nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<frankdrey> codeworkx, you think it's worth it...and (more importantly) do you think i could figure it out?xD
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<frankdrey> *worth it?
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: let's say kernel booted and arch installed and you went to bash, what would you do for graphics?
<codeworkx> frankdrey: it will fail hard because of missing touch friendlyness
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, usb keyboard and mouse :D
<a3Dman> D'oh!
<frankdrey> a3Dman, gnex gpu is open source?
<frankdrey> we have gnex gpu
<a3Dman> oh great then ;)
romann is now known as romann|afk
<frankdrey> either way i'm sure it has a fallback 2d mode
<frankdrey> and isn't linux kernel getting android driver support
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> looks like it's not what i thought it was
<frankdrey> and that it'll be simpler to port linux to android kernel :P
<a3Dman> frankdrey: I though this when Android was new, after that I was like, meh.
<frankdrey> but look
<frankdrey> i don't think we have source for gpu driver only binary
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<frankdrey> and that'll only work with an android kernel
<frankdrey> eh fk it
<frankdrey> i'll use android :p
<a3Dman> frankdrey: well that was only GMA with opensource drivers :P
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<a3Dman> the future sucks in all fields :P
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<frankdrey> :|
<frankdrey> i should get back to my homework
<a3Dman> meh, I remembered, I have a final exam tomorrow...
<frankdrey> lol
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<codeworkx> frankdrey: not sure if there are drivers for pvr and x11
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, pvr? enlighten me :P
<codeworkx> gpu
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> ahh
<frankdrey> powervr :D
<codeworkx> right
<frankdrey> eh fk x11
<frankdrey> console good enough :P
<codeworkx> xD
<frankdrey> i should work on arch for my g1 actually
<frankdrey> we have hardware keyboard
<frankdrey> and i think the gpu can run w/o drivers
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<frankdrey> eh i don't remember
<frankdrey> whoa
<frankdrey> i know 2 girls in my american gov online class
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<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> nebkat, imma make a launcher
<Orginator> frankdrey you've already got too much on your hard, each few minutes I see you talking about planning to work on a different project :P
<Orginator> head*
<frankdrey> xD
<frankdrey> oh gosh
<frankdrey> i'm doing it again :P
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<frankdrey> oh mannn
<frankdrey> i am gonna have FUN in my online classes
<frankdrey> so much debating to do :D
<frankdrey> "so, you say 'we are doing something wrong'. might you enlighten us as to what you mean by that? why are we doing something wrong? maybe we have a higher crime rate, and it's as simple as that"
<frankdrey> oh boy :D
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<dlw> Installed cm10.1 to an Infuse and have no debugging mode. Is the correct?
<frankdrey> dlw, it takes a sprinkle of magic
<frankdrey> say the following:
<frankdrey> I. Want. Some of this Magic.
<frankdrey> In a singsong voice
<frankdrey> (In all seriousness, tap build number 7 times in Settings>About)
<frankdrey> welcome back Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> Nice to be back.
<Jiangyi> For the record, Andrew's too common of a name :-P
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> how many times did you fall?
<Jiangyi> Once :-P
<Jiangyi> Here's the sad part: That time I fell was when I wasn't moving. :-|
<frankdrey> xD
<frankdrey> ice skating?
<dlw> frankdrey.. Thanks, thats sort of weird but it worked. Thanks again.
<Jiangyi> Teo.
<Jiangyi> Yep*.
<frankdrey> dlw, magic is always the answer
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ice skating is awesome
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I'm still bad at it lol
<frankdrey> i only fell once because my cheap skates hit a ridge in the ice
<frankdrey> i was good from the start :3
<frankdrey> it's kinda funny how i learn to do stuff
<frankdrey> i watch, take lots of mental notes, and then apply what i've noticed
<frankdrey> it worked for driving :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sammy put out working tab2 JB sources ? ._.
<frankdrey> on my first drive, my instructor complimented me on how well i'm driving
<frankdrey> my driving experience was about 20 minutes :P
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Everytime I go, it takes me 15 min to not look like a complete fool, and then it's mostly smooth sailing from there :-P
<frankdrey> haha :P
<frankdrey> then again, i've always been a rollerblading bawss :3
<frankdrey> 5th grade, we had a rollerblading unit in PE
<frankdrey> me and this guy raced
<frankdrey> i went so fast i ran into a fence :P
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<frankdrey> luckily it was chain link
<frankdrey> and it just slowed me down gracefully as i gracefully pushed on it
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> but yeah, anything that involves legs i'm decent at xD
<frankdrey> if you know what i mean ;)
<frankdrey> j/k xD
<frankdrey> ahhh...intellectual trolling :)
<frankdrey> i am gonna ENJOY these online classes :D
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<Jiangyi> I don't know what you mean lol
* Jiangyi has trouble thinking that way :/
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, lol good :p
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<dlw> Is it possible to get rid of Google as the default searh engine? I'd rather use 'startpage'.
<bbqbot> derp
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<MissingNo> hit
<MissingNo> alt f
<MissingNo> inside the browser
<MissingNo> if options aren't under there
<MissingNo> then it should be under edit
MissingNo is now known as yolston
<frankdrey> he's gone...
<yolston> to where?
<frankdrey> to neverland
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, as an op, do you give me permission to spam 10 lines?
<frankdrey> it'll be cool spam
<Jiangyi> Urh
* Jiangyi is not real op :/
<Jiangyi> so i dunno
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> it's so cool though!!!!!!!
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<eldabest> hey guys...I just restored a backup of CM10.1 I had from yesterday and now I can't receive any text messages...I can send them and people receive them, but I'm not receiving any...any ideas? :(
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<eldabest> I can also make calls...but still can't receive texts
<eldabest> I can also RECEIVE calls...
<Jiangyi> o_O That's an odd one.
<eldabest> :( yeah
<yolston> settings
<yolston> system info
<yolston> renew your
<yolston> prl or whatever
<eldabest> how do I do that?
<eldabest> I have an I9100
<yolston> menu button
<yolston> settings
<yolston> scroll the the bottom
<yolston> system update or info
<yolston> update PRL
<eldabest> I don't have "system update" or info
<eldabest> i'm on CM10.1
<yolston> it'll be the last thing in your settings menu
<yolston> or second to last
<eldabest> I have
<eldabest> "Date & Time, Accessibility, Developer Options, Performance, and About Phone"
<yolston> about phone
<eldabest> yup
<eldabest> but nothing about PRL in there
<eldabest> boo this sucks
<yolston> then update everything
<yolston> you can
<eldabest> lol
<eldabest> I did update to the latest CM10
<eldabest> CM10.1**
<eldabest> didn't change anything
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<eldabest> :[
<yolston> oi vey
<yolston> fill the sink with water
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<yolston> and place the phone in
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<eldabest> lol
<eldabest> osunds good
<eldabest> sounds*
<eldabest> i'll use some soap
<eldabest> maybe it'll work then
<eldabest> bleech
<eldabest> nah mean?
<eldabest> bleach*
yolston is now known as MissingNo
<eldabest> man this is so weird...and I need my damn phone to wrok
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<eldabest> like wth should I do......
<eldabest> any ideas?
<frankdrey> wipe everything and reflash
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<eldabest> bleh do I do that again?
<bbqbot> derp
<eldabest> in CWM
<frankdrey> wipe data/factory reset
<frankdrey> and reflash cm10.1 just for the lulz
<eldabest> okay. doing wipe data/factory reset basically resets cm10.1 to stock, right?
<eldabest> then just reflash the latest update?
<eldabest> actually, I'm already on the latest update
<eldabest> and what do I lose exactly doing a wipe data/factory reset?
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<a3Dman> eldabest: everything except stuff on your internal phone memory
<eldabest> so it keeps pictures, SMSbackup&restore?
<a3Dman> yeah, anything stored on /sdcard
<eldabest> &what about external memory?
<eldabest> oh
<eldabest> okay
<a3Dman> it removes /data, which has your applications and system application's data
<eldabest> gotcha
<a3Dman> externel stays also
<eldabest> so I do wipe data/factory reset
<eldabest> do I need to wipe cache & dalvik
<a3Dman> well it's full wipe, why not...
<eldabest> okay
<eldabest> and then do I have to flash CM10.1 again like frankdrey said?
<a3Dman> yeah
<a3Dman> all of these producers are called full-wipe
<eldabest> huh?
<bbqbot> derp
<eldabest> wow
<eldabest> that wiped fast
<eldabest> wipe cache partition?
<a3Dman> procedures*
<eldabest> nvm lol
<eldabest> okay
<a3Dman> you see smoke coming out of your phone yet?
<eldabest> just wiped data/factory reset, cache & dalvik, flashing cm10.1 latest over it again now
<eldabest> lool
<a3Dman> >:)
<eldabest> I hope this fucking works
<a3Dman> no smoke, then you're alright...
<a3Dman> what's the device anyway?
<eldabest> i9100
<eldabest> sgs2
<a3Dman> it should work, I have the same lame device
<eldabest> I really need text messaging
<eldabest> haha
<eldabest> thanks for the help, btw
<frankdrey> why do you need txt msg?
<frankdrey> y haz friends????
<eldabest> hahah
<eldabest> I like texting myself
<a3Dman> I read this something different :O
<a3Dman> sorry...
<eldabest> ;)
<eldabest> wow
<eldabest> still not working
<eldabest> fuck
<eldabest> wth
<eldabest> i installed pimp my rom after creating that backup that I restored...I installed a bunch of fixes...could that cuase this? wtf
<a3Dman> pimp my what
<a3Dman> rofl
<bbqbot> derp
<eldabest> that
<eldabest> ugh..what a nightmare
<a3Dman> not sure, my phone is working good, why would I pimp it?
<Jiangyi> Blah, tweaks.
<a3Dman> anyway TL;DR
<a3Dman> also in Android, TL;VB
<eldabest> yeah
<eldabest> maybe that messed it up ? :*
<eldabest> :(
<eldabest> would any of those "fixes" still be there after a factory reset like I just did?
<a3Dman> maybe, who knows :)
<a3Dman> I don't think so
<eldabest> and how do I enable USB mode again?
<eldabest> the option isn't coming up anymore
<frankdrey> maybe it flashed a bad radio?
<frankdrey> anyway gtg
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<eldabest> no I don't think so...cause it was working fine with the fixes installed...only happened when I restored to my earlier backup
<a3Dman> to enable dev settings tap on build version 7 times
<eldabest> guys
<eldabest> i just got all the texts
<eldabest> wtf lol
<eldabest> fuck me
<a3Dman> otherwise, wash the phone properly...
<eldabest> I swear if that was a network problem I'm gunna throw it out the window
<a3Dman> where do you live?
<eldabest> Canada
<eldabest> on a pretty large network
<a3Dman> not sure about carriers here
<eldabest> holy crap
<eldabest> greatest moment of my life
<a3Dman> it's carrier or lame radio, I don't think it's the radio, so def the carrier
<eldabest> lol
<eldabest> except now I just did a data wipe/factory reset on my phone
<a3Dman> pwn'd
<a3Dman> people doesn't have patience anymore...
<a3Dman> don't*
<eldabest> lol
<eldabest> well usually it works
<eldabest> except now my USB connection isn't working :( to my pc
<eldabest> I thought there was an option somewhere to turn it on
<a3Dman> what OS?
<bbqbot> derp
<eldabest> windows 7
<eldabest> the phone isn't recognizing it's plugged into my pc
<a3Dman> it should work, maybe probs with your driver
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<eldabest> nope
<eldabest> seems as though mass storage option is missing in cm10.1
<eldabest> maybe cause I updated from cm10 it still had it
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<Sin_> Wifi signal low
<Sin_> Ia that norml?
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<Sin_> Run cm10.1 on s3 intl
<adina> Is anyone there?
<Sin_> Anybody have same problm
<Sin_> Anybody know how to fix it?
<adina> anyone know anything about CM10 porting?
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<adina> I guess not! What is this site for then? if no one is gonna reply to your questions and help! how insane is that?
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<Sin_> Im Coming from stick jb
<Sin_> stock
<adina> does anyone have an answer to my question, or am i totally invisible here?
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<SiN__> any1?
<bbqbot> derp
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<SiN__> derp
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<Ex> is the touch recovery required ?
<Ex> nevermind.
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<SiN__> wifi signal problem
<SiN__> any fix?
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<iKillCypher> Hi !!!
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<MissingNo> hi iKillCypher
<iKillCypher> there seems like a battery issue in CM10.1
<iKillCypher> battery drain is too fast
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<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> NEBKAT
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kiril is now known as Guest65104
<Guest65104> helloo can i have some help /?
<Fissurez> hmmmm
<Fissurez> depends
<Fissurez> actuallu
<Fissurez> no.
<Fissurez> because no one can help you
<Fissurez> if you don't ask the right question.
<Guest65104> i dont know what to ask just enter in the world of android devices
<Guest65104> got question about Clockworkrom
<Fissurez> then why do you need help?
<Fissurez> ah
<Guest65104> and cyanogen mod also
<Fissurez> wait
<Guest65104> if u can help i will ask
<Guest65104> if not okay
<Fissurez> how "just" is it
<Fissurez> when did you get your first device?
<Fissurez> *android
<Guest65104> 1 week
<Guest65104> i just rooted it
<Guest65104> want to install or how it is called the cyanogen rom
<Fissurez> you haven't even had it long enough to get sick of touchwiz!
<Fissurez> ok
<Guest65104> ya but i want to do cool stuff
<Fissurez> you can do alot of cool stuff w/out root :D
<Fissurez> but ok
<Fissurez> what device model is it?
<Fissurez> i'm assuming an s3?
<bbqbot> derp
<Guest65104> samsung s3 i9300
<Fissurez> and you want to flash cyanogenmod?
<Guest65104> ya im studing computer science and so i need to go deep in the android world now
<Guest65104> yes i was reading the topic on the forum
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<Fissurez> have you flashed cwm?
<Guest65104> whats flashed cwm
<Guest65104> i rooted it and got the cwm manager application now
<Fissurez> have you put clockworkmod recovery on it.
<Fissurez> oh, probably not then
<Guest65104> ya
<Guest65104> not
<Fissurez> boot into recovery
<Fissurez> theres an option to do it in the ROM manager app i think
<Guest65104> but when i open the application cwm manager says this version of cwm manager is used tiwh cfcwm v1.1 or newer apperas your are running different verions
<Fissurez> i hate rom manager
<Fissurez> just boot into recovery the normal way
<Fissurez> turn off phone
<Fissurez> hold pwr, and down and home
<Fissurez> *down volume
<Guest65104> i know
<Fissurez> ok
<Guest65104> so i need to flash the cwm mod now ?
<Fissurez> is there an option to flash via zip?
<Fissurez> oh crap
<Fissurez> i forgot
<Fissurez> preferably on your SD card.
<Guest65104> great
<Fissurez> then go into recovery > install via zip
<Fissurez> oh wait
<Guest65104> let me dl it and trasfere on card
<Fissurez> you'll need this too
<Guest65104> :d
<Guest65104> ok i will w8
<Fissurez> been a long time since i've done this XD
<Fissurez> 'cause i sold my S2
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<Guest65104> file not ofund but i already downloaded the cm rom or mod what ever it its
<Fissurez> ohok
<Fissurez> well put that on your sd card
<Guest65104> ok
<Guest65104> is it going to delete all my dowloaded apps and stuff on phone memory when i change with this custom os ?
<Fissurez> yes
<Fissurez> everything except for the stuff on the SD
<Fissurez> *external sd
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<Guest65104> if i backup apps says it might be problematic right ?
<Fissurez> yeah
<Fissurez> well, i'd say it wouldn't really matter for apps you've downloaded, but better safe than sorry
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<Fissurez> hmmm
<Fissurez> datagutt
<datagutt> hi
<Fissurez> do you know whether the i9300 needs odin to install cwm?
<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> Yes
<datagutt> it needs odin
<Fissurez> or can it be done like the S2 and all you need is the files
<Fissurez> oh
<Fissurez> crap
<datagutt> you install a rooted kernel via odin
<datagutt> which includes cwm (iirc)
<Fissurez> so it doesn't have the lovely "install via zip" in the stock recovery?
<Fissurez> like the i9100
<datagutt> honestly i don't knkow
<Fissurez> >.>
<datagutt> i only know of odin method
<Fissurez> >.>
<Guest65104> i used odin to root
<Guest65104> and it installed the cwm and superuser app
<Fissurez> do you have stock recovery or cwm then?
<Guest65104> what is stock recovery i got some app cwm on phone now
<Fissurez> well, boot into recovery mode
<Fissurez> and tell me what it looks like
<Guest65104> okay and so do i need this clockwork recovery image or directly the cm 10.1
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<Fissurez> if you don't have cwm, then you need it.
<Fissurez> ... i think
<Fissurez> you might be able to flash cm10.1 directly from odin
<Fissurez> ask datagutt
<Fissurez> i have breakfast now :D
<Guest65104> nooooooooooo
<Guest65104> :D
<Fissurez> :p
<Guest65104> i go into recovery mode ok
<Fissurez> also, if datagutt tries to sell you a mizu device, don't let him.
<Fissurez> i'll be back later.
<Guest65104> this app cwm just let in go in different mods right ?
<Guest65104> okay mate
<Fissurez> the app is useless and unstable.
<Fissurez> don't use it to flash anything if possible
<Guest65104> how to flash the new os then
<Guest65104> and the gapps
<datagutt> first install this (if you have not already=
<Guest65104> tanks
<Guest65104> thanks
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<Guest65104> im
<Guest65104> in recovery mod
<Guest65104> no3w
<Guest65104> now instaled cwm
<Guest65104> whats the latest releace of CM ?
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<Guest65104> should i wipe data factory reset first or flash roms firsT?
<Guest65104> come on someone answer
<bealtine> wipe the flash but it doesnt really matter
<bealtine> cant you follow the guide?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Fissurez> back
<Guest65104> hi i can follow but because of all this post saying u can brick your phone i just want to be sure
<Guest65104> can you do overclocking with this rom ?
<bealtine> dont
<bealtine> overcloaking is silly
<Guest65104> i dont think is silly on PC is super fun
<bealtine> those cpus are made for overcloaking
<bealtine> anyway just flash the rom first
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<Guest65104> okay
<unknwn> it is silly to oc
<unknwn> a phone
<unknwn> maybe undervolt:)
<Fissurez> yeah, i undervolted my S2
<Fissurez> didn't bother OC'ing
<Fissurez> hell, i don't even OC on my pc at the moment
<unknwn> any clue when it will be possible to connect external dac while with cm10.1?
<Fissurez> never needed to
<unknwn> on gs3
<Fissurez> dac?
<unknwn> i oced my pc
<unknwn> digital audio converter
<unknwn> +amplifier
<Fissurez> O
<Guest65104> ya might be silly for phone cuz there is no cooling
<unknwn> it is possible with official software
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<unknwn> not because of that
<unknwn> but because of increased power usage
<Guest65104> installing now
<Guest65104> ah okay im not into phones much i obught my first smartphone recently
<unknwn> unless cpu doesn't have sweet spot of performance/power usage out of the box
<unknwn> like intel 2600k
<unknwn> a bit oced will have better performance/power usage ratio
<Guest65104> i have installed it great
<unknwn> looks like i need to install new version too
<unknwn> the "Merge "exynos4: Part of Netflix fix" into cm-10.1" fixed the
<unknwn> video playback problems in browser html5 and the twitchtv app!
<unknwn> even 1080p flash in browser works!!!
<unknwn> because of this reason
<unknwn> or is there a patch?
<Guest65104> thanks for help
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<Guest65104> how do u go to recovery mod manually?>\
<bealtine> press power and reboot...
<Guest65104> ok
<Guest65104> is there fast icon to turn on mobile data like the stock os when sliding the top
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<Guest65104> where are the developer options also
<bealtine> settings/about/build number tap 7 times
<Guest65104> terminal emulator doesnt open
<bealtine> yes broken
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<Guest65104> is there fast button to turn of mobile data :)?
<bealtine> yes
<Guest65104> where is that
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<bealtine> look around..i forget
<KelvinYap> something notification bar
<KelvinYap> power widget buttons
<KelvinYap> or something
<bealtine> ja something like that
<kZard|nb> Hi. I am currently running stock 4.0.3 on my i9100. I'm considering installing the CM nightly 10.1 (as there don't seem to be any relseases that are more stable). Is it a good time to do this, or should I wait a bit.
<kZard|nb> * >
<kZard|nb> *?
<bbqbot> derp
<KelvinYap> 2/10 would not recommend
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<anwar> hiii?
<KelvinYap> cm10.1 just not stable at all at this ateg
<KelvinYap> stage*
<KelvinYap> cm10 is probably as far as you should probably go for daily driver
<kZard|nb> k
<anwar> i have problem with the cm rom ? in my mobile samsung galaxy tab 2 p3100
<KelvinYap> whats up
<kZard|nb> :/ What's this "Audio Headset bug" 10 has?
<anwar> yeh
<anwar> yes this is my problem with this rom ?
<anwar> can you fix it ?
<Guest65104> power control widget doesnnt have button for mobile data
<KelvinYap> yeah there is
<KelvinYap> if it;s anything like cm10
<KelvinYap> 10.1 will have it too
<Guest65104> got latest version
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<Guest65104> sor
<Guest65104> i found it i thought its the screen rotation
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<Guest65104> icon omg
<KelvinYap> haha x)
<bealtine> system/notification drawer/widget buttons
<Guest65104> ya ok
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<anwar> please help me ?
<Guest65104> can i save apps some how when i isntall different OS
<anwar> what can i do to fix this problem ?
<bbqbot> derp
<KelvinYap> probably check the tab 2 cm10 thread, anwar
<anwar> yeh
<anwar> yes
<KelvinYap> probably has something to do with bluetooth though, if that's what you're using with
<anwar> yes with bluetooth
<KelvinYap> yeah, blame samsung
<KelvinYap> cocks arent releasing their code
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<iKillCypher> Fissurez
<iKillCypher> are you a developer?
<anwar> what can i do to fix this problem ? i dont khow how to reset my fhone to the orginal software ?
<Fissurez> nopelol
<Fissurez> i can't even code XD
<KelvinYap> go back to a samsung based rom probably, anwar
<Fissurez> (although i've started learning python, since it probably is a good idea since i'm taking computer science for uni next year :p)
<anwar> how ?
<Fissurez> why iKillCypher?
<iKillCypher> how you find python>
<KelvinYap> wipe data wipe cache
<KelvinYap> flash new rom on top
<Fissurez> well, i've only just started, but it seems to be similar to a scientific calculator is some ways
<anwar> from where i can get the orignal rom ?
<Fissurez> but it is mostly straightforward from what i see
<KelvinYap> the general tab 2 thread might have a compilation thread
<KelvinYap> or you can go with a samsung based custom ROM
<KelvinYap> usually has bloatware removed
<anwar> can you give me link to download the orginal rom
<ceu> kZard|nb: I'm using CM9.1 with my I9100, and it's running flawlessy
<iKillCypher> 10.1
<iKillCypher> dude 10.1 is a beast
<iKillCypher> opensource hwc kills it :)
<anwar> this problem in all ver of cm 10 ? i have the lastes 4-1-2013 ? the oldest is same problem ?>
<KelvinYap> probably
<iKillCypher> what so good about CM9
<iKillCypher> lol
<anwar> please answer me ?
<bbqbot> derp
<KelvinYap> i dunno man, i dont own a tab 2
<KelvinYap> if it hasnt worked in this release, chances are it never worked before
<bealtine> go back to stock
<KelvinYap> as i said, it's an exynos thing
<anwar> ????
<KelvinYap> samsung are being cocks and not releasing their exynos code
<KelvinYap> which is required to get bluetooth working properly
<KelvinYap> at the moment, CM10 is using some generic, non-proper way of getting bluetooth to work... partially
<anwar> i have 2 blutooth speaker and not working
<KelvinYap> because bluetooth in CM10 for most samsung devices arent working properly
<anwar> i need you tell me how i restore the original software to fix this problem
<ceu> KelvinYap: is that gonna change (for the I9100) when Samsung will release a 4.1 ROM?
<KelvinYap> as long as samsung dont release code for exynos, AOSP based roms like CM10 and AOKP wont be able to get bluetooth working properly
<iKillCypher> bealtine
<iKillCypher> stock does not help\
<iKillCypher> look at samfools
<KelvinYap> if you use a stock ROM, or samsung based custom ROM, chances are bluetooth is working
<iKillCypher> today is jananury no stock rom JB FOR SGS2
<KelvinYap> if you want everything working properly, stay with stock samsung ROM, or a samsung based ROM
<iKillCypher> no kernel release
<iKillCypher> lol samsung rom sucks they have issue with audio
<iKillCypher> till now it is not fixed
<KelvinYap> samsung's software is just shit in genera;
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<KelvinYap> hold on anwar
<KelvinYap> searching for it
<kZard|nb> I want the advantages of 10 though, ceu :)
<iKillCypher> CM 10.1 is the best anyone can getr
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<iKillCypher> but of cause they are issues they need to look at
<iKillCypher> battery drain
<iKillCypher> audio is not yet at the best
<iKillCypher> etc
<KelvinYap> i would say CM10 is the best in terms of stability atm
<KelvinYap> 10.1 is just too broken
<iKillCypher> you are joking right
<Space-> ^
<iKillCypher> 10.1 is the best so far compare to CM9 And 10
<KelvinYap> which device?
<iKillCypher> they did a breakthrough with open source
<KelvinYap> might vary between
<iKillCypher> it is not matter of device
<iKillCypher> open source HWC
<iKillCypher> open source audio
<iKillCypher> etc
<iKillCypher> which wasnt possible in CM9/10
<iKillCypher> even though samsung are idiots to release only ICS
<iKillCypher> I think it might gotten the job done some how
<anwar> please help me ?
<KelvinYap> how did you even get to CM10 from stock
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<KelvinYap> you can get stock official ROM here:
<KelvinYap> search for p3100, which is what you have
<anwar> yeh thanks you very very much
<KelvinYap> as for how to go from cm10 to stock
<iKillCypher> wtf is this dude bitching about
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<KelvinYap> it's probably as easy as wipe data and wipe cache in recovery
<KelvinYap> flash that new samsung ROM via odin (no repartition)
<zippyr> hey
<KelvinYap> it should reboot automatically, and done
<iKillCypher> stock battery usage is still the best
<zippyr> what exactly remains to be implemented for Audio ?
<iKillCypher> yes zippyr ?
<iKillCypher> alot actually
<iKillCypher> what you are hearing is only a test parse
<zippyr> so it's not quite there for a daily driver?
<bbqbot> derp
<iKillCypher> but it works well :D
<iKillCypher> lol Im using CM 10.1 as my daily driver
<zippyr> what do you mean by 'test parse'
<iKillCypher> ask the developers
<iKillCypher> Im not one of them
<iKillCypher> CM10.1 still has alot of work to be done
<Guest65104> 10.1 works fast my opinion
<iKillCypher> actually I quite suprised with the progress they have so far
<iKillCypher> it can be better
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<iKillCypher> I hope google this time dont release anymore new android vesion
<KelvinYap> lmfao
<Guest65104> lol
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<KelvinYap> i just read this article about what might be new in android 5 :P
<zippyr> iKillCypher: ah okay. thanks for the info. i'm currently on one of the cm9 RC's so might be time for an upgrade
<iKillCypher> yes CM 10.1
<iKillCypher> trust me you wont regret
<kZard|nb> so is CM 10 okay for a daily driver?
<iKillCypher> yes CM 10.1 Is for daily driver
<iKillCypher> there isnt any issue I have encountered
<kZard|nb> :S
<kZard|nb> even with the audio issues?
<kZard|nb> I'm really looking for something to save battery though
<iKillCypher> cant wait
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> battery might be an issue here
<pawitp> turn off your phone :P
<KelvinYap> cant wait for my fucking xperia t to arrive
<iKillCypher> cause Im noticing battery drain
<iKillCypher> lol pawitp
<iKillCypher> samsung galaxy s
<kZard|nb> meh. ATM I'm looking towards actually just buying a Motorolla Razr Maxx
<pawitp> I wouldn't be looking forward to buying a Motorola
<kZard|nb> 3300 mAh battery
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<KelvinYap> dat shit crazy
<kZard|nb> the only real reason I'd consider it
<KelvinYap> why not
<KelvinYap> get one of those cases
<iKillCypher> Note 2 ^^ FTW
<kZard|nb> no USB
<KelvinYap> that charges your phone
<iKillCypher> Note 2 ^^ FTW !!
<kZard|nb> ?
<iKillCypher> Im looking for the next version of Nexus
<iKillCypher> LOL
<kZard|nb> ah
<Guest65104> is note 2 best smartphone now from hardware point
<KelvinYap> nexus 4 has beefier hardware i think
<KelvinYap> not that it matters anymore
<KelvinYap> anything past dual core runs android pretty nicely anyway
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<Guest65104> i bought the s3 my first smartphone ever
<Fissurez> KelvinYap
<Fissurez> including dual core.
<kZard|nb> How is CM 10 for battery?
<kZard|nb> (on the GS 2)
<KelvinYap> probably should've said dual core and beyond :P
<Fissurez> terrible, lasts about 5 minutes
<Guest65104> lal :D
<Fissurez> KelvinYap indeed, the exynos 5250 is a beast
<Guest65104> jokesss
<KelvinYap> too bad we cant take advantage of it :P
<KelvinYap> or can we? o.o
<KelvinYap> did they make exynos 5 open?
<Guest65104> what app do u use for songs ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> KelvinYap the nexus 10 was the most open nexus device on release (in comparison to say the nexus one on release date)
<Fissurez> i think so
<KelvinYap> meh, either way
<KelvinYap> i've left samsung for sony
<KelvinYap> waiting for it to arrive is all :P
<KelvinYap> lol wait til 2014 maybe :P
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<Fissurez> bastard.
<laen> Damn.
<KelvinYap> and another 3 years for the bumper case, if you got that
<laen> You guys still here?
<Fissurez> i love teardown videos
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<KelvinYap> 8/10 very pro
<KelvinYap> screw it, 10/10
<Fissurez> what?
<KelvinYap> that video
<KelvinYap> good zoom
<Fissurez> ah
<Fissurez> yas
<KelvinYap> great camera angle
<KelvinYap> very visible
<KelvinYap> sound quality is definitely good to work with
<KelvinYap> voice is clear
<KelvinYap> 10/10
<Fissurez> he has a smexy voice
<laen> Where's the Note 3!
<KelvinYap> probably CES laen :P
<Guest65104> whats the problem with audion on 10.1
<Fissurez> although that might be the effect the nexus has on me
<laen> When's CES?
<Fissurez> soon
<Fissurez> like next week
<laen> Ah. Good, cause i'm waiting for the Note 4.
<KelvinYap> xperia Z will probably be in spotlight
<Fissurez> note 4?
<Fissurez> they haven't even released the note 3!
<laen> Yes. The sooner the Note 3 is here, the sooner i'll have the Note 4!
<KelvinYap> hahaha
<Fissurez> -.-
<laen> My SGS2 isn't dead/old enough yet to be replaced so..
<KelvinYap> sgs2 is a great phone
<Fissurez> sell it
<KelvinYap> so much potential
<Fissurez> i sold mine
<KelvinYap> fucking samsung
<Fissurez> worth it.
<laen> Can't sell this, too damaged on the outside ;p
<Fissurez> nah
<laen> Plus, i can't sell it, cause my boss pays for my hardware.
<Fissurez> oh
<codeworkx> laen: your s2 is low wend
<codeworkx> *end
<Fissurez> mid end
<Fissurez> s2 is mid end
<Fissurez> they still sell it
<codeworkx> look at that fuggly display
<Fissurez> hahahah 800x280
<Fissurez> *480
<KelvinYap> arguing with codeworkx
<KelvinYap> sheeeeeeit
<iKillCypher> lol codeworkx
<iKillCypher> sgs2 is not shit
<KelvinYap> cody, i placed and order on the xperia t LT30P
<iKillCypher> the sound chip is bad choice for samsung
<KelvinYap> an order*
<Fissurez> KelvinYap
<codeworkx> it already was shirt when it was born
<codeworkx> *shit
<Fissurez> cody wants a nexus 4
<KelvinYap> me too, but fuck australian play store
<Fissurez> have any arrived yet cody?
<KelvinYap> not sorting it's shit out
<codeworkx> Fissurez: no
<laen> I don't care what end my s2 is ;p
<Fissurez> :C
<laen> It's working hehe.
<Fissurez> mine hasn't arrived either
<codeworkx> Fissurez: why another one? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<laen> derp!
<iKillCypher> indeed my sgs2 is running 10.1
<KelvinYap> how easy to root was your XT, cody?
<Fissurez> codeworkx my sister got the one that arrived
<iKillCypher> hear there is project butter on it
<iKillCypher> LD
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: "running"....
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: it's lagging cm10.1
<Fissurez> lol
<iKillCypher> lol
<laen> I'm still running stock, i wanna see the Jelly Bean stock that Samsung will bring out end of February.
<Fissurez> butter makes phone less buttery
<iKillCypher> though you guys were using open source HWC
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: fastboot oem unlock, done
<a3Dman> codeworkx: I can't agree more with you xD
<KelvinYap> fuck yeah
<laen> And then, after using it for a while, or if they really fuck it up, i'm switching to CM ;p
<KelvinYap> i bought mine outright, so should be as easy as that
<Guest65104> how much storage cm10.1 uses?
<codeworkx> over 9000
<laen> But eh.. the Note 3 with a 6.3" screen.. i'm afraid the Note 4 will be around near 7" ;p
<KelvinYap> im curious though, is there anything sony is NOT releasing in terms of source code for the xperia t?
<KelvinYap> or are they being awesome about it
<Guest65104> cuz i just insalled it got few apps and got 6GB free from 11
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: ril, camera, graphics.. the usual stuff
<KelvinYap> what was all the raving about sony being awesome? :P
<KelvinYap> hwc, was it
<codeworkx> if camera doesn't work, sony fixes it
<codeworkx> on aosp
<KelvinYap> ah
<iKillCypher> code what happen to project opengalaxy ?
<Fissurez> note 5 will be 10" screen
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: ?
<laen> Oh dear.
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: was never alive
<a3Dman> lol
<KelvinYap> so pretty much all you need to get AOSP working on an xperia t is there
<KelvinYap> nicely, that is
<Fissurez> holy crap the nexus 4 has a difficult to replace screen
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: there's cm10
<laen> I should have never made that joke public (people kept bugging me i should buy a tablet and i shouted in public "ONLY IF I CAN MAKE PHONE CALLS WITH IT!").
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: and 10.1 is wip
<KelvinYap> why am i even watching this nexus 4 teardown
<KelvinYap> ah ok
<laen> Must have been a Samsung rep around
<Fissurez> KelvinYap FOR SCIENCE
<iKillCypher> I wont be suprise if support is drop cody
<KelvinYap> hahaha
<iKillCypher> besides wtf samsung has not release a proper kernel for JB
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: sony jb comes with kernel 3.4. same as nexus 4
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: that will help a lot ;-)
<Fissurez> i really want to try building a phone from parts
<iKillCypher> till now no stock rom for sgs2
<iKillCypher> samsung has not done shit
<codeworkx> sgs2 will never get JB
<a3Dman> I think that's why the plus for...
<iKillCypher> see the kernel version is 3.015 which cm10.1 is using
<Fissurez> codeworkx what about the i9100g?
<bbqbot> derp
<a3Dman> I don't find any reason to release an i9105
<Fissurez> ;)
<codeworkx> Fissurez: samsung china is having testbuilds. but they dont release because of problems.
<iKillCypher> man no one know the details how screwed up is cm10.1 on samsung devices
<codeworkx> Fissurez: but cm10.1 is running perfectly
<Fissurez> problems?
<Fissurez> PROBLEMS?
<KelvinYap> what would you say is the biggest limitation for not having cm10.1 working nicely on the xperia t? other than the time factor, of course :)
<iKillCypher> yeah problems
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: camera currently
<Fissurez> a samsung rom having problems? unheard of!
<iKillCypher> cause JB is not released for SGS2
<KelvinYap> ah, what's the issue?
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: but its mostly just a matter of time
<KelvinYap> oh sweet as
<a3Dman> Fissurez: because not exynos.
<Fissurez> :p
* iKillCypher wants the kernel source
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: we rebased the device on top of the nexus kernel
<iKillCypher> :(
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: that takes time
<KelvinYap> i bought an xperia t after selling my i9300, just to leave the exynos bullshit behind
<KelvinYap> hence all the questions
<KelvinYap> hope you understand :P
<iKillCypher> code will the new kernel from samsung help in anyway ?
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: y u no nexus?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: no
<KelvinYap> australian play store
<KelvinYap> never having stock haha
<Fissurez> :C
<KelvinYap> plus, glass back and everything - i cringe
<Fissurez> cooodddyyy
<Fissurez> are you going to get a nexus 10?
<KelvinYap> but if i was to be able to choose between N4 and XT again, defs N4
<Fissurez> :D
<iKillCypher> Sorry! Devices on Google Play is not available in your country yet.We're working to bring devices to more countries as quickly as possible.Please check back again soon.
<codeworkx> Fissurez: no
<codeworkx> Fissurez: hate tablets
<Fissurez> aw
<Fissurez> better than netbooks!
<KelvinYap> but yeah, xperia t should be good :D
<codeworkx> no
<Fissurez> yes
<codeworkx> Fissurez: both shit
<KelvinYap> looks like a mighty sexy phone too :)
<codeworkx> Fissurez: can't work with lowend stuff
<codeworkx> Fissurez: not enough power
<Fissurez> agreed
<KelvinYap> POWAHHHH
<Fissurez> and that's why i decided not to get a laptop
<codeworkx> Fissurez: and carrying tablet + keyboard + mouse + hdd arround? no way
<KelvinYap> so what's your main phone atm? the lt30p wasnt it
<codeworkx> use notebook
<Fissurez> because i'd just get frustrated with not enough power for games on laptop
<Fissurez> wheras the nexus 10 eats most android games
<iKillCypher> code how is CM 10.1 on Nexus 4?
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: my main phone? nexus 4
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: perfect
<Fissurez> :D
<KelvinYap> oh you have it already?
<KelvinYap> thoguht you were waiting on it
<iKillCypher> no issues at all ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> he lied to me!
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: got it before christmas
<KelvinYap> oh sweet
<Fissurez> cody you said it didn't arrive!
<codeworkx> KelvinYap: google said 5-6 weeks and shipped after 7 days
<Guest65104> why do i have only 6 gb left from 11.35gb if i dont have almost anything
<Fissurez> codeworkx i had that
<Fissurez> 4-5
<KelvinYap> i've been waiting forever for australian play store to have it in stock - fucking still not yet
<Fissurez> arrived in 3
<a3Dman> iKillCypher: of course not, Nexus is AOSP-based as well as CyanogenMod...
<KelvinYap> i would be well and truly pissed if i was to check now
<KelvinYap> and it's in stock
<KelvinYap> "SOLD OUT"
<KelvinYap> :D
<Fissurez> i've not received my nexus yet :C
<Fissurez> somad
<KelvinYap> iknowthatfeelbro.png
<KelvinYap> cody cody cody
<iKillCypher> codeworkx is rich :
<KelvinYap> your xperia t rubber peeling off?
<pawitp> for nexus devices, we start off with "everything working", for all other devices, we start off with "everything broken"
<KelvinYap> bahahaha
* iKillCypher is still stuck with SGS2
<KelvinYap> on a slightly related note, HTC HD2
<KelvinYap> my god it's still alive
<iKillCypher> pawitp what device are you using ?
<pawitp> galaxy s
<Fissurez> i'm using a sony W995 atm iKillCypher
<iKillCypher> D: ?
<Fissurez> *sony ericsson
<a3Dman> I will be stuck with sgs2 for a lot of time
<iKillCypher> Galaxy S ?!
<iKillCypher> atleast no exynos
<iKillCypher> no issues right
<iKillCypher> lol
<KelvinYap> lolol
<pawitp> it is an exynos 3
<Fissurez> DEATH TO ALL S2!
<KelvinYap> mum's SGS still going good
<pawitp> but Google OSSed most things with the Nexus S
<iKillCypher> isnt there full documention on it
<KelvinYap> if anything, processor is the biggest bottleneck in terms of performance
<iKillCypher> indeed so no issues for SGS
<iKillCypher> death to SGS2,3 and Note 2
<iKillCypher> I would love to run this on my phone
<iKillCypher> lol
<iKillCypher> but it wont work
<KelvinYap> lol fuck
<iKillCypher> 100%
<Fissurez> ubuntu for phones looks rweally nice
<Fissurez> but no apps = major fail
<a3Dman> iKillCypher: no one even knows any details about it...
<Fissurez> i don't think it can run android apps
<KelvinYap> proably not
<a3Dman> Fissurez: if someone ports dalvik, it should...
<KelvinYap> otherwise they'd be advertising it alot
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<Aslah> i just gotta ask
<pawitp> seriously, who needs 1080p on phones
<Fissurez> a3Dman GET ON WITH IT THEN
<Aslah> is the wired headset working for cm10.1
<Aslah> ?
<KelvinYap> people who claim to see pixels unless ppi is >9000, pawitp
<Fissurez> i don't know why you'd need 1080p in anything less than 5"
<a3Dman> pawitp: who needed a smartphone on the first place :P
<iKillCypher> codeworkx : is there any issues with the audio on 10.1 ??
<iKillCypher> that isnt done yet
<a3Dman> Aslah: yes
<pawitp> I need a smartphone, but, IMO, 1080p on a phone is an overkill
<Aslah> cause somehow mine isn't working
<Aslah> and i can't talk using the mic on my headset
<a3Dman> pawitp: it's not bad, sharper screen is always better...
<a3Dman> Aslah: maybe faulty headset? mine works good
<bbqbot> derp
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<pawitp> you need increased processing power (and less battery life) to keep up with it
<Aslah> this is the one right?
<a3Dman> pawitp: all techs advances rapidly, but battery tech doesn't
<cdesai> 720p is good enough
<a3Dman> a smartphone which stays 3 days with moderate usage is awesome
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<a3Dman> xD
<iKillCypher> note 2 has awesome battery life
<a3Dman> a lot bigger battery
<Aslah> a3Dman, you're using the newly updated cm10.1?
<iKillCypher> hahaha
<iKillCypher> oh man CM 10.1 is awesome
<iKillCypher> on my sgs2 I cant ask for more
<a3Dman> Aslah: I use 3rd jan build on my sgs2
<Aslah> oh, so i think the new one works fine. okay thanks. :D
<Hector__> hello all, short question: is rsap working in the SG2 10.1 last builds?
<iKillCypher> why do you guys keep updating
<iKillCypher> lol is it not like they are only updating for sgs2
<unknwn> any suggestions about screen protectors for gs3?
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<pawitp> just go to a phone shop and get one?
<a3Dman> unknwn: I think anyone would work good with CM...
<Hector__> rsap = Remote SIM Acces Profile of bluetooth
<aurelianbd> just installed latest cm10.1, and had some sound issues, not hearing nothing when attempting a call, any suggestions guys?
<KelvinYap> so fasttool is the odin for sony
<addi> flashtool*
<unknwn> lol
<aurelianbd> just installed latest cm10.1, and had some sound issues, not hearing nothing when attempting a call, any suggestions guys? (galaxy s3)
<bbqbot> derp
<unknwn> i have no real choices in my local stores
<pawitp> what choice do you need when getting a screen protector?
<unknwn> price
<unknwn> and performance
<addi> xD
<a3Dman> my sgs2 is year and a half old, never used a protector, and it doesn't have noticeable scratches...
<unknwn> there are hundreds in ebay or whatever online shops
<addi> dualcore screen protector
<KelvinYap> oh, flashtool haha
<KelvinYap> lol pawitp
<KelvinYap> cheapest that will arrive to you the quickest ;P
<pawitp> and you'll take it off the soonest as well
<addi> a3Dman, had two noticeable scratches on Sgs1 after a year of using no screen protector. that gorilla is strong :P
<bealtine> get an opensource screen protector
<a3Dman> addi: true
<unknwn> they are closed source mostly:P
<unknwn> many fail advertisements
<unknwn> for the pricy ones
<addi> of course, Samsung supplied a pouch too, so was safe in pocket at all times
<unknwn> and no information for the cheap ones
<addi> bought ipad recently and the cost of a case for it made me faint >.>
<a3Dman> I never used these stuff, I just make sure it's only in my pocket
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<Guest65104> when i installed cm10 all my stock android app info stays in folder Android in internal memory what should i do to free it ?
<iKillCypher> lol Im happy with my Phone :D
<iKillCypher> SGS2 1 And Half Year
<iKillCypher> as long I can whatsapp and facebook it is good enough to me
<aurelianbd> lol i'm stonned happy with my sgs3
<Guest65104> everything is in com. folders
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<tangoj> I'm about to build my first CM. I'm considering doing it on a mac. Any suggestions/warnings - pointer to instructions?
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<Aslah> anyone here still having headset mic problems with cm10.1?
<Aslah> cause mine is still not working
<dlw> Root Explorer denied access; how to change that?
<Aslah> i can hear the other party, but other party can't hear me
<Aslah> and it's not headset faulty
<Aslah> i tried 5 headsets
<Aslah> still not working
<bealtine> blame samsung
<Aslah> anyone here
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<Paul_D> Hello, when can I expect a new cm9 nightly? (with: exynos-mem: Fix major security hole)
<Jug6ernaut> "when can i expect"
<DuperMan> yo
<DuperMan> a. repo became kinky
<Jug6ernaut> "Topic is TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT"
<bealtine> you get what you pay for
<DuperMan> is local_manifests just the xml without the suffix?
<DuperMan> b. far cry 3 none-deluxe. so cheated, stupid xmas sales
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<Baskey> !dood Fissurez
<clibot> Fissurez,
<clibot> whats up dood
<Fissurez> 'sup baskey
<Baskey> Fissurez: GALAXY S IV
<Fissurez> ITS A LIE
<Baskey> NO
<Fissurez> yup fake
<Baskey> NO
<Fissurez> it's a picture of a screen
<Fissurez> ofc it's fake
<Baskey> NO
<Fissurez> PHOTOSHOP
<Fissurez> PROVE IT
<Baskey> HAO
<Fissurez> EXACTLY
<Fissurez> also, the 5250 isn't in devices yet (apart from the n10) the 5450 isn't going to be out for a while.
<Fissurez> IZ POOPOO
<Fissurez> "but the picture he sent us looks really sharp and doesn’t look fake at all."
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<Fissurez> but srs Baskey
<Fissurez> not real
<kZard|nb> Any idea when a good 10 / 10.1 i9100 build should become available (for general daily use) - I mean, is it more a case of "check back in a month" or more like "6 months"? (or a year?)
<kZard|nb> (If you don't mind me asking...)
<Ravenheart> check back never
<bealtine> check back when its ready...which is kikely to be never
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<kZard|nb> =P
<DuperMan> kikely. why the gossip?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> white==quarkness? teh awesomeB)
* bealtine slaps DuperMan with a pedant stick
<kZard|nb> lol Fissurez, Samsung would never make a "rectangular phone with rounded edges" again
<Fissurez> yas, and also those specs are wrong
<DuperMan> "teh burly bum dabb balm for bum-rush-rash". I should write for children.
<DuperMan> *dabbed.
<bealtine> already been done
<DuperMan> lies. doctor seuss wasn't
<bealtine> lewis carroll
<kZard|nb> hmmm. Since when has 10.1 been in development?
<DuperMan> the cat is out of the hat, I repeat - oh, disregard that and THANKS
<DuperMan> XD
<DuperMan> for calling me an uptight pedo priest
<bealtine> you like altar boys?
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<DuperMan> I'm disgusted to be seriously flattered. hmmm... wasn't "Carol" (Dodgson) a priest-in-learning and into alice?
<bealtine> i like them cooked in bar-b-q sauce
<kZard|nb> How is CM 10 with battery at the moment?
<Ravenheart> afaik he was her uncle
<DuperMan> that's the latest retrospective retrograde jive I heard of it
<bealtine> lewis carroll - jabberwocky
<DuperMan> jabberwacky - wasn't beuwolff byron's already?
<DuperMan> but, like, with real terms
<DuperMan> (nah, still a win. definitely a notch over alice, as literature)
<DuperMan> how quickly will I go (completely) insane should I make all the media I consume (music and video that is) play 33% too fast for 'cramming'?
<bbqbot> derp
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<DuperMan> that fast eh
<hunt3r> Hi
* DuperMan paints a target on Baskey
<hunt3r> new release of CM10.1 for i9100G (JB 4.2.1) still have FC's with Terminal Emulator
<bealtine> yes and?
<DuperMan> clean app data for superuser and dance
<DuperMan> dancing is paramount
<hunt3r> ok
<hunt3r> I'll try that
<DuperMan> good
<hunt3r> and tell you if it works
<DuperMan> thanks. I was having the same issue but am usually too shy to dance
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<hunt3r> and do you already try to install BT5 on your device ?
<DuperMan> bt5?
<hunt3r> backtrack 5
<bealtine> big thing 5
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<DuperMan> last I fiddled with bt was 2. f.
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<DuperMan> bt releases are NOT frequent :)
<hunt3r> well. 'cause this is why I need TE
<hunt3r> Ah another question !
<hunt3r> USB storage is unavailable on JB ?
<hunt3r> Ok so Terminam Emulator still doesn't work after cleaning App Data
<mothatt> something was left out of the zip iirc
<bealtine> its broken...wait for a fix
<mothatt> read the cm10.1 thread
<mothatt> theres a fix, i think
<hunt3r> I rode that a guy deleted the terminal emulator in system
<hunt3r> and redownloaded it from play store
<mothatt> oh sorry, didnt release you were using an i9100g
<mothatt> realise*
<hunt3r> but it didn't explain how he did that
<mothatt> there was a fix in the i9300 thread
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<hunt3r> huuummm
<hunt3r> can you send me the link if you are not too busy please ?
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<mothatt> missing a lib
<mothatt> try reinstalling /system/app/term.apk
<mothatt> as in. navigate to /system/app/term.apk and click on it
<hunt3r> I haven't the system folder
<bbqbot> derp
<hunt3r> yes this is the same post I was talking about
<hunt3r> but I haven't any system folder
<hunt3r> and when I try to delete it from settings -> Apps -> All -> Terminal Emulator
<hunt3r> it says that it's a built in application
<hunt3r> it can't be removed
<hunt3r> I must go in the cm-10.1-20130105-NIGHTLY-i9100g.rar file
<hunt3r> and change the term.apk for a good one ?
<bealtine> go to system/data and click on term.apk
<hunt3r> Oh it's ok
<hunt3r> I had to enable root access on file manager
<hunt3r> working now
<hunt3r> thanks
<hunt3r> !
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<GabMus> hello
<MissingNo> hi
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<GabMus> sorry if i disconnected
<GabMus> anyway
<GabMus> i now have an s3 yay
<mothatt> time to flash cm10.1
<GabMus> i traded the s2 with my dad
<GabMus> mothat: on which device?
<mothatt> s3
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<GabMus> it works pretty well
<mothatt> yeah it does
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<kiril> hi
kiril is now known as Guest80674
<laen> Hey Guest80674!
<Guest80674> ah
<Guest80674> how to set my nickname
<KelvinYap> /nick
<Guest80674> now
<KelvinYap> /nick <new name>
<KelvinYap> i mean
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<Guest80674> os
<Guest80674> doesnt work
<KelvinYap> what are you using to connect to freenode?
mothatt is now known as kiril1
kiril1 is now known as mothatt
<Guest80674> browser
<KelvinYap> if you want to change your name to blahblah
<KelvinYap> /nick blahblah
<KelvinYap> should world
<KelvinYap> work*
<Guest80674> i ttired
<Guest80674> doesnt work dunno never mind
<KelvinYap> hmm, weird - probably the chat client doesnt allow
<Guest80674> how to create folders in CM10
<Guest80674> to place app shortcuts
<mothatt> im using the webchat client too
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<mothatt> and it worked for me (obviously)
<mothatt> but
<mothatt> "kiril Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable"
Guest80674 is now known as kiril1
<kiril1> ok
<kiril1> thanks
<kiril1> now my question how to make folders
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<kiril1> to place the app shortcuts
<KelvinYap> in trebuchet?
<kiril1> no on first screens when shortcuts appear when u install new app
<mothatt> doesnt trebuchet teach you how to do it?
<KelvinYap> he probably meant the app drawer
<mothatt> same as the stock launcer i believe..
<KelvinYap> cant do it there
<kiril1> treebuchet whats that
<kiril1> when i hold it let me choose wallpapers i want make
<kiril1> folders
<mothatt> cm launcher
<mothatt> drop one icon onto another
<kiril1> lal i thats fun thanks
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<mothatt> so, which samsung phones do everyone have?
<bbqbot> derp
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<KelvinYap> had an i9300T sgs3
<KelvinYap> selling that mofo
<mothatt> you from aus as well?
<KelvinYap> mmhmm
<KelvinYap> perth
<ceu> can I upgrade from CM9.1 stable to CM9.1 nightly without wiping everithing
<ceu> ?
<KelvinYap> yup
<ceu> (I'm interested in the exynos-mem fix)
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<mothatt_> hm, that was strange
<mothatt_> KelvinYap: you from aus too?
<KelvinYap> [01:29] <mothatt> so, which samsung phones do everyone have?
<KelvinYap> [01:29] <@bbqbot> derp
<KelvinYap> [01:30] * Bassem (~AndChat74@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
<KelvinYap> [01:30] <KelvinYap> selling that mofo
<KelvinYap> [01:30] <KelvinYap> had an i9300T sgs3
<KelvinYap> [01:30] <mothatt> you from aus as well?
<KelvinYap> [01:31] <KelvinYap> mmhmm
<bbqbot> derp
<KelvinYap> [01:31] <KelvinYap> perth
<mothatt_> ah
<mothatt_> i think ive seen you around
<mothatt_> whirlpool or xda maybe
<KelvinYap> yup, whirlpool :)
<KelvinYap> kelvinyap9 is me on xda
<mothatt_> i just bought an i9300t lol
<KelvinYap> vodafone?
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<mothatt_> voda stock, got it outright off ebay though
<mothatt_> $435 shipped
<KelvinYap> ah
<KelvinYap> nice
<KelvinYap> brand new?
<mothatt_> not exactly, it was a returned phone apparently
<KelvinYap> oh, ok
<mothatt_> looked brand new though, just had a broken seal. everything was included too
<KelvinYap> oh sweet
<KelvinYap> good buy, it seems
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<mothatt_> im liking it so far, massive upgrade from s1
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<mothatt> hopefully this exynos shit isnt too bad though
<KelvinYap> cm10.1 seems to be coming along OK
<KelvinYap> requires more time
<mothatt> mm, no dealbreaking bugs that i can find
<KelvinYap> i would wait, personally
<KelvinYap> the screen off has a short delay
<KelvinYap> and CRT animation cant be turned off, unless you turn all the other animations off
<KelvinYap> a couple of things here and there i cant remember - only used cm10.1 for a day
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<mothatt> theyre not too bad, the only thing i want is voodoo sound
<mothatt> and proper project butter i guess
<KelvinYap> dont think it's been implemented yet
<KelvinYap> project butter doesnt work nicely in cm for exynos 4 devices, i think
<mothatt> gokhan has ported at least some of it
<mothatt> but siyah kernel is buggy with cm10.1
<KelvinYap> doubt it even works with 10.1
<KelvinYap> maybe stick with a samsung based ROM
<KelvinYap> and get something like franco kernel
<KelvinYap> if i recall, has vooodoo in that
<mothatt> yeah, hopefully samsung release proper source/blobs soonish
<mothatt> i cant stand touchwiz
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<KelvinYap> hah, you'd hope they do
<KelvinYap> mentioned something about november 12
<KelvinYap> nothing
<mothatt> ah :/
<KelvinYap> then pushed to end of the year
<KelvinYap> if you havent already noticed, it's 2013 now :P
<KelvinYap> still nothing
<mothatt> will probably sell this phone before the end of the year
<KelvinYap> might wanna do it quick too
<KelvinYap> CES coming
<KelvinYap> new phones being announced \o/
<mothatt> grab a qualcomm device
<KelvinYap> already did :P
<mothatt> something with an s4
<KelvinYap> ordered an xperia t on friday from
<KelvinYap> hopefully arrives sometime during the coming weekdays
<mothatt> i saw your post on whirlpool :P
<KelvinYap> heh :D
<mothatt> my friend convinced me not to get it because it wasnt the top of the line s4 lol
<mothatt> kinda regret it now
<KelvinYap> bahaha
<mothatt> oh well
<KelvinYap> any qualcomm > exynos
<KelvinYap> but dont feel buyers remorse
<mothatt> yeah
<KelvinYap> s3 is a good phone
<KelvinYap> fucking samsung
<KelvinYap> trust nothing but their microwaves
<mothatt> haha
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<eric_> anybody here? i have some problems with my note2 after i flash cm10.1
<KelvinYap> shoot
<KelvinYap> see what we can help :D
<eric_> my sensor doesnt work. like gsp rotate etc
<eric_> is it normal?
<mothatt> have you searched the forums?
<mothatt> doesnt sound normal to me
<eric_> which forum?
<mothatt> xda is probably your best bet
<eric_> ya it sounds strange
<KelvinYap> defs not normal
<KelvinYap> probably one of the things to fix in the to-do list
<eric_> i dont know. i just follow the steps on xda
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<bbqbot> derp
<mothatt> bbqbot keeps things lively i see
<KelvinYap> yes
<KelvinYap> i do find it quite annoying at times :/
<eric_> yes i followed this page
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<eric_> but sensors still borken
<KelvinYap> anyone else reporting the same issue?
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<mothatt> eric_: you could try reflashing
<KelvinYap> yeah, try wipe data and all
<KelvinYap> start clean, and hope it fixes it
<eric_> i format my system and did full wipe but.... you know
<mothatt> beats me man
<mothatt> looks like youre just unlucky
<KelvinYap> was it working in a samsung based rom?
<bbqbot> derp
<eric_> i will try samsung based rom later.. hope it work
<KelvinYap> good luck :)
<KelvinYap> doubt the sensor will just die all of a sudden
<eric_> report my condition later. Thanks, guys
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<vektor_one_> sbd here?
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<Yoyo_> hey every one :)
<Yoyo_> anyone here?
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<Yoyo_> huhuh
<Yoyo_> about 100 persons online but all afk...
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<MissingNo> 1000000000
<MissingNo> people
<MissingNo> but i'm here Yoyo_
<Yoyo_> Hey :) can you give me the link of the latest CM10? not CM10.1
<Yoyo_> i can't find it. Only 10.1 nighlys
<Yoyo_> but in my opinion CM10.1 is very very buggy
<Yoyo_> i'm still on CM9 2012-12-09 the latest nighly
<Yoyo_> but now i want to update :)
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<Yoyo_> i heard about cm 10.1 that some Apps like tapatalk doen't work...
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<Yoyo_> so do you advise to take cm 10.1 or cm10
<Yoyo_> ?
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<Baskey> Fissurez:
<Baskey> !dood Fissurez
<clibot> Fissurez,
<clibot> whats up dood
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<Fissurez> !dood Baskey
<clibot> Baskey,
<clibot> whats up dood
<Fissurez> BASKEY
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<frankdrey> gun' install arch today!
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> actually...
<frankdrey> how about linux from scratch?:D
<frankdrey> yeahhh :D
<frankdrey> first i'll try it in a VM :P
<frankdrey> or wait, i have an extra partition
<frankdrey> i'll keep windoze just in case i need to do school stuff
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<frankdrey> Espenfjo, i think i'm focusing better today :/
<frankdrey> i finished the chapter i had to read in american government
<frankdrey> and didn't get distracted
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<frankdrey> meh, LFS looks too awkward
<frankdrey> i'll stick with arch
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<Espenfjo> frankdrey: Has your mom insisted on you eating from plate X today as well?
<frankdrey> Espenfjo, she hasn't made food yet today
<frankdrey> i made myself breakfast
<Espenfjo> hmk
<frankdrey> i talked to a friend of mine that is taking pharmacist classes and stuff :p
<frankdrey> i think she now thinks i'm crazy xD
<Espenfjo> :D
<Jiangyi> lol
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<frankdrey> I think she's known that I'm a weird one alreaady though :P
<frankdrey> ok i'm gonna go start installing arch
<frankdrey> BAIII
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<Jiangyi> Daflip is this ._.
<Jiangyi> repartitioning for a 4.1 upgrade?!
<bbqbot> derp
<koud> derp
<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Baskey> Fissurez: domo arigato = thank you very much
<Baskey> in japanese
<Fissurez> ohok
<Fissurez> HOORAY
<Fissurez> IN A VACUUM
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<frankdrey> On the other hand...
<frankdrey> I don't need Linux
<frankdrey> right now
<frankdrey> so I might as well install LFS
<frankdrey> to learn a bit
<frankdrey> and use Windows as my main OS
<Baskey> Fissurez: check your inbox on Spotify
<Baskey> YES
<frankdrey> o.o
<Fissurez> frankdrey SING ALONG
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<brunocasado> guys
<brunocasado> i need ur help
<brunocasado> i installed last cm10 for galaxy tab 7 p3110
<brunocasado> but my ui is strange
<brunocasado> my ui not tablet
<brunocasado> how i fix it?
<Jiangyi> 7in tabs uses the phablet UI, like the Nexus 7
<brunocasado> as to leave the original or something?
<Jiangyi> In 4.2/CM10.1, the tablet UI has been done away with :-P
<Jiangyi> so yeah, #blamegoogle
<brunocasado> hehe
<Baskey> !geo host
<clibot> Baskey: {country: "Brazil", region: "Sao Paulo", city: "Santos", latlong: {-23.949997, -46.333298}, time: "Sat 18:12 BRST"}
<brunocasado> i ajust install the
<brunocasado> wy this?
<brunocasado> i like the tablet ui
<brunocasado> another question, its possible move apps to sd?
<brunocasado> strange that the official topic cyanogenmo10 night there is a screenshot with the tablet interface
<Jiangyi> 10.1 is not 10
<Jiangyi> 10's screenshot's made on the Tab2 10in
<brunocasado> strange that the official topic cyanogenmo10 night there is a screenshot with the tablet interface
<brunocasado> ops
<brunocasado> in this threat dont refer a 7inch?
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<haildrod> hello everybody
<haildrod> can i get help here for cm 10.1 here?
<bbqbot> derp
<brunocasado> in this threat explain how put tablet ui
<brunocasado> will be reliable is that?
<haildrod> i just a while ago updated from cm 10 to 10.1 and had some gliches (sgs2 gt- i9100) so i did wipe and it was ok but it seems i cannot connect to my carrier ive tried to change the modems tried the samsung original modems and the one from the forum still (the name of the carrier dont appear)
<Jiangyi> brunocasado: CM doesn't support mods, so.....
<Jiangyi> haildrod: So you can't make phone calls or it's just not displaying the carrier name properly?
<haildrod> says emergency calls only
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<Jiangyi> OK, then that's weird.
<Jiangyi> Bad reception area?
<haildrod> nop
<haildrod> i have sgs3 same carrier full reception
<Jiangyi> No clue then.
<frankdrey> Fissurez: can't i'm in a console :D
<frankdrey> brunocasado: flash cm10 and you're good to go
<frankdrey> brunocasado: you flashed cm10.1 not cm10
<frankdrey> the screenshots are of cm10 not cm10.1
<frankdrey> !google dev cm p3110
<clibot> frankdrey: [ROM][GT-P31XX][JB][4.1.2] CyanogenMod 10 official nightly builds ... -
<frankdrey> hmm
<brunocasado> hmm
<frankdrey> wait
<frankdrey> go to
<frankdrey> click dev, cm, p3110, nightly
<frankdrey> download last cm10, not cm10.1
<brunocasado> in cm10 i have tablet ui ?
<brunocasado> frankdrey: one thing that bothers me the stock version can not move the app to sdcard
<haildrod> guys what part of the flashable parts is most related to carriers? i mean modems? ril? what else?
<brunocasado> in cm10 i have tablet ui and possibility of move apps to sdcard?
<bbqbot> derp
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<nebkat> madmack: hey
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<nebkat> madmack: cybik
<nebkat> cybik: madmack
<cybik> moo
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<frankdrey> brunocasado: THAT IS NOT CM10
<frankdrey> can you fricking listen?
<frankdrey> oh :p
<frankdrey> ok, i've calmed down
<frankdrey> black and white text frustrates me
<frankdrey> flash cm10
<frankdrey> and you will have tablet ui
<frankdrey> brunocasado: afaik you can't move apps to sd here
<frankdrey> on cm10
<brunocasado> :(
<frankdrey> why do you need to?
<frankdrey> there's more than enough storage even with the 16gb model
<cybik> bill gates said the same thing about 640k
<cybik> you know where _that_ led
<brunocasado> my model is 8gb
<brunocasado> with ext sdcard 16gb
<a3Dman> frankdrey: I would not mind more storage on anything :P
<frankdrey> brunocasado: move all music, photos, videos to external :P
<frankdrey> but yeah, flash cm10 for tablet ui
<frankdrey> if stock or cm10.1 or cm10 don't have app2sd, what do you have to lose
<frankdrey> at least you'll get awesomeness
<frankdrey> and tablet ui
<brunocasado> in only have cm 10.1
<frankdrey> lies
<brunocasado> 'm not finding =/
<frankdrey> wait
<frankdrey> hopefully i typed that right
<brunocasado> for p3110
<brunocasado> ¬¬
<frankdrey> uh....
<frankdrey> yeah...
<brunocasado> 1kb
<brunocasado> lol
<frankdrey> hmmk
<frankdrey> ?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: It's a 7in tablet, CM10 will have the phablet interface too.
<brunocasado> there is no way to put then?
<brunocasado> its not possible
<frankdrey> Jiangyi: really?
<frankdrey> ._.
<frankdrey> lammmeeeee
<Jiangyi> Yeah.
<brunocasado> changing dpi?
<frankdrey> do p5110 builds work on it?:P
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> brunocasado: do you guys have a dedicated recovery partition? do you guys have radios/weird shit?
<brunocasado> i dont understand
<brunocasado> sorry
<frankdrey> hmmk
<brunocasado> i have backup my original stock rom
<frankdrey> try paranoid android
<frankdrey> yep, paranoid android is what you want
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<Mihai> hi
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<frankdrey> hi
<MissingNo> hi
<Mihai> guys can i ask you something ?|
<Jiangyi> Go.
<Mihai> What sound mod do you use? And what would you recommend me?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Mihai> I use ac!d but now when i flashed CM10.1 it seems doesn't work anymore
<Mihai> i get fc's
<Jiangyi> Use DSP Manager?
<Mihai> i just don't like it and doesn't work good
<Mihai> i mean no stereo or pure sound
<Mihai> like noozxoide
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<Jiangyi> If it FCs, then it's the app's fault
<Jiangyi> DSP works great for me :-P
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<Mihai> doesn't even dps works >_<
<Mihai> i need to reflash cm
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<chieftex> anyone running the JB leak?
<Fissurez> which JB leak
<chieftex> latest for s2 and galaxy note
<Thiagovfar> Are those things really leaks of disguised beta tests?
<chieftex> apparently not
<chieftex> im running a lite version of one
<chieftex> DLNA doesnt work (you cant turn it on in settings) but i was just wondering if that was my rom (BurtROM) or all the jb leaks
<Fissurez> no idea
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<Fissurez> CALLED IT
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<Thiagovfar> Is cm-10.1 branch broken?
<Thiagovfar> I mean, does it build?
<Fissurez> :D
<Fissurez> FANTASTIC
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<halakar> hey guise
<halakar> :)
<Fissurez> hi
<halakar> I just upgraded the CM10.1 on my galaxy tab 2 7.0 to the latest build and now all the apps are joining together with the button that opens the all apps screen
<halakar> like all the buttons on the side's hard to explain. is that the 'drawer' ?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdreya> o.o
<halakar> they all join together with the little circle button that has the 6 dots in it..
<frankdreya> screenshot?
<halakar> uhh
<halakar> yeah i think hang on
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<halakar> it's weird
<halakar> i can place them on the sidebar thing next to the menu button or whatever it's called
<halakar> but as soon as i rotate the device, they all pile on top of each other
<frankdreya> the dock
<frankdreya> ?
<halakar> yeah
<halakar> i fixed it
<halakar> i dont think the main button or whatever can be at either one of the ends
<frankdreya> nebkat, ^^^^^^^^^
<halakar> nevermind
<halakar> it's doing it again
<halakar> gah
<halakar> i don't know how to take a screenshot ?
<frankdreya> power + vol down
<halakar> no, that does not do anything
<frankdreya> hold
<halakar> got it
<halakar> god
<halakar> are there dock settings or anything i can look at? this is so annoying, they keep stacking up on top of each other
<frankdreya> idunno
<frankdreya> blame nebkat :P
<frankdreya> i'm gonna be away for like 10 min
<halakar> why blame nebkat?
<halakar> i need some help here please :(
<halakar> i removed everything i can from the dock, and if i rotate the device the icon for it keeps moving
<halakar> help
<chadouming_home> change launcher ?
<halakar> no, i want to use what it came with - this is silly,
<halakar> can anyone help?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thiagovfar> halakar: Blame nebkat
<halakar> i'd like more of an explanation than that, please
<halakar> or even 'oh hey, i'm having the same problem with cm10.1 latest'
<Thiagovfar> Well, nebkat is one of the guys who made Trebuchet (the CM launcher). If anyone can help you, it's him.
<halakar> is there a better launcher to get?!
<Thiagovfar> Also, I couldn't figure out what is your issue...
<halakar> okay
<Thiagovfar> Can we see a screenshot?
<halakar> you know the little menu button with the six squares in the middle of it?
<Thiagovfar> yes
<halakar> let's say i place it in the middle
<halakar> with nothing else around it, no other icons
<halakar> i rotate the device. it moves to one end of the dock/launcher
<Thiagovfar> hmm
<halakar> if i have other programs around it, they all fall on top of each other
<Thiagovfar> I'll make a backup and check this
<halakar> if i press and hold on the "pile" of icons, the top one appears above and starts bouncing until i let go.
<halakar> i am absolutely not having that problem
<Thiagovfar> So, you have a task for killing tasks?
<halakar> no
<halakar> i tried rebooting the frickin' thing and it didn't make a difference
<Thiagovfar> halakar: Hold on
<halakar> thanks, Thiagovfar. :)
<Thiagovfar> halakar: backing up. Once it is backed up, I'll check it.
<Thiagovfar> Meanwhile, you can disable launcher rotation
<halakar> i upgraded from the cm10.1 20121223 to 20120105
<Thiagovfar> as a work around
<halakar> Auto-rotate screen?
<Thiagovfar> You don't have to disable it system-wide.
<Thiagovfar> Just disable it on the launcher
<halakar> i can't find anything about disabling launcher rotation
<Thiagovfar> It's there somewhere
<halakar> i'm in settings->interface->launcher
<Fissurez> Thiagovfar i use taskkiller killer
<Thiagovfar> I'll tell you, once I'm back at android (currently at recovery)
<a3Dman> general
<halakar> wait, wait
<a3Dman> halakar: the forth option
<halakar> i changed the number of icons in the dock from 7 to 5,
<Thiagovfar> Fissurez: So you can kill tasks while you kill tasks?
<Fissurez> yes
<halakar> then put the main menu button or wahtever it is in the center, rotated it, and it stuck
<halakar> let me try to add gmail next to it
<Fissurez> ^my hero
<halakar> nope
<Fissurez> yes
<halakar> it's still doing it
<halakar> dammit
<Thiagovfar> Fissurez: Which animation?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thiagovfar> Did CM get a new boot anim?
<Fissurez> Thiagovfar ....
<halakar> Thiagovfar, i can't find anything about disabling dock rotation...nothing at all. you have any ideas?
<Thiagovfar> halakar: a3Dman just told you where it is.
<halakar> no, a3Dman, if i uncheck auto rotate screen the thing doesn't rotate anymore
<a3Dman> you want it rotating or not O.o
<halakar> i want the launcher to not act up
<Thiagovfar> Well, you will have to wait for someone to fix it
<halakar> and stack all of my icons next to the menu button on top of each other
<a3Dman> I don't have such issues
<halakar> does anyone know what that button is called anyway so i don't sound like a fool? whatever takes you to all of your apps.
<halakar> a3Dman, I know - neither does my other tab2 running the same freaking firmware
<halakar> but it's been updated more frequently
<a3Dman> halakar: try to clear the launcher's data
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: nebkat will kill you for that.
<halakar> i have no idea how to do that.
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: I'm already dead
<Thiagovfar> Settings -> apps -> all -> Trebuchet -> clear data
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: I guess I'm on the boat now.
<halakar> fucking hell, that fixed it
<halakar> jesus
<halakar> i guess that's why it's pre-release
<Thiagovfar> My phone hasn't finished the backup yet. Oh, how I love dedup.
<a3Dman> I think I will go back to 3310, sick of smartphones
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: I'll fully behind you, in that decision.
<frankdreya> i'm on se tm717 and love it
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<halakar> thanks a3Dman
<a3Dman> works now?
<halakar> well, i haven't added anything to it
<halakar> but the default shit isn't going anywhere
<a3Dman> k
<halakar> it blew away all the icons on the home screen, so i don't think i'll catch too much of a beating for that
<frankdreya> <halakar> but the default shit isn't going anywhere <- If you don't like it, get back to fucking stock
<halakar> wha?
<frankdreya> you're not paying CM to work for you
<halakar> i said the default icons aren't going anywhere, as in they aren't piling up.
<frankdreya> you paid Samsung, so you can demand stuff from them and call their stuff shit
<halakar> jesus man
<frankdreya> ok :P
<halakar> :)
<halakar> sorry for the confusion there
<halakar> you know how it has contacts and browser in the 'dock'
<frankdreya> i HATE people who criticize open source projects is the thing :P
<a3Dman> frankdreya: woah, I didn't think he meant all that :P
<frankdreya> i don't think you can make folders in the dock
<halakar> nah frank, i'm good - i understand the risks of using the stuff
<halakar> frankdreya, actually you can
<halakar> i ended up doing it when i was troubleshooting the issue
<halakar> accidentally
<halakar> hehe
<frankdreya> ok :P
<halakar> :)
<a3Dman> now peace.
<halakar> thanks again for your help folks
<a3Dman> no problems...
<halakar> ffffffuuuuuuu it did it again as soon as i added gmail to the dock blaaaaaaarg
<frankdreya> xD
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<halakar> dammit
<a3Dman> halakar: tell that to nebkat when he's on
[SkG] has quit [Quit: Saliendo]
<halakar> will he be on before 8? i'm going to get hammered drunk at buffalo wild wings then.
<nebkat> guyz
<nebkat> guyz
<nebkat> whats the issue
<halakar> okay nebkat
<halakar> i just upgraded my sister's tablet from cm10.1 20121223 to cm10.1 20130105
<halakar> all is well,
<halakar> cept the icons that are in the dock thing keep piling up on top of each other whenever i rotate the device
<nebkat> halakar: is the dock always on bottom of screen?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> halakar: even in landscape?
<halakar> nebkat, if it's in landscape it's on the right side
<halakar> if i hold it portrait mode, it's on the bottom
<halakar> but all the icons, including the 'all apps' button get jumbled up on top of each other
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<halakar> if i press an hold on the pile of icons, the top one appears above and starts bouncing
<halakar> someone here advised me to clear the launcher data,
<halakar> so i did
<halakar> now, it reverts to a stock look with just the browser and the contacts
<halakar> when i rotate it there, the icons in the dock stay put
<halakar> but if i add a new icon, it starts acting up
<halakar> let me try and move the browser icon down one place, then rotate, see what happens,
<halakar> ok
<halakar> i moved the browser icon down one spot, then rotated it to portrait and they all jumble on top of each other
<nebkat> halakar: my damn tabs sensors are fuct
<nebkat> so I cant test
<halakar> what should i do? my sister is a phoenix raven in the united states air force and she'll beat me to a bloody pulp. lol
<halakar> i guess i need to pay for her brew tonight.
<frankdreya> flash old nightly?
<halakar> which one would you folks recommend? i'm running the latest one. i came from 20121223.
<halakar> this is off topic, but what the hell is dalvik cache and what are the consequences of clearing it?
<bbqbot> derp
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<halakar> nebkat, thanks for taking the time to help
<frankdreya> just go to the one you came from
<frankdreya> if it was fine
<a3Dman> +1
<frankdreya> dalvik cache is the cache of dalvik :P
<frankdreya> so java stuff is compiled on the fly, you know?
<nebkat> probably useless
<a3Dman> and dalvik is a vm
<halakar> well, she complained about poor performance
<frankdreya> those compiled files are cached in the dalvik cache
<halakar> freezing up, etc
<frankdreya> if you wipe it, it'll just be rebuilt
<frankdreya> does she install crap apps?
<halakar> but the user won't lose any data
<halakar> nah man, just facebook, gmail, that's it
<frankdreya> and hey, i can garantue it's better than stock :P
<frankdreya> nope, but it won't fix anything either
<halakar> okay
<halakar> hmm
<halakar> i wonder if a factory reset would be worth it. she does play this one game called TapFish and doesn't want to lose her shit in it
<nebkat> halakar: could you just test this
<halakar> test what?
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<nebkat> halakar: clear data while in portrait and start trebby while in portrait
<a3Dman> trebby xD
<halakar> you want me to clear and force stop while in portrait?
<frankdreya> nebkat, awww your baby :D
<nebkat> halakar: yes
<halakar> ok
<halakar> you want me to bounce the device or just go back home and try things?
frankdreya is now known as frankdrey
<frankdrey> I'm male again
<halakar> that didn't appear to work, nebkat.
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<halakar> after i forced stop, i went back home and took the default browser and moved it up one position, then tried to rotate. as soon as i did, all the icons went to the bottom, stacked on top of each other
<iiTemper> do you think cm 10.1 for the gtab 2 10.1 will ever become stable?
<halakar> what next, nebkat?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> iiTemper, do you?
<nebkat> halakar: so this time they were fuct in landscape rather than portrait?
<nebkat> frankdrey: +1
<halakar> no, nebkat, they are fine in both orientations until i add something to them or change them in any way.
<nebkat> halakar: can you make it fuq in land and not port?
<halakar> if i move the icons around, add a new icon to the dock, they all get hosed up and pile on top of each other next time the device is rotated
<halakar> yeah let me try
<halakar> i'm gonna clear data in portrait, force stop, then add an icon in portrait and flip it to land and see if it fucks up
<nebkat> i see
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<halakar> okay
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<halakar> it did not fuck up when i force stopped/cleared data in portrait, went home, and moved the browser icon to the same position as i originally did in landscape mode
<halakar> i'm gonna move it again in portrait and then rotate, see what happens..
<halakar> moved contacts, all good
<halakar> now moving something in landscape
<halakar> jacked
<halakar> stacked on top of one another at the bottom left in portrait mode
<halakar> does that help, nebkat ?
<halakar> ok
<halakar> so i'm gonna add her shit to the dock while it's in portrait
<halakar> then as long as adding to the desktop doesn't jack it up, i'll be okay...for now. how long until this is fixed you think? should i go to an earlier rom instead?
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<halakar> my sis is like 'what de fuq does nebkat mean?' no shit
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> NEBOSJA
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> nebkat, u single? halakar, tell your sis that the guy who makes her tablet awesome is single
<halakar> she's not married but has a boyfriend. :D
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> nebkat is probably just a bit too young for her xD
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<lifeguardz> hi anyone?
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<anyone> hi
anyone is now known as frankdrey
<lifeguardz> hi
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<lifeguardz> i have a question about cm10.1 nighlty room
<frankdrey> don't they all?
<lifeguardz> i cant answer abou th others i only know about my life
<frankdrey> that's good