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<Bert_> Has anyone seen an i9100 running CM10.1 (couple of days old) all of a sudden stop loading data (web pages, app updates, etc.)? Things were working fine up to an hour ago, Network info seems fine, but the issue happens on Wifi and 4G.
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<|Night|> i9100 even have 4f?
<|Night|> 4g
<Bert_> HSPA+
<n0credit> maybe the us version? international does not
<Napsterbater> i9300 has HSPA+ but no LTE
<Jiangyi> Damn it
* Jiangyi wants to test gerrit patches
<Jiangyi> but no phone = no testing :'(
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<Bert_> LAN connection to the phone (airdroid) seems OK. LAN connection from the phone is a no-go. Ping, DNS lookups and traceroute all work fine from the phone.
<Bert_> Looks like a (recovery) cache flush did the trick, even though previous reboots did not help.
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<Bert_> Should a packet-snifing app (WiFiInspect) work? (guess why I am asking.)
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<chachin> and when i imput the key they gave me on bluetooth setting it doesnt do nothing
<chachin> it wont type or nothing
<chachin> im on 20130113 on my galaxy tab 2 10.1
<Jiangyi> Hmm... Should've been fixed 2 days ago
<chachin> well nothing is happening.. it doesnt wanna type
<chachin> I try on my nexus4 and it works fine
<chachin> 7
<chachin> nexus7
<chachin> D:
<chachin> lol
<chachin> wish i had a nexus4
<chachin> I've tried fresh install and still nada
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<imneveral0ne> what do you have chachin?
<imneveral0ne> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 tf300t
<imneveral0ne> not me
<imneveral0ne> lol
<Jiangyi> Welp, there goes my phone Q_Q
<imneveral0ne> what happened!
<Jiangyi> imneveral0ne: I gave it to my dad for his 5-month trip
<Jiangyi> Back to Nokia flip phone til Google decides to ship my N4
<Jiangyi> D-:
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<imneveral0ne> ohh boy
<imneveral0ne> don't scare me like that Jiangyi :-p
<imneveral0ne> thought you like dropped it in the toilet or something haha
<imneveral0ne> what's he do that he needed a smart phone for anyways?
<bbqbot> derp
<chachin> [09:31:33:PM] <chachin> im on 20130113 on my galaxy tab 2 10.1
<chachin> imneveral0ne ^
<imneveral0ne> got that :-p
<chachin> you better :P
<imneveral0ne> haha
<imneveral0ne> so what's new in hacksung land?
<imneveral0ne> haven't been here in a minute
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<Jiangyi> imneveral0ne: Sony bribed all teh devs, that's what xD
<imneveral0ne> lame!
<imneveral0ne> lol
<imneveral0ne> that's fine, I love my Note II even with touchwiz haha
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* Jiangyi still can't stand TW to this day :-P
<Jiangyi> Still lags lol
<imneveral0ne> It's really not bad
<imneveral0ne> especially with a quad core
<imneveral0ne> and different launcher
<imneveral0ne> lol
<imneveral0ne> really all I need from it is multi window :-p
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<MaXim_> TW doesn't lag but it gobbles memory
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<work_toke> anyone else have any headset problems with the samsung tabs on cm10.1? gonna do a few more tests if i can get it rolling but it don't seem to find the mic when I try to one a headset. running a tab 2 p3100
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<a-st> hi
<a-st> What could be wrong if my device IMEI does not match the IMEI reported by Android? It's not the Fake IMEI but still not the one below battery...
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<magicsailor> I was installing CM 10.1 on my galaxy s2 and everything is working but not the microphone
<magicsailor> every time I want to record something the app is crashing...
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<magicsailor> I have installed everything as written in the instructions and it's not my first custom ROM I install...
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<Espenfjo> Then it is probably a bug
<magicsailor> At first I thought so too, but there is another strange thing: I have installed CM10 a few day before on the same device and there everything worked out (and just after the reinstallation (i made some stupid stuff) it is not working)
<Espenfjo> CM10 uses a different audio HAL
<magicsailor> what does that mean for me?
<Espenfjo> That means that it will not work in CM10.1 until it is fixed
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<Espenfjo> Cm10.1 uses opensource audio, so it should be fixable
<Espenfjo> But.. well.. one needs to understand the code :P
<work_toke> i get problems with the mic on mine too
<work_toke> cant use headsets
<work_toke> makes calls ok tho
<magicsailor> but is there any explaination why it worked once?
<Espenfjo> in 10.1 or in 10?
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<magicsailor> in 10.1!
<Espenfjo> no, dunno
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<magicsailor> ok thanks for the support!
<bealtine> not sure what you are you why a sound recorder crashes or why mic doesn't work?
<bbqbot> derp
<magicsailor> any ideas what i can try?
<work_toke> right.. my sound recorder works ok, BUT if i plug in a headset (where the mic doesn't seem to get recognised) then the record app crashes for me
<work_toke> but only when it cannot initialise the mic
<work_toke> maybe its linked somehow
<work_toke> to magics prob
<magicsailor> for me it makes no difference whether i use the mic of the phone or plug in the headset...
<work_toke> ah fair enough
<work_toke> u tried a 3rd party recorder?
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<frankdrey> 4 am
<frankdrey> AND I AM AWAKE
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<frankdrey> watching how I met your mother
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<frankdrey> Probably should at least pretend to be sleeping since my dad is getting up for work soon
<magicsailor> @Espenfjo: I got it working! I installed SwiftKey 3 and in the properties (language and input) I checked on SwiftKey 3 instead of Google voice input!
<bbqbot> magicsailor: Command does not exist!
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<frankdrey> Okay bye
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<workpokes> say my provider has suddenly decided a tablet is a laptop and i cannot use my internet (3g) no more... how you reckon they spot that? through IMEI?
<codeworkx> call your provider and say: fuck you
<codeworkx> and then change your provider
<workpokes> oh trust me i have done that
<workpokes> would just rather not have to get another sim from some other bunch of muppets
<unknwn> what are advantages of disabling hw overlays?
<workpokes> get this, they reckon a tablets a laptop, and i could use the sim card in my tab to abuse the net and overuse. instead, they suggest i buy their handset and tether my tablet to it instead. lol sorry whats the fecking difference? i could still 'abuse' it. they just want more money out of me, its a total pisstake
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<workpokes> grrrh
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<shaaan> codeworkx around ?
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<codeworkx> shaaan: no
<shaaan> alright..
<codeworkx> if you have questions, just ask
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<shaaan_> any hints on how to get adb running ?
<sunrise0291> win or linux?
<shaaan_> both
<codeworkx> install sdk, install drivers
<codeworkx> done
<shaaan_> i have it installed
<shaaan_> i mean
<shaaan_> how do i fix cm10 ?
<shaaan_> the device freezes before adbd service starts
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<codeworkx> uart
<shaaan_> and if i add fbcon support, kernel panics
<shaaan_> well.. if uart is the only option, its out of my league. i dont have one
<codeworkx> buy one
<shaaan_> will look into it. thanks
<Entropy512> workpokes: lemme guess,
<Entropy512> AT&T?
<bbqbot> derp
<Entropy512> and yeah, AT&T detects tablets by IMEI
<Entropy512> and detects laptops being tethered by browser useragent
<Entropy512> do NOT EVER use a desktop useragent on an Android device if you're tethering on AT&T without one of their plans
<Entropy512> use a desktop user agent = tether police will bust you within days if not hours
<Entropy512> (It sounds like they're enforcing a bit less aggressively now, but for a while, even 1-2 pageloads with a desktop useragent could trigger a nastygram)
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<codeworkx> i'm happy that i never have to deal with crappy providers
<workpokes> Entropy512, na its 3 Mobile in the UK, part of Hutchingson Telecoms
<workpokes> wondering if an IMEI change might trick it into working
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<bealtine> my wild pets : pushkin and tolstoy
<workpokes> little pests :D digging wholes in ur pots
<bealtine> heh
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<a-st_> Hey anybody around? :)
<bbqbot> derp
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<a-st> Hello :)
<a-st> I already asked that question but nobody responded: What could be the reason for the Andriod given IMEI not matching the IMEI label below battery? I've checked twice and it's not the Fake IMEI. So what could be the reason?
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<a-st> Maybe Mainboard Replacement?
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<a-st> sunrise0291: No it's not the Developer/Fake/whatever IMEI
<a-st> IMEI is valid but does not match Device label
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<gigley> hi
<gigley> i've been having some problems using wifi direct on my galaxy s2 (G variant) after cyanogenmod rom. everything else is simply perfect. i'm using the 4.1 stable version. is there any solution for that?
<bealtine> whats a 4.1 version?
<bbqbot> derp
<gigley> i mean cm10
<gigley> sorry
<bealtine> and?
<gigley> is there any patch work or any solution that would allow me to use wifi direct?
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<a-st> No more hints about IMEI issue? =/
<gigley> IMEI?
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<sunrise0291> a-st: Do you habe a nandroid backup with the right IMEI?
<gigley> i have a nandroid back up from the stock android
<gigley> i have never tested it to see if it's working
<sunrise0291> gigley: I didnt talk about your wlan issue
<a-st> sunrise0291: Nope. But I was on stock and phone has never been flashed before. Still IMEI does not match the label below battery :-\
<a-st> Maybe the mainboard got replaced?
<sunrise0291> maybe
<gigley> and sorry for my illiteracy but i dont know what IMEI is.
<gigley> ohh. sorry again
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<sunrise0291> a-st: second hand bought?
<bbqbot> derp
<a-st> sunrise0291: Yes. :)
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<sunrise0291> so it could really be a other mainboard
<a-st> okay thank you :)
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<AndersonBR> I dont know if my question was sent before, so here it goes again: "Somebody here used to use Slim or AOKP Roms on SGS2? I'd like to ask a few questions about the user-experience"
<bealtine> this is a cm channel..
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<chadouming_home> lol
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<chadouming_home> teamhacksung support, "Hey, let's ask question about any other roms !"
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<Ehsan_> had an issue with CM 10.1 on galaxy s II
<Ehsan_> where the phone was almost freezing when receiving calls on bluetooth
<Ehsan_> is it a known issue?
<r_sheikh> I am having an issue with bluetooth on cm10.1, no audio during calls? Anyone know of a work around or a fix?
<r_sheikh> I am using galaxy s2
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<r_sheikh> @Ehsan, is bluetooth call audio working for you on cm10.1 galaxy s2?
<bbqbot> r_sheikh: Command does not exist!
<r_sheikh> (r_sheikh) Ehsan, is bluetooth call audio working for you on cm10.1 galaxy s2?
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<chadouming_home> read the first line of known issue
<Ehsan_> yes audio works fine
<Xello> anyone was using android back @ 1.6?
<r_sheikh> For me it doesn't work during calls, which build are you using? Did you have to use any work around to fix it?
<bbqbot> derp
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<workpokes> i get the same with just 3.5mm jack headsets ehsan.. i think its an issue atm
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<r_sheikh> Ehsan, which build are you using? I get no audio during calls on bluetooth, I am using the latest nightly build
<workpokes> odd thing with mine is it recognises the mic on the headset, i've tested it on a spectrum analyser app... it just doesn't integrate into the call
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<workpokes> no rush tho, im happy to wait... the latest builds are brilliant
<EgotisticalElf> Xello, i rooted a 1.5 device, but didn't really use it
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<Xello> i have this "binatone homesurf" tablet, its running 1.6, and having an issue with media process FC
<Xello> cant seem to find any factory reset setting
<EgotisticalElf> heh, good luck, that i can't help you with
<EgotisticalElf> do you have custom recovery at all on it?
<Xello> only other android knowledge is from my sgs3 lol
<EgotisticalElf> or 100% stock
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<Xello> nah its my bro's, stock
<Xello> not even sure if you can go into a recovery mode on it
<EgotisticalElf> if you have adb --"adb reboot recovery"
<EgotisticalElf> but chances are you can't do anything in recovery with it
<Xello> seems you cant even get google play store or anything on it
<EgotisticalElf> if you had root/custom recov you could flash a super-duper ancient old version
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<Xello> i'd need root access before adb could interact with it right?
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<EgotisticalElf> no
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<Xello> hmm cant seem to get it showing, the drivers installed when i plugged it in but adb aint showing it under devices
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<Xeiss> Hi someone's here?
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<Xeiss> I got a little question
<bealtine> more than 2 words?
<Xeiss> 3 words
<Xeiss> :P
<Xeiss> How's the battery?
<Xeiss> (On i9300 CM10.1 4.2.1) lol
<bealtine> mine varies but usually about 20 hrs
<Xeiss> how much it spends while screen locked and not doing anything (but Mobile Data 3G is on)? A lot or not so bad?
<bbqbot> derp
<KaZo58> i see 4 words
<bealtine> i don't do 3G very much mostly wifi at work
<Xeiss> @beatline 20 hrs if u play stuff like "Flow" and surf the web, or 20 hrs when u do notihng?
<bbqbot> Xeiss: Command does not exist!
<Ehsan_> I have an issue while on Bluetooth - galaxy s2 cm10.1
<Xeiss> beatline: 20 hrs if u play stuff like "Flow" and surf the web, or 20 hrs when u do notihng? *
<bealtine> i rarely use my phone for anything except as a phone
<Ehsan_> the phone becomes very slow as it is frozen
<Ehsan_> any advise?
<Xeiss> so u mean if i will surf the web a little, and other than that just leave it idle (not doing anything) my battery won't last for 20 hrs?
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<Xeiss> know what, just leave that i should try myself.
<Xeiss> last question - can i flash cm10,1 - 4.2.1 if i have stock jb rom 4.1.2 or i have to flash ics before?
<bealtine> i sometime twitter and fb on my phone but rarely
<Xeiss> oh i see
<Xeiss> thanks
<bealtine> i listen to the radio a lot
<Xeiss> oh
<Xeiss> alright
<Xeiss> i guess thats enough :D
<Xeiss> hmm i gtg now thanks for the answer man appreciate it
<Xeiss> cya later.
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<EgotisticalElf> Xello, you may have to turn on android debugging
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<Ehsan_> I have an issue while on Bluetooth - galaxy s2 cm10.1
<Ehsan_> the phone becomes very slow as it is frozen
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<raulillo> hi there everybody! i have a samsung galaxy s2 gt-i9100, the last rom i flashed via cwm was "lk95 simplistic" (4.1.2), is it safe to flash cyanogenmod 10.1 now? problems of MMC-SUPERBRICK-BUG? if you need any other info please ask me :)
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<Ehsan_> raulillo the is a problem with Bluetooth but no one responds to it
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<nebkat> bealtine: hey
<nebkat> upc claim they fixed it
<nebkat> they just sent a text, nobody came
<nebkat> (luckily)
<krabador> hi team, do you think that the Broadcom BCM28145 will be easiest than exinos4 to work about?
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<bealtine> hey nebkat
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<bloodzio> Hi
<bloodzio> can i flash my phone with mmc-superbug sgs2 :/ for CM10 /shaiy v5 . Now have 4.0.4 orginal samsung shaiy v5
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<bloodzio> Hi can i flash my phone with mmc-superbug sgs2 :/ for CM10 /shaiy v5 . Now have 4.0.4 orginal samsung and shaiy v5
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<Espenfjo> I dont understand your question
<bealtine> english here pls
<Espenfjo> Do you know if you can flash CM10 without beeing hit by the eMMC-superbug? And you are on siyah v5?
<Espenfjo> siyah v5 and stock original samsung?
* bealtine gives Espenfjo a cookie
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<Espenfjo> Thank you
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<bloodzio> yes iam on siyah v5
<bloodzio> can i flash cm10 4.2 on sgs2
<bloodzio> ?
<Espenfjo> Yes, but not sure if Siyah is 4.2 compatible
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<Espenfjo> But if you flash cm10.1 you will get a new kernel anyways
<Espenfjo> automatically
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<bloodzio> ok thx for reply
<ctcx> Hello. First time here, and haven't installed CM on my device (Galaxy Ace S5830L). Does someone know if by going from all-vendor-stuck to CM there will be some performance improvement?
<ctcx> For example, in games and video playing.
<ctcx> Even if it was a bit...
<Espenfjo> Probably
<ctcx> Probably?
<Espenfjo> Probably.
<Espenfjo> :P
<ctcx> !!??
<clibot> ctcx: Unknown command "!??"
<bbqbot> derp
<ctcx> ...??
<Espenfjo> I have no idea what device the Ace is, but I guess it is somewhat old. So I guess you will have some chance for a performance improvement
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<ctcx> Yes, shamefully it's 3 years old already...
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<ctcx> You can google it.
<Espenfjo> root it, install cwm, take an nandroid backup, and try CM
<Espenfjo> if you dont like it you can just restore the nandroid backup and be back on stock like nothing ever has happened
<ctcx> It's not even possible (at least with relative ease) to build kernel 3.0 on it.
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<ctcx> They said kernel 3 really makes improvements...
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<|Night|> derp!!
<ctcx> @Espenfjo, you mean with this guide?
<bbqbot> ctcx: Command does not exist!
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<ctcx> Espenfjo, you mean with this guide?
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<nebkat> w00t
<nebkat> 150mb/s upgrade
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<|Night|> wtf is that
<|Night|> <item>Koush steals yachts!!!!</item>
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<VIad> I have a stupid question you probably heard a million times, but, I am using the S2 9100 and I am tracking the changelog at but my question is, why does the nightly build change so much in size regardless of how small the changelog is? is there a full "changelog" list or am I missing something?
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<endstille> hey, i'd like to install bbqlinux, but it still needs a primary partition for /
<endstille> how can i change this wrong behaviour?
<frankdrey> ._.
<bealtine> write your own linux
<endstille> wow, that helped me alot
<bealtine> ask a stupid question etc
<frankdrey> i thought endstille was one of us? :(
<frankdrey> endstille, don't use bbqlinux if it doesn't do what you like
<bealtine> or write your own linux
<bealtine> end of discussion
<nebkat> bealtine: now it says I get 156mb/s on the upc speed test :)
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<frankdrey> how I choose an article to do my weekly news assignment on for American Government:
<frankdrey> is it longer than half a page?
<frankdrey> if no, i use it
<VIad> I am still here for those that wish to enlighten me ;D
<frankdrey> VIad, what's your question?
<VIad> copy pasting: I have a stupid question you probably heard a million times, but, I am using the S2 9100 and I am tracking the changelog at but my question is, why does the nightly build change so much in size regardless of how small the changelog is? is there a full "changelog" list or am I missing something?
<frankdrey> what do you mean?
<frankdrey> amount of changes =/= size of changes
<frankdrey> hell, adding a 4 gb movie as the CM boot animation would be one item on the changelog xD
<frankdrey> but to answer the second part, yes, you're missing something
<frankdrey> find the "show translations" link in the changelog
<frankdrey> at the bottom
<frankdrey> VIad, yah got that?
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<VIad> explain to me stuff like, the message app has a "dark theme" option but it doesn't work, is it a theme issue or app issue or android issue or cm issue?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> derp idd
<VIad> I need to learn how to track bugs and report them in the right place
<frankdrey> it's a cm app theme issue :D
<frankdrey> what's the error?
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<frankdrey> how does it "not work"
<VIad> the message app doesn't use dark theme :P it's white as "normal"
<frankdrey> lolk
<frankdrey> can you get logcat of switching to the theme?
<frankdrey> download bbqtools from google play
<frankdrey> switch to dark theme, go directly to bbqtools and copy logcat
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<VIad> I got eclipse with app dev
<frankdrey> put it on
<frankdrey> oh ok
<frankdrey> do that way then :)
<VIad> also another question, if I wanna theme an app like, reskin the contact app since it's white and it hurts my eyes when the theme is black
<VIad> systemui.apk
<VIad> seems very bad to directly edit that :/
<VIad> I wish themes were like a folder with files that overrode the apk files :(
<VIad> like addons for world of warcraft, it would be best to avoid update issues
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<VIad> I am just getting used to the platform
<laen> So, is 10.2 ready yet!?
<VIad> no lol
<VIad> far from
<VIad> changelogs are not exactly pouring inn so it takes time ;)
<laen> What am i doing here then, you people are slacking too much!
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<VIad> its not that many devs
<laen> I'm just kidding mate :)
<VIad> I just joined too /hello
<VIad> new guy
<laen> I joined a while ago to get a problematic SGS1 fixed ;p
<laen> But no idea why i'm still here. Even though I appreciate all the effort :)
Norman_ is now known as imneveral0ne
<frankdrey> VIad, i have no idea about today's themes
<frankdrey> but i know that back in the day metamorph did exactly what you're talking about
<frankdrey> unpacked the apk and replaced the files inside with the new theme's files
<VIad> I just mean it's better to have a theme in an apk and not touch the original system files
<VIad> but it's even better to have the files in raw, unpacked too :P
<VIad> I got a theme that works but the guy hasn't skinned everything, so I wish to finish his missing work for my phone
<VIad> but when he makes a new release I gotta merge and yeah, chaos
<frankdrey> hmm, is Congress legislative?
<frankdrey> (US)
<VIad> for instance my contacts and message theme issue, both are white and it hurts my eyes :P
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> aren't cm7+ themes apk's you install?:S
<frankdrey> and you can get them off play
<frankdrey> and switch theme with themes chooser?
<waratte> Frankdrey, of course.
<frankdrey> waratte, thank you my communist friend ;)
<laen> Guys, i'm gonna /part, who knows i'll be back in a month when the Stock SGS2 upgrade sucks ;).
<laen> Keep up the good stuff!
<VIad> it's a 10.1 theme, I use 10.1
<frankdrey> VIad, yeah, i meant since cm7 themes have been like that
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<frankdrey> are you actually editing system files for the theme??
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> @echo I am derpity derp derp. I can't say anything other than derp.
<bbqbot> frankdrey: Command does not exist!
<frankdrey> fuu
<frankdrey> @say blah
<bbqbot> frankdrey: You are not allowed to run that command!
<frankdrey> :|
<waratte> Nice bot. :D
<frankdrey> clibot is superior
<frankdrey> !geoip waratte
<clibot> frankdrey: Unknown command "geoip"
<frankdrey> !geo user waratte
<clibot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", latlong: {38.0, -97.0}}
<frankdrey> :o
<VIad> I use a touchwiz theme on google play
<frankdrey> you live in the middle of nowhere :(
<VIad> it's the only one for cm10.1
<frankdrey> VIad, yeah, that's just an apk that has the theme files :|
<VIad> but I wish to brush it up for my s2 but I can't load two themes and make them overlap either
<frankdrey> huh?
<VIad> can't themes skin the message and contact apps?
<VIad> they seem to be able to :)
<frankdrey> oh, you'll probably need source for the original theme :|
<VIad> yeah
<VIad> exactly
<VIad> this makes themes kind of lame
<frankdrey> #blameotherdev
<frankdrey> :P
<VIad> I can't even use his work and apply mine on top
<VIad> like wow addons :P I can debug their code if I want hehe
<frankdrey> eh, don't think cm team cares much for themes :P
<VIad> I wish themes were able to load several themes in priority order
<frankdrey> don't even know why they keep them
<VIad> dude
<frankdrey> since it's supposed to be as close as possible to aosp
<VIad> the theme is black
<VIad> the contact and message apps are white
<VIad> it hurts your eyes -_- if you are like me
<frankdrey> #blamegoogle
<frankdrey> turn down your darkness :P
<VIad> and there are no options to make it dark themed, and there are actually for the message app but it doesn't work atm :S
<VIad> it's minimal
<frankdrey> lol in all seriousness, get a logcat of the message theme thing
<VIad> I will
<VIad> moment, finished a dungeon :P
<frankdrey> and phone app, hmm :| don't know if CM will be willing to touch that :P
<waratte> Frankdrey, I could add that to Loggerbot. :D
<VIad> I am just saying, it would be awesome if themes could skin anything as long the filepath is proper, and that if you could have an advanced setting to allow loading a theme and another one on top
<VIad> if you buy a theme on the play store that skins the phone, and another theme that only skins one app or two, you'd probably want them to work together :D
<VIad> not sure if the OS allows this tough
<VIad> I am just suggesting here, hehe, for the sake of users :P
<VIad> I want to develop for android, just that the way of interacting with the phone is very new to me
<VIad> I am sorry frankdrey, the dark theme thing was for the quick reply feature, sorry.
<VIad> there is no theme choice for a dark theme on the google apps
<VIad> it's weird, I'd figure google would figure it out and add a theme option for their own apps - not expect that everyone runs a white OS
<VIad> imagine the battery drain using so much white :P
<VIad> frankdrey: what do you suggest I do to skin the contact and message apps? I am really unsure if there is a point to proceed if it involves editing the apk from google play, the theme file :P
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<frankdrey> VIad, i don't know anything about themes :P
<VIad> you use the default one?
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<VIad> it's nice, but, I like to make my own
<VIad> in my case, use a theme and supply it with a theme that I make on top, to fully customize :P
<VIad> the author can't skin every app out there ;)
<frankdrey> yeah, i use default
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<VIad> question about themes
<VIad> does it have to be in apk?
<VIad> if so why not let it be a theme folder on the phone in the storage folder?
<VIad> or like a zip, I mean, unless the apk contains classes and only contains images and xml files having a compiled apk seems like a overkill no?
<bbqbot> derp
<VIad> lol :P
<VIad> who is that guy derping?
<waratte> It's a bot. :o
<VIad> I figure he does that when I have ? ? ? in my message
<VIad> a? b? c? no?
<VIad> damn you derp bot!
<VIad> waratte do you know themes?
<waratte> files?
<waratte> Eh.
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<waratte> No, I do not. What are themes?
<VIad> themes are files you use to skin the phone interface :P
<VIad> it's a standard cm10.1(?) feature
<bbqbot> derp
<waratte> ?
<waratte> (?)
<waratte> Hmm...
<VIad> it means I am not sure if it's a cm10.1 or 10 feature
<VIad> I started using cm, my first custom OS, two weeks ago
<VIad> meaning I have no information on past cm versions :P
<waratte> What is cm?
<VIad> cyanogenmod
<VIad> it told me that this is the official irc channel for it :P
<Entropy512> i find it hilarious someone would come here without knowing what cm was
<Entropy512> :P
<Entropy512> as to the theme engine
<Entropy512> I know very little about it
<Entropy512> other than arcee's themes are teh awesome
<Entropy512> and every other theme I've used has been teh suck
<VIad> I like touchwiz because it's black but yet colorful with the icons so not too black :P
<Entropy512> sadly, he sometimes gets too busy with other things to update his themes
<VIad> when I download a theme from google play, where is the apk stored?
<Entropy512> /data/app I think
<VIad> if I take the apk, edit it, reupload, will it break google play auto update mechanism?
<Entropy512> yes
<VIad> (for that specific "app")
<Entropy512> and also I think sometimes edited theme APKs can dork up the theme engine
<VIad> hmm
<Entropy512> somewhere arcee has a template
<VIad> has the theme engine been developed lately?
<bbqbot> derp
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<VIad> just curious if the developer has more info on theme load priority system, if it's an option to add it as a feature at all
<Entropy512> VIad: it was forward-ported to CM10.1 but hasn't been really updated beyond compatibility stuff
<VIad> if I only could code for android, I'd gladly add this feature
<Entropy512> chadouming_work: I refuse to purchase themes on Play Store until they increase the return timer
<VIad> I know I'd myself love a way to add a theme on top, and replace the other theme files (those that overlap)
<Entropy512> you can't figure out if shit is broken reliable in 15 minutes
<chadouming_work> ah
<Entropy512> reliably
<chadouming_work> well, i used it for long time
<chadouming_work> never hit a problem with that theme
<Entropy512> chadouming_work: including on tablets? MDPI and TVDPI?
<Entropy512> TVDPI support is rare as fuck
<chadouming_work> well, i tested mdpi and xhdpi
<Entropy512> even arcee's themes don't do it
<Entropy512> (he hasn't had time)
<VIad> does a theme have to be apk or can it be a zip? and where must it be placed? :P
<chadouming_work> if you want TVDPI support, get a smart tv :P
<frankdrey> VIad, metamorph *should* still support new android versions :P
<frankdrey> look into it
<Entropy512> right now has to be an APK
<frankdrey> you basically give it the files you want to be modified in each system apk, in folders and all in one zip file
<frankdrey> and it does the mods for you
<frankdrey> or zipthemer or something like that
<frankdrey> makes a flashable zip of your theme
<frankdrey> AND a backup of the files it'll change in a flashable zip
<frankdrey> so if things bork, flash the old files back with the backup flashable zip :D
<frankdrey> Entropy512, waratte came in here to tell us why he hates micro usb and wants an iConnector
<Entropy512> what
<Entropy512> the
<Entropy512> fuck
<Entropy512> ?
<chadouming_work> +1
<chadouming_work> wtf
<chadouming_work> magnetic microusb would be nice tho
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<MaXim_> only 15 years until the patent expires :p
<chadouming_work> lol
<chadouming_work> do it differently ?
<chadouming_work> people think the only way to make magnetic holding is to have the material around usb port magnetic
<chadouming_work> why not make the pin magnetic
<chadouming_work> from usb cable for exemple
<chadouming_work> and in the phone they are normal
<frankdrey> it would stick to your metal desk :D
<MaXim_> supposedly they are making a "MagSafe 2"
<VIad> if a patent can make "swiping your finger(s) over the screen unloack the phone" forbit anything that involves a swipe like motion to be used on any phone except the owner of the patent, then what chances are there the swapping of the magnet position gonna be okay? :P
<chadouming_work> haha
<chadouming_work> swipping finger is a question of concept. Hardware, well, it's hardware
<VIad> didn't apple sue someone for using that concept a while ago? not sure what happened
<bbqbot> derp
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<waratte> Did someone highlight me in here?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: ^
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<chadouming_work> yup, we were asking why the fuck dont you like micro usb and want iShit
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<MaXim_> oh
<MaXim_> i didn't know that the blackberry playbook had a magnetic charging connector
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<andrey_> kicked my power button :(
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<MaXim_> surface RT has it also btw
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<frankdrey> on the bright side, arch linux shuts down and boots up hella fast
<MaXim_> i guess it can be done then.
<frankdrey> xchat took longer to connect than for the PC to boot
<MaXim_> laptop innovation has been stagnant for years anyway
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<VIad> we are starting to reach the limit on how much better electronics become
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<frankdrey> VIad, lies
<MaXim_> i don't think that's the problem (yet). the current chips are a hell of a lot faster than 5 years ago and use less power
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: o_O
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, hmm?
<MaXim_> and if that weren't true, you wouldn't have the kind of smartphones of today
<frankdrey> oh Jiangyi how's bbqlinux?:p
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I didn't think anyone still kicked the power button lol
<frankdrey> i did ._.
<VIad> moore's law
<frankdrey> i was being jittery as always tapping the side of my desk with my foot (it's under me crossed to the right), and accidentally tapped the power button
<frankdrey> VIad, we're nowhere close to reaching moore's law :)
<Jiangyi> ._.
<MaXim_> but laptops have not really changed in the last 5 years
<frankdrey> the CPU quite possibly will get there soon
<MaXim_> same old form factor
<MaXim_> screen res pretty much the same except for a few exceptions
<VIad> I heard the physical components are the reason we are soon at the limit :P
<frankdrey> MaXim_, what do you want? A tablet with an innovative hinged keyboard?
<frankdrey> VIad, only true for CPU for now :P
<MaXim_> well why not, it might sell :p
<frankdrey> and if anything, we can always make the CPU bigger and make more room for it on a motherboard
<frankdrey> MaXim_, watch apple do it xD
<MaXim_> i dont min the form factor actually, but screen res probably
<MaXim_> but i'm not willing to buy a retina macbook to get it
<frankdrey> We have innovated the hinged keyboard tablet. We are code naming it the lap desktop, or laptop for short.
<frankdrey> xD
<MaXim_> well i know sony makes that convertible thing
<MaXim_> vaio duo 11
<MaXim_> needs work though it seems
<frankdrey> no...i'm...
<frankdrey> joking ._.
<frankdrey> i'm saying that they'll "innovate" the laptop form factor, coming from a tablet
<MaXim_> right :p
<frankdrey> and patent it too
<VIad> in my eyes the only real innovation from apple was the itouch music player and the interface :P
<VIad> from there on it was just regular improvements
<MaXim_> devices like that existed in the past already
<VIad> but that's my oppinion :p
<MaXim_> they just applied a bit of polish to it and marketed the hell out of it
<MaXim_> like they always do
<waratte> chadouming_work, I find that micro usb tends to be very fragile since they are so small.
<VIad> yeah but, itouch was usable, I had a earlier music player based on a touchscreen and it wasn't good :P
<MaXim_> im still toddling along with an ipod classic
<chadouming_work> never had any problem
<chadouming_work> xD
<MaXim_> itouch was a step backwards in my point of view
<frankdrey> i'm still toddling along with whatever the hell my brother puts his music on :P
<frankdrey> currently his ipod nano :P
frankdrey has quit [Quit: brb steam has fked up and i don't want to look up it's process and kill it so brb restart]
<waratte> Eh, I can't say the same for myself. I have enough broken micro usb cables to make spaghetti with.
frankdrey has joined #teamhacksung-support
<waratte> wb frankdrey!
<frankdrey> bleh
<frankdrey> still not working
<VIad> frankdrey: "(00:48:32) waratte: Eh, I can't say the same for myself. I have enough broken micro usb cables to make spaghetti with."
<frankdrey> waratte, make spaghetti with them
<waratte> I use them for stripping actually.
<waratte> Err... Stripping segments off of them to use them as wire.
<VIad> stripping ;)
g_byers has quit [Quit: Linkinus For Mac -]
<waratte> :P
<frankdrey> dem cables
<MaXim_> damn
<MaXim_> was reading my feeds and "Sony Xperia Z is priced at £250" popped up
<MaXim_> but then I read it properly and it turned into "£520"