nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<Jiangyi> Kewl. UPS says it'll be delivered by the end of Friday.
<Jiangyi> But knowing UPS, it might not happen that way lol
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<a3Dman> omg, you still waiting for that N4...
<a3Dman> good luck bro
<Jiangyi> Thanks^^
<Jiangyi> Should be smooth sailing from here, now that there's a shipping confirmation
<a3Dman> kwel
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<zekurosu> list
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<kilo82> i really need help!!!
<kilo82> my i9100 has been running fine with cm 10.1 untill today trebuchet is constantly FCing on me ive factory reset wiped everything i could wipe
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<kilo82> my i9100 has been running fine with cm 10.1 untill today trebuchet is constantly FCing on me ive factory reset wiped everything i could wipe
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<Yappy> any idea what mmc1_detect kernel wakelock is?
<bbqbot> derp
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<QuinnLion> sdard detection?
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<larsemil> how do i change default key to google search? dont want the "hold menu button"
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<Ken_> can I flash CM10.1 to a stock recovery directly? (SGS2)
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<VIad> depends on your phone
<VIad> mr impatient
<VIad> I don't use google search so no help for me on that one larsemil
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<lim_> [ROM][GT-I9100][JB][4.2.1] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies // discussion thread
<lim_> jelly bean 4.2.1 in samsung galaxy s2 i9100 can sceen shot ?
<VIad> I use your phone and Ican screenshot
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<lim_> how to ?
<VIad> using the 4/1/2013 nightly myself
<VIad> how to screenshot? I configured in the settings to be on my power menu :)
<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> cm can "sceen shot"
<lim_> can give me link ?
<bealtine> prress power button
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<Yappy> hold volume down + power button
<Yappy> bam
<bealtine> if its not there add it
<bealtine> or that too
<lim_> yappy
<lim_> u said is my handphone ?
<lim_> samsung galaxy s2 i9100 ?
<VIad> you should go trough the system settings and check what options there are, there are many things you can change :P
<Yappy> it varies with roms
<Yappy> in cm10
<lim_> i try later >.< just root ~
<Yappy> volume down + power button
<lim_> yappy , thx !
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<lim__> yappy
<Yappy> yo
<lim__> yappy , volume down + power button cannot screen shot >.<
<Yappy> press them both together
<Yappy> but volume down before power
<Yappy> and hold it
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<lim__> 12345
<lim__> yappy
<lim__> thx
<Yappy> got it? :)
<lim__> can screen shot already
<lim__> erm , can i choose my lock screen to other type ? =)
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<VIad> lim__ you sure you just don't want an iphone?
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<bbqbot> derp
<bealtine> cant you look at your settings?
<Yappy> he's gone, guys :P
<VIad> I guess my joke was not funny :P
<VIad> since apple is out of the box no configuration required kind of deal
<bealtine> lazy sod:~P
<VIad> some people aren't meant to configure stuff
<VIad> it's a problem when those people want features they must configure, but can't get their heads around the config screens :P
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<QuinnLion> probably would be best with iPhone
<VIad> nice
<VIad> from food?
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<looper> Hello :) so i have an Samsung galaxy s2 (i9100) and i installed cm10 nighlthly build.
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<looper> i have a macbook (2008) and i wanted to transfer music to my phone but
<looper> it didnt worked. is there a way to connect my phone as a hd to my mac?
<brinsjt> get android file transfer
<QuinnLion> afaik, no
<QuinnLion> lol
<QuinnLion> only way on Mac Os
<QuinnLion> best bet is to gb2/iOS though
<QuinnLion> </3 MTP
<QuinnLion> It's a pain in the arse, even on windows
<Frd^> adb push files /sdcard/Music/
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<QuinnLion> thats only for individual files
<datagutt> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
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<Frd^> small script in terminal and it's done
<QuinnLion> ...
<Frd^> i use rsync to download files from pc
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<looper> thank you very much! :)
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<VIad> first time I do this, but when I download a new nightly update I reckon I go to the recovery and apply the downloaded zip? do I have to reset any cache or anything after or just boot?
<VIad> here goes nothing, I hope it doesn't delete preferences lol
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<VIad> worked but fyi when upgrading to a new nightly you loose any custom apps in system folder
<a3Dman> omg, a looper was here...
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<VIad> "redo backups for modified data" means it will backup new app data right? like if I backup my messages then it will update the backup with the latest once and such.
<VIad> (titanium backup)
<tuhoojabotti> VIad: yes
<VIad> nice
<tuhoojabotti> It skips unchanged data
<tuhoojabotti> Only backs up changed data
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<EgotisticalElf> VIad, new & updated apps backup option
<EgotisticalElf> then modified data
<EgotisticalElf> those two together will get you a full, but minimal backup
<larsemil> chrome fcing when using swiftkey,is this known error?
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<der_sascha> hello need some help
<der_sascha> someone there?
<workpokes> just ask der
<der_sascha> does the newes version work on siyha 1.8.8 as 2nd rom?
<der_sascha> cm-10.1-20130116-NIGHTLY-i9300
<der_sascha> ??
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<der_sascha> does the newes version work on siyha 1.8.8 as 2nd rom? [16:46] <der_sascha> cm-10.1-20130116-NIGHTLY-i9300
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<workpokes> lol
<workpokes> if at first no one replies, spam and spam again
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<datagutt> I think google play hates my samsung
<datagutt> only 2 chinese devices appear
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<datagutt> mk802ii
<datagutt> and mizu
<datagutt> Fuck you chinese goverement
<datagutt> hacking google play
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<HippyTed> Hello. wont work for an i9100 for me.
<HippyTed> Is it ready yet?
<HippyTed> Thats for cm-10.1 I mean.
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<HippyTed> OOps! Just realised I'm looking at cm10 sites not cm10.1!!
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<frankdrey> hai
<frankdrey> finally managed to set up arch
<frankdrey> wicd is gone, but at least i have auto wifi that runs invisibly :P
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<qprneil> having a problem when flashing nightlys on cm10.1 when i make call there is no sound i.e no dialing sound and cannot hear the other person, i have been told something about a system boot sound?
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<aaron> hello
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<Guest79797> can i flash these files from a external sdcard
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<ctcx> Hello?
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<ctcx> Hello?
<Jiangyi> Yes?
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<ctcx> Cyanogenmod channel seems (or seemed) a bit idle, so I was wondering if I could ask here how to configure weather info in clock app.
<ctcx> Even while connected to internet it keeps showing "not available".
<Jiangyi> No clue, wasn't experiencing it :-P
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<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: I hate you, you know
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<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: :-D
<Jiangyi> heh
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<gres_> hi there :)
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<gres_> folks, i know this is not the place, but just wanna try.. I have a generic (xing-ling) tablet. I have root access to it. How can I extract it's rom? I have it's config.gz file. I was thinking about using this to compile a new kernel with some patch with cwm .. is this the path?
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<frankdrey> whoo minecraft works great on this :P
<QuinnLion> works great on mine too
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<Din> i have a question
<Din> any one here ?
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<Jiangyi> Just say it
<joethc> hey jiangyi how did fongo work out for ya?
<Jiangyi> joethc: I don't exactly have an Android device atm lol
<Jiangyi> Waiting for my N4 to get there :-P
<joethc> oic
<Jiangyi> here*
<a3Dman> ohai
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: dood sgs2 > n4
<a3Dman> kthx
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: You keep thinking that xD
<a3Dman> well, sgs2 feels like jewel
<a3Dman> oh wait, that's the iPhone 5
<Jiangyi> I've recently heard reports of the iPhone 5 bending from people putting it in their back pockets and sitting on it :-P
<a3Dman> yeah, too tall
<a3Dman> xD
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<frankdrey> who the fuck puts a phone in their back pocket?
<a3Dman> frankdrey: noobs?
<frankdrey> ._.
<frankdrey> anyway gtg
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<a3Dman> kbai
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<Jiangyi> Hrm... My package has been stuck in Maumee, OH for more than 5 hours now....
* Jiangyi is way too impatient
* Jiangyi is also obsessively checking the UPS page
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: i dont even know where my package is!
<nebkat> horrible!
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I thought you didn't even order one
<nebkat> I didn't
<nebkat> i'm getting a t :D
<Jiangyi> nebkat: y u no z?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: it wasnt out when I was offered the device :P
<chadouming_home> cause he is faithful to samsung
<nebkat> guess how much it costs?
<Jiangyi> oh I see
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Free?
<nebkat> chadouming_home: idiotte im getting sony
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ya :)
<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: I think that's cody lol
<chadouming_home> ah, then no reason to blame him
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<nebkat> chadouming_home: n00b
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<chadouming> Pff, i iz no n00b anymore
<Jiangyi> ..............
<Jiangyi> why the hell is #RIPAnna trending on G+........
<Lestic> hy
<Lestic> how stable is cm rom
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<chadouming> As stable as a paraplegic in a wheelchair
<Baskey> lol
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<chadouming_work> what, it's really stable, unless you want them to climb stair
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<a3Dman> Google Finance is ugly
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<chadouming_work> good you shared that
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: enterteyn me plz
<nebkat> im bored
<Jiangyi> nebkat: no.jpg
* Jiangyi is doing homework
<nebkat> Jiangyi: fix ur timezone, its 23:21
<Jiangyi> no.jpg x2
<chadouming_work> 18:21 nebkat
<nebkat> Jiangyi: i did hw 2h ago
<nebkat> chadouming_home: in chadana!
<chadouming_work> Jiangyi, is in chanada
<nebkat> ok gn Jiangyi janggie and chadanian
<nebkat> chadouming_home: Chadana*
<chadouming_work> anyway, at 14 y/o, shouldnt you be in bed by 22:00 ?
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