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<NerdyGuitarist> guys
<NerdyGuitarist> idea
<NerdyGuitarist> so a tablet is sort of unweildy to listen to music off of
<NerdyGuitarist> but i usually have it within a certain range of me, be it in my backpack or in my house
<NerdyGuitarist> my tablet has never run under 10gb free space
<NerdyGuitarist> my iphone suffers from lack of storage
<NerdyGuitarist> i should stream music from tablet to iphone
<NerdyGuitarist> but it needs to be a system that doesn't need wifi
<NerdyGuitarist> for being on the road
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<waratte> NerdyGuitarist: Bluetooth
<NerdyGuitarist> waratte, can i control the songs?
<NerdyGuitarist> and look through the library, etc.?
<waratte> Sure you can, PS3 uses bluetooth for it's controllers.
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<waratte> With that, I'm sure you can do the same between these devices.
<NerdyGuitarist> oh, so i should develop an app?
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<NerdyGuitarist> no way in hell am i developing for iphone
<NerdyGuitarist> i'd need a mac, first of all
<NerdyGuitarist> and i don't want to pay apple $100/year
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<waratte> Does it have to be iPhone?
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<waratte> Find a different device to have your tablet stream to, if possible.
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<kZard> NerdyGuitarist, get an Ipod Classic. Never run out of songs / space again
<NerdyGuitarist> waratte, i don't have a different device...if i did, i would use it
<NerdyGuitarist> kZard, i have $0 :P
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<NerdyGuitarist> well...$10 on amazon :D
<NerdyGuitarist> but i'm getting someone a valentine's day gift with that :D
<waratte> Old iPods are nice.
<kZard> you should be able to get a classic 2nd hand for ~$100
<kZard> maybe even $50
<kZard> and they're still good :)
<kZard> I love the idea of a dedicated music device
<NerdyGuitarist> kZard, i'm not talking figuratively about the $0 :/
<kZard> NerdyGuitarist, save $50
<kZard> buy an ipod classic :D
<NerdyGuitarist> my dad gave me an LG G2x to use once. that was great. i loved having EVERYTHING i needed on one device
<NerdyGuitarist> heck, i even stopped using my tablet for the time
<NerdyGuitarist> i should sell my tablet :O
<waratte> NerdyGuitarist: Sometimes, you gonna have to spend money.
<NerdyGuitarist> and keep my schoolbooks on my phone :O
<waratte> Lol.
<NerdyGuitarist> kZard, i don't have a job, and between school + band don't have time to look for one
<kZard> put up an add on ebay or someplace "wanted: broken old ipod"
<NerdyGuitarist> I'm 16 by the way :P
<waratte> Do you still have your PSP?
<kZard> get broken ipod >> Reset firmware with iTunes >> 50% chance of having a working ipod
<NerdyGuitarist> waratte, yeah, but that's not gonna sell :/
<kZard> worked for me :D
<NerdyGuitarist> kZard, eh :P yeah, i don't have much room for risk though :p
<kZard> <NerdyGuitarist> I'm 16 by the way :P --- there is no age or gender on the internet
<waratte> hahaha
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<kZard> dude, there's no risk involved
<NerdyGuitarist> kZard, that was in reference to me getting a job
<NerdyGuitarist> :/
<kZard> "free brox ipods plox"
<NerdyGuitarist> oh, free?
<kZard> it is broken? cool! you get to see what they look like inside!
<kZard> etc
<kZard> :D
<NerdyGuitarist> dunno if anyone gives those away for they?
<kZard> broken ones yea
<kZard> (put up an ad, say you want one to look inside / try fix yourself)
<NerdyGuitarist> hmmm
<waratte> I had a broken nano 2g, all it needed was a new control key thingy.
<kZard> won't cost you anything
<waratte> I had the screen replaced, but broke it in the old control thingy in the process.
<NerdyGuitarist> click wheel?:P
<kZard> also NerdyGuitarist, if you put your back into it, and you pull a repair manual off the internet, you may even fix a broken one yet
<waratte> Yeah, that thing. xX
<waratte> *xD
<NerdyGuitarist> i'm sure i can fix one, but i'm not sure i can *safely* get one :P
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<kZard> anyhow, bed time :)
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<NerdyGuitarist> ok, good night :P
<kZard> NerdyGuitarist, where do you live?
<NerdyGuitarist> near Seattle, Washington
<NerdyGuitarist> !geo user NerdyGuitarist
<clibot> NerdyGuitarist: {country: "United States", region: "Washington", city: "Lynnwood", latlong: {47.820908, -122.3151}, time: "Fri 16:52 PST"}
<kZard> sounds safe
<kZard> :O
<waratte> Oh really?
<kZard> !geo kZard
<clibot> kZard: Usage !geo user/host <user/host>
<kZard> !geo user kZard
<clibot> kZard: {country: "South Africa", region: "Gauteng", city: "Roodepoort", latlong: {-26.156906, 27.888199}, time: "Sat 02:52 SAST"}
<NerdyGuitarist> :O
<waratte> !geo user waratte
<clibot> waratte: {country: "United States", latlong: {38.0, -97.0}}
<kZard> lol, 1000 km off, but close enough
<NerdyGuitarist> waratte lives in the middle of nowhere :D
<kZard> lol
<waratte> Haha
<NerdyGuitarist> i've probably spent a total of $10 on my phones :P
<NerdyGuitarist> when i got my G1
<NerdyGuitarist> the rest were given to me :D
<NerdyGuitarist> this iphone is my mom's old phone :P
<waratte> Frankdrey, do you still play guitar?
<kZard> NerdyGuitarist, just make shure it sounds legit. Whoever offers you whatever, just make shure they're either female or too old or young or rich to care for stealing you or your stuff
<waratte> I mean NerdyGuitarist.
<kZard> wahaha
<kZard> nice
<waratte> You should go to the city and play on the streets for money.
<kZard> okay, now I'm really gona sleep
<kZard> night ;)
<waratte> Night.
<NerdyGuitarist> waratte, i do
<waratte> All you need is an old hat, your instrument, and some passion.
<NerdyGuitarist> played last night at youth :D
<NerdyGuitarist> lol
<waratte> :D
<NerdyGuitarist> also, who's this frankdrey? ;)
<NerdyGuitarist> kZard, ok night :p
<waratte> I'm serious though, there's an old guy here who goes out to play saxophone for that.
<NerdyGuitarist> D:
<waratte> He's pretty good too.
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* NerdyGuitarist just googled NerdyGuitarist
<NerdyGuitarist> none of those are me :(
<waratte> haha
<NerdyGuitarist> i need a new nick
<waratte> GeekyGuitarist
NerdyGuitarist is now known as AwesomeGuitarNer
<AwesomeGuitarNer> :D
<waratte> He used to be an adventurer...
<waratte> Until he got an arrow in his knee.
<Jiangyi> AwesomeGuitarNer: You're missing the d
<Jiangyi> :-P
<AwesomeGuitarNer> D:
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<AwesomeGuitarNer> Jiangyi, it's freenode nick char limit :(
<Jiangyi> I know lol
AwesomeGuitarNer is now known as Guitardrey
<waratte> I'd love it if your name was short and sweet.
<Guitardrey> :D
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<Guidreynerd> :|
<waratte> :/
Jiangyi is now known as Saxodroid
<Saxodroid> :-D
<waratte> :O
Guidreynerd is now known as GuitarDrey
<GuitarDrey> that'll do
<waratte> Typical. :P
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<GuitarDrey> ugh, youtube channel
<waratte> waratte is pretty unique.
<GuitarDrey> yeah
<GuitarDrey> frankdrey was unique ;_;
<waratte> Yep.
<GuitarDrey> GuitaristDrey
<GuitarDrey> ?
<a3Dman> O.o
<GuitarDrey> unique
<GuitarDrey> MINE
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<a3Dman> why are you changing your nick franky?
<waratte> If I had my perl bot still, I'd make a random nick generator.
<a3Dman> night ppl
<waratte> night
<GuitaristDrey> a3Dman, dun worry bout it :D
<GuitaristDrey> ettaraw?
<a3Dman> ok dude
<waratte> It's been weird so far setting up my perl bot on my phone.
<GuitaristDrey> NerdreyGuitarist
<GuitaristDrey> :D
GuitaristDrey is now known as NerdreyGuitarist
<NerdreyGuitarist> :D:D
<waratte> How about just Nerdrey?
<waratte> Oh my gosh.
<waratte> Oh well.
<waratte> NerdreyGuitarist: Androy. :D?
<NerdreyGuitarist> also a trademarked hotel name
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<waratte> Gosh.
<waratte> Yeah, oh well, that's all the inspiration I had.
<waratte> In fact, I'll take that name.
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<Androy> It's registered now.
<ctcx> Anyone here has by chance an Ace Plus S7500?
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<Nox_> anyone around to help me with a couple qustions
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<Nox_> anyone around?
<ctcx> Just me. By chance do you hace an Ace Plus S7500?
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<mister_dj84> hi all
<mister_dj84> anyone online ?
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<PBo> Hello All, I'm using CM10.1 for a long time now. Each time I upgrade to the latest nightly I lose all my accounts. Only google Agenda stays sync I need to register again in twitter, dropbox and check all google items (gmail, browser...). Any idea ?
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<m0x> hi guys
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<m0x> can someone help me with my issue
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<ants> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 i9100 tf300t
<ants> what do you reckon the chances of successfully installing cm10.1 on a gt i9305t would be using the rom for i9300?
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<iKillCypher> anyone a nice boost of sound for SGS2 I9100 ?
<iKillCypher> I dont believe in using other kernel as it seems to break cyanogenmod support
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<iKillCypher> anyone o.o ?!
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<PBo> Hello All, I'm using CM10.1 for a long time now. Each time I upgrade to the latest nightly I lose all my accounts. Only google Agenda stays sync I need to register again in twitter, dropbox and check all google items (gmail, browser...). Any idea ?
<codeworkx> wrong gapps probably
<pawz> dropbox isn't a gapp
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<bealtine^> are you wiping first or something?
<pawz> don't forget. front to back if you have to wipe
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<hrhr> hi all...I try to build CM10.1 n7100 tree and have strange error
<hrhr> make: *** Нет правила для сборки цели `\tvendor/samsung/smdk4412-common/proprietary/system/lib/', требуемой для `/mnt/transit/mobile/CM10.1/system/out/target/product/n7100/system/lib/'. Останов.
<hrhr> but all filess exist in their places after
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<hrhr> any ideas?
<Onixs> i dont have a single idea
<Onixs> i dnt understand a thing
<Onixs> :)
<hrhr> says that not found at this path
<hrhr> but it in place
<hrhr> after extracting files from device via adb
<hrhr> it's proprietary component
<hrhr> as I understand
<hrhr> =)
<Jiangyi> Guise
<hrhr> =/
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<iKillCypher> anyone a nice boost of sound for SGS2 I9100 ?
<iKillCypher> default cyanogenmod kernel and stock ?
<maine> hello
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I see teh JB sauce for 9100G :-D
<a3Dman> isn't it working right already?!
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: More sauce is always nice xD
<Jiangyi> Unless it's stupidly broken sauce
<a3Dman> with samsung it's always typos xD
<a3Dman> :D:D:D
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<a3Dman> is high headset volume illegal some places?
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<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Apparently in Europe :/
<a3Dman> that's weird
<a3Dman> what if I don't want to hear people's noise in the metro
<a3Dman> xD
<a3Dman> with safe volume level I can hear that remixing my music
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<Espenfjo> a3Dman: QC15
<Espenfjo> Solution for noise
<a3Dman> I use in ear ones
<a3Dman> this should be enough, but people are being so loud
<a3Dman> to expensive also xD
<Jiangyi> QC15 has excellent noise cancellation, but sound quality is lousy imo
<iKillCypher> anyone know how to tweak I9100 Sound ? for louder sound if it is not illegal
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: good enough ;)
<iKillCypher> humm Espenfjo any suggestion :(
<Espenfjo> no
<Espenfjo> good enough for me
<iKillCypher> did the yahama chip had a expoilt or something like that
<Espenfjo> Solder on a transistor to the loud speaker, and connect 5v directly to it
<iKillCypher> (o.o)
<iKillCypher> Im talking about headphones
<Espenfjo> same
<koud_> could get battery powered headphone amplifier
<koud_> or, different headphones :P
<iKillCypher> lol :( well nvm man I will find some software mods in that case
<koud_> it was loud enough for me
<koud_> should be careful with your hearing
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: I love my Alessandro MS1s (AKA Grados) too much xD
<Espenfjo> traceroute -m 100
<iKillCypher> < seems like progress here
<koud_> downgrade :P
<koud_> great progress! :)
<iKillCypher> it is
<iKillCypher> it is what samsung uses in their JB
<iKillCypher> mali r2p4
<Espenfjo> refresh it, iKillCypher
<iKillCypher> and it should fix the keyboard gitch
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<iKillCypher> so there is memory leaks
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<koud_> I gave up on i9100 :P moved on to n4 now
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* iKillCypher wish he could too but he has his mind set on a xerpia Z
<koud_> just few month left then :)
<iKillCypher> anyway :( the progress 4.2.1 seems like dying off
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<iKillCypher> im actually shocked cody fixed the RIL emergency o.o
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<blooped> hi
<chadouming> i like better to have 1 device
<chadouming> awww
<chadouming> tought i was reading an up to date convo
<chadouming> but my window was scrolled up :(
<ctcx> Hello. Does anyone by any chance has an Ace Plus S7500?
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<a3Dman> chadouming: always did that :(
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<bealtine^> sucks when you are scrolled like that:)
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<chadouming> lo
<chadouming> l
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<unknwn> anyone can suggest cm stock like theme but with inverted contacts/messaging?
<bealtine^> english bitch do you speak it?
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<Jiangyi> bealtine^: Everyone has been speaking English..... ?
<Fissurez> bealtine^ DOES UNKNWN LOOK LIKE A BITCH?
<bealtine^> yep...
<mongi> hello guys... did today's build of cm 10.1 for i9100 failed to build?
<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Jiangyi> mongi: Lots of devices failed today
<mongi> hmmm, ok thanks man
<Fissurez> mongi it ran out of fucks to give
<Jiangyi> And on that note, Imma go shovel the 50 cm of snow on the ground :-|
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Shovelin
<Fissurez> you need to donate more fucks to power it!
<Fissurez> Jiangyi|Shovelin hah
<mongi> not complaning, just asking here hehe
<Fissurez> i wasn't complaining eitehr
<Baskey> OOOOH
<Fissurez> BASKEY
<Fissurez> why are there so many "google nexus 4 vs..."
<bealtine^> get more moniez
<Fissurez> then they don't even own a nexus 4
<Fissurez> GUYS, GUYS
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<Baskey> LOLWAT
* Fissurez waves his arms around like a lunatic
<Fissurez> what a bunch of retards
<Fissurez> "you watched: google nexus 4 review, therefore you must like: some random dude comparing two things he has no idea about for ad revenue"
<Baskey> Fissurez: WAT R U TALKIN BOUT
<Fissurez> complaining about youtuve
<Fissurez> *youtube
<Fissurez> and reviewers who have no idea how to review
<Baskey> oh well
<Baskey> WHAT CAN I DO
<bealtine^> youtube is a bigger retard magnet than xda
<Baskey> indeed
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<Fissurez> bealtine^ android police is only real #holo genius magnet
<Fissurez> this is my favourite android based area
<Fissurez> bealtine^ Baskey
<bealtine^> that a my random thing not work...why?
<Fissurez> SO USEFUL
<Fissurez> BULLSHIT
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<Baskey> ALEX
<Fissurez> #YOLOHOLO
<Baskey> R U ON DRUGZ
<Fissurez> nope, a combination of sugar and android
<Baskey> sounds even more scary
<Fissurez> you can't get this shit on the black market
<Fissurez> oh hey
<Fissurez> i found a thread that was almost exactly like a xda developers thread on the roms sections
<Fissurez> "The installation directions were unclear, I got my penis stuck in the busybox while trying to 420 root."
<Fissurez> oh god.
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<DuperMan> amazon cs: "The mp3 versions of the album are for free but if you want to you can return the CD you purchased."
<DuperMan> true story
<DuperMan> <3 autorip
<chadouming> no need to put an "8" t say that
<chadouming> stupid OS not even case sensitive
<codeworkx> windoze is years behind linux
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<chadouming> eh, decades behinds linux
<bealtine^> eh?
<bealtine^> linux is fucking retarded
<bealtine^> i detest it
<chadouming> eh, yeah sure
<bealtine^> on the desktop anyway
<chadouming> working well here
<bealtine^> sure it works
<bealtine^> no question about that
<chadouming> and the effort required to have it working well were only high
<bealtine^> i tried installing arch linux and gave was like a trip to 1970
<bealtine^> fuck that
<chadouming> wut ?
<chadouming> 1970 lol
<chadouming> you mean 2103
<bealtine^> it was all cmd line shit
<chadouming> lol
<bealtine^> i've a short life
<chadouming> you get cinnarch
<bealtine^> I have ubuntu and mint...I'm happy:)
<bealtine^> but i dev on windows
<bealtine^> even for unix stuff
<chadouming> eh, baaadd
<bealtine^> msvc all the way the c++ debugger is great
<chadouming> eh, noob
<bealtine^> i love sticking pins in my eye and using vim
<chadouming> eh, even i don't use vim tho
<chadouming> that shit is way overcomplicated
<chadouming> use nano
<codeworkx> GEANY
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<DuperMan> :wt!
<DuperMan> no :o
<DuperMan> wait!
<DuperMan> DDDDD
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<DuperMan> vi; a prelude to hitting ctl+z
<tuhoojabotti> Damn
<tuhoojabotti> My N4 is here, but it won't be delivered until monday 6pm
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<bb61> Hello. I and a first time visitor. Have Samsung Galaxy S III SPH-L710 that is rooted. I have never installed a custom ROM. I wantto do it mostly to do it and see what it buys me. I like that I can get free wi-fi as it is now. Looking for a good solid set of instructions. Good links... I've started on xda developers and downloaded files. Easy is good. Any help appreciated.
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<frankdrey> It's old me
<bealtine^> follow the guide
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<bealtine^> great yet another distro of arch linux has crashed and burned
<chadouming> which one ?
<bealtine^> cinnarch
<chadouming> eh, then you are really bad
<bealtine^> ubuntu and mint installed fine
<chadouming> ofc
<chadouming> ubuntu is the windows of linux
<bealtine^> obviously arch is bundled up by morons
<chadouming> lol, would love to see you do better
<bealtine^> well mint does better and works fine so fuck it
<chadouming> eh, arch will conquer the world
<chadouming> skynet run on arch
<bealtine^> retards
<chadouming> @bomb bealtine^
<bbqbot> bealtine^, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
bealtine^ was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was red]
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<tuhoojabotti> That is like the best feature ever. (Writing down for own bot.)
<chadouming> no
YattaBot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> this bot has the best feature ever
<chadouming> @weather g4r1n1
<bbqbot> chadouming: Command does not exist!
<YattaBot> chadouming: Weather for G4R: Overcast, -12°C (10°F) , 36% humidity
<chadouming> @xkcd
<bbqbot> chadouming: Command does not exist!
<YattaBot> Perl Problems: (To generate #1 albums, 'jay --help' recommends the -z flag.)
<tuhoojabotti> interesting
<chadouming> @twitter chadouming
<bbqbot> chadouming: Command does not exist!
<YattaBot> <@chadouming> Fuck you #LG.
<chadouming> see ?
<chadouming> best command ever xD
<tuhoojabotti> Command does not exist
<chadouming> oh
<chadouming> that's bbqbo
<chadouming> t
<chadouming> bot answer to @
<chadouming> @time sept-iles
<bbqbot> chadouming: Either you used an invalid country or city or you live in the middle of nowhere.
<YattaBot> chadouming: Time for sept-iles: 2013-02-09 14:30
<chadouming> @changelog i9100
<chadouming> not done yet
<chadouming> xD
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<datagutt> chadouming: workin on it
<chadouming> yup
<chadouming> still best bot evah
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<chadouming> kZard|nb, what you want us to nb ?
Jiangyi|Shovelin is now known as Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> Back
<Jiangyi> That was some long shoveling T_T
<chadouming> lol
<waratte> *shovelin
<chadouming> everyday i'm shovelin
<chadouming> yes, that's the average day here
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<vascopena> hi
<vascopena> can some1 help me..
<vascopena> in your opinion which cm10.1 is the best for daily use? (performance vs battery duration)
<vascopena> for SGS2 i9100
<Thiagovfar> Which choices do we have? You did a good job narrowing it down.
<vascopena> lol
<vascopena> which one are you using as a daily drivr?
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<Fandangos> hey there I keep listening about the jelly bean update for the galaxy tab 2 but it seems there are a few bugs left
<Fandangos> is there any plan to sort this out?
<bealtine> ask samsung
<Fandangos> the bugs present on 4.2 are because of samsung code? I had in mind that they were caused due to installing a superior and not supported version of android os in to the tablet
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<bealtine> umm wtf are you talking about?
<Fandangos> people say the keyboard is unresponsive on JB 4.2.1 if you use it on a samsung galaxy tab 2
<bealtine> 4.2 and tab jelly bean update are all up to samsung to release
<Fandangos> there are a few videos about that on youtube
<bealtine> are you asking about cyanogenmod?
<bealtine> official releases are up to samsung
<Fandangos> isn't cyanogenmod the only way to install the newest OS on those tablets?
<bealtine> yes
<bealtine> it's cyanogenmod 10 or 10.1
<Fandangos> ok so my question was, those bugs left while installing cyanogenmod 10.1 are going to get sorted out in the future during future development? Or is it a limitation on the OS/hardware structure?
<bealtine> a lot of samsung stuff used is buggy
<bealtine> and any bugs in cm will be fixed but cm cant fix the samsung stuff
<Fandangos> ok thank you that sort that out :)
<Fandangos> btw do you have any suggestion for a rom to 4.0.3 p5100?
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<Jiangyi> chadouming_home: BF3?
<chadouming_home> still on linux
<Jiangyi> :/
<Thiagovfar> TF2?
* Jiangyi doesn't have it installed lol
<Thiagovfar> That one is available on Linux. For free.
<Thiagovfar> Go grab it
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<DuperMan> is fighting the equalizer for FLAT sound in modern 'high end' headphones ironic ironic or hipster ironic?
<Fissurez> both
<Fissurez> tbh, since i'm a phillistine, i have relatively high end headphones and i use a equalizer to brutalize my music
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<mongi> hey guys, iqm with cm10.1 08/02 nightly on my i9100... on the tiles bar is showing the bars from phone signal with a 'x' on top... what is this?
<Thiagovfar> $ traceroute -m 255
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<Thiagovfar> mongi: It's an indicator that mobile data is turned off. Or supposed to be.
<mongi> Thiagovfar: oh, thanks buddy
<Thiagovfar> mongi: It should behave better on the next nightly
<mongi> hmm, 09/02?
<Thiagovfar> The next one that doesn't fail
<mongi> rsrs, ok
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<Thiagovfar> WARATTE: now in Caps Lock
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