nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<Jug6ernaut> 4.1.2 rom with 4.2 gaps
<Jug6ernaut> hansel does it go away
<thewozza> that doesn't seem to be the case, it very specifically said it is 4.1.2 gapps. I think I'm going to have to do a factory reset
<hansel> yes it does once its booted up
<hansel> im running on 4.1.1 stock
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<unknwn> guys can you watch youtube html5 videos with cm?
<unknwn> with any browser?
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<MaXim_> hi all :)
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<thewozza> sweet I'm on 9.1 now. My phone is going to work awesome
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<hansel> hi
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<hansel> anyone tried liquid smooth rom on GT-I9300?
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<MaXim_> just put cm10.1 on my sgs3. seems to run sweetly :)
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<htdhd2sucks> hi,
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<htdhd2sucks> samsung is not fast to release the code source, isn'it?
<tuhoojabotti> htdhd2sucks: Well I guess they want to make it look less shitty first. :u
<htdhd2sucks> yeah, it seems more that they don't care...
<htdhd2sucks> have you seen they are releasing a new S2, called S2 plus!
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<tuhoojabotti> No
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<tuhoojabotti> Is it better?
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<htdhd2sucks> well it's a remix of s2, less powerfull than s3
<tuhoojabotti> How is it better thn s2
<htdhd2sucks> there's a few links about it
<tuhoojabotti> nfc? notification led?
<bbqbot> derp
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<MaXim_> it's not as good as the original s2
<htdhd2sucks> I dont really think it's better than s2... on the contrary :D
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<iKillCypher> Xperia Z ;) will be my new phone after SGS2
<a3Dman> orly
<iKillCypher> yes
<iKillCypher> fuck exynos
<iKillCypher> and mali they have been close source shit tbh even till today no support from samsung
<a3Dman> htdhd2sucks: it's the same phone, only 8GB and zero shutterlag camera
<htdhd2sucks> yes you are right
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<htdhd2sucks> but they still market it as a new, better version
* iKillCypher has no idea why samsung release sgs2 plus
<iKillCypher> wtf
<a3Dman> iKillCypher: trolling
<iKillCypher> honestly
<IRConan> to compete with the Nexus 4
<a3Dman> what?!
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<a3Dman> both phones aren't comparable.
<IRConan> to a "dumb end user" it would appear to compete with the N4
<iKillCypher> Xperia Z :P I cant wait
<iKillCypher> lol
<htdhd2sucks> yeah anyway, i dont intend to renew the samsung experience myself, :P... seeing how they already left the S2... with millions of buyers
<iKillCypher> cyanogemod support would be awesome on it
<a3Dman> iKillCypher: I will wait for the next Nexus :P
<iKillCypher> sony even help the open source developers :D
<iKillCypher> Xperia Z is awesome
<iKillCypher> unless the next nexus is with sony
<iKillCypher> then I think I would wait too
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<a3Dman> I'm getting used phones anyway
<IRConan> xperia z looks good
<a3Dman> I think id doesn't miss anything
<a3Dman> which is great
<a3Dman> having a microsd is great also
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<htdhd2sucks> Yeah samsung only surfing on their commercial success but lack of care for community
<ankitkv> where do I see which device has exactly what hardware and which files in the kernel correspond to them?
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<mkb47> hi
<mkb47> I am using LG E400 running on stock ROM
<mkb47> my question is can I mod it using the CyanogenMod 10 JB
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> if the next Nexus is with Sony
<mkb47> so this handset won't support
<mkb47> pls help
<iKillCypher> hell yeah I think I will throw samsung my phone from rooftop
<iKillCypher> mkb47
<iKillCypher> this is samsung cyanogenmod
<iKillCypher> you may want to join #cyanogenmod
<a3Dman> mkb47: you can have a better luck in #cyanogenmod
<iKillCypher> for more queries
<a3Dman> here it's focused on samsung devices only
<mkb47> oh i see
<mkb47> and one more thing
<mkb47> i am facing this problem "Link Failed Permission denied" while rooting
<mkb47> do u have any suggestions about this?
<iKillCypher> #cyanogenmod
<iKillCypher> or join #android-root
<mkb47> ok thanks
<mkb47> bye
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<Space> any xda mod here?
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<MaXim_> is there a black-themed google apps package floating around?
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<a-st> Good Morning everyone :)
<a-st> Any hints what causes this issue?
<bbqbot> derp
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<kZard|nb> where would be a good place to read up on the leaked 4.1.2 Galaxy S II rom? I tried the XDA forums, but reading through 350 pages of random comments is a daunting task
<bbqbot> derp
<a-st> kZard|nb: What do you want to know about the leaked SGS2 ROM? :)
<kZard|nb> I'd like to know what the bugs are, and if it's usable enough for daily use
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<kZard|nb> also, how to install it and how to know if it'd be safe to install on my device. I really don't know where to look for that kinda info
<a-st> I watched a review on Youtube and it looked pretty usable for daily use
<kZard|nb> ok
<bealtine> your definition of stable may be different than somebody else
<a-st> bealtine: Thats true ;)
<kZard|nb> true
<a-st> So it is still a leak and might not be finished at all :P
<kZard|nb> Any rounded opinion on it or a link to some place I could read up on it would be great :)
<a-st> I read something about how to flash it via odin
<MaXim_> damn
<MaXim_> my battery life is a hell of a lot better in cm10.1
<kZard|nb> I heard the exact opposite too MaXim_
<kZard|nb> (for GS II that is)
<MaXim_> this is for S III
<kZard|nb> ok
<kZard|nb> cool
<MaXim_> changed from 4.1.2 XXELLA today
<kZard|nb> noob question: what exactly is the XXELLA bit?
<kZard|nb> oh wait, is that the stock 4.1.2?
<bealtine> xxella is the radio version
<kZard|nb> ah
<kZard|nb> so the radio drivers?
<kZard|nb> (or whatever you'd call the radio sw)
<a-st> Sorry for asking again but what could be the reason for this error?
<bealtine> radio interface layer
<kZard|nb> Is it just some version number, or must you be careful not to flash the wrong radio interface layer in the wrong country?
<bealtine> version number but some rils work better in some countries
<kZard|nb> ah
<kZard|nb> thanks a-st
<kZard|nb> I found that before though. It doesn't seem to give any details on what still needs to be fixed
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<a-st> Just trying to compile latest ParanoidAndroid with cm10 as base. lets see if it works
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<a-st> kZard|nb: just look in the comments
<kZard|nb> k
<a-st> search for "bug" ;)
<kZard|nb> eh. High battery drain +_+
<kZard|nb> thanks a-st :)
<a-st> You're welcome ;)
<a-st> So I still need to find someone who helps me with the build error :(
<a-st> It builds after bypassing libcamera but that might break stuff =(
<bealtine> error?
<kZard|nb> surely you could ask build-related questions in the dev channel?
<bbqbot> derp
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<a-st> bealtine: look at the paste :)
<kZard|nb> a-st, wouldn't you get better build-related support in #teamhacksung ?
<kZard|nb> There are less questions there too :)
<a-st> Not sure. I thought -support would be the right one ;)
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<kZard|nb> In the main channel they refer to this one as "User-support"
<kZard|nb> * "User Channel"
<bealtine> try #cyanogenmod-dev
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<a-st> Hm. Maybe the devs are still asleep
<kZard|nb> that channel moves slowly
<kZard|nb> MaXim_, what rom were you running up untill now?
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<MaXim_> ?
<MaXim_> the leaked 4.1.2 XXELLA rom
<MaXim_> then I switched to CM10.1 this morning
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<Jiangyi> z0mg
<Jiangyi> cdesai: Happy late birthday! :-D Sorry I missed it :-S
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<brinsjt> 2 days late for cdesai :s
<Jiangyi> yep :S
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<a-st> Package complete: /home/a-st/SGS2/android/out/target/product/i9100/ :D
<a-st> Let's see if it works :)
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<a-st> It boots but gets stuck at bootlogo :(
<a-st> *bootanimation
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<shaaan> codeworkx around ?
<shaaan> cdesai around ?
<brinsjt> why do you need them
<shaaan> they are helping me in compiling cm10 for my device
<brinsjt> what device
<brinsjt> i may be able to help
<shaaan> galaxy s advance. i just setup some part of the device tree. need someone to check it out. i am comparatively new
<brinsjt> Do you have it on GitHub
<shaaan> yeah
<brinsjt> Link?
<bbqbot> derp
<brinsjt> I'll have a look soon
<brinsjt> so is it based off the i9000
<shaaan> nope. based off sony-pepper
<brinsjt> ahh
<brinsjt> Does it build
<shaaan> both devices have pretty much the same specs
<brinsjt> yep
<brinsjt> same processor?
<shaaan> yeah
<shaaan> haven't tried building yet. files are missing
<brinsjt> What does it say is missing
<shaaan> i don't have a clue where do i get them
<a-st> I tried to build PA 2.99 with CM10.1 as base. But it gets stuck right after bootanimation =(
<brinsjt> and has cm ever been ported to it
<shaaan> nope
<shaaan> i started from scratch
<shaaan> we don't even have 2 stage boot yet
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<brinsjt> yep
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<unknwn> can ext4 formatted sdcard work well with cm10.1?
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<Langly_> Hi, I'm trying to put Cyanogen on my G3 i747 for the first time, and I'm really new to rooting phones. I've run into a problem getting clockwork onto my phone correctly, mostly by being an idiot, can anyone help walk me through it?
<Entropy512> teamhacksung is primarily for exynos-based devices, and some of the OMAPs
<Entropy512> none of us have qcom Samsungs
<Entropy512> we went and got qcom Sonys
<Entropy512> :)
<Langly_> oh sorry! I came here through the G3 thread OP
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<Entropy512> odd only the i9300 thread should point here
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<Entropy512> well, and other exynos device threads
<Entropy512> but none of the qcom threads should point here
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<suku_patel_pc> Hi
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<AntSkUp> hey nebkat I need some tech assistance plz
<addi> just ask your question, that message you received on joining is just a funny message not to be taken seriously
<AntSkUp> oh sorry lol .. ok so i have a sgh-t989 and i was flashing with odin and now my phone is black .. it will make noise and vibrate when i connect to the computer but thats all .. what can i do?
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<AntSkUp> hello?
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<AntSkUp> hello
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<datagutt> @help help
<bbqbot> Usage: @help [commands] [<command>]
<bbqbot> Description: Shows commands and how to use them
<suku_patel_pc> does i9300 have NFC issues? doesnt start for me
<bbqbot> derp
<suku_patel_pc> running yesterday's nightly
<evcz> suku_patel_pc where you running ics before?
<evcz> if not you need to change the nfc firmware using
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<tuhoojabotti> awesome
<tuhoojabotti> chrome for android beta supports webgl :P
<a3Dman> and it doesn't lock up on textbox input
<tuhoojabotti> Cool
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<a3Dman> still slow though
<tuhoojabotti> webgl is pretty fast
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<suku_patel_pc> evcz: thisis the first splash with Cm
<suku_patel_pc> was running stock based ROMS earlier
<suku_patel_pc> ICS and JB
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<a3Dman> tuhoojabotti: still slow, 54fps for this horse is slow
<a3Dman> Google really needs to improve chrome
<tuhoojabotti> a3Dman: I meant pretty fast compared to my past experiences.
<tuhoojabotti> And yes, they do need to improve Chrome for android
<a3Dman> tuhoojabotti: the browser is the best when it comes to tabs navigation and sync features
<tuhoojabotti> I know.
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<tuhoojabotti> It kicks ass.
<tuhoojabotti> But it's slow, so very slow when it comes to scrolling etc.
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<a3Dman> yeah, when it comes to rendering at general...
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<tuhoojabotti> I don't know what the bottle neck is for the latency.
<tuhoojabotti> I haven't researched that much.
<tuhoojabotti> the new beta does seem snappier, until memory starts to run slow
<tuhoojabotti> low*
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<SAKKAIVE> hi ... i just installed CM10.1 on my I9100G .. i performed a clean install not an update ... now i cant find the developer tools in the settings menu .. how can i enable these settings to use Titanum Backup??
<Frd^> Sa
<Frd^> SAKKAIVE: press many times on build numer on settings
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<tuhoojabotti> 7 times
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<dizzy> @changelog i9300
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<|Night|> not alot in the last few nighles
<|Night|> getting ready for a stable rls?
<dizzy> shall i use CM10 or CM10.1 for my S3? :>
<dizzy> what's better/faster/more stable
<|Night|> 10.1
<|Night|> ffs
<|Night|> :
<|Night|> :P
<a3Dman> |Night|: I wouldn't mind a stable release, all the features I imagined in CM ever are there...
<|Night|> true
<|Night|> id like to see them fix bluetooth soon
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<dizzy> what about the battery usage on 10.1.... is it 'ok'/'good' before ;D
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<chadouming_work> i always ahve about the same usage pattern, and on every phone i had, i never installed a rom that really improved battery life
<chadouming_work> always got the same battery time
<chadouming_work> not compare the phone together, but a phone with different rom
<chadouming_work> and i dont really think a question of minutes make a difference
<jomp16> chadouming_work: except for ROM with bad kernel or modules (problem with wirelles, sleep, etc)
<chadouming_work> didnt said i haven't flashed rom that make my battery life worse :P
<addi> xD
<dizzy> and CM10.1 is based on 4.2 right?
<chadouming_work> 4.2.1
<dizzy> I dont want to wipe my whole data now and than its somesthing diffrent than expected ;D
<dizzy> thanks
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<a3Dman> addi: I find this true, sometimes, I start my final exam study 4 hours before the exam, and I find the best ways to study the whole course...
<addi> yes, done that during college, hehe. I'm not lazy per se, but was very lazy when it came to studying :P
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<Baskey> Fissurez: DOOD
<addi> Baskey,
<addi> whats up dood
<addi> Fissurez,
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> !dood addi
<clibot> addi,
<clibot> whats up dood
<Baskey> !dood Fissurez
<clibot> Fissurez,
<clibot> whats up dood
<a3Dman> sup guise > sup doods
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<addi> no u
<addi> a3Dman,
<addi> whats up dood
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<a3Dman> NO U
<frankdrey> fack you too
<a3Dman> dooood
<addi> frankdrey,
<addi> whats up dood
<frankdrey> stupid females...
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<Baskey> DOODZ
<frankdrey> that's whats up
<Baskey> frankdrey: what happened?
<addi> frankdrey, get away from Baskey, problem solved
<frankdrey> eh, don't worry about it :P
<Baskey> aw :C
<frankdrey> (but they're just confusing as hell is the thing)
<Baskey> tru dat
<a3Dman> meh
<frankdrey> anyway, imma go downstairs to eat breakfast
<a3Dman> have a nice day
<Fissurez> !dood Baskey
<clibot> Baskey,
<clibot> whats up dood
<addi> but still crap
<Baskey> +1
<addi> disgusting how Google is pushing Chrome on people as official browser
<Fissurez> Yeah, still dodgy
<Fissurez> But i think i may prefer it to dolphin
<addi> a company that's only focused on quantity so they can sell ads, quality ain't a part of anything
<Baskey> Dolphin is meh
<addi> I prefer stock browser on my GNex, works the best, just no sync
<Fissurez> Yeah.
<Baskey> I'm oldschool and I prefer Opera Mobile
<jomp16> I dont like Dolphin
<Fissurez> So, where would one aquire a stock browser?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> tbh, Chrome works much better on my iPad 4
<Baskey> Fissurez: XDA
<jomp16> Only stock (for flash content) and Chrome
<Fissurez> Shame chrome for ipad is slower than safari
<addi> Chrome is okay for browsing sometimes, but it needs serious improvements in page rendering etc
<addi> but oh well, we saw the ads, Google made money, who needs quality?
<Fissurez> Because apple deliberately cripple competitors browsers
<addi> (or didn't see ads thanks to AdBlocker)
<jomp16> Fissurez: AdAway...
<addi> yer, best one there is
<Fissurez> What about adaway?
<Baskey> Adaway all teh wai
<addi> I just wish there was a way to disable it for some sites/apps. I like supporting some devs/sites :/
<Fissurez> Meh, i dont use adblockers
<Baskey> Fissurez: silly
<Fissurez> If someone is gracious enough to give me something for free, im happy to help them out
<addi> I don't have much use either actually, most of me apps are totally free or are paid versions
<addi> just for the browser mostly
<Baskey> I prefer paid versions
<Baskey> so I don't give a single one fuck
<Fissurez> Have to admit, chrome beta is a massive improvement
<addi> I don't really prefer paid versions, but after buying an iPad 4 this new year, I am forced to prefer it :P
<Fissurez> Might use it as main browser for the moment.
<addi> it is? hmm, guess I must try
<Baskey> no, it isn't
<Fissurez> Well, for nexus 10 anyway
<Baskey> buggy, laggy piece of software
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<addi> the official Chrome works good enough on my GNex, so let's see
<Fissurez> Works fine for me baskey
<Fissurez> Oh
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<Fissurez> Chrome beta runs like shit on gnex i hear
<addi> yeah, I'm reading just that in the bug list right now xD
<Baskey> add SGS2 to that list
<Fissurez> Silly baskey
<Fissurez> Sgs2 is old
<Espenfjo> silly Fissurez
<addi> Google must have thought "meh, why support old Nexus, let's just focus on quad-core and awesomely powerful Nexus 4/10"
<Espenfjo> sgs2 > n4
<Fissurez> Gtfo
<addi> GNex > N4 too
<Fissurez> Gtfo too
<addi> N4 = iNexus
<addi> like iPhone 4S
<addi> kthx
<Baskey> Fissurez: WHAT ABOUT NO?
<Fissurez> Whyso
<Espenfjo> its crap, Fissurez
<addi> just a power upgrade
<Fissurez> Just because it has a glass back does not mean its apple
<Fissurez> Its a decent enough upgrade for me to dump my sgs2 for it.
<Baskey> Fissurez: ITS != IT'S
<Fissurez> I KNOW
<addi> in my eyes it's just an upgrade of chipset and RAM to do away with Android's high hardware requirements, can't optimize, so let's throw awesome hardware at it!!
<Fissurez> SO GTFO
<Baskey> Fissurez: MY ASS
<addi> no suggestions on your touch keyboard? FAIL
<chadouming_work> addi, that's how informatic is evolving
<Espenfjo> Fissurez: Anyways.. in teh awesome xplodwild benchmark the s2 beats the n4. Hence the n4 is crap
<Fissurez> addi, so how is that different to any other phone upgrade
<xplodwild> shht
<addi> chadouming_work, all thanks to Android
<frankdrey> chrome works perfect on my gtab 2
<Fissurez> ....wat
<chadouming_work> instead of producing better code , we make better hardware, it's easier
<Fissurez> So the problem is android, not the nexus
<addi> yeah
<frankdrey> my friend(s) have argued with me before about that
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<chadouming_work> that's not only in android world
<Fissurez> True
<addi> but Android is the heaviest damn mobile OS out there apparently
<frankdrey> they say, "It doesn't matter if a language is on a VM or scripted, we have better hardware!"
<addi> yay, let's use Java
<Fissurez> Wonder if Ubuntu is going to be any good
<frankdrey> because it runs fucking Java :|
<addi> let's use VM
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<chadouming_work> well, it was the most reliable way to have all the phone under the same os easily
<chadouming_work> make a linux kernel
<Fissurez> Although, anyone that encourages web app development because of no native apps don't look too good
<chadouming_work> and run java
<addi> Ubuntu looks interesting, at least it won't need 2GB RAM to respectably multitask -.-
<chadouming_work> but android in c++ would simply be crazy
<chadouming_work> without the limitation of dalvik :D
<Fissurez> Yeah
<Fissurez> ZOOM
<Baskey> FLASH
<frankdrey> web apps are shiiiiiiit
<frankdrey> the same friend loves web apps
<chadouming_work> however, it would still need java support to run apps
<frankdrey> ._.
<Fissurez> Just asking, does android affect all those benchmarks and things like glbench?
<addi> it probably does
<Fissurez> I.e., is the powervr chip of the ipad 4 really that far ahead?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> I'm just glad I bought the iPad 4 instead of a Nexus tablet
<addi> games run awesome, look awesome
<chadouming_work> nexus 10 tab is awesome
<addi> Fissurez, the chip is powerful, the OS runs native code
<addi> plus devs are more focused on iOS = you see better optimization
<Fissurez> I just wanted something Different to an ipad
<frankdrey> addi, how do your apps look stuck stretched apart?
<Baskey> hipster
<frankdrey> GUISE
<frankdrey> let's write our own mobile OS :D
<addi> frankdrey, haven't run into any app that was stretched apart
<Baskey> BBQOS
<Fissurez> If i wanted a mobile games machine I would have bought an ipad
<Baskey> datagutt: xplodwild:
<addi> I wanted exactly that, plus Apple sells all content unlike Google here in India, so screw Android in tablets
<frankdrey> addi, no the home screen
<Baskey> I agree with addi
<chadouming_work> Baskey, none of us have enough knowledge to do so
<Fissurez> Although nvidias hoarding of the android games passes me off
<addi> has Google gotten around to make a tablet version of the Talk app? or is it still stretched up?
<Baskey> chadouming_work: :C
<Fissurez> There is a fan version
<Fissurez> *tab
<addi> frankdrey, I don't get it, I don't see a problem with the spacing between app icons on the homescreen :P
<Fissurez> Split keyboard is hard
<addi> basically, iOS may be severely limited, but it's much more polished
<frankdrey> addi, it looks like shit :D
<Fissurez> Yup addi
<addi> Google is busy making juvenile stuff like that stupid 4.2 clock
<xplodwild> chadouming_work: it would be a big loss of time
<addi> which looks good in the beginning, then you see how crap it is
<Fissurez> 4.2 clock?
<addi> the clock in 4.2
<Fissurez> ?
<chadouming_work> addi, if google would release all the phone, it would be as efficient as ios
<addi> chadouming_work, not talking about efficiency
<chadouming_work> the advantage of apple, control everything, the advantage of google , run on everything
<xplodwild> 4.2 clock has good features but looks awful
<addi> the polish in the UI, the consistency
<Fissurez> Oh yeah,it looks hella sexy
<addi> Google has one aim: sell ads, so apps are accepted without being checked, then Google says "we have 700,000 apps, start jacking off to that number"!
<chadouming_work> i don't find it "hella sexy" but i believe that is a personnal preference
<addi> it's not hella sexy, no, but it looks good
<Fissurez> Looks better than slot of stuff
<Fissurez> *slot
<Fissurez> Ffs
<addi> better than Android's stupid grey backgrounds, though Holo is right up there with apps in iOS
<Fissurez> RAGE
<chadouming_work> well, app store is not way better, point of apple, selling developers liscence
<addi> well done Holo app = can be amazing
<frankdrey> I think iOS is ugly
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<addi> well, their notifications menu is quite pretty, but utterly useless compared to Android xD
<chadouming_work> it's a pale copy of the android one
<Fissurez> Ios isn't ugly, just uninteresting
<chadouming_work> and they are trying to patent it xD
<addi> Fissurez, the point is, Android is the ugliest mobile OS since iOS changed the meaning of smartphones
<addi> the interface of the OS itself is still ugly, but the apps can thankfully look awesome due to Holo
<chadouming_work> eh, you seems to forget windows mobile 6.5 xD
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<Fissurez> Whataboutblackberry
<chadouming_work> or windows mobile 6.1
<addi> ever since iOS changed meaning = I don't count those :P
<chadouming_work> true that i never liked blackberry too
<addi> but yeah, they were ugly too :D
<frankdrey> their notifications thing is ugly
<Fissurez> Blackberry released stuff after the iphone
<frankdrey> it doesn't match the rest of the UI at all
<frankdrey> hell, android 1.0 looks better to me than iOS
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<Fissurez> Wat.
<Fissurez> Now you are trolling
<chadouming_work> windows mobile 6.1 and 6.5 were after iphon e
<addi> he's just hating I think
<frankdrey> am not
<frankdrey> i'm serious
<Fissurez> Are
<frankdrey> it's personal preference
<frankdrey> GUISE
<addi> Google needs to tell the teams of all its apps to work together on consistency in apps
<frankdrey> imma branch android 1.0
<frankdrey> and make it a version that works as a PHONE
<Fissurez> Whu-oh
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<chadouming_work> google need to put an iron glove and slap all the carrier
<addi> that they can't do I guess
<chadouming_work> and put some rules
<chadouming_work> they can't do ?
<addi> but achieving consistency in your own stuff is a must
<Fissurez> Google needs a mace rather than a glove
<chadouming_work> if they stop selling android, what will they sell ?
<addi> well, open source, and unless you say "no Play Store access if you don't follow our rules", nothing can be done
<chadouming_work> blackberry and iphone
<addi> and Google is built on ads, so they don't care
<addi> they just want their devices and OS to reach as many people as possible
<addi> also, Android was built on the idea that people should be able to do what they want, that includes carriers adding their stuff
<chadouming_work> carrier can add their shit
<chadouming_work> as long as they do it on the newest version of android
<chadouming_work> not android 4.0.3 while android 4.2.1 is out
<addi> but oh well, are carriers really a problem outside the US and China? we have zero carrier interference here
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> chadouming_work, that IS a good solution actually, but again, I'm afraid Google won't do much since it has the risk of carriers and manufacturers not being so attracted to Android as they are now
<chadouming_work> well, like i was saying
<chadouming_work> what would carrier sell ?
<chadouming_work> only iphone and blackberry ?
<chadouming_work> we can already forget windows phone
<frankdrey> +1
<addi> well, yeah, carriers decide what sticks
<datagutt> [19:11:09] <Baskey> datagutt: xplodwild:
<datagutt> ASHA?
<chadouming_work> nope, apps database decide what stick
<addi> US carriers are already decided that they will sell BB10
<chadouming_work> and right now, if you want customer, you need a big app database
<chadouming_work> what android and ios have
<chadouming_work> but not windows
<frankdrey> +1
* frankdrey really hates windows right now
<addi> yeah, that's a good point
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<chadouming_work> bb will mostly always be used in company tho
<frankdrey> it's like the devs said, "Shit, we're too lazy to design a good UI, let's make it flat and simple, and call it 'style'"
<chadouming_work> why, cause they have a great mailing system
<addi> BB actually has most chance from all new OS coming out this year thanks to enterprise
<tuhoojabotti> I actually like windows phone style
<addi> I like BB10, it's well made
<datagutt> BB looks like an early version of firefox os
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<datagutt> addi ^
<chadouming_work> i like windows 8 style
<addi> could be a bit better looking
<tuhoojabotti> but I don't know if it's good in use.
<datagutt> seriously
<datagutt> it does
<datagutt> a lot.
<chadouming_work> but it's not the point
<datagutt> and i like the bb 10 look more than the current ffos ui
<datagutt> lol
<chadouming_work> since RIM lost like 50% of their sales and the fiasco of the playbook, they are nothing
<datagutt> The firefox ui just looks.. brazillian
<addi> tuhoojabotti, Windows Phone is beautiful, I've used a device
<datagutt> peterperfect ^
<addi> but in the end it's not as free and dynamic as Android
<tuhoojabotti> addi: I have used my cousin's wp phone
<chadouming_work> true
<datagutt> WP is good
<tuhoojabotti> Yeah
<datagutt> but it does not have the qualities android does
<tuhoojabotti> It's for the general people
<datagutt> it is like iOS with better ui
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<tuhoojabotti> Android is about customizations
<tuhoojabotti> And freedom, kind of
<addi> it's like iOS but with quite less limitations
<addi> WP is actually a good middle-ground between the two
<a3Dman> iPad is the best tablet made.
<addi> MS does treat you like a noob, but not as much as Apple >.>
<a3Dman> after seeing video reviews of the nexus 10, It was meh...
<a3Dman> also, getting a tablet with 95% of the apps are phone is lame
<a3Dman> even more than 95%
<addi> that's the problem, content wise you can't beat iOS on tablet
<a3Dman> also the native code part is most important.
<addi> and again, ask Google to first make their own apps like Talk optimized for tablets
<a3Dman> really?
<a3Dman> I thought talk was tablet friendly
<frankdrey> at least android stretches the apps, not zooms them
<addi> people curse devs for not following Holo guidelines, but is it their fault Google suddenly decided "let's do something about the mess Android's design is" and expect people to redesign their apps
<frankdrey> it just spreads out the elements, which looks good
<frankdrey> ipad fking zooms
<xplodwild> addi: with current tools, it takes like 5s to redesign an app
<a3Dman> Apple forces devs to change anyway, which is good for consistency
<frankdrey> addi, talk is definitely tablet optimized
<xplodwild> sometimes even just changing target SDK fixes 70% of design mismatch
<addi> frankdrey, great, they must have changed it then, I heard it was stretched up a few months back
<a3Dman> xplodwild: then a lot of devs are utter lazy xD
<addi> xplodwild, I hope then that devs follow it, I'm beginning to hate that menu button on navigation keys with a passion
<xplodwild> +1
<xplodwild> a3Dman: change target SDK, remove or update your custom styles if you have, and boom you have Holo standard colors/design
<a3Dman> the problem is, even major apps doesn't follow the guidelines, for example, twitter and facebook
<addi> Twitter looks great on iPad though, but it clearly isn't suitable for Android :P
<addi> Google+ app also needs one Gingerbread element still - the sign-in loading circle >.>
<addi> but I guess they just missed that one
<a3Dman> twitter is just a simple gingerbread app, almost all widgets of it are custom, and facebook doesn't use action bar and still with legacy menu key
<a3Dman> both are just lame on tablets
<addi> I believe apps designed by corporations are the worst off in every field
<a3Dman> addi: I think because it's the first time only, could be something of the two, they're like this only appear one or they didn't notice it.
<a3Dman> s/one/once
<addi> yeah, probably
<a3Dman> what makes me pissed of, is new apps that are only month old, and they don't use holo
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<a3Dman> and those apps which don't use monochrome notifications icons
<addi> that's the issue with having no one check your apps before they get submitted to the app store. Apple also has only design "guidelines" and not rules, but since they check apps, I'm guessing devs are more inclined to follow those guidelines
<a3Dman> not sure, on OS X, even before the app store, devs always respected aqua guidelines...
<addi> hmm, so they probably just think more of quality when designing apps for Apple products :P
<a3Dman> maybe
<addi> you guys should check out this app called for GTalk and FB, awesome use of Holo
<addi> I disabled Talk after installing >.>
<a3Dman> yeah, this app is awesome
<a3Dman> using holo gives the app a great look, and the best performance
<addi> yeah, it's the best "minimal design" app I've seen
<addi> yay, Chrome Beta rebooted my GNex xD
<a3Dman> CM file manager, skype, dailymotion, pinterest, tumblr, etc
<a3Dman> all these apps are awesome
<a3Dman> does a complete utilization of the holo design guidelines
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<addi> what's the latest version of CM File Manager?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> I'm still on 1.1 or 1.0.1 or whatever the first update was >.>
<a3Dman> it gets updated on nightlies, I think they will do a new update soon
<addi> not using CM so can't get so easily I guess. will download latest nightly and grab APK :/
<a3Dman> fair enough
<codeworkx> frankdrey: which tab do you own?
<addi> is this a standard of having the actual app names as, for example, I see iOS also uses the same format o_0
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, p5113
<frankdrey> will try in a minute
<a-st> codeworkx: Sorry for that stupid question, but are you still maintaining CM10.1 SGS2 or will you leave it like for SGS3?
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<codeworkx> did i leave the s3?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> codeworkx, works :)
<codeworkx> sure?
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<a-st> codeworkx: I've read something about that :(
<frankdrey> codeworkx, yep typing no problem with my bluetooth kb
<frankdrey> but
<frankdrey> won't find my apple keyboard :P
<codeworkx> frankdrey: k, merged
<frankdrey> works with off-brand
<codeworkx> frankdrey: i dont care about apple
<frankdrey> +1
<codeworkx> apple is incompatible crap
<frankdrey> it didn't work with cm10 ever since i did a firmware upgrade too
<frankdrey> they upgraded the firmware to make it compatible with apple only :P
<frankdrey> my off-brand kb is such a clone though xD
<mjt> datagutt: where's that windows key? :)
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<dollarbill> u guys hackers
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<chadouming_work> wtf was that ?
<chadouming_work> @geo host
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[3097493504,3097755647],"country":"CA","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<chadouming_work> !geo host
<clibot> chadouming_work: {country: "Canada", region: "Quebec", city: "Montreal", latlong: {45.5, -73.5833}, time: "Fri 14:41 EST"}
<datagutt> i wonder why it is broken
<frankdrey> codeworkx, controlling pointer from my sony ericsson tm717 works too
<frankdrey> (arrow keys on phone move pointer on tablet)
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<a-st> Hopefully PA 2.99 compiles now :(
<chadouming_work> wrong plave to talk about PA xD
<a-st> Is it? So what to talk about here? :D
<chadouming_work> cyanogenmod maintained by teamhacksung
<a-st> Cyanogenmod is awesome :)
<a-st> But I like the PA features :) Per-App layout is awesome for GMail :
<a-st> I wonder if samsung ever releases exynos sources
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* frankdrey is downloading android 1.0 source code
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<AtotheZ> Hello!
<frankdrey> hi
<AtotheZ> Hah... I wasn't expecting anyone to respond. I'm in a little bit of a pickle. I'm late to the Samsung Galaxy SII party - just received mine in the post today. Naturally, I want to root it as I did with it's predecessor.
<AtotheZ> The problem is... it's come loaded with 4.0.4 ... and the kernel has a BVPLH designation... so I'm a little at a loss how to go about rooting this particular model.
<Entropy512> a-st: probably never... They completely failed to deliver on their BABBQ promises
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<a-st> Entropy512: Hm. =(
<a-st> I wonder what the real reasons are for holding back the source code :(
<Entropy512> they're lying sacks of shit?
<a-st> Haha maybe there is no source :D
<Orginator> Entropy512: now after things went quiet, Mr. Kang seem to not respond to my emails anymore
<Orginator> send him like 3 with cc to the other guys, nothing came back..
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<Entropy512> I emailed my contact with a tip regarding mediascanner suggesting they backport the 4.2 fix
<Entropy512> no response
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<a-st> Who is Mr. Kang? :P
<Orginator> Huisung Kang
<Orginator> you've probably seen his name on insignal
<Orginator> :P
<a-st> oh yeah I did :)
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<a-st> So he is our contact @ samsung?
<Orginator> mmm well I don't know
<Orginator> but when things were "hot" regarding samsung getting pressure to release sources
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<Orginator> he was told to work on the issues by his supervisor
<a-st> I think they try to hide something from public :P For me there is no other reason for not releasing source for exynos
<Orginator> but I bet that it was only a show-off, now he ain't responding and all the "help" he provided wasn't all that good
<a-st> maybe he's not real :D
<Orginator> nah, he is
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<Orginator> Entropy512 said that he has probably meet him at BABBQ
<Diftraku> Rawr, was it so Exynos=Bad, Cortex=Good?
<Entropy512> he's not the contact most of us have
<Entropy512> I don't reveal her name in public channels, she's a nice lady
<Entropy512> she's just in an organization that doesn't let her do her job
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<a-st> Hm. Sad...
<Entropy512> exynos, omap, tegra, they're all cortex
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<Entropy512> Krait is technically not cortex but it's very close
<Orginator> is 4.2.2 already out?
<bbqbot> derp
<Entropy512> omap = good
<Entropy512> qualcomm = good
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<Entropy512> tegra = very bad
<Entropy512> exynos4 = a little bit better than tegra but not by much
<Diftraku> Just spotted the SGS2+ version announcement on my RSS feed
<a-st> Do you think that complaining and all the tweets @twitter help?
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<Orginator> Entropy512: have you seen Tegra 4 @ CES
<addi> <Entropy512> Krait is technically not cortex but it's very close <- don't you mean it';s not fully A15 cortex but a combination of A9 and A15?
<Entropy512> yeah addi
<addi> hehe, okay
<Espenfjo> bastard SOC
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<Orginator> Tegra 4 seems very powerful :p
<addi> and Sony is launching new flagship Xperia Z with this bastard SOC, and 4.1. again "awesome last year specs" by Sony IMO :/
<Entropy512> Xperia Z is awesome
<Entropy512> same CPU as Nexus 4, 5" 1080p screen
<addi> but then, the new Qualcomm 600 and 800 also don't seem to be fully A15
<Orginator> the nvidia press conference @ ces (if you haven't seen it yet)
<addi> though didn't actually see the specs
<sinc> qualcomm designs never are
<Entropy512> and yeah sony is a bit slow on the updates but that's because they actually polish their releases
<addi> Entropy512, yes, it's awesome, but it should have come out in 2012
<Entropy512> instead of just throwing halfassed shit out the door like samsung does
<addi> 2013 March is too late for a device with 4.1, then 4-5 months wait for 4.2
<MaXim_> supposedly sony is putting an emphasis on "less bloat" in their rom
<addi> (hopefully the wait will be much shorter though)
<addi> their ROM already has least bloat, no? after Motorola that is
<a-st> Haha but why is samsung the smartphone market leader?
<addi> marketing
<addi> money
<addi> and great flagships like SGS1/2/3
<addi> but again, the marketing pushing them into hands of users
<sinc> + they can meet the demand easily
<MaXim_> I want to see the next sharp NERV phone xD
<sinc> unlike LG
<addi> yeah, their production capability is also the biggest
<a-st> addi: as far as I've read here the "flagships" are shit :-\
<addi> not really
<addi> unless you measure them by how easy it is to port CM to them
<addi> price and features, both areas in which their flagships win against competing ones
<a-st> Google Phones seem to be the most CM-friedly, right?
<addi> SGS2 vs Sensation, SGS3 vs One X, SGS1 vs Desire (or whatever was competing phone), etc, they always win in price and features
<a-st> I like my SGS2 too, even I switched from HD2 to SGS2 :)
<Diftraku> a-st: They're most close to AOSP in that regard, as well... it's the stock Android Google uses on em
<a-st> It's awesome fast =)
<addi> SGS2 has to be the smoothest and fastest Gingerbread-running device I've run across, looking at stock ROMs
<frankdrey> my friend's S3 died after 2 weeks
<frankdrey> it works for 20 seconds and freezes up
<addi> though 4.0 messed it up nicely, which is more 4.0's fault than SGS2's
<frankdrey> addi, hell no
<frankdrey> it's samsung's fault
<frankdrey> 4.0 is awesome
<addi> it sucks
<frankdrey> samsu4.0 is shit
<addi> 4.0 is slow
<a-st> addi: let's see what 4.1.2 brings ;)
<addi> even on the GNex
<addi> 4.0's response times were shit
<addi> you're delusional if you think 4.0 is awesome
<addi> 4.1 is awesome, 4.2 is awesome, 2.3 was awesome too, 4.0 was unoptimized shit
<a-st> Haha stop flaming :)
<a-st> I like this channel :)
<Orginator> So what do you guys think about all the 1080p displays getting powered by a S4? imo. the S4 ain't powerful enough to push this many pixels properly..
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> of course, Samsung's 4.0 and 4.1 are both shit too, but 4.1 from Google itself was shit too
<Orginator> I'd rather take 720p to get a more smooth experience :P
<addi> Orginator, it's specially going to be a problem with HD games like Gameloft's, considering devs seem to be able to optimize them well enough even for 720p
<bealtine> p"ssw0rd
<addi> unable*
<a-st> bealtine: wrong window?
<bealtine> bleh
<bealtine> p@ssw0rd
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<bealtine> bleh
<addi> yay, original Crysis available for $1 in special deal. thank you EA u_u
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<a-st> DOH! :(
<a-st> packages/apps/Bluetooth/src/com/android/bluetooth/map/ cannot find symbol
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<QuinnLion> argh this volume warning is realllly annoying. anyone else use Paypal Here?
<a-st> Sometimes :D
Ravenheart has joined #teamhacksung-support
* QuinnLion has p5113 using a p5110 rom, I cant for the life of me get the reader to work.
<a-st> Which reader?
<QuinnLion> Paypal here, the triangle blue one
<a-st> looks funny didnt even know it exists :D
<QuinnLion> lul
<QuinnLion> Paypal Here is a separate app, and an accompaniing reader
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<a-st> lol it boots but i just get the statusbar and the jelly bean wallpaper
<a-st> nothing else opens. not even the power menu
<QuinnLion> Lol
<QuinnLion> sounds like a borked CM10
<QuinnLion> Like it was when I tried.
<a-st> Hm. I think its PA which is broken for now :D
<QuinnLion> PA?
<a-st> I've read something about CMPA and AOSPA beeing broken for now
<QuinnLion> heh
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<QuinnLion> I want my nav bar back on the left, and my notifications and quicksettings back in the single menu on the nav bar
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<Raschda> Hi - After Samsung has published the multi windows thing, and I think you won't include that in any way... Will we see a cornerstone revival? :)
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<Evee_> umm hi? having some issues getting fastboot to work with my galaxy nexus (toro). figured I might as well come in here ..heh
<QuinnLion> Ohai
<Evee_> oh you're here too! you guys seem invested with emily in the main room didn't want to interrupt
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<Raschda> @downloads i9300
<bbqbot> Download at:
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<QuinnLion> Evee_, no worries, but you are in download mode arent you?
<QuinnLion> Evee_, toro or toroplus?
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<bolbol26> Hey, is someone online ?
<QuinnLion> no
<QuinnLion> were all dead
wairattte-axway is now known as waratte
<bolbol26> D:
<bolbol26> Need information about cyanogenmod 10.1 ...
<bolbol26> on I9300
<MaXim_> i'm using it
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<Jiangyi> w00t
* Jiangyi got his driver's licence :-D
<Jiangyi> Thracky: Guess I'll never see you in Scarborough now :-P
<Thracky> NOPE
<Thracky> <nope.jpg>
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<Evee_> Quinn sorry for the delayed response, had a cooking emergency to attend to lol. Is download mode different from the bootloader?
<bbqbot> derp