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<Motogeekchris> anyone have an idea to kick out a i747 stuck in qualcomm download mode?
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<Jiangyi> Motogeekchris: Flash stock through Odin?
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<ajju15> how to instal jaley bean 4.2.1 in galaxy SIII-I9300
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<_druu> morning folks :)
<_druu> hey I'm running this: is it safe to flash CyanogenMod 10.1 ?
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<Onixs> i have this habit to format /system when using custom rom
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<_druu> do I have to update my kernel to run cyanogen 10.1 ?
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<hackvana1> Hello there. I've just installed the latest CM10.1 nightly onto my S2 for the first time. I'm having trouble accessing my SD card.
<hackvana1> I've had a look with adb shell, and it seems the SD card is now mounted on /storage/sdcard1 (there's no /storage/sdcard0), but /sdcard still points to /storage/sdcard0.
<hackvana1> How can I get my SD card mounted as /storage/sdcard0 again?
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<hackvana1> Anyone here?
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<_druu> wooohoooo got everything running on my sgs2 :)
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<hackvana1> Hello there. I've just installed the latest CM10.1 nightly onto my S2 for the first time. I'm having trouble accessing my SD card.
<hackvana1> I've had a look with adb shell, and it seems the SD card is now mounted on /storage/sdcard1 (there's no /storage/sdcard0), but /sdcard still points to /storage/sdcard0.
<hackvana1> How can I get my SD card mounted as /storage/sdcard0 again?
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<hackvana1> Anyone here?\
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<kZard|nb> hackvana1, did you get helped with your SD card issue?
<hackvana1> No
<hackvana1> How does CM work out the mount point?
<kZard|nb> I have the same issue. I think it is mounted as /storage/sdcard1 in stead of the usual /sdcard/extternalsd
<kZard|nb> or something like that
<kZard|nb> at the moment I just use X-plore to access my SD card
<hackvana1> Either way, the /sdcard symlink won't work.
<kZard|nb> there should be a better way though
<hackvana1> It's my son's phone. He can't install any apps
<kZard|nb> o0
<kZard|nb> how so?
<hackvana1> Because lots of apps want to write to /sdcard, which points to the non-existent /storage/sdcard0
<kZard|nb> huh
<kZard|nb> interesting
<kZard|nb> I don't have that problem
<kZard|nb> sounds really weird though
<hackvana1> Where do you think I should ask next?
<kZard|nb> maybe wait around a bit till someone with +o speaks, then ask them
<kZard|nb> also, while you wait, maybe try an older nightly
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<kZard|nb> I'm running January 29's rom without issues
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<thedo> how stable is the latest nightly
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<bealtine> how can anybody answer that...
<bealtine> it works
<Frd^> still anoing bug in bluethoot share =/
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<Frd^> @changelog i9300
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<whitequark> @changelog i9100
<Frd^> bluethoot sahre takes 32-40% cpu after usage =/
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<divadfty> hi, I just updated to the cm 10.1 20130210 nightlies, everything works fine except the market enabler, I entered the gsm numeric of another country but google play doesn't respond, how can I resolve it? thx!
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<divadfty> actually the market enabler works fine with the 20130207 nightlies and those before it, but not after...
<hackvana1> bealtine: Hi. I just CM10.1ed my son's Galaxy S2. Now I'm having an SD card problem.
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<hackvana1> I've had a look with adb shell, and it seems the SD card is now mounted on /storage/sdcard1 (there's no /storage/sdcard0), but /sdcard still points to /storage/sdcard0.
<hackvana1> How can I get my SD card mounted as /storage/sdcard0 again?
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<DooMMasteR> Anyone ever heared of cam firmware ZHFJ02 on the i9300?
<DooMMasteR> because the cam is not working at all for me (neither AOKP nor CM)
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<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: doesn't sound like i9300
<DooMMasteR> but it is
<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: stock cam is working all fine
<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: flash stock rom and pull all files from /data/cfw
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<DooMMasteR> I am relaiing… the files will be on the way…
<DooMMasteR> "ok, dauert aber en kleinen moment ^^ " so let's wait…
<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: is there any mini guide of supported camFW on CM/AOKP for the i9300?
<DooMMasteR> I have another phone (not checked cam FW yet) which does kinda work… but the flash does not
<DooMMasteR> using the flash results in a 90% crash (10% of the time it works)
<DooMMasteR> but only the cam FW seems to crash (it becomes unresponsive) but the phone works on
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<jayr2014444> goodevening
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<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: ZHFJ02CML0801-M080E0@
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<DooMMasteR> it is yet firmware for the CML0801
<DooMMasteR> so no magic HW on the side of the phone board
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<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: still alive… or cramped by the Samsung shuffle?
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<DooMMasteR> I wonder why it is so hard to interface to all the different camera FWs
<DooMMasteR> somehow samsung seems to have found a way to do it quite efficent…
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<kimo> hello
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<kimo> i'm using cm10.1 for quite sometime now
<kimo> bought nexus 4
<kimo> so i want to sell my s2
<kimo> my question is
<kimo> how to get back to stock samsung rom?
<kimo> i tried factory reset
<kimo> clear cache
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<kimo> and connect to odin and flash the stock rom
<kimo> am i doing it rite
<kimo> odin shows pass
<kimo> but my device still wont woke up
<kimo> its stuck on samsung logo
<kimo> quite like bootloop i think
<kimo> please help me
<kimo> mm, hello anyone?
<kimo> help me please
<DooMMasteR> kimo: what S2?
<DooMMasteR> i9100
<DooMMasteR> i9100g
<DooMMasteR> ?
<kimo> i9100g
<kimo> i flash the france samsung jb 4.1.1
<DooMMasteR> did you flash a i9100g stock fimrware?
<kimo> ops sorry
<kimo> 4.1.2
<kimo> yup
<kimo> exactly for the i9100g
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<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: got the fw files?
<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: -.-
<DooMMasteR> ^^
<DooMMasteR> there is just the bin inside
<kimo> sorry, whats is fw files?
<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: gimme everything from data/cfw
<DooMMasteR> that is everything
<DooMMasteR> there is nothing more in there
<kimo> I9100GXXLSR_I9100GXXLSP_I9100GXEFLSR_HOME.tar
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<kimo> thats the file that i flash just now through odin
<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: file does not exist
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<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: hmm gotta love drive -.-
<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: does that one work?
<codeworkx> no
<DooMMasteR> now
<kimo> codeworkx
<kimo> what to do now
<DooMMasteR> hm it works from here
<DooMMasteR> wtf google drive
<kimo> DooMMaster
<kimo> help me :'(
<DooMMasteR> kimo: that is the french 4.1.2?
<kimo> yup
<kimo> i download it from sammobile
<kimo> I9100GXXLSR
<DooMMasteR> yeah
<kimo> thats the code for the pda
<DooMMasteR> kimo: maybe the wrong CSC?
<kimo> pardon? what is CSC?
<DooMMasteR> hmm but it should boot
<kimo> i just have a look
<kimo> it still wont wake up
<DooMMasteR> hmm what exactly did you do…? full wipe
<kimo> yup
<kimo> full wipe
<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: if you see something about SlimISP_ZH in one of the next changelogs, it should work
<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: nice
<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: is there a list of supported cam FWs?
<kimo> what should i do now
<DooMMasteR> I have another "bad" behaving S3 here and want to make sure to flash the right FW… because going back to stock and back to CM again and all the stuff is a pain in the ass
<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: there are only 3 types of fws
<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: and we're trying to have the up2date
<codeworkx> DooMMasteR: GD, ZD and now ZH
<DooMMasteR> yeah but this one (I have here) works… kinda
<DooMMasteR> but only as long as the flash is not used
<codeworkx> flash + touch2focus = bam
<DooMMasteR> also without touch2focus
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<kimo> DooMMasteR
<DooMMasteR> kimo: hmm
<kimo> DooMMasteR, what should I do
<DooMMasteR> I dunno really
<DooMMasteR> one way woul be to go back to CM10.1 :P
<kimo> pull out the battery?
<kimo> try flash gb 2.3.6?
<DooMMasteR> yeah maybe… but I am certainly no expert on the S2… :P
<kimo> can i still go to cwm?
<DooMMasteR> not if the flash worked…
<DooMMasteR> you would have to reflash CWM
<kimo> owh, i forgot now i have the stock recovery
<kimo> any links to cwm?
<kimo> and is it safe to pull out the battery for now
<DooMMasteR> codeworkx: :P thx a lot
<DooMMasteR> kimo: as safe as anything…
<DooMMasteR> your options aren;t that striking :P
<kimo> so the thing to do now, pull out the battery, try get into recovery, flash cwm directly through stock recovery isnt?
<kimo> then flash cm10.1
<kimo> actually i went to erase everything
<kimo> format sdcard
<kimo> system
<kimo> emmc
<kimo> is it why this happen
<kimo> because i erase everything in the sd card
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<DooMMasteR> nope
<DooMMasteR> flashing the stock firmware should have brought everything back to a clean state
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<DooMMasteR> kimo: you can also triangle away once in CM to reset the counter
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<DooMMasteR> and support codeworkx if you want :)
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<_druu> mhmmm whoever thought about keeping htop in CM10.1/JB/Android in general, is a really nice guy/gal ! take my compliment
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<Jiangyi> Kihokki: Go into recovery and wipe data
<Jiangyi> Oops, I mean kimo
<Jiangyi> Which already left...
<Jiangyi> Ah derp me. ._.
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<Jiangyi> On the topic of the cam firmware, seems like Samsung just started using it in recent batches of the S3
<Jiangyi> NA S3s just had that added a few weeks back also :-P
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: ModifiedD0gs.... ? ._.
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<DooMMasteR> Amit Pundir
<Thracky> doing a ctf and was on the wrong freenode session :D
<_druu> starred!
<_druu> DooMMasteR: thanks!
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<balout> HELLO THERE
<balout> I NEED HELP
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<balout> WHAT SHALL I DO?
<balout> WHAT?
<DooMMasteR> -.-
<balout> SHUTUP
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<DooMMasteR> wtf was that?
<Jiangyi> People these days. ._.
<chadouming_home> sounds like a kid on cocain
<DooMMasteR> hehe
<DooMMasteR> where do those kids source all their cocain? I want some of that stash :P
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<Fissurez> BASSU
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<Baskey> @geo host
<bbqbot> {"range":[2080800768,2080817151],"country":"PH","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
<Diaoyutai> :O?
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<chadouming> dafaq
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<tuhoojabotti> basic day
<a3Dman> Fissurez: awsum
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<Blaiz0r> Hello, I've flashed the ICS CMW Kernel but when I reboot into recovery I get the original bootloader and there's no menu for selecting zip files etc
<Blaiz0r> am I missunderstanding something?
<Blaiz0r> Oh I'm on an SGS II
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<chadouming> we do not support custom kernel
<Blaiz0r> It's a stock CM--Kernel, from here:
<Espenfjo> Blaiz0r: Then you cant have flashed the CWM kernel
<Espenfjo> CWM != CM
<Espenfjo> ClockWorkMod != CyanogenMod
<Blaiz0r> ah I see, I was following htese instructions:
<Espenfjo> yeah, those should be fine
<Espenfjo> But if you flash the CWM kernel, and doesnt get the custom recovery with all the new menus something wrong must have happened during your flash
<Blaiz0r> When I check my phone details, it says I have Kernel: 3.0.15-TH codeworkx@cyanogenmod #2
<Espenfjo> hm
<Blaiz0r> when I reboot with volume down + home + power I get the standard boot loader
<chadouming> eh, it's vol up + home + power
<Blaiz0r> right I'll try that
<Blaiz0r> must have missread something
<chadouming> vol down bring you into download mode
<Blaiz0r> ah
<Blaiz0r> Do i have to install Cyanogen Mod 9 with this Kernel? Or can I use the 10 nightlies?
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<Espenfjo> If you install 10/10.1 nightlies the kernel will be updated as well
<Espenfjo> So you dont have to worry about that
<Blaiz0r> ok thx
<Espenfjo> The flashing of the CWM kernel is just so that you first time can get a recovery that will let you install a nightly
<Espenfjo> You could just as well have flashed the latest cm10.1 kernel, but then you wouldnt have been able to boot into stock samsung.
<Blaiz0r> Yes I tried that first and couldn't boot
<Blaiz0r> Nice, that's CyanogenMod 10 installed, thank you Espenfjo.
<Espenfjo> :)
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<Flumdahl> hey, i wanna flash this one at my p5100 i having a little trouble with this: - Make sure you're running official ClockworkMod-Recovery .... there is only img files
<Flumdahl> not tar
<Flumdahl> for odin
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<Blaiz0r> Hi, After install CM 10.1 on a SGS II I'mm having trouble briwsing my internal storage in Windows Explorer, is this a common issue?
<Kaik541> chadouming: pingity
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<chadouming> pingipong
<Kaik541> chadouming: think I finally made a working build, kinda curious why are you and houst0nn working on the kernel separately?
<Kaik541> I've been having internet trouble the past few days and then github was down for me yesterday for a while
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<chadouming> nope, we both are working on the same kernel
<chadouming> just across a few repo xD
<Kaik541> yeah that's what I meant xD
<chadouming> i will make a clean u
<chadouming> up
<chadouming> today
<Kaik541> well if I'm using everything from houst0nn's repo's synced about an hour ago
<Kaik541> the build should work on e970 just fine right?
<Kaik541> because I see geebus was added to the getprop checks
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<chadouming> npe
<chadouming> nope*
<chadouming> only for recovery question
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<Kaik541> chadouming: ?
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<Kaik541> chadouming: even with that weird little freegee thing I did it won't work?
<chadouming> oh, you are special
<chadouming> yes you can use it
<Kaik541> yay
<chadouming> tought you meant it could be used on any E970
<Kaik541> oh nope, I wouldn't think so
<Kaik541> since xbox mentioned that the little app did something about flashing different sbl's
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<Flumdahl> i get error when i am trying to flash latest cm10.1 (status 7)
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<chadouming> Flumdahl, it mean you didnt download the good rom
<Jiangyi> Or your recovery's messed up.
<chadouming> i still bet on he didnt download the right rom
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<Flumdahl> [22:04] <@Jiangyi> Or your recovery's messed up.
<Flumdahl> that seems to be correct
<Flumdahl> nothing is working
<Jiangyi> chadouming: I win^
<Jiangyi> :-D
<chadouming> or he downloaded all the wrong file !
<chadouming> OR
<Flumdahl> chadouming: :P
<chadouming> he installed the wrong recovery
<chadouming> OR
<Flumdahl> or i had my last aokp files
<chadouming> he is bad
<Flumdahl> and they are not working neither.
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<Flumdahl> any tips about how to solve this
<Flumdahl> my tablet does not start up at all now
<chadouming> put into download, flash a working recovery, reboot into recovery, flash a working rom
<Flumdahl> i have tried that
<chadouming> find a stock rom and flash via odin
<Flumdahl> im currently on my way to do that.
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<Flumdahl> hmmm same problem again. got tablet to work after flash it with a stockrom with odin. rooted it and updated recovery
<Flumdahl> then i tried to flash
<Flumdahl> and same issue again
<Flumdahl> but i will try all again and redownload that zip file
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<Flumdahl> its now working
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<chadouming> eh, bad download count as wrong rom downloaded !
<chadouming> i won jiangyi
<Flumdahl> hahahaha
<Jiangyi> T_T
<Flumdahl> cant i remove the google stuff in the top of display ?
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<Flumdahl> i have tried to uncheck the box for it but it appears checked all time
<chadouming> blame nebkat
<Flumdahl> nebkat: ! :D !
<Jiangyi> Hrm
<Jiangyi> I see a bunch of ROW scheduler stuff on Gerrit....
* Jiangyi should look into it
<Jiangyi> Wonder why it's suddenly so popular :/
<chadouming> cause it's made by caf
<Jiangyi> Hmm
<Jiangyi> Definitely seems interesting
<chadouming> hmm, i prefer fiops
<Jiangyi> Well, anything designed for flash storage is a welcomed sight for me
<chadouming> anyway, it's just the scheduler of the day
<chadouming> last one before that was bfq
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<Jiangyi> Seems legit. ._.
<chadouming> LOL
<chadouming> best troll ever
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<Jiangyi> Yay, more random crap from the US :/
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<Thracky> well that was exciting :P