nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<GabMus> if i want an hackintosh i make one
<GabMus> i dont think apple will ever sue me
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I would prefer to not kill the data on it?
<frankdrey> Apple wouldn't care
<a3Dman> they wont
<a3Dman> lol
<GabMus> obviously it wouldnt frank
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, is the data on it's own partition?
<GabMus> they have no reason to care
<GabMus> the worst thing of macs
<GabMus> is that they have a guid partition table
<GabMus> it is just creepy even to think about it
<a3Dman> GUID is win...
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, how do you plan to install an OS on a filled drive?._.
<a3Dman> guid makes it easy to create remove partitions instantly...
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<a3Dman> also no primary partitions limitations and a lot of other stuff
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: ok, I had 4 partitions
<GabMus> yes but i have problems with linux
<Jiangyi> One's the system, 3's apparently on an extended thingamabobber
<GabMus> i prefer mbr
<Jiangyi> Now I want to combine one of the weird 3 with the system partition, but I can't do so without killing all of the 3 partitions' data
<Jiangyi> hopefully that made sense :-/
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, backup the data
<frankdrey> it'll be a lot easier :P
<frankdrey> or...
<frankdrey> format partition 1
<frankdrey> move all data to partition one
<Jiangyi> I did, but I'm not sure if I gor everything :-P
<frankdrey> delete extended partition
<Jiangyi> got*
* Jiangyi be paranoid
<frankdrey> your problem xD
<a3Dman> lol
<frankdrey> and don't ever make extended partitions ._.
<Jiangyi> i never do
<a3Dman> I will get 4TB black soon and clone my 2TB one on it, seems like a good idea :D
<Jiangyi> #blamedad
<frankdrey> ok
<frankdrey> GO DOIT
<frankdrey> a3Dman, rsync? or dd? ._.
<bbqbot> derp
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: CCC
<a3Dman> or disk utility from installer
<frankdrey> hmm
<frankdrey> will it make your 4TB drive become 2tb?xD
<a3Dman> hell no
<GabMus> am i the only one using a 250gb hdd?
<a3Dman> it clones files not the partitions xD
<frankdrey> GabMus, yes
<GabMus> yay
<frankdrey> a3Dman, good
<frankdrey> GabMus, because i'm using a 200gb PATA
<a3Dman> frankdrey: UNIX and UNIX-like OSes is the easiest to clone, Windows is PITA to clone it...
<frankdrey> lol
<a3Dman> I have windows on 160GB PATA
<a3Dman> xD
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<iblackford> hi all, I am trying to go back to stock on my phone, I found a rom, but it just has amss, boot.img, recovery.img and system.rfs
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<AndrewTheAndroid> My captcha was: Nudity panurse ._.
<AndrewTheAndroid> daflip?
<iblackford> no csc or anything else
<iblackford> is this enough to go back to stock?
<iblackford> I'm running CM7.2 right now
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<GabMus> mh, i should install refit a day or another
<GabMus> maybe tomorrow
<GabMus> now i have to sleep a while
<GabMus> bye
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<AndrewTheAndroid> Alright, bai partitions
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<frankdrey> BAI PARTITONS
<AndrewTheAndroid> frankdrey: Gimme 2 partition sizes
<frankdrey> WHY
<AndrewTheAndroid> Gonna have only 2 partitions for my 320GB drive :-P
<frankdrey> but but
<frankdrey> isn't the first one already sized?
<frankdrey> or did you backup data elsewhere?
<AndrewTheAndroid> I put everything on my 3TB hard drive :-P
<frankdrey> ok :P
<frankdrey> 160 - 160 :D :D
<AndrewTheAndroid> lol k
<AndrewTheAndroid> ok back to win7 install
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<frankdrey> y u no install bbq first/
<Vodka> hehehe
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<asdjiasdoij> hi everyone
<asdjiasdoij> is it true that the latest nightly has problems with the play store? referring to this:
<bbqbot> derp
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<a3Dman> asdjiasdoij: I think he didn't update gapps...
<asdjiasdoij> ok flashing ty
<asdjiasdoij> is it true that libraries for call recording got totally renewed / replaced in 4.2.1/cm10.1? :-/
<a3Dman> not sure about call recording, sorry.
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<asdjiasdoij> it should be the same ones for audio stuff... but I can't give you the exact name
<asdjiasdoij> thanks anyway, great support, you deserver trophies guys
<asdjiasdoij> *deserve
* frankdrey looks around
<frankdrey> i'm noone special :p
<asdjiasdoij> *shotting frankdrey*
<asdjiasdoij> anyone else not special today? :-O
<asdjiasdoij> *shooting
<frankdrey> lol
<asdjiasdoij> srsly great work
<asdjiasdoij> cya round
<frankdrey> only thing i helped was:
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<frankdrey> i showed...oiii
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<asdjiasdoij> one last question: I skim for the changes in the newest cm nightly, but somehow I missed how to reenable developer-options, what's a good way to keep up to date with the latest cm features/changes?
<a3Dman> try bbqtools from play store
<asdjiasdoij> great tip, any other cyanogenmod related apps I might have missed?
<asdjiasdoij> and is it true that 911 doesn't work?
<a3Dman> what device?
<a3Dman> I think it was only one device and builds stopped for it, I'm not sure tbh
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<Jiangyi> Alright, what'd I miss?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> me killing beer
<|Night|> ok by you?
<a3Dman> |Night|: did you download a music video from iTunes before?
<|Night|> no
<|Night|> last time i installed itunes on my cmputer i had to format to get rid of all thebs
<|Night|> y
<|Night|> why
<a3Dman> I want to know how they apply metadata...
<|Night|> prolly somdrmr bs
<|Night|> iwth watermark throughotu the movie
<a3Dman> they don't do that lol, I'm talking about the file metadata
<|Night|> watermark can be both hidden and visuable
<|Night|> most are hidden
<|Night|> nowadays they can fhidn out which cinema a movie wasvammed in
<|Night|> cammed
<|Night|> :)
<a3Dman> |Night|: do you think this apply on music videos?
<a3Dman> I will read anyway...
<|Night|> looks to only me movies
<|Night|> sofari got
<|Night|> /am
<|Night|> or questions regarding other kinds of content, such as television, books, music, or music video, contact your
<|Night|> iTunes Technical Representative.
<|Night|> yeah yeah this is for music vids
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<|Night|> a3Dman?
<a3Dman> |Night|: well, the problem is that I don't know what is filled in the Album field of a music video...
<a3Dman> right now it's Unknown Album
<|Night|> hmmm
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<a3Dman> |Night|: you get me? xD
<|Night|> i dont get why yo use apple
<a3Dman> I like OS X :P
<|Night|> what have you smoked
<a3Dman> nothing lol
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<|Night|> have you self tested m8
<a3Dman> O.o
<|Night|> beeing an apple user is a serius issue
<a3Dman> well, being a fanboy is the issue :P
<|Night|> well areyou
<|Night|> Im a hoarder:P
<a3Dman> I'm not, I just like to have my media organized
<|Night|> a digital one
<|Night|> nice i have 5555GB free
<chadouming> Over kill
<|Night|> why
<|Night|> how muc you think i hav totalt
<Jiangyi> chadouming: How's the Optimus G coming along?
<chadouming> Good
<chadouming> Wifi now working
<Jiangyi> Nic
<Jiangyi> e
<Jiangyi> So what's left?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> Even tho it killed the amplifier for LTE and the autorotation xD
<Jiangyi> aiya .__
<Jiangyi> .__.*
<chadouming> Capacitive key, lte amplifier and auto rotation :P
* Jiangyi fails to see the connection between those things
<chadouming> Eh, you are not the only one
<chadouming> I really dont see how flashing a different radio image can affect autorotation sens
<chadouming> I do understand why it kill the lte amplifier tho
<Jiangyi> LG magic > Samsung magic I guess
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<chadouming> Yup
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<hunt3r972> Hi
<hunt3r972> someone here ?
<hunt3r972> I've problems with CM10.1
<hunt3r972> Terminal Emulator doesn't work
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<Jiangyi> hunt3r972: Known issue, should be fixed soon
<hunt3r972> ok thanks
<hunt3r972> I'm on i9100g
<hunt3r972> just an information ;)
<hunt3r972> do you know if it's possible to install bt5 on i9100G
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<joeltherock85> my gt-p5100 cannot flash any jb based rom
<joeltherock85> coming from 4.0.4
<joeltherock85> it will always stuck on boot logo
<joeltherock85> do i need to flash a jb based kernel 1st?
<Jiangyi> joeltherock85: Did you wipe data?
<joeltherock85> yes i did all kinds of wipe
<joeltherock85> i even format system and sdcard
<joeltherock85> my device is from malaysia
<joeltherock85> there is no jb stock rom available yet
<joeltherock85> i rolled back to stock 4.0.4
<Jiangyi> Should be fine then. ._.
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<joeltherock85> is it i need to flash jb kernel 1st?
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<peddy> @downloads i9100
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
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<peddy> hi, can someone please link me a cm9.1 download for galaxy s2 (i9100)? can't find it anywhere
<Yappy> probably
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<bbqbot> derp
<Yappy> but then again, there's this:
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<peddy> so will galaxy s2
<peddy> work for my device? since there's nothing stable under i9100*
<Yappy> yeah, i think they sort of confused the naming system a bit
<Yappy> fairly sure galaxys2 is i9100 as well
<Yappy> someone just decided to make a galaxys2 for some reason
<Jiangyi> peddy: I9100 was named galaxys2 up to CM9, so look there
<peddy> sweet, cheers. 10.1 has been eating battery, is this a known issue?
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<Jiangyi> Not really?
<Jiangyi> Depends on your usage, and sometimes what you have on the device :-P
<Jiangyi> Welp, I'm off to bed, all this OS reinstalling has killed my head x_x
<Yappy> heh Jiangyi
<Yappy> cant wait for the Xperia t!!!!
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: you still messing with that HDD?
<a3Dman> xD
<peddy> i don't have something to compare it to since I've been running 10.1 since day 1, but it seems odd that battery has gone from 100 to 70
<peddy> in 1 hour of web browsing
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<peddy> although this is my first smart phone and maybe this is normal?
<Yorlin974> hey guys
<Yappy> if you're comparing it to a nokia button phone
<Yappy> yeah, touchscreen phones have shit battery compared to those tanks
<peddy> night jian thanks
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: BBQLinux be too die-hard for me x_x
<Jiangyi> Think I'll go back to Mint tomorrow like a noob
<a3Dman> isn't that based on ArchLinux?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Yep :-/
<Jiangyi> Hence the die part lol
<Yorlin974> i have a problem for mount a usb key on my P5110, someone can help me please ?
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: well, there's an easier approach which I like and it should work...
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: You know it's bad when the shutdown button doesn't shut down the comp x_x
<a3Dman> well, I set it to sleep
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<Jiangyi> Yeah, I guess I'm just bad at everything :-(
<a3Dman> why?
<a3Dman> what's wrong
<Jiangyi> I don't exactly know where's what and how to do the things I want
<Jiangyi> Call it inexperience if you want
<a3Dman> you need to concentrate
<a3Dman> try to counter ADHD
<Jiangyi> it's just all so confusing :-S
<a3Dman> how old are you? lol
<Jiangyi> 16, with a lot of windows experience and not nearly enough of Linux :-/
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: do LFS, seriously it will give an awesome experience with Linux
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<Jiangyi> Maybe, i'll read through it tomorrow
<Jiangyi> Right now though, sleep :-/
<Jiangyi> Good night!
<a3Dman> me to, it's 7:45 AM here
<a3Dman> and I didn't sleep
<a3Dman> bye
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<peddy> what's the best way to upgrade from an older cm nightly to the newest one? is it possible to keep all my apps/settings?
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<Yappy> best is to wipe data and start fresh
<mothatt> try updating without wiping first
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<mothatt> after making a backup if your apps are important
<Yappy> do backup apps with titanium though
<mothatt> then wipe if theres a problem
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<peddy> ok, might aswell go to 9.1. i will miss all the delicious bleeding edge features
<peddy> will backup apps still work with a downgrade?
<mothatt> not guaranteed
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<peddy> will all my photos and contacts remain?
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<mothatt> photos should, as long as whatever youre flashing doesnt require you to wipe the internal sd card
<mothatt> contacts should be synced with google
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<QuinnLion> So I tried AOKP Milestone 1, it seems sooo much more refined than CM10.1 the nav buttons are on the left, and the notificates and quick settings are in the same place instead of separate and on the top
<Espenfjo> Good for you
<QuinnLion> I'm just curious if these settings are gonna come down the pipeline.
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<Yappy> is it possible to change the virtual buttons?
<Yappy> at the moment, it's like back-home-multitask
<Yappy> possible to change them to menu-home-back ?
<QuinnLion> I just want to move them back to where they were D:
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<GabMus> hello
<KelvinYap> sup
<GabMus> is there a support channel for new themers?
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<GabMus> i have the graphics already, but i have no idea of what to replace into the theme apk
<GabMus> there are 2000+ files there
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<javiazo> hello
<GabMus> hi
<javiazo> anyone can help me? i have a question about updating nightly roms
<GabMus> tell us
<javiazo> i want to install a nightly rom
<javiazo> but cause these roms are updated every day
<javiazo> i need to wipe data and cahe every time i update a new build?
<GabMus> obviously not
<GabMus> if it is cm
<javiazo> yes is cm10.1 for galaxys2
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<GabMus> nah, you just update without wiping aything
<javiazo> ok thank u very much! :)
<javiazo> and whats ur opinion about nightly builds?
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<javiazo> are nightly builds very unestable?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> they can be
<GabMus> actually they arent
<GabMus> for now
<GabMus> and for the gs2
<javiazo> ok
<javiazo> so i'll do a bk and try xD
<javiazo> thanks a lot!
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<KelvinYap> hey guys
<KelvinYap> is image stablization in a camera a hardware thing
<GabMus> yes?
<GabMus> oh
<GabMus> dunno
<KelvinYap> or can it be coded to work better?
* KelvinYap points at Xperia T camera being very prone to shaking when taking videos
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<sananabi> hi there
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<korben> hello !
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<korben> I've a question about CM10.1 : the problem with the voicedialer is still here .. other language than English (UK) doesn't work even the language has been download for offline mode
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<Tee_Pee> g'day
<Tee_Pee> I just updated to CM 10.1 from a relatively old 10.0 nightly and the only issue I seem to be having is that my contacts mostly gone.
<pawitp> just sync it back from Google?
<bbqbot> derp
<Tee_Pee> still haven't update gapps, about to do that, but I am not sure if that can have any bearing on the problem.
<tuhoojabotti> fail
<tuhoojabotti> 4.2 has updated gapps
<Tee_Pee> well the thing is, only my FB and Skype accounts are listed under the accounts section
<Tee_Pee> yeah I know, downloading them as we speak
<tuhoojabotti> old ones won't work
<tuhoojabotti> why didn't you update them in the first place?
<tuhoojabotti> it was recommended to update 10.1 manually because of the gapps
<tuhoojabotti> to 10.1*
<Tee_Pee> I updated via the CM updater, missed that note about the manual update
<tuhoojabotti> I see
<tuhoojabotti> it's kind of obvious, though.
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<Tee_Pee> there we go, that's better
<tuhoojabotti> :)
sbrissen_gone is now known as sbrissen
<Tee_Pee> I am experiencing a small bug not listed in known issues - when typing on the keyboard, the key that I am tapping highlights in the little blue bubble... well, the image of that bubble tears occasionally
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<tuhoojabotti> you use stock keyboard?
<Tee_Pee> yup
<tuhoojabotti> weirdos
<Tee_Pee> oh lol, google play music isn't compatible with 4.2
<pawitp> it is...
<Tee_Pee> doesn't appear in the play store for me...
<Fissurez> *opens gogole music on nexus 10*
<Fissurez> *google
<Fissurez> Tee_Pee what device?
<Tee_Pee> the installed version I've had before updating kept crashing when I tried to open
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> and what country
<Tee_Pee> S3
<Tee_Pee> Bosnia
<Tee_Pee> But it was available before the update, worked perfectly
<Fissurez> is google music available in bosnia?
<Tee_Pee> no idea, all I know is that the app was on the market
<Tee_Pee> I had it installed... it kept crashing after the update so I wanted to reinstall
<Tee_Pee> bam - not on the market
<Fissurez> download apk elsewhere
<Fissurez> or
<Fissurez> try that
<Tee_Pee> there we go
<Tee_Pee> found it under "All Apps" in My Apps section
<Tee_Pee> installed successfully from there
<Fissurez> :)
<Tee_Pee> It did however mess up my music library.... oh well, will have to clean that up.
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<gs3italian> hi :)
<gs3italian> I have a problem with my GS3 and CM 10.1
<bealtine> and?
<gs3italian> ok
<gs3italian> I can'y use microphone
<gs3italian> I use Siyah Kernel
<gs3italian> the latest
<bealtine> bye
<mothatt> try playing a sound
<mothatt> i think its a known bug
<gs3italian> the speaker works
<mothatt> enable lockscreen sound or something
<gs3italian> the speaker is OK
<gs3italian> If i try to record a sound
<gs3italian> it' mute!
<gs3italian> audio in videos too
<bealtine> use cm kernel and come back
<bealtine> or ask siyah ppl
<gs3italian> this is the problem?
<mothatt> siyah kernel is dodgy atm
<gs3italian> in Siyah's site he says that CM 10.1 works
<bealtine> we cant really help
<mothatt> he says it boots
<gs3italian> yes, that it would boot
<gs3italian> only microphone is dead
<gs3italian> everything is OK :'(
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<gs3italian> ok when do you think to release stable build? :)
<bbqbot> derp
<gs3italian> your ROM is wonderful
<gs3italian> 0 lag
<bealtine> ask siyah ppl
<gs3italian> ok I'll wait a stable release
<gs3italian> bye and thanks for the support :)
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<Fissurez> ....
<Fissurez> nebkat
<nebkat> Fissurez: wat
<Fissurez> clibot needs a facepalm command
<nebkat> Fissurez: indeed
<Fissurez> get on it!
<Fissurez> get it to post a random facepalm image from google images
<nebkat> irc needs images
<nebkat> so i can share the porn faster
<cdesai> nebkat: use quassel
<cdesai> hover over a link
<cdesai> you get preview
<nebkat> cdesai: I was actually doing that right now xD
<nebkat> I said to myself yesterday I need to use quassel
<cdesai> quassel <3
<cdesai> core + client ftw
<cdesai> one core, many clients
<nebkat> how is client compared to xchat?
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<cdesai> dunno...haven't used xchat
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<nebkat> cdesai: on client, is it sudo apt-get install quassel?
<nebkat> or will that get server too?
<cdesai> that'll get both
<cdesai> on client, it's quassel-client
<cdesai> quassel-core on server
<cdesai> just quassel is core+client
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<nebkat> cdesai: heh both ends up just 1mb bigger
<nebkat> cdesai: do we have it set up on bbq?
<cdesai> but you don't need that
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<cdesai> no, though i'ld prefer you didn't do it there
<nebkat> cdesai: its 1mb, why not
<cdesai> maybe bacon
<nebkat> why?
<cdesai> cos it's used standalone
<nebkat> our bots run there
<cdesai> client needs to connect to a core
<nebkat> yeah and?
<bbqbot> derp
<cdesai> core can be on server / same host
<cdesai> just "quassel" works as it-is
<nebkat> I know
<nebkat> why not on bbq
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<nebkat> can I run quassel-client after installing "quassel"?
<cdesai> no
<cdesai> do what i said :p
<cdesai> n00b
<nebkat> cdesai: you said quasselt is core+client
<nebkat> which I assume means quassel-core+quassel-client
<cdesai> yep, it's both in one, so standalone
<cdesai> your bad
<cdesai> it's STANDALONE
<cdesai> clear?
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<nebkat> cdesai: it was clear the first time you said it was standalone, but not before that
<nebkat> cdesai: but why not on bbq?
<cdesai> bcos that server is already used for a lot
<cdesai> bacon would be better
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<nebkat> for what? :P
<nebkat> http server, two bots
<nebkat> nothing else really
<cdesai> bbqdroid
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<cdesai> once that's up
<nebkat> cdesai: we wont be building on bbq afaik
<nebkat> and even if we were, the only thing slowed down will be upload
<GabMus> hi
<GabMus> can anyone here help me with theming?
<MissingNo> theming?
<bbqbot> derp
<GabMus> you know, using cm theme engine
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<GabMus> im back
<Tee_Pee> is there supposed to be such a degradation in performance between 10.0 and 10.1?
<Tee_Pee> It takes nearly a second for the screen to turn off when I press the lock button
<Tee_Pee> (Galaxy S3)
<GabMus> i dont have similar problems on my sw
<GabMus> s2*
<GabMus> well, the screen lock thing yes
<GabMus> maybe a feature?
<GabMus> but performance is the same
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<Razz> I flashed CyanogenMod 10.1 Nightly on my i9100 and I cant find 'usb debuggin' settings anywhere any hints?
<bealtine> settings/about/build number tap 7 times
<Razz> lol
<Razz> thx
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<Razz> bealtine: so, from there how does one enable USB mass storage?
<Razz> I've enable the debugging, which was mentioned online as a requirement for the usb mass storage setting, but I can't find it ...
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<Archie> Hey guys, quick question, is anyone else having problems opening the playstore with the latest nightly?
<bealtine> no
<Archie> Shit.
<bealtine> did you update gapps?
<MissingNo> shirlock
<Archie> I did, I'll try flashing it again. I'm thinking I'll need to wipe it, a bunch of my apps are saying they're not installed too.
<bealtine> what ver of gapps?
<bbqbot> derp
<Archie> The latest one from
<bealtine> wipe so:)
<nebkat> MissingNo: I see what you did there
<MissingNo> improv?
<MissingNo> or the continuity of a thought beyond ones, no twos concious mentalities
<Archie> Alright. Well thanks guys <3
<nebkat> MissingNo: BOUTH
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<MissingNo> we're all a lot closer than we think
<MissingNo> I can't wait til you get my life to live
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<MissingNo> you know why I made humanity
<MissingNo> do you want to know?
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<nebkat> MissingNo: are you implying something?
<nebkat> because if you are
<nebkat> im not liking it
<MissingNo> maybe
<MissingNo> you won't like it
<MissingNo> but it sure will make sense
<nebkat> MissingNo: explain
<MissingNo> can you imagine what a perfect computer would be like?
<MissingNo> absolutely perfect?
<bbqbot> derp
<MissingNo> a computer that builds itself, upgrades itself, is fault tolerent, powers itself, has the potential to answer any question
<nebkat> MissingNo: IM NOT LIKING THIS
<MissingNo> well... i could tell you the even worse part of life
MissingNo was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [HOW DARE YOU!]
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<MissingNo> you know freenode isn't like efnet
<nebkat> what are you implying now
<MissingNo> it's quite easy to tor and wingate and proxy and tunnel and control your personal datagrams to keep from being a person with any sort of ID to ban
<MissingNo> well nebkat
<MissingNo> how much time is there?
<nebkat> MissingNo: oh I know, that is why I didnt kick
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<nebkat> MissingNo: it is now 15:57
<nebkat> !geo user MissingNo
<clibot> nebkat: {country: "United States", region: "Pennsylvania", city: "Villanova", latlong: {40.036896, -75.3486}, time: "Fri 10:57 EST"}
<nebkat> good morning
* Fissurez slaps MissingNo
<Fissurez> upgrading and updating is half the fun of computers!
* nebkat gives Fissurez a cookie
<Fissurez> the other half is working out what specific update or upgrade broke it.
MissingNo has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<Fissurez> og
<Fissurez> *oh
<nebkat> Fissurez: you scared him away
<nebkat> good job
<Fissurez> looks like that the /dev/random seems to be legit
<nebkat> Fissurez: orly?
<nebkat> who says?
<Fissurez> the xda video has given us downsides!
<Fissurez> which means it's more likely to be true!
<Fissurez> lower battery life, less secure
<Fissurez> (for encrypted shizzle)
<nebkat> you know googles devs said it was placebo
<nebkat> and indirectly called everyone who bought the app idiots
<Fissurez> LINX
<nebkat> +1 to google
<Fissurez> that's what i thought, then xda keeps on talking aboutit
<EgotisticalElf> xda promots whatever brings in ad revenue
<Fissurez> nebkat link me!
<Fissurez> EgotisticalElf touché
<nebkat> EgotisticalElf: exactly
<nebkat> and lifehacker
<nebkat> lifehacker said "google says its fake, but you should try it anyway" -.-
<nebkat> idiots
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<Fissurez> HOORAY
<nebkat> MissingNo: we thought you had left us
<nebkat> shame
<Fissurez> D'awwww
<MissingNo> you never answered my question
<Fissurez> what question?
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<MissingNo> how much time is there?
<nebkat> MissingNo: where
<pawitp> that sounds... philosophical
<nebkat> pawitp: indeed
<MissingNo> in existence
<nebkat> its confusing me
<MissingNo> how long will time exist for
<nebkat> and MissingNo is implying too much, im afraid i'll have to kick him
<bealtine> 6 minutes past beer o clock
<Fissurez> lol
<MissingNo> please do
<pawitp> the question we need to answer would be, what is time
<nebkat> "@21: people who've just paid $1.49 are unlikely to say "i'm an idiot"" -
<Fissurez> MissingNo time is theoretically unlimited
<MissingNo> time is the passing of change
<Fissurez> time is a dimension
<MissingNo> yes the fourth
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<Fissurez> well then
<nebkat> pawitp: the question we need to answer is why is there no beer in front of me now
<MissingNo> from 4d we look like snakes
<nebkat> and what are we going to do about it
<Fissurez> get to the conclusion that it is limitless.
<MissingNo> because you were a poor pastafarian as a child
<bealtine> forgot your meds again?
<bbqbot> derp
<MissingNo> ok... well seeing as combinations are not limitless
<MissingNo> we are all going to repeat
<MissingNo> over and over....
<nebkat> I cant take this any more
<MissingNo> and never know the wiser
<bealtine> sounds vaguely like english
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<tommyg_> hi all
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<tommyg_> anyone?
<bealtine> anyone what?
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<|Night|> i dont know this anyone
<|Night|> i am someone
<bealtine> ask and quit awesome
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<any_one> yes tommy?
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<any_one> oh too bad
any_one is now known as EgotisticalElf
<bealtine> can i flash cingen on my samsung iphone?
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<Fissurez> bealtine yes.
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<|Night|> bealtine indeed
<bealtine> good
<bealtine> tell me all steps
<bealtine> or else i'll ask 100 times
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<MissingNo0> all the steps
<MissingNo0> to what
<bealtine> flash cingen on my samsung iphone?
<MissingNo0> hold down vol up, the menu button and power button
<MissingNo0> while starting it up
<MissingNo0> for the recovery menu
<MissingNo0> and audio down, menu button, power on to load a rom
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<Fissurez> bealtine
<Fissurez> y u no bomb
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<Fissurez> HOORAY
<Fissurez> !bomb MissingNo
<clibot> MissingNo: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (red, green, blue) before time runs out!
<clibot> MissingNo: 10
<clibot> MissingNo: 9
<clibot> MissingNo: 8
<Fissurez> HURRY!
<clibot> MissingNo: 7
<clibot> MissingNo: 6
<clibot> MissingNo: 5
<clibot> MissingNo: 4
<clibot> MissingNo: 3
<clibot> MissingNo: 2
<clibot> MissingNo: 1
<Fissurez> too slow
MissingNo was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green.]
<angelsl> lol
<angelsl> that was easy
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<MissingNo> rawr
<frankdrey> RAWR
<MissingNo> beep
<MissingNo> awesome
<MissingNo> the new microscope is here
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> i haz no antivirus
<frankdrey> let's see how long windoze lasts
<datagutt> frankdrey: I KNOW OF THIZ GRAET APP
<frankdrey> RLY?
<frankdrey> OKAY
<frankdrey> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> yes
<datagutt> no
<Fissurez> i thought it was
<frankdrey> thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Fissurez> i've been fooled!
<frankdrey> haha i get it.......
<frankdrey> asshole
<frankdrey> making fun of our pronounciation?
<Fissurez> wut
<Fissurez> waitwhat
<frankdrey> 3 = three = pronounced free in a russian accent
<Fissurez> oh
<Fissurez> no
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ READ
<datagutt> long liev china
<angelsl> that's japanese, dammit
<datagutt> @google michael row soft
<bbqbot> Microsoft vs. MikeRoweSoft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
<datagutt> ^
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: That's Japanese ._.
<frankdrey> lol
* datagutt thought it looked very japanese as well
<angelsl> geez
<datagutt> Seriously
<datagutt> not chinese at all
<Fissurez> it's a japanese ripoff?
<Fissurez> i always thought the dodgy kirf stuff was chinese
<Fissurez> no offence Jiangyi
<frankdrey> bleh
<frankdrey> i have to do a drive today for driving school
<Jiangyi> :/
<frankdrey> DONWANNA
<Fissurez> i passed my test a few weeks ago :D
<frankdrey> i should just drive to my house, get out of the car, walk into my house, and never come out
<frankdrey> better yet, i should just crash
<Fissurez> or don't pay to get a lesson?
<frankdrey> but but but...i want to get my license
<frankdrey> we already payed
<frankdrey> 2 drives left, then a written and a drive test, and i have my license
<frankdrey> wait, not until may
<frankdrey> Hello, (FIRST_NAMES$)! Welcome to the first week of the course.
<frankdrey> xD
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<frankdrey> whoooooo my school's website is down ._.
<hfmls> hi guys
<hfmls> does anyone know if mhl in cm10.1 is possible?
<nebkat> frankdrey: linkitt
QuinnLion has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Fissurez> Jiangyi I KNEW IT
<Fissurez> (sorta)
<frankdrey> nebkat, back up
<frankdrey> but
<nebkat> frankdrey: can I hack it?
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<nebkat> frankdrey: look at my school website
<nebkat> it was made in 1999
<nebkat> :P
<Baskey> Fissurez: FISSUREZ
<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Baskey> NEBKAT
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<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Some people still believe it makes a difference even after reading that post :/
<Jiangyi> Faith in humanity: -1
<Fissurez> Baskey YES
<Fissurez> IS TOO LATE
<Fissurez> YAS
<Baskey> MEEGO-ISH
<Fissurez> yeah
<Fissurez> like webos mashed with ios on a android base
<datagutt> my schools website got an upgrade
<datagutt> the upgrae made it worse
<Fissurez> and windows RT thrown in too
<datagutt> they turned it into something uglier
<datagutt> with a marquee
<datagutt> A MARQUEE
<Fissurez> wassat
<datagutt> well, they made something similar using js
<datagutt> nebkat
<nebkat> yes?
<nebkat> im studying dudwes
<Fissurez> BASKEY
<nebkat> have a bit of respect
<datagutt> my schools website has a marquee
<datagutt> and the design used to be better
<Baskey> Fissurez: GOOD FOR YOU
<Fissurez> #YAS
<datagutt> IT IS SO AWESOME
<Fissurez> LOL
<Baskey> datagutt: idiotte
<datagutt> Baskey: No
<datagutt> it is awesome
<Baskey> how about no?
<datagutt> how about yes
<datagutt> have you ever used a mizu?
<Fissurez> i hope ubuntu for phones makes it's way to the n4 soon
<datagutt> except when they block root, it is quite decent
<Fissurez> it'll probably suck, but
<datagutt> Fissurez: it looks interessing
<datagutt> the ui is something different than the usual ios and android stuff
<Baskey> iOS is ugly as fuck
<datagutt> +1
<Fissurez> yeah
<Fissurez> old
<datagutt> Touchwiz > iOS
<datagutt> iOS looks the same as it always has done
<Baskey> TouchWiz = iOS
<Fissurez> how close open apps in ubuntu mobile -.-
<datagutt> and the only new features are copied from android and other phone oses
<Fissurez> touchwiz is getting better.
<Fissurez> but.
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<datagutt> No
<datagutt> blub blub blub
<datagutt> ugly water lockscreen
<datagutt> not getting batter.
<datagutt> better even
<datagutt> MADE FOR ASHA
<datagutt> i can truly say that flyme os is better than touchwiz and sense
<datagutt> now cm
<datagutt> nothing can beat
<Fissurez> oh
<Fissurez> looks like ubuntu OS is not going to be preinstalled
<datagutt> mainly because it is open source
<Fissurez> but a ROM
<Fissurez> weird.
<datagutt> Fissurez: 2014 will have ubuntu phones
<datagutt> i think ROM as a start
<Baskey> yeah
<Fissurez> too long
<datagutt> then manufacturers will bundle it on future
<datagutt> future devices*
<Baskey> datagutt: I changed my mind
<datagutt> Baskey: about what
<Baskey> about Ubuntu for phones
<datagutt> you liek it?
<Baskey> yes
<Baskey> Android is boring
<Baskey> Windows Phone is meh
<Baskey> iOS is ugly
<Fissurez> i like it
<jero> is qt based
<Fissurez> but APPS FOR UBUNTU?
<Jiangyi> Android boring?
<Fissurez> no
<Jiangyi> Does not computer
<Jiangyi> compute*
<Fissurez> pretty sure ubuntu is unity
<Fissurez> like android is java
<jero> the ubuntu phone seems to be qt based
<jero> unity is compiz
<Fissurez> orly
<Baskey> Jiangyi: I'm using Android since 2009
<Fissurez> compiz?
<bbqbot> derp
<jero> compiz the X window manager yes
<Baskey> there's no dalvik machine in Ubuntu 4 phones
<Baskey> I LIKE IT
<Fissurez> Baskey so it can't run android apps?
<datagutt> Baskey: seriously
<jero> apparently they use qt on top of surfaceflinger
<datagutt> you can always trust me with phone related stuff
<datagutt> did i ever fail?
<Fissurez> yes
<Baskey> Fissurez: probably not
<Fissurez> that'd suck
<Baskey> datagutt: I SAY POTATO
<datagutt> [18:33:48] <Baskey> Android is boring
<datagutt> [18:33:55] <Baskey> Windows Phone is meh
<datagutt> [18:34:15] <Baskey> iOS is ugly
<datagutt> dude
<datagutt> you are my brother
<jero> so that does not prevent them from running dalvik on the side
<Fissurez> cause ubuntu will never get apps
<datagutt> except you buy quality products
<datagutt> of western design
<datagutt> java is boring
<Fissurez> android IS getting a tad boring
<datagutt> java sucks
<Fissurez> ios
<Fissurez> bleh, i could use all of iOS within a day of me having my ipod
<Fissurez> so easy
<datagutt> [18:36:19] <Baskey> COZ I HATE JAVA
<datagutt> wait
<datagutt> are you even a programmer?
<datagutt> or are you just hating on java because i do?
<Baskey> [18:37] <@Fissurez> android IS getting a tad boring
<Baskey> +1
<datagutt> or because nebkat likes it?
<Jiangyi> Baskey: Go back to Symbian :-P
<nebkat> what?
<datagutt> No no
<datagutt> PalmOS
<datagutt> is the best
<Baskey> Jiangyi: NO
<Fissurez> LIES
<Fissurez> WEBOS
<Fissurez> FTW
<datagutt> no palmos
<Fissurez> i played with palm OS on the webOS
<datagutt> i heard mizu is going to use palm os on their new devices
<Fissurez> you could emulate it
<Fissurez> RIP PALM
<nebkat> google must have something cool for 4.3! :P
<Fissurez> waitno
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Could be 5.0 for all we know :-P
<datagutt> Fissurez: would you buy mizu if they released a webos device?
<Fissurez> maybe
<Fissurez> but it has no apps
<Fissurez> so probably not
<datagutt> hah
<datagutt> yeh
<datagutt> that is the problem
<Fissurez> if it could run android shizzl
<datagutt> you know what ubuntu phone os can run?
<Fissurez> then yes
<Fissurez> YES YES YES
* a3Dman blames samsung
<Fissurez> BUT
<datagutt> non user-friendly linux apps
<Fissurez> it has to have the guesture area.
<Fissurez> and a decent browser.
<datagutt> non user-friendly linux apps
<Fissurez> maybe chrome that doesn't suck
<datagutt> and html5 webapps
<a3Dman> webapps sucks
<datagutt> a3Dman: yeh
<datagutt> most does
<Fissurez> yas
<Fissurez> pre+ was best webOS device
<Fissurez> touchpad was the start of the death
<Fissurez> pre+ was golden age
<nebkat> well, what does everyone want>?
<nebkat> the thing is, most people like change, even if it isnt actually "new"
<frankdrey> you can run android apps on webos
<Fissurez> nebkat yas
<Fissurez> frankdrey WHAAAAA
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<Fissurez> GIMME
<nebkat> if they completely changed the theme people would be happy
<Fissurez> frankdrey yeah, but guesture area?
<Bassem> hey, how are you all.
<Bassem> I'm trying to build CM 10.1 for my GT 7.7
<Fissurez> <£
<Bassem> but i have some errors and hope someone will help me, so anyone?
<Fissurez> the pre 3 was far too late
<Fissurez> but it was where webOS should have started
<a3Dman> what I care about to see is ubuntu improving the device internals, as drivers and stuff, making the devices more open, not set of apps...
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<frankdrey> hmm
<frankdrey> Fissurez, looks like it wasn't released
<frankdrey> they ditched webos and made that one windows android app runner thingy
<frankdrey> bluestacks
<Fissurez> what?
<Fissurez> what are you talking about>
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Fissurez> bluestacks has been out for ages
<Jiangyi> OK, I'm apparently going skating downtown today :/
* Jiangyi hasn't done any sort of skating in over a year
<frankdrey> Fissurez, define 'ages"
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, AREN"T YOU CANADIAN???
<Fissurez> dunoo
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Yeah, but remember I'm also Chinese :/
<frankdrey> Fissurez, ACL (Android Compatibility Layer) was supposed to be out Jan 2012
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ah gotcha
<frankdrey> "Road Test, Strengthen weak areas.
* frankdrey gets in car
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> good luck!
<Jiangyi> Don't die!
* frankdrey slowly looks at teacher
<Jiangyi> :-P
<frankdrey> "All the shit is weak in me."
<Fissurez> driving is easy!
<Fissurez> where do you live>
<frankdrey> !geo user frankdrey
<clibot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", region: "Washington", city: "Auburn", latlong: {47.307297, -122.2284}, time: "Fri 09:51 PST"}
<Fissurez> LOL
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<Baskey> !geo user Fissurez
<clibot> Baskey: {country: "United Kingdom", region: "Northamptonshire", city: "Daventry", latlong: {52.25, -1.1667023}, time: "Fri 17:57 GMT"}
<Fissurez> !geo user Fissurez#
<Baskey> I DO
<Baskey> !geo user Fissurez
<clibot> Baskey: {country: "United Kingdom", region: "Northamptonshire", city: "Daventry", latlong: {52.25, -1.1667023}, time: "Fri 17:58 GMT"}
<Baskey> @geo user Fissurez
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Fissurez
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1451229184,1455423487],"country":"GB","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
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<Jiangyi> Alright, heading out
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<Bassem> i need help in building CM 10.1 for GT 7.7
<Bassem> anyone can help?
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<sk8rman> hello everyone!
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<tuhoojabotti> hei
<Bassem> Hello
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<sk8rman> guys can anyone tell me for cm10.1 what goods and bads.. bugs and more.. cuz i have cm10 and its perfect.. is it worth it to change cm10.1 now?
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<Bassem> I'm not from the support team but I know that bugs are reported in the topics on xda forum
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<sk8rman> just to inform me
<Bassem> You haven't said your device model
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<Bassem> And why don't you ask the discussion thread to briefly tell you the bugs
<sk8rman> samsung galaxy s2 gt-i9100g
<Steve> @download t989
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<Steve> @downloads t989
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<Steve> @downloads gth-t989
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
<Steve> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<Steve> @downloads hercules
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
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<a3Dman> O.o
<datagutt> that bot
<datagutt> i don't think it is updated
<datagutt> at all
<datagutt> since
<datagutt> ever
<datagutt> id guess it links to cm10
<a3Dman> datagutt: doesn't even have i9100 lol
<datagutt> yes it does
<datagutt> galaxys2
<datagutt> we used names
<a3Dman> galaxys2 last used was CM9
<datagutt> oh yeh
<datagutt> your right
<datagutt> someone buy
<datagutt> it will blow your mine.
<datagutt> mind**
<a3Dman> datagutt: that phone is a dev dream like I said before...
<datagutt> Yeh
<datagutt> a3Dman: it does have kernel source
<a3Dman> exynos powered, chinese and probably no kernel sources!
<datagutt> never got it to compile, but i am no android dev
<datagutt> err
<datagutt> it has kernel sources
<a3Dman> nice
<datagutt> and you can flash zips on it
<a3Dman> bloody exynos though...
<datagutt> Yeh
<datagutt> the thing is
<datagutt> it is very similar to galaxys3
<a3Dman> yeah
<datagutt> and their new mx2 device uses the same processor as note2
<datagutt> a3Dman: if only i could figure out how to compile the kernel
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<datagutt> 114 stars, 50 forks
<datagutt> i have not heard of anyone who has compiled it
<a3Dman> haha
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<datagutt> a3Dman: "cody style indent"
<datagutt> this does not look like cody
<a3Dman> xD
<a3Dman> I'm sick of all smartphones at this stage
<datagutt> ubuntu powerd phoens next!
<a3Dman> do you think companies would support them?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> no idea
<a3Dman> specially for already released phones
<datagutt> i think some companies will release ubuntu phones
<datagutt> but they won't support anything for already released phones
<datagutt> does HP support ubuntu on your PC?
<a3Dman> well, for released phones I think it will be community effort...
<datagutt> they are probably just going to say, "Install the windows recovery cd we gave you"
<datagutt> yeh
<datagutt> a3Dman: no OFFICIAL support
<a3Dman> also mark said that, it's meant for low end phones, and the installation will be like desktop PCs...
<datagutt> but there will be roms for sure
<a3Dman> datagutt: the way mark SAID it, should be official.
<datagutt> installing linux on your pc aint official
<datagutt> i bet they will just have a really, really easy way to flash the rom onto n00bs phones
<a3Dman> datagutt: I'm not sure, time will tell, but early 2014 is just lame
<datagutt> +1
<a3Dman> also, I wont get a new phone anytime soon, so I would appreciate any options for a dying phone :)
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<Fissurez> i've seen that image before!
<Fissurez> it was the same one as when they speculated about the s3!
<Fissurez> + it's a pic of a computer screen
<a3Dman> they should ditch the home button already
<a3Dman> specially if they can't place it on the phone...
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<Fissurez> i <3 how they say the galaxy s3 supports flash
<Fissurez> it doesn't.
<Fissurez> well, not anymore than the nexus 4
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<a3Dman> didn't use flash
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<codeworkx> a3Dman: s4 will have a home button, too. but it will be smaller than the already much to small one on s3
<codeworkx> and it will have more bloat
<codeworkx> and a more fuct up display
<codeworkx> and more rounded design
<Thracky> and more proprietary stuffs :D
<Orginator> and a good battery :P
<a3Dman> codeworkx: i9100 is my last samsung device...
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<sw__> hi folks - i have a problem with CM 10.1 and an app LBE privacy guard
<sw__> after installing it my phone kept rebooting all the time
<sw__> i was able to uninstall the app during the 10s timeframe between every reboot
<sw__> but any clues why my phone (galaxy s3) rebooted all the time?
<codeworkx> never heard about that app
<sw__> its to block certain rights from apps
<codeworkx> if you need that app, you're doing something wrong
<sw__> well there are app which wants rights they certainly dont need
<sw__> so you can easily block this rights for the app and use it
<a3Dman> are you blocking a root app?
<codeworkx> sw__: dont install those apps?
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<sw__> a3Dman: i was not able to block anything, after the app was installed my phone rebootet in loop
<sw__> codeworkx: easy to say :) some apps dont have alternatives ;)
<codeworkx> can't be
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<a3Dman> so you installed the app which blocked apps, didn't block any app and you got bootloop...
<codeworkx> sw__: why didn't you get a log from the crash?
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<sw__> i was happy that i was able to uninstall the app :) can i find the logs somewhere?
<sw__> a3Dman: correct, i was not even able to block an app, directly after installing phone reboots in loop
<sw__> codeworkx: dont really know how that site helps me?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> read on xda "how to use adb"
<a3Dman> why samsung is going to release an i9105 O.o
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<|Night|> lol
<|Night|> and soon galaxy S4
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<Bassem> Hey, how are you
<Ravenheart> because old SoC are cheap to make
<Ravenheart> and you really don't need a monster cpu/gpu to make a nice phone
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<frankdrey> so i had to take the school's drive test today or next time
<frankdrey> we were just driving around, and i ran a stop sign :P
<frankdrey> so he said, "uh yeah let's take it next time"
<frankdrey> well, something along those lines :p
<frankdrey> Andrew|Skating, OH MY YOU ARE USING YOUR REAL NAME
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<frankdrey> my business teacher is cool :D
<frankdrey> my american gov teacher is too, but a bit harder :|
<frankdrey> my philosophy teacher, i dunno...he called us all (FIRST_NAMES$) :P
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<frankdrey> Entropy512, Y U MAKE ANDROID LAG?
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<mightymadtv> @changelog galaxys2
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<frankdrey> i think it's simply the 1 second timer keeps the cpu popped up
<frankdrey> symlinking urandom to random should give an accurate picture
<frankdrey> i'llt ry it
<Ntemis> codeworkx: you here?
<codeworkx> aye
<Ntemis> how are you man?
<Ntemis> hi for starters ;)
<Ntemis> thinking of buying ramos 30whd a retina display exynos 4412
<Ntemis> how hard will be for porting gsg3 kernel and afs?
<Ntemis> already has cwm5xx from factory
<Ntemis> has a sdk4x12 dev board inside
<Ntemis> do you think will be a problem with retina drivers for 10.1?
<Ntemis> my only shot will be nexus 10 drivers but i dont know if compatible :D
<Ntemis> am speaking about the panel ofc
<nebkat> -.-
<nebkat> fail
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<GabMus> hello, is there a way to restore applications after changing phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<Ntemis> nebkat: fail? in what
<GabMus> my dad will probably give me his i9300 for my i9100
<nebkat> Ntemis: "retina drivers"?
<nebkat> you have kernel drivers for your display
<GabMus> retina what?
<Ntemis> you mean wont work?
<Ntemis> nope
<nebkat> I mean it will if you have kernel drivers
<Ntemis> nothing given
<GabMus> are you talking avout apple devices?
<nebkat> and it is nothing to do with 10.1
<Ntemis> ramos dont release dsource
<nebkat> Ntemis: well there is no point in asking cody
<nebkat> either you have source or not
<Ntemis> i think samsung already gave source
<Ntemis> only problem am seeing is that display
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<datagutt> without source from the manufacturer
<datagutt> you are fucked
<datagutt> trust me, even with source, china devices have no developers
<Ntemis> MPL Rotation Vector: 0.5 mA by invensense
<Ntemis> MPL Linear Accelleration: 0.5 mA by invensense
<Ntemis> MPL Gravity: 0.5 mA by invensense
<datagutt> nobody wants to develop for china
<Ntemis> MPL Gyroscope: 0.5 mA by invensense
<Ntemis> MPL Accellerometer: 0.5 mA by invensense
<Ntemis> MPL Magnetic Field: 0.5 mA by invensense
<Ntemis> MPL Orientation: 9.7 mA by invensense
<Ntemis> i see some standard things onboard
<Ntemis> i think will be easy to adjust kernel for it, as i said my only drawback is the retina driver
<codeworkx> Ntemis: no source? nothing?
<bbqbot> derp
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<frankdrey> okaaaaaaaaaay
<frankdrey> this is fucking creepy as hell
<frankdrey> recently my mom has been making sure that when she makes food, i eat from a certain bowl or plate
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<Espenfjo> frankdrey: add medication?
<Espenfjo> *ADD
<frankdrey> example: today she made this chicken soup thing with tiny pasta stars
<frankdrey> i sat at one spot, and my mom tells me to take another bowl...because it has less pasta?
<frankdrey> and it had MORE pasta
<frankdrey> Espenfjo, i don't have medication
<Espenfjo> Now you do
<frankdrey> and she seemed to watch me creepily
<frankdrey> O_O
<frankdrey> this happened recently with eggs, too
<frankdrey> she explicitly told me to eat a small plate of eggs she boiled
<Espenfjo> Spiked
<frankdrey> one of them had a tiny hole in the side, so i threw it away
<frankdrey> she saw it in the trash and asked me later...
<Ntemis> i dont know how to tell it in english but in greek it told psyhanagasmos
<frankdrey> if i go silent in a minute or two, i'm dead
<Ntemis> *is
<Espenfjo> Ntemis: yup
<Espenfjo> frankdrey: probably
<frankdrey> Ntemis, what does it mean?
<Espenfjo> compulsion
<Espenfjo> ψυχαναγκασμος
<Espenfjo> ?
<Ntemis> yeap
<Ntemis> thats it
<frankdrey> what does compulsions have to do with anything?
<Espenfjo> "The act of being forced to do something"
<frankdrey> ._.
<frankdrey> yes, but why?
<Ntemis> compulsion this is what your mom is doing
<Espenfjo> She is sneaking medicines into your meals ;)
<Ntemis> " my mom has been making sure that when she makes food, i eat from a certain bowl or plate"
<Ntemis> btw thanks Espenfjo
<Ntemis> for the English translation
<Espenfjo> Ntemis: I used google translate ;)
<Ntemis> lol
<Ntemis> so you are greek
<Ntemis> ;)
<Espenfjo> No, Norwegian ;)
<Ntemis> how you could write greek letters?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> I pasted your "psyhanagasmos" into the translate field. Google asked if i meant ψυχαναγκασμος instead
<Ntemis> oh, nice!
<Ntemis> welldonr then
<Espenfjo> Sneaky Espenfjo is being sneaky ;)
<Ntemis> *done
<Ntemis> lol
<frankdrey> ok, the fact that she's compulsing me to do something is obvious
<Espenfjo> frankdrey: See if you, tomorrow, can focus into doing one thing. Read a paper or doing math or something
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<frankdrey> can i try right now?
<frankdrey> i need to read a chapter of am gov tonight
<Espenfjo> The medicine probably hasnt worked enough yet
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<Espenfjo> You should go ask her
<mightymadtv> Where should I post a Bug I discovered in the last cm10.1 for i9100 Nightly?
<Espenfjo> What bug?
<frankdrey> Espenfjo, eh..."MOM WHAT DID YOU PUT IN MY SOUP"
<frankdrey> next time she does it, i'll say, "No, I want this one."
<frankdrey> and i'll argue for a bit, forcing her to tell me :P
<MissingNo> ocd
<frankdrey> no, don't think she's OCD
<Espenfjo> nah
<mightymadtv> Espenfjo: When I set the Hardware button action "Menu button long press" to "Recent Applications" and open it with that press, the recent applications disappear after releasing the press, but the screen remains as if there are none
<frankdrey> I'm much more OCD than her
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<ernie`> What are people stances on the xxella bootloader running cm10.1 on the i9300. Should flash or just a waste of time?
<frankdrey> Espenfjo, nothing yet
<frankdrey> started reading textbook
<frankdrey> ended up using tablet for random stuff
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<DennizzNL> Long time no see
<Espenfjo> The ritaline probably takes some time, frankdrey
<DennizzNL> Just went back from a one x to an galaxy s3
<DennizzNL> i know this is cyanogenmod support server
<DennizzNL> i lost know how about flashing stuff, i got a titanium galaxy s3 with t-mobile firmware on it, can i flash non branded firmware on it ?
<DennizzNL> i had a galaxys2 non brandend
<DennizzNL> branded
<DennizzNL> but i guess with branded they mean the logo being ''branded'' on your phone ?
<DennizzNL> This is not my case
<frankdrey> both windows xp and stock 4.1 are driving me INSANE
<frankdrey> i'm gonna go back to arch and cm10 soon :P
<DennizzNL> of someone can push me into the right direction :)
<frankdrey> Espenfjo, i feel...energized....
<frankdrey> i'm feeling jittery already...but i want coffee
<frankdrey> and my attention span seems to be getting shorter
DuperMan has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<frankdrey> ok time to get rid of this shit
<frankdrey> i'm installing cm10 bac
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<frankdrey> who here has a linux PC handy?
<Ntemis> whatsup?
<bbqbot> derp
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<nebkat> frankdrey: sup dawg
<nebkat> im quassel'in
<frankdrey> hi
* nebkat feels so cool right now
<nebkat> gimme address
<nebkat> i'll give you a free sample
<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> i'm trying to flash cwm on my tablet without heimdall
<nebkat> well well well
<nebkat> fu
<nebkat> school on Monday fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
<nebkat> i blame you Frankish
<nebkat> swipe keyboard version of frankdrey
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> odin no liek my usb hub :(
<frankdrey> ohey only 2 dlls needed for heimdall
<frankdrey> "failed to send data"
<frankdrey> :|
<frankdrey> heimdall no liek my usb either
* frankdrey was wondering why heimdall folder said 30 min to copy
<frankdrey> i keep gta 3 in there xD
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g_byers has joined #teamhacksung-support
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
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<frankdrey> I AM SO JEALOUS
<frankdrey> my bro has full working ubuntu on his tablet
<frankdrey> thass it
<frankdrey> i'm porting arch to p51xx
<frankdrey> codeworkx, do we have full kernel sauce?
<a3Dman> lol...
<codeworkx> frankdrey: yes
<codeworkx> frankdrey: CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_espresso10
<frankdrey> well...
<frankdrey> good point :p
<frankdrey> is it better to start with that or a bare linux kernel?
<tuhoojabotti> I started making my first android app. :3
<tuhoojabotti> Well, second. But the first one dind't go beyond hello world.
<codeworkx> frankdrey: use the official jb sourcecode
<codeworkx> frankdrey:
<frankdrey> got that
<frankdrey> i'm trying to decide wether i add the board specific stuff to plain linux kernel
<frankdrey> or hack samdroid kernel to run linux :P
<codeworkx> will take forever both ways xD
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<frankdrey> eh :P