nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<Jiangyi> This means users asks me "z0mg where did the developer options go" almost everyday >_>
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: You guys accomplished Apple.
<Jiangyi> Baskey:
<Baskey> Jiangyi: RUDE!
<Jiangyi> :-P
<Baskey> guize
<Baskey> as much as I love Android, I'm getting bored
<Baskey> and Lumia 920 is tempting
<Baskey> frankdrey: HALP
<frankdrey> DO NOT
<frankdrey> WP8 SUCKS BALLZ
<frankdrey> Baskey, all the apps are like $10
<frankdrey> if you must
<frankdrey> do it
<frankdrey> and get galaxy on fire 2
<frankdrey> it's free and awesome
<frankdrey> and awesome
<Baskey> BUT
<Baskey> iPhone is pricey
<Baskey> and first of all
<Baskey> I need a guitar
<frankdrey> SCREW IT
<frankdrey> BUY GUITAR
<Baskey> my Telecaster is meh
<Baskey> SQUIER
<frankdrey> BYT STSRCASTER
<Baskey> MEAN*
<frankdrey> STARCASTER
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<Baskey> lawl
<Baskey> Telecaster > Jazzmaster > Stratocaster
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<frankdrey> i should get started on my homework
<frankdrey> meh
<Baskey> Y MEH
<frankdrey> *shrug*
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<frankdrey> pretty cool
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<QAChip> this places seems dead, is anybody here?
<Jiangyi> If you consider 140 people dead, sure. :-P
<a3Dman> I was dead yesterday, but now I'm good :)
<QAChip> 140 people were so quiet, I thought you were all dead
<QAChip> I was reading the new wiki and is is great how this project has grown
<a3Dman> true
<QAChip> can anyone point to a good explanation of what is cell radios and how I know which one to download?
<xplodwild> QAChip: test them all from newer to older, keep the one that works best
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<QAChip> realy?? this is a very subjective matter. How to measure which works the best? BTW, in this page they are not sorted by date.
<Jiangyi> QAChip: Radio determines your cell signal, call quality, and data speeds. Different radios will behave differently on different phones and in different geographical areas, so it's indeed very subjective.
<Jiangyi> QAChip: The further it goes down in the alphabet/number, the newer it is.
<QAChip> thx you both
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<|Night|> Jiangyi, i do!
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<|Night|> everyone in here is a badly programmed bot
<|Night|> hense not active 24/7
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<Jiangyi> lol
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* a3Dman is a bot powered by exynos
<whitequark> derp
<|Night|> +1
<|Night|> derp! n^∞
<|Night|> Jiangyi: so you agree with me?=
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> oi dont make me come over there and slap you bbqbot!!!
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Then that makes you a bot too :-P
<|Night|> which means i can ddoss!
<|Night|> i wonder if i can get cm10 to do it for me
<|Night|> prolly wont do much of an impack with 3G
<|Night|> i9005 with 4G might
<|Night|> but still
<|Night|> from where is yout git hosted Jiangyi?
<|Night|> your
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<|Night|> yes
<Jiangyi> |Night|: I don't really use Git, but Github
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> still where areyou hosted
<|Night|> or in other words where are you from
<|Night|> iblackford explain your isue plese
<|Night|> issue
<Jiangyi> |Night|: I'm from Canada
<|Night|> oh hows santa
<|Night|> <- Norway
<|Night|> eg the northpole on the other side of canad
<|Night|> a
<Jiangyi> I wouldn't know, Santa never visited me :-(
<|Night|> ohh :(
<|Night|> me nither
<a3Dman> oh noes
<|Night|> but i have a creditcard!
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<|Night|> iblackford?
QAChip has quit [Quit: see you guys...]
* |Night| slaps Jiangyi around a bit with a large trout
<Jiangyi> Eh?
<a3Dman> uʍop ǝpısdn sı sıɥʇ
<|Night|> lol a3Dman
<|Night|> I cdnoult blveiee taht I cluod aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg.
<|Night|> Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabridge Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht
<|Night|> oredr the ltteers in a wrod apeapr, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat
<|Night|> ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it
<|Night|> wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
<|Night|> istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
<iblackford> hi, sorry about the delay
<iblackford> I have a samsung GT-I5510M (a canadian version of the GT-I5510)
<iblackford> I accidently put a european gingerbread on it
<iblackford> when upgrading to CM7.2
<|Night|> why would you dothat :P
<iblackford> lol
<|Night|> reflash with odin
<iblackford> problem
<|Night|> and then do CM again
<iblackford> I can't find a build for my phone
<iblackford> anyways
<iblackford> even if I did, only froyo is supported
<|Night|> 2 sec ill link you
<iblackford> ok, I checked sammobile already
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<a3Dman> |Night|: I don't read it write or wrong, It's saved in my brain because of the amount I read this on social failworking sites xD
<iblackford> anyways, I don't really want to go back to that build
<|Night|> I5510UGKC5
<iblackford> what I'd like to do is experiment with other basebands
<iblackford> yeah, that baseband sounds about right
<iblackford> but it's for froyo, right?
<|Night|> 2011
<|Night|> soyeah
<iblackford> what I have somewhat works right now
<iblackford> 3G even works
<iblackford> but it just suddenly stops working until I reset the phone
<iblackford> (I think I've downloaded this one already...)
<|Night|> well the i5510m is a bell version
<iblackford> yeah
<|Night|> so there is no europen
<|Night|> so load that under pda in odin
<|Night|> and flash
<iblackford> mmm
<iblackford> that's a froyo baseband
<|Night|> yeah
<iblackford> yeah
<iblackford> don't I need to do the whole package, and go back down to froyo?
<iblackford> I had read that froyo and gingerbread basebands were not compatible
<|Night|> whats your modem
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<iblackford> not sure, how can I find out?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> *#1234#
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<iblackford> hmm
<iblackford> that doesn't seem like a complete command
<iblackford> you mean *#1234#*
<iblackford> ?
<|Night|> no
<iblackford> ok, let me try again
<|Night|> it is only frimware
<|Night|> so it will work onyour device non theless
<iblackford> ok
<|Night|> btw how do you not end up shooting thatphone
<|Night|> i had it for 2 days
<|Night|> i was about to blow it up with c4
<iblackford> *#1234# doesn't seem to work
<|Night|> pos phone
<iblackford> lol
<iblackford> I haven't even had it for 2 days
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<iblackford> i'm trying to get my feet wet with android experimentation
<|Night|> well juust flash those i linked you with odin
<iblackford> ok
<|Night|> then reflah cwm
<|Night|> and run CM again
<iblackford> ok
<iblackford> but again, that's a froyo baseband
<|Night|> does not mather
<iblackford> I don't think that'll work with CM, right?
<iblackford> really?
<iblackford> everything I had read said it was a problem
<iblackford> hmm
<|Night|> read where
<iblackford> geez, um, various guides..there's a CM7.2 howto of sorts on xda-developers
<iblackford> it mentioned that you must go up to gingerbread first
<iblackford> then on another site, I forget which one now, it mentioned that there are baseband differences between froyo and gingerbread that make them incompatible
<chieftex> anyone use titanium backup?
<|Night|> iblackford ignore everything but wiki
<iblackford> ok
<|Night|> chieftex just and question and not ask if anone uses thator that
<chieftex> ok im getting to that
<iblackford> if that's the case, that the baseband is compatible, can I not just use odin to flash the PDA file?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> iblackford yes
<|Night|> might need to change css
<|Night|> csc
<chieftex> when i restore, it asks me for android device ID. It mentions that it's changed, and I can restore it. When I do, it immediately reboots and hangs on the samsung logo. Does this sound like a permissions thing?
<|Night|> there is an app for that
<iblackford> ok
<|Night|> chieftex restore from stock or other rom to cm?
<chieftex> yes sorry I should have mentioned. I was on a CM based ICS rom, and now on a stock JB rom
<|Night|> it says dont restore
<|Night|> so wipe
<|Night|> and forget you ever had abackup
<chieftex> oh yes, i wiped everything
<chieftex> but im talking about restoring apps from TB
<|Night|> then you have to reflash if it still hangs
<chieftex> apps, and the play store id that is
<chieftex> yeah looks that way
<iblackford> |Night| may I pm you?
<|Night|> you should redl every apå you had on your old phone whenyou login to google play
<|Night|> i didforme
<chieftex> yes it does, but not the data right?
<|Night|> iblackford sure, but im soon ofto bed
<|Night|> chieftex: nop sorry
<chieftex> yeah thats why TB is great
<|Night|> i epxport that my sself
<|Night|> and restore only dataportss
<|Night|> not the rest ofthe garbadge
<chieftex> such as?
<|Night|> settings in andrroid
<|Night|> whcih are differnt from ics to jb
<|Night|> which are mostlikly cusing your issues
<|Night|> some apps are even differnet from ics to jb
<chieftex> I havent restored anything though
<|Night|> as an app dev. you can upload a different version for every android version
<chieftex> I didnt get that far
<|Night|> and google sends you the ecorrrecer one
<chieftex> only the android ID, which caused an immediate reboot
<|Night|> yes
<|Night|> api level
<chieftex> hmm odd, im in cwm now and the battery has gone from 50% to 17% in about 2 mins
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<chieftex> still stuck at logo after reflashing
<chieftex> might have to do more wipes
<|Night|> which device
<a3Dman> [4:40 AM] <Chr1s_1> are you working for pixar? < one of the lamest questions I got on IRC ever...
<|Night|> lol a3d
<chieftex> n7000
<|Night|> chieftex:
<|Night|> revert to stock with odin
<|Night|> ands start on square one
<|Night|> dont use titantium backup thistime
<|Night|> ffs
<chieftex> yes I could just flash GB - i still have that on SD card
<|Night|> goahea
<|Night|> bedtime
<chieftex> ill try wiping again and rettrying jb just in case
<chieftex> night - night
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<thitag> Is there a way to use Samsung apps on cm10 on i9300
<chieftex> no
<chieftex> but there are usually alternatives on the play store
<thitag> nah not really but thank you
<|Night|> thitag stick to stock
<chieftex> anything in particular you want?
<bbqbot> derp
<thitag> I'll :) cya and gl
<thitag> e.g. camera with front resolution change at videos
<chieftex> surely theres a free app for that
<thitag> But that loses some features... I'll stick to stock then. .. cya and thanks
<chieftex> ok gl
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<chieftex> so, anyone attempted to restore android ID with titanium backup, on stock JB?
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<actual> hi all, i am a little lost here, installed cm10.1 + goog all i get after reboot is the cm circle animation
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<chieftex> did you do any wiping before flashing cm10.1?
<actual> no was I supposet to
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<Jiangyi> actual: If you're in bootloop, yes.
<chieftex> yes
<chieftex> what rom did you come from?
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<actual> so if i wipe the GS2 then recovery mod then cm10.1 & goog then reboot?
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<chieftex> do you know about safe kernels?
<iblackford> hi all, I was talking to |Night| earlier about going back to a stock froyo build to fix a baseband problem
<iblackford> for my GT-I5510
<actual> I am tech skiller but new to this MOD stuiff
<iblackford> I read the cm wiki
<iblackford> I want to use a froyo baseband with CM7.2
<actual> my typing sucks though :)
<iblackford> is this possible? |Night| seemed to think so, but I haven't found any information in the CM wiki saying it does/does not work
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> iblackford: Radios/basebands should work across versions
<iblackford> ok
<iblackford> is there any harm in just trying it?
<iblackford> from what I have read "gingerbread" bootloaders are not compatible with froyo basebands, does this suggest that CM uses a different bootloader that is more compatible?
<actual> @Jiangyi: did a wipe then followed install and I am now UP AND RUNNING ( BIG GRIN )
<bbqbot> actual: Command does not exist!
<actual> thanks Guys
<actual> did a wipe then followed install and I am now UP AND RUNNING ( BIG GRIN )
<chieftex> np
<iblackford> @Jiangyi, do you mind commenting on my question?
<bbqbot> iblackford: Command does not exist!
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<whitequark> iblackford: actual: by convention, IRC does not have @ in front of replies.
<iblackford> heh, yes
<iblackford> I see that now
<iblackford> :)
<tat-> what, this isnt twitter? :-)
<iblackford> anyone have any suggestions on my question regarding froyo basebands?
<Jiangyi> iblackford: Well, it varies from device to device, so maybe your device has a special quirk like, dunno. :-P
<iblackford> ah, ok
<Jiangyi> like that*
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* Jiangyi would be sad if this was true
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<QAChip> hey! anyone has any thoughts on Siyah kernel?
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<QAChip> can someone tell me, If I install CM 10.1 from stock ICS 4.0.3, when I sync my google account, will it sync my installed apps too?
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<Jiangyi> QAChip: No, you'll have to install your apps again.
<EgotisticalElf> and the data with them gone
<EgotisticalElf> use a 3rd-party backup system and restore them that way
<QAChip> what about paid apps?
<bbqbot> derp
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<EgotisticalElf> QAChip, you still own them
<QAChip> I do, but I still have stock ICS, why?
<QAChip> Oh, sorry, I thought that was a question, my bad
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<QAChip> this is a recent topic and there seems to be very limited info on this regard. Is USB audio to imput a DAC implemented in CM 10.1?
<QAChip> I own a GT-i9100 sgs2 and I'm willing to use this feature
<Kelvinyap> have a feeling the kernel will have to support it
<Kelvinyap> think something along the lines of voodoo maybe
<QAChip> what do you mean?
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<QAChip> hey, I have another question. Some tutos says that they recomend to "wipe ALL cache" (data, dalvik, etc) and "format system", but in the wiki, it say it only needs to wipe data/factory reset, what would be the difference between these two processes?
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<whitequark> how the fuck do you trigger media rescan manually in 10.1?
<whitequark> there was a Spare Parts app, but it's removed.
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<Espenfjo> seems like yo uhave to remount the SD card, or download some apps from the market
<Espenfjo> I would guess that restarting mediaserver would work as well
<tat-> whitequark: developer options -> launch tools
<tat-> seems like the old spare parts-app
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<whitequark> tat-: thanks
<whitequark> Espenfjo: I only have emmc
<whitequark> and installing crap to perform what is essentially a basic system function isn't what I do
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<a-st> Heyho everyone! :)
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<a-st> Just one simple question, as I want to be save to not brick my sgs2 :) Here ( it's said to just flash ClockworkMod Recovery using Odin. So this will prevent bricking the device? e.g. cMMC superbrick
<a-st> *eMMC
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<Pulser> a-st, yes
<Pulser> flashing via ODIN is "safe"
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<a-st> So only flashing via Stock Recovery may cause the brick? :)
<bbqbot> derp
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<evcz> a-st if that's the same bug that's on p6200
<evcz> you trigger it when doing a factory reset
<evcz> so if you need to do a factory reset do it from CWM
<evcz> not from the stock recovery
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<a-st> Hopefully SAMSUNG updates stock recovery with jelly bean release =)
<evcz> i think that most of the s2 are out of warranty...
<evcz> the more get briked, the best for them i suppose
<evcz> so you update to newer phoens :D
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<sportsman> hi guys
<sportsman> having a problem with updating the latest cyanogen 10.1 nightly
<sportsman> using the integrated updater from cyanogenmod but it doesnt install
<sportsman> is this a known bug ir am i doing something wrong?
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<chieftex> anyone using the JellyBean leak and titanium backup?
<a-st_> not yet :)
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<chieftex> titanium backup is asking me to restore the android ID, but doing so will enter a bootloop that you can only clear by wiping and flashing. Ive seen other reports, but wanted to know if its happened to anyone here
<a-st_> I've heard that restoring the android id is a bad idea
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<chieftex> yeah?
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<a-st_> chieftex: did you restore system app data?
<endstille> hmm, i wonder, why are the unofficial builds my system produces always ~1mb smaller than official nightys?
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<chieftex> no, this happened before i restored anything. only android id
<a-st_> endstille: maybe you miss the proprietary / prebuild stuff?
<bbqbot> derp
<endstille> a-st_: no, i download it regulary ;) the build als works fine
<endstille> i just wonder... ;)
<a-st_> chieftex: maybe you can try this ?=
<endstille> sorry, didn't want to interupt your discussion
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<a-st_> endstille: you could try to make a diff of both roms =)
<endstille> hmm :[ how would i do that?
<chieftex> a-st this is interesting. And kind of what I did to get it working, except i didnt back up the settings - it was a fresh install so i had changed nothing
<endstille> well, it's really not urgend, i just mentiond 1 thought to fill my lunch break :D
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<sportsman> so does anyone know if the integrated updater of cyanogen 10.1 works? cause i am having some problems with
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<bealtine> works for me
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<sportsman> hmm ... always getting the message that the file was not found but it exists
<bealtine> 10 ->10.1?
<bbqbot> derp
<sportsman> no
<sportsman> 10.1 / 31.12 --> 10.1 / 02.01
<sportsman> so the nightly versions
<nebkat> bealtine: join #bbqdroid
<bealtine> hola nebbie
<sportsman> caynogen updater downloaded the files
<sportsman> when i click on update phone reboots
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<sportsman> but then i am just getting error that he is unable to open the file
<sportsman> and i can just reboot it
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<sportsman> i also copied on an external sd and tried to install but doesnt work either
<sportsman> so any idea what might be wrong?
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<bealtine> well i'd just update the old fashioned way for now
<sportsman> that means go manually in recovery mode?
<bealtine> ja
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<sportsman> ok do i have to backup something?
<bealtine> no
<bealtine> backup is always a good idea tho
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<sportsman> ok the "old fashioned" way did work :)
<sportsman> thank u
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<nebkat> bealtine: ok thanks :)
<nebkat> bealtine: but dont be reading that shit!
<bealtine> heh
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<KatherineCwL> why izzit the camera look weird - -" CM10.1 on i9100G
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<KatherineCwL> =.=
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: is this you?
<datagutt> FU
<datagutt> i am crying
<datagutt> so funny
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<a-st_> just got my sgs2 :)
<a-st_> just wondering where i can enable ADB because there is no development settings
<bealtine> settings/about/build number tap 7 times
<a-st_> nice feature :)
<a-st_> thank you :)
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<Yappy> Jiangyi :D
<Yappy> so, vodafone says they can replace my fucked sgs3 with a new one! \o/
<Yappy> they didnt have stock in store just now, so i have to wait until next thursday
<Yappy> which is totally fine by me
<Yappy> when i get that, im selling it
<Yappy> so.. what new phone should i get? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<Yappy> looking at xperia t
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<a-st_> Hm not sure if I should stick with CM10.1, JellyBam, Stock ICS or Leaked JB :D
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<Entropy512> Yappy: T is REALLY nice
<Entropy512> I love it
<Entropy512> although at this point
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<Entropy512> wait to see what Z release date is
<Entropy512> ;)
<cdesai> ^+100
<Yappy> fuck haha
<Yappy> i need a phone x)
<cdesai> wait a bit
<cdesai> CES
<Yappy> LT30P i can get for $479
<Yappy> + maybe $20 for shipping
<Yappy> samsung anything like samsung?
<Yappy> in the sense, are they being fuckers about their code?
<cdesai> NO
<Yappy> sony anything like samsung*
<cdesai> since it's a msm8260A, there's CAF
<Yappy> CAF?
<cdesai> codeaurora forum
<cdesai> <3
<Yappy> ah
<cdesai> they haz all teh code
<Yappy> hmm... xperia Z is going to cost quite a bit
<Yappy> i dont wanna spend more than $500 for a phone, to be honest
<Yappy> and 5 inch is HUGE, even the sgs3 is too big sometimes
<Yappy> 4.6 seems good (xperia T)
<Yappy> 0.2" smaller than the sgs3's 4.8
<Yappy> is the dual core krait in the xperia t enough for everyday use?
<bbqbot> derp
<Yappy> quad core is probably overkill anyway
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<Yappy> im going to click buy on this xperia T real soon:
<sportsman> haha this chinese rapper is great :D
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<Yappy> Entropy512, i think xperia Z is going to be way overkill, and way overbudget for me
<Yappy> i just want a nice, reliable, smooth android phone - so far xperia t is looking the best to me
<Yappy> nexus 4 could be an option too, but no stock in googly play australia, and it seems too fragile with the glass back and whatnot
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<a-st_> Just wondering if there is a tpu case for sgs2 with extended battery :-\
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<a-st_> ah just found a list @ xda :)
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<datagutt> @join #blamesamsung
<Yappy> /join *
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<datagutt> Yappy: no.
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<datagutt> that is the command to make the bot join a channel
<Yappy> ah
<Yappy> my apologies
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<Baskey> A
<Baskey> #fail
<Yappy> lolol
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<Jiangyi> Yappy: Nice :-D
<Jiangyi> Yappy: Hooray for cell phone store employees that are idiottes xD
<Yappy> hahaha :)
<Yappy> anyway
<Yappy> im going to bite the bullet on this xperia t
<Yappy> it looks sexy
<Yappy> and judging my reviews from people who own them, it's fucking awesome apparently
<Yappy> your thoughts?
<Yappy> im not holding out for the xperia Z, just because it's gigantic
<Yappy> anything past sgs3 form factor is no no for me
<Jiangyi> I'm good with Xperia phones, but yeah, T is getting slightly old :-P
<Jiangyi> Still a good phone though
<Yappy> D:
<Jiangyi> Solid design imo
<Yappy> there's really nothing around the <$500 range that's decent really :/
<Jiangyi> I played with a model, but never a real T before
<Yappy> what do you reckon? buy it? most likely receive it next week
* Jiangyi blames stores for pushing the S3 so har -.-
<Jiangyi> hard*
<Jiangyi> Sure, go ahead, you'll be happier with it than your S3 probably :-P
<Yappy> i've played with TX a little bit
<Yappy> feels good
<Yappy> hahah yeah :)
<Jiangyi> According to cody, even stock ROM is nice :-P
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<Yappy> haha yeah
<Yappy> not sure how easy to root though :S
<Yappy> dont wanna go through what i did with the HTC legend again
<Yappy> had to make a goldcard and whatnot
<Yappy> is there a flash counter thingy on these?
<Jiangyi> No, but idk if you can relock bootloaders after unlocking them
<Jiangyi> It uses fastboot for everything afaik
<Yappy> the way to unlock bootloader isnt like HTC's bullshit right?
<Yappy> doesnt keep track of everything etc
<Jiangyi> I don't think so :-/
<Yappy> heh
<Yappy> ah fuck it
<Yappy> lol nice, they have a link in their site that links to freexperia threads
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: How are the Sony blue devices coming along in terms of CM?
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<Yappy> sony blue devices?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: step by step ;-)
<Yappy> codeworkx the man himself
<Fissurez> CODY!
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> what do you think of that?
<Jiangyi> lol
<Yappy> xperia t - yay or nay?!
<Fissurez> seems too good to be true.
<amine_> Hello everyone i have a problem with mass storage in CM 10.1 GT-I9100 i don't know how to activate it any ideas?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: But no roadblocks?
<Jiangyi> Yappy wants to get a TX, that's why :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: camera is wip
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<Jiangyi> alright, thx^
<Yappy> T! im buying online, so no need to TX anymore
<Yappy> hehehe
<amine_> Hello everyone i have a problem with mass storage in CM 10.1 GT-I9100 i don't know how to activate it any ideas?
<beer> Jiangyi: is this you?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> beer: No
<Yappy> lol
<Jiangyi> Yappy: oh lol
<Yappy> i'd prefer the T, just because of dev supports heh
<beer> !geo user Yappy
<clibot> beer: {country: "Australia", region: "Western Australia", city: "Perth", latlong: {-31.952194, 115.86139}, time: "Thu 23:40 WST"}
<Jiangyi> So much for renewing contracts :-P
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<Yappy> haha, yeah fuck it. im going with a no-contract carrier
<Yappy> cheaper too
<Jiangyi> ^^
<Yappy> if only the volume buttons werent so retardedly placed :P
<Yappy> but hey, camera button! :D
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<Fissurez> cody - what did you think of that thread about lag being caused by something to do with entropy?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: How's the mk802iii doing? Is Rockchip a PITA?
<codeworkx> chinese
<Jiangyi> Yappy: blue devices are T, TX, and V btw :-P
<codeworkx> very chinese
<Yappy> oh sweeeeet
<codeworkx> but cm booted
<amine_> Hello everyone i have a problem with mass storage in CM 10.1 GT-I9100 i don't know how to activate it any ideas? please
<Fissurez> chinese?
<Yappy> lol why do they call it blue?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Need translator? xD
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> unfixable xD
<Fissurez> dammit cody, tell me whether it's a load of crap or not!
<datagutt> Jiangyi: teach me how to be chinese
<codeworkx> dev/block/mtdblock...
<codeworkx> which is emmc
<Jiangyi> But yeah, I'd expected very Chinese since that Rockchip stuff is made in my hometown xP
<datagutt> i want to become good rockchip dev
<codeworkx> in their recovery.fstab they've used mtd for it
<datagutt> so first i need to become chinese
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<Jiangyi> datagutt: I've been Westernized, I don't know anymore :/
<datagutt> shame
<Yappy> i can still a little bit
<datagutt> Jiangyi: you can fly to your hometown and infilitrate rockchip
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Allwinner one's less bad?
<datagutt> and steal all teh documentiation
<datagutt> Jiangyi: should be
<datagutt> they have less haxx
<datagutt> and more developers working on it
<Yappy> alright
<Yappy> gotta grab a case and screen protector from ebay too :P
<datagutt> that sure is more than rockchip
<Jiangyi> datagutt: I don't plan on going back until I graduate high school :-/
<datagutt> Jiangyi: aw
<Yappy> china?
<Yappy> lol fuck that
<datagutt> when you graduate tho
<Jiangyi> AKA 2 years
<datagutt> buy me all the mizus
<datagutt> Oh MX4 will be out by then
<datagutt> (as in 4th generation, not 4-core)
<Jiangyi> :/
<Jiangyi> Maybe
<Jiangyi> Yappy: Ask Sony why it's called blue :-/
<Yappy> ah
<Yappy> why the fuck are all the chinese TPU cases
<Yappy> have an S at the back
<Yappy> do all*
<Jiangyi> lol good question
<Jiangyi> That was my question too when ordering cases for the N4
<Yappy> for some reason lolol
<Yappy> full matte is best
<Jiangyi> I ended up getting a $2 one just to hold it out til the official bumper comes back in stock
<Yappy> haha yeah
<Yappy> just as a "shirt" right? :P
<Jiangyi> sure lol
<Yappy> lol da fuq
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: No source-built kernels eh?
<codeworkx> not yet ;-)
<sportsman> do you think the "find 5" will be a good device?
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<sportsman> once it is available
<Yappy> overkill
<Yappy> so so so much overkill
<Yappy> at least in my opinion :P
<Jiangyi> Oh gawd, dem Chinese devices
<Jiangyi> I wonder if the Chinese companies abide to the GPL :-P
<sportsman> :D
<Jiangyi> (My guess is probably not)
<sportsman> well up to now i read only great stuff
<sportsman> about the phone
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<Yappy> probably blows up in your hear
<Yappy> ear*
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: This crap is worse than haxxynos, isn't it? :-/
<bbqbot> derp
<Yappy> firstworldproblem - my phone came before the screen protector :(
<datagutt> Jiangyi: allwinner > rockchip
<datagutt> for sure
<datagutt> but rockchip is faster
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: dunno yet
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: but the device itself is strange
<bealtine> since when has oz even been in this world?
<datagutt> Jiangyi: meizu abides to the gpl
<datagutt> it only took 10 months
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: nand driver says "mtd", in real it'S emmc and in their recovery.fstab it's named mtd xD
<Jiangyi> ._. daflip?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that can't work, but they've probably hacked everything up
<datagutt> so instead of just changing nand driver and recovery.fstab
<datagutt> they hacked up everything?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: booting into recovery isn't possible without adb
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: there's no key for it at the device itself
<|Night|> datagutt!
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: pain pain pain
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: adb needs a hacked up adb binary on computer
<codeworkx> datagutt: like samsung
<codeworkx> :-D
<datagutt> codeworkx: asians
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Something tells me this is all because whoever made the thing can't read English docs :-P
<datagutt> they like complexity and hacks
<Jiangyi> Everything is just random letters to them lol
<datagutt> yeh
<|Night|> sammy <3
<datagutt> codeworkx: ok so whats working, and with is not?
<datagutt> oh oh
<datagutt> ETA?
<Yappy> like how chinese is to white people? :P
<datagutt> |Night|: you can't be serious
<codeworkx> datagutt: there's no hardware which has to work
<datagutt> sammy is terrible for developers
<codeworkx> datagutt: no cam, no sensors, no gps...
<datagutt> wifi?
<bbqbot> derp
* Jiangyi loves how he makes fun of his own race constantly :-P
<datagutt> connecting usb dongles?
<codeworkx> thats broken xDE
<|Night|> dataguttda: just messing with you
<codeworkx> keyboard and mouse works
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<hunt3r> hi
<hunt3r> I've a question about JB 4.2.1 on CM10.1
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Video playback?
<Yappy> clicking confirm on the XPERIA T now
<a-st_> Wow JellyBAM is incredible fast :D
<Yappy> any objections?!
<Jiangyi> Going once
<a-st_> codeworkx: Thanks for the rooting tutorial on xda :)
<Jiangyi> Going twice
<Jiangyi> BOUGHT!
<hunt3r> on xda codeworkx says: "- Wipe data of clock app"
<Jiangyi> :-D
<Yappy> :D
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<hunt3r> I've to go back to CWM and wipe data
<hunt3r> am I right ?
<bealtine> so wipe it
<bealtine> no
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<bealtine> settings/apps/clock/wipe
<hunt3r> ok
<hunt3r> thanks
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<hunt3r> huh
<hunt3r> I'm on nightly 4.1.1 CM10
<hunt3r> When I go to this menu I've
<Yappy> hopefully my android wants are satisfied :D
<hunt3r> force stop - disable - clear data
<bealtine> wtf is 4.1.1?
<hunt3r> and clear cache
<bealtine> so do it
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<a-st_> Yappy: does it run CM? :D
<Yappy> cm10 stable within 3 weeks
<hunt3r> no I don't even flash for CM10.1
<Yappy> what uppppp
<Yappy> thanks that btw, codeworkx <3
<hunt3r> I want to be sure about what I'll do
<Yappy> thanks for that*
<hunt3r> before doing any modification$
<hunt3r> so - Wipe data of clock app - means clear cache in settings/apps/clock ?
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> flash cm10.1 and wipe
<bealtine> clock data
<hunt3r> so clear data ?
<hunt3r> [i'm not english, just to say so ...]
<bealtine> yes
<hunt3r> ok
<hunt3r> thanks you
<hunt3r> very much
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<Yappy> oh shit
<Yappy> is there a different between LT30P
<Yappy> and LT30A
<Yappy> i got the P
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<Fissurez> well
<Fissurez> i see a difference in one letter.
<bealtine> cap'n obvious to the rescue
* Fissurez bows
<bealtine> :)
<Fissurez> fear not citizens!
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<Yappy> hold on what the fuck
<Yappy> now i learn there's 2 types of bootloaders - those that can be locked, and those that cant
<Yappy> you're fucking kidding me
<Yappy> unlocked*
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<Jiangyi> Yappy: the TL (As in, the T with LTE sold in North America) can't be unlocked, others are fine afaik
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<Yappy> oh phew
<Jiangyi> think cody has a LT30p too
<Yappy> yeah, im just afraid i have to face the shit i did with the sgs3
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<xiong555> anyone experience not being able to pick up call when listening to music
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<xiong555> i rings but does not pop up the phone screen,
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<Jiangyi> Works fine here. What device?
<xiong555> p3100
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<xiong555> basically could not pick up calls when the screen is powered off
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<Yappy> codeworkx, curious as to whether or not your xperia t came with a screen protector :)
<Jiangyi> xiong555: No clue then, don't have a tablet :/
<Jiangyi> Yappy: Sad part is, your T will probably get to you before my N4 gets to me D-:
<Yappy> yeah haha :(
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<carlospontual> Hello.. can anyone answer me a question related to the emmc superbrick bug?
<Yappy> sure go
<carlospontual> I have a Galaxy S2 GTI9100 device with a CM9 RC2 rom.. The gotbrickbug apk says that my chip is "Insane"
<carlospontual> my kernel right know is "3.0.32-CM-g60af3e5".. Is it safe to flash another rom with this kernel (on Clockwork Mod recovery) or should I change to another kernel first (like siyah)?
<codeworkx> Yappy: xperias have protectors by default afaik
<codeworkx> carlospontual: CM kernels are fine
<carlospontual> oh, thank you codeworkx :)
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<Yappy> pre installed you mean?
<Yappy> that part i know, but if it comes with one i can put on manually, that'd be friggin awesome
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<Yappy> lol Fissurez
<Yappy> made the front page
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<Jiangyi> hrm
<Jiangyi> That does seem quite interesting.... :-P
<a-st> bad connection -.-
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<Fissurez> Yappy the thing that confuses me was why didn't google do it first?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Probably has a downside somewhere :-/
<Fissurez> that's what i want to know!
<Fissurez> although people seem to think it constantly keeps the device awake
<Fissurez> so that should mean a detriment in battery life
<Ravenheart> mmm
<Ravenheart> is that flashable to CM9?
<Fissurez> it's supposed to work for ALL android versions
<Fissurez> read the thread
<Ravenheart> i did read it
<Ravenheart> it says Nexus7
<Fissurez> "Note that this APK is actually compatible with all Android versions, and all (armel) devices. It's not at all specific to the Captivate Glide.
<Fissurez> "
<Ravenheart> ohhhh the THREAD
<Ravenheart> i thought the news article
<Yappy> heh, yeah
<Fissurez> thread != news article
<Yappy> there's a nice thread on reddit
<Yappy> with some people who seem to know what they're talking about replying it
<Ravenheart> the lags he's describing are the ones i had on the stock sammy firmware
<Yappy> benchmark before and after that "entropy fix" using Vellamo
<Fissurez> Yappy
<Yappy> yeah
<Fissurez> theres always a small difference in benchmarks
<Fissurez> regardless of what you do to your device
<Fissurez> those show pretty mich no different
<Yappy> well, that one seems to have a decent significance
<Yappy> although, i havent done enough benchmarks to qualify myself as experienced :)
<Fissurez> of 50?
<datagutt> BBQbench is teh best benchmark app
<Fissurez> nah
<datagutt> shame it has 0 3d tests yet
<Fissurez> and the other is like 5.
<Fissurez> oh ffs
<datagutt> benchmarks does not really tell you anything
<Yappy> hahaha
<Yappy> well...
<Yappy> depends on what you're benchmarking :P
<Fissurez> no
<Fissurez> ^
<Yappy> it's pushing the limits of whatever hardware component
<Yappy> to see whether doing A works better than doing B or not
<Fissurez> i've lost what you are trying to say
<Yappy> if there's a small difference of maybe one point, obviously your mindset is understandable
<Yappy> but if it was a significant difference in results, then yeah, you cant say benchmarks dont tell you anything
<datagutt> xplodwild made the best benchmark app
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<xplodwild> oyea
<ceu> hi
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<ernie`> What's uo with this new boot loader for i9300
<ernie`> s/uo/up
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<a-st> Hm. Google Sound Search is frozen after each reboot :(
<ernie`> its location specific
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<ernie`> freezes on boot outside those locations
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<ernie`> you can use an app like package enabler to unfreeze on boot
<a-st> So I checks at which location the device is used and disables sound search if the location is not allowed to run sound search? o.O
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<ernie`> yes, afaik
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<a-st> Oh okay =)
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<ernie`> has anyone flashed the xxella bootloader on i9300?
<frankdrey> gief me i9300 and i will
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<ernie`> :P
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<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Bunch of guys talking about that mod on #cyanogenmod :-P
<a3Dman> I'm tired of placebo mods
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<frankdrey> i'm very ADHD
<frankdrey> VERY
<frankdrey> what i'm doing:
<frankdrey> read a page of my philosophy textbook
<frankdrey> hang up one piece of clothing in my room
<frankdrey> clean up one item in the house
<frankdrey> check irc
<frankdrey> repeat
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: I do the same thing too
<frankdrey> i think we all do
<frankdrey> we're all nerds after all :D
<a3Dman> I study for 10 mins, then I check IRC for 2 hours
<a3Dman> also, I have the tallest IRC conversations when I have exams...
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<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> i just labeled my belt hanger
<frankdrey> it has two sides
<frankdrey> one for my bro and one for me
<ernie`> I think Ill wait with the boot loader upgrade as you cannot downgrade as it seems
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<frankdrey> why not?
<frankdrey> can't you just flash the old one with odin/heimdall?
* frankdrey is about to copy a motherload of data from his bro
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> using the biggest flash drive i tablet :P
<frankdrey> man, my bt keyboard is trippy even with stock 4.1
<frankdrey> samsung ime always takes over null keyboard
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<frankdrey> and the bt keyboard then disconnects
<frankdrey> maybe i just have shitty batteries :p
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<frankdrey> awkward...
<frankdrey> so i once was rooting my friend's phone
<frankdrey> and made a backup of the sd just in case
<frankdrey> just looking through it...
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<frankdrey> see a folder with lots of .cache files...
<frankdrey> something clicks in my mind and i open them with a picture viewer
<frankdrey> icons for positions...if you know what i mean...
<Jiangyi> lolwhut?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> brb gonna go shovel snow
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<frankdrey> it's sunny here
<frankdrey> Seattle is fucking weird
<frankdrey> it rained last summer
<frankdrey> and it's sunny in the winter right now
<frankdrey> a week ago, we got half an inch of snow
<frankdrey> a year ago, we got 2 feet of snow at this time
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<Ntemis> frankdrey: you cant imagine here
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<frankdrey> Ntemis, hmm?
<Ntemis> sunny 18 centrigrade
<frankdrey> i'd say it's almost there right now
<frankdrey> hmmm google claims 41 F
<frankdrey> feels a lot warmer
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<ring0> hey, i'm running 9.1.0 stable on an i9100, which i'd like to upgrade to the latest 10.1 nightly. can i just flash the nightly from cwm as usual or are there precautions to take?
<a3Dman> looks like google devs doesn't like seeder xD
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<frankdrey> so i have a dead usb card here
<frankdrey> i am totally gonna be obnoxious and desolder the capacitors and resistors :D
<frankdrey> and save them xD
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<ernie`> Jiangyi, I hear ya.. showering snow every day is a pain
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<Jiangyi> O_O Whoa, showering snow?
<Jiangyi> It's not that intense over here lol
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<BrunoM> hi guys. Im trying to follow the instructions here: (on Windows) but I cant run Heimdall 1.4RC1 because of missing DLL, even with MSVC 2010 package install. Any ideas?
<codeworkx> use linux :-P
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<BrunoM> ha... ~_~
<bealtine> install the dll...duh
<codeworkx> use linux!!!
<codeworkx> stop wasting your time on a os, let the os work for you. ;-)
<BrunoM> what do you mean install the DLL? I already installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
<bealtine> then put the dll in the same dir as the app
<bealtine> retards cant compile an app proborly
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<BrunoM> hum.... is it safe to get the dlls from
<bbqbot> derp
<BrunoM> it seems the Redistributable Package only has the normal (non-debug) versions of the dll, that's the problem
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<bealtine> seems unlikely
<BrunoM> and that Heimdell build wants the Debug versions
<bealtine> whats the error?
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<BrunoM> /cygdrive/c/Users/phoenix/Desktop/heimdall_v1.4rc1_win32/heimdall.exe: error while loading shared libraries: MSVCR100D.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<bealtine> debug dll not found
<Ntemis> do as the man said
<BrunoM> yeah the "MSVCR100.dll" I have
<Jiangyi> BrunoM: If you're on Windows, feel free to use Odin :-P
<BrunoM> but not "MSVCR100D.dll"
<bealtine> right
<Ntemis> use linux
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Any cautions before I install BBQLinux?
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<Ntemis> Jiangyi: sid? really!
<BrunoM> (I hate Linux, I'm not gonna argue why)
<Jiangyi> Ntemis: What? ._.
<Jiangyi> BrunoM: Just use Odin then
<Ntemis> do as the man said
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<BrunoM> Odin? hum
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> ya heimdall sucks
<Ntemis> nope
<a-st> Heimdall is find on Linux =)
<BrunoM> Well, HEimdall 1.3.1 binaries run fine, I wonder if they work to install ClockworkMod
<bealtine> on linux...but the retards have no idea how to compile on windows
<a-st> BrunoM: I did using the following howto:
<Ntemis> i think there is a static binary compiled already
<bealtine> which is why its trying to load the debug dll right?
<Ntemis> oh on windows, sorry
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, i have a caution for you
<frankdrey> prepare for the awesome
<a-st> Unpack the tarball and run: heimdall --kernel zImage
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Awesome what? o_O
<frankdrey> bbqlinux
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<a-st> bbwlinux? :D
<frankdrey> bbqlinux
<a-st> :P
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<Jiangyi> oh lol
<Jiangyi> Well, I'll have to reinstall win7 over
<BrunoM> bealtine: I guess so. I have no idea who compiled this prebuilt binarry, The link does not come from official Heimdall site
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> soon as i get all my homework done, i'm gonna go work on a 1.0 rom for G1
<BrunoM> bealtine: It probably works for people who have the full Visual Studio installed
<frankdrey> make it heavily modified and work as a PHONE
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> no apps no shit
<frankdrey> just classic phone
<bealtine> BrunoM: yes it would
<Jiangyi> I missed the opportunity to install win8 :/
<bealtine> get the dll from dl-files and plonk it in the app dir
<bealtine> or get an official heimdall
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, and be thankful for that
<frankdrey> win8 is hell
<Jiangyi> Welp, once you get the start menu back, it shouldn't be that bad :-P
<frankdrey> my cousin got it on his laptop and was all excited about it
<frankdrey> and a few days later i saw him back on win7
<frankdrey> no, it's that bad
<frankdrey> win7 >>>>>> win8
<Jiangyi> :/
<frankdrey> DAMN
<frankdrey> my usb died again
<BrunoM> bealtine: did that, got the dlls, from, worked so far.
<frankdrey> i need to restart my PC to get my front usb up sometimes
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I won't die of Linux noobiness if I use BBQ right?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> damn it :-|
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: install it
<Jiangyi> Will I die painfully from it being too diehard? :-P
<bealtine> do it in a vm
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: archwiki is easy awesome
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: fixes all your problems ;-)
<Jiangyi> z0mg it's in multiple languages too :-O
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<Jiangyi> z0mg Arch is Canadian :-O
<beer> z0mg Jiangyi is chhinneez
<frankdrey> zomg i has ice cream float
<beer> z0mg im having hoemmaed pizza aggen?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Ice cream in winter?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> of course
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: latest iso?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yep, just got it and burned it.
<codeworkx> nice
<frankdrey> i need it for school :(
<frankdrey> codeworkx, do you know of a (working) package for jdk5 on arch?
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<codeworkx> 5?
<codeworkx> wtf
<codeworkx> aur?
<frankdrey> yes, i will be working on a 1.0 rom
<frankdrey> aur one is borked
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<codeworkx> do it urself
<frankdrey> cuz sun wants you to sign in for it
<frankdrey> hmmm...maybe i'll download it and change the aur package's url
<frankdrey> i tried in bbqlinux, but you made jdk6 permanent :P
<frankdrey> i'll try it later :p
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: z0mg Windoze XP D-:
<codeworkx> :-P
<frankdrey> as i said, after homework
* Jiangyi only has optional homework for the holidays
<Jiangyi> And that optional homework is math, so.... :-P
<frankdrey> my classes began jan 2
<frankdrey> guys i have one more confession to make
<frankdrey> i'm on stock 4.1
<frankdrey> bt kb was not working in 10.1
<frankdrey> and it's somewhat trippy in 10
<frankdrey> and you know what's funny?
<frankdrey> it works even worse in stock
<frankdrey> but i'm too lazy to flash right now
<frankdrey> i'm busy using my tab as a flash drive
<frankdrey> with usb 1.0 this is sad
<frankdrey> 7gb of files
<frankdrey> 100 min
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ! we could be related!
<Jiangyi> ._. whut?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> i dropped one of my pictures into google search and asian people popped up :P
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<Jiangyi> ...................
<Jiangyi> I don't think anyone in my family ever married anyone that's not Chinese ._.
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> shoot, i need to get back to work
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<Jiangyi> beer: Merge my translations pl0x? :-)
<frankdrey> obnoxious pop love songs on violin:
<beer> Jiangyi: gimme drugs or money
<Jiangyi> .....
<beer> and*
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, send him some tylenol
<Jiangyi> beer: Gief address pl0x :-P
<Jiangyi> Well, didn't expect you to actually do that. ._.
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<frankdrey> o.o
<beer> problemme?
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<frankdrey> mwahahahahah
<frankdrey> which window is yours?
<beer> top left ;)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: r u the first noob user on bbqlinux?
<beer> codeworkx: he is
<Jiangyi> I guess :-(
<beer> Jiangyi: gief your address now
<codeworkx> yay
<frankdrey> codeworkx, so i wasn't a noob? :D
<beer> frankdrey: +1
<frankdrey> beer, i don't believe you're 15 :P
<Jiangyi> beer: 69 Burnt Bark Dr, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, Outside of Europe
<beer> frankdrey: if you look close enough you can see me masturbating too!
<frankdrey> you drink at 15?
<frankdrey> are the things about the irish true?:P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Trying to push BBQLinux to noob users too? lol
<bbqbot> derp
<beer> well
<beer> the things about the irish are true
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: bad idea
<beer> I have like 30-50 friends in school that drink
<beer> out of 150 in my year
<beer> I dont drink, tho
<Jiangyi> beer: That's my old address
<Jiangyi> trololol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: if the user is able to read, which most of them aren't, he can fix everything with the help for archwiki.
<beer> Jiangyi: give new or i'll kickban
<Jiangyi> beer: I don't have a new address :/
<beer> Jiangyi: looks #posh
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: If I fail at reading, I'll bug you xD
<Jiangyi> lol jk
<frankdrey> 18405 107th PL SE Renton, WA, USA <- My old :P
<beer> guize what are you afraid of? 15 year old kid coming to your door with cocaine?
<beer> jeez
<Jiangyi> Yes. Yes I am.
<Jiangyi> :-P
<frankdrey> :P
<beer> oh and when I said that I meant, that is going to happen, the question is are you afraid of it
<Jiangyi> beer: I live in Asian neighbourhood. It ain't happenin :-P
<frankdrey> man google fked up street view near old house
<beer> Jiangyi: like a chinatown?
<beer> #swag
<Jiangyi> beer: No, Chinatown's on the other side of town :-P
<frankdrey> beer, you should come to my church's area with cocaine
<frankdrey> you'll blend in
<frankdrey> it's the most ghetto town there is
<frankdrey> 3 shootings happened on the street behind my church
<beer> frankdrey: niiiiiice
<beer> dude I'd fit into the ghetto like cocaine on a nebkat
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> so who listened to my song?
<beer> wat song
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> obnoxious pop love songs on violin:
<frankdrey> 84 minutes remianing for copy
<beer> I actually hate that song
<beer> like want to kill you right now
<frankdrey> :3
<beer> but im eating cake with a sprinkle of cocaine
<beer> so its fine :D
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: It's not that bad :/
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, it's pop. it's that bad.
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> I find it slightly amusing
<beer> similar to this
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [dude idk what this asian ghetto does to you but you should totally see a psychiatrist]
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<Jiangyi> OK, I don't like the song, but the violin part isn't half bad :-P
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<beer> my future job title should be "asian psychiatrist"
<beer> as in a psychiatrist that specializes in asians
<beer> canadian asians
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<beer> Perka: dude I hear weed is like legal in teh nederland
<beer> cud u smugl sum of dat stuff over heer?
<beer> will need some for my trip to chadana
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<ceu> If I encrypt my device (I9100, CM9.1) then can I disable encryption and return to the unencrypted configuration?
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<bbqbot> derp
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<frankdrey> beer, 2
<frankdrey> beer, it's legal here
<beer> frankdrey: oh yeah :D
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<beer> frankdrey: the answer is 0
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> :|
<beer> frankdrey: haha washington
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<frankdrey> :D
<ceu> beer: ok, but I don't see any answer to my question :-)
<beer> ceu: are you implying something?
<frankdrey> !!google turn off android encryption
<clibot> frankdrey: Unknown command "!google"
<frankdrey> !google turn off android encryption
<clibot> frankdrey: How can I turn OFF encryption on a Honeycomb tablet? - Android ... -
<beer> are you implying I should answer your question
<beer> gods dont answer questions
<beer> ceu: U GOT DAT STREYGHT?
<ceu> beer: no, I'm implying that IF you answered my question, I didn't understand :-D
<beer> ceu: oh, well no I didnt answer your question
<beer> that was just a riddle
<beer> but anyway
<beer> use my bot
<frankdrey> i severely lack usb ports on this pc
<beer> as franky derry did
<frankdrey> i have 3 of them
<frankdrey> 1 used by mouse and 1 by wifi card
<frankdrey> 1 left, and they're all 1.0
<beer> I have 19
<beer> or not
<beer> my monitor has usb ports
<frankdrey> mine doesn't
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> does that here too
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<frankdrey> i wonder if a wifi adaptor will be fine on a usb hub
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<ceu> is there a reliable way to make a nandroid backup/restore with an encrypted i9100?
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<frankdrey> so one of the tech guys, my friend, for our youth was talking to me
<frankdrey> he wanted to make a simple digital announcements board
<frankdrey> but thought that a picture frame is meh
<frankdrey> he wanted to simply stick in an sd card with pictures on it, and have it automatically start displaying it
<frankdrey> so i now have the task of setting up a raspberry pi to do just that :)
<frankdrey> it's gonna run arch linux :D :D :D
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<Petro_> Hi. I had a SII i777. Yesterday I upgrade from 2.3.6 to 4.0.4 throught KIES. Big mistake. Now my phone is not unlocked anymore. -.-
<Petro_> Do you have any recomendation I can do?
<Petro_> The phone is not rooted yet.
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<Jiangyi> Alright, time to reinstall :-P
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, i wish you well
<frankdrey> on this trip to find yourself
<frankdrey> !google youtube wish you well piano thousand foot krutch
<clibot> frankdrey: Thousand Foot Krutch - Wish You Well (Piano Version) - YouTube -
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<beer> frankdrey: wishing an asian well?
<beer> what are you? chinese?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Ryano> niggadick
Ryano was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [idiotte]
<frankdrey> !!geo host 5d6ba17f
<clibot> frankdrey: Unknown command "!geo"
<frankdrey> !geo host 5d6ba17f
<clibot> frankdrey: Error resolving ip for host 5d6ba17f
<frankdrey> what kinda ip is that even o.o
<beer> frankdrey: you are nubb
<frankdrey> WHAT
<beer> its clearly not an ip
<frankdrey> i know...but
<beer> and that is my retarded friend
<frankdrey> why IS THERE NO IP>
<beer> who wanted to join
<beer> frankdrey: they removed like yesterday :(
<frankdrey> oh :(
<frankdrey> that's very unfortunate
<beer> "I said niggadick and some cunt kicked me"
<beer> ahahahahahahahahahhahaa
<beer> he didnt realize it was me
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> 2 hours left to get stuff done today :(
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<beer> I told him if he is going to be racist, at least make it asians
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<|Night|> lol beer be nice
<|Night|> :P
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<beer> |Night|: to who? asians or my retarded friend?
<|Night|> frankdrey
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<|Night|> not his fault he is retarded
<beer> Ryano: ^ bitch is calling you retarded
<beer> !op Ryano
<|Night|> lol
<frankdrey> |Night|, y u ping meh
<beer> use /kick |Night| to kick him now
<|Night|> frankdrey i dont ping
<Ryano> Okay I no racist now
Petro_ has quit [Changing host]
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<|Night|> lol
<frankdrey> mwahahaha an IP!
<beer> frankdrey: ips are back :D
<beer> !geo host
<clibot> beer: {country: "Ireland", region: "Mayo", city: "Castlebar", latlong: {53.850006, -9.300003}, time: "Thu 23:15 GMT"}
<frankdrey> |Night|, did you call me retarded?
<frankdrey> DID YOU?
<|Night|> yup
<beer> Ryano: it thinks you are in castlebar
<frankdrey> beer, gief ops
<|Night|> lol
<beer> to be safe
<Ryano> I am in Castlebar
<|Night|> me 2!
<bealtine> jaysis a paddy
<|Night|> frankdrey: btw im my own isp
<beer> bealtine: +1
<|Night|> so i have planty of ips
<frankdrey> oh
|Night| was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by frankdrey [|Night|]
|Night| has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Ryano> I'm having difficulty with Cyanonenenenenenenenenenenenenennenenenenenenenenenenenenenenenneneneneneneennenmenemenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenmenemngengengegnegengengegnmod, Can you guys help
<frankdrey> no
<|Night|> bealtine ops plz!
<frankdrey> because we don't know your question
<bealtine> feck off
<|Night|> Ryano: flash stock
<|Night|> and you are good 2 go
<beer> bealtine: you passed the test of being op
<|Night|> then type /part
<beer> |Night|: he has a htc sensation I think
<bealtine> i was an irc-op on undernet:)
<bealtine> loooong time ago
<|Night|> beer even better throw it away
<|Night|> bealtine: irc op or chanop
<|Night|> ?
<Jiangyi> Guize, stahp with teh sillehness
<bealtine> irc-op
<|Night|> how did you login there?
<bealtine> x
<|Night|> /oper username pas
<|Night|> ?
<bealtine> for chan ops
<beer> Ryano: insult Jiangyi
<|Night|> irc op is difffernt _:P
<beer> he is an asian canadian that lives in the ghetto
<Ryano> Jiangyi sucks
<|Night|> proper irc op <3
<|Night|> get to sline pople
<beer> this is a video of him
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> bbqbot mh1
<Ryano> Jiangyi's gay
<bealtine> k-liine/g-line
<|Night|> sline is much better
<beer> Ryano: be racist
<|Night|> subnets!
<beer> to Jiangyi
<|Night|> i banned a continent of my server:P
<Ryano> neb why is your name here "beer"
<|Night|> fucker keep coming back
<beer> because I got the nickname
<beer> its the best
<nebkat> is my normal nickname
<nebkat> but I use beer when im away
<bealtine> undernet is deader than the popes underpants
<beer> Ryano:
<beer> !help
<clibot> beer: Available commands: !help, !plugin, {!8ball}, {!admin, !moderator, !userlevel}, {!bomb, !nuclearbomb}, {!changelog}, {!geo, !time}, {!google}, {!js}, {!math}, {!money}, {!ban, !deop, !devoice, !invite, !join, !kick, !kickban, !message, !mute, !nick, !op, !part, !raw, !unban, !unmute, !voice}, {!encode, !hash, !text}, {!timer}
|Night| is now known as Vodka
<beer> !bomb Ryano
<clibot> Ryano: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (red, green, blue) before time runs out!
<clibot> Ryano: 10
<clibot> Ryano: 9
<Vodka> :P
<clibot> Ryano: 8
<clibot> Ryano: 7
<clibot> Ryano: 6
<clibot> Ryano: 5
<clibot> Ryano: 4
<clibot> Ryano: 3
<Ryano> red
<clibot> Ryano: Correct wire! Bomb disarmed.
<beer> well done
<Ryano> that was weird
<beer> !bomb Ryano hard
<clibot> Ryano: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, brown, white, black, grey) before time runs out!
<clibot> Ryano: 10
<clibot> Ryano: 9
<clibot> Ryano: 8
<clibot> Ryano: 7
<clibot> Ryano: 6
<clibot> Ryano: 5
<Ryano> brown
Ryano was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [Wrong wire! You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue.]
<Vodka> fuck spam
<beer> !mute Vodka
<Jiangyi> -_-
<beer> !unmute Vodka
<Vodka> lol
<beer> Jiangyi: are you ever ashamed of your race?
<Vodka> meane
<beer> as datagutt would say?
<Jiangyi> Hey, at least I don't abuse my powers
<Vodka> datagutt is from Norway like me
<beer> Jiangyi: because if you did you'd be european once I was done with you
<Vodka> only proper winter place on earth!
<beer> because of all the cocaine on you
<beer> (if you see what im getting at)
<Jiangyi> .........
<beer> (because europeans take cocaine)
<beer> (yaknow?)
<beer> Jiangyi: i'd dump you in a truck full of cocaine
<Jiangyi> No I didn't know ._.
<beer> and you'd die of overdosage
<Jiangyi> .......
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<GabMus> hello
<beer> Jiangyi: now I understand why you dont like giving me your address
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<GabMus> have you heard of ubuntu for phone?
<GabMus> i think it could be really nice :)
<beer> Jiangyi: if you'd joined the dark side you wouldnt be bullied so much
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<Ryano_> Neb you prick
<bealtine> welcome to yesterday
<GabMus> cody: will you compile it on the i9100? :P
<Jiangyi> beer: Meh :/
<frankdrey> GabMus, will you compile your mom on the i9600?
<Jiangyi> NEVAH
<GabMus> yes (?)
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> i was just wondering if someone would have implemented it for my device
<beer> !help
<clibot> beer: Available commands: !help, !plugin, {!8ball}, {!admin, !moderator, !userlevel}, {!bomb, !nuclearbomb}, {!changelog}, {!geo, !time}, {!google}, {!js}, {!math}, {!money}, {!ban, !deop, !devoice, !invite, !join, !kick, !kickban, !message, !mute, !nick, !op, !part, !raw, !unban, !unmute, !voice}, {!encode, !hash, !text}, {!timer}
<beer> !text upsidedown Ryano sucks
<clibot> beer: sʞɔns ouɐʎᴚ
<beer> !text bubble PUSI KURAC PEDERCINO
<beer> !text
<clibot> beer: Usage !text invert/wordinvert/upsidedown/bubble/uppercase/lowercase/randcase/switchcase/wordcapitalise <text>
<Jiangyi> GabMus: Who knows, but $5 says it's not gonna be cody :-P
<beer> !text randcase cuti dok te karam cuti cuti dok te karam
<clibot> beer: cuti dOk te KArAm cUTi cutI DoK tE KARAm
<GabMus> Jiangyi: probably you are right
<GabMus> but what do you think about it? could it potentially overtake android?
<GabMus> i really dont know. android is a really big buisness right now, but ubuntu is… well, ubuntu
<Jiangyi> Nah, it's too late to the game imo :/
<GabMus> as i said, ubuntu is still ubuntu
<GabMus> it could start the generation of hybrid smartphones
<Ryano_> I think Ubuntu is shallow and pedantic
<GabMus> Ryano_: you are too pessimistic
<GabMus> hybrid phones that connect to the tv/monitor and become a complete pc
<GabMus> mh… what about ubuntu for android?
<GabMus> they talked about that for a lot of time, but i haven't seen anything working yet
<GabMus> i mean, except for demonstrations
<frankdrey> ubuntu is ubuntu? what the fuck does that mean?
<frankdrey> i hate ubuntu on PC even
<frankdrey> GabMus, there was a phone like that
<GabMus> frankdrey: you are right saying that ubuntu is not that good on pc
<frankdrey> it ran android
<GabMus> but it is still a complete gnu/linux distro based on debian
<GabMus> and its potential is infinite
<frankdrey> better arch linux
<GabMus> agree
<GabMus> but nobody will ever port arch to phone
<GabMus> not for the common user
<frankdrey> i will
<frankdrey> fk common user
<GabMus> do it then
<GabMus> i would use it
Ryano_ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [Ryano_]
<GabMus> my friend says he wants it for the nexus 4 and that he would use it instantly
<GabMus> he is connecting :I
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<frankdrey> what is your issue sir?
<frankdrey> Mr. fghjgjlgk
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jcase is now known as noobtaco
<Jiangyi> fffffuuuuuuu
<Jiangyi> win7 installation is being idiotte
<Jiangyi> won't repartition properly -.-
<frankdrey> don't use win7 to partition
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<Jiangyi> Now I have to go get gparted
<frankdrey> it comes with gparted
<frankdrey> bbqlinux
<frankdrey> install bbqlinux first
<frankdrey> then win7, use livecd to install grub back
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: That messes up grub thoufh
<Jiangyi> You can do that?
<Jiangyi> Man, I'm so out of it :/
<frankdrey> yep stick in live cd
<frankdrey> grub-install /dev/sda
<Jiangyi> hrm
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<GabMus> i hate vodafone
<GabMus> sorry...
<Jiangyi> I wonder if I can use gparted in live cd
<GabMus> you can
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<frankdrey> you can do it!
<frankdrey> yes you can!
<GabMus> it is one of the useful things of a live cd
<Jiangyi> w00t
<Jiangyi> saves me a cd
Perka has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
<frankdrey> my shoulder muscle is twitching
<GabMus> i always have a knoppix live cd with me
<Jiangyi> Now just waiting for bbq to boot
<frankdrey> i have an arch cd and use fdisk
<frankdrey> BOOO
<frankdrey> :D
<GabMus> knoppix is cool ù_ù
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<Jiangyi> damn, my DVD drive sounds like it's about to explode O_O
<GabMus> :\ give it a closer look
<GabMus> maybe it is broken
<GabMus> and could fuck up the cd or the pc itself
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: mine broken from 3 years, didn't bother at all to get a new one :P
<GabMus> yes, a new one is just about 20$
<a3Dman> why do you use DVDs anyway?
<GabMus> maybe it is a cd+dvd drive
<a3Dman> I could get it for 10$ lol
<GabMus> on amazon i mean
<a3Dman> the point is it's completely useless to me
<GabMus> i dont get why people say that cds are useless
<Jiangyi> OK, seems to be fine
<GabMus> many bios have problems booting usb sticks
<GabMus> and most legal movies are still on dvd or blueray
<frankdrey> my little brother once kicked and bent my dvd drive when it was open
<frankdrey> i fixed it
<Jiangyi> oh boy
<a3Dman> lol
<Jiangyi> now i know why it's messed up
romann|afk is now known as romann
<GabMus> why
<Jiangyi> When my dad formatted the drive for the first time 3 years ago
<GabMus> yeeees?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> He made 1 main partition and 3 extended
<Jiangyi> and those 3 extended are somehow bunched together and can't separate themselves.
<a3Dman> I has 1 2TB partition :P
<a3Dman> less pain
<GabMus> ._.
<GabMus> less operating systems at once
<Jiangyi> In other words, FML
<GabMus> i prefer triple boots
<a3Dman> only one OS at one HDD is good for me
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, solution:
<GabMus> arch+os x (dont blame me i need adobe software)+occasional new distro tests
Onixs has quit [Quit: Disconnecting from stoned server.]
<frankdrey> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
<frankdrey> doit
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: using /dev/urandom for this is more secure :)
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Wild guess, but that writes zeros eh?
<frankdrey> what does Jiangyi have to hide?
<Jiangyi> -.-
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, yes
<frankdrey> then make new partition table
<frankdrey> or just make new partition table on the disk without writing zeros
<a3Dman> GabMus: you run hackint0sh?
<GabMus> not a big surprise
<GabMus> actually not
<GabMus> i just have a frekin mac
<GabMus> but things will change soon
<GabMus> i know how to setup an hackintosh
<a3Dman> k
<GabMus> i read somewhere (but im not sure about this) that it is legal to make an hackintosh, but not to give support on how to do that
<a3Dman> depends on how EULA works on your country
<GabMus> i don't know, too many documents to read
<GabMus> and i sincerely dont care
<a3Dman> anyway EULA says you need an "Apple labeled computer" to install it on it, get apple sticker put it on your case and done...