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<Jiangyi> lol
<Thiagovfar> Is there any special ritual to make ADB work on CWM, i9100, Ubuntu 12.10?
<Jiangyi> udev rules :-P
<Thiagovfar> adb is running as rooot
<Thiagovfar> root*
<Jiangyi> cmon computer, build faster
<Thiagovfar> It doesn't work that way...
<Jiangyi> Doing translations at this rate is not effective :/
<Thiagovfar> hmm
<Thiagovfar> Are you running 'make clean'?
<Jiangyi> Well, I haven't done a mako build yet, so it's doing the components from scratch :-P
<Thiagovfar> Oh, ok. But that will only happen once
<Thiagovfar> Won't affect rate very much
<Jiangyi> Either ways, my computer's still slow :/
<Thiagovfar> Can't be worse than mine
<Thiagovfar> Build CM on the device itself !
<Thiagovfar> CM-ception
<Jiangyi> lol I don't see that working xD
<Thiagovfar> It isn't impossible. But you'd probably have a hard time configuring the build system.
<Jiangyi> I don't think AOSP was made to be built on ARM :-P
<Thiagovfar> That's precisely why you'll need to adjust the build system.
<Jiangyi> Fair enough.
<Thiagovfar> Where is the mock sms feature when you need it?
<|Night|> google latitude does not belive my mock locations
<Thiagovfar> Clever thing
<|Night|> yup
<|Night|> apperntly one cannot travel from the noth pole to antatrika in 5min
<|Night|> :P
<Thiagovfar> I think you can, given certain conditions.
<|Night|> ow
<MaXim_> aww
<MaXim_> i plugged my usb dac into my phone
<MaXim_> it didn't work :(
<Jiangyi> eg. Light speed :-D
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> so if you cheat with flight times
<|Night|> it works
<|Night|> i set location to a random airport, check deparors
<|Night|> then check in to annother airport a few hours after
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Light speed is overdoing it.
<Jiangyi> :-P
<Thiagovfar> You need to go at about 66713 m/s to make the trip in 5 minutes
<Thiagovfar> Which gives about 0,2223*c
<Thiagovfar> Not even a quarter of light speed
<|Night|> ill call NASA and order a rocket
<|Night|> NASA used 3 days to get to the moo n so
<Thiagovfar> Which is 19 times farther...
<Thiagovfar> You'll need a faster rocket
<|Night|> that was in 1969
<|Night|> X43 should do
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<Thiagovfar> |Night|: Six times slower thatn what you'd need.
<|Night|> you think a nos system would work?
<Thiagovfar> Totally
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<|Night|> im good then
<|Night|> ill talk to google about stop deleting my fake locations
<Thiagovfar> Don't mention the "fake" part to them
<|Night|> :P
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<|Night|> not sure theyll buy ill have a X43 with a NOS system eather
<|Night|> 74,400 miles traveled
<|Night|> 151,221 more miles to the Moon i want to see whats after the moon
<Thiagovfar> The dark side of it
<Thiagovfar> You can't see very much there
<|Night|> indeed
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<Thiagovfar> Unless... You travel on the new moon.
<Thiagovfar> Damn you i9100, connect to adb, you b***tard.
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: You sure you have the right udev rules? o_O
<Jiangyi> And in other news, CID died
<Jiangyi> It's not checking any of my translations :-|
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: It works. Sometimes. I mean, adb.
<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> How does it only work sometimes?
<Thiagovfar> Just like that
<Thiagovfar> it works when it wants to.
<Thiagovfar> dmesg says the USB device keeps connecting and disconnecting
<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> Is your USB port borked?
<Thiagovfar> It should not be
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<Thiagovfar> If it is, I'm screwed. This is the only port the device connects to
<Thiagovfar> It seems to hate the other (3.0) ports
<Thiagovfar> Good thing the computer has this single 2.0
<|Night|> Jiangyi: you are broke!
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<Thiagovfar> I access the cable is more likely to be fractured than the port malfunctioning.
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Whut ._.
<|Night|> sup m8
<Jiangyi> lol sup
<|Night|> laughing at Microsoft
<|Night|> i can dl any product even if i dont have a license for it
<|Night|> and use a modified KMS server to activate it
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<|Night|> its gotten easier over the years
<|Night|> Jiangyi: does netfllix work for you?
<|Night|> im unable to load the page
<Jiangyi> |Night|: I don't use it :-P
<|Night|> why .P
<|Night|> netflix is just awsome when you are to lazy to dl
<Jiangyi> idk, I just don't :/
<|Night|> :)
<|Night|> to wipe a phone complelte i just have to run the wipe optiion in cwm right?
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<|Night|> it deletes all apps, picturs, settings and so on?
<Thiagovfar> Deletes all app data
<Thiagovfar> everything on sdcard will be untouched
<|Night|> how do i reset sdcard aswel then?
<|Night|> reflash with odin?
<Thiagovfar> But you can format them individually, at mounts and storage
<|Night|> hmm
<Thiagovfar> Be very carreful there, tho
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<|Night|> indeed
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<Thiagovfar> Behold, for I submitted a changeset unrelated to SystemUI
<|Night|> Jiangyi: i found the error with netflix
<|Night|> my proxy is down
<Jiangyi> oh lol
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Watching a kitty video? xD
<|Night|> yup
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Like, Nyan cat
<Thiagovfar> Guys, I gotta go.
<Thiagovfar> Good night
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<James> Hello
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<Guest80411> I' working on a Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P3113)
<Guest80411> I tried to load CM10 and it is currently stuck on the main boot screen
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<Guest80411> Is there any way to get it back into recovery or download mode?
<Guest80411> Anyone out there?
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<bucky19> hello
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<frankdrey> back to linux :D
<frankdrey> lol i forgot i hid my notifications panel
<frankdrey> it pops out if you put the mouse at the right middle of the screen
<frankdrey> i thought xchat flew away xD
<frankdrey> so i started like 5 of them
<frankdrey> and then i remembered
<frankdrey> and accidentally disconnected from wifi :P
<frankdrey> and router started acting up
<frankdrey> so i set up a static ip
<frankdrey> and im back xD
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<fowardslash> hey - I went from a samsung nexus s4g to a samsung reverb. I really miss stock android, so I want to root my phone, but it doesn't seem like my model is supported. Is there a ROM that would work even if it's not specifically for the reverb?
<Jiangyi> fowardslash: Well, that wasn't really a good move. ._.
<fowardslash> Jiangyi: going to the reverb you mean?
<Jiangyi> Yeah.
<fowardslash> i see that now, but it was a cheap phone...
<Jiangyi> fowardslash: Looks like you're out of luck.
<fowardslash> Jiangyi: wouldn't a rom for another phone technically work?
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<Jiangyi> Chances of that = less than 5%
<fowardslash> ok. do you know if there's a way I can just erase touchwiz? that's what I really want to get rid of
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<EgoElf> buy a nexus or galaxy s3 and flash CM on it
<Jiangyi> Touchwiz is built so far into Samsung's ROMs, removing it = no working system
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<fowardslash> EgoElf: looks like I'm going to have to. I was really spoiled with my nexus. alright thanks.
<EgoElf> well, your other option is to provide CM w/ the necessary codes to run on that phone
<fowardslash> EgoElf: what does that entail?
<EgoElf> quite a bit i'm afraid
<EgoElf> i know enough to know that i can't do it
<EgoElf> but that's about all
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<fowardslash> gotcha. I found a link on android forums claiming to bring the reverb to stock. I suppose it's worth a try
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<EgoElf> samsung's are usually pretty easy to go back to stock on
<annihlist> Hey I currently purchased the Australian Telstra version of Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7105T variant. Does this work with cyanogenmod release?
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<frankdrey> do you guys know of a sound tunnel type thing for android?
<frankdrey> where i use my phone as a sound card?:P
<frankdrey> because mine is borked
<frankdrey> and i have a headphones jack on my phone
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<EgoElf> bluetooth
<frankdrey> ooh ok
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<frankdrey> I'm going back to 100% arch
<frankdrey> I didn't gain anything with windows
<frankdrey> Except maybe tf2....
<frankdrey> But it probably won't work on my prehistoric gpu
<frankdrey> and I'm switching to mobile gaming
<frankdrey> Less time consuming
<frankdrey> Can game in the car, bored waiting, in bed xD
<frankdrey> PC will be for homework and programming
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<frankdrey> I'm gonna delete all windows related files I have :p
<frankdrey> And give my bro all my windows CDs and windows software CDs lol
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<Rad_Ahemn> @downloads p5100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<Rad_Ahemn> @downloads gt-p5100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
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<frankdrey> Lammmmr
<frankdrey> Laaamr
<frankdrey> Laaame
<frankdrey> Bbqbot you idiot
<frankdrey> Lost us a customer
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: We ain't getting paid for these customers :-P
<frankdrey> True dat
<frankdrey> Let's demand bbqteam to pay us
* a3Dman needs monies
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<frankdrey> Don't we all?
<a3Dman> dunno
<frankdrey> Except cody
<frankdrey> He makes the grenade phone
<frankdrey> Nokia
<frankdrey> Semiens and Nokia are merged you know
<a3Dman> :o
<frankdrey> Wait codeworkx. You around?
<frankdrey> He said he's like some productivity manager or something
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, what was it called?
<Jiangyi> Total Productive Maintenance or something.
<frankdrey> Dude
<frankdrey> He's pretty much Barney stinson
<frankdrey> :D
<a3Dman> xD
<frankdrey> Cody rose on my hero ladder
<Jiangyi> Is it bad that I don't know who Barney Stinson is? lol
<a3Dman> neither did I
<a3Dman> but I just google'd it
<a3Dman> and now I know
<a3Dman> information power
<frankdrey> He's one of the coolest characters in How I Met Your Mother
<frankdrey> Watch that show
<frankdrey> Do it
<Jiangyi> Eh, sleep first :-P
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<Jiangyi> thatguythatcode: ohai
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<Jiangyi> xD
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, start from the beginning
<frankdrey> You have Netflix?
<thatguythatcode> Jiangyi: Hi
<thatguythatcode> frankdrey: my network connection is so shit - I probably couldn't even sign up on my network connection
<frankdrey> Hmm?
<frankdrey> Talking to Jiangyi._.
<frankdrey> Lol who are you?
<thatguythatcode> I've been lurking here for ages
<thatguythatcode> an australian with extremly shitty internet
<frankdrey> Australian :D
<Jiangyi> How you know that someone's been lurking for a long time: They become voice/op xD
<frankdrey> Aka awesome?
<thatguythatcode> ahahh
<frankdrey> Nice:-)
<a3Dman> that's shittier than my .5mbps line
<thatguythatcode> thats on a good day
<frankdrey> Well I'm gonna go watch some himym lol
<frankdrey> Peace
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<a3Dman> thatguythatcode: do they pay you to use this connection?
<a3Dman> just wondering
<thatguythatcode> no
<thatguythatcode> I pay 90 bucks for this crap
<a3Dman> wtf, what's the speed on the contract?
<thatguythatcode> supposed to be 20 meagbits
<thatguythatcode> but my area sucks
<a3Dman> seriously?
<thatguythatcode> yep
<a3Dman> what type of connection?
<thatguythatcode> ADSL2
<a3Dman> looks like it's heavily shared 20mbps line
<a3Dman> that sucks, I would just riot about this
<thatguythatcode> haha yeah
<thatguythatcode> I live in a tiny
<thatguythatcode> town near the beach
<thatguythatcode> away from the city
<a3Dman> still not a reason to claim 20mbps and then you get 0.01mbps
<thatguythatcode> so I don't download CM releases
<thatguythatcode> I build from Source
<thatguythatcode> then flash
<a3Dman> I use cyandelta
<a3Dman> saves time
<thatguythatcode> well repo sync doesnt download much
<a3Dman> true
<thatguythatcode> I have better connection on 2g on my phone
<thatguythatcode> than I do on my home internet
<thatguythatcode> at least there are amazing beachs
<thatguythatcode> where i leive
<thatguythatcode> live
<thatguythatcode> and no one is on them like ever
<a3Dman> lol
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<a3Dman> there's a bright side...
<Jiangyi> Beaches are always awesome xD
<Jiangyi> Alright sleep-time
<a3Dman> everyone is sleeping
<a3Dman> lol
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<a3Dman> now I can read books
<frankdrey> Whooooo
<a3Dman> :]
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<frankdrey> *sigh*
<frankdrey> Some guy on xda packaged p51xx recoveries into zips
<frankdrey> P5113 ain't built no more, cause they're built with cm
<frankdrey> But he packaged the old one anyway
<frankdrey> We're supposed to use all p5110 stuff
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<snowman77> /j #android
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<iKillCypher> ok so guys there isnt much difference between Nexus 4 Or Xerpia Z
<iKillCypher> lol
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<a3Dman> in terms off?
<MaXim_> difference or not
<MaXim_> you will probably never be able to buy an n4 at retail price
<a3Dman> +1
<MaXim_> also
<MaXim_> LG makes crap phones
<a3Dman> true
<iKillCypher> specs
<iKillCypher> tbh Im getting a xerpia Z lol saving cash pretty expensive for a student like me :( have to sell of this SGS2 and see how much can I make
<a3Dman> I will just wait galaxy nexus to be 50$ and get one
<a3Dman> fair enough
<iKillCypher> lol it will ?
* iKillCypher has a contact till october 2013
<iKillCypher> trust me if not I would have gotten away of this shitty phone
<snowman77> nebkat: you just messaged me on Google talk can we talk on here
<MaXim_> xp Z supports LTE
<MaXim_> 1080p display
<MaXim_> I don't see how that is similar
<iKillCypher> isnt the nexus 4 1080p ?
<MaXim_> nope
<MaXim_> 1280x768
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<MaXim_> holy shit
<MaXim_> didn't know qemu let you run non-native executables
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<Mik__> hi
<Mik__> can i help you
<Mik__> Galaxy S3 4.2.1 Update
<Mik__> i went to
<Mik__> update
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> so i got a i9100, trying to root/load CM on it for a friend.. but cant get heimdall to load the recovery
<Assid> im following the guide on : .. anyone know if that guide is missing a step
<Assid> im getting an erorr ERROR: Failed to send data! after Handshaking with Loke...
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<angelsl> Assid: which version of heimdall?
<Assid> 1.3.2
<angelsl> maybe try the RC?
<Assid> i picked it up from the main site
<angelsl> i built a version, though you probably won't trust it:
<angelsl> that's 1.4.4-RC1 or something like that
<Assid> hmm.. hold on.. tryin the link on the page
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<Assid> new error.. claiming interface failed
<angelsl> meh
<angelsl> weird stuff
<angelsl> try like reinstall drivers using zadig
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<Thiagovfar> What about killing Kies?
<Assid> driver installation failed
<angelsl> failed?
<Assid> yep
<angelsl> any reason?
<Assid> nope
<Assid> oh wait
<Assid> system policy has been modified to reject unsigned drivers
<angelsl> lol
<angelsl> Win7 or 8?
<Assid> 8
<angelsl> joy
<angelsl> WinKey+I, Change PC Settings, General, scroll down.. Advanced Restart, Restart now
<angelsl> then when you get to the menu, select "Disable driver verification" or something like that
<bealtine^> i never needed to install drivers on win8
<angelsl> libusb?
<angelsl> i'm quite sure the default usb drivers aren't libusb
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<bealtine^> never installed heimdall tho
<bealtine^> pos app
<angelsl> then how do you flash in download mode?
<bealtine^> odin
<angelsl> meh
<bealtine^> another pos but it works
<angelsl> why doesn't samsung just use fastboot
<angelsl> oh wait, it's samsung
<bealtine^> i have heimdall on my linux box tho
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<snowman77> Cause samsung are stupid/like making pointless changes and proprietary
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<mongi> hey guys, my gf blocked my phone traspassing the number of tries to unlock, now it asks my email+password, and insert both correct but it says is wrong... why? =s
<snowman77> mongi: message me
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<Assid> okay.. so .. i reloaded with the unsigned drivers.. still no joy
<Thiagovfar> i9100 is no joy
<iKillCypher> humm
<iKillCypher> try Odin
<iKillCypher> i9100 is joy
<iKillCypher> just that samsung exynos is no joy
<Assid> yeah i forgot what goes where in odin
<iKillCypher> you forgot what?!
<a3Dman> nothing new in kernel source drop?
<Assid> the zimage goes into bootloader / pda /phone ?
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<iKillCypher> CM10.1 Roxs :)
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<Assid> any suggestion on the radio/modem to use on this?
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<Thiagovfar> I've kept radio from the stock, local version.
<a3Dman> same
<a3Dman> quick system menu is just awesome and very consistent
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<angelsl> a3Dman: i think not
<angelsl> i checked it out
<Thiagovfar> What is quick system menu?
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<a3Dman> quick settings**
<Thiagovfar> Oh, ok. Tought it was something brand new
<a3Dman> no, sorry for confusing you
<angelsl> i saw the Si4709 kernel module though, but i think that's already OSS
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<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: At first, I wasn't confused. angelsl confused me, by "checking it out".
<angelsl> i was referring to the i9100 latin jb source drop
<Assid> hey.. how do i get the gallery mod for sgs2 - with picasa sync
<angelsl> the kernel updated to 3.0.31
<angelsl> but doesn't seem (to me) there's anything significantly useful there
<angelsl> that we don't already have*
<angelsl> i'm probably wrong though
<a3Dman> probably gpu artifacts wont get fixed anytime soon
<iKillCypher> gpu artifacts wont be
<iKillCypher> unless hwcompser get released
<a3Dman> that's the only major issue with cm10.1 for i9100 imo
<iKillCypher> from samsung
<a3Dman> except that that, the rom is perfect for me
<iKillCypher> indeed
<iKillCypher> but samsung wont help us they are cocks suckers who want use to use touchwiz
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<steevo> i keep getting "ERROR: Claiming interface failed!" in heidmall running in windows on my i9100 gs2
<steevo> it showed up as Gadget Serial in zadig like the cyanogenmod tutorial says and i installed the driver
<steevo> btw im trying to install clockwork
<steevo> anyone have any ideas?
<steevo> heimdall*
<Thiagovfar> Dejavu?
<steevo> are you having the same problem?
<Thiagovfar> Assid was having it. He just left, tho.
<steevo> ah did anyone help him?
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<Thiagovfar> They tried
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<bakugan> anyone here using cm10.1 on i9100?
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<whitequark> bakugan: me
<bakugan> whitequark: do you have this issue where the light from back and the other button turn off in the default time and the without you touch the screen it truns on again?
<bealtine^> cm10.1 has that issue
<bakugan> oh ok... thanks
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<bealtine^> mine wakes up randomly
<bakugan> mine after 2~3 sec after it turned of
<bakugan> *off
<Thiagovfar> Mine does as bakugan
<bakugan> is only on i9100 or other with this kind of button?
<bakugan> like i9000
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<Thiagovfar> bakugan: Try it.
<bakugan> i have only i9100 haha
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<Sampras> hi ;)
<Sampras> guys
<Sampras> i need some help for Galaxy tab 2 5110 ;)
<Sampras> where i can get it :D
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<bealtine^> if its not there its not there
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<steevo> man am I one of the only people with windows problems with Heimdall. I get "ERROR: Claiming interface failed!" with my galaxy s2. I can only seem to find issues with that happening on mac due to some mac related issue :(
<a3Dman> steevo: what are you trying to flash?
<a3Dman> also, i9100?
<steevo> yeah its the sprint version. im trying to put clockwork mod on. for step 1 for installing cyanogenmod
<mjt> on linux heimdall requires root privs. does it apply to windows too?
<a3Dman> steevo: is it exynos?
<a3Dman> if yes, you could just install install cyanogenmod without a usb cable
<a3Dman> without heimdall/odin
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<steevo> yes its exynos
<steevo> hmm i didnt even know that was an option
<steevo> without the cable
<a3Dman> well, it's samsung exploits
<steevo> ive just been trying to follow the guide on cyanogenmod
<a3Dman> you can root without odin
<bealtine^> or just use odin
<steevo> ive got it rooted
<a3Dman> or just use odin.
<steevo> i followed rwilco12's guide
<steevo> for rooting it
<a3Dman> maybe installing windows in vmware could do it
<bealtine^> heimdall is a pos
<steevo> if i have it rooted is there another way for me to get clockwork on without heimdall?
<a3Dman> yes, rom manager
<a3Dman> from market
<steevo> oh wow. so ive been trying to push this to my phone through command line when i could have just got the app from the market
<steevo> lol
<a3Dman> yeah
<steevo> ive been sitting here getting frustrated for nothing it seems haha
<Jiangyi> But command line = all the fun :-P
<steevo> when it works
<steevo> haha
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: and when you are not forced to it :P
<Jiangyi> Fair enough :/
<a3Dman> ohai btw
<steevo> i swear i tried it like 30 times. because i try to rule out errors on my own end before seeking help.
<a3Dman> I try to do the same also :)
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<steevo> well i got the clockwork mod now from the appstore. going to move on to step 2 thanks for the suggestion. i honestly didnt think about the appstore. i figured it would be an unallowed app or something
<a3Dman> appstore lololol
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<codeworkx> steevo: your phone is having more holes than cheese from switzerland
<Jiangyi> lol
<angelsl> what other exploits are there other than that exynos-mem bullshit >_>
<tuhoojabotti> How is it bullshit, it worked fine.
<angelsl> i'm referring to exynos-mem itself, not the exploit
<mjt> fwiw, after installing 4.1.2 (official) firmware on my galaxy note 2, exynos abuse reports the hole is here but it can't exploit it to get root.
<angelsl> of course the exploit worked fine
<angelsl> mjt: when was that built?
<angelsl> wait, GN2?
<tuhoojabotti> angelsl: Sorry, misinterpreted that.
<Jiangyi> Holy freaking lord, that's a lot of changes. o____o
<Jiangyi> You gotta love Samsung source drops. /sarcasm
<tuhoojabotti> Now that there's jb for s2 is it possible we can have a real hwc in the future?
<angelsl> tuhoojabotti: possible
<angelsl> hmm, good idea
<mjt> angelsl: exynos abuse 1.4 iirc (current from the market), the firmware (tar.md5) is dated 2013-01-07 (N7100XXDLL7_N7100ATODLL2_N7100XXDLK7), and yes it is note2.
<angelsl> mjt: what's the build date listed in your settings/device info?
<angelsl> or about phone rather
<mjt> angelsl: i see only kernel date there, 2012-12-26
<angelsl> near the bottom?
<angelsl> "Build date"
<angelsl> meh doesn't matter
<mjt> it's not build date, it is build number.
<mjt> no date
<angelsl> weird, the exynos-mem fix was merged way before that
<tuhoojabotti> Maybe the check is false positive?
<tuhoojabotti> Since the abuse isn't working
<a3Dman> I think so
<mjt> or the abuse can't exploit this kernel due to a different address it needs to touch
<a3Dman> not related to address, it's bout the premission of /dev/exynos-mem
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<mjt> the perms are still 0666
<mjt> just checked
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<angelsl> that's probably why exynos-abuse is showing that
<mjt> yeah
<angelsl> though if the kernel is patched, it shouldn't be exploitable
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<steevo> codeworkx what do you mean by more holes?
<codeworkx> security holes ;-)
<steevo> how so what did i do
<steevo> from the rooting method i used?
<codeworkx> you bought a samsung device
<steevo> oh
<steevo> lol
<a3Dman> my phone has only 2 holes
<steevo> it was $1 through sprint and the s3 was like 140. so i went with the $1 option
<steevo> haha
<Jiangyi> steevo: Wait, so you have an epic 4G touch, not an i9100? ._.
<a3Dman> ????
<a3Dman> -.-
<codeworkx> hahahaha
<angelsl> meh
<steevo> i thought they were the same
<angelsl> why is the international S3 the only one with exynos
<steevo> sine my phone was listed as having exynos
<Jiangyi> steevo: Nope, you're in a bit of a pickle here.
<steevo> and on the cyanogen mod site thats the only one with exynos
<Jiangyi> CDMA stuff screws everything over
<Jiangyi> steevo: It's because the Epic 4G touch isn't officially supported by CM
<steevo> oh great
<steevo> well i havnt tried to put it on yet
<steevo> i just rooted it via rwilco12's guide
<Jiangyi> Good that you didn't, you would probably bork it. :-P
<steevo> but the only reason i rooted it was to try to get jellybean on it so i wish i hadnt i guess
<Jiangyi> There are unofficial CM builds on XDA, dunno how reliable are they :-/
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<Thracky> aww yea simcity beta time D
<Thracky> :D even
<angelsl> codeworkx: is the jb kernel drop actually useful?
<steevo> man
<steevo> that really sucks
<iKillCypher> DON'T PING CODY
* angelsl rolls eyes
<Jiangyi> It does say that in the channel topic :-P
<angelsl> i am aware
<Thiagovfar> Why can't cody be pinged?
<Thracky> because people ask inane questions and waste his time?
<Thiagovfar> codeworkx: How is your day?
<Thiagovfar> Like this?
<a3Dman> codeworkx: make my phone fast plz
<a3Dman> ^ that's better
<angelsl> you people are assholes
<tuhoojabotti> thank you
<tuhoojabotti> I'm Finnish
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<steevo> Jiangyi: could you happen to point me in the direction of where i could find those unofficial builds on XDA? i can't seem to find it.
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<steevo> thank you
<Jiangyi> Oh my.
<steevo> yay linux counterstrike without using wine
<steevo> I always liked gabe newell :)
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<Sleepycasper> So I just want to find out is there anyway to revert back to just the default Camera on the Galaxy s3 with the Cyanogenmod 10.1?
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<giunz> @downloads galaxy s ii i9100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<giunz> @downloads galaxy s2
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<giunz> @downloads samsung galaxy s2
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<giunz> @downloads samsung galaxy
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<giunz> @downloads galaxy
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<bealtine^> @download i9100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<Espenfjo> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<bealtine^> @downloads i9100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<giunz> @downloads galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at:
<bealtine^> or i9100
<Espenfjo> datagutt: fix the bot, its showing the wrong stuff
<datagutt> uh yeh
<giunz> thnx
<peterperfect> datagutt fix you shitté
<datagutt> @addDevice samsung galaxys2 i9100
<datagutt> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<Espenfjo> oh
<Espenfjo> easy
<datagutt> @downloads i9100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<datagutt> ....
<datagutt> @downloads galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<datagutt> well
<datagutt> partly fixied
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<datagutt> fixed*
<bealtine^> heh
<datagutt> @addDevice samsung i9100 i9100
<datagutt> haxx all the things
<datagutt> i better make a sane plugin later
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<nebkat> bealtine^: called them again, again they claim to have fixed it
<nebkat> lolz
<nebkat> at least this time they didnt refer us to the muppert department
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<bealtine^> heh phone monkies
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<Leo_> hi there
<Leo_> i am trying install [SGH-I317 / t0lte][JB][4.2.1] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies
<Leo_> on recovery when I choose the cm-10.1 file I get:
<Leo_> failed to verify whole-file signature
<Leo_> also
<Leo_> signature verification file
<chadouming_home> you are using CWM or twrp ?
<Leo_> do you have any idea of what Ièm doing wrongÉ
<chadouming_home> @geo user Leo_
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Leo_
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ae77aa03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<chadouming_home> stupid bot
<chadouming_home> datagutt : fix your bot
<Leo_> sorry, what is that?
<chadouming_home> the recovery, are you using clockworkmod or twrp
<Thiagovfar> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[2926575616,2927099903],"country":"CA","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<Leo_> oh, i am using clockworkmod
<chadouming_home> eh, sounds like we have a quebecois :D
<datagutt> chadouming_home: that bot is pretty much deprecated
<Leo_> lol, the french keyboard was on
<chadouming_home> datagutt : Then make a new one !
<Thiagovfar> !geo user Leo_
<chadouming_home> lol, c ce que je pensais xD
<datagutt> chadouming_home: working on it
<datagutt> Thiagovfar: seems nebkats bot used too much memory and someone disabled it
<Leo_> which recovery do you suggest?
<Thiagovfar> datagutt: Java... That is tipical.
<chadouming_home> hmm, it's either a bad download or you have to disable file signature verification
<Leo_> can I just disable this signature verification?
<chadouming_home> I'm not sure for cwm
<Thiagovfar> Right before flashing, there is an option "Toggle signature verification"
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<Leo_> what if I were to replace clockworkmod with a different one?
<Leo_> (i am sorry, my first day ever doing this kind of thing)
<Leo_> where is this toggle signature verification option?
<Thiagovfar> Leo_: Go back to the first menu
<Thiagovfar> Then, go entering the submenus you need to flash a zip
<Thiagovfar> read all of the options in each one of them
<Thiagovfar> you will find it
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<Leo_> is that on ROM Manager?
<Thiagovfar> Nope, on CWM itself
<Leo_> it doesn't have it's own app
<Thiagovfar> There should be an option to reboot into CWM, from Rom Manager
<Leo_> lets see
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<Leo_> there is an option to reboot in recover
<Leo_> it reboots and gets me these options:
<Sebastianq28> Is any fm radio app supported?
<Leo_> rebbot system now, apply update from ADB, apply update for external storage (this is the one failing signature verification), wipe data/factory reset and apply update from cache
<Thiagovfar> That doesn't look like CWM
<Thiagovfar> it looks like a stock recovery
<Leo_> when I open rom manager it says:
<Leo_> Current Recovery: ClockworkMod 5.x.x.x
<Leo_> do I have like an old version?
<Thiagovfar> Rom Manager is dumb, sometimes
<Leo_> i installed the mod with rom manager
<Thiagovfar> What does it say on recovery? If it is Clockworkmod, you should be able to see the text "Clockworkmod recovery"
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<Sebastianq28> Any fm radio app? Spirit not supporteed
<Leo_> on recovery it says Android System Recovery on top
<Thiagovfar> Leo_: That's what it is.
<Thiagovfar> Flash a kernel with a recovery
<Thiagovfar> which device is yours?
<Sebastianq28> Galaxy note 2
<Sebastianq28> att
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<Thiagovfar> Sebastianq28: I know nothing about fm radio, sorry.
<Thiagovfar> Leo_: which device is yours?
<Leo_> galaxy note 2, sgh-1317m
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: typical caynogem mod users
<Thiagovfar> I wonder if Ram Expander really exists
<Thiagovfar> Downloading ram is easy. I want to expand it.
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<Sebastianq28> Sorry I got disconnected... Any fm player? Lol
<Thiagovfar> Where I live you can buy an fm radio for the price of a few coffe cups.
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<datagutt> Thiagovfar: where i live we are shutting down fm in 2017 or something
<datagutt> and we are replacing it with an outdated and worse technology
<datagutt> (DAB, everybody else is doing DAB+)
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<Thiagovfar> datagutt: Progress
<Sebastianq28> Ok you can buy one for cheap but it's convenient to have one on your person at all time.
<Thiagovfar> If FM radio is enough reason, go back to stock.
<Sebastianq28> Stock didn't have fm radio either though. I just remember reading something on the faq about there being limited support here.
<Thiagovfar> The device might not be able to play radio, then
<Sebastianq28> But isn't this rom only for LTE note 2s?
<Thiagovfar> Which ROM?
<Sebastianq28> The cyanogenmod 10.1
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<Thiagovfar> CyanogenMod is for many devices, LTE note included. But CyanogenMod does not support FM radio.
<Sebastianq28> Oooooooooh ok I understand. Also I had another question. You know the 4.2 lock screen?
<frankdrey> Yes
<Sebastianq28> You know how u can have different shortcuts. Including Google now?
<frankdrey> Mhm
<Sebastianq28> How come when I implement a pin to unlock. All these shortcuts dissappear and I have no way of accessing them?
<Thiagovfar> That feature is intended only for insecure lock screen
<frankdrey> Because cm didn't think about it yet
<Sebastianq28> Oh.... Bummer. So there's no way of quickly accessing Google now from the lock screen
<frankdrey> There KS
<frankdrey> Is
<frankdrey> The bottom navigation bar
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<Leo_> Hey there, I am installing Cyanogen 10.1 on a galaxy note 2 sgh-i317m
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<Sebastianq28> What do u mean. The bottom navigation bar?
<Leo_> I was able to install the revovery via goomanager
<frankdrey> Sebastianq28 slide up from bottom navigation bar
<Leo_> restarted installed cyanogen
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<Leo_> but is keeps on loading cyanogen for 10-15 min
<frankdrey> ...
<Leo_> nothing happens
<frankdrey> Leo_ wipe data
<Leo_> how do i do that?
<frankdrey> In recovery
<Thiagovfar> CWM => wipe data/factory reset
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<Leo_> but itdoesn't start the system, gets stuck on the cyanogen logo
<bealtine^> so wipe
<Leo_> how do i get off the loading screen?
<Thiagovfar> He seems to have trouble reaching recovery in this state
<frankdrey> Take out battery
<frankdrey> Put
<frankdrey> Do combo for recoveey
<frankdrey> Recovery
<Leo_> combo?
<frankdrey> ...
<frankdrey> Look it up
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<Leo_> k, found it
<Leo_> I had applied my old factory rom back, will start over
<Thiagovfar> ?!
<Thiagovfar> Remember to wipe, this time
<Thiagovfar> Or, you'll get a bootloop again
<Leo_> wipe before installing the rom?
<frankdrey> ....
<frankdrey> Why did you install stock?
<frankdrey> Can't you listen?
<frankdrey> You just needed to do wipe data / factory reset in recovery
<Leo_> because I had already started doing it
<spY|da> wifi with my i9000 is very very slow, is this maybe a "modem" related issue?
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<spY|da> im located in germany and have jvu
<spY|da> phone lies 1m away from router
<Thiagovfar> Wifi is unrelated to modem
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<Thiagovfar> However, there is a configuration that might help you
<spY|da> what could i do?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: uddar?
<Thiagovfar> Settings -> Wifi -> Menu -> Advanced -> Wifi Region
<spY|da> Thiagovfar, got there germany
<Thiagovfar> spY|da: Any improvement?
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<spY|da> no it was set for germany
<spY|da> should i try europe?
<Thiagovfar> Oh
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<Thiagovfar> set it to somewhere else
<Thiagovfar> Play around
<bealtine^> using 2.4 ur 5?
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<Thiagovfar> Also, check the region your router is set to
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<spY|da> bealtine^, 2.4 channel 6
<bealtine^> your neighbours might be using the same channel?
<spY|da> Thiagovfar, dd-wrt no wifi region setting there
<bealtine^> if they are go up the "scale"
<spY|da> bealtine^, every other android device is working fine, except the i9000
<Thiagovfar> spY|da: Turn them off, to test.
<bealtine^> dunno then
<spY|da> my neighbours are 50m away
<spY|da> Thiagovfar, wait i will check that
<spY|da> turned them off + restartet router, not better
<spY|da> full signal strength and a very slow connection
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<Leo_> hey guys, I am back, it's running super smooth BUT I am not getting LTE
<Leo_> HSPA+ only
<Kishidan> D:
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<Leo_> hey there
<Leo_> i installed 10.1 on my sgh-i317m but not getting LTE connection
<Leo_> on hspa+
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<Leo_> anyone there?
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<Leo_> just hspa+
<hmmwhatsthisdo> I'm trying to find an ICS kernel for the Skyrocket that has USB-OTG and/or FUSE support. However, all of the kernels that say they support it are based off of the UCLA3 build, which is 2.3.6. Am I missing something?
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<nefox> hi guys, i've been having issues flashing CM 10.1 onto my galaxy note n7105 it always goes into Android recovery mode and not the Clockworkmod recovery
<hmmwhatsthisdo> nefox: you're not booting directly into recovery after flashing it are you
<hmmwhatsthisdo> pull the back cover off, then the moment after the phone reboots and you see the samsung logo pull the battery
<hmmwhatsthisdo> *after the flashing is finished and the phone reboots
<nefox> great, thanks, will give it a go now
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<a3Dman> it's true, a new source drops adds more issues...
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<virtuewill> does CM10 have any problems with the camera on the S3? CM10.1 has a lot of problems focusing for me, and sometimes it won't connect
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<ctcx> Hello?
<Thiagovfar> Hello, stranger
<ctcx> Do you know how to build CM?
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