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<Eric___> hello?
<Jiangyi> Hi.
<Eric___> um
<Eric___> could you help me?
<Jiangyi> Just ask.
<Eric___> Thanks, well i have the galaxy tab 2 10.1, to start
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<Eric___> i flashed cm 9.1.0 just now, but I kinda messed up in the flashing part, and i didnt flash gapps
<jug6ernaut> sorry to hear that
<Eric___> and cwm always fcs when i try to do something with it, and i cant go back to recovery
<Eric___> so what do?
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<Jiangyi> Umm...... CWM doesn't exactly FC since it's not an app.....
<Jiangyi> ._.
<Eric___> well its not responding
<Jiangyi> Eric___: So what happens when you try to go to recovery mode?
<Eric___> i tap on recovery, it doesnt do anything
<Eric___> when i turn it off
<Eric___> and do the power switch stuff
<Eric___> it just goes right to turning on
<Eric___> like i never held the volume button
<Jiangyi> Hmm...
<Jiangyi> Flash CWM through Odin/Heimdall again?
<Eric___> hm, alright, i ll try that
<Eric___> here comes a noob question
<Eric___> where do i put the .img into again?
<Jiangyi> For odin, you'll have to tar it
<Eric___> and how do i do that?
<Jiangyi> wait
<Eric___> no problem, take ur time, ur helping me :D
<Jiangyi> Use the unofficial versions
<Eric___> i downloaded it
<Eric___> but i still have a .img
<Eric___> wait
<Eric___> i just went full retard
<Eric___> hold on'
<Eric___> alright
<Eric___> i just di what the post told me to do
<Eric___> but the logo pops up
<Eric___> and goes away
<Jiangyi> ... So you can't get into download mode?
<Eric___> nope
<Eric___> apparentl
<Jiangyi> OK, you're probably doing something wrong then :-|
<Eric___> hm, this time it just turned on
<Eric___> argh, this isnt good
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<Eric___> hm, would it being lpugged in make a difference?
<Eric___> hahaha victory
<Eric___> i got it into download mode
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<Eric___> okay, i got cwm flashed again
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<Jiangyi> So can you get in now?
<Eric___> eah
<Eric___> i went into recovery mode
<Jiangyi> You're good to go then :-P
<Eric___> cwm-based recovery, bottom right corner right?
<Eric___> thanks haha
<Jiangyi> I guess so yes
<Jiangyi> np
<Eric___> first time with cm, its not on my phone D:
<Eric___> so i should just flash gapps and ill be good to go?
<Jiangyi> Yep
<Eric___> its not great being a noob, like i said, thanks a lot for your time
<Jiangyi> Again, no trouble at all
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<en1gmaaaa> i have a sprint s3 that is stock (non-root) with l710vpblj7 and i just want to flash that same exact rom with odin in download mode. will it let me or will it mess anything up if i try to flash the same rom over the same exact rom or will i need to --force it somehow?
<Jiangyi> Think it'll let you
<Jiangyi> Odin doesn't really care :-/
<en1gmaaaa> ruu flash utility i think i had to force command it
<en1gmaaaa> but odin is different i guess
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<Jiangyi> Isn't RUU for HTC devices?
<en1gma> yea
<Jiangyi> Yeah, HTC is a PITA to deal with :/
<en1gma> do i need to use something like cdma workshop to backup anything or another program like cdma workshop
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<Jiangyi> Not sure about CDMA stuff, never had a CDMA phone.
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<en1gma> i think i better just in case as later on im gonna flash it to cricket anyhow so i better find something to back it up
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<en1gma> im confused on flashing sprint s3 to cricket (when i dont have cricket service) i mean even if i did have service and a phone am i basically just doing a "phone swap" technically? what if i dont have service and i flash this phone to cricket how would i activate it
<en1gma> would i do it over the phone with cricket or would i bring it to their store and they take phone from me and do something with it
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<Jiangyi> en1gma: No clue how all of these things work in the US :-|
<en1gma> you mean you are gsm only and use a sim card?
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<Jiangyi> Yep, only dealt with GSM my entire life :-P
<Jiangyi> GSM dominates Canada, so....
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<en1gma> cdma more secure :)
<Jiangyi> I can go without CDMA thank you very much
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<Jiangyi> I like being able to switch carriers and such :-P
<Jiangyi> I also like having a phone that'll work in most places of the world lol
<en1gma> im switching carriers. no problem
<en1gma> if i traveled i would want a world phone
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<ClashTheBunny> Hi
<Kihokki> Hi
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<workpokes> morning.. haha Kihokki, trippy pic :D
<ClashTheBunny> I believe I'm running your latest nightly for cm10.1 for the Galaxy Note. It's build 2013-01-17.015152. So far, I love it. Thanks so much for uncrapifying my phone.
<workpokes> haha nice bunny, they do a good job eh? :)
<ClashTheBunny> yep!
<ClashTheBunny> I was looking for a place to post a bug about a specific situation that is causing acore to stop receiving audio input.
<Kihokki> You can have my thanks as well. I got bored on 4.0.2!
<workpokes> yeh there seems to be some audio bugs atm, im gettin a similar thing. i don't think theres a bug report thing for the nightlies tho as they r just that... nightlies
<workpokes> a few have mentioned it here tho so hopefully the guys will take a look
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<en1gma> is there a rom for (SPH-L710) that is 4.1.1 without any carrier specific stuff? no sprint stuff and no touchwiz?
<en1gma> that works good
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<mongi> hi guys. i'm running latest 10.1 in my i9100. is anyone here with a issue where the lights from back and options buttuns turn off in automatic chosen time then turn on again?
<lolwat> mongi, I'm running latest 10.1 on i9100 and i've got no issues
<lolwat> afraid nobody else does
<lolwat> sorry but i think this will be hard for you to fix
<mongi> that's wired... I wiped and everything, clean install
<mongi> wich build are you with?
<lolwat> well you could use another kernel
<lolwat> and use tools like extweak
<mongi> are you on stock?
<mongi> i'm on stock
<lolwat> I think i saw those settings there
<lolwat> mongi, i'm on stock but i have button backlights turned off
<lolwat> maybe thats the reason i've got no problems
<mongi> ohhh
<mongi> yes
<mongi> i turned off and it's "solved"
<mongi> i was talking about the lights on... by default is 3 sec
<lolwat> mongi, only thing I know that could help you is a third party kernel
<lolwat> like dorimanx
<lolwat> mongi, yes
<lolwat> go on please i'm listening
<mongi> yeah... guess I'll try latter
<mongi> after this 3 sec the lights will turn off
<lolwat> yes
<mongi> as chosen
<mongi> but after like 1~2 sec
<mongi> they'll be on again
<mongi> did you see?
<lolwat> okay let me try to repoduce
<mongi> ok
<lolwat> mongi, I'll highlight you in a few minutes
<mongi> no prob... i'll be here. no hurry
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<mzmm> noob question but i just want to clarify. when instaling CM10 on the t0lte, we want to wipe system then do a factory reset, install the zip, then wipe cache/dalvik?
<mongi> t0lte?
<lolwat> mongi
<mongi> lolwat did you get it too?
<lolwat> they turn on again as soon as i touch the screen
<lolwat> i think this is expected behaviour
<lolwat> isn't it?
<mzmm> t0lte is the ATT note 2. sorry
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<lolwat> but tretbuchet keeps crashing now -.-
<mongi> mzmm coming from stock?
<mongi> lolwat are you on 10.1?
<lolwat> yes latest nightly
<lolwat> just flashed the latest
<mzmm> i have CWM recovery on it but the current rom is based on touchwiz
<mongi> just tried here again. and it turns on without touching the screen =s
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<mongi> mzmm well, then do the wipes before installing cm
<lolwat> mongi, sorry can't help you any further
<mzmm> okay ill let you know how it goes
<lolwat> good luck :)
<mongi> lolwat ok man, thanks for the patient
<mongi> lolwat thanks ;D
<mzmm> rebooting drum roll
<mzmm> victory
<mongi> that's good
<mongi> now just enjoy cm ;D
<mzmm> woohoo thanks!
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<mzmm> can we flash alternate modems on CM10.1?
<patalc> Hello. How can I find out if cm supports both cores on my phone? When I `cat /proc/cpuinfo` it all appears as if it is recognizing only one core.
<mongi> i believe you can...
<mongi> not sure
<mzmm> I'll do a nandroid and try. I can't get LTE to work on 10.1 and I'm thinking its a modem issue because I can
<mzmm> 'cant select LTE when I do the *#*#4346#*#* thing
<whitequark> 4636,
<whitequark> *?
<codeworkx> mzmm: device?
<mzmm> sorry meant *#*#4636#*#
<mzmm> att note 2
<Mal__> here is my question and I'd need some advice: I got JB 4.1.2 like this but my problem is that I can't connect to my WIFI, it has WPA/WPA2 PSK securing. It just says authenticating and then says error after a few minutes But I tried to connect another WIFI and it worked. I'm 100% sure that my WIFI is working cuz I can use it with my laptop
<mjt> that happens, among other things, when you enter wrong password
<mjt> how about, say, auto-uppercasing first char when typing?
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<QuinnLion> lol
<QuinnLion> sounds like a config issue
<QuinnLion> eg my nook wont connect to my ap when its in 10 or 20MHz mode
<QuinnLion> channel width *
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<koud> codeworkx: happy with the nexus 4? X)
<codeworkx> yep
<codeworkx> much
<koud> managed to feel one few days ago, I am very temted :)
<koud> still backordered in germany?
<codeworkx> sold out everywhere
<koud> damn :/
<koud> and here it is 500 euro
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<tuhoojabotti> codeworkx: According to LG France, it's going to be available in mid-February. Who knows
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<tuhoojabotti> koud: It's 600€ here
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<jero> was that rumour about LG stopping N4 production true ?
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<Fissurez> jero no
<Baskey> Fissurez: I NEED U 2 DO STH 4 ME
<Fissurez> tuhoojabotti the "tension in the market will be gone"
<Fissurez> Baskey WAT
<Fissurez> DOING MATHS
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<patalc> Hello. How can I find out if cm supports both cores on my phone? When I `cat /proc/cpuinfo` it all appears as if it is recognizing only one core.
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* Fissurez grabs patalc by the ankles and throws him out the window
<Fissurez> >:C
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<patalc> ?
<Fissurez> i'm sorry patalc, but CM only supports half a core at the moment.
<Fissurez> codeworkx is working hard to get the other one and a half cores working.
<Fissurez> wait until CM11 brings single core support patalc
<Fissurez> then more will happen with cm12
<Fissurez> hoping to hit quad and a half core support by cm16
<|Night|> lol
<|Night|> Fissurez + 10
* Fissurez bows
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<|Night|> google latitude thinks im in Antaterica :P
<en1gma> with the sprint sph-l710 gs3 at stock i see "samsung secure boot = enabled" now if i root the phone does it disable secure boot also at the same time?
<|Night|> you wont use the bootloader
<Fissurez> @geo user |Night|
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for |Night|
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for Night@unaffiliated/-night-/x-5353804
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/-night-/x-5353804
<|Night|> .p
<Fissurez> @geo Night@unaffiliated/-night-/x-5353804
<Fissurez> oops
<Fissurez> @geo user Night@unaffiliated/-night-/x-5353804
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Night@unaffiliated/-night-/x-5353804
<bbqbot> Error resolving hostname for Night@unaffiliated/-night-/x-5353804
<|Night|> pretty sure that wont work
<|Night|> try 2001:840:4073::100
<Fissurez> it won't
<Fissurez> but hell
<Fissurez> bah
<Fissurez> DIY
<|Night|> ipv6 <3
<|Night|> Fissurez: im messing around with mock locations
<|Night|> thats why
<en1gma> |Night| so "Samsung secure boot = enabled" will still be there after root?
<Fissurez> peh
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<|Night|> en1gma: CWM
<en1gma> root does not = CWM
<|Night|> well install CM = new booot loader
<en1gma> ahh
<|Night|> so wehn you get down to it
<en1gma> for my evo i had to run a seperate app for the bootloader
<|Night|> new bootloader = CM = root
<en1gma> yea i get ya
<en1gma> if i dont install CWM and just want root to run some apps and maybe uninstall some carrier specific stuff i wont need CWM and can still have secure boot enabled right?
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<|Night|> no idea why the currieres fuck so much with their phones
<|Night|> so not sure
<en1gma> guess a little experiementing is in order
<|Night|> indeed
<a-st> heyho =)
<Baskey> @money 120 gbp pln
<bbqbot> 120 GBP = 594.11 PLN
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<Fissurez> you want root but not an unlocked bootloader?
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<immortalcy> is there an easy way without a usb jig to enter download mode on i9000?? the mobile is on a loop atm .. CM9
<codeworkx> vol down + home + power
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<immortalcy> ive been trying for like - for ever :((
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<codeworkx> fat fingers?
<immortalcy> :s
<codeworkx> or do you have a broken bootloader and didn't fix it?
<immortalcy> no but i dont knkow whats wrong
<immortalcy> i have tried with battery out // usb cable in // push the combination // batterry in
<immortalcy> also without the usb cable..and nothing works :/
<immortalcy> the hpone just normally boots
<immortalcy> phone*
<chadouming_work> remeber me my old GT-I9000
<Fissurez> no
<chadouming_work> well, SGH-T959D with GT-I9000 bootloader
<chadouming_work> xD
<Fissurez> ?
<chadouming_work> galaxy S
<immortalcy> so i thing the usb jig might be the only solution now
<Fissurez> sgh t959?
<chadouming_work> telus variant
<Fissurez> o
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<chadouming_work> i flashed the galaxy s internationnal bootloader on it
<bealtine> i love "not works" statements
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<chadouming_work> and the internationnal phone had home button required to enter recovery or download mode
<chadouming_work> which the sgh-t959d doesnt have
<chadouming_work> good ol time making a jig
<immortalcy> xD
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<noxxx> hi guys
<noxxx> i am about to change my sgs2 to something different
<chadouming_work> get a nexus 4
<noxxx> is it worth to change it to nexus 4?
<VIad> changing just to change is silly
<VIad> :P
<noxxx> VIad nope, I am using sgs2 for 1.5 years
<noxxx> i am tired of it
<chadouming_work> no one change just to change, people change to have stronger device :D
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<VIad> you made me loose on ff8
<VIad> I died :(
<noxxx> chadouming_work is nexus 4 is stronger than sgs2?
<VIad> I got s2 in november
<noxxx> i am confused cause everyone says that nexus 4 is cheap
<bealtine> ja it eats spinach
<VIad> before that I used n78 from 2008 :D
<chadouming_work> haha
<chadouming_work> well, ofc the nexus 4 is stronger than gs2
<VIad> wait the n78 was bought summerish 2009
<chadouming_work> you almost have double the spec
<VIad> nothing beats s2 comparing the hardware and price
<VIad> good hardware yet affordable :D
<chadouming_work> gnex xD
<noxxx> Qualcomm APQ8064, 1500 MHz
<noxxx> is it stronger than exynos in sgs2?
<chadouming_work> ofc
<noxxx> the frequency is the same
<noxxx> oh
<noxxx> quad-core
<chadouming_work> you are talking of a quad-core 28nm cortex-a15 vs a dual-core 32 or 45nm cortex a9
<chadouming_work> the former beat the shit out of the second
<noxxx> and adreno 320 vs mali 400 mp?
<VIad> define "beat the shit out of"
<noxxx> also the same?
<VIad> I wouldn't say 25% powerful or less than that is "beating the shit out of"
<VIad> if you get 75%+ more power than I'd agree :P
<chadouming_work> adreno 320 vs mali-400mp is like radeon hd 7970 vs geforce 9900
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<VIad> I don't know what that means
<chadouming_work> Vlad, software is not optimized for the qualcomm
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<Ehsan_> hello
<Ehsan_> got an issue with cm10.1 on galaxy sii, phone freezes while making calls on bluetooth
<noxxx> chadouming a have never ever understood anything in video accelerators
<noxxx> chadouming not OPTIMISED?
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<noxxx> soeh NOT optimised is bad
<noxxx> ?
<noxxx> or what?
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<Turilo> lol i have to edit asserts for my device for Canadian note 2 for cm 10.1 or will not instal
<noxxx> also i never ever used LG smartphones
<noxxx> i am afraid that it is shit
<chadouming_work> eh, dont touch something than nexus 4 from LG
<chadouming_work> their code is the problem
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<Turilo> rhcp thanx for requesting my model i317M to be added in cm 10.1 asserts
<rhcp> not a problem Turilo
<Turilo> :)
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<Fissurez> chadouming_work pretty sure the s4 pro is not cortex A15
<chadouming_work> it's krait core
<chadouming_work> which is more a15 than a9
<Fissurez> BUT STILL NOT A15
<chadouming_work> cause qualcomm has a special right to modify that thing
* Fissurez looks sceptical
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<noxxx> chadouming soeh would nexus 4 work smooth with cm10.1?
<noxxx> chadouming_work
<chadouming_work> ofc
<chadouming_work> ask everyone that has a nexus 4
<chadouming_work> and it's pretty much the only phone that assure you will have newer version of android
<noxxx> chadouming_work until the end of the life? :)
<chadouming_work> no, until the end of the utile life of the phone xD
<noxxx> or android 5 and that's it?
<chadouming_work> about 2 years
<noxxx> oh ok
<noxxx> chadouming_work i will go to the store tomorrow and try it on hands
<chadouming_work> hmm, not sure it's sold in store
<chadouming_work> nor it is available
<noxxx> chadouming_work in Russia it is :)
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<chadouming_work> ah
<noxxx> but $600
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<chadouming_work> ah
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<frankdrey> have you guys heard of minetest?
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<mongi> can I downgrade my i9100 from cm 10.1 for stock 2.3 directly?
<a-st> mongi: I downgraded from cm10.1 to stock 4.0.4
<mongi> a-st: hmmm
<mongi> a-st: do you know any other site than sammobile?
<mongi> they don't show all firmwares anymore
<a-st> xda-developers :)
<mongi> ok, thanks
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* chadouming_work gives death to Fissurez
<Fissurez> nah is fien
<Fissurez> google says my shipping email shall arrive in 48-72 hrs
* Fissurez gives chadouming_work a single fingered salute
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming_work [Fissurez]
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<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> @bomb chadouming
<bbqbot> Fissurez: You are not allowed to run that command!
<Fissurez> RAGE
<chadouming_work> you said, give me nexus or give me death
<Fissurez> DATAGUTT
<chadouming_work> i aint going to give you a nexus
<datagutt> @admins add Fissurez
<bbqbot> User Fissurez got added as admin.
* chadouming_work gives datagutt deat
* chadouming_work gives datagutt death
<Fissurez> datagutt
<Fissurez> who is removing me as admin?
<datagutt> Your ip is changing
<datagutt> probably
<Fissurez> oh, it always changes#
<Fissurez> you need to set it to my authed account
<Fissurez> wait
<Fissurez> i'm not +x?
<Fissurez> damn
<chadouming_work> !bomb Fissurez 3
<noxxx> chadouming_work what about sgnii?
<Fissurez> @bomb chadouming_work
<bbqbot> chadouming_work, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<chadouming_work> 42
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<Fissurez> iwinbitch
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
wifi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
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<wifi> aww
<wifi> lol
<datagutt> bbqbot > clibot
<wifi> so much win
<datagutt> IT ALWAYS WINS
<Fissurez> wifi
Fissurez was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by wifi [Fissurez]
<wifi> here, who win
<datagutt> wifi: did you notice how nebkat used all teh cpu that one day?
<wifi> nope
<datagutt> it was his clibot
<datagutt> 100% cpu
<chadouming_work> php > java
<datagutt> a bot in php is a terrible idea
<datagutt> i tried
<datagutt> and failed
<frankdrey> perl > *
<datagutt> php is web language
<frankdrey> for bots
<datagutt> frankdrey: NO
<datagutt> i hate perl
<datagutt> it is a slightly weird php
<noxxx> nexus 4 vs galaxy note ii - who is more powerful?
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<chadouming_work> no play war with me Fissurez
<Fissurez> oh looky! an op nazi!
<chadouming_work> yup
<frankdrey> LOL GUISE
<Fissurez> d/w the allies will come and kill your nazi ass
<frankdrey> so some guy emailed Asus
<frankdrey> about the tf101
<frankdrey> asking when jellybean is coming for it
<Fissurez> did he get a "FU"?
<frankdrey> they said we have no plans for releasing jellybean
<frankdrey> but you can take a look here if you want jellybean
<frankdrey> and linked to cyanogenmod
<Fissurez> oh, close enough
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<chadouming_work> lol
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<frankdrey> pretty cool though :P
<frankdrey> Asus tells you to install CyanogenMod :D
<Fissurez> bc they are too lazy
<Fissurez> also means free lack of warranty
<Fissurez> they win either way
<frankdrey> lol
<chadouming_work> ah, well, if they point to CM, it's their fault tho avoid the warranty void
<Fissurez> not if they turn round and say "we didn't say that"
<Fissurez> or "he shouldn't have said that"
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<nebkat> fu datagutt
<datagutt> fu nebkat
<nebkat> code > script!
<datagutt> norway > ireland
<a3Dman> O.o
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<ctcx> Hello?
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<datagutt> a3Dman: SHE IS PRETTY
<a3Dman> never seen, can't tell.
<datagutt> Probably too young for u
<datagutt> shes from my school lol
<a3Dman> /facepalm
<ctcx> Does anyone know if rooting device is really needed before installing CWM and CM7 in S5830L?
<en1gma> what rom for S3 would be most like the rom that would come on a pure AOSP like on a nexus
<frankdrey> en1gma, CyanogenMod
<en1gma> frankdrey i just read CM is like AOKP
<en1gma> its not pure
<frankdrey> what?
<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> lies
<en1gma> "AOSP is pure Google android
<en1gma> AOKP is a custom ROM project, like CM based on AOSP"
<nebkat> no.
<nebkat> you never been to serbia, and especially teh place where I live :D :D
<Jiangyi> en1gma: CM = AOSP with more features that are well thought out
<Jiangyi> AOKP = AOSP with even more features that are unorganized and all over the place
<datagutt> NO ARGUING
<Jiangyi> And a lot of AOKP is based off of CM :-P
<nebkat> datagutt: no.
<en1gma> i guess what are the guidelines that make it not aosp when features are added
<chadouming_work> AOKP = CM with all the shit they didnt want to merge
<chadouming_work> Jiangyi, it's now based on "aosp"
<en1gma> cm = aokp
<chadouming_work> no
<en1gma> if features are added
<chadouming_work> aokp = cm + useless feature
<ctcx> I just installed CM for the very first time. Followed this guide:
<ctcx> But here:
<en1gma> so what is AOSP and AOKP defintions i guess
<datagutt> nebkat: aren't most serbians prositutes?
<ctcx> Says first rooting, and even before that installing another firmware!!!
<nebkat> datagutt: nahhhh
<a3Dman> datagutt: did you tell her that?
<datagutt> I just got that felling
<datagutt> feeling*
<chadouming_work> aosp = android open source project
<nebkat> datagutt: most gypsies are, though
<datagutt> a3Dman: no
<chadouming_work> aokp = android opensource kang project
<nebkat> I saw a few last time heh
<chadouming_work> they just kang all the things
<Pulser> lmfao
<a3Dman> shouldn't it be aoskp?
<a3Dman> >:D
<chadouming_work> aokp - aosp open kang project then :P
<ctcx> Hello......................................................................
<chadouming_work> wow, so rude
<bealtine> sale on dots?
<nebkat> ctcx: hey
<nebkat> how've you been?
<datagutt> YOU KNOW CTCX?
<nebkat> yeah
* a3Dman calls the pacman
<a3Dman> :P
<datagutt> 0h right
<datagutt> i remember him
<nebkat> ctcx: what you been up to?
<chadouming_work> pacman -S cyanogenmod :D
<datagutt> pacman -S mizu
<nebkat> packman -S asha
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<nebkat> hahahaha
<nebkat> fail
<datagutt> i win
<chadouming_work> failed at recovering package, mizu source are not available
<a3Dman> oh, I didn't mean the pacman of Archlinux, sir.
<nebkat> packman -S prostitute
<nebkat> ctcx: duude answer me!
<datagutt> mizu source is available
<a3Dman> datagutt: wtf, a girl is not a package!
<datagutt> and i still wine
<datagutt> win*
<datagutt> a3Dman: y
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<a3Dman> datagutt: dunno
<frankdrey> nebkat, pacman -S prostitute
<frankdrey> not packman
<datagutt> hahahaha
<datagutt> nebkat: no idea why she posts old and ugly pics
<datagutt> she is 15
<a3Dman> have fun
<frankdrey> datagutt, is that your girlfriend?
<datagutt> SHE HAS A NICE HAT
<datagutt> frankdrey: no
<datagutt> i am a geek, sitting in irc all day
<frankdrey> oh
<datagutt> so no
<datagutt> i think she knows html tho
<frankdrey> i am a geek, sitting in irc some of the day
<datagutt> i haz seen some folders on her mac
<frankdrey> and i have girls chasing me
<a3Dman> frankdrey: he used pacman to grab here, lol
<datagutt> she makes layouts and codes them
<a3Dman> s/here/her
<datagutt> i think
<frankdrey> a3Dman, that's how you get girls
<datagutt> "finished, coded and uploaded layouts"
<datagutt> "HTML"
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<datagutt> (the folders)
<a3Dman> datagutt: but she looks nice for 15 though
<datagutt> and she likes decent music
<a3Dman> dubstep > *
<datagutt> No no
<frankdrey> a3Dman, you have lost my respect
<datagutt> and she likes himym
<datagutt> and the list goes on
<datagutt> [21:54:53] <frankdrey> i am a geek, sitting in irc some of the day
<a3Dman> frankdrey: lol
<datagutt> [21:54:59] <frankdrey> and i have girls chasing me
* Kihokki checks whats going on hiars
<datagutt> i guess you got looks then
* Kihokki oh scheet
<datagutt> a3Dman: i hope you were joking
<datagutt> dubstep?
<datagutt> that aint music
<frankdrey> datagutt, once they get close enough i scare them away
<frankdrey> with my deep discussions and nerdiness
<datagutt> i could avoid that
<nebkat> datagutt: if I lived in serbia i'd find you 10*better ;)
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<datagutt> nebkat: better personality as well?
<datagutt> I wish i could convert her to android tho
<nebkat> datagutt: <datagutt> nebkat: no idea why she posts old and ugly pics
<nebkat> lozl
<nebkat> dat 2 crazy dawg
<datagutt> she gets retweets
<datagutt> basically the only reason
<datagutt> does it for the followahs
<nebkat> datagutt: being not idiot > followers
<nebkat> at least for me :P
<datagutt> shes not an idiot
<datagutt> have you ever met her?
<datagutt> have you read her tweets?
<datagutt> :P
<a3Dman> no wai
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: datagutt: dubstep makes you think better
<datagutt> dubstep makes you insane and turns you into a psychopat
<a3Dman> not if you're already insane...
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<Kihokki> bipolarity means something more
<datagutt> well i'm not
<datagutt> unless you try to say java is better
<datagutt> then i turn insane
<datagutt> aint that right, nebkat?
<Kihokki> Java is best :D and Oralcle
<datagutt> @kick Kihokki
Kihokki was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Kihokki]
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<datagutt> finnish people -.-
<Kihokki> ;__;
<datagutt> you are finnish right?
<a3Dman> well, I remember a Prof. at my University that hated Java so much, he always said, Java is for janitors
<a3Dman> and I was like, lol.
<Kihokki> Yes I am but definately not drunk
<a3Dman> I couldn't imagine a janitor coding using Java
<ctcx> nebkat: ?????
<toaksie> I'm getting status 7 on latest CM nightly build running CWM on a GT-P3100 Galaxy Tab 2 7? Been looking for hours as to why can't find anything clear any help appreciated
<ctcx> So I'm not the piece of sh**t this time......
<frankdrey> datagutt, ARE YOU ALSO 15?
<nebkat> Kihokki: you are awesome dude!
<datagutt> 16
<toaksie> Indeed I have
<ctcx> nebkat: ??
<nebkat> ctcx: hey dude!
<a3Dman> I'm 11.
<datagutt> nebkat: you can't say anything about her if you like music like that
<nebkat> ctcx: SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY
<datagutt> a3Dman: almost as old as netchip
<nebkat> a3Dman: U JOKE RITE?
<a3Dman> /internetlies
<ctcx> nebkat: are you a bot?
<Kihokki> I'm 17 and turning to 18 in few months, and then I can have my driving licence AND CHEVROLET AVEO
<nebkat> ctcx: SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY
<ctcx> nebkat: are you a bot?
<a3Dman> Kihokki: Aveo sucks, worst car I've ever driven.
<Kihokki> Why
<nebkat> ctcx: nah
<a3Dman> no stability at all
<Kihokki> How about Cruze?
<ctcx> nebkat: can you help me?
<a3Dman> Kihokki: well optra and cruze are always better
<a3Dman> if you can get the new kia rio, it would be better than both...
<nebkat> datagutt: its ok, I use it to troll :P
<Kihokki> Kia Rio looks ugly
<a3Dman> well, the new one is not that ugly
<Kihokki> Hmm I should check it out
<ctcx> I see...
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<Kihokki> Well that looks nice, how much it costs?
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<a3Dman> I think you should check it locally, price differs from every country...
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<nebkat> I need to get myself a mercedes
<chadouming_work> ah, first get a car
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<a3Dman> nebkat: try hardly to get one, it would be good at your age
nebkat is now known as theposh
<chadouming_work> haha
<theposh> I own this nick
theposh is now known as nebkat
<chadouming_work> well, at his age, would be a good way to get 16 y/o chicks
<nebkat> chadouming_work: I know right?
<nebkat> i'd drive it for last year of school
<a3Dman> chadouming_work: it would get his teacher.
a-st has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
<chadouming_work> hahahahahahaha
<nebkat> be one of the only with a car, not to mention that it is a merc :D
<datagutt> chadouming_work: Uhm
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> i can't drive until im 18
<datagutt> but i can start rehearsel driving
<datagutt> rehersal*
<nebkat> I can too next year
<datagutt> nebkat: NO
<datagutt> she's mine
<nebkat> dunno if i'd do it with my merc
<nebkat> she's mine
<nebkat> (the merc)
<datagutt> i have no idea if shes interessed in me
<datagutt> but i don't care
<datagutt> i will just kidnap her
<nebkat> datagutt: probablie not :/
<a3Dman> datagutt: omg, that's insane.
<nebkat> not to ruin your dreams
<datagutt> nebkat: clearly not
<datagutt> and i am well aware
<datagutt> a3Dman: nah
<a3Dman> datagutt: rape = bad
<datagutt> i just said kidnap
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<a3Dman> well, what would you do after that?
<datagutt> no idea
<a3Dman> play poker?
<a3Dman> lol
<datagutt> it is not a good idea at all
<a3Dman> yours is bad also
<nebkat> datagutt: hehe :D
<datagutt> a3Dman: Yes.
<datagutt> I should figure out something else
<datagutt> oh btw
<a3Dman> yes...
<datagutt> the it crowd is awesome
<Kihokki> a3Dman: Only 12k€ here that 1.2 ex
<Kihokki> O__o
<a3Dman> Kihokki: which means, cheap or expensive?
<datagutt> or this
<a3Dman> lazy to do currency conversion...
<datagutt> nebkat: a3Dman
<datagutt> "I am sorry for your loss. It is not like you lost a pen, is it?"
<a3Dman> datagutt: this or the first one? my bandwidth is very expensive, I shall choose one only :P
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<datagutt> the last one
<Kihokki> Very cheap, I could just buy it without taking loan
<a3Dman> Kihokki: this is times better than the aveo.
<Kihokki> Aveo costs here about 15k€ and last time I saw rio it was just ugly
<a3Dman> all kia cars was ugly, they did nice designs now
<datagutt> buy a chinese car
<datagutt> looks good
<datagutt> has terrible security
<datagutt> will get you killed
<Jiangyi> Hrm
<datagutt> but it looks as good as western cars
<datagutt> the haiphone of cars
<Jiangyi> Ya know, I don't think I've ever seen a Chinese Chinese card before in China
<a3Dman> looks could be deceiving...
mongi has quit [Quit: Page closed]
<Jiangyi> As in, the manufacturer is actually Chinese :-P
<datagutt> View is Loading…
<datagutt> [22:28:17] <Baskey> WTF DATAGOUTE
<datagutt> [22:28:30] <datagutt> HUH?
<datagutt> [22:28:41] <Baskey> HELLO KITTY
<datagutt> [22:29:00] <datagutt> NO IDEA WHAT U R TALKING BOUT
<datagutt> [22:29:14] <Baskey> WUT R U DOIN
<datagutt> [22:29:15] <Baskey> STAHP
<datagutt> iam confused
<Baskey> and so am I
<datagutt> nebkat: can you decode baskey speak?
<a3Dman> /megafacepalm
<datagutt> nebkat: can i borrow some of your poshness?
<Jiangyi> Guys, stahp it.
<Jiangyi> ._.
<a3Dman> I hate "stahp" so much...
<datagutt> yeh
<a3Dman> this should end
<datagutt> what should end
<datagutt> chinese stuff?
<Baskey> that's preposterous!
<a3Dman> "stahp"
<datagutt> "stahp" should end
<datagutt> yes
<a3Dman> lames thing happened to the intertubes
<datagutt> A START HAS AN END
<a3Dman> lamest*
<en1gma> so what rom is most like aosp? would that be liquid or cm?
<datagutt> en1gma: there is this rom named flyme os
<datagutt> it is very, very aosp
<a3Dman> en1gma: I think liquids would render your device useless...
<datagutt> what device do you have?
<a3Dman> there's an exception though, if it's an Xperia Z
<en1gma> sph-l710
<en1gma> sprint gs3
<nebkat> wat going on datagutt
<datagutt> nebkat: i am suggesting the guy who wants aosp experience flyme os
<datagutt> because flyme is very aosp like
<a3Dman> Baskey: iron man much
<nebkat> Baskey: I say tomato
<datagutt> the only difference is that it is pre-rooted
<Baskey> indeed
<nebkat> you say tomato
<datagutt> POTAMATO
<nebkat> see? we are agreeing!
<en1gma> hmm so flyme os is just like JB on a nexus device
<en1gma> ?
<datagutt> yes
<Baskey> nebkat: YES
<a3Dman> Baskey: it's awesome, specially in protests...
<datagutt> but not sure it is available for l710
<en1gma> checking net for info on flyme os for cdma gs3
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<Jiangyi> Blah
<Jiangyi> I wanna sleep, but I don't wanna miss the UPS truck :-|
<codeworkx> BLAH
<codeworkx> Y NO SLEEP!
<codeworkx> whats inside the truck?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Nexus 4 :-P
<codeworkx> OMG OMG OMG
<Jiangyi> Exactly. lol
<codeworkx> you can't leave i9100g
<codeworkx> i'LL DROP IT!!!!
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You should've mentioned that a week ago lol
<Jiangyi> i9100g's with my dad on the other side of the world now :-P
<codeworkx> awwwwwww
<Jiangyi> I'll get it back in May or something :-|
<Thiagovfar> Well, you can re-route that nexus to me.
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<Jiangyi> Ya know, so you can support the next Android version xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i just jope android 5.0 is to much for i9100g
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: then i can drop it xD
<datagutt> MIZU
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Impossibru
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OMAP never dies! :-P
<Jiangyi> BRB
<a3Dman> lulz
<a3Dman> do not want
<Jiangyi> back
<Thiagovfar> False alarm?
<datagutt> JIANGYI
<datagutt> GET MIZU
<datagutt> I PROMISE U
<Jiangyi> No I got it :-D
<datagutt> [23:38:29] <@datagutt> GET MIZU
<datagutt> [23:38:31] <@Jiangyi> No I got it :-D
<Jiangyi> Now the question is, how do I open this box.....
<Baskey> BURN IT
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: when it boots, just scream "ZOMG IT BOOTED"
<a3Dman> brings good luck
<a3Dman> :P
<datagutt> I STOLE UR NEXUS
<Baskey> datagutt: Y U NO LET ME STEEL
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Should I still film it? lol
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<a3Dman> yeah, specially "zomg it booted" part
<a3Dman> :P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i've a very big problem
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: + the one i'm holding + the tablet my gf is using
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Urh... Exactly why is that Nokia there? ._.
<codeworkx> uhm
<datagutt> is that an iphone?
<datagutt> CODY
<codeworkx> lol?
<Jiangyi> That too
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
<datagutt> BUT NOT U
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<Jiangyi> Damn, I just realized that I need a phone to take a picture of my new phone :-|
<a3Dman> pwnt
<datagutt> shit
<codeworkx> hahahahahaha
<Jiangyi> Or a camera, but I don't have that either
<Thiagovfar> Wrong, you need a camera
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: MIRROR!!!!!
<datagutt> then get a mizu
<Jiangyi> camcorder time :-P
<datagutt> for picture taking only
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: mirror + frontcam
<chadouming_work> mirror all the way
<datagutt> Oh
<datagutt> typical teenager
<a3Dman> haha
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I no camwhore :-P
<a3Dman> never used the combination of mirror and smartphone ever :P
<chadouming_work> Jiangyi, impossibru, you are chinese
<chadouming_work> you must have used cam + mirror
<Thiagovfar> I have used a mirror once, to look at the screen and get a better framing.
<chadouming_work> and must have a bagel head
<Jiangyi> chadouming_work: Nope :-|
<chadouming_work> and be good at mathematics
<Jiangyi> chadouming_work: That's Japanese lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What happened to selling that i9300?
<chadouming_work> japanese, korean, chinese, african all the same
<datagutt> african?
<a3Dman> ???
<Baskey> NIGGAZ
<datagutt> i agreed just up to the african part
<datagutt> Oh
<Jiangyi> Africa?
<Baskey> datagutt: AND WHAT ABOUT ASHA
<Jiangyi> .__.
<Baskey> SHE'S ASIAN
<datagutt> i know how to get sauces for samsung!
<datagutt> this guy at my school is from south korea
<datagutt> which means his father must work at samsung
<Baskey> kill him with fire
<Thiagovfar> datagutt: Get the source. I don't demand to know how you did it.
<datagutt> South korea is basically a big samsung factory, right?
<a3Dman> datagutt: are you going to make my sgs2 snappy?
<Jiangyi> datagutt: afaik, the phones are made in China now :-|
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: my sgs2 is Chinese
<a3Dman> that's from aug2011
<Thiagovfar> But, are they designed there?
<Baskey> don't think so
<Thiagovfar> Well, don't look there for source code, then.
<datagutt> when we get touchwiz source, we can port touchwiz to mizu!
<datagutt> (oh btw i actually tried that)
<a3Dman> failed badly?
<datagutt> Yes.
<Baskey> datagutt: PORT MIZU TO TOUCHWIZ
<datagutt> mizu rom is actually much cleaner than touchwiz
<datagutt> and they use uboot
<a3Dman> omg...
<datagutt> which is a sane and open source bootloader
<Baskey> FlyMe is shite
<datagutt> Except they blocked, like, 90% of uboot
<datagutt> @kick Baskey Chuck is shite
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<a3Dman> datagutt: even mizu > samsung
<a3Dman> haha
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<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Mine definitely is, cuz it was bought in China lol
<Baskey> datagutt: U NO SIMPLY TREAT ME LIEK DAT
<Jiangyi> z0mg dat back
<Jiangyi> so epic :-DD
<a3Dman> disco
<Baskey> datagutt: FIEN THEN
<Jiangyi> Damn, that booted uber quick
<a3Dman> yeah it boots fast
<Jiangyi> daflip
<Jiangyi> vibrator is so.........
<frankdrey> what?
<Jiangyi> weird/weak ._.
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<frankdrey> it's to discourage females....
<a3Dman> :P
<frankdrey> the phone isn't waterproof
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Is the vibrator weak on your N4 too?
<codeworkx> it's soft and nice
<a3Dman> I don't know if it's tradition, but vibrator on my Nexus S is very weak compared to other phones
<a3Dman> but it's not bad
<Jiangyi> ok, sounds like how mine is then :-P
<Jiangyi> Too used to Sammy vibrations lol
<frankdrey> my sony ericsson is insane
<frankdrey> my little bro's phone is worse tho
<codeworkx> dont like phone which are jumping around when they vibrate
<frankdrey> it's some off brand
<frankdrey> you can hear the vibrate accross the room
<chadouming_work> iphone 4 vibration is just wrong
<codeworkx> chadouming_work: U NO BLAME IPORN
<chadouming_work> yes i do
<codeworkx> U DONT!
<chadouming_work> yup
<Jiangyi> Hrm
<Jiangyi> Now I know what they were saying about the cam
<Jiangyi> it is kinda weird ._.
<Jiangyi> Very grainy
<Jiangyi> No focus probs though :-P
<frankdrey> my sony has the crappiest focus ever
<frankdrey> can't take a pic without it blurring ever
<datagutt> my mizu has the best camera ever
<datagutt> every pic has this yellow tint
<datagutt> makes everybody looks more chinese
<Jiangyi> Damn, this does get warm fast :-P
<Jiangyi> aw damn
<Jiangyi> I think I have the infamous yellow tint T_T
<datagutt> Jiangyi: Sounds completely normal
<datagutt> does your parents also have this yellow tint?
<Jiangyi> -.-
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<datagutt> norwegians are born racists
<datagutt> :(
<datagutt> lol
<a3Dman> datagutt: my norwegian friend was never racist...
<datagutt> weird
<datagutt> "was"
<a3Dman> well, I don't see her now...
<datagutt> "her"
<datagutt> IS SHE HOT
<a3Dman> ...
<datagutt> So, no.
<a3Dman> orly?
<Jiangyi> Hrm
<Jiangyi> ok, think I'm just being paranoid at this point :-P
<a3Dman> what happened now?
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Nothing lol
<Jiangyi> Everything seems fine, think my mind's just playing tricks on me xD
<a3Dman> well, it should, you have been playing tricks on it for a lot of days :P
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> But yeah, no more AMOLED burning my eyes off :-D
<Jiangyi> lol
<chadouming_work> seriously, i had to go back to my gnex after my optimus G it's just bleh
<Jiangyi> The screen?
<chadouming_work> yup
<Jiangyi> Well, the screen was a bit dull when I saw it at first, but then I realized that it's cuz I'm too used to SAMOLED :-P
<Jiangyi> Overly vibrant colours for years now lol
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<chadouming_work> yeah
<chadouming_work> exact same effect for me
<chadouming_work> now i dont like amoled screen that much xD
<datagutt> i like cheap chinese mizu screen
<datagutt> grey screen
<datagutt> wait, i mean, it sux
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<Jiangyi> OK, $2 Ebay case = bad idea :-P
<Jiangyi> This doesn't fit properly on the sides lol
<a3Dman> I try not to use cases at all
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<Jiangyi> Can't wait to be able to get an official bumper :-P
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: flashed cm yet?
<a3Dman> :P
<datagutt> a3Dman: s/cm/miui
<a3Dman> is MIUI still active?
<a3Dman> I used to like that rom gingerbread days xD
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Not yet :-P
<a3Dman> QuinnLion: when I bought my sgs2, went home, opened the browser, and it had a dead pixel right in the middle
<QuinnLion> hah
<QuinnLion> I wasnt speaking of quality/reliability
<a3Dman> besides that
<QuinnLion> but SLCD isnt flooded with color
<a3Dman> burning issues is lame
<QuinnLion> I mean it's like someone grabbed the clicker and jacked up the color bar :o
<QuinnLion> hahah, I wouldnt deal with Burnin.
<QuinnLion> Back to the store it goes
<a3Dman> well, I started to notice burning after 10 months of usage
<QuinnLion> :s
<QuinnLion> I saw major burn in on screens at the mall kiosks and stores
<a3Dman> so, I did RMA, changed it, and now I can notice burning again
<a3Dman> anyway warranty is over...
<QuinnLion> sadface
<a3Dman> I don't care, I use this phone for calls now
<a3Dman> doesn't all samoled screen get bruned by time?
<QuinnLion> I dunno, I dont have an AMOLED device
<a3Dman> I saw a lot of gnexes with burnt screens
<a3Dman> best feature in amoled to me, is deep black.
<QuinnLion> My G2 is SLCD and I dont know what my p5113 is, I'm guessing LCD. as it's black levels are horrible.
<a3Dman> yeah
<Jiangyi> Unfortunately, sammy's fail mfg techniques causes ink spots when displaying deep blacks :/
<QuinnLion> Older TV shows it's really evident in
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: I have a curve
<a3Dman> not dots only
<a3Dman> a freaking curve in the bottom
<Jiangyi> :o
<QuinnLion> curve?/
<Jiangyi> That's pretty intense
<a3Dman> only appears in a very dark lighting
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: I will show you if It gets captured by nexus s
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<Jiangyi> :-D
<QuinnLion> hah
<QuinnLion> You have a 226 or 224bw :P
<Jiangyi> 226, Chimei panel
<QuinnLion> and I dont see a curve?
<Jiangyi> So the crappiest one :-/
<QuinnLion> Mine was an LG panel methings
<QuinnLion> or something with an A
<Jiangyi> AOC
<Jiangyi> So the in-between one :-P
<QuinnLion> yes
<QuinnLion> I miss it
<QuinnLion> Damn caps went bad
<QuinnLion> Your cactuar is in bloom, sir.
<Jiangyi> I actually don't like this monitor lol
<Jiangyi> brightness adjustments on these are practically nonexistent
<QuinnLion> O.o
<Jiangyi> 0-15 does something, 15-100 does nothing :-|
<QuinnLion> Mine was great.
<QuinnLion> Oh, that :P
<QuinnLion> you could also use the GPU settings
<QuinnLion> 'Digital Vibrance' really helps
<QuinnLion> if nvidia
<QuinnLion> else I have no fucking clue
<Jiangyi> I use AMD :-P
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: damn cheap case
<Jiangyi> Yeah :
<Jiangyi> :/
<Jiangyi> I just got it to tide me over