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<chieftex> any of you guys on the xxlsa or xxlsc jb leak?
<|Night|> why cant i see clinets connected when i start a Wifi tethering
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<|Night|> people around?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> bbqbot STFU!!!!!!!
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<frankdrey> yay i haz old xda style back
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Wanna take a screenshot of your Arch for me?
* Jiangyi feels like his looks like Windows 2000 :-S
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, bbqlinux or arch?
<Jiangyi> I mean BBQ :-P
<frankdrey> oh, i'm on plain arch
<frankdrey> hold on
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ^
<Jiangyi> O_O
<Jiangyi> How'd you make it like that?
* Jiangyi is clearly still a noob
<frankdrey> screenshot of yours?
<frankdrey> 1. i installed xfce4
<frankdrey> 2. installed ttf-droid and set it
<frankdrey> 3. chose my fav theme in appearance
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<frankdrey> xfce-4.4
<frankdrey> fav theme ^
<Jiangyi> Ah, so an alternate desktop :-P
<Jiangyi> I should look into that stuff
<Jiangyi> This MATE is.......
<frankdrey> cody set mate as default desktop for bbq?
<frankdrey> it used to be xfce4
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, what login manager do you have?
<Jiangyi> whatever is with BBQ, aka I have no idea
<frankdrey> pacman -Qs slim
<frankdrey> tell me if it shows up
<frankdrey> i think cody chose slim
<Jiangyi> Yeah, looks like it's Slim.
<frankdrey> shows up?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> you want to try xfce4?
<frankdrey> sudo pacman -S xfce4
<frankdrey> press enter for default-all
<frankdrey> then:
<frankdrey> nano ~/.xinitrc
<frankdrey> and change exec mate-whatever to exec startxfce4
<frankdrey> warning...
<frankdrey> it might break things that you're used to working
<Jiangyi> Maybe later
<frankdrey> i had to install extra packages for auto mount of removable disks and stuff
<frankdrey> kk
* Jiangyi should finish this homework first
<frankdrey> if anything, going back to mate is as easy as changing xinitrc back to old
<frankdrey> in fact, just comment out the old exec line with #
<Jiangyi> thx
<frankdrey> arch is awesome :D
<chadouming_home> +1
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, is your time also off?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: It was, I fixed it :-P
<frankdrey> not for long
<frankdrey> #blamemicrosoft
<frankdrey> when you boot into windows, it'll bork again
<Jiangyi> I know
<Jiangyi> I'm hoping this time it won't
<frankdrey> it will
<frankdrey> i guarantee
<frankdrey> hold on
<Jiangyi> I had it sync with ntpd instead of changing it manually :-P
<frankdrey> arch and windows will fight with each other over the time then
<frankdrey> you have two options:
<frankdrey> have arch treat the system clock as localtime
<frankdrey> or do a registry hack in windows that has windows treat the system clock as utc
<frankdrey> the problem is that windows stupidly thinks the hw clock is local
<frankdrey> oh, and 3. uninstall windows
* frankdrey did :D
<Jiangyi> Aye yah......
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> now i need to figure out if my sound issues are my case front panel or actual drivers
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<Jiangyi> In my case, it's the drivers
<Jiangyi> There's simply no perfect driver for my sound card on Linux :-P
<frankdrey> there supposedly is for mine
<frankdrey> it's supposed to be the most supported
<frankdrey> i get drivers loaded
<frankdrey> but permissions are borked
<frankdrey> and shouldn't be since arch uses systemd now
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Just booted into Windows, time didn't bork :-D
<frankdrey> reboot into arch
<Jiangyi> Don't think I'll do that again tonight
<Jiangyi> gotta get work done :-P
<frankdrey> lol okay
<frankdrey> and i gotta partaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy
* frankdrey is going to a restaurant :D :D
<frankdrey> bai
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<Jiangyi> Samsung China employee: 9100 4.1 update is in a few days. 9100G a bit longer, but within this month
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<Jiangyi> Users: Why you no tell us things more often
<Jiangyi> Employee: The higher-ups are starting to notice this forum, gotta play it low
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<Jiangyi> ._.
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<chieftex> guys, is there a simple way to get a large mkv onto a phone? it seems the file system on the phone and sd card is fat32 :(
<EgotisticalElf> split it
<EgotisticalElf> or use a phone that uses mtp and the /sdcard is really /data/media and it is ext4 under
<chieftex> which would be what filesystem?
<Jiangyi> ext4 would be internal
<Jiangyi> Oh wait, not on the original Note :-|
<chieftex> damn it, i have the original note!
<EgotisticalElf> sgs3 is all ext4, even the /sdcard
<EgotisticalElf> it's FUSE which basically maeks it look like fat
<chieftex> but without the size limit?
<EgotisticalElf> ya, i'm not sure on that one
<chieftex> because when i connect my phone as usb storage, windows thinks its fat32
<Jiangyi> Well, the downside to having ext4 is that you lose UMS
<chieftex> ah, so i probably dont have ext4 then
<EgotisticalElf> usb storage is always fat
<EgotisticalElf> and it really is fat
<Jiangyi> Don't think anything before the GNex has it.
<EgotisticalElf> mtp, the underlying can be anything
<chieftex> so i should try to connect via mtp and then check if i can copy the file?
<Jiangyi> I don't think that's gonna work :/
<EgotisticalElf> adb shell -> su -> mount
<EgotisticalElf> if /sdcard is fat32, then no, it won't work
<EgotisticalElf> BUT, if you use mtp to connect, you could *try* formatting it as ext4, but, that may cause some serious problems
<Jiangyi> I think that's going to mess up vold lol
<EgotisticalElf> ya
<chieftex> yes, not worth the risk :)
<n0credit> you could use the extfat libs that codeworkx posted a while back on xda
<chieftex> shit why didnt i think of that? format the ext sd card in exfat
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Saw your Gerrit commit, so Sammy used borked emmc chips again!? .__.
<Entropy512> yup
<Entropy512> 16GB I9300s were failing left and right at around 200 days of use
<Jiangyi> Well, that'd explain why Yappy's phone died randomly
<n0credit> don't trust samsung
<a3Dman> /facepalm
<Jiangyi> Can't believe they screwed up yet again
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<Jiangyi> You'd think they would take something away from the superbrick bug, but nooooo
<a3Dman> I'm wondering also when would they stop failing...
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Would d2s be potentially affected too?
<Entropy512> dunno, no reports of it
<Entropy512> if they have VTU00M fwrev 0xf1
<Entropy512> be afraid
<Entropy512> if not
<Entropy512> should be OK
<n0credit> Entropy512: how reliable is the fix?
<EgotisticalElf> how do you check the fw rev
<Entropy512> n0credit: no clue
<Entropy512> sadly
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... I presume the superbrick bug checkers won't report S3 stats?
<Entropy512> we have no information other than - there's something that Samsung changed
<Entropy512> and we hope it's a fix
<Entropy512> Jiangyi: they'll provide the model/fwrev
<Jiangyi> So yeah, same question as EgotisticalElf
<Jiangyi> Ah alright.
<Entropy512> but report it as sane since they're checking for Superbrick
<Entropy512> but VTU00M fwrev 0xf1 = not sane
<Entropy512> (different bug but still bugged)
<Jiangyi> Time to go check my friend's d2att for her
<EgotisticalElf> do you have a link to the checker app? i have a d2att right here
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<n0credit> I thought that the i9300 was a safe bet back in may '12. After everything that had happened I could not had been more wrong.
<EgotisticalElf> ok, found it
<EgotisticalElf> MAG4GB emmc, ref 0xF1
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<Jiangyi> OK, you're good then.
<n0credit> mine is VTU00M fwrev 0xf1
<Jiangyi> Uh oh.
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<n0credit> I guess the first batch samsung released had the same VTU00M
<n0credit> I'd love to know the real fail rate
<Entropy512> no one knows
<n0credit> I'd also like to know if samsung knew and released that emmc chip anyway
<EgotisticalElf> ya, as if they'd tell you that
<a3Dman> I'd like to know the code of ethics for samsung.
<EgotisticalElf> someone would have to whistle blow that outta samsung
<EgotisticalElf> samsung: if it ain't broke, fix it, if it is broke, sell it to someone asap
<Entropy512> a3Dman: code of ethics? samsung? lol
<a3Dman> I wish they could do a fail OTA update, and bork thousands of phones, that will pwn them...
<Jiangyi> I wonder if Note IIs are affected by this as well....
<Jiangyi> Only time will tell I guess. :-p
<Jiangyi> That being said, my friend's d2att is safe too, MAG4FB
<n0credit> since I don't trust samsung at all I'm gonna apply the "fix" and sell it right away
<a3Dman> good idea.
<n0credit> tomorrow i'll buy the cheapest android phone I can get my hands on to hold on until sony releases the xperia z
<a3Dman> I only flash CM because of this emmc bug...
<a3Dman> xepira z seems great to me
<a3Dman> I like that epic simple design
<Jiangyi> n0credit: Be like me, go back to Nokia flip phone til new phone comes :-D
<a3Dman> 3310 ftw
<a3Dman> n0credit: the power button is just great :)
<a3Dman> looks like this
<a3Dman> sue sue sue!
<n0credit> nokia 1100 is the closest I could get
* Jiangyi has a half broken Nokia 2720
<n0credit> no microsim support though
<a3Dman> 1100 ftw, used that for a lot of time :P
<Jiangyi> The earpiece died, so I have to put it on loudspeaker and hold my phone backwards to make a call xD
<n0credit> that flashlight is godlike
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: all the people I saw does that
<a3Dman> rofl
<Jiangyi> lol
<a3Dman> so, xperia devices are good dev friendly?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> yep
<a3Dman> what about their camera?
<Jiangyi> It's Sony, so cam's probably pretty good :-P
<a3Dman> not the quality, making it work with AOSP camera app
<a3Dman> xD
<Jiangyi> Oh lol
<n0credit> a3Dman: Idk
<Jiangyi> Dunno about that
<n0credit> the xperia s doesn't look so hot for 4.2
<n0credit> Entropy512 just merged the patch for the i9300 in cm10.1
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<Entropy512> Sony Mobile as a company has been VERY dev friendly lately
<Entropy512> Their devices are getting more and more dev friendly with every iteration
<Entropy512> Camera works awesome in CM10
<Entropy512> 10.1 is having issues, but all Qualcomms are due to a change in the Adreno libs from 4.1-4.2
<Entropy512> main thing holding 10.1 on the Xperia T back is actually the CM team deciding to pull an Aries
<Entropy512> takes longer initially
<Entropy512> but
<Entropy512> pays off in the long run
<Entropy512> (see the Aries family, aka Galaxy S1)
<Entropy512> bedtime
<a3Dman> Entropy512: thanks for the info :)
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<kiril1> good morning
<MindTeaser> morning
<kiril1> whats up
<kiril1> i have a question got the cm 10.1 can i update to latest version directly form phone ?
<EgotisticalElf> probably
<EgotisticalElf> i did for the ones i updated
<EgotisticalElf> assuming you're on cm9 or cm10
<EgotisticalElf> don't forget to wipe data on the cm10.1 clock app after first boot
<EgotisticalElf> and gapps has a jb 4.2.1 release
<EgotisticalElf> dated 12/12/12
<kiril1> i got cm 10.1
<kiril1> ending on 105 su i hcan do it from phone directly rather than flashing it from recovery mod ?
<EgotisticalElf> recovery is from phone
<EgotisticalElf> e.g. no pc required
<kiril1> so i can click check update take newest rather than dl in on the pc and transfer it to the sd carD?
<EgotisticalElf> yep, you can always do that after the first flash
<kiril1> ah okey btw
<kiril1> mobile data is not working from today dunno why
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<a3Dman> first world problems
<addi> here in India it's the same, and we're third world xD Google+ FTW :P
<a3Dman> what's the average connection speed in India?
<addi> 512 kbps/1 mbps I think. though 10-20 mbps plans are on the rise slowly thanks to ISPs doing something about it
<addi> Speedtest gives me download rating of 1.79 Mb/s and says it's faster than 73% of India u_u
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<sadere> Hello, i have a problem with delaying locking screen on cm 10.1. Anyone know about this issue?
<bbqbot> derp
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<wlhan> hi
<wlhan> i have a galaxy tap 2 7 GT-P3100 running cm10.1 last update
<wlhan> and i bught
<wlhan> a data sim card
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<anshu10750_> hiiiii....i recently got my nexus 4....and i am facing a serious issue of random reboot(probaly soft rebbot),please gets rebooted now and then,when you call,or when idle,i tried evrything...updated it to 4.2.1.then again installed the stock rom-4.2,still issue remained.please help!!!its very dissapointing.i have even attached my log file. reboots are so annoying.someone please reply.
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<Espenfjo> The nexus4 isnt exactly related to samsung
<anshu10750_> instaleed cm10 even...dint work out
<anshu10750_> i was looking for some solution....
<bealtine> rebooting on stock rom?
<anshu10750_> yes...on stock,on cm10...everywhere.
<anshu10750_> 4.2,4.2.1,cm10.....and now i am back on stock.
<anshu10750_> i even have log file
<bealtine> take it back so
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<anshu10750_> u mean replacement??
<bealtine> yep if stock does weird shit get a new phone
<anshu10750_> ok thanks......!!!!! 1 more thing...though i have locked it back (stock) wont be a problem in replacement???
<bealtine> no idea...not familiar with n4
<anshu10750_> ok...thanks
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<DuperMan> I had a 4k phone. monochrome though. nokia. awesome.
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<RAHULIYER> hey i have a galaxy s3 with a baseband version DDLJ1
<RAHULIYER> can i root it
<addi> you can root it no matter what baseband it may have :)
<RAHULIYER> and what about the roms
<addi> everything
<Frd^> still answer is same
<RAHULIYER> i have seen sum roms.. they have specified sum build nos. which do not match
<RAHULIYER> ohh.. cool lovely den
<addi> there is no dependance on what firmware or what kernel or what baseband or what country you're from, just needs to be model number I9300/the international variant if you want to use its ROMs
<addi> RAHULIYER, those build numbers means that the specific ROM is based on the firmware with that build number
<RAHULIYER> lovely.. yep mine is international version only..
<RAHULIYER> ohhkk... had seriously no idea about it
<addi> yes, you're from India, and that's the Indian baseband version :P
<addi> (DD = Indian firmware/build)
<RAHULIYER> yes bro.. to be more specific.. from mumbai
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<RAHULIYER> ohh cool.. thanks addi
<addi> though for installing custom ROMs, you don't need to root. you need ClockworkMod recovery instead. the custom ROMs are rooted by default
<RAHULIYER> after rooting i cn install CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly Builds
<addi> you need ClockworkMod (CWM) recovery for that, rooting is not needed
<RAHULIYER> ohh.. so u say that widout rooting i can install it
<addi> see, here's the thing: to install custom ROMs, you need a custom recovery (CWM in this case). rooting is not required to install a custom recovery, nor to install custom ROMs
<RAHULIYER> ohh.. bcz previously i had an htc..
<RAHULIYER> and to istall custom roms on that i had to root the phone
<RAHULIYER> *install
<addi> on Samsung phones, you need to use Odin (Samsung's flashing software) to install a custom recovery :)
<tuhoojabotti> Oh it's made by samsung
<tuhoojabotti> addi: actually not true
<tuhoojabotti> My friend used exynosabuse to root and then rom manager to install cwm
<tuhoojabotti> Well I did it to my friend's phone
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<tuhoojabotti> but yeah
<addi> oh, right, ROM Manager works on S3/Note 2
<tuhoojabotti> yeah
<addi> but still, Odin FTW IMO :P
<RAHULIYER> ok so guys wot do i do now..
<addi> what exactly is it you're looking to do?
<RAHULIYER> shall i do it as the link u sent me addi
<addi> what's the final aim? install CM?
<bbqbot> derp
<RAHULIYER> install custom roms
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<addi> I'm wondering whether I should simply point you to the toolkit, which will make things really easy but will make you a lazy noob who never does things the hard way :P
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<DuperMan> last I checked the toolkit was just broken enough to learn a little
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<ahmed_> salut, comment vous allez
<DuperMan> oui
<ahmed_> j'ai une question a poser
<ahmed_> j'ai galaxy s3
<ahmed_> je veu install CM
<DuperMan> tres bien Samsung
<Espenfjo> Habla no inglesa?
<ahmed_> est ce que CM 10.1 a resouli problem de Radio FM
<DuperMan> considering I didn't know fm radio worked to any extent....
<DuperMan> :P
<ahmed_> thank
<DuperMan> ne vous parle anglais?
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<ABCX> I have a question and will appreciate some explaination
<ABCX> What do people mean by stock?
<ABCX> and can a phone be rooted with stock rom? and what is the difference between stock and kernel i.e. if the kernal is put on the phone to root it, does that mean the stock is lost?
<a3Dman> ABCX: by stock we mean the factory software which the phone shipped with, and you can of course root stock ROMs, kernel is changed to allow having CWM on the phone, which allows installing new ROMs and patches or doing backup/restore for the device partitions.
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<ABCX> Thanks a3Dman
<ABCX> Much appreciate your response
<ABCX> I have a rooted s2 with cyanogem mod 9 on it which is the latest stable release for the i9100
<ABCX> and obviously I have been waiting for the latest 10 stable build which isn't available yet
<a3Dman> there wont be a stable 10, maybe 10.1, depends on how things will go
<ABCX> Given the nighly's are release so frequently upaded, would it be wise to use the nightly's instead of waiting for 10.1
<ABCX> ?
<ABCX> What stops me from putting nightly's on my phone is because it's my main phone and I used it for work as well as personal use including Sat nav when driving
<a3Dman> see the known issues and decide by yourself, also you could always do a CWM backup, install 10.1 nightly and give it a try, if you don't like how it perform you can simply restore the backup...
<a3Dman> I'm using my 10.1 as daily driver, no major problems...
<ABCX> Great stuff, thanks - where can I see the known issues list?
<bbqbot> derp
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<ABCX> Thanks a3Dman, great help
<a3Dman> no problems...
<a3Dman> if you're upgrading, don't forget to install 4.2.1 gaaps from and wipe the data of clock application
<ABCX> I'll bear that in mind
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<ABCX> New to web chat, just wondering; Is this also the channel for CM developers as well?
<a3Dman> This channel is for CM on Samsung devices...
<addi> ABCX, #Cyanogenmod
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<ABCX> Thanks a3Dman and addi - cheers very much for your help
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<ABCX> #Cyanogenmod
wifi is now known as chadouming_home
<addi> ABCX, type "/join #Cyanogenmod" to join the channel, without "
<chadouming_home> or right-click #Cyanogenmod and join channel
<ABCX> lol!
<ABCX> It is pretty evident that I am new to this, cheers
<chadouming_home> everyone has to start somewhere :P
<chadouming_home> as long as you dont ask stupid question, there wont be problem xD
<ABCX> lol! hopefully not - you guys are quite patient
<ABCX> doesn't allow joining, goes you need to be identified with the services - not sure what that means
<a3Dman> you need to register on the network, #freenode for network related information...
<ABCX> Thanks
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<almdoki> hello
<ABCX> Thanks addi
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<Flamingo> hi anyone here ?
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<Flamingo> i have a question about my galaxys2 CM 10 any one here?
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<Flamingo> huhu?
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<slavibg> hello
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<nebkat> how dafuq did i forget to autojoin this place? :O
<tuhoojabotti> lol
<nebkat> I knew there was something missing from my daily joy :D
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<wolkewietje> hello all
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<wolkewietje> @nebkat or anyone who can answer this... I run the latest CM10.1 on my P5110. Last week I bought a BT keyboard case. Pairing works, but then no connection can be established between the 2 devices.
<bbqbot> wolkewietje: Command does not exist!
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<wolkewietje> does anyone here know how 2 get a BT keyboard working on the latest CM10.1 nightly?
<bbqbot> derp
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<nebkat> !geo user
<nebkat> !geo host
<clibot> nebkat: {country: "Netherlands", latlong: {52.5, 5.75}}
<nebkat> wolkewietje: thought you were polish!
<wolkewietje> no, how did you got that idea?
<akSeya> folks, I know this is not the right place, so all I hope is some compassion... my daughter won a generic tablet (Genesis GT-7250s). It came with android 2.3.5 and I was hoping I could upgrade it somehow... I rooted it already but I cant find any rom compatible. Is there any tutorial on how can I compile CM to it.. I know that without sources it's kind hard but.. also I would like to "extract" the current firmware from it. How can I do that?
<wolkewietje> because of my IP range?
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<nebkat> wolkewietje: your name - you can never be too sure you know
<wolkewietje> naw, used this alias for ages... Also on XDA
<nebkat> wolkewietje: good
<nebkat> wolkewietje: you dont want to know what polish people do on this channel
<nebkat> it is awful!
<nebkat> Baskey and Chuck_Bartowski
<nebkat> !geo user Chuck_Bartowski
<clibot> nebkat: Error resolving ip for host unaffiliated/coowbooy
DDave has quit [Client Quit]
<wolkewietje> well, if they behave the same as any other online game, i.e. World of Tanks. then i'll probably don't wanna know
<wolkewietje> as=in
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<wolkewietje> but anyway, regarding my BT keyboard issue... I read there are many folks with the same problem. Is that being adressed in the forthcoming releases of CM10.1 any time soon?
<codeworkx> wolkewietje: ask the magical orb
<wolkewietje> If not, then i'll be reverting back to CM9. Not sure if BT kb works on that one either
<chadouming_work> @8ball Is that being adressed in the forthcoming releases of CM10.1 any time soon ?
<bbqbot> Reply hazy. Try again.
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<Draba> Give me a minute, please!
<addi> @8ball does the octa-core Exynos 5 and 72 GPU core Tegra 4 mean we'll finally see graphics and performance in games equal to what the outdated iPad Mini can achieve?
<bbqbot> Ask again later.
<addi> @8ball does the octa-core Exynos 5 and 72 GPU core Tegra 4 mean we'll finally see graphics and performance in games equal to what the outdated iPad Mini can achieve?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<addi> YAY
Draba has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<wolkewietje> with so many users online it's awefully quiet on this channel
<nebkat> wolkewietje: most are idlers
<nebkat> many are scared of the poles
<nebkat> many are scared of the trolls
<nebkat> many are scared of nebkat
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<nebkat> addi: USE CLIBOT
<nebkat> !8ball Should I kick addi for using bbqbot?
<clibot> nebkat: Outlook good
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [bbqbot]
addi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> addi: are you on hetzner?
<nebkat> that looks like hetzner host
<nebkat> if im not mistaken
<addi> !8ball am I on Hetzner host?
<clibot> addi: Yes - definitely
<addi> LIES
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<addi> actually, I have no idea, it's a BNC set up by a friend :P
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<chadouming_work> well, his server is on hetzner :P
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<Ntemis> need help locating a driver
<Ntemis> CT363 touch controller
<Ntemis> :D
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<Ntemis> anyone knows a samsung device that has that?
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<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: Fixed BT audio on tabs eh?
<AndrewTheAndroid> That Hex-rays decomplier must be pretty epic.
<codeworkx> aye
<codeworkx> it's still hard to read.
<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: Any chance that the decomplier can do wonders for other sammy proprietary parts?
<Espenfjo> for i in *.so; do hex-hax.exe $i; done
<Espenfjo> easy
<chadouming_work> codeworkx, it's hard to read, but not that bad compared to first decompiler
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<AndrewTheAndroid> Yeah, looks kinda complicated to me. :é
<AndrewTheAndroid> :/
<frankdrey> whoo
<AndrewTheAndroid> Stupid French keyboard
<frankdrey> last night was fun :D
<Espenfjo> frankdrey: still being drugged?
<frankdrey> Espenfjo, don't think so :P
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<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: do you know someone with i9100g and dock?
<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: I`ll go and try to find someone, swear someone was asking about it a few days ago...
<frankdrey> 1. went to a buffet for friends bday and stayed till we got kicked out 2. went to a yogurt shop 5 min before closing and got kicked out right after we got frozen yogurt paid :P 3. drifted around a roundabout in my friend's infinit g35 4. ate mentioned yogurt in mcdonalds
<frankdrey> codeworkx, i hear you switched bbq to mate :P
<frankdrey> AndrewTheAndroid, have you tried xfce4 yet?
<AndrewTheAndroid> frankdrey: I`m still at school lol
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<frankdrey> AndrewTheAndroid, mwahahahhaa i'm not :3
<AndrewTheAndroid> -.-
<|Night|> hey
<|Night|> why cant i see clinets connected when i start a Wifi tethering
<chadouming_work> ask JBQ
<|Night|> JBQ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming_work> !google jbq
<clibot> chadouming_work: Junior Bible Quiz -
<chadouming_work> oh wow
<chadouming_work> !google jean-baptiste queru
<clibot> chadouming_work: Jean-Baptiste Quéru - Google+ -
<|Night|> lol chadouming
evcz has quit [Client Quit]
<AndrewTheAndroid> fail bot :-P
<|Night|> all bots in here is annoyinh
<|Night|> bbqbot is the worst
<|Night|> arnt you?
<chadouming_work> oh god, you didnt choose the right channel to hate bot
<chadouming_work> better say you are sorry !
<|Night|> :P
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<|Night|> im *"sorry" bbqbotb
<bbqbot> apologies accepted !
<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: added instructions to 10.1 xda thread
<codeworkx> AndrewTheAndroid: for helping with dock audio
<AndrewTheAndroid> Cool, I`ll spread it around
sbrissen has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
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<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: It`s not there.... Or is my browser derping?
<AndrewTheAndroid> OK going home
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<Thiagovfar> @money 1029 brl usd
<bbqbot> 1029 BRL = 505.20 USD
<Thiagovfar> For an Xperia S.
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<laen> |Night| you still here?
<|Night|> depends
<|Night|> im a bot now
<|Night|> bbqbot infected me
<laen> derp!
<|Night|> indded
<|Night|> how may a nice bot help you
<laen> I have no idea.
<|Night|> hehe
<|Night|> i need to flash 09
<|Night|> to my SGS2
<|Night|> SGS3
<laen> I'm waiting for the official stock they're gonna push to the SGS2.
<lolsung> servers are down it seems
<laen> From what i read, they're gonna put out the same functionality as the S3.
<laen> Samsung, that is.
<|Night|> jsut get CM10
<laen> I installed CM10 on 2 SGS1's ;p
<|Night|> CM10.1
<laen> But i really wanna see stock SGS2 JB first.
<|Night|> not worth it
<|Night|> :P
<laen> If they fuck it up, i'll install CM10*, if they don't fuck it up, i will give it 3 months and then install CM10*
<|Night|> hehe
<codeworkx> laen: you wanna feel the nature on your phone? have fun
<|Night|> made for humans!
<laen> Huh?
<codeworkx> made from fishs
<laen> Samsung brings nature?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> laen: you don't know the s3 stock rom?
<laen> Nope.
<codeworkx> have fun xD
<laen> Oh you mean the fishies live wallpaper? :P
<codeworkx> no
<laen> Mmmm.
<codeworkx> their whole "nature" thingy
<codeworkx> watch the s2 presenation
<codeworkx> s3 ^
<|Night|> nature thingi is bs
<|Night|> its a facny lock screen
<|Night|> Tuchwize bs i droped
<|Night|> and used Apex
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<lolsung> i like the bird ringtone, so "natural"
<|Night|> then dl it
<frankdrey> nature xD
<codeworkx> baaaah, this s3 feels so shitty
<|Night|> lol
<|Night|> why
<codeworkx> didn't touch it for 4 weeks now
<|Night|> hehe
<laen> Because of CM10?
<|Night|> you have nexus?
<codeworkx> yes
<|Night|> nexus 4
<|Night|> if it only had SD card
<|Night|> i watch movies on my SGS3
<laen> ..but who is that girl on the left?
<codeworkx> no need sdcard
<|Night|> 16gig not enough
<|Night|> :P
<frankdrey> codeworkx, gief :D
<|Night|> i call dibs
<laen> codeworkx: thing is, i wanna see if the screen on/off reaction to eyes actually works well, i wanna see if they put Google Now on it properly
<frankdrey> nou
<|Night|> tolat
<|Night|> to late
<laen> codeworkx: and how battery life is.
<laen> That's about it.
<frankdrey> a girl i know (;)) wants an s3 :P
<codeworkx> laen: battery life is better than on s3
<chadouming_work> laen, install smart stay ?
<bbqbot> derp
<laen> codeworkx: s2 batt better then the 2s3?
<codeworkx> dont think so
<laen> sOh
<codeworkx> i didn't use the s2 for a long time
<laen> codeworkx: all you're really doing now is contradicting yourself with nonsense.
<laen> codeworkx: stop that
<laen> 212259 @codeworkx> laen: battery life is better than on s3
<laen> What battery life is better then on the s3.
<codeworkx> n4
<laen> I don't give a shit about the n4.
<frankdrey> laen, well he doesn't give a shit about what you don't give a shit about
<laen> frankdrey: who asked you to whoop in?
<codeworkx> i dont give a shit about samsung phones ;-)
<laen> I didn't ask you any question.
<laen> codeworkx: i don't care you love Nexus stuff.
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<frankdrey> laen, i asked myself
<laen> I'm stating i'm interested to see how Samsung delivers stock JB on the S2, and you start talking about how it's shit (even though it hasn't been released yet), how i should install CM10, and that the S2 sucks, and that the S3 sucks as well.
<lolsung> i need emmc fix
<laen> What good is that doing to anything i said.
<lolsung> shhh
<frankdrey> laen, so you demand us to TELL YOU NOW
<frankdrey> the guy didn't know you meant s2
<frankdrey> cody was talking about n4 just a little above where you asked
<laen> frankdrey: I'm not demanding anything, you're asking as an annoyed kid now. I thought i mentioned the s2.
<laen> Ah.
<laen> I'll end up with CM10 anyway. The time i bought the S2, there was no proper Nexus around even.
<laen> Just don't feel like upgrading to another device yet, it works too well to give up on ;).
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<Kihokki> @changelog i9100
<lolsung> lol
<frankdrey> obama signs bill to raise taxes on wealthy...while vacationing in hawaii
<frankdrey> ._.
<lolsung> you rather him not to?
<frankdrey> while vacationing in hawaii
<lolsung> so
<laen> Working while on holiday.
<lolsung> I don't give a fuck if he's vacationing in mars
<frankdrey> only rich people can vacation in hawaii like that
<lolsung> suuuure
<laen> lol
<Jiangyi> Ah, now I see it.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: when does your n4 arrive? still no sign?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Nope. #blamegoogle
<codeworkx> :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: shall i order one and send it to you?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: It's alright, thanks for the offer though
<Jiangyi> If I really really wanted it, I'd just grab one off of local classified ads :-P
<Jiangyi> They're only selling it for $50 more :/
* Jiangyi can wait...
<frankdrey> wait, what?????
<frankdrey> $50 for a n4??????
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Keyword = more
<frankdrey> oh ;P
<frankdrey> read $50 or more
<lolsung> at least you can buy it
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What's the Play Store estimate shipping in Germany?
<Jiangyi> estimated shipping time*
<chadouming_work> kinda cool that more than one month after the release they are still sold out
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: sold out xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> So that plan wouldn't have worked anyways xD
Xello has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
<codeworkx> local store = +50 Eur
<Jiangyi> No legit big store sells the N4 in Canada :/
<|Night|> :P
<Jiangyi> Carriers are too scared of low-cost phone lol
lolsung has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<frankdrey> does GOP-run House mean same thing as Republican House of Represantatives
<|Night|> low cost?
<|Night|> N4 is not that cheap
<frankdrey> for it's value, it's cheap
<codeworkx> it's fucking cheap
<codeworkx> it's p0rn
<|Night|> norway is is 600 dollars
<|Night|> it is
<|Night|> what is it from google devices?
<codeworkx> 349 eur
<codeworkx> 349 dollars
<|Night|> lol
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<Jiangyi> $359 if you're Canadian
<|Night|> ill buy it when im in london next
<chadouming_work> 359CAD is still cheap xD
<Jiangyi> Freaking Google, make Canadians pay more even though our dollar's worth more than Americans :/
<|Night|> sme in europe
<chadouming_work> Jiangyi, still way cheaper than euro
<|Night|> 1 dolllar is not = 1 ueor
<Jiangyi> Fair point :-P
<Jiangyi> Wonder if it's pounds in UK. lol
<|Night|> steam still thinks that
<frankdrey> !money 349 eur to usd
<clibot> frankdrey: From/to currencies must be written in 3 character currency code.
<Jiangyi> @money 239 eur cad
<bbqbot> 239 EUR = 308.13 CAD
<Jiangyi> derp
<frankdrey> !money 249 eur usd
<clibot> frankdrey: 249.00 EUR = 325.16 USD
<frankdrey> :o
<Jiangyi> @money 349 eur cad
<bbqbot> 349 EUR = 449.95 CAD
<frankdrey> erm
<frankdrey> eh
<Jiangyi> We both typed the wrong amount lol
<frankdrey> !money 349 eur usd
<clibot> frankdrey: 349.00 EUR = 455.75 USD
<Jiangyi> @money 349 USD CAD
<bbqbot> 349 USD = 344.56 CAD
<frankdrey> cheapest to buy usd
<Jiangyi> @money 349 GBR CAD
<frankdrey> anyone want one? i live in us
<bbqbot> We cant convert between those currencies!
<frankdrey> give me $350
<frankdrey> and i send you n4 ;3
<|Night|> frankdrey: overnight it to me
<|Night|> ill paypal you 100% once i get it
<|Night|> ^^^
<Jiangyi> @money 349 GBP CAD
<bbqbot> 349 GBP = 552.33 CAD
<frankdrey> |Night|, can't buy stuff cause 16 and no credit card :P
<|Night|> stupid kids these days
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Getting teh Xperia Z?
<frankdrey> lol
<|Night|> i had a card when i was 16
<|Night|> that is 9 years ago
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: probably
* Jiangyi just asks parents for credit card and pays back in cash :-P
* |Night| abuses NFC
<|Night|> and somone alse pays
<frankdrey> |Night|, lol my parents are...different
<|Night|> how so
<frankdrey> codeworkx, dude did you go to college and crap? how did you get a job at seimens and what are you there?
<|Night|> id piss them off like i piss of stores i dont like
<Jiangyi> cool, I'll have no probs recommending Xperia Z to people then xD
<|Night|> i pay in pennies
<|Night|> :P
<frankdrey> |Night|, traditional conservative fundamentalist Ukrainian Pentacostal Christians :P
<|Night|> i bought a TV (norway price 18,000 NOK (3200USD) in 0.50cent
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> fuck those ppl were pissed
<frankdrey> xD
<codeworkx> frankdrey: no. i'm a TPM Expert. Introducing TPM ;-)
<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<|Night|> 36,000 coins
<|Night|> :P
<Jiangyi> |Night|: How did you even get so many coins?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> Jiangyi: banks are nice
<frankdrey> codeworkx, what is that? :o
<codeworkx> frankdrey: Total Productive Maintenance
<|Night|> had to go to 10 banks
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<Jiangyi> It pays to stalk cody's blog :-P
<codeworkx> frankdrey: a method for killing losses on production machines
<Jiangyi> j/k
<codeworkx> frankdrey: some japanese stuf ;-)
<frankdrey> :o
<Jiangyi> Japanese stuff in Germany eh....?
<codeworkx> :-D
<|Night|> TPM :P
<frankdrey> so...
<frankdrey> you just watch shit to make sure it's running good?:P
<lolsung> is github working like shit?
<chadouming_work> |Night|, here we have a law on how you can pay with penny xD
<|Night|> where?
<|Night|> we have same in norway, only not many ppl know about it
<|Night|> :P
<Jiangyi> chadouming_work: We do? ._.
* Jiangyi has never heard of this before
<|Night|> Jiangyi: where is here?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming_work> here in quebec
<Jiangyi> Canada
<chadouming_work> haha
<|Night|> ah Canada
<|Night|> :P
<chadouming_work> yeah, not many people know about it here too
<|Night|> i pay all my parking fines like that aswell
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> after i while i stopped getting so many tickets
<chadouming_work> eh, here it's exactly because of that that they made a law
<Jiangyi> You can't pay with pennies in China even if you wanted to
<|Night|> ^would it not be easier to outlaw parking tickets?
<Jiangyi> It was discontinued before I was even born :-P
<|Night|> chadouming_work: that assholes here gave me a parking ticket in my own locked garage
<chadouming_work> eh
<|Night|> i have no idea how they even got in there
<Jiangyi> daflip?
<Jiangyi> Seems legit? ._.
<|Night|> i never paid that
<|Night|> when i called them and jelled abit i never heard from them again
* frankdrey feels like such a noob living in Murrica
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<frankdrey> I considered moving to the UK
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<frankdrey> when i'm 18
<frankdrey> but i have a lot of friends here :|
<|Night|> why london
<frankdrey> not london...
<|Night|> its filled with, what can i call them to be nice
<frankdrey> anywhere but London in the UK
<|Night|> its filled wnth ENGLISH ppl!
<frankdrey> lol
<Jiangyi> Sites these days. smh
<|Night|> i dont see why anyone would buy apple
<lolsung> status
<lolsung> don't you know
<lolsung> if you own an apple product you are above the rest
<lolsung> jeeeez
<|Night|> id never employ an apple user
<|Night|> im gonna make that a question my the the applications
<|Night|> are you an crApple user
<lolsung> iDiot
<|Night|> prolbem is
<|Night|> when ever you point out flaws in the ipad/iphone
<|Night|> they get on the deffensive
<|Night|> refusing to accept
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<frankdrey> iSheep
<|Night|> indeed
<frankdrey> both phones are similar because they can both open the same picture???
<|Night|> apple logic
<frankdrey> "hardware is similar. but the lg has double the cpu power and double the ram"
<frankdrey> so what the hell would make them "not similar"?
<frankdrey> biological processor?
<frankdrey> is the fact that they're both electronic too much for yah?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> both made my samsung
<|Night|> if you open up a iphone youll find alot of samsung logos
<frankdrey> The thing you android nerds dont understand that steve jobs invented the smartphone. Every other smartphone, round or edgy, big or small is just a ripoff! If you dont believe me ask any iphone user, the fact that they can afford an iphone shows that they MUST be smart.
<frankdrey> ^ O_O
* Jiangyi facepalms
<Jiangyi> They clearly don't have it in their heads that most people got iPhones through 3-year contracts for free and shit.
<frankdrey> I really hope this person is joking
<frankdrey> otherwise, i'm building a space station and am leaving this earth to go far far far far away
<Jiangyi> +1
<frankdrey> ok, I've given up on trying hard for this assignment :p now i just wanna get it done xD
<frankdrey> abiword is pretty cool btw
<frankdrey> opens instantly :D
<|Night|> frankdrey: can i shoot him
<|Night|> pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
<frankdrey> |Night|, find his comment in the G+ post Jiangyi linked and go ahead
<|Night|> link?
<frankdrey> <- ohohoho Sansa you are awesome
<frankdrey> wait
<|Night|> Colin Schwarz
<|Night|> i know who to hunt down and beat up
<|Night|> lol
<|Night|> i went in to the store on realse day and pickedup my sgs3
<|Night|> i saw the line for ip5
<|Night|> i jsut loughed lodly at them
<|Night|> just like i do to polictal parties when they stop me on the street, i point at them and say to the person next to me
<|Night|> look << insert name >> there is a crazy person
<frankdrey> :D
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> it works wonders
<|Night|> a few ppl have broken down crying
<|Night|> rest just look strange at me
<frankdrey> my friend just told me he wants to get an iphone because he hates micro-usb and likes iphone ui
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<|Night|> why hate micro usb
* Jiangyi facepalms yet again
<Jiangyi> Who the hell hates USB......
<|Night|> indeed
<|Night|> give him an iphone 1
<|Night|> see if he can tell differnce in UI to that and iphone 5
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<EgotisticalElf> frankdrey, he must hate cheap 5$ cables
<nebkat> wow
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<EgotisticalElf> wheeee
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<frankdrey> "The pins can be easily mishaped inside the male end of the connection."
<lolsung> uhmm
<Jiangyi> ....?
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> my friend just told me he wants to get an iphone because he hates micro-usb and likes iphone ui
<frankdrey> he's talking about usb
* Jiangyi facepalms for the third time
<lolsung> what
<lolsung> he hates micro-usb?
<lolsung> how can you hate that?
<lolsung> I hate parallel ports (?)
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<frankdrey> waratte-creed, tell us why you don't like micro usb
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<frankdrey> lolk
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<skells> hey is anyone there?
<frankdrey> at thy service
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<skells> so i tried installing cm10.1 from cm9 and it didnt work
<skells> i got a status 7 error or something
<skells> and now im in a bootloop
<frankdrey> device model and are you sure correct zip?
<bbqbot> derp
<skells> its i9000 and im sure on the zip
<frankdrey> yeah, i don't know much about that device and wether they changed the name or not (as usually is the cause of those errors)
<frankdrey> wait around for someone else
<skells> should i try flashing CM10 because theres a stable version on i9000
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<frankdrey> try
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<skells> cm10 works
<skells> gonna flash cm10.1 now
<frankdrey> ok
<skells> it works
<skells> thanks
<frankdrey> why thanks?:P you figured it out yourself :p
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