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<Jiangyi> ._.
<Jiangyi> Auto-aim rifle powered by Linux? What is this :-S
<bealtine> linux kills see
<Jiangyi> lol
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<nebkat> bealtine: called upc, something is wrong with the "range"
<nebkat> on the modem
<nebkat> they are sending the fools :)
<nebkat> can't wait
<bealtine> sounds like a made up fault
<bealtine> range of what? wifi?
<nebkat> no
<bealtine> like the morons will be able to fix that
<nebkat> related to connection to modem
<nebkat> phone and internet are occasionally not working
<nebkat> mostly phone
<nebkat> we got a letter from the alarm company saying the phone isnt working
<bealtine> sounds more like the cable going into your house or the cabinet is faulty
<nebkat> the router is behing a (too) big corner sofa and that'll have to be moved
<bealtine> i had a fault where the fibre under the local road was faulty
<nebkat> do they fix that?
<bealtine> move the router up a bit
<nebkat> would be expensive surely
<bealtine> sure but they went um um um so i called the CEO
<nebkat> bealtine: the wall adapter thing is there too
<bealtine> let the monkeys loose and see what they say:)
<nebkat> at least technical support was irish :P
<bealtine> i have the number of a good guy you can talk to
<nebkat> "technical support" or "engineer"?
<bealtine> neither a guy with a clue
<nebkat> we'll see what they do
<nebkat> at least they say there is something wrong
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<bealtine> ja those idiots that do support
<beer> now a few hours of sleep
<beer> hopefully
<bealtine> :)
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<n0credit> I feel so safe using my i9300, it's like a bad pacemaker, you never know when it's going to fail
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> #blamesamsung
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<Jiangyi> Giving heart attacks and other life-threatening symptoms since 2012 :-P
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<a3Dman> at least it doesn't explode on time basis :P
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> A lot of my friends' internet got knocked out, cuz one of the ISP here's DNS servers borked :-P
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* a3Dman never uses ISP's DNS
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<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Me neither, been on Google's DNS for ages now :-P
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<mcguire> how to get help?
<mcguire> my app icon is missing
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<ravenlordhun> good day to everyone! I have a question regarding bluetooth in CM10/CM10.1.
<ravenlordhun> Connecting a bluetooth keyboard to the phone fails; in the log, I found "bta_hh_co_open: Error: failed to open uhid, err:No such file or directory"
<ravenlordhun> is this a somewhat known issue; if not, will a logcat suffice, or should I also gather something else to report the issue?
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<work_toke> loving the developments with 10.1, coming along lovely now
<work_toke> nice work guys
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<brunocasado> hi guyssss
<brunocasado> good morning
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<a3Dman> 8GB Galaxy S II with no shutterlag, The new Galaxy S II Plus...
<a3Dman> The most epic troll in the history of industry.
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<brunocasado> guys i have a problem with cyanogenmod 10.1 p3110
<brunocasado> i I tried to move files from internal to external sd but always failure. What could be the problem?
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<mjt> is galaxy note2 differ much from galaxy sIII in hardware? I mean, how much is needed to support SGN2 compared with already supported SGS3? Also, there apparently is no forum for SGN2, only for SGN (hopefully it is the right channel)
<a3Dman> It's similar to to the sgs3 with slight changes, like sgs2 and note1
<a3Dman> also a forum in which site?
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<kephu> hi
<kephu> what is the most current, and stable rom for an i9100?
<bbqbot> derp
<a3Dman> I use it as a daily driver, check the known issues and decide by yourself
<a3Dman> stable cm for the sgs2 is CM9
<kephu> what about 10 and 10.1? I think I saw someone mention 10 was stable, but i don't see it marked as such on their wiki
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<kephu> all I saw for quite some time was "10 is nightlies only"
<a3Dman> kephu: nope only CM7 and 9 are stable, CM10 is useless now and CM10.1 is nightly
<kephu> cm9 was which android?
<a3Dman> ICS
<kephu> ah
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<kephu> okay, something that's the most pressing issue for me at the time: does cm9 support bluetooth and wifi tethering? ;)
<kephu> on i9100, I mean
<a3Dman> they should be working on all...
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<terminalemulator> Hello
<a3Dman> these are the only known issues, FM radio and TV out..
<a3Dman> (for CM9)
<work_toke> brunocasado you tried using a different app for it?
<work_toke> i have a p3110, no probs moving stuff. i dont use the stock app tho, i find it rubbish
<terminalemulator> im using newest cm10.1.. Terminal Emulator keeps saying error : "unfortunately, Terminal Emulator has stopped" can i do something?
<a3Dman> today's build? the 10th?
<terminalemulator> aah.. no 9th.
<a3Dman> well, I think it should be fixed in 10th, I'm not sure as I'm downloading it now, it's a known issue anyway.
<terminalemulator> Ok, i try 10th.
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<terminalemulator> is there any working ways to change IMEI code?
<bbqbot> derp
<terminalemulator> works fine with 10th version.. thank you!
<brunocasado> work_toke: i have tried with cm app and ES File manager
<brunocasado> both with superuser permission
<work_toke> tried with a different sd card too?
<brunocasado> no
<brunocasado> but
<brunocasado> in adb shell works
<work_toke> aye, just suggesting things... i duno what else it could be
<work_toke> mine is funny sometimes, but usually find a way to get it going
<tuhoojabotti> ping
<work_toke> if not then i just use a pc as a go between
<brunocasado> hehe
<brunocasado> i discovered this yesterday
<brunocasado> i downloaded legends of a video
<brunocasado> and i tried move srt to extcard
<mjt> a3Dman: re forum for SGN2: I was referring to where I only found SGN but not SGN2. But apparently there are more sites on the internet than I know about... :))
<brunocasado> the chrome mobile download the file into sdcard/Download
<terminalemulator> odin cant find my phone after i flashed to Cm10.1 whats wrong? settings?
<work_toke> hmmm yeh annoying brunocasado, hopefully its just a minor issue which will be picked up on the nightly
<work_toke> so far all of the issues i've had have been fixed
<brunocasado> terminalemulator: u need activate developers
<brunocasado> and activate usb debug
<terminalemulator> where i find it..
<brunocasado> wait
<terminalemulator> device - ?
<terminalemulator> ok.
<brunocasado> config/ about tablet
<brunocasado> click in number of version seven times
<brunocasado> after this u developer options is enabled
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<terminalemulator> thanks!
<brunocasado> :)
<work_toke> its in the security tab for me but.... hey ho :D
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<brunocasado> work_toke: yeah i hope
<brunocasado> work_toke: i really boring with one think
<brunocasado> thing
<brunocasado> sorry
<work_toke> :D
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<work_toke> dont worry
<brunocasado> i tried move app for extcard but i have many difficulties
<brunocasado> today could not
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<marz_> Hi Guys , I am a noob at modding , but managed to get cyanogen mod on to my S2, while doing a nightly update my gapps was not loading and the home screen did not appear so I went back to CWM and loaded only the backup I did for the bootloader, when I swiched it on its know stuck at the bootscreen....What must I do?????
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<marz_> Hi Guys , I am a noob at modding , but managed to get cyanogen mod on to my S2, while doing a nightly update my gapps was not loading and the home screen did not appear so I went back to CWM and loaded only the backup I did for the bootloader, when I swiched it on its know stuck at the bootscreen....What must I do?????
<Espenfjo> You cant switch between CM and stock like that without wiping data
<Espenfjo> either you must reflash CM and pray you dont have to do a factory reset, or you will have to do a factory reset direct
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<marz_> but i cant enter CWM
<marz_> I need to do it through ODIN
<marz_> right
<Espenfjo> ok, then just flash either stock ,or an odin flashable CM
<marz_> where to find a flashable CM
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<Hermeticist> Good morning
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<Espenfjo> marz_: I can only find a CM9 version that is odin flashable, but you should be able to upgrade directly to cm10 or 10.1 after that
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<mornaistar> hi there, i'm currently running the last CM10 4.2 for galaxy s3 , cant find the option to filter contacts by number , did they removed it? or what happened
<marz_> does that file work for the GT-I9100G??
<bbqbot> derp
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<Espenfjo> marz_: no
<marz_> I have a galaxy s 2 there a file for this one ???please
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<mornaistar> hi there, i'm currently running the last CM10 4.2 for galaxy s3 , cant find the option to filter contacts by number , did they removed it? or what happened
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<chase> i just flashed cyanogen mod 10 onto my galaxy s3 but it is stuck at the circle screen
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<laen> He just came in here to tell us that. How nice.
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<a3Dman> haha
<a3Dman> so, would they cancel the jelly bean update for sgs2 now?
<ravenlordhun> anyone using bluetooth keyboards on CM10.1? It seems CM10 broke the uhid drivers?
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<Takos> any1 online?
<jomp16> ...
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<Takos> grate. my stor is thus:
<Takos> i installed the latest nightly of 2 da s ago,
<Takos> done full wipe + dalvik
<Takos> since then, i have a "total FC attack"
<Takos> Almost all of my apps are constantly crashing ony after the other (includng trebuchet)
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<Takos> reboot doesn't help
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<jomp16> Err, reinstall, with factory reset, cache, dalvik and format /system inside mounts and storage, if occur again is problem of the rom (im not expert with this)
<Takos> any suggestion?
<Takos> great*
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<tuhoojabotti> so old
<tuhoojabotti> so unfunny
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<shaaan> Cody around?
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<codeworkx> shaaan: no
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<shaaan> codeworkx any specific time when i can ping you? Have to resume work on i9070 now that jb has been released
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<codeworkx> shaaan: IRC is timeless. just write what you wanna know and i'll answer if there's time
<codeworkx> and if i dont answer today, i'll answer tomorrow
<shaaan> Yeah. I know how busy you are. :)
<shaaan> You already have write access to the device tree. Can you have a look at it?
<codeworkx> not today
<shaaan> Anytime when you will be free. No hurries
<shaaan> Thanks btw..
<codeworkx> whats your problem?
<shaaan> No specific problem as such. Just need some help in getting the 2 stage boot to work. We have the recovery working, but cannot boot to system
<codeworkx> where's your 2stage
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<shaaan> Actually since you setup the tree, i haven't had a look. Diego is working on it now.
<marz_> good evening to all
<shaaan> He tried to contact you, but you were busy
<marz_> I would like some help from the experts please
<kZard|nb> ><
<kZard|nb> Has Jellybean been launched officially for the S II yet?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> kZard|nb: no
<kZard|nb> ok
<codeworkx> slowsung
<kZard|nb> so the current version is 4.0.4 right?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> 4.0.4 aka ub0routdated
<kZard|nb> eh
<codeworkx> and 4.1 will be just "outdated"
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<kZard|nb> lol
<kZard|nb> My device is still on 4.0.3
<Toxicdust> hey CM10 team
<shaaan> We got 4.1.2 3 days back for the sgs advance
<kZard|nb> and Kies says it's updated to the latest version #_#
<shaaan> The kernel is messier than ever
<Toxicdust> i cant get the latest 2 nightlies installed both say error 7
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<Toxicdust> any advicve
<codeworkx> Toxicdust: bad download, bad recovery, bad user
<marz_> I installed CM10 2 stable for I9100G and was working fine two days ago, today stupitly I went for a nightly which caused my phone not to boot . I went to CWM and restored only the boot file ...and there my phone doesnt work at all only when I plug it into the usb , the white bbot screen goes on and off the hole time , also cant access CWM nor DOWnload screen . please help
<shaaan> Cody i remember your advance about building with the bare minimum stock files. Could you please refresh me with it?
<Toxicdust> i redownloaded more back downloads
<Toxicdust> all of them cant be bad
<Toxicdust> today and yesters downloads both say error 7
<shaaan> Toxicdust : bad recovery, bad user
<kZard|nb> Just for interest sake, why is there a stable build of 10 for the i9100g, but not for the i9100? Did they release better source for the g?
<shaaan> That is still valid
<codeworkx> marz_: cause you flashed cm10.1
<codeworkx> marz_: flash gapps for cm10.1
<codeworkx> marz_: 20121212
<Toxicdust> Shaan: im not doing a recovery. I did a format and then it dont install. Nothing im doing worng
<codeworkx> shaaan: egl only
<codeworkx> Toxicdust: which phone? which kernel? which recovery?
<Toxicdust> I9100
<Toxicdust> nightly
<codeworkx> kZard|nb: i9100g is omap, i9100 is crapsynos
<codeworkx> Toxicdust: kernel?
<Toxicdust> the one that came with whanalite
<codeworkx> can't be
<kZard|nb> I see
<Toxicdust> wanamlite
<codeworkx> Toxicdust: are you running cm or do you wanna run cm?
<shaaan> Only the dislplay then? I haven't setup a device tree for anything > cm7 before. Any specific shizz to keep in mind?
<bbqbot> derp
<Toxicdust> i have whatanlite 13 on and did a factory reset then CM10.1 dont install
<codeworkx> shaaan: only hraphics
<codeworkx> Toxicdust: wanamlite probably comes with a faulty recovery
<codeworkx> Toxicdust: follow instructions step by step
<Toxicdust> recomendations to install ?
<shaaan> Alright then. Thanks. I'll ask Diego to contact you again later. Or you can refer us to anyone who can help? You seem pretty busy
<codeworkx> Toxicdust: especially "- Make sure you're running a proper working ClockworkMod-Recovery"
<codeworkx> shaaan: no
<codeworkx> shaaan: protip: stay active on irc ;-)
<codeworkx> shaaan: like me does
<shaaan> Haha.. sure
<shaaan> Btw, one more problem!
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<shaaan> I compiled cwm for my device. When i flash the fakeflash, all i get is a black screen
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<codeworkx> shaaan: fakeflash?
<shaaan> The temporary recoveey
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<Toxicdust> i think the new CWM is the problem
<Toxicdust> i have the new 6.0.01 touch cwm
<shaaan> It used to work on gb. But cannot work on jb
<kZard|nb> So... Why would my Kies say that 4.0.3 is the latest firmware for my GS II?
<kZard|nb> Could it be my country
<shaaan> And since its a temporary one, it just replaces the sbin and res folder temporarily
<kZard|nb> Sorry for asking stock rom questions here, but I don't know any better place to ask... +_+
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<kZard|nb> Does samsung provide different firmware versions per country?
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<shaaan> Yes
<kZard|nb> EH
<kZard|nb> *eh
<Toxicdust> @codeworx: It was the touch CWM from Philz. The CMW works perfectly
<bbqbot> Toxicdust: Command does not exist!
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<Toxicdust> codeworx: It was the touch CWM from Philz. The CMW works perfectly
<marz_> Can anyone tell me where to find the MD5 file or files for the I9100G to flash with odin please
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<marz_> Can anyone tell me where to find the MD5 file or files for the I9100G to flash with odin please
<shaaan> codeworkx : diego-ch can tell you about the 2nd stage
<shaaan> diego-ch state your problem here
<diego-ch> yep. I started setting up 2nd stage on jellybean source like he did on gingerbread
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<diego-ch> trying to find the pastebin with the build error here, one moment..
<marz_> Can anyone tell me where to find the MD5 file or files for the I9100G to flash with odin please
<diego-ch> marz_: stock firmware?
<bbqbot> derp
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: File source/usr/u8500_initramfs_files/busybox could not be opened for reading
<codeworkx> line 32
<codeworkx> file doesn't exist ;-)
<codeworkx> you're not doing inline building, right?
<diego-ch> it breaks while building with cm10, but that log is inline building
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<diego-ch> the file is there
<diego-ch> both busybox and init
<marz_> are you talking to me diego
<codeworkx> diego-ch: wrong permissions on files?
<diego-ch> codeworkx: let me check...
<diego-ch> both set to -rwxr-xr-x
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: then you misstyped the path or something is messing with it
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<marz_> Can anyone tell me where to find the MD5 file or files for the I9100G to flash with odin please
<marz_> I9100GGSMH
<marz_> please help guys 2 days aroud this issue...please
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<diego-ch> codeworkx: yep. path was wrong, rebuilding it now with cm10 source
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<Sgs2> Hello
<Sgs2> Where are images taken by camera saved at storage?
<Sgs2> Cant find it in the DCIM folder
<Sgs2> btw I mean it doesn show in file explorer on windows
<chadouming_work> check in internal storage rather than SDCard ?
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<Sgs2> i did
<Sgs2> it shows up fine on my phone though
<Sgs2> nvm
<Sgs2> fixed it
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<datagutt> My dad is going to MWC, anybody jealous?
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<diego-ch> codeworkx: I've added the correct paths but it still breaks : inline and with cm source
<chadouming_work> good path, but you are sure you have the right permission
<diego-ch> -rw-r--r-- 1.3K Jan 10 19:49 u8500_initramfs.list
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<kZard|nb> Has anyone here tried the leaked GS II JellyBean rom?
<bbqbot> derp
<kZard|nb> does bbqbot just derp any question? +_+
<kZard|nb> (a derp there would've been cool..)
<bbqbot> you have a problem with me derping ?
<diego-ch> lol
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<diego-ch> chadouming_work: permissions are correct, right? anyone should be able to read that file
<chadouming_work> looked like permission on first glance, not sure then
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<diego-ch> path inside the config file is also correct: CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE="usr/u8500_initramfs.list"
<diego-ch> do I need to build as root?
<chadouming_work> should no
<chadouming_work> t
<diego-ch> ok then
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<codeworkx> diego-ch: path at defconfig is wrong
<diego-ch> "usr/u8500_initramfs.list" ?
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> source/usr/...
<diego-ch> ok, let me try
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<codeworkx> simply compare to i9100
<diego-ch> yep, I'm doing that
<diego-ch> ok not breaking on that error anymore.. but breaks when it tries to read busybox and init in u8500_initramfs.list
<diego-ch> I guess I have to add source/usr... to those too
<codeworkx> sure
<diego-ch> yep. it worked! compiling the kernel now
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<codeworkx> and all this because you failed copying i9100 xD
<Baskey> Fissurez: DOOD
<Fissurez> BASKEY: DOOD
<Fissurez> 'sup cody
<Fissurez> BASKEY
Baskey has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Fissurez> ...
<diego-ch> codeworkx: lol
<Fissurez> FU BASKEY
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<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> >:C
<Baskey> !dood Fissurez
<clibot> Fissurez,
<clibot> whats up dood
<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> -.-
<Fissurez> <Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> <-- Baskey (~intersect@unaffiliated/baskey) has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<Fissurez> >:C
<Fissurez> FIEN
<Fissurez> so, what you think of CES stuff?
<Fissurez> nvidia can take their project shield to hell
<Fissurez> stealing all the good android games
<Fissurez> hate them
<tuhoojabotti> WHAT IS THIS FLOOD?
<Fissurez> or soon
<Baskey> octa-core cpu is a bit too much for my standards
<Fissurez> Baskey it's a dual 4 core
<Fissurez> one is low power, other is just a next gen s3 chip
<tuhoojabotti> Fissurez: dual 4 is like 2 times 4 which is like 8, thus octa
<Fissurez> tuhoojabotti not really
<Baskey> little.big architecture
<Fissurez> ^
<tuhoojabotti> I know the difference
<Fissurez> well it's not octa core then
<Fissurez> because the cores are different.
<tuhoojabotti> Well it does have 8 cores
<Fissurez> technically, but they can take calling it a 8 core to hell
<tuhoojabotti> Do they need to be same?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> yes.
<Fissurez> especially since it cant use all 8 at once
<Baskey> Fissurez: Xperia Z is awesome
<Fissurez> it looks sexy, i'll give it that Baskey
<Fissurez> but it's too big
<Fissurez> 5" IS NOTE SIZED
<tuhoojabotti> Fissurez: Marketing people are marketing, haters gonna hate.
<Baskey> too big?
<chadouming_work> 8 core, 4 more reason to drain battery
<Fissurez> chadouming_work it's supposed to save battery
<tuhoojabotti> Fissurez: But is it going rto
<Baskey> Fissurez: SGS III SIZE ACTUALY
<tuhoojabotti> to*
<chadouming_work> lol
<Fissurez> Baskey BIGGER
<chadouming_work> like 4 core are supposed to save battery compared to dual core
<Baskey> Fissurez: NOEH
<chadouming_work> and i believe that the phone with 4 core last far less than dual core
<Fissurez> chadouming_work compared to a 4 core, the little "4" is supposed to save
<Fissurez> chadouming_work oh yeah
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<Fissurez> hell, i wonder if the exynos 5250 is actually going to get any use outside of the nexus 10
<Xavali7> Hi! First time using IRC! Can someone help me with an issue I have?
<Fissurez> have you done the help dance?
<Fissurez> Baskey
<Baskey> ZL is smaller
<Fissurez> Z>ZL
<Fissurez> waterproof
<Fissurez> no it isn't!
<Baskey> but
<Fissurez> it has same sized screen!
<Baskey> it's smaller
<Fissurez> by .01 of an inch
<Fissurez> either way
<Fissurez> my nexus 4 should be arriving soon
<Fissurez> in fact, it's late.
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<Baskey> finally
<Xavali7> The what? The "help dance" was meant for me or Baskey?
<chadouming_work> canadian optimus G > nexus 4
<chadouming_work> Xavali7, ask you question, dont ask to ask :P
<Xavali7> Okay
<Fissurez> Xavali7 but you have to dance while asking the question, or you don't get the right answer
<Xavali7> The thing is, I just installed the stable release of CM10 for the Galaxy S (galaxysmtd)
<Xavali7> I'm dancing, I'm dancing... XD
<chadouming_work> eh, no need to troll unless he ask stupid question fissurez
<Xavali7> And I noticed an issue I don't know how to solve
<Fissurez> chadouming_work preemptive strike! also, it's not trolling, it's being playful! unlike scary chadouming-goddevil.
<Xavali7> Anytime I enter some screen where the keyboard is required, it automatically crashes
<Xavali7> I already tried reflashing the ROM, but it keeps happening
<Xavali7> CM9 worked fine, though
<chadouming_work> hmm, go to settings -> language and input -> default and make sure the android keyboard is selected
<Xavali7> Any ideas?
<Fissurez> what chadouming said!
<Fissurez> also, try using a different keyboard
<Xavali7> Already tried, when I try to change some keyboard settings, it also exits the screen
<chadouming_work> should not need a diff keyboard
<chadouming_work> also try settings -> apps -> all -> android keyboard -> wipe data
<Xavali7> I'm pretty confortable with the stock keyboard, the others have too many options I never use
<Fissurez> Xavali7 download a different stock keyboard!
<Fissurez> or try a cm10.1 nightly
<Xavali7> Nope, wiping doesn't work, it keeps crashing
<chadouming_work> yeah, you can also try a cm10.1 nightly if available
<Xavali7> Well, that was my second or third choice... XD
<Xavali7> I personally prefer stable releases, nightlies have some "unfinished" menus, though they work just fine
<Fissurez> LOL
<Fissurez> Xavali7 i've had nightlys work better than stable releases when i had my i9100
<Baskey> Fissurez: I HAZ WIMP
<Fissurez> WIMP?
<Baskey> YES, WIMP
<Baskey> datagutt: DATAGUTT
<Baskey> TELL HIM
<Xavali7> okey
<Fissurez> ?
<Fissurez> Baskey try tomahawk too
<Xavali7> i'll try some different keyboard
<Xavali7> if it keeps happening, i'll switch to nightly
<datagutt> WIMP IS TEH AWESM
<datagutt> BASKEY
<datagutt> FISSUREZ
<Fissurez> WAT IZ IT
<datagutt> I APPROEV
<Fissurez> IS IT FREE
<datagutt> BUT AWESOMER
<datagutt> NOES
Guest66247 is now known as jero
<Baskey> datagutt: I HAZ IT FOR FREE
jero is now known as Guest99849
<datagutt> BASKEY
<datagutt> I DID
<Baskey> 'cause it's still in beta stage in Poland
<Xavali7> Well, thanks for the help, guys! :)
<datagutt> i also got 3 months free after release
<Xavali7> Bye!
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<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> SHE CAN DO IT FOR ME#
<Baskey> NO
<Fissurez> aw :C
<Fissurez> BASKEY
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<Fissurez> GET NEXUS
<Fissurez> OR
<Fissurez> GET NEXUS
<Baskey> OR
<Fissurez> and get ubuntu for phones on it!
<Fissurez> TOUGH CALL
<Fissurez> BUT NEXUS
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming_work [stop going full retard]
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<Fissurez> hnnnnnnrrggbblraglasjf
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<chadouming_work> !bomb Fissurez 3
<clibot> Fissurez: You have been challenged! Choose which wire to cut (red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, brown, white, black, grey) before time runs out!
<clibot> Fissurez: 10
<clibot> Fissurez: 9
<clibot> Fissurez: 8
<clibot> Fissurez: 7
<clibot> Fissurez: 6
<clibot> Fissurez: 5
<clibot> Fissurez: 4
<Fissurez> !bomb chadouming_work
<clibot> Fissurez: You do not have permission to run "bomb"
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by clibot [Wrong wire! You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red.]
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<Fissurez> didiwin
<Fissurez> no?
<chadouming_work> <clibot> Fissurez: You do not have permission to run "bomb"
<Fissurez> WAT
<Fissurez> @bomb chadouming_work
<bbqbot> Fissurez: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Fissurez> WHO DID THIS
<Fissurez> NEBKAT
<Fissurez> FIX
<Fissurez> wait
<Fissurez> where is nebkat
<chadouming_work> not there
<Fissurez> :O
<Fissurez> Baskey! he killed nebkat!
Napsterbater has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
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<Baskey> dayum
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<Jiangyi> Good news: I got my N4 screen protectors today
<Jiangyi> Bad news: No N4 :-(
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<chadouming_work> lol
<frankdrey> codeworkx, lazy FTM?:p
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> beer, i figured out why polish kids grow up so fast
<frankdrey> so guise, i'm gonna make my own desktop environment :P
<frankdrey> with my own window manager :D
<Fissurez> Jiangyi SAME
<Jiangyi> lol N4-less buddies
Baskey has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
<Jiangyi> Fissurez: Which ones did you get?
<Fissurez> nono
<Fissurez> n4less
<Fissurez> it should have shipped yesterday
<Fissurez> didn't
<Jiangyi> I mean which screen protectors
<Fissurez> i didn't order any
<Fissurez> hate the things
<Fissurez> might get one for the back though
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, PACKAGING TAPE
<Jiangyi> oh I get it
<Jiangyi> you mean the same as in the no N4 part, not the other part
<Jiangyi> derp :-|
<frankdrey> screen protector = packaging tape
<frankdrey> oh wait
<frankdrey> i forgot phones are bigger than your pocket today
* frankdrey loves his phone that's 4x2 inches big
<frankdrey> with a 2 inch diagonal screen :D
<frankdrey> 2.20
<frankdrey> idk
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> dont worry, new nexus are rounded, they enter easily in pocket
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<Fissurez> just like a penis.
<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> well that was out of character.
<chadouming_work> . . .
<Fissurez> i blame the lack of nebkat
<frankdrey> O-o
<Jiangyi> .............
<chadouming_work> i blame you
<chadouming_work> nope
<Fissurez> were
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Jiangyi [Think about what you just said! .______.]
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<Jiangyi> Just for teh lulz :-P
<Fissurez> good point
<Fissurez> what would anyone be doing putting a dick in a pocket anyways
<frankdrey> o_O
<frankdrey> O_o
<frankdrey> o_O
<frankdrey> O_o
<frankdrey> o_O
<Fissurez> disregard previous sentance
<Fissurez> wait, sentance a few sentances before sentance that you might misinterpret as being disregarded
<Jiangyi> .............
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Jiangyi [Think about what you just said! (Again!)]
<chadouming_work> stop right now and we'll say it never happened
<chadouming_work> aww
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<Fissurez> ~disregard the penis statement~
<chadouming_work> aww
<chadouming_work> stop right now and we'll say it never happened
<Fissurez> that's what i was sayin
<chadouming_work> so, is weather good where you are living ?
<Jiangyi> This is probably all recorded on whitequark's log :/
<frankdrey> it snowed yesterday
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, it is
<Fissurez> i don't get any snow
<frankdrey> does it ever delete logs?
<Fissurez> unless i don't want it.
<frankdrey> after a certain amount of time
<frankdrey> Fissurez, just stop........
<chadouming_work> +1
<Fissurez> wat
<Fissurez> no
<frankdrey> :P
<Fissurez> wait, yes i need to do this work.
diego-ch has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<frankdrey> oh gawd they're there forever
<Fissurez> does this mean i win?
<chadouming_work> no
<Fissurez> :(
<chadouming_work> !geo user jivy26
<clibot> chadouming_work: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<chadouming_work> !geo host
<clibot> chadouming_work: {country: "United States", region: "Texas", city: "Cypress", latlong: {29.9691, -95.6972}, time: "Thu 15:03 CST"}
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, wake issues seem to be related to trebuchet showing ANR when finally unlocking
<frankdrey> #blamenebkat
<frankdrey> i get logcat soon as adb installs
<frankdrey> :D
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<oscurita> speak spanish???
<Jiangyi> lol
<oscurita> ok bye
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<frankdrey> wait, probably should install latest nightly
<frankdrey> lolwut
<chadouming_work> wow
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> speeka anglish
<chadouming_work> any, Jiangyi got my new cody quote for my signature xd
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, lol yeah :P that's why i said "lazy FTM?:p
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> chadouming_work: My sig is still "Jiangyi: i'm at your basement" xD
<Jiangyi> Best cody quote eva
<chadouming_work> it's still funny how every post codeworkx does get thanks xD
<Jiangyi> cody links youtube video, top comment changes to "Codeworks sent me here" :-P
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> way too long signature tho
<frankdrey> my signature doesn't quote anyone
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<frankdrey> hi waratte :)
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<Xavali7> Hello!
<Xavali7> I asked about an issue with the Jelly Bean keyboard a while ago
<Xavali7> Just saying, problem solved! I downloaded the stock keyboard from 4.2 and flashed it through recovery.
<chadouming_work> eh, good to know
<Xavali7> Then, from settings>apps, i disabled the bugged keyboard, so it won't show up on the menus
<Xavali7> Thank you! :)
<chadouming_work> haha, not like we did much, but it's good for you as you probably learned a few things :D
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<Jiangyi> Well, that wasn't the right way to solve it, but meh :/
<chadouming_work> aha
<chadouming_work> h
<chadouming_work> at least he solved his problem :P
<Jiangyi> :-P
<Jiangyi> oh shit
<Jiangyi> Japan and China sent out jets
<Jiangyi> I don't see that going well for either sides .____.
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<marz_> hi guys I put stock firware on my S2 via odin , now it boots but freezes on the big S screen, can you help me please
<chadouming_work> lol, i would bet on japanese tho
<Jiangyi> Those 3 islands goddamn it
<Jiangyi> marz_: Go into recovery and wipe data
* chadouming_work is away: eating
<marz_> thats the thing It doesnt go in to recovery , only download mode
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<Jiangyi> o_O
<Jiangyi> then you messed something up
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<marz_> I had CM10 on it stable but hen idiotically I went to a nightly , it wasnt even working but some how only via otin i managed to install a stock but know gets stuck on the big S screen
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<marz_> is the tourtial ok ..
<marz_> How to flash ROMS for Galaxy S2 I9100G via ODIN Download ODIN > Download Galaxy i9100G compatible PIT File > omap4_all_20110627_emmc.pit Download > Open It! ADD PIT File (omap4_all_20110627_emmc.pit) into ODIN > PIT. Add Your ROM into ODIN > PDA Turn Off your Phone first Then goto Download mode by holding <Home+Power+Vol down> Continue step of the Phone Screen. Plug in th
<marz_> please could someone cofirm these stps as I didnt add the pitt file due to enumerous threads saying not to do it
<Jiangyi> In your case, put in the PIT file and tick repartition.
<marz_> ok
<Jiangyi> you don't have a Chinese I9100G do you?
<marz_> gonna try
<marz_> dont think so
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<marz_> how could I see
<GabMus> hello
<GabMus> i know this is a cyanogenmod channel but i want to ask you serious opinions about aokp. just to know, i still prefer cm for now
<Jiangyi> Where did you buy it?
<marz_> it came from america
<GabMus> whats the matter?
<marz_> could I I give you the deatails so you could chek please
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<marz_> may I
<Jiangyi> Well, in download mode, does it say GT-I9100G or GT-I9100G_CHN_CHN?
<marz_> GT-I9100G
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<Jiangyi> Alright, then go right ahead, you don't have a Chinese one.
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, RACIST!
<Jiangyi> .......
<frankdrey> :P
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<marz_> Hi to all , my phone was rooted and had CM10 , after installing a nightlies i was having problems so I decided to go back to stock and I flashed it via odin, now it gets stuck on the boot screen with the big S and only goes into download mode , what must I do
<Jiangyi> marz_: Did you do what I said?
<marz_> yep,
<marz_> still gets stuck on S screen
<frankdrey> are you sure you are doing the correct combo for recovery?
<marz_> these are the files
<marz_> hold a sec
<marz_> I9100GXXLPY_I9100GXXLPV_I9100GDBTLP3_HOME.tar and omap4_all_20110627_emmc.pit
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<lolsung> something fucked up autorotate in the 09 nightly for the i9300
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<Jiangyi> marz_: And you still can't get into recovery?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> marz_: Pull battery, put it back in, volup+home+power?
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<frankdrey> ...
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<hansel> hello there
<hansel> sorry
<hansel> was just reading thru some info abt flashing a rom
<frankdrey> yay :D
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<hansel> hmm..
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<frankdrey> hansel, and?
<hansel> hey there
<hansel> wanting to ask a few questions before i try to flash a rom
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<hansel> im just quite new to these things
<hansel> im using GT-I9300
<hansel> buildnumber I9300XXDLJ1 and wud like to ask for help updating to either JB 4.2 or JB 4.1.2 whichever is more stable
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<hansel> can u give any suggestions? much appreciated! =)
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, aren't cm10.1 and cm10 about the same on i9300?
<thewozza> hello I have CM10.1 on a i9100 (international) and I've had a lot of problems. I'd like to downgrade to cm10 where things were stable, but I can't find the images for the i9100 on
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<ashmawy> hi i need some help here my device is P5100 and i need to revert from CM 10.1 to CM 10 please
<frankdrey> thewozza, go to then 'devs' then 'cm' then 'i9100'
<frankdrey> ashmawy, same for you but p5100 instead of i9100 :)
<frankdrey> and one more thing
<frankdrey> you will need to move everything from /sdcard/0/ back to /sdcard/ :)
<thewozza> Hey look at that.
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<thewozza> so moving sdcard/0 is the only SD change I need ot make?
<frankdrey> should be
<ashmawy> so flashing like normal but with the CM10 rom then after flashing both of CM10 and gapps moving files ?
<frankdrey> ashmawy, if you had more than one user, you'll need to figure that out,too
<|Night|> im baaack
<frankdrey> yeah, and you'll definitely need to wipe data
<frankdrey> users are /sdcard/0 /sdcard/1 /sdcard/2...etc.
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<ashmawy> i mean moving file is possible after flashing files ?
<bbqbot> derp
<|Night|> bbqbot die plz
<frankdrey> ashmawy, flashing doesn't touch /sdcard/
<ashmawy> ok sounds easier than i thought :)
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<ashmawy> cm 10.1 is horribly laggy !
<frankdrey> it is?:/
<frankdrey> i'm ussing it on my p5113 and it's fine
<frankdrey> are you on latest nightly?
<|Night|> ashmawy get a proepr phone
<ashmawy> installing nightles ASAP
<|Night|> i have SGS3
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<ashmawy> gonna recive my note 2 soon :)
<frankdrey> |Night|, maybe we want tablets?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: CM10 uses closed-source stuff that runs like crap, CM10.1 uses open-source outdated stuff that also runs like crap :p
<|Night|> frankdrey: get a proepr tab
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, for P51xx?
<Jiangyi> No, for I9300
<frankdrey> |Night|, pretty proper
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ah :)
<frankdrey> hansel, Jiangyi answered your question :P
<hansel> yeah
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<Jiangyi> OK, why am I going through Gerrit fixing French translations when I should be writing my french paragraph on civics? :-|
<ashmawy> the only thing that CM 10.1 fixed is using my tablet without lag at homescreen while in portrait
<hansel> thanks
<chadouming_work> cause CM > homework ?
<Jiangyi> Actually, attempting to fix French translations would be better xD
<Jiangyi> chadouming_work: y u no help with french translations
<Jiangyi> Current guys who are doing it are pretty bad at English :-|
<hansel> any suggestions abt stock roms?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming_work> cause me do other things
<ashmawy> also change language button at the keyborad is amazing :D
<Jiangyi> :-P
<hansel> still havent tried to flash any rom on my fone though
<hansel> hehe sorry
<hansel> =)
<hansel> was just running on stock thinking something unexpected might happen
<nebkat> |Night|: Y U NO TREB
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Remember the app name not updating bug in Trebuchet I asked you about a while back?
<Jiangyi> Well, it's generally fixed, but the names of apps inside folders on the homescreen still do not update :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: yeah well that is weird :P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: watt happenz to dem?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, LOGCAT AND DMESG
<Jiangyi> nebkat: eg. Play Music stays as Play Music when changing language to Chinese, when it should become Play 音乐
<Jiangyi> and vice versa
<Jiangyi> Only when inside a folder
<Jiangyi> if not, it changes fine
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<thewozza> has cm stopped development of 10.0?
<thewozza> I don't see any nightlies after dec 16 2012.
<Jiangyi> Yep.
<ashmawy> why does CM10 stopped and where's RC for p5100
<nebkat> Jiangyi: auto added shortcuts dont change
<nebkat> (added by store)
<Jiangyi> ashmawy: It never got one
<Jiangyi> nebkat: ._. odd, but ok
<ashmawy> @Jiangyi why ?
<bbqbot> ashmawy: Command does not exist!
<Jiangyi> ashmawy: Bluetooth issues
<Jiangyi> Which are fixed in CM10.1
<Jiangyi> Meaning that it'll probably get a 10.1 stable release one day :-P
<ashmawy> i don't use bluetooth but in cm10.1 the rom is laggy even at homescreen !
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<thewozza> yeah cm10.1 was brutal for me too. that's why I'm downgrading to 10.0
<thewozza> It is really bad both on my i9100 and my nexus 7
<Jiangyi> o_O really?
<Jiangyi> nebkat: You got launcher complaints^^^
<thewozza> Yep I have loving memories of being on cm10. After upgrading to 10.1 both devices are nearly unusable due to lag.
<Jiangyi> Makes no sense, works fine over here.
<thewozza> It might be some combination of apps I've got.
<thewozza> But I don't have the patience to go through them one by one to figure it out
<Jiangyi> Did you wipe going from 10 to 10.1?
<thewozza> No I used the CM upgrade tool
<nebkat> Jiangyi: do you know something?
<thewozza> I thought CM was pretty clear that we were to use it
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: FUQ U
<Jiangyi> thewozza: A data wipe's probably in order then, when you face these kind of things.
<Jiangyi> nebkat: :-D
<thewozza> Oh yeah it'll get a data wipe. And cm10.0
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<thewozza> I won't be going to cm10.1 for a long time.
<Jiangyi> :/
<mongi> Was "Wipe battery stats" removed from CWM???
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> mongi: It was placebo, did nothing
<mongi> =/
<ddracefreaky> On my Samsung Galaxy Note I have a problem with the theme engine. If I activate a theme that falls from tretbuchet with me! Is there a solution?
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<ddracefreaky> hello
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<ddracefreaky> I need help with the theme engine on the current bulid
<jt05> What is the proper way to report issues with CM10.1 nightlies on d2spr
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<jt05> Bluetooth and DSP manager are both broken on the d2spr nightlies
<jt05> While Bluetooth works somewhat, after receiving call the music thru Bluetooth stops working after the call and doesn't work again even with reboot
<Jiangyi> This is more of the Intl. Samsung chat room
<Jiangyi> Feel free to ask in #Cyanogenmod :-P
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<|Night|> bluetooth needs to be fiexed
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<thewozza> I have done a factory reset, and loaded dec 16 cm10.0, gapps and now.. it says "unfortunately, android keyboard (AOSP) has stopped"
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<Jiangyi> thewozza: Make sure you used 1110 gapps, not 1212
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<thewozza> I definitely used 1110.
<thewozza> I can't seem to enter CWM anymore, I'm not sure what happened.
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<thewozza> it gives me the "warning a custom OS" blah blah. I didn't know I could blow away CWM by doing a factory reset
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<Jiangyi> o_O That's download mode
<Jug6ernaut> lol
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<thewozza> So it would seem.
<thewozza> Frack. Isn't CMW done by power/vol-down/home?
<thewozza> haha it is vol-up
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<thewozza> okay so I cleared the cache again and the keyboard still crashes. I am having a bad cm day.
<thewozza> what's the newest stable build for the i9100?
<thewozza> I think I need some peace.
<Jiangyi> 9.1 was the last stable build lol
<Jiangyi> i9100 never had a stable CM10 build
<thewozza> Ahh I see that on I'm going there.
<hansel> hey guys
<hansel> i noticed a red ! on the top left corner of my screen whenever i reboot my fone
<hansel> is it something i need to worry about?
<hansel> thanks
<hansel> =)
<thewozza> wow. I am getting the keyboard error on my nexus7 too.
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<thewozza> I must be doing something wrong.