nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<en1gma> if you can get an extra 300mhz per core for free...why not
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<greg__> @downloads t0lte
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<greg__> @downloads
<bbqbot> Downloads:
<rhcp> welcome to use my latest build
<rhcp> stock synced today
<greg__> rhcp: Many thanks!
<rhcp> np
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<wdrs> hi, can anyone tell me if there is a way to fix the CRT screen flicker bug? (i just updated to CM 10.1 today from CM9)
<whitequark> wdrs: that is a game, and there's a state of the game when neither you play the gadget or the gadget plays you.
<wdrs> is there a way to turn off the CRT screen off animation and would this fix the problem?
<whitequark> wdrs: hint: it might involve words "hammer" or "shattering". some of them, or maybe all.
<wdrs> i tried hammering my phone, it didn't work. it also didn't shatter which is either a testament to gorilla glass technology or my lack of upper body strength
<whitequark> if the phone has stopped to work, it is quite certainly no longer able to exhibit the behavior which annoys you.
<brinsjt> whitequark: ^ +1
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<salem303> hi
<salem303> can i have some hilpe
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<mdshay> hai..anyone can help me how to fix unfortuntely setup wirzard has stopped after flash using CM9
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<Jiangyi> mdshay: use the right gapps?
<mdshay> Jiangyi :oh right gapps can be solve my problem ya..
<mdshay> can u help me to give a link right gapss
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<moeed> hi
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<ojelfsjlk> hey
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<ojelfsjlk> is CM 10 for GT-i9003 not developed or not hosted on the servers? :S
<ojelfsjlk> i9300 sorry
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<twain13> hey there
<twain13> how do i fix camera on cm 10.1 latest nightly
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<w00tc0d3> @devices
<bbqbot> w00tc0d3: Command does not exist!
<brinsjt> w00tc0d3: fail
<w00tc0d3> ikr CD
<w00tc0d3> CD
<w00tc0d3> xd
<w00tc0d3> I meant
brinsjt is now known as me
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<w00tc0d3> me: you're not me
Guest701 is now known as youmightknowme
<youmightknowme> :P
<w00tc0d3> :p
<youmightknowme> Why are you coping me
<w00tc0d3> ??
<youmightknowme> doesnt matter
<w00tc0d3> quassel is brilliant
<youmightknowme> What for?
<w00tc0d3> as bouncer where you can connect to via android & PC
<w00tc0d3> I'd install it if I were you :P
<w00tc0d3> there was yesterday a bastard who phished me
<w00tc0d3> by making a false notice
<w00tc0d3> ./notice
<w00tc0d3> IP of him:
<w00tc0d3> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 i9100 tf300t
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<w00tc0d3> mah birthday today
<w00tc0d3> =)
<a3Dman> cake cake cake
<a3Dman> happy birthday
<w00tc0d3> thank you =D
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<a3Dman> the average CM xda thread
<w00tc0d3> don't understand haha
<w00tc0d3> BTW
<w00tc0d3> got 14 years old
<w00tc0d3> :)
<youmightknowme> its spanish happy birthday
<w00tc0d3> youmightknowme: awesome!!! thx =)
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<w00tc0d3> Yeah
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<isasha_> Yo, anyone have any ideas why chrome freezes up on me all the time in CM 10.1?
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<a3Dman> isasha_: known bug in chrome fixed in latest beta, it should be on next chrome update
<isasha_> Is it in the beta?
<isasha_> I mean the bugfix
<a3Dman> yes.
<isasha_> kudos
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<meeps> i searched the logs instead of asking a stupid question
<meeps> just so you know that it ACTUALLY happens sometimes
<meeps> ;)
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<a3Dman> searching before asking is a good idea
<a3Dman> awesome daydream
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<Shuriuken> @downloads i9300
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<helpneededplease> hello there folks..
<Shuriuken> hey
<helpneededplease> need help with a hard bricked (i think) sgs2 gti9100..
<helpneededplease> was running cm10 from a few days back with the latest gapps..
<helpneededplease> the phone just stopped an hour back. and never came back on..
<Shuriuken> got a nand backup?
<helpneededplease> i think so. i pulled out the sd card from the phone and it seems to have a nand backup inside a cwm folder..
<bealtine^> can you boot to download mode?
<helpneededplease> cant boot to anything.. tried download (vol up + menu key + plus on/off key) and recovery (vol down instead of vol. up) and just putting it on too..
<mjt> does that mean that the recovery is missing/damaged?
<Shuriuken> sounds like a possible hardware failure
<Shuriuken> does anything happen if you plug a charger in?
<Shuriuken> like...any acknowledgement of it being charged?
<helpneededplease> nope. tried that.. it doesnt show the charging battery thingy
<Shuriuken> not even an LED?
<helpneededplease> nope. nothing.
<Shuriuken> I'd say something fried
<Shuriuken> but that's just my guess
<bealtine^> i could try a usb jig but it sounds like mobo is fried
<Shuriuken> here's a question.....on my S3 stock rom I had USB developer that available for CM10.1?
<bealtine^> yes
<helpneededplease> doesnt sound good at all. what do i do now? im in india so options are few..
<bealtine^> tap on build number 7 times
<helpneededplease> mobo?
<bealtine^> motherboard
<helpneededplease> oh crap. what now?
<Shuriuken> lol really? that's a pretty awesome way to hide an option
<bealtine^> blame google
<spY|da> try another battery first
<Shuriuken> lol no, I love it
<helpneededplease> tried that too.. nothing happened.
<Shuriuken> stops noobs who can just manage to install a custom rom from enabling stuff they shouldn't
<Shuriuken> thanks man
<Shuriuken> I hated not being able to instantly kill my apps lol
<Shuriuken> I am loving cm10.1 more and more every day haha
<Shuriuken> please don't hit me for asking, but is there any way to fix the bluetooth streaming? it's seriously the only gripe I have about cm10.1, was good being able to use a bluetooth headset to listen to tunes but if there's nothing that can be done then I guess I'll just continue dealing with it and forget about it :)
<bealtine^> blame samsung
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<Shuriuken> haha what did they do?
<Shuriuken> make it a really stupid interface?
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<bealtine^> yes
<Shuriuken> damn
<Shuriuken> oh well
<Shuriuken> everything else is perfect
<Shuriuken> I even put it on my sister's S3 because her voice was sounding muffled under the stock rom
<Shuriuken> I looked up how to fix it but nothing worked
<Shuriuken> I eventually came to the conclusion it was a persistant software error in the settings and just stuck cm10.1 on there
<Shuriuken> lol works perfect now
<Shuriuken> trying to convince her to buy ROM toolbox so she can stay up to date easier
<Shuriuken> she'll just have to have me update it every time I come around lol
<Shuriuken> maybe I can just tape my phone to my side while I workout lol
<Shuriuken> that will solve the bluetooth problem
<bealtine^> its a known issue and unlikely to be fixed
<Shuriuken> yeah I read that it was a known issue, just thought I'd ask. read it ages ago. no biggie really
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<bealtine^> much better...
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<Onixs> all devices have fastboot mode ?
<brinsjt> no
<brinsjt> only devices that are fastboot compliant
<a3Dman> samsung likes to be non standard, and doesn't use fastboot
<brinsjt> ^ correct
<brinsjt> Good manufactures use it as well
<brinsjt> sony
<brinsjt> use it
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<brinsjt> and most do but not all manufactures
<a3Dman> well, anyone looking for consistency and respects standards will use fastboot
<brinsjt> +1
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<kZard|netbook> does the oficcial release of i9100 jellybean mean anything special for the CM version?
<brinsjt> what do you man
<bealtine^> yeah more broken samsung libs probably
<kZard|netbook> lol
kZard|netbook is now known as kZard
<kZard> I'm just wondering if it'll mean somehow better / more stable / more features / something in the near future for CM
<bealtine^> samsung are probably the worst coders on the planet
<bealtine^> i've never seen such useless code in my life
<brinsjt> ms are pretty bad offenders sometimes
<brinsjt> but your probably right
<kZard> lol
<bealtine^> ms examples are written by 4 year olds
<bealtine^> samsung code is written by 3 year olds
<nebkat> hey brinsjt
<brinsjt> Hi
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<brinsjt> nebkat: no email :(
* bealtine^ sends brinsjt an email
<bealtine^> feel better?
<brinsjt> lol. its another convo
<brinsjt> bealtine^: Yes :P
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<kZard> I'm still considering installing 10.1 on my i9100 soon.
<kZard> The only thing I think I'm really gonna mis is the FM radio
<bealtine^> spirit fm
<kZard> oh lol really?
<kZard> cool :D
<bealtine^> you have to buy it
<kZard> I thought it was some driver thing
<kZard> how much is it?
<bealtine^> but it works
<bealtine^> look on play
<brinsjt> isnt their some sort of demo
<brinsjt> so you can choose like 3 radio stations
<kZard> wow lol 90 EUR
<kZard> I see there is a light version too
<kZard> for half that
<bealtine^> 7.99 here
<bealtine^> or 3.99
<kZard> 90 ZAR here really
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<kZard> I just used /10 for converison
<kZard> oh wow lol, it's gone up to 12 ZAR for 1 EUR :(
<kZard> was 10 for the last few years
<brinsjt> was 10 last year
<bealtine^> yoyo is rising atm
<kZard> wow, our polititians really should keep their mouths shut
<kZard> anaway, so the whole lack of radio thing is really just lack of a radio app on CM?
<kZard> I thought it was some driver issue :D
<bealtine^> no dox for the exynos chip
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<geoff> hi
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<kZard> oh wow, so it is actually hard to do
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<kZard> Does CM 10.1 for i9100 allow actual mounting of the internal and external SD cards?
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<kZard> * via USB
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<kZard> I know the stock rom does uses MTP or something
<kZard> which I really dislike
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<brinsjt> I don't think so
<brinsjt> Google dislikes people using UMS
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<kZard> huh, so is it a ICS thing?
<kZard> I had always thought it was just samsung being silly
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<mjt> usb-storage way is just too limited for this sort of things
<mjt> so it is exactly the other way around
<EgotisticalElf> some phones can't support usb storage, so it isn't a big deal
<EgotisticalElf> sgs3 shares the internal ROM with the /sdcard and /data partition
<EgotisticalElf> more specifically, /sdcard is really a FUSE mount to /data/media
<mjt> heh. now _that_ is a good reason for not supporting usb storage :)
<EgotisticalElf> i'd loeve to see a patch which removes that FUSE mount and mounts the /extsdcard to /sdcard
<mjt> these are different
<mjt> my sgs3 has both
<EgotisticalElf> ya
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<mjt> and if you mount one over another you'll lose one or another
<EgotisticalElf> ya, i'd rather have 16gb for /data and 32gb for /sdcard
<mjt> many apps "got used" to /sdcard
<EgotisticalElf> i know, which made it required, which kinda sucked
<EgotisticalElf> so i get why i have a shared mapping
<EgotisticalElf> but i have a REAL sdcard, let me use it!
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<mjt> well. dunno. this fuse is somewhat disgusting technically but not bad
<mjt> and makes things work
<EgotisticalElf> ya, makes ext4 look like fat32
<mjt> most apps can't use /data, and i don't want them to be without their settings when i swap my real sd card.
<EgotisticalElf> /data was designed to store settings
<EgotisticalElf> and tbh, i have swapped my sdcard never
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<mjt> when i go to vacation with kids, i have to swap my regular card with another card filled with movies and stuff like that for the kids. And I've 3 or 4 sdcards which become either unreadable or unwritable with time.
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<GabMus> hello
<GabMus> i forgot the unlock pin on my phone
<GabMus> are there any solutions without wiping?
<GabMus> is there a file i can pull with adb that contains it?
<tat-> afaik theres a file you can remove to disable the lock
<tat-> as long as you have adb and root
<tat-> google it, or dig around in /data :-)
<Groan> Anyone know where I can get the Samsung Note 2 keyboard?
<codeworkx> Groan: install stock rom
<Groan> codeworkx: can i install it on CM10.1?
<codeworkx> no
<Groan> k. thanks.
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<GabMus> tat- i tried
<GabMus> but i cant get superuser permissions
<GabMus> i tried with su
<GabMus> and it says permission denied
<tat-> ok, guess you havent enabled root for adb. the default setting is off
<GabMus> shouldnt it ask me to provide google username & password?
<GabMus> im running cm10.1
* a3Dman will only buy refrigerators from samsung
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<tat-> GabMus: i think it asks you after several failed password attempts?
<QuinnLion> refridgerators and displays
<QuinnLion> (NOT amoled
<QuinnLion> )
<tat-> GabMus: hm. or maybe not.
<GabMus> ...
<GabMus> there isnt a way to get it on the pc via google account?
<tat-> your best bet is probably factory reset in recovery
<GabMus> i can do it, but i lose everything
<GabMus> fuuuu
<GabMus> i dont remember it, WHY
<GabMus> shouldnt google provide a method to reset the pin?
<tat-> i'm pretty sure that they had a feature to do password recovery via the google account in previous versions of android
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<GabMus> this is ol
<GabMus> old
<GabMus> %$!& i give up
<GabMus> factory reset...
<w00tc0d3> anyone's needing support??
<GabMus> me...
<GabMus> but apparently im screwed
<frankdrey> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<frankdrey> oops my finger is heavy
<GabMus> done
<GabMus> fu
<GabMus> fu
<GabMus> can i tell it?
<GabMus> -_-
<GabMus> im so angry with myself
<a3Dman> rage
<frankdrey> what happened?
<w00tc0d3> GabMus: what's the problem?
<GabMus> nothing serious
<GabMus> i forgot my unlock pin
<GabMus> and factory resetted the phone
<a3Dman> shouldn't gmail account reset that?
<GabMus> apparently not
<a3Dman> then it's for the pattern only
<frankdrey> ...
<frankdrey> uh
<frankdrey> get it wrong 50 times (actually, less)
<frankdrey> and it ask for gmail login
<GabMus> too late
<GabMus> really?
<GabMus> i tried so many times
<GabMus> i think even more than 50
* a3Dman tries
<a3Dman> no reset...
<GabMus> too much rage for one day
<frankdrey> hmm
<GabMus> anyone wants to play tf2
<GabMus> ?
<frankdrey> once i download it :D
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<GabMus> wtf its 12 gb
<frankdrey> i know :P
<frankdrey> gonna take a while
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<GabMus> lol
<GabMus> can i add you on steam?
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<GabMus> ok, g2g
<GabMus> bye
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<frankdrey> you can if you had stuck around
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<chadouming_work> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[2926575616,2927099903],"country":"CA","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
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<wizard2010> is it possible to increase ringtone volume without using siyah kernel?
<mjt> siyah kernel?
<mjt> in the sound settings menu there are several volume levels listed, one of them is the ring volume.
<mjt> on my device anyway
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<Shuriuken> is there a way I can make this my boot screen?
<Shuriuken> lol
<Shuriuken> would be so worth the 4 minute boot
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<amoblox_> Good day all!
<amoblox_> Are there any GPS issues on it I605 CM 10.1 nightlies?
<amoblox_> I like to play Ingress quite often
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<chadouming_work> what device is I605 ?
<amoblox_> VZW Note 2
<chadouming_work> with dual-core S4 ?
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<amoblox_> Quad...
<amoblox_> Unless I'm mistaken
<chadouming_work> ah, nvm
<amoblox_> I think the S3 is dual
<chadouming_work> my bad
<amoblox_> The note 2 is quad
<chadouming_work> yeah , tought about the S3
<chadouming_work> hmm, only here that have a note 2 is nebkat, and i don't think he is maintainer
<amoblox_> I know that the unofficial builds (pre-nightly) had GPS issues
<amoblox_> Okay well I'll give it a shot and get back to you
<amoblox_> I'll post in the xda thread as well
<chadouming_work> post in the user thread, not dev thread
<amoblox_> Do you have a direct link for me =)
<amoblox_> Just in Q&A?
<chadouming_work> it's probably in Q&A, otherwise might be in general
<sbrissen> amoblox_: if you turn off wifi location services, gps seems to be pretty reliable
<chadouming_work> if htere is no user link, dont bother post in dev thread
<amoblox_> Thanks all
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<nebkat> chadouming_home: why dont you think im maintainer?
<frankdrey> YEAH
<chadouming_work> cause you never said so
<frankdrey> MAYBE HE IS
<Espenfjo> Depends on the definition of maintainer
<Espenfjo> Name on paper, or maintaining a device
<Espenfjo> :D
<Shuriuken> <amoblox_> I think the S3 is dual <-- S3 is quad :)
<frankdrey> which S3 is the question
<frankdrey> xD
<Shuriuken> hmmm
<Shuriuken> well I assumed galaxy because I read Note 2
<Shuriuken> but after re-reading
<Shuriuken> I'm not too sure now :P
<frankdrey> no i mean...
<frankdrey> there are multiple versions of the galaxy s3
<frankdrey> #blamesamsung
<Shuriuken> ahhh
<Shuriuken> well.... i9300
<Shuriuken> i9300T - same shit different smell
<chadouming_work> Shuriuken, the N-A version of the galaxy S 3 (the one with LTE) have a dual-core qualcomm S4
<chadouming_work> cause stupid exynos didnt support LTE at that time
<Shuriuken> man you guys got ripped off
<chadouming_work> lol, i dont have an S3
<Shuriuken> there's a 4g version out now
<Shuriuken> hehe by "you guys" I mean north america in gerneral
<Shuriuken> yes, that goes for all you canadians too :P
<chadouming_work> eh, dual-core S4 (krait core = almost A15) (and qualcomm in general) > exynos
* frankdrey has no android phone atm ;_;
<frankdrey> my dad took the LG G2x back and gave me the iPhone 3GS
<frankdrey> on the bright side, i have galaxy on fire 2 now
<frankdrey> again
<chadouming_work> eh, my lgog is still in repair
<frankdrey> although i lost all my progress ;_;
<frankdrey> #blameapple
<frankdrey> iCloud doesn't work
<Shuriuken> oh my
<Shuriuken> 3gs?
<frankdrey> yes
<Shuriuken> I feel for you man
<frankdrey> you want to know what other phone i have?
<frankdrey> the HTC Dream
<frankdrey> aka the Google G1
<frankdrey> :D
<Shuriuken> not familiar with that one
<frankdrey> the first android phone
<frankdrey> i'm actually working on an Android 1.0 ROM for it
<Shuriuken> I would still use it over a 3gs
<frankdrey> why?
<frankdrey> it doesn't have galaxy on fire 2 :P
<frankdrey> i might use it for SMS/call
<frankdrey> keyboard <3
<Shuriuken> I upgraded from iphone 3g to a Nokia E63 :P
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> iPhone has good games :D
<frankdrey> i got Minecraft for free :D
<Shuriuken> at least that thing could handle sms coming through while I was taking a call
<frankdrey> from freeappslots
<frankdrey> i might use the iPhone as an iPod touch, but then my dad would probably take it away
<Shuriuken> use it as a paperweight
<Shuriuken> :P
<frankdrey> xD
<frankdrey> also, this apptrailers thing gave me $2 on amazon xD
<Shuriuken> lol the only good thing about my iphone 3g
<frankdrey> i guess i could get it on my tablet
<Shuriuken> was when I jailbroke it and used cracked apps so apple didn't get any more money out of me
<frankdrey> galaxy p5113
<frankdrey> but i'm far here :P
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> i've never bought an app
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<Shuriuken> same :P
<frankdrey> and i haven't pirated anything on this iPhone
<frankdrey> :D
<Shuriuken> some I have bought for my current phone
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<Shuriuken> but that's only to support the devs on apps I use all the time
<frankdrey> i got sims 3 from an ea giveaway
<frankdrey> bloons td5, fruit ninja, doodle jump, minecraft from freeappslots
<Shuriuken> lol doodle jump
<Shuriuken> I'm talking to a girl atm, she makes my doddle jump
<Shuriuken> :P
<frankdrey> i had lot's of points and nothing to do with them xD
<frankdrey> xD
<Shuriuken> hmmm got a question here
<Shuriuken> anyone know on cm10.1 if it's at all possible to disable the warning from sending too many sms?
<Shuriuken> lol even though I hit allow it seems to not be sending my msgs
<bealtine^> security settings iirc
<chadouming_work> eh, never had that warning xD
<Shuriuken> lol yeah me neither
<Shuriuken> but I've sent over 1000 sms in the last 2 days :P
<Shuriuken> thanks bealtine
<Shuriuken> is there some sort of manual I can read? would save me asking lol
<Shuriuken> I'd probably learn a few new tricks as well
<Shuriuken> oh ok, I see the setting now lol
<Shuriuken> 30 sms in 15 mins
<Shuriuken> yeah.....that's insane
<Shuriuken> I should probably ease up
<chadouming_work> or just get with the person you are texting and talk
<Shuriuken> lol yeah
<Shuriuken> that could work
<Shuriuken> different town though
<Shuriuken> and it's late
<chadouming_work> so wut ?
<chadouming_work> you only have one life
<chadouming_work> and sleep is for weak
<EgotisticalElf> chadouming_work, exactly, which is why i get at least 6 hours a day. after 18 hours, i'm always weak
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> after 18hrs i do get sleepy
<chadouming_work> but i only need to pass my sleep cycle
<chadouming_work> which is about 4 * 1-2hr of sleep
<chadouming_work> i wake up all the time
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<EgotisticalElf> you sleep like my 8mo old
<EgotisticalElf> cat naps, all day long
<chadouming_work> well, it's not all day long tho
<chadouming_work> it's usually between 1am to 7am
<Morsee> hi all
<chadouming_work> hi
<Morsee> i got a problem in updating my i9100g S2 to jelly bean and the lovely thing i have been trying over mmmm about a week now with a single result that i installed CWM-based Recovery V5.5.0.4 any one could support me with info pls also this is my first time to update my mobile software at home
<Morsee> oh and my phone is now without any software :D
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<bealtine^> y u no follow the guide?
<bealtine^> anyway copy the rom to your sdcard (adb push blah blah) and do the needful from recovery
<Morsee> i follow many guilds all around same 2 points updating with odin 1.85 or with recovery mode.
<Morsee> i get error msg saying state 7
<bealtine^> wrong rom or recovery
<Morsee> is the plase where i download my roms
<Morsee> what the mean of wrong recovery ?
<bealtine^> oh well
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<Morsee> i wanna now to even get back to official version any thing simply i wanna my phone working again can u help me with updating or making him work again ?
<EgotisticalElf> Morsee: did you flash another ROM to the phone before?
<Morsee> i tried to flash many but all get the error saying "state 7" in the recovery mode
<Morsee> and in odin simply saying fail in red box
<Morsee> if u could support me with a link to tested rom i would be thankfull
<Morsee> So any could simple tell me what shall i do :)
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<bealtine^> well i'd flash a stock rom and start again
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<Morsee> could u link me a link for it as idk where to back to stock
<bealtine^> samfirmware
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<zuruk> hi
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<mongi> is it possible to create a file and flash it trought recovery so it turn wifi on?
<mongi> or that enables adb deb
<chadouming_home> you want wifi in recovery ?
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<mongi> no, when reboot the wifi turn on
<mongi> cause my gf locked my phone
<mongi> now it ask me email a pass
<mongi> i put it but it says is wrong =s
<chadouming_home> lol, make a nandroid backup
<chadouming_home> wipe data
<chadouming_home> restore app with titanium backup
<Thiagovfar> You can unlock it via adb
<Thiagovfar> adb is available on recovery
<Thiagovfar> If you know what to do
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<mongi> i have seen a tutorial about it on xda and youtube
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<mongi> is just put in recovery and adb is enabled?
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<Thiagovfar> Yes, adb is available on CWM
<Thiagovfar> Might take a while to become online
<mongi> hmm
<mongi> won't wipe anything, right?
<Thiagovfar> do as chadouming told you
<Thiagovfar> nandroid backup first
<Thiagovfar> So you can go back, if you screw up even more
<mongi> i'll backup my files from sdcard
<Thiagovfar> and, as I always suggest, save the backup outside the phone.
<mongi> and try to bypass by adb
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<mongi> don't think adb is enabled on cwm =/
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<Thiagovfar> It is
<Thiagovfar> What system are you running?
<mongi> i typed adb devices
<mongi> didn't shown my phone =s
<mongi> cm 10
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<Thiagovfar> my ubuntu 12.10 is having a lot of trouble finding my phone while on recovery
<mongi> oh
<Thiagovfar> takes some plug/unplug cycles
<mongi> mine is windows 7
<mongi> will try again
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<Thiagovfar> Do you have another device?
<Thiagovfar> to ensure adb is working on your system?
<mongi> yes, will try with it
<frankdrey> check device manager
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<plaYer2k> hello :3
<plaYer2k> i were looking for the currently known issues for CM10.1 on Galaxy Note 2 / N7100
<plaYer2k> sadly i could not find such a list, and this list has nothing to offer aswell for that device
<Thiagovfar> It has
<Thiagovfar> read it
<plaYer2k> oh misread for he n7000 sorry
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<kZard|nb> mjt and EgotisticalElf, what I used to use USB mounting for was to allow applications other than windows explorer to access and sort my phone's files.
<kZard|nb> Now with MTP, for anything to be able to comfortably acces any files, I first need to copy them over.
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<amoblox> I maaaay have soft bricked my phone
<amoblox> WHich is great for a Monday
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<Jiangyi> Yay
<Jiangyi> My official driver's licence came in the mail :-D
<plaYer2k> gz :3
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: If you say that in Brazil, people will think you bought your license driver.
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Here, they give you a temp paper one and then ship you the real one in the mail :-P
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<Thiagovfar> Here, you have to go there take it
<Thiagovfar> even the temporary one
<frankdrey> so if i burn myself and turn gay, i can get a scholarship
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<frankdrey> "gay men of color"
<Jiangyi> ._.
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<Thiagovfar> I don't get it
<frankdrey> it's a scholarship for "gay men of color"
<frankdrey> i can become "of color" artificially, no?
<frankdrey> michael jackson did the reverse ._.
<Thiagovfar> I must have missed some text here.
<bealtine> white is a colour
<EgotisticalElf> kZard|nb, specifically, two programs accessing them at once. USB is explicit storage attached to the PC. MTP is shared storage attached. so the phone can use it while the PC does
<Thiagovfar> Is IRC message dfe reliable?
<Thiagovfar> s/dfe/delivery
<frankdrey> bealtine, :O :O :O GOOD POINT
<Jiangyi> Right, speaking of UMS and MTP, should enable those for S2 devices now that it's been merged :-P
* Jiangyi goes to make patches
<Jiangyi> Even though I don't even have a device anymore xD
<kZard|nb> I find both MS and Samsung (or android?)'s implementation of that concept quite limiting EgotisticalElf
<kZard|nb> on the windows side, ONLY explorer can access the files
<EgotisticalElf> yes, i find it a very flaky implementation myself as well
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Can you please tell me how to fix this? Make this your first patch.
<bealtine> i've no problems with mtp
<kZard|nb> on the phone side, it becomes unusable whilst something is copying
<EgotisticalElf> i don't know if it is MS or *NIX, but i'm guessing it is MS
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<bealtine> nix handling/libs for mtp are crap
<whitequark> osx and windows are exactly like the nix ones.
<kZard|nb> "phone is busy copying stuff, come back later"
<bealtine> that never happens to me
<kZard|nb> heh, I should try calling my phone whist it's copying
<kZard|nb> it wasn't a direct quote, but it is pretty much unusable whilst data is being read / written
<kZard|nb> it is also of course possible that it is a Samsung thing, as I am still running i9100 4.0.3 stock
<EgotisticalElf> i moved images from my internal -> exteranl today while listening to music and the music kept going just fine
<EgotisticalElf> the music was on the external
<kZard|nb> was it done over usb?
<EgotisticalElf> mtp
<bealtine> "who" displays that message? computer or phone?
<kZard|nb> my phone is just unresponsive whilst copying stuff pc <=> phone
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<kZard|nb> I tested it now. The phone keeps going (playing music etc) which is nice, but only the power button does anything (back / home / menu / volume is unresponsive)
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<kZard|nb> what also bugs me, is how it only loads a few list items per second. On a long photo list, you can almost go and make a cup of coffee whilst it reads the whole thing. When it finaly has done that, there are no image thumbnails, so you need to work by date/time the picture was taken
<bealtine> i had a phone like that once...then i sold it
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<kZard|nb> lol
<kZard|nb> what do you have now?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Just checking, but UMS is now on your i9100 right?
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Yup, up and running.
<Jiangyi> Cool.
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<frankdrey> so i have to do a culminating project for my high school
<frankdrey> one of the items is a senior presentation
<frankdrey> with visual aid as one of the requirements
<frankdrey> ...
<frankdrey> mwahahahaha
* frankdrey is not gonna use powerpoint
<frankdrey> I'm thinking this...
<frankdrey> a fully animated 3d presentation coded in opengl, or if i'm lazy, blender
<frankdrey> with a camera...
<frankdrey> that can recognize my hand motions
<frankdrey> ...
<frankdrey> ???
<frankdrey> profit???
<frankdrey> :D