thanks his lucky stars tha he didn't upgrade past 20130217
<jethro> I've seen a fix for i9300 by codeworkx on xda. and "should be fixed on 22/02" by the same codeworkx on the i9100 user discussion for cm10.1
<jethro> sorry about highlights :)
<angelsl> hold on, lemme try to reproduce
<jethro> and as I said earlier
<jethro> it's all kinds of tethering that won't work
<jethro> bt, usb and wifi
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<angelsl> unable to reproduce
<angelsl> connecting to my i9100 from an iphone 3gs
<angelsl> i'm using my own build dated 10 march
<jethro> I got tcpdump on the phone
<jethro> I can't see any packet but on wlan0
<jethro> hmmm
<jethro> angelsl: can you show me the output of ip r and ip a on your phone
<jethro> once you have tethering active
<Bert__> Jethro, in my experience packet sniffers don't work on CM roms (at least for i9100 and P7510)
<jethro> please
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<angelsl> hold on
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<jethro> Bert__: I have limited experience (10 min) but i can sniff both rmnet interfaces and wlan0 fine
<jethro> tcpdump statically compiled
<jethro> angelsl: I'm out for a cigarette, i'll be back in 10 min
<clibot> [Link] Private Paste - Pastie
<a3Dman> galaxy iv sucks badly
<gschanuel> hi folks
<gschanuel> does anyone have photophere?
<gschanuel> i just installed it in my i9100, it works fine, renders the photo and it is available on the gallery... i just want to know if there is a way to see the picture with the moving effect...
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<gschanuel> like this but without uploading to maps
<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: Google Maps
<angelsl> wait
<jethro> you don't have an ip on rmnet1
<jethro> I do
<jethro> and apparently my rmnet1 is used to rout etraffic to dnsmasq
<angelsl> weird..
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<jethro> I'll try and wipe everyhing
<jethro> maybe it's some leftover config from an earlier nightly
<jethro> angelsl: can you share logcat | grep Tether ?
<jethro> preferably via /msg please :)
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<codeworkx> jethro: reset your tethering settings. new ap name and new pw
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<codeworkx> jethro: that solved it for most people
<codeworkx> jethro: and stop using custom kernels ;-)
<RossWell98> codeworkx ...
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<RossWell98> He not use a custom kernel
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<RossWell98> We are not competent enough to say that ...
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<jethro> codeworkx: I use cm kernels :(
<jethro> I have not used a non cm kernel since cm9
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<jethro> codeworkx: gonna try your fix, thanks
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<jethro> codeworkx: I'm afraid I still have the issue. changed pw and ssid, rebooted
<jethro> codeworkx: I'll try and wipe the device I guess
<jethro> codeworkx: or you have a solution for !most people too :)
<jethro> in case it's any relevance for you
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<chadouming|m> Jethro you wrote it wrong and replace a "0" with an "O"
<w00tc0d3> chadouming|m: nebkat: is dual AMD Opteron QUAD faster than one Octo ADM Opteron?
<chadouming|m> In theory it should, since there is two memory controller. However, memory speed is not often the bottleneck of a system
<chadouming|m> So you shouldn't see much diff
<w00tc0d3> chadouming|m: I found a dual AMD Opteron QUAD with 16GB RAM, for $49 and an Octo AMD Opteron for 39EUR
<w00tc0d3> !money 49 usd eur
<clibot> w00tc0d3: 49.00 USD = 37.63 EUR
<w00tc0d3> included taxes
<chadouming|m> Not sure you will get something good
<chadouming|m> At that price
<w00tc0d3> chadouming|m: well, codeworkx uses the company for that octo IIRC
<w00tc0d3> chadouming|m: the other is fortatrust, not really good, yes
<chadouming|m> And the point of selling the single 8 core higher is that you still have 1 socket free for another cpu
<w00tc0d3> yup :)
<w00tc0d3> and... fortatrust is really reliable with dedi servers, but a hell with VPSs
<w00tc0d3> they also have unlimited bandwidth
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<w00tc0d3> i really should get a job (14 y/o) or doing great stuff with ROMs/kernels/apps
<chadouming|m> Unlimited is most of the time unlimited*
<w00tc0d3> chadouming|m: if their unlimited is, 20TB, I'm more than happy. Planning to host my ROM on a dedi box
<chadouming|m> Which the * stand for : if you pass x bandwidth per month, the port will be cut to 10mbps unless you are willing to pay
<w00tc0d3> chadouming|m: i know ;-)
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<w00tc0d3> chadouming|m: Dual Intel Xeon Quadcore, 8GB RAM, 250GB HDD, $23
<chadouming|m> That is if you pay for the whole year in 1 payment
<w00tc0d3> yes
<w00tc0d3> and that's not very clever
<w00tc0d3> first do two months a test
<w00tc0d3> and then get it :P
<w00tc0d3> Leaseweb went mad. 30EUR, for Intel Xeon quad and 2GB RAM.
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<jethro> chadouming|m: my bad, sorry for wrong link :)
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<jethro> and reset to factory defaults did not help in any way
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<dams2011> hello for install recovery in galaxy tab 2 10.1 GSM is heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot in terminal or heimdall flash --recovery recovery-clockwork- --no-reboot
<dams2011> in adb ? in mode download
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<jethro> codeworkx: updating to today's nightly fixed my problem somehow, I wish I knew how :s
<jethro> nvm laptop was connected to my home ap
<jethro> still have the problem. I'll look into it later.
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<dams2011> hello
<dams2011> for install recovery in galaxy tab 2 10.1 GSM is heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot in terminal or heimdall flash --recovery recovery-clockwork- --no-reboot
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<Senior> ok so i have my heimdall folder with a text note that says heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot saved as flash.bat and the other file named as recovery.img now im not sure what to do I heard something about DOS and doing something there not sure
<Senior> whats this?
<dams2011> flash.bat there is no flash.bat
<dams2011> there is no flash.bat
<Senior> i was told to create one do i not need it?
<dams2011> a ok
<dams2011> :)
<Senior> what was that?
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<Kent__> hi looking for
<Kent__> help
<Kent__> ok so all files in heidmall folder now what?
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<Kent__> files in heidmakk folder now struggling on whats next
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<Kent__> anyone
<Kent__> ?
<Kent__> ?
<Kent__> ?
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<Kihokki> KENT__, NO
<Kent__> could you hep me out :)
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<Kihokki> djselbeck, Get. A. Shell.
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<Kent__> wtf
<RossWell98> hello KENT__
<Kent__> hey dude!!!! so glad to see you!!!
<RossWell98> Not me :D
<RossWell98> XD
<RossWell98> Ok I have a tuto for you
<RossWell98> I think it's "simple"
<Kent__> let me hear my friend
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<clibot> [Link] Rogers/ATT Galaxy S3 Root/Recovery Guide - xda-developers
<Kent__> ill check it out give me a few thanks so much!!!!
<RossWell98> No
<RossWell98> thanks to google :P
<RossWell98> KENT__: If you have a problem i'm always here
<Kent__> hahahaha thank google and you!!! and im sure i will need you soon you are by far most helpful!!
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<RossWell98> I'm incompetent :/
<Kent__> one problem RossWell98
<RossWell98> yes?
<Kent__> For some reason yester day something happened and google play store is not working. tried installing it from computer and no luck. tried flashing it no luck i think that was due to it is for cyanogenmad version
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<RossWell98> KENT__: you've flashed CM 10.0 or 10.1 ?
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<Kent__> uhhh g apps i downloaded it. thats what i flashed CM kept failing
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<RossWell98> KENT__: << you've flashed this gapps?
<clibot> [Link] Downloads - Downloading
<Kent__> yeah i tried installing it while in recovery mode should i try again so i have google play store?
<Kent__> something similar to that atleast might have been to use only on CM
<RossWell98> KENT__: wait wait wait
<Kent__> YES?
<RossWell98> You've flashed CM ?
<Kent__> i tried it has only failed and then aborted
<RossWell98> Oh ok
<RossWell98> Your phone is yet in touchwizz ?
<RossWell98> In the stock rom ?
<Kent__> HEY I JUST GOT CWM V6!!!!!! hell yes!!!
<RossWell98> With the tuto ? :D
<Kent__> im using team epic to root
<Kent__> yeah hahaha i had an old version
<RossWell98> try now ...
<derek83> Hi
<RossWell98> I'm still amazed that we can root without download mode
<RossWell98> derek83: Hi :)
<RossWell98> :)
<Kent__> RossWell do i need to clear everything now?
<RossWell98> how it?
<derek83> I just rooted my note 2 and was looking for a rom. So I checked xda and saw this channel
<Kent__> Like clear all data before rebooting
<derek83> Just a quick question don't really know if this is the right place. But is cyanogen 10.1 nightly working on the note 2?
<RossWell98> derek83: derek83: You want a rom without test other or you need to know how found a rom ?
<Kent__> and derek the note 2 is badass
<RossWell98> dams2011: yes
<RossWell98> derek83:
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<derek83> Yeah I love my note but I hate the samsung ui
<Kent__> I think i will go ahead and clear all data if you think so
<derek83> Thanks!
<RossWell98> KENT__: clear all data ?
<RossWell98> KENT__: wipe cache/data only
<Kent__> yeah its not very good touch wiz is chopy and too simple
<derek83> I will do a full wipe and get the latest cm
<RossWell98> !device n7100
<clibot> RossWell98: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2:
<Kent__> yes clear when in recovery mode after instaling CM and g apps that is what must be done right?
<RossWell98> KENT__: Wipe full data cache, flash rom, flash gapps, reboot
<RossWell98> and MAGIC
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<RossWell98> KENT__: clear personnals data not needed
<Kent__> is factory reset necessarily? so no
<RossWell98> Wait
<Kent__> yes?
<RossWell98> :)
<Kent__> hahaha what?
<RossWell98> DO a wipe data/factory reset
<RossWell98> do a wipe cache partition
<Kent__> ok will do boss :)
<RossWell98> I'm not your boss
<RossWell98> And if you found the option called "brick my device" do it too
<RossWell98> (NO!)
<Kent__> hahaha no bricking please
<RossWell98> KENT__: the only way to brick your device now, it's to ...
<RossWell98> flash a bad rom in download mode
<Kent__> to...
<RossWell98> so, you can't brick your device, i think ...
<Kent__> oh ok well i wont
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<RossWell98> Oh
<RossWell98> if you flash a bad kernel in recovery mode
<RossWell98> A way to semi-brick
<Kent__> im not that bad at this now come on hahahha :)
<RossWell98> I've do it ...
<RossWell98> But me i've compiled a kernel but he was corrupted
<Kent__> OMG
<RossWell98> ...
<Kent__> I have CM
<RossWell98> I've flashed
<RossWell98> and ...
<RossWell98> FUUU
<Kent__> I LOVE YOU
<RossWell98> KENT__: O.O
<Kent__> hahaha too far?
<RossWell98> KENT__: I had the same reaction O.O
<RossWell98> It's normal :)
<Kent__> hahaha its awesome so happy
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<RossWell98> KENT__: Now move your ass
<Kent__> yes sir!!! you are my hero
<RossWell98> no
<Kent__> yes haha i haved learned your ways and will become a rom savvy guy
<derek83> Going to flash, thanks again. Have a nice day
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<RossWell98> :<
<Kent__> what :(
<RossWell98> nothing
<Kent__> ok good :) i cannot thank you enough. just thank you so so soooo so much
<RossWell98> KENT__: you shouldn't thank me
<Kent__> it is all thanks to you and the god of root
<RossWell98> :facepalm:
<Kent__> hahahaha now time to titanium back up
<RossWell98> XD
<RossWell98> WHY ?
<RossWell98> XD
<RossWell98> I've never backed up my phone :)
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<Kent__> well you my friend have some balls
<RossWell98> No
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<RossWell98> When i've bought my phone
<hyperair> hey, where are my cwm backups stored?
<RossWell98> He was in userdebug :)
<RossWell98> Thanks samsung
<hyperair> hmm, it says /sdcard/clockworkmod/backups, but i don't see any clockworkmod folder in there..
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<RossWell98> hey hyperair
<RossWell98> hyperair: you have an external and internal SD card?
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<RossWell98> hyperair: why you want to access to yours backup ?
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<hyperair> RossWell98: internal.
<RossWell98> :/
<RossWell98> hyperair: internal only?
<hyperair> RossWell98: i'd like to transfer it to my laptop, because in the event that my phone gets thoroughly bricked, it's not going to be pretty trying to access the backup from the internal sdcard.
<hyperair> yeah, internal only
<RossWell98> when you've backed up you've selected backup to internal sdcard or backup to sdcard ?
<hyperair> internal
<hyperair> rather, it's just "Backup" in the cwm menu
<RossWell98> in the root of your internal sdcard
<RossWell98> you have a folder called clockworkmod ?
<hyperair> when i press "Delete", it shows a list of backups and the path at the top is shown as /sdcard/clockworkmod/backups/
<hyperair> however, inside cyanogenmod itself, i don't see a folder called clockworkmod
<RossWell98> and you see your backup ?
<hyperair> i don't.
<RossWell98> in CWM
<hyperair> basically CWM sees it, but cyanogenmod doesn't.
<hyperair> ah yeah CWM sees it
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<RossWell98> hyperair: it's /sdcard/clockworkmod/backups/ or /sdcard/.clockworkmod/backups/ ?N
<RossWell98> -N
<hyperair> RossWell98: i checked using the terminal. nothing.
<hyperair> and MTP doesn't show it either
<Kent__> UGh titanium back up isnt working and i cant find the option in CM settings to fix ;(
<RossWell98> KENT__: Why you want backing up ?
<Kent__> to restore. i want all my apps back :/
<RossWell98> hyperair: have you a folder called "emulated" ? xD
<RossWell98> reinstall manually :/
<RossWell98> you want yours datas ?
<Kent__> no just the apps really its cool tho
<hyperair> RossWell98: yeah, /storage/emulated/0/
<RossWell98> and in 0/ you have a folder called cloackworkmod ?
<RossWell98> clockworkmod*
<hyperair> RossWell98: i don't.
<RossWell98> hyperair: try in /data/media/clockworkmod/ too :)
<hyperair> i tried.
<hyperair> =\
<RossWell98> :(
<hyperair> oh actually i see it
<hyperair> O_O
<hyperair> /data/media/clockworkmod
<hyperair> yay!
<hyperair> thanks
<Kent__> oh nvm i got it working hooray
<RossWell98> :|
<RossWell98> hyperair: np
<RossWell98> hyperair: you run Android 4.2 ? )
<RossWell98> on a tablet ?
<hyperair> RossWell98: CM10.1, on SGS3.
<hyperair> it's a daily built
<RossWell98> oh
<hyperair> build*
<RossWell98> Ok
<hyperair> 201303012
<hyperair> just yesterday
<hyperair> :)
<RossWell98> Me he save in /sdcard/clockworkmod
<RossWell98> and I follow nightly day per day
<hyperair> yeah i recall seeing it there before
<RossWell98> It's the multi-user mode
<hyperair> i wonder if i can symlink the folder in and get it out via mtp..
<RossWell98> Why you not use the mass storage mode ?
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<hyperair> i'm not sure what my sdcard is formatted as
<hyperair> isn't it ext4 by default?
<RossWell98> no fat32
<hyperair> hmm
<hyperair> even the internal one?
<RossWell98> hyperair: you're on windows ?
<hyperair> RossWell98: no, ubuntu.
<RossWell98> oh :|
<hyperair> but mtp works pretty well here
<hyperair> someone wrote a gvfsd-mtp backend that works well
<RossWell98> in the mass storage mode we have access to /sdcard only
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<hyperair> and i managed to get banshee to sync my music
<RossWell98> For me MTP not work :/
<hyperair> i see
<hyperair> on what OS?
<RossWell98> ArchLinux
<hyperair> go get the gvfsd-mtp backend
<RossWell98> I need to install gvfs-mtp maybe
<RossWell98> yes
<RossWell98> and with ntp we have access to / ?
<hyperair> nah
<RossWell98> ah :(
<hyperair> still just the SD card only
<hyperair> but you get to sync music and playlists, which is nice.
<RossWell98> rhythmbox can use the music sync with ntp
<RossWell98> but i have not acces to files
<clibot> [Link] MTP - ArchWiki
<hyperair> rhythmbox works with android?
<RossWell98> yes yes I know
<RossWell98> slackness
<hyperair> it didn't work for me when i tried it.
<RossWell98> Yes rhythmbox work for me
<hyperair> and neither did banshee, but i narrowed down the issue to libmtp not being able to reconnect to the phone
<hyperair> i.e. you plug in the phone, nautilus/udisks mounts it, and only then does banshee detect the presence of the phone
<hyperair> so banshee tells nautilus to unmount it
<hyperair> and tries to use libmtp to take over the connection
<hyperair> but nautilus using the gphoto2 backend doesn't properly free it
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<RossWell98> gphoto ?
<hyperair> and older versions of libmtp couldn't properly close the mtp connection with an android phone.
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<hyperair> yeah the older mtp implementation
<hyperair> PTP really.
<RossWell98> it's PTP for photo no ?$
<RossWell98> oh yes
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<hyperair> iirc mtp and ptp were pretty much the same, just that mtp has more filetypes
<RossWell98> and
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<hyperair> which was important for banshee to sync music.
<RossWell98> without media sync
<hyperair> otherwise you plug in the phone in ptp mode and it reports everything as "Other" rather than "Music"
<RossWell98> why he is better of Mass storage
<RossWell98> yes we can use the phone too with MTP and the PC connection
<RossWell98> but ...
<RossWell98> I not see
<hyperair> what don't you see?
<RossWell98> Why he's better of mass storage
<hyperair> i don't see why mass storage is better than mtp.
<RossWell98> no
<RossWell98> Why MTP is better than mass storage
<hyperair> media sync, battery levels, filesystem abstraction
<hyperair> to name a few
<RossWell98> battery level?
<hyperair> yeah, mtp can report your battery level to your computer
<RossWell98> wow ô.o
<RossWell98> utility ?
<hyperair> mtp-detect
<RossWell98> yes it can be a good script with my graphic interface :P
<hyperair> heh
<RossWell98> I try to isntall mtp now
<hyperair> you can write a small C function for it
<hyperair> C program i mean
<RossWell98> Yes
<hyperair> banshee also shows the battery level of your phone if it's detected.
<hyperair> when you right click on the phone and click properties
<RossWell98> warning: libmtp-1.1.5-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
<RossWell98> mhhh
<RossWell98> ok...
<RossWell98> wow
<RossWell98> It work
<hyperair> :)
<RossWell98> Android device detected, assigning default bug flags
<RossWell98> mhh what.?
<hyperair> yeah, the android mtp implementation is a piece of crap
<RossWell98> xD
<hyperair> so libmtp has a bunch of workarounds to help it work better
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<RossWell98> and if I want to mount mtp to nautilus I need mtpfs ?
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<pako-linux> !supported Samsung
<clibot> pako-linux: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<pako-linux> !download i9305
<clibot> pako-linux: Unknown device i9305
<pako-linux> hi there
<hyperair> RossWell98: not mtpfs, gvfsd-mtp
<RossWell98> ahh
<pako-linux> anyone with fixed gps/location-icon in notification bar?
<pako-linux> cm10.1 on i9305
<RossWell98> pako-linux: ??
<RossWell98> the gps icon have a problem?
<pako-linux> i've a sticky gps icon
<RossWell98> ô.o
<RossWell98> desactive the GPS
<pako-linux> nothing to do
<pako-linux> reamins sticky
<pako-linux> *remains
<RossWell98> oh
<pako-linux> it goes away only with reboot
<pako-linux> really weird thing
<RossWell98> what nightly?
<pako-linux> 05032013 of CM10.1 on i9305
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<RossWell98> I have not this bug
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<pako-linux> i can't repeat the bug anymore
<pako-linux> it appeared on the first boot after flashing the cm10.1 (with complete wipe)
<pako-linux> anyway
<pako-linux> it's not appearing after struggling a bit around with apps
<pako-linux> that uses location (as gmaps)
<RossWell98> :o
<pako-linux> now i'm experiencing just a bit of intermittent 4g service...
<pako-linux> maybe some insane policy in the RIL
<pako-linux> i'm using BLL5 modem
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<cfstras> !device
<RossWell98> cfstras: ?
<cfstras> got it ^^
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