nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<rekoil> except in status it says modified and in bootloader it says system status: custom
<rekoil> they will know
<Jiangyi> Oh, flash counter?
<rekoil> dont say triangle away
<rekoil> i've been trying that for like 2 hours today
<rekoil> starting with different roms and rooting and triangle awaying,
<Jiangyi> Bah :-|
<rekoil> nothing resets the system status flag
<rekoil> it's a fucking rock
<rekoil> if i didn't know better i'd say it was an e-fuse
<rekoil> which it actually should be
<Jiangyi> Try leaving a reply on Chainfire's thread?
<rekoil> i've pm'ed him on irc
<rekoil> we'll see what he says
<rekoil> if i can reset the system status that is the plan
<rekoil> (sending it to service)
<Jiangyi> I do know that 2.75 just magically started working on the I9100G, so anything's possible. :-P
<rekoil> probably not magically
<rekoil> i'd say it likely has to do with some nifty coding :P
<Jiangyi> Well, accidentally then.
<Jiangyi> He probably didn't expect that to happen :-P
<rekoil> unfortunately there's something like 8 people in the world who have the I9305N
<rekoil> or at least it feels like that
<Jiangyi> Interestingly, the thread says the 9305N is supported.....
<rekoil> indeed
<rekoil> probably hasn't been tested on this sboot considering it came out only a week or so ago and the I9305N was listed as supported in october last year
<Bert_> Isn't there somethinglike Triangle Away for your phone? Worked for my i9100g
<Jiangyi> Can't you roll back to an old one?
<rekoil> Jiangyi: i could (and would) if i had a binary of it
* Jiangyi goes to try to find it
<rekoil> but there's only 2 roms (literally only 2) available for my phone
<rekoil> and only one (I9305NXXBMA2) has an sboot in it
<rekoil> I need the sboot for I9305NXXALIA
<Jiangyi> o_o All stock ROMs should include a Sbl.bin.....
<rekoil> well, not for this phone
<Jiangyi> daflip?
<rekoil> at least not in the tar available on sammobile
<Jiangyi> Hmm
<rekoil> this is my first samsung so I don't really know where to look
<rekoil> is there a way to get firmwares in a more official way?
<Jiangyi> I wonder if an i9305 sbl.bin will flash onto your i9305N....
<Jiangyi> No there isn't :/
<rekoil> it does
<rekoil> and it boots
<Jiangyi> Still won't clear?
<rekoil> not tried
<rekoil> think its worth a shot?
<Jiangyi> Probably.
<rekoil> old sboot for i9305
<rekoil> k
<rekoil> i'll give that a go another night
<rekoil> it's nearing 1 am and I have a tutorial in the morning so I'm not gonna fuck with it right now hehe
<Jiangyi> lol yeah, go sleep
<Jiangyi> Don't be like me :-P
<Jiangyi> Stayed up til 2am doing an assignment, teacher tells me that he's pushing the deadline back 2 days -_-
<rekoil> scumbag
<rekoil> yeah actually, my databases examiner just pushed back the deadline for our assignment as well (pretty much anyway, time constraints due to my class being full of idiots apparently)
<rekoil> i am done since about a week ago hehe
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<clibot> [Link] Obama attends youngest daughter's dance recital | Politics | The Seattle Times
<frankdrey> OMG
<frankdrey> SUCH BIG NEWS
<rekoil> lol
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<frankdrey> I hope he finds that terminal :(
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<jackster_> i rooted my samsung galaxy tab 2 7.0 and tried to install the Jellybean CM10 Cyanogenmod and now it keeps saying "Unfortunately, the procee has stopped and "Unfortunately, Setup Wizard has stopped"
<frankdrey> wrong gapps
<frankdrey> you need to ones for 4.1.2
<frankdrey> not 4.2.x
<frankdrey> you'll need to wipe /system in cwm > mounts & storage
<frankdrey> and then flash cm10 zip
<frankdrey> and then flash correct gapps
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<Jiangyi> z0mg
* Jiangyi can't stop laughing
<Jiangyi> This is why I don't usually have coffee xD
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<jackster_> what do i wipe ?
<jackster_> frankdrey what do i wipe ?
<chadouming> no Jiangyi, this is why you are not going out of mental hospital usually
<Jiangyi> lol
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<frankdrey> eh
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, COFFEEE ISS AWESOMMME
<Jiangyi> I know xD
<Jiangyi> But I still shouldn't have too much
<clibot> [Link] <Skyl3r> I'm gonna clean it up and then upload it <Skyl3r> Also, I gotta eat < -
<frankdrey> :p
<Jiangyi> lol
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, I need a foreign newspaper with editorials in English, about the US
<frankdrey> you're Canadian and Chinese, halp
<Jiangyi> Umm o_o
<frankdrey> name some newspapers :P
<Jiangyi> Xinhua?
<Jiangyi> Toronto Star :-D
<frankdrey> ok thanks :p
<frankdrey> lol so i had a bug in an app
<frankdrey> it's sync failed
<frankdrey> i submitted a bug report
<frankdrey> but it started working 5 min later xD
<frankdrey> and now they responded with a bunch of tips :p
<clibot> [Link] Chinese Military Linked to ���Systematic��� Hacks Against the US | Regime | China | Epoch Times
<Jiangyi> Here ya go^
<Jiangyi> Chinese media that's anti-China :-P
<frankdrey> it has to be an editorial :p
<frankdrey> but dang this app has some awesome support
<frankdrey> I don't think I have to make my own Bible app after all :D
<frankdrey> This one's awesome :D
<Jiangyi> Bah, hard to find things on the US. :/
<clibot> [Link] ���������������-���������������������������������
<frankdrey> I see ePaper and English :D
<frankdrey> and "fun"
<frankdrey> :D
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> $5 says this is Taiwanese :-P
<waratte> :P
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<melthq> hello need help here
<frankdrey> halp?
<melthq> anyone?
<frankdrey> ask your question
<frankdrey> we aren't psychic :)
<melthq> after OTA I experience the MEDIA hogging cpu
<melthq> drains my battery like mad
<melthq> formatted sd card still same
<melthq> port to other rom still same
<frankdrey> OTA? are you using CM?
<melthq> yes
<melthq> CM10.1 0224
<frankdrey> oh, those OTAs
<frankdrey> ah, device?
<melthq> I9100
<melthq> sgs2
<frankdrey> hmmk, no multiuser fking things up then :|
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<frankdrey> can you grab a logcat?
<frankdrey> use bbqtools in Play
<melthq> ok
<clibot> [Link] Commentary: Washington should not be hijacked by Japan in territorial dispute with China - Xinhua | ...
<Jiangyi> There ya go :-D
<chadouming> melthq, settings -> apps -> all -> media storage -> wipe data
<chadouming> then reboot
<melthq> chadouming, i tried that. each reboot will reappear the same issue
<chadouming> then you probably have some corrupted media files on your internal storage
<chadouming> or sdcard
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<frankdrey> he formatted
<frankdrey> <melthq> formatted sd card still same
<frankdrey> melthq, did you format external or internal?
<melthq> external
<frankdrey> your problem is probably on internal
<melthq> most probably yeah
<melthq> suspected
<frankdrey> or
<melthq> bcoz media scan is on my internal
<frankdrey> do you have a ton of crap?
<melthq> my media files are internal
<frankdrey> a lot of files?
<melthq> alot
<frankdrey> ah
<melthq> some abandoned files
<melthq> etc etc
<frankdrey> yeah, plug it in and let it run for a night ;p
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<frankdrey> it's probably honestly rebuilding the media cache
<melthq> i guess so
<melthq> tonite I will backup my media and format my internal then
<melthq> whats the suggested method?
<frankdrey> no, i'm saying let it finish indexing your files
<frankdrey> media scan can be slow if you have a lot of files
<melthq> oh
<frankdrey> when you wipe data, it had to restart
<melthq> but it was never like that
<melthq> just right after OTA update it starts
<melthq> weird
<melthq> and its really killing my battery fast
<frankdrey> the update might have done a wipe of media scan data
<melthq> damn
<melthq> i shud have just install it in cwm
<melthq> =.=
<frankdrey> would have been same
<frankdrey> it's not a problem :P
<frankdrey> it's a feature :p
<melthq> I ported from cm9 to to cm10
<melthq> no issue
<frankdrey> but check logcat if there is a problem causing it to take longer than usual
<melthq> oh it has been more than a day
<melthq> 2 days
<frankdrey> since you wiped the media cache?
<frankdrey> media storage data?
<melthq> yea
<frankdrey> then that's a problem :D
<melthq> shit =.=
<frankdrey> eh, get me a logcat
<melthq> currently im not on cm10
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<melthq> other rom now
<melthq> later i charge it full and install
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<frankdrey> ok, well once you're on a ROM we actually support, talk to us ;)
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, hi :)
<xtacocorex> howdy frankdrey
<melthq> but wait
<melthq> before i even wipe the media cache
<melthq> its already happening
<melthq> so wats the logic
<melthq> right after i install the OTA
<frankdrey> probably corrupt media files
<melthq> uhh
<frankdrey> again, logcat necessary to know anything
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<melthq> ok i will get u a logcat
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<xtacocorex> so frankdrey, i stupidly downloaded the pa3 source yesterday
<frankdrey> xtacocorex, mhm
<xtacocorex> yeah, i told myself months ago to stay away
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<frankdrey> lol
<xtacocorex> is cm10.1 on the gtab2's hdpi or mdpi?
<xtacocorex> wtf, no derp?
<frankdrey> i think mdpi?
<xtacocorex> i know pa2.x is large-mdpi
<xtacocorex> so now i get to figure out how to add those overlays
<xtacocorex> awesome
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<xtacocorex> thanks internet for being ultra lame
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<frankdrey> lol
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<frankdrey> lol only in linux can you paste a backspace :D
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<xtacocorex> i think i can on my mac, but i haven't tried in a while
<frankdrey> heh
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<JohnLeRouge> what's new ?
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<melthq> im backk
<melthq> with logcat
<melthq> hmm where are youu
<melthq> any dev here capable of reading logcats for me?
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<melthq> helloo
<melthq> ?
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<melthq> anyone available to chat
<melthq> need help
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<melthq> hello hello
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<melthq> report report
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<DemoManMLS> quick question... the changelog what time zone is it set to?
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<melthq> helloo anyone here care to help
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<melthq> knock knock
<Devourz> come in
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<Penfold_> Morning chaps! Just thinking about upgrading my SGS i9000 from CM9 to CM10.1 Nightly. Has anyone compared the two for speed/reliability?
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<melthq> `come in lol
<melthq> anyone can read my logcat? just to see if there is known issues
<melthq> been having media storage hogging my cpu
<melthq> after charge its gone but after reboot it comes
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<Snoocer> Hi @ all
<Snoocer> I have a problem with my apn/baseband/modem whatever...
<Snoocer> can somebody help me?
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<Snoocer> Hey
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<Kihokki> Snoocer, What is the problem?
<Snoocer> I have installed cm 10.0
<Snoocer> but my modem dosn't work
<Snoocer> i'm from germany
<Snoocer> last firmware (known by sammobile) is I9100GXXLPY
<Snoocer> But i don't get that modem...
<Snoocer> I tried ZCLP7 and DDLP5 from the xda cm 10.0 post...
<Snoocer> flashed, but didn't work
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<Jiangyi> Snoocer: No signal at all or no data connection?
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<Snoocer> no signal at all
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<Jiangyi> and your signal is fine on stock?
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<Pr0t0ype> My i9100 wiht 02242013 nighly thinks its charging but it isn't? :-(
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<codeworkx> Pr0t0ype: clean your usb slot with air
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<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: I did, but noting changes
<codeworkx> my cousin has the same problem on i9100g. usb port broken
<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: oh man :-(
<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: yey, i have to send it to samsung :-)
<codeworkx> flash a stock rom back and verify
<Pr0t0ype> should I use a pit file?
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<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: looks like my sammy stopped to connect with my pc, is mobile odin also possible?
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<codeworkx> Pr0t0ype: so odin doesn'T even see your device?
<codeworkx> Pr0t0ype: then your port or your cable is fuct
<Pr0t0ype> no I dont tested but it looks like I can't connecnt to pc to save my data
<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: MTP & USB
<Pr0t0ype> UMS*
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<Pr0t0ype> oh luck
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<Pr0t0ype> it connecnts
<a3Dman> good
<Pr0t0ype> a3Dman: which device do you have?
<a3Dman> i9100
<Pr0t0ype> a3Dman: good device
<a3Dman> it does calls you know :P
<Pr0t0ype> but bad usb & source
<Pr0t0ype> a3Dman: hahahahha my USB port is lovely
<a3Dman> yeah
<Pr0t0ype> I have to copy every thing over Wlan HAHHA
<a3Dman> I think mine is alright for now
<a3Dman> I use wifi also
<Pr0t0ype> a3Dman: 11gb :-/
<Pr0t0ype> this will take its time
<a3Dman> true
<a3Dman> use MTP
<a3Dman> it should be fast enough with 11gb
<Pr0t0ype> a3Dman: USB is brocken haha
<a3Dman> I thought you it got fixed
<Pr0t0ype> mtp starts and then it says data not found
<a3Dman> got it*
<Pr0t0ype> 10000 times
<a3Dman> ok
<Pr0t0ype> a3Dman: sorry but I get crazy hahah :-D
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<MagiCminD> Hello all. I got CM10 at my SGS i9000 and now I got into lockdown mode (IMEI 0049xxxxx)
<MagiCminD> Got no /efs backup....
<MagiCminD> other than I'm screwed... any solution please?
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<kaipanoi> Anyone having fun with a recent nightly of 10.1 on i777?
<nosklo> I like latest i9300 nightly, battery improved a lot
<Frd^> thats true
<Frd^> and no more bluethooth share problem
<a3Dman> I used today's nightly with i9100, got 4 days of battery life.
<MagiCminD> 4 days?
<MagiCminD> gee.. mine only goes for 8 hours... with wifi on.
<Frd^> from today's nightly
<a3Dman> yeah
<MagiCminD> hm..
<MagiCminD> k
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<kaipanoi_> sounds like fun. it might be time to upgrade then
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<a3Dman> :P
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<weirdtunguska> I'm stuck with the infinite spinning wheel with cyanogem 10.0 and a SGH T989D, even after cleaning up all the caches several times via cwr. Is there a better way to clean those caches so I can enjoy some cyanogem magic? someone mentioned dark wipe, but it seems that is not being developed. what should I do?
<oae08> you tried wiping dalvik cache ofcourse?
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<weirdtunguska> of course.
<weirdtunguska> all caches from cwr, reset factory
<weirdtunguska> no joy.
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<kaipanoi_> aaaaand, that was easy
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<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: I'm now on stock how do I look if the problem is still alive?
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<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: solved
<Pr0t0ype> its dead
<Pr0t0ype> thanks for your help
<Pr0t0ype> I will send it back to sammy, should I remove any shit before sending it away?
<codeworkx> reset counter?
<codeworkx> flash stock?
<codeworkx> wipe data?
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<weirdtunguska> no joy on flashing my hercules?
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<kaipanoi> spoke too soon… has anyone seen the "No external storage available" error when launching the camera on the latest nightly?
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<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: did every thing, but nothing else?
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<a3Dman> codeworkx: big red "placebo" ftw
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<koegs> thx, codeworkx, Wifi Tethering is working OOTB with the latest nightly on i9300
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<nosklo> yeah it works!
<nosklo> I just had to enter the settings and change the network name and password
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* nosklo sends money teamhacksung's way
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<frankdrey> I figured out what killed my first hard drive
<frankdrey> and now my second and last
<frankdrey> Windows XP
<frankdrey> BIOS won't get past POST if the hard drives are plugged in
<frankdrey> I'm not using Arch off a flash drive :D
<frankdrey> *now
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<codeworkx> frankdrey: windozer
<frankdrey> codeworkx, it's all my little brother's fault
<frankdrey> i was fine and dandy with Arch
<frankdrey> but he wanted to play some games
<frankdrey> so I started installing Windows for him
<frankdrey> and it fried the drive
<frankdrey> just like last time
<codeworkx> why do you install a 12 years old os?
<frankdrey> because the GPU didn't support win7
<frankdrey> the first one
<codeworkx> lol
<frankdrey> this time, i have 32 bit pc, but only 64 bit win7
<frankdrey> i wonder if i should redirect chromium cache to RAM
<frankdrey> i have 2.5gb of ram
<codeworkx> wanna have 16gb from me?
<frankdrey> :O
<frankdrey> DDR?:p
<codeworkx> ddr3
<frankdrey> yeah :P i have ddr :3
<frankdrey> codeworkx, have you built android in RAM disk yet?:D
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<frankdrey> oi
<frankdrey> moved my notifications bar :p
<frankdrey> to the super secret hidden lower right corner :D
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<waratte> What? I want RAM.
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<frankdrey> and that was a reboot
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> so quick :D
<frankdrey> (for me at least)
<waratte> So what, no RAM?
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<waratte> I guess not. ;(
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<Pr0t0ype> codeworkx: did your cousin gets a replace for his dead usb port?
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<fabusaline_> olá alguém poderia me ajudar a tirar uma duvida?
<Kihokki> English
<Kihokki> Please.
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<Kihokki> codeworkx: Hay, do you know why login pages on some sites like makes my Chrome browser crash? Especially when I try to paste the password into the field.
<Kihokki> There is no problem on stock roms.
<Kihokki> Not only Cyanogenmod but other roms crash in those situations.
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<fabusaline> I have a samsung galaxy s2 lite and would put cianogem mod 10 but it only has to see that the 2 serves the lite yes or no
<Kihokki> fabusaline: Still English please
<Kihokki> Oh great!
<fabusaline> My Darling Daughter 1 year and 3 months pressed the power pc
<Kihokki> But your question does not make sense
<frankdrey> Kihokki, y u ping cody :p
<frankdrey> Kihokki, get logcat of when you do it
<frankdrey> fabusaline, I'm sorry, we cannot understand you :(
<Kihokki> frankdrey: I let it run on terminal and then do it? Was the command this: logcat > graslog.log?
<fabusaline> I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 LITE and I would put it the cianogem mod 10, but the only site I found the S2 model, will it work in LITE
<frankdrey> Kihokki, that's one way to do it
<frankdrey> fabusaline, find the model number
<frankdrey> like i9100g i9100, etc.
<nosklo> fabusaline: no
<a3Dman> Kihokki: that's a bug in chrome itself, fixed in beta
<nosklo> fabusaline: you need rom of your specific model
<fabusaline> i9070
<nosklo> fabusaline: roms made for i9100 (galaxy s2 international) won't work on i9070 (galaxy s2 lite)
<nosklo> fabusaline: you need rom made for i9070 to work
<Kihokki> a3Dman: Awesome! Thanks :)
<Kihokki> I try it
<frankdrey> and that's galaxy s advance
<fabusaline> has forecast when it'll be available
<nosklo> frankdrey: it's called s2 lite on some markets
<nosklo> (my country included)
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> i see
<frankdrey> #blamesamsung
<nosklo> that's why we have model numbers
<nosklo> Galaxy Nexus is called "Galaxy X" here
<fabusaline> Thanks for the answers, and up more
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<Kihokki> To heavenies and to English
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<wangwey> hey are there any known big problems woith the latest nightly version for the sgs2 i9100G?
<wangwey> by the way: good evening^^
<frankdrey> Good afternoon :) but I have no idea :P
<Kihokki> Well for i9100 I haven't found any :p
<frankdrey> i9100 is exynos while i9100g isn't right?
<Kihokki> Well I know that i9100 has exynos
<wangwey> so the nightly build from the 26th of february 2013 is running well on the i9100?
<Kihokki> absolutely
<wangwey> Thank you for the information^^
<wangwey> !changelog <i9100G>
<clibot> wangwey: Unknown device <i9100G>
<frankdrey> !changelog i9100g
<clibot> frankdrey: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G):
<frankdrey> choose cm10.1 if you're installing cm10.1
<clibot> [Link] BBQLog - Official CyanogenMod 7, 9, 10 and 10.1 Changelog for Android distrubtion
<wangwey> Thank you @clibot^^
<wangwey> Thanks frankdrey^^
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<Claude_> Hey everyone. I have a question regarding the lockscreen. Although I have "PIN" enabled in the lockscreen/security settings (and set to a specific PIN), it will never ask for the PIN when unlocking. There will always be the lockscreen where you got to slide the lock to the side and can add widgets; but after sliding the lock, the phone is unlocked. No PIN. An idea? I think this phenomenon started a few months back after
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<Kihokki> Claude_, Which device and ROM? I'll try PIN security soon as I've installed new kernel
<Claude_> cm 10.1 (4.2.2) on GT-i9100
<Kihokki> Nightlie?
<Claude_> gt-i9100g
<Claude_> yes.
<Kihokki> I've the latest nightlie on gt-i9100 and PIN locking works fine
<Kihokki> Try setting it again?
<Claude_> but this behavior has been there with all nightlies I installed for weeks now. (I update about twice a week)
<Claude_> I just disabled lockscreen altogether, then set it, again
<Claude_> that's weird
<Kihokki> Well, I wonder if we can clear the cache for lockscreen----
<Claude_> are you aware of any other option in the settings that could influence this? I wouldn't think so.
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<Kihokki> I don't know, but does other options like pattern lock work fine?
<Claude_> I have Nova Launcher Prime 2.0.1beta8 installed
<Kihokki> Do you have any other lockscreen apps installed?
<Claude_> pattern also doesn't work
<Claude_> no
<frankdrey> you probably have some app changing your lockscreen
<Claude_> hmmm...
<Kihokki> Can anyone recommend me a battery friendly kernel for latest CM10.1 because Siyah 6.05 beta isn't working and Dorimanx 8 causes crashes?
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<Kihokki> Hmm I guess there some temporary malfunctiong on DM8, it works fine now.
<Kihokki> *was
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<DuperMan> the buildscripts are very rapey in centos
<DuperMan> just saying
<DuperMan> \
<Claude_> i found the solution
<Jiangyi> Kihokki: Just use stock CM kernel. :-P
<Claude_> somehow, it was set in the profiles, "standard" profile. unset lockscreen.
<Claude_> \quit
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<Kihokki> Jiangyi, Is it really that good?
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<Jiangyi> Kihokki: Don't expect support from here if you don't use stock kernel. :-P
<Kihokki> So I can go back to stock by flashing the latest nightlie again?
<xplodwild> yes
<Jiangyi> Yep.
<xplodwild> I was first.
<DuperMan> Jiangyi:)
<Jiangyi> Hai
<DuperMan> ppl stil doesing the c3?
<Jiangyi> wait whut ._.
<DuperMan> crysis
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<Jiangyi> idurno lol
<DuperMan> eh. imma making a fake facebook, at long last
<DuperMan> and for 'bing rewards' of all thingses
<DuperMan> good thing this generation is dumb or I couldn't get away with vague literature homages
<DuperMan> :D
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<frankdrey> I wonder if I can get free online storage that I can mount and access like a normal drive on Linux