nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<clibot> [Link] Gerrit Code Review
<Jiangyi> They got your name wrong xD
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<chadouming_home> lol
<chadouming_home> kaik514
<chadouming_home> 27 version earlier of kaik
<Jiangyi> lol I'm tempted to leave a comment about it
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<Kaik541> 6/msg ChanServ invite #cyanogenmod-priv
<Kaik541> you saw nothing
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<ernie`> hahaha
<ernie`> this is not the channel you're looking for
<Kaik541> shhh that channel doesn't exist
<Kaik541> you're crazy
<ernie`> right... :P
<ernie`> well.. its not like one can enter it anyways
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<ernie`> (I tried :P)
<Kaik541> grr... why am I getting permission denied to gerrit
<ernie`> just a wild guess, but maybe you lack the right permissions?
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<ernie`> or gerrit is in a bad mood
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<Kaik541> nah, my publickeys are both up there and should beright
<Kaik541> and I've added gerrit to my known hosts
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<ernie`> sounds weird then
<ernie`> you know what they say
<ernie`> gerrit be crazy
<ernie`> you might now have heard anybody say it before
<ernie`> but trust me
<ernie`> "they" are saying it
<ernie`> and I think that proves that my humor is inverse proportional with how tired I am
<ernie`> so maybe I should go to bed
<ernie`> just two more episodes and Im off to bed.. I swear!
<Kaik541> ha
<Kaik541> or I'm an idiot
<Kaik541> forgot to use git-config to set up my gerrit username
<Kaik541> forgot this was anew PC
<ernie`> haha
<ernie`> easy to miss though
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<ernie`> would think that your public key would be enough though?
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: We all know about #cm-priv lol
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: HUSH
<Kaik541> no idea what you're talking about
<Jiangyi> :-P
<ernie`> nothing at all.. nothing at all...
<clibot> [Link] Nothin' at all - YouTube
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<clibot> [Link] xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM][GT-I9100][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies ...
<a3Dman> blowshead :D
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<Please> Guys....
<Please> I want to cry now.
<Please> =(
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<mjt> don't worry be happy :)
<Guest42472> Guys.. I badly need help
<Guest42472> as in seriously!
<Guest42472> I corrupted my imei;
<Guest42472> no back up has been made.
<clibot> [Link] [HOW-TO][FIX] Repair your IMEI with QPST - updated w/ info - xda-developers
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<Guest42472> it says "Open the keypad and dial *#22745927 Enable hidden menu Go back to the keypad and dial *#7284# Click Qualcomm USB Settings Select RMNET + DM + MODEM and click ok"
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<Fregieray> Hi all.
<Fregieray> I badly need help
<Fregieray> As in serious help.
<Fregieray> I want to cry now.
<Fregieray> =(
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<mjt> heh
<mjt> so much for needing help...
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<Agravain> I
<Agravain> * I'm trying to build cm for samsung i9305. While the build completes successfully, I have a slightly different set of files from the ROM codeworkx published, and it doesn
<Agravain> * doesn't boot. Is there a guide somewhere on what modifications to the default cm build I must do? (sorry about multiline, bad keyboard)
<Agravain> I did of course use the kernel, device and vendor trees for i9305
<codeworkx> Agravain: no mods needed
<codeworkx> Agravain: device and vendor from teamhacksung +
<clibot> [Link] Gerrit Code Review
<codeworkx> that's all
<Agravain> codeworkx: alright! Thanks, man :)
<codeworkx> Agravain: and vendor from muppets for common files
<codeworkx> Agravain: ur did you use the extract script?
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<Agravain> codeworkx: I ran the extract script without any errors. Maybe the missing files in system/etc/wifi/*bin* was the result of me using an older version. Just completed a sync and brunch now, so will compare again :)
<codeworkx> Agravain: delete vendor/samsung, sync, extract again running latest build
<Agravain> codeworkx: thanks, I'll do that. I'm also missing ./system/usr/idc/sec_touchscreen.idc
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<codeworkx> Agravain: patched it. sync again :-D
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<Agravain> codeworkx: thanks, I did that, re-ran and started a new build :)
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<nosklo> Hi, I'm having some trouble enabling wifi tethering on my SGS3 i9300 with CM10.1 nightly. This problem is not listed in the known issues. Is that a new problem? Can anyone help me fix it?
<codeworkx> nosklo: latest nightly and stock cm kernel?
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<nosklo> yes
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<nosklo> I touch the checkbox to enable it, and it says it is being enabled and hangs there, nothing happens. I'm rebooting now and will try to capture something in the logs
<Agravain> codeworkx: also did a make clean, so the build will probably take a while. I'll try flashing it later today :)
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<nosklo> got it to work by changing the default configuration for SSID and password...
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<koegs> can i flash the latest nightly build without losing all my settings and apps?
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<mongi> I tried install cody's cwm for stock jb from xda, but now the phone doesn't boot... i'm on i9100. anyone had the same problem?
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<Umeaboy> !download Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000
<clibot> Umeaboy: Unknown device Samsung
<Umeaboy> !download P1000
<clibot> Umeaboy: Unknown device P1000
<Umeaboy> !download P1
<clibot> Umeaboy: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Tab: [150ce9]
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<cdesai> !download p1
<clibot> cdesai: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Tab: [150ce9]
<cdesai> there you go Umeaboy
<cdesai> nm
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<jomp16> Yah, Jenkins building p3110
<a3Dman> :]
<codeworkx> jomp16: but nothing changed because you still didn't fix bugs
<codeworkx> the whole p31xx community is waiting for your fixes
<jomp16> News features in CM not kernel fixes
<jomp16> I'm don't have a PC...
<jomp16> I will wait for bug fixed of your friend
<jomp16> Bug fix *
<codeworkx> i dont have friends
<codeworkx> only enemies
<codeworkx> a lot of them
<a3Dman> if you have a lot of enemies, then you're moving in the right direction
<a3Dman> that's what I learnt
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<jomp16> Cody: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer
<pw> ;)
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<pparek> Hi please can you help me with SIM unlock?
<codeworkx> theres a app for it
<codeworkx> GalaxySSimUnlock
<codeworkx> afaik
<pparek> That isn't work.
<pparek> I was try Samsung S unlock and this working only on CM10
<codeworkx> ask your provider
<jomp16> Cody: if change the resolution of boot animation to portrait, it don't will extrapolate the screen?
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<jomp16> noobnl will support p31xx for now?
<pparek> Codeworkx: Do you mean this?
<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: [root] Galaxy S2 SIM Unlock - Android Apps auf Google Play
<codeworkx> pparek: no idea, i never used it and will never use it
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<pparek> Codeworkx: you never have problem with SIM unlock? I have problem with Sim lock since yesterd, when i flashed CM10.1 (build 22). I'm using CM since CM7 and never i had this problem.
<codeworkx> pparek: clever people do buy non-locked phones
<codeworkx> :-P
<a3Dman> +1000
<codeworkx> pparek: you better figure it out. you'll have same problems on samsung 4.1.2 roms
<codeworkx> pparek: did you do a backup of efs before playing with it?
<pparek> codeworkx: But this phone wasn't locked. I used CM10 and i havenť this problem. This problem started yesterday, when i flashed CM 10.1.
<codeworkx> pparek: you probably corrupted your efs. samsung fixed some RIL bugs that's why it's popping up now.
<pparek> codeworkx: I have backup efs on sd-card.
<codeworkx> then restore it
<pparek> codeworkx: But I tried to rewrite, but it did not help. I used Root explorer.
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<codeworkx> pparek: flash stock 4.1.2 and see what happens
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<pparek> codeworkx: There is the same problem after installing 4.2.2
<codeworkx> pparek: flash stock samsung 4.1.2
<pparek> codeworkx: ok i try it
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<pparek> codeworkx: Can i install stock in CWM or i have to use ODIN?
<codeworkx> odin
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<jomp16> Cody: you use BBQLinux?
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<codeworkx> jomp16: sure
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<jomp16> Cody: you can pass more info?
<jomp16> What the Arch version? The installation is the same of Arch or has more facility to install? What the GUI?
<Jiangyi> Ubuntu-like installer (uber easy) and MATE
<jomp16> Version of Arch?
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<Jiangyi> ...... I don't know how to answer that?
<jomp16> Release of 2013.02.01?
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<jomp16> Jiangyi: i can receive updates of Arch or only your updates?
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<Jiangyi> Arch
<jomp16> Is Java 7?
<Jiangyi> OpenJDK6
<jomp16> The BBQLinux has a philosophy KISS ?
<codeworkx> jomp16: ARCH doesnt have a version
<codeworkx> jomp16: it's a rolling release
<jomp16> "KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID" or no?
<jomp16> Is possible to install oracle-java-7?
<codeworkx> sure, but you can't compile android with it
<a3Dman> jomp16: it's a lightweight distro
<jomp16> I know
<jomp16> Is possible to use BBQLinux apart of compile Android?
<codeworkx> sure
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<jomp16> Has a nvidia driver in pacman?
<codeworkx> afaik yes
<codeworkx> bbqlinux is fully arch compatible
<codeworkx> it's arch + mate + some packages
<jomp16> On install, is a Ubuntu like installer, on start is a MATE desktop
<jomp16> Correct?
<codeworkx> it's a live media
<codeworkx> you'll get mate if you just boot the dvd
<codeworkx> then can click "install"
<jomp16> The install is like Arch?
<jomp16> Pure text?
<codeworkx> GUI
<codeworkx> like ubuntu
<codeworkx> graphical installer
<codeworkx> Jiangyi already told you
<jomp16> You can upload more prints of this dist?
<codeworkx> no
<clibot> [Link] Photo Album - Imgur
<jomp16> OK, I need to test it if I got my PC again
<jomp16> Has a pt br language?
<codeworkx> no, only chinese
<codeworkx> what a fucking stupid question
<Jiangyi> lol
<jomp16> Yeah, I'm stupid
<Jiangyi> I avoid Linux in Chinese xD
<Jiangyi> Looks too awkward
<jomp16> Linux for humans beings?
<jomp16> Or other?
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<pparek> codeworx: Thanks for you help. I buy this app: GalaxSim Unlock and that work awesome. :-)
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<codeworkx> pparek: srsly, your phone was provider locked
<codeworkx> pparek: non free phone
<jomp16> I download this file bbqlinux-2013.01.27-x86_64.iso?
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<jomp16> CD or DVD?
<codeworkx> dvd
<pparek> maby you have right, but this problem started with CM10.1 and i was using CM7, 9, 10, Miui, etc.
<pparek> codeworkx: maby you have right, but this problem started with CM10.1 and i was using CM7, 9, 10, Miui, etc.
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<codeworkx> pparek: cm used a buggy ril which could be easily cheated
<codeworkx> pparek: samsung fixed that
<pparek> codeworkx: aha... ok i have to go. Thanks for you time. :-)
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<jomp16> Cody: BBQLinux usually uses what of ram? 500MB?
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<vinifm> Anyone know where it hides zImage in a Galaxy Ace?
<codeworkx> on a partition
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<vinifm> boot partition?
<vinifm> do you know specifically what the partition?
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<Espenfjo> Varies from device to device
<Espenfjo> KERNEL or BOOT
<Espenfjo> or 5
<Espenfjo> heh
<vinifm> mine is Galaxy ace
<vinifm> I intend to use my own compiled kernel from samsung' GT-S5830_GB_Opensource_Update1
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<sogard> Hello. Anyone with Galaxy S 4.2.2 having problems with ADB over TCP/IP?
<sogard> Does adb over wifi work for you guys?
<sogard> Can anyone help me troubleshoot my problem? I need my phone for developement../.
<vinifm> sogard, you
<vinifm> sogard, you should use adb to usb cable
<vinifm> using usb cable
<Thiagovfar> Hmm, yet another thing broken by the secure adb thing
<sogard> My usb cable is broken.
<vinifm> you can to use SSHDroid
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<sogard> Nice.
<vinifm> so type: ssh user@192.168.1.x
<sogard> Didn't even know there was an SSH app on Android.
<vinifm> i am using right now
<RossWell98> ...
<RossWell98> Android Terminal Emulator ?
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<sogard> I'll boot to linux now.
<sogard> Tried to see if it was because of the OS.
<sogard> Thanks for the hlpe.
<sogard> help*
<sogard> If it doesn't work, I'll be back.
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<Thiagovfar> there's a ssh server bundled on cm already
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<sogard> It doesn't work.
<sogard> My device is still offline
<vinifm> your device have ip?
<Agravain> codeworkx: Now my i9305 build booted ok. Thanks for helping me out earlier :)
<sogard> Yes.
<vinifm> so type: ssh root@192.168.1.x
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<sogard> It says host key veryfication failed.
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<RossWell98> oh
<RossWell98> sogard: rm -rf .ssh
<RossWell98> and retry :)
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<sogard> What does -rf .ssh do?
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<RossWell98> sogard: he remove all host keys
<vinifm> ssh-keygen -f /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts -R 192.168.1.x
<vinifm> i use: ssh-keygen -f /home/vinix/.ssh/known_hosts -R
<RossWell98> mh :/
<sogard> I worked.
<sogard> What now?
<vinifm> so type: ssh root@192.168.1.x
<sogard> I did.
<sogard> It's connected.
<vinifm> ls
<sogard> It lists bin
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<vinifm> so, was what you wanted?
<sogard> Adb on wireless.
<vinifm> wifi connection
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<sogard> What do you mean?
<vinifm> wifi connection with cell-phone
<sogard> How?
<vinifm> you are connected a cell via ssh by wifi
<sogard> Yes.
<vinifm> but, I think it is not possible to use adb on wifi
<sogard> I guess it's not.
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<sogard> Is there any way to debug it?
<sogard> Adb would really be nice...
<sogard> I tried and adb app from the play store but it still doesn't work.
<sogard> an*
<sogard> Any ideas?
<vinifm> I do not know another way
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<sogard> I'm really wondering why this is happening...
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<sogard> Is there any way to see how the devices are communicating on linux?
<sogard> I wanna see if the phone gives any response to my laptop.
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<sogard> I'm gonna revert to an earlier nightly to see if it makes any difference.
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<vinifm> "Ace does not have bootloader", someone confirm this?
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<jomp16> Hey, my friend told to me is possible to use Ubuntu/Debian in Android via chroot, but where's is the .iso?
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<a-st> fantastic mod! :D
<clibot> [Link] Photo Album - Imgur
<a3Dman> a-st: how?
<a3Dman> I think it's better than scratches xD
<a-st> I like it :D
<a3Dman> how to do?
<a-st> And I did it to my SGS2 as well :D
<a-st> I used a kitchen sponge
<a3Dman> a-st: how does it look?
<a-st> wait a sec :)
<clibot> [Link] [DIY] Matte Black Samsung Galaxy S2 - xda-developers
<a3Dman> thx
<a3Dman> mine still shine anyway
<a3Dman> I will do it when scratches are bad
<a-st> Mine was scratched and the bezel was pretty ugly :D
<a-st> Now it looks so nice :D
<a3Dman> I will show you mine now
<a-st> but took me ~1h
<a-st> I wonder if i9100 will get 4.2.1 :D
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<a3Dman> a-st: it has 4.2.2 :P
<a-st> a3Dman: yeah I know :P If you use cm10.1 :D
<a3Dman> what else do you want then
<a3Dman> lol
<a-st> I like the new Stock ROM / NeatROM :)
<a3Dman> touchwiz and neat can't be in one sentence
<a3Dman> rofl
<a-st> Battery lasts ~4 days
<a3Dman> but touchwiz, ugly, laggy and lame could happen though
<a-st> a3Dman: Are you talking about the launcher? :)
<a3Dman> about the complete rom
<a-st> a3Dman: did you try it? :D
<a3Dman> try what?
<a3Dman> 4.1.2?
<a-st> yeah :)
<a3Dman> yeah for 5 mins
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<neil> i have a question! :)
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<neil> I have a galaxy tab 2 (3G + WiFi) w/ CM10.1. What if there's a newly released nightly build, how do I update to it, do i have to download it and use recovery to update?
<neil> or I can update it using the update in the settings
<a3Dman> well, update option in settings is made for some reason...
<neil> well is it automatic if I update there? sorry for being noob. it's my first time to install a custom ROM the other day
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<a3Dman> yes
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<j1seven> is it possible to blacklist a number on cm10.1 for the gs3?
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