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<DvineLord> how do u get out of adb sideload?
<chadouming> exit ?
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<obiwahn> i have a question about the power control widget
<obiwahn> the 5th item that lools like a circle
<obiwahn> is that supposed to lock the rotation?
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<DvineLord> what version of odin do yall use?
<DvineLord> nm, guess it is pretty phone specific
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<tobicomvn> help me plzzz
<tobicomvn> I have a problem with i9100g
<tobicomvn> plzzz help me
<Anthony1s{-_-}> why help you?
<tobicomvn> Link image I can not flash the rom cook or original rom.
<tobicomvn> How can I reboot the product name: GT_i9100G
<Anthony1s{-_-}> your link no work
<tobicomvn> :(
<Anthony1s{-_-}> and i no idear what you talking about
<tobicomvn> Yes plzzz waiting...
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<Anthony1s{-_-}> ok
<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: IMG_0147_zpsc97dcc35.jpg picture by trollvozer - Photobucket
<tobicomvn> Ưhy my more GT-i9100G_CHN_CHN
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<tobicomvn> @Anthony1s{-_-}> you can see my photo link
<Anthony1s{-_-}> yea
<tobicomvn> I can flash rom stock i9100g
<tobicomvn> I can't flash rom stock i9100g
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<tobicomvn> So! I can fix I9100G
<tobicomvn> I flash rom cook but my decive will be brick
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<tobicomvn> @Anthony1s{-_-}> You can help me plzzzzz
<tobicomvn> Sorry my English too bad
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<Jiangyi> tobicomvn: You have a Chinese I9100G. Flash a Chinese ROM.
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<tobicomvn> I try it @jiangyi
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<rick__> hi all
<rick__> anyone speak dutch?
<rick__> anyone can help me install clockwork
<rick__> i follow instructions but odin fails
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<RickyC> hi yall
<RickyC> im trying to install GT-I9300_ClockworkMod-Recovery-Touch- but it fails
<RickyC> can anybody help me plz
<RickyC> ??
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<snadge> is usb storage mode working for clockwork recovery? i cant seem to figure out how to do it in twrp
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<Gouatsie> hello
<Gouatsie> does hdmi work on my I9001? i want to connect it to my samsung tv
<Gouatsie> i have cm10
<codeworkx> i9001?
<codeworkx> what's that?
<Gouatsie> Samsung Galaxy S +
<codeworkx> not supported
<codeworkx> !supported
<clibot> codeworkx: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<codeworkx> !supported samsung
<clibot> codeworkx: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<DuperMan> oi
<Kuba> Anyone encountered problems with encryption on Cyanogenmod 10? (E/Cryptfs ( 137): Cannot get size of block device)
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<DancingDragon> I'm looking for a stable cyanogen installation for my international galaxy s ii, but I can only find nightly builds
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<codeworkx> DancingDragon: nightlies are stable for everyday use
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<DancingDragon> Ok
<DancingDragon> codeworkx: You don't happen to know if the guide at is recent and safe to use?
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i9100 - CyanogenMod
<codeworkx> DancingDragon: the wiki is always good
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<Guest52522> Any1 here?
<Fissurez> no
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<Guest52522> Awesomeness, I have installed the newest version for cm10 nightly build on my s2 an I have this weird problem that it just hangs up random you can still turn the screen on but the keyboard ain't showing and the time has been frozen to.
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<Fissurez> well
<Fissurez> to start off with
<Fissurez> which S2
<Fissurez> and which build
<Guest52522> The international gt9100
<Guest52522> It's the newest build 20130317 or something
<Fissurez> tried a different build?
<Fissurez> (also, do the wipe, ect ect ect, before you switch)
<Fissurez> or wait for the next build that may fix it
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<Guest52522> Ye, I had this since the 08 build when u mean wipe what kind of wipe factory or cache?
<Fissurez> everything
<Fissurez> usually used for just switching from ROM to ROM, but if you have problems, then it can't hurt
<Fissurez> at least... i don't think it can
<Guest52522> Ouch
<Fissurez> don't have to if you don't want to
<Fissurez> just a suggestion
<Guest52522> Ye thanks, when I make backup in the clockwork what does it back up? Is it the hole rom?
<Fissurez> everything
<Fissurez> it's like a snapshot of your phone at that point
<Guest52522> Ok awesome backup and reset!
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<Dashie> !supported samsung
<clibot> Dashie: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Dashie> Skyrocket is having some call audio issues.
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<a3Dman> Does S3 get screen burns, anyone noticed burns on it?
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<kahtahs> a3Dman: yes
<a3Dman> I think that's why S4 has transparent statusbar then...
<Kihokki> S2 everyday dududumdum
<a3Dman> I will still spend more time with my S2
<Devourz> s2
<Devourz> indeed
<Devourz> xD
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<a3Dman> I could use it till early or mid 2014
<Devourz> ill use it
<Devourz> till it dies
<Devourz> or i bust it
<Devourz> :
<Devourz> :X
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<Kihokki> Me too, After all 4.2.2 will be supported for looooong time :p
<a3Dman> yeah xD
<a3Dman> I still keep thinking that there's ~45% of android users still using gingerbread
<Kihokki> And upcoming updates will keep rolling, we have extended batteries and stuff.
<Kihokki> 3500 mAh ftw
<a3Dman> maybe it wont get next android, I would just live with 4.2.2
* Jiangyi can't live with 4.2.2
<Jiangyi> Needs all teh updates xD
<Kihokki> Enjoy buggies
<Kihokki> :D
<a3Dman> I can't buy a smartphone every year
<Kihokki> I could but I think it's not smart and wasting money
<a3Dman> it's just consumerism...
<codeworkx> a3Dman: does the 4.1 update come over air?
<a3Dman> codeworkx: which update?
<codeworkx> s2 4.1
<a3Dman> not sure, not even released for my country yet.
<codeworkx> afaik it doesn't
<a3Dman> also, last time I used touchwiz was from year and a half xD
<codeworkx> now you wonder that people run old versions?
<codeworkx> kies is a accident
<codeworkx> no one runs it xD
<codeworkx> without kies = no update
<a3Dman> true, a lot of my friends are like why I didn't get new update like my other friend who just got version x.x.x of android
<a3Dman> and I'm like lulz
<codeworkx> buy nexus, problem solved
<codeworkx> nice little ota updates
<a3Dman> yup, nexus s updates was very smooth
<a3Dman> broke nothing
<codeworkx> a3Dman: my father updates his xperia t some weeks ago. ota 4tw
<Jiangyi> Samsung 4.1 repartitions things afaik, so I don't think OTAs would work out well lol
<codeworkx> they failed on i9000 with partitions and now on i9100 too
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Does anyone in your family still use iPhone, or did you convert them all? xD
<codeworkx> they always fail
<codeworkx> failsung
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: sister of my girlfriend got converted some weeks ago
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: iphone -> nexus 4 xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no she's like "iPhone sucks"
<a3Dman> samsung makes queues for users to receive updates, it's like they have no servers...
<Jiangyi> lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i said: buy nexus and i'll sell your iphone on ebay.
<codeworkx> kk, deal
<Jiangyi> Sell all teh things on Ebay xD
<Jiangyi> iPhones do fetch good prices though :-P
<a3Dman> yes
<a3Dman> brainwashed people all over the globe
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I was gonna make my 2 cousins buy the Xperia Z, but we're only getting the ZL here -.-
<Jiangyi> And hell knows if that's locked
<Jiangyi> I'd tell them to get N4s, but carriers don't sell them :-/
<a3Dman> carriers is another evil story
<Jiangyi> +1
<codeworkx> a3Dman: that's why i never do contracts ;-)
* Jiangyi really doesn't want to get them S3.5s
<a3Dman> codeworkx: never did a contract nor bought a locked phone...
<a3Dman> I will probably never do
<Jiangyi> My last locked phone was a Galaxy S Captivate :-P
* Jiangyi is on cheapo prepaid plan for about $50/year
<Jiangyi> And that is why I don't have data. XD
<a3Dman> 15$ for 2GB data
<a3Dman> monthly
<Jiangyi> :-/ Wish I can get that here.
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: How much is your data?
<a3Dman> no skype though
<a3Dman> redphone works
<a3Dman> I hope they don't figure that out xD
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<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Technically, I can get an unlimited browsing addon for $10 :-P
<Jiangyi> $10/month
<Jiangyi> But anything VoIP or IM (including IRC) is just out the window with that.
<a3Dman> lol]
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: 500mb
<Jiangyi> For how much $$$?
<codeworkx> 10 eur
<Jiangyi> !money 10 eur cad
<clibot> Jiangyi: 10.00 EUR = 13.33 CAD
<Jiangyi> Half of the prices here :-|
<Devourz> unlimited browsing
<Devourz> but no voip or im or irc
<Devourz> wtf
<Devourz> ?
<Devourz> hows that unlimited
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> that also means no p2p or anything
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> just http?
<Jiangyi> Devourz: Unlimited as in unlimited bandwidth :-P
<Devourz> yes but
<Jiangyi> Yeah, pretty much http.
<Devourz> what kind of bandwith
<Devourz> means only http
<Devourz> for you
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> lame ass
<Jiangyi> For $10, I really can't complain. :-/
<Devourz> how they filter protocols?
<Jiangyi> Think they just block ports.
<Devourz> i bet you can get your ass on irc
<Devourz> lol
<Jiangyi> Maybe.
<Devourz> bleh who cares
<Devourz> its 10 bucks
<Devourz> lol
<Devourz> guess its ok for reading and social media
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<Jiangyi> At least Google Maps and Youtube work on it with some tricks :-P
<Devourz> the things you do for 10 bucks
<Devourz> xD
<Devourz> but i bet its not trully unlimited
<Devourz> maybe you get like
<Devourz> 500mb with speed XY then after 500mb you get net but with something like 64/64kbs
<Jiangyi> Think they say that the throttle is at around 2GB
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<Kihokki> This is awesome
<Jiangyi> daflip? Are those hashtags I see in Apollo strings? o_o
<Jiangyi> Do people write twitter hashtags in their own languages or is it just an English thing?
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<Jagg> hi
<Jagg> I'm coming from stock 4.0.4 S2 i9100g phone and want to flash cm10.1... cwm flashed already... so only have to flash rom + gapps?
<Jagg> or do i have to flash a new bootloader too?
<Jagg> !device
<Jiangyi> Jagg: If you don't want random colours for a split second at boot, yes.
<Jiangyi> Otherwise, you don't have to.
<Jagg> ok... so I flash that international bootloader zip also in cwm? at first, then rom, then gapps?
<Jiangyi> You can flash the bootloader through Odin whenver.
<Jiangyi> whenever*
<Jiangyi> Jagg: You don't have a Chinese I9100G, do you?
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<Jagg> i live in germany
<Jiangyi> OK no then :-P
<Jiangyi> Yeah, flash the intl bootloader before, after, it doesn't matter.
<Jagg> and through cwm is ok?! i only have a linux pc here (no odin)
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<Jiangyi> Jagg: Use Heimdall then.
<Jagg> bootloader flash through cwm isn't possible?
<Jiangyi> No. :-/
<Jagg> hmmm
<Jagg> ok, so will google for heimdall, install the bootloader zip through heimdall and then everything else in cwm?
<Jiangyi> Basically.a
<Jiangyi> /s a
<Jiangyi> You can just install CM and gapps right now, and do bootloader later.
<Jiangyi> It doesn't affect your use.
<Jagg> great... really only that split second random colour is the only bug when not flashing the jb bootloader?
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<Jiangyi> Jagg: Yes.
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<Jagg> thanks Jiangyi, cm10.1 is booting ;)
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