nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<martpwns> !t0lte
<clibot> martpwns: Unknown command "t0lte"
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<martpwns> !changelog t0lte
<clibot> martpwns: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
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<Thiagovfar> Fix the bot. There is no cm10 for that device.
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<Jiangyi> User: What's the biggest difference between 2.3 and 4.0?
<Jiangyi> >_>
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<jomp16> Jiangyi: a new Android from scratch?
<Jiangyi> This user just makes want to shoot myself. :-|
<Jiangyi> makes me*
<jomp16> lol
<jomp16> Why you aren't died? Goku alived you again?
<jomp16> With the Dragon Balls
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> I said want to, not actually. :-P
<jomp16> Ahhh
<jomp16> afk
<EgoElf> Jiangyi, the only way you can reply to a question like that is with complete sarcasm... "Nothing, they changed the version # only"
<EgoElf> they should go on about their way and you should be happier
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<Jiangyi> :-P
<peaches> !supported Samsung
<clibot> peaches: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd, cooper, d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2usc, d2vzw, epicmtd, fascinatemtd, galaxys2, galaxys2att, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, hercules, i605, i777, i9100, i9100g, i9300, l900, mesmerizemtd, n7000, n7100, n8000, n8013, p1, p1c, p1l, p1n, p3, p3100, p3110, p3113, p4, p4tmo, p4vzw, p4wifi, p5, p5100, p5110, p5113, p5wifi, quincyatt, quincytmo, s5670, showcasemtd, skyr
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<EgoElf> i see the bot is functioning well
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<peaches> i9300
<peaches> !supported Samsung
<clibot> peaches: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd, cooper, d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2usc, d2vzw, epicmtd, fascinatemtd, galaxys2, galaxys2att, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, hercules, i605, i777, i9100, i9100g, i9300, l900, mesmerizemtd, n7000, n7100, n8000, n8013, p1, p1c, p1l, p1n, p3, p3100, p3110, p3113, p4, p4tmo, p4vzw, p4wifi, p5, p5100, p5110, p5113, p5wifi, quincyatt, quincytmo, s5670, showcasemtd, skyr
<peaches> !i9300
<clibot> peaches: Unknown command "i9300"
<peaches> !supported samsung, i9100
<clibot> peaches: Unknown OEM samsung,, supported:Sony, Motorola, Other, ASUS, Google, HTC, Samsung, LG
<peaches> !download <i9100>
<clibot> peaches: Unknown device <i9100>
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<Jiangyi> !changelog i9100g
<clibot> Jiangyi: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G):
<jomp16> I9100g is a Galaxy S2 omap?
<Jiangyi> Yep.
<jomp16> And the normal Galaxy S2?
<Jiangyi> I9100
<jomp16> omap?
<Jiangyi> Wait what.
<Jiangyi> You're confusing me :-S
<jomp16> The normal Galaxy S2 is a omap?
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<Jiangyi> Nono
<Jiangyi> normal S2 (I9100) is Exynos
<jomp16> If I'm going to buy S2, I pick the Exynos or OMAP model?
<Jiangyi> OMAP
<Jiangyi> But why would you buy a 2 year old phone? ._.
<jomp16> For nothing e.e
<jomp16> I don't have money to buy a recent model
<Jiangyi> Nexus 4 should be about the same price :/
<jomp16> Brazil zi
<jomp16> Nexus 4 doesn't exist here
<Jiangyi> Ah.
<jomp16> Only buying in eBay, Amazon, etc
<Jiangyi> What about GNex?
<jomp16> But has taxes
<jomp16> Yes, GNex is good
<jomp16> GNex still in production?
<Jiangyi> idk, but most likely 9100g isn't anymore.
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<jomp16> Jiangyi: the price for Galaxy X is R$ 1.299,90
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<avinashrbhat> !supported Samsung
<clibot> avinashrbhat: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd, cooper, d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2usc, d2vzw, epicmtd, fascinatemtd, galaxys2, galaxys2att, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, hercules, i605, i777, i9100, i9100g, i9300, l900, mesmerizemtd, n7000, n7100, n8000, n8013, p1, p1c, p1l, p1n, p3, p3100, p3110, p3113, p4, p4tmo, p4vzw, p4wifi, p5, p5100, p5110, p5113, p5wifi, quincyatt, quincytmo, s5670, showcasemtd,
<avinashrbhat> !i9100
<clibot> avinashrbhat: Unknown command "i9100"
<avinashrbhat> !device
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<ksg> Hi, anybody experience a problem with the touch and the screen orientation after installing the CM10.1 on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (GT-P3100) before?? Any solutions?
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<codeworkx> ksg: works fine on my p5100
<ksg> i see
<ksg> i install it over my stock firmware which is 4.0.4 and the problems occur
<ksg> so i am not sure whether what is wrong
<codeworkx> try flashing a stock 4.1.2
<codeworkx> and then cm
<Flumdahl> it works perfect on my p5100 to
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<ksg2> @codeworkx: May i ask where else can i download the stock samsung firmware because sammobile is down
<a3Dman> search xda
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<lisfail> hi guys! is there a way to root a SGS3 without odin or any use of a pc?
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<a3Dman> only if you have exynos mem exploit
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<lisfail> and do I need to install CWM from odin? or can I use ROM Manager?
<Frd^> rom manager uses cmw to instaltion so
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<Forsaken> !device i9300
<clibot> Forsaken: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<Forsaken> am I right here when having trouble to get a cm10.1 build working from source like the nightly does? everythings working fine for my own build except mobile network
<Forsaken> did multiple source updates and clean rebuilds and I think I have all the proprietary files, too. (not totally sure about the proprietary files)
<cdesai> diff em then
<cdesai> extract system from nightly, and diff it with your $OUT/system
<Forsaken> thats actually a plan :D
<Forsaken> there is quite a lot different :O
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<Forsaken> missing files I just notice some wifi binaries. but wifi actually works fine with my build
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<Forsaken> btw. I followed this guide:
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<Forsaken> cdesai: you maybe have some other idea to find out what's wrong?
<cdesai> logs
<cdesai> logcat -b radio
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<Forsaken> ahhh there's the problem
<Forsaken> the apn list is empty
<Forsaken> just extract the /etc/apns-conf.xml from the nightly build?
<codeworkx> maybe your ril isn't really up
<codeworkx> if it misses to report "i'm ready" the apn list doesn't get build
<Forsaken> thats the logcat output:
<jomp16> codeworkx: hey, you fixed the build error?
<jomp16> And what the new kernel version? 3.0.40? >.< | Because you said one day which you aren't going to upgrade kernel, only Nexus
<Forsaken> hmm the apns-conf.xml of my build indeed looks okay :/
<codeworkx> error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
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<codeworkx> Forsaken: looks like your missing blobs
<codeworkx> kickstart probably
<olu> need some help with rom ;O i am new ^_^ ive rooted to i9300XXELLA what kind of rom can i get on it ^^ (i wanted to have CyanogenMod 10.1 ) help?
<codeworkx> Forsaken: qcom phone?
<Forsaken> blobs? sorry I'm mostly software developer and am not that deep into linux hardware handling :x
<Forsaken> samsung i9300 (s3 international)
<codeworkx> cbd probably missing
<codeworkx> Forsaken: ramdisk /sbin/cbd
<Forsaken> via adb shell?
<olu> build number is JRO03C.I9300XXDLIH ;O
<Forsaken> olu: :P
<olu> ^_^
<olu> yes?
<olu> ^
<jomp16> Wait
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<jomp16> Yu want to get CyanogenMod in your S3?
<olu> yes
<Forsaken> uh there is no "ramdisk", neither there is a /sbin/cbd
<codeworkx> Forsaken: DUDE
<jomp16> Was a wiki with instructions, but I prefer here...
<codeworkx> Forsaken: learn basics
<jomp16> !i9300
<clibot> jomp16: Unknown command "i9300"
<codeworkx> Forsaken: out/target/product/i9300/root/
<codeworkx> Forsaken: that's the ramdisk content
<codeworkx> Forsaken: and that's what gets mounted to / on your phone
<Forsaken> I'm willing to, I just tried to build follwing the instructions at
<Forsaken> okay thx
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<codeworkx> Forsaken: did you allow root on adb before you run extract?
<jomp16> codeworkx: some people told the new ROM is unstable (nightly) with the kernel and libs update, is it true?
<jomp16> GTab 2
<codeworkx> jomp16: see for yourself and stop bugging me
<codeworkx> THX
<angelsl> the build should've failed if any blob in PRODUCT_COPY_FILES was missing
<angelsl> iirc
<jomp16> I don't have PC to use adb..,
<Forsaken> codeworkx: I just want to submit some software related improvements to cyanogenmod and dont plan to get deep into custom rom development etc., I just need a working build for testing purposes (not like I'm not willing to learn whats needed)
<jomp16> >.<
<codeworkx> Forsaken: you need some knowledge
<Forsaken> codeworkx: with extract you are talking about the "./" step?
<Forsaken> if so yes, i did "adb root" before even the shell script does this itself before starting (theres a message telling that adb already running as root before it starts)
<jomp16> The proprietary libs doesn't need the extract no? Some device need because in github doesn't has the libs
<codeworkx> Forsaken: adb to your device and see if there's a /sbin/cbd
<jomp16> Proprietary libs
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<Forsaken> codeworkx: there isnt
<codeworkx> then something went wrong
<codeworkx> Forsaken: did you run latest cm when extracting?
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<Forsaken> yesterday it was, yes
<codeworkx> flash back to a nightly
<codeworkx> and run extract again
<codeworkx> and post the output
<Forsaken> okay, so another try xD
<jomp16> codeworkx: isn't best to use libs in Github?
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<Forsaken> build running, thats the output of ./ :
<Jiangyi> jomp16: That's not exactly supposed to overly spread around....
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<Jiangyi> jomp16: Also, stop pinging cody. :-/
<codeworkx> +1
<codeworkx> Forsaken: when it's done look at out/target/product/i9300/root/sbin if there's cbd
<Forsaken> codeworkx: there still isn't, should I do a "make clean" before?
<codeworkx> Forsaken: and there? vendor/samsung/smdk4412-common/proprietary/sbin/cbd
<Forsaken> thats really odd
<Forsaken> in line 210 it says "Copy: /home/forsaken/android/system/out/target/product/i9300/sbin/cbd" with no error
<Forsaken> codeworkx: yes in smdk4412 there is a cdb
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<codeworkx> Forsaken: look at
<smuddles> hello, does someone know, if there are events throwen by android, that i can react on? For example whenever i start an specific app i want a shell script to be executed
<Forsaken> codeworkx: It's in there, line 25 looks correct for me (relative to that file cbd is in proprietary/sbin/cbd and it should be in /sbin/cbd on the device)
<codeworkx> Forsaken: it's not correct
<codeworkx> Forsaken: lemme patch it
<angelsl> lol, dym: root/sbin/cbd
<Forsaken> codeworkx: so I had the hornor to find a bug? :D
<codeworkx> Forsaken: sync, extract again
<Jiangyi> Gotta love extract script derps. :-P
<smuddles> anybody?
<Forsaken> codeworkx: or should i have brunch'ed?
<Jiangyi> lol
<Forsaken> ah no theres a difference, but that doesnt look right somehow ;P
<Forsaken> codeworkx: like this it gets copied thx :)
<Jiangyi> blah
<Jiangyi> Nexus 4, what are you doing
<Jiangyi> Stahp eating all teh batteries D-:
<Forsaken> yay mobile data working :D
<Forsaken> now i can finally start coding ;)
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<smuddles> someone knows if it makes sense to make use of linux signals on an android-system? do apps send signals, if they get started by user?
<wifi> !google do android app sends input when starting
<clibot> wifi: Starting Another Activity | Android Developers:
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<PsssT> !supported Samsung
<clibot> PsssT: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd, cooper, d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2usc, d2vzw, epicmtd, fascinatemtd, galaxys2, galaxys2att, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, hercules, i605, i777, i9100, i9100g, i9300, l900, mesmerizemtd, n7000, n7100, n8000, n8013, p1, p1c, p1l, p1n, p3, p3100, p3110, p3113, p4, p4tmo, p4vzw, p4wifi, p5, p5100, p5110, p5113, p5wifi, quincyatt, quincytmo, s5670, showcasemtd, skyroc
<PsssT> !download i9300
<clibot> PsssT: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [ba840d]
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<lisfail> hello! I have used ExynosAbuse to root my phone, and for some reason the starting the camera restarts the phone, do you know whats the reason?
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<mongi> how do i delete my number from my sim card? i'm on cm10.1, and i remmeber somewhere there's a opition for this
<mongi> add/remove sim number
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<keyma> please please help me I dont understand, when I flash CM10.1 on my SGS3 my loading camera app would make the phone restart, but when flashing a stock rom, camera works fine, do you know why is it??
<codeworkx> LOG or it didn't happen
<Jiangyi> Yay moar camera BS from Samsung :-|
<Jiangyi> Although I have to say, cam died a couple of times on my N4 too. :-P
<codeworkx> haha
<Jiangyi> eg. Click on shutter button, nothing happens
<keyma> but it works on stock rom
<keyma> how do I get you the log file?
<Jiangyi> Or the infamous "Can't connect to the camera" error.
<codeworkx> read xda on how to grab a kernel log
<codeworkx> keyma: adb wait-for-device root && adb wait-for-device shell cat /proc/kmsg
<codeworkx> keyma: then start camera
<keyma> can youi guide me to a specific place?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Moved the board config, I make no guarantees of whether explosionz will happen or not :-P
<codeworkx> keyma: and post the log on
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* Jiangyi didn't attempt to build since he doesn't have an applicable device atm
<keyma> okay give me a minute, codeworkx
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: build mako and stfu
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Cuz building mako uses omap4-common...... ._.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: any change is good if mako builds
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Not device-specific changes like the ones I did... ?
<codeworkx> if it doesn't break mako -> +2
<keyma> codeworkx: I need to do this through the Android SDK?
<codeworkx> keyma: read xda
<keyma> where on xda?
<codeworkx> use the search function
<keyma> a specific forum?
* codeworkx hides
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<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> #codylogic
<wifi> #killthejew ?
<Jiangyi> I think that's #nazilogic :-P
<wifi> #germanlogic ?
<Jiangyi> #WWIIGermanlogic
<wifi> #peopledon'tchangelogic ?
<Jiangyi> Fine, you win. :-/
<wifi> :D
<wifi> \o/
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<wifi> "Oh, you wanted more information about our product once, i'll email you every week about it from now" #openERP logic
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<Devourz> lol
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<Jiangyi> Hrm
<Jiangyi> Nice case, but I don't even use anything other than CM stock kernel. :/
* Jiangyi still need to choose a free case
<Jiangyi> needs*
<wifi> lol
<wifi> dafuq is that shit
<wifi> eh don't you already have a case ?
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<Jiangyi> wifi: Keyword is free. :-P
<wifi> haha
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<Jiangyi> Don't look a gift horse in its mouth lol
<wifi> get one for me and i'll pay you
<Jiangyi> :/
<wifi> eh, nvm , i don't want a case xD
<Jiangyi> wifi: Your options for the OG is beyond limited lol
<wifi> the only thing i'd put on that phone is a screen protector but only on the back xD
<wifi> oh my god, so much choice !
<wifi> don't know which one to take
<Jiangyi> lol SGP doesn't make back and front protectors for the OG :-P
<Jiangyi> They do for the N4 though
<wifi> eh
<Jiangyi> Those look sick :o
<wifi> wow
<wifi> i want that finally
<Espenfjo> neat
<Jiangyi> They're Canadian too :-D
<wifi> aww
<wifi> and nothing for optimus G
<Jiangyi> Poor OG :-P
<Jiangyi> Unloved.
<wifi> they have stuff for PS3 CONTROLLER BUT NOT FOR OPTIMUS G
<wifi> i understand them
<wifi> i don't want to give love to that phone too
<wifi> but bought it
<wifi> and it's becoming better than nexus 4 :P
<Jiangyi> Meh, we'll see if it's better when Android 5.0 rolls out :-P
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<wifi> we can run native nexus 4 rom on our canadian OG
<wifi> if i have kernel source i can modify everything to have fully functionnal phone
<wifi> now that i have done it once, i'm ready for 5.0 :D
<Espenfjo> *buys stuff from dbrand*
<Jiangyi> lol that was fast
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: Which one? :-P
<Espenfjo> titanium one
<Espenfjo> I think
<Jiangyi> Cool
<Jiangyi> If I feel safe not using a case on my phone, I'd totally get one. :-P
<Jiangyi> That, and if I didn't love the sparkling effect on the back so much.
<Espenfjo> hmm.. or... its quite bright that titanium one
<wifi> Jiangyi, the effect on the back of the optimus G suck xD
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: Yeah, it is kinda bright.
<Jiangyi> wifi: lol how bad we talking?
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<Jiangyi> Oh look, they're replaceable :o
<Jiangyi> That's cool.
<wifi> trying to find what is that bad but can find words
<Jiangyi> lol
<wifi> it's worse than i could say
<Jiangyi> It looks plain compared to N4 :-P
<Liliuo> can anyone help me?
<Liliuo> is it possible to disable old tv effect? CM10.1 Jb 4.2.2 sgs 3
<wifi> nope
<lisfail> anyone know why starting camera on a fresh cm10.1 install crashes the phone and makes it restart?
<Liliuo> So I'm stuck with the old tv lock effect?
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<Jiangyi> Liliuo: Unless you go make your own build.
<Jiangyi> Ah damn, I hate course selection days. :-|
* Jiangyi can't decide on the last course he needs to take
<Thracky> underwater basketweaving
<Thracky> all the good schools look for that
<Jiangyi> lol
<wifi> lol
<wifi> wow
<wifi> send a email to dbrand
<wifi> don't know if i should be insulted or what
<Thracky> wifi: that guy talking about the green led working on latest build is on crack.
<wifi> lol
<wifi> that's also what i think, but it's possible
<Thracky> only if he's done something to it
<Jiangyi> wifi: What happened?
<Thracky> straight flash it shouldn't work.
<wifi> asked them if they could support optimus G
<Thracky> who's dbrand? :P
<Jiangyi> Thracky:
<Thracky> ah
<Jiangyi> wifi: And their response was?
<wifi> wait, i'm pasting to pastebin
<wifi> i didn't ask them to have a product right now
<Thracky> heh
<wifi> and they say they are working on blackberry z10 which has been released way after optimus G
<Thracky> well, blame LG for making a bunch of slightly different phones
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Signed, a robot xD
<wifi> Thracky, they only different body is at&t
<Jiangyi> Not sure if trolling or... :-P
<wifi> otherwise they are all the same
<Thracky> ah ok
<Thracky> well that's also the biggest market no?
<wifi> yup
<wifi> Jiangyi, yet i think it's insulting
<Thracky> keep in mind the types of idiots they're used to dealing with though
<Jiangyi> Like the idiottes that come here everyday :-P
<wifi> true
<Thracky> whenever someone talks to me like they would any other moron I don't get offended because I haven't done anything to prove I'm NOT an idiot yet.
<wifi> but like i said, I didnt say I WANT SUPPORT NAO
<Jiangyi> wifi: Maybe your Quebecois English was just confusing to them :p
<Thracky> maybe they get a lot of emails asking for immediate support :P
<Thracky> anyone play Tera since it's f2p now? :D
<wifi> i said : Hey, it would be nice if could add support for optimus G. It is similar to nexus 4 (Back and front is in the same kind of glass) but less rouded. Also, even if there is a lot of different version, only the at&t version is different. Thanks.
<wifi> that is exactly what i told them
<Thracky> well, you didn't really convey ANY sort of timeframe, so they're just trying to say that they're willing to look into it but it will take time
<Thracky> I think they're more trying to emphasize that they don't just crank out products like other companies.
<wifi> or just to shut the fuck up, they have more important things to do
<Thracky> nah, I think you're reading into it too much
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<Jiangyi> I'm with Thracky on this one :-P
<waratte> Me too.
* wifi cries
<Jiangyi> wifi: Stahp crying and go install Windows and BF3 :-D
<wifi> 1st i'm at work
<wifi> 2nd now that steam work correctly with linux, i'm never going back to windows
<wifi> 3rd get CSS
<wifi> xD
<Jiangyi> :/
<wifi> it's in sale
<wifi> because of linux
<Jiangyi> $5 or something, right?
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<wifi> 7$ iirc
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<yomi> Hello. I just flashed the latest my p3110 has got some screen rotation issues...if I turn it vertical it goes into landscape...if I turn it landscape it goes vertical.
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<deed02392> Hi guys, I'm getting "ERROR: Claiming interface failed!" when trying to use Heimdall 1.4RC1 in windows 7 x64
<deed02392> apparently this would be fixed in RC2, and in the wiki for the samsung galaxy s2 it says it's linking to RC2
<deed02392> but the actual link downloads a file called
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<deed02392> my phone says "odin mode"...
<deed02392> makes me think maybe i have some kind of custom download mode
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<deed02392> or would stock download mode say that?
<cesco73> hi all, i have one problem to add device tree using local manifest
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<wifi> local_manifest.xml is deprecated, use local_manifests folder
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<cesco73> ok many thanks
<lisfail> anyone know why starting camera on a fresh cm10.1 install crashes the phone and makes it restart?
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<wifi> try to wipe data
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<wifi> or install the good gapps
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<keyma> what do you mean install good gapps?
<cesco73> CyanogenMod 10.1.x4.2.120121212 c4a07a24e11448824b84e314600cd357 good gapps
<keyma> its a fresh install, after wiping, I dont know the problem is... I have downloaded the 12/12/2012 version
<keyma> yes thats what i have installed!
<keyma> its for 4.2.1 and the cm10.1 is now on 4.2.2 btw
<keyma> cesco73: the gapps that I have installed is what you said
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<cesco73> they are those correct ;-)
<keyma> so whats the problem? why is the camera gets my phone resetting itself?
<cesco73> your phone?
<keyma> sgs3
<Jiangyi> Your phone is broken
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<keyma> but it doesnt happen on stock rom!
<keyma> camera works fine on stock rom
<cesco73> try another factory reset install rom and gapps and fix permission
<keyma> how do I do factory reset? on rom or cwm?
<keyma> fixing permissions can fix this?
<Vitagore> Hey gays i have a problem with mine galaxy nexus. had a update to day, 20130217 after de install my phone won't start. i see the google text in my screen sorry for bad english
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<cesco73> factory reset in recovery mode
<keyma> okay thanks
<Vitagore> already did nothing happends :(
<Espenfjo> yeah, known error
<Espenfjo> nightlies are broken for the gnexus atm
<Espenfjo> Youll have to install an older version
<Vitagore> but how, i can't access my sd
<Espenfjo> You can boot into recovery like normal
<Espenfjo> And there you can push to the sdcard with adb
<Vitagore> what do you mean by push to the sd card with adb?
<cesco73> use exsdcard
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<Vitagore> sorry i'm bit of n00b but waht's adb and how can i connect exsdcard to mine phone/
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<keyma> cesco73: I'm using the latest cwm and I dont have there option to "factory reset", btw I should wipe cache partition?
<keyma> ohohoh I saw the factory, its the wiping option! I thought its another thing
<cesco73> ok
<keyma> cesco73: I really hope the "fix permission" would help me, I dont know what else to do :(
<keyma> ohh that doesnt help
<cesco73> in Advanced
<cesco73> fix permission
<keyma> still starting the camera on cm10.1 resets my phone :(
<keyma> yes I tried "fix permission"
<keyma> doesnt help
<cesco73> after factory reset??
<keyma> yes, after wiping, I did fix permission
<keyma> wouldnt help
<keyma> maybe its got something to do with using ExynosAbuse?
<cesco73> I do not know
<keyma> where do I need to start a topic on xda, on the troubleshooting forums?
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<jomp16> Format /system too...
<jomp16> If i want a clean install I format /system
<jomp16> (This isn't a question and yes affirmation)
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<Vitagore> i want to adb push to the sd but i can't unmount mine sd how can i unmount mine sd
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<Vitagore> is there another way to put a older ROM to sd without using adb puch?
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<Vitagore> plz help :(
<whitequark> Vitagore: download it from the phone, genius
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<Vitagore> got a broken CM ROM Phone won't start
<jomp16> Hey, the new modifications for p31xx is problematic?
<Espenfjo> Vitagore: I think adb is your only choice, or fastboot
<Vitagore> what is fastboot
<Vitagore> i was trying to adb but i cant unmout mine sdcard
<Espenfjo> you can not mount you mean?
<Espenfjo> If you boot into recovery first, then go to "install zip from sdcard" then "chose zip from sdcard" you should be able to do adb push to /sdcard
<Vitagore> i reed on xda that u have to unmout your sd and system
<Espenfjo> recovery doesnt mount the sdcard until you go into those menus
<Espenfjo> no
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<Vitagore> oke i will try to adb when im in chose zip from sd
<Vitagore> won't work :(
<jomp16> Yu have a old .zip working on your sdcard?
<Vitagore> noop, i ricently delited al mine old roms from the sd, fml
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<Vitagore> oke so i fail adb puch so what's fastboot? is that an option for me?
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<Qasaur> Hey guys
<Qasaur> I have some kind of problem with my i9300
<Qasaur> The earpiece for the phone doesn't work
<Qasaur> it stopped working after restarting my computer
<Qasaur> restarted my phone*
<Qasaur> I'm running CM10.1
<Qasaur> I'm talking about the speaker when calling
<Qasaur> you know at the top of the phone
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<martpwns> !device t0lte
<clibot> martpwns: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
<martpwns> !changelog t0lte
<clibot> martpwns: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
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<dvizard> !SGS2
<clibot> dvizard: Unknown command "sgs2"
<dvizard> !device SGS2
<clibot> dvizard: Unknown device SGS2
<dvizard> !supported Samsung
<clibot> dvizard: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd, cooper, d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2usc, d2vzw, epicmtd, fascinatemtd, galaxys2, galaxys2att, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, hercules, i605, i777, i9100, i9100g, i9300, l900, mesmerizemtd, n7000, n7100, n8000, n8013, p1, p1c, p1l, p1n, p3, p3100, p3110, p3113, p4, p4tmo, p4vzw, p4wifi, p5, p5100, p5110, p5113, p5wifi, quincyatt, quincytmo, s5670, showcasemtd, skyr
<dvizard> !device galaxys2
<clibot> dvizard: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<dvizard> Hi. A specific question for my Galaxy S2: it's rooted, but still running Gingerbread 2.3.3. What CM recovery should I install?
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<dvizard> sorry. I meant "CWM recovery" of course
<jomp16> The latest?
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<dvizard> so there are no problems with installing a current CWM on a phone running a very old Android?
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<Turilo> gota love supercurios gal reviews hmm guess on a hot day the nexus 4 isnt up to par :/
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