nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<Espenfjo> Thiagovfar: it is. Not implemented in opensauce cam
<Thiagovfar> At least, there are sources for it.
<Thiagovfar> I feared it was a blob.
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Just wondering, but does your notification bar/drawer get stuck at all?
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Yes.
<Jiangyi> OK, so it's an HDPI bug.
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<Jiangyi> Now to figure out what changed from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 that broke it......
<_white_> broke what?
<Jiangyi> _white_: Something changed, causing the notification drawer to get stuck randomly on HDPI devices. :-P
<Thiagovfar> Ramdomly?
<Thiagovfar> It happens always.
<Jiangyi> OK, always then!
* Jiangyi wouldn't know for sure
<Thiagovfar> try it with a clean cm (no gapps) and wiped data
<Jiangyi> Don't have an HDPI device anymore, sick of 9100g users rambling about it though :/
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Last I heard, someone tried with wipe data, and it just came back. :-P
<Jiangyi> I don't think GApps is the problem here...
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: randomly
<Jiangyi> OK, back to randomly!
<Jiangyi> :/
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: google doesn't love devices < xhdpi xD
<Jiangyi> Yeah, they just want to kill off HDPI :-(
<Jiangyi> Still should fix it though. :-P
<codeworkx> ah, mali without hacks
<codeworkx> r3p1-rel1
<Jiangyi> Sammy put out proper blobs for once?
<codeworkx> ah, no keyboard glitches
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: they leaked 4.2.1
<Jiangyi> Oh right
<Jiangyi> Glad to see it actually works :-P
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<clibot> [Link] 27cba38 - platform/frameworks/base - Git at Google
<Jiangyi> ._.
<codeworkx> all teh glitches are gone
<codeworkx> nice
<Jiangyi> But is it still veggie butter? xD
<codeworkx> sure xDE
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Wiping data, in this case, makes the issue more visible =)
<Jiangyi> Oh. lol
<Thiagovfar> And having less apps installed too
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Got any ideas what could be causing it?
<Thiagovfar> There must be some internal event that makes it redraw
<Jiangyi> Me going through the commits and trying to guess which one's the culprit isn't going to help very much lol
<Thiagovfar> I have no idea what to look for
<Thiagovfar> I could try spotting it on the code
<Jiangyi> My best guess would be that it's something in SystemUI?
<Jiangyi> Correct me if I'm wrong.
<Thiagovfar> SystemUI houses the status bar implementation
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Does anything special show up in the logs?
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: It should only show up if you build it with a debug flag. Even then, I don't know what to look for.
<Thiagovfar> Sadly, SystemUI is not an activity, so it doesn't behave like a normal android app.
<Jiangyi> Ah I see. :-(
<Jiangyi> Can't exactly report this to anyone either, I guess...
<Thiagovfar> It's reported... To us
<Jiangyi> Well I mean, anyone on the UI/UX team.
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<scyke> !supported
<clibot> scyke: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<scyke> !changelog t0lte
<clibot> scyke: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
<scyke> !download t0lte
<clibot> scyke: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE): [ed9c0c]
<scyke> !device t0lte
<clibot> scyke: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
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<slippery_john> Slightly annoying problem: Just did a fresh install of the Galaxy Note 2 (att) rom and for whatever reason gtalk is using a separate notification sound that I can't change. I have the system default set to vega, but gtalk insists on using mira. I have not done any modifications
<slippery_john> Any ideas on how to get it changed?
<Jiangyi> slippery_john: Talk -> Menu -> settings -> your account here -> notification ringtone?
<slippery_john> Well I fell dumb. I have several gmail accounts, so it had appeared to me that the settings page was a selection between them. Wellp, I'm smart
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<Jiangyi> cody, go to sleep ._.
<sublymonal> Is anybody else having trouble connecting to an IMAP server with the stock email app? I'm getting an SSLProtocolException ( ). It's probably something screwy with the server (I've contacted the admins, but they likely won't respond until Monday), but I figured I would ask just in case.
<Jiangyi> Exynos is not worth it :-P
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<animate_me> !i9300
<clibot> animate_me: Unknown command "i9300"
<animate_me> !supported Samsung
<clibot> animate_me: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmt
<avinashrbhat> !device i9300
<clibot> avinashrbhat: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<avinashrbhat> that is your device animate_me :-)
<animate_me> hey thanks!
<animate_me> my i9300 has stucked in a bootloop since 2 hours ago, before I updated to nightly-20130222 and after following the instructions on XDA it runs normal until 2 hours ago :'(
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<rudy__> Im using a GNEX
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<rudy__> tried installing CM nightly 22Feb2013 from CM-updater
<rudy__> but now my phone does not even boot
<rudy__> kind of stuck
<rudy__> any help would be appreciated
<rudy__> !supported Samsung
<clibot> rudy__: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<rudy__> I can boot to fastboot but CLI "fastboot devices" has no result
<rudy__> cannot even boot to CWM .. dont know how to proceed...
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<rudy__> Can someone please give me support
<rudy__> really stressed now .. phone cannot even boot
<clibot> [Link] Cannot Boot To Even Cwm After Update - Google Galaxy Nexus GSM Experimental Mod - CyanogenMod Forum
<Jiangyi> rudy__: You sure you got the right drivers?
<rudy__> I was using the latest nightly
<rudy__> until I used CM updater to isntall 22Feb update
<rudy__> So im assuming drivers are not the issue
<Jiangyi> I mean
<Jiangyi> Do you have the drivers on your computer for fastboot to function properly.
<rudy__> Oh
<rudy__> No I just did "sudo apt-get install android-tools=fastboot"
<rudy__> No I just did "sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot"
<Jiangyi> oh ubuntu?
<rudy__> yes
<Jiangyi> You got the right udev rules?
<rudy__> not modded any udev rules
<rudy__> did not need to do so when I rooted and flashed first time
<rudy__> phone was very smoothly detected
<clibot> [Link] Linux: adb udev rules | codeworkx
<Jiangyi> Try it.
<rudy__> ok ill be back to report status after I try it
<rudy__> Thanks a ton Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> np
<rudy__> done
<rudy__> need to reboot ?
<Jiangyi> Sure.
<rudy__> or modprobe?
<Jiangyi> Reboot would probably do the trick.
<rudy__> brb
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<rudy__> fastboot devices => no result
<rudy__> my phone is currently in a state where the text on top reads "Start" with an android below, and text showing "Downloading..." under the android
<rudy__> If i try to boot, the CM animation is continuously spinning, not booting
<Jiangyi> Darn.
<Jiangyi> And you can't get into recovery at all?
<rudy__> VOLDown + Power right ?
<Jiangyi> That's fastboot, from there you use the volume buttons to choose recovery.
<rudy__> no options when I use volume buttons
<Jiangyi> o_o wth?
<rudy__> im assuming the nexus devices wipe the CWM clean everytime I reboot right?
<rudy__> im using GNex
<Jiangyi> No it shouldn't.
<rudy__> ok
<Jiangyi> maguro?
<rudy__> yes
<Jiangyi> Oh wait a min.
<Jiangyi> It's volup+voldown+power it seems.
<rudy__> ok
<rudy__> woohoo!!!
<rudy__> Im such an idiot!
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<avinashrbhat> i cannot go to reboot mode after flashing cwm 6.0.xx on my gt-i9100 (followed the post what to do ? used 'sudo heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot --verbose'
<clibot> [Link] [KERNEL] ClockworkMod Recovery - xda-developers
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<Jiangyi> rudy__: Yeah I completely forgot that GNex also has a Download mode for Odin that looks similar. lol
<rudy__> shucks..!
<rudy__> youre a lifesaver Jiangyi!
<Jiangyi> :-)
<rudy__> done... reverted to 18Frb
<rudy__> 18Feb2013
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<avinashrbhat> why the black screen comes after flashing cwm 6.0 on i9100 (S II)? I used 'sudo heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot --verbose' to flash
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<sulendil> !device
<sulendil> hi everyone! just wondering if baseband I9100GDXLP6 works with the most current nightlies?
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<doxr> !changelog i9300
<clibot> doxr: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<angelsl> !changelog p3100
<clibot> angelsl: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0:
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<bootloop> Guys... I badly need help here....
<bootloop> I have cyanogenmod 10.1
<bootloop> I installed this tweaking app from playstore.
<bootloop> and rebooted to apply the changes.
<bootloop> and now im stuck to the boot screen "cyanogenmod" picture
<bootloop> Is there a way to undo the changes made by that app?
<bootloop> the app is called android tweaker pro
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<bootloop> anyone?
<bootloop> please help.
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<Thiagovfar> Go into recovery, wipe data, format system, reinstall cm
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<bootloop> so I have to start from scratch?
<bootloop> is that it?
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<Thiagovfar> You may be able to walk away just formatting system and reinstalling cm
<bootloop> im using cwm
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<bootloop> so wipe data/factory reset right?
<Thiagovfar> That is for wiping data
<bootloop> format system
<bootloop> right?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: You there?
<Thiagovfar> bootloop: yup
<Thiagovfar> bootloop: make sure you have a cm zip somewhere on the phone
<Thiagovfar> so you can flash it after you do the format
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<bootloop> Done
<bootloop> how I wish android phones have restore to previous state
<bootloop> like windows.
<bootloop> =(
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<Thiagovfar> Cwm has backups
<bootloop> =(
<bootloop> last question
<bootloop> what is the best kernel to install for samsung s3?
<bootloop> i9300
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<Thiagovfar> CM kernel
<Thiagovfar> Unless you need some specific feature of another kernel
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<Jakey> Hello - I am having trouble with the clock on 10,1-20130219-nightly-i9300 . The current time is 12:05AM my local, but the phone is showing 1pm?
<Jakey> Can confirm time zone is set properly, set to use time from network (which on my gf's iphone is correctly showing on same network)
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<kernel> Hi
<kernel> im trying to install a custom kernel
<kernel> on an s3.
kernel is now known as Guest41526
<Guest41526> Hi
<Guest41526> im trying to install a customer kernel on an s3.
<Guest41526> but may I know what the sequence is?
<Guest41526> I mean do I install kernel after the ROM?
<Guest41526> or kernel first then rom?
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<Thiagovfar> !geo user Jakey
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<Thiagovfar> !geo host
<clibot> Thiagovfar: {country: "Australia", region: "Victoria", city: "Oakleigh South", latlong: {-37.899994, 145.1}, time: "Sun 00:08 EST"}
<Thiagovfar> Jakey: The bot seems to know your correct time
<Jakey> I am iirc'ing from PC...
<Thiagovfar> Jakey: Was there any recent change to Daylight Saving time?
<Jakey> None, next is due 1st april
<Thiagovfar> Is that date fixed? Is it possible to calculate it?
<Jakey> But the problem is it is actually just showing UTC, not UTC +11 like it should
<Jakey> I have tried toggling it a few times with no change
<Thiagovfar> Oh, wait, its not just one hour difference, its eleven hours!
<Jakey> correct!
<Thiagovfar> Interesting
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<Jakey> This wasn't an issue until about 2 hours ago I noticed it
<Thiagovfar> Move on to language settings, choose another language
<Thiagovfar> then, change it back to your language
<Jakey> you mean completely different (e.g chinese) or just a different english? I tried English (canada) and back again to (aus) to no avail
<Jakey> okay - tried a few different ones now, not that..
<Thiagovfar> Just changing it
<Thiagovfar> Changing language changes the country too
<Thiagovfar> Care to share your current settings, so I can try to reproduce here?
<Thiagovfar> Language and timezone
<Jakey> Hmm, it seems to be picking up wrong time zone now , when I sleect the timen zone manually it gets right time, but when I tick 'Automatic Time zone' to reverts back to UTC?
<Thiagovfar> Oh, that
<Thiagovfar> Blame your carrier
<Thiagovfar> mine is always UTC
<Thiagovfar> Which is 3 hours off
<Thiagovfar> Just untick that
<Jakey> Hmm okay, but it was working on another phone smae carrier
<Jakey> This fixes my problem anyway, thanks - before it wans't showing correct time either way
<Thiagovfar> Use one Automatic date & time
<Jakey> incorrect*
<Jakey> I am Appreciative your troubleshooting and Help mate, haven't ventured into IRC territories in years. Still a great place for help!
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<Thiagovfar> Enjoy it
<Thiagovfar> Guest41526: ROM contains a kernel. So, you should flash ROM, then kernel
<Thiagovfar> Guest41526: And, every time you flash CM, your custom kernel will be gone
<Thiagovfar> Guest41526: Also, non-CM kernels are unsuported
<Jakey> Thiagovfar - how can I donate to Hacksung, I would like to show my appreciation
<Thiagovfar> There is a donate button somewhere on the site
<clibot> [Link] Teamhacksung - Samsung Android Development
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<Jakey> Ofcourse, didn't think of that - will head there now :) thanks again!
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<avinashrbhat> can odin work on virtualbox, i'm currently running on ubuntu 12.10 and has 32-bit xp working on virtualbox.
<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: On ubuntu, use Heimdall
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: i used it for flashing cwm 6.0
<avinashrbhat> but as i posted it before i ask again "why the black screen comes after flashing cwm 6.0 on i9100 (S II)? I used 'sudo heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot --verbose' to flash"
<Thiagovfar> What black screen?
<avinashrbhat> the device isn't booting into recovery at all
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<Thiagovfar> where did you get that zImage from?
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<avinashrbhat> from cody's post from xda-devs
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: to be exact
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-I9100][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies // discussion thread - xda-developers
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<Thiagovfar> Did you try removing the battery?
<clibot> [Link] [KERNEL] ClockworkMod Recovery - xda-developers
<avinashrbhat> no
<avinashrbhat> i did not do that
<Thiagovfar> Let's try it now, then
<Thiagovfar> remove the battery, wait for a while
<Thiagovfar> put it back
<avinashrbhat> so should i flash cwm, remove the battery, wait and start it again?
<avinashrbhat> ok
<Thiagovfar> It's already flashed, isn't it?
<avinashrbhat> on it boss!!!
<avinashrbhat> :-)
<Thiagovfar> Just remove the battery
<Thiagovfar> No flashing needed
<avinashrbhat> i flashed it back with cwm 5.5
<avinashrbhat> i had to get it working,
<Thiagovfar> Hmm
<avinashrbhat> so can i start?
<Thiagovfar> So, there are some recoveries that work?
<avinashrbhat> yup
<Thiagovfar> hmm
<Thiagovfar> Well
<avinashrbhat> 5.5 from the same post of cody is working
<Thiagovfar> download the latest cm
<Thiagovfar> !download i9100
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [9cc185]
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<avinashrbhat> i think i have it
<Thiagovfar> unzip it, extract boot.img
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: can you confirm if it is having checksum e14cd8b89c39489f384beb8dff864d0b
<avinashrbhat> ?
<Thiagovfar> I don't have it
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<avinashrbhat> ok
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<Thiagovfar> unzip boot.img from that
<Thiagovfar> then sudo heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot --verbose
<Thiagovfar> oops
<avinashrbhat> k
<avinashrbhat> tell me
<Thiagovfar> sudo heimdall flash --kernel boot.img --verbose
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<Thiagovfar> where boot.img is the file you just extracted
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<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: ok, it will take some (46 min) time to download
<avinashrbhat> ok then?
<Thiagovfar> Then, you should have the latest CWM bundled with CM
<Thiagovfar> See if that one works
<avinashrbhat> wait, i have a stock ROM
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<avinashrbhat> i haven't flashed CM on it
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Now I am :-P
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: That issue from yesterday. Do you have it on Stock?
<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: What do you need to do?
<Jiangyi> The notification rotation thing?
<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: Better. What is your objective?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Yes
<Jiangyi> No I don't
<avinashrbhat> last qn : boot.img has both cm and cwm on it?
<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: it has cm kernel and the cm cwm
<avinashrbhat> ok
<avinashrbhat> done
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: thanks :-)
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: I didn't find the underlying cause yet. But found a workaround.
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: But the code traces back to AOSP, so it should have the bug
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Tried multiple times, it's fine on stock :-/
<Thiagovfar> Can you test it on CM?
<Thiagovfar> Do you use CM on the N4?
<Jiangyi> I had one on CM, one on Stock xD
* Jiangyi is supposed to RMA one in a few days
<Thiagovfar> Does Jiangyi currently have CM on a phone?
<Jiangyi> No, both are currently on stock , I had to get rid of Ubuntu on one of them
<Jiangyi> on the one that was running CM I mean.
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<Thiagovfar> what about your i9100g?
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<Jiangyi> That's with my dad on the other side of the world :-/
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<Thiagovfar> So, no cm for you
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<Jiangyi> Well, I can flash back to CM on my N4 in about 3 min :-P
<Thiagovfar> I want a N4
<Thiagovfar> If you could, please flash it, wiped data, no gapps
<Jiangyi> k, gimme a bit
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<Jiangyi> Damn it, my internet's being slow again :-|
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<Thiagovfar> =)
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<solteykr> hello guys, just want to ask if there is a custom rom for the BitBotz 10.1 Tablet -
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Got to CM without stock wiping everything on the SD card :-D
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: I got it to reproduce once, but I can't do it again. :-S
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<Thiagovfar> That on the N4?
<Thiagovfar> at least, it is not dpi-specific
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Pull down notifications, rotate device
<Jiangyi> I know, it seems to be fine now.
* Jiangyi doesn't get it
<Espenfjo> hm?
<a3Dman> ???
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<Thiagovfar> Some bizzare bug on notification bar
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: time gets side scanned when rotating?
<Espenfjo> yeah, it may be due to the bionic optimisations
<Thiagovfar> time gets what?
<Thiagovfar> nopw
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<a3Dman> what then?
<Thiagovfar> the notification area doesn't rescale to fit the screen
<a3Dman> it takes time to scale
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Try it on airplane mode
<a3Dman> and the date in the status bar takes like 1-2 seconds to appear
<a3Dman> that's on my phone
<Jiangyi> lol
<Thiagovfar> Basically
<Jiangyi> I seem to have reproduced the HDPI bug on my N4 xD
<Thiagovfar> Basically, it only rescale after something changes it. Like a clock tick.
<Jiangyi> Rotated the device, time didn't draw on the status bar, couldn't pull it down.
<Thiagovfar> Or a tile getting updated on the background
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: see if there's a jira report
<Thiagovfar> We seem to be discussing different behaviours
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: This is all on nightlies (since 4.2.2 wasn't in M1), so no reports on Jira :/
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Yeah, something weird's going on.
<Thiagovfar> I'll post a video on youtube
<mjt> for the second time in a row, an update of superSU removes the `su' binary on my (stock intl) galaxy note 2. What might be the cause?
<Thiagovfar> Let me reach out for windows. My camera is dumb
<Thiagovfar> mjt: Samsung
<mjt> um. sorry.
<mjt> wrong channel
<mjt> (this does not look like samsung-related, but is offtopic here as i've been told)
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<clibot> [Link] [BUG] CM-10.1 notification area - YouTube
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<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: it rescales here in a lame animation, but why does it rescale like that?
<Thiagovfar> It doesn't rescale, unless you poke it. Or the time changes
<Thiagovfar> That's on my side
<a3Dman> I mean, why does it rescale in the first place...
<a3Dman> didn't used to be like that in gb/ics/4.1
<a3Dman> it was instant
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Mine used to rescale instantaneously. Now there's a delay of a few seconds before it rescales itself.
<Thiagovfar> That's a mystery.
<Jiangyi> This is messed up.
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: does it take time for the status bar right icons to rescale when rotating in any app on your end?
<Thiagovfar> As I've said, it won't rescale if nothing happens. You have to poke it, wait for the time to change, connectivity, anything that causes an update
<Jiangyi> But mine does rescale if nothing happens.
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Something is happening
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Yeah, that used to happen too.
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: does it happen in AOSP?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Did you try it on airplane mode, where everything is disabled?
<a3Dman> this is a bug also
<Thiagovfar> Oh, and my video is 90º rotated
<Jiangyi> Yeah, this is difficult to reproduce.
<Jiangyi> It's fine atm.
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: are you bsy?
<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: I'll go out soon
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Can't reproduce on airplane mode atm, don't know if that's really the cause.
<avinashrbhat> ok
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: That should be enough, on i9100. Guess your phone is different
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: should i wipe the data before booting? and flash gapps?
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<Thiagovfar> If somebody can reproduce that, there's a simple workaround: just go into quick settings and back to notifications. It will rescale instantly
<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: What is your current situation?
<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: What do you want to achieve, and what have you done so far?
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: downloaded the cm
<avinashrbhat> booted to download mode
<Thiagovfar> But what's your goal?
<Thiagovfar> Install CM?
<avinashrbhat> install cm 10.1
<avinashrbhat> yes
<Thiagovfar> Did you install CWM, already?
<avinashrbhat> no
<Thiagovfar> do it
<avinashrbhat> i did try with 6.0 didn't work
<avinashrbhat> so now on cwm 5.5
<Thiagovfar> use cwm to flash cm-10.1
<Thiagovfar> then, reboot recovery and flash again, with the new recovery
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: cwm 5.5?
<Thiagovfar> Yes, it should do
<avinashrbhat> ok
<Thiagovfar> Just remember to reboot into recovery
<Thiagovfar> and install again
<Thiagovfar> so that you use the newest cwm, the second time around
<avinashrbhat> or will it work with boot.img as you said earlier?
<Thiagovfar> Yeah, that will install cwm + cm kernel. Then, you'd boot into recovery and install cm itself
<avinashrbhat> the zip downloaded. right?
<Thiagovfar> Yes
<avinashrbhat> ok
<avinashrbhat> on it
<avinashrbhat> oh! should the phone be fullu charged?
<avinashrbhat> * fully
<Thiagovfar> If something goes wrong, you want to have as much battery as possible
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<avinashrbhat> ok, guess i'll wait then, got about 19% left
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman, Espenfjo, Jiangyi: video is properly oriented now
<clibot> [Link] [BUG] CM-10.1 notification area - YouTube
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<plandream> !download i9100
<clibot> plandream: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [9cc185]
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Friend's asking me to put Chinese on a Note II LTE.....
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What are the chances of getting a N7105 stock ROM working on I317? xD
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<Thiagovfar> See you later, guys, I'm going to ping timeout.
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: shouldn't be hard
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: t0lte = n7105, i317 and the other variant too
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: one cm for all
<ernie`> Thank you Cody for the new mali drivers.. works awesome
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I know that, but I was wondering whether stock does something crazy different :-P
* Jiangyi is not putting CM on a friend's Exynos
<Jiangyi> Too much headache :-|
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: do it xD
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: She wants all the S-Pen stuff too, so CM's a no-go either ways :/
<codeworkx> lawl
<ernie`> Ive been asked a couple of times to put CM on some friends' S3.. I refused
<Jiangyi> I've only done it to friends' Qualcomm S3s
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<Jiangyi> Simply because stock on it is sooooooo bad.
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<Jiangyi> Lags like single core Cortex-A7 phone -_-
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<Jiangyi> Oh hey, some guy on Gfan made a CWM-flashable stock ROM that has Chinese already
<Jiangyi> That was convenient lol
<Jiangyi> nevermind, it has a bunch of random crap added in :|
<angelsl> there are new mali drivers?
<a3Dman> yes
<a3Dman> 3p1
<a3Dman> no glitches, no mem leak
<angelsl> ah cool
<angelsl> now all we need is a nonuseless hwc
<a3Dman> yes
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<angelsl> what about gralloc?
<angelsl> does that play a major role in graphics performance?
<a3Dman> not sure
<angelsl> or rather does the OSS gralloc in cm-10.1 suck?
<a3Dman> I don't think gralloc affects performance
<a3Dman> it's about colors and stuff
<a3Dman> angelsl: after using r3p1 it's snappier also
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<angelsl> hell
<angelsl> i guess it's as good a time as ever to up to 10.1
<Tsz> what is the difference of tab2 7.0 CM9 and CM10.1
<a3Dman> I agree
<en1gma> i have a sgh-t989 (tmobile S2) and it has android 2.3.5. i am just wondering what is the latest OFFICIAL rom i can do? (i just go this phone and dont see a ICS or JB STOCK rom
<a3Dman> Tsz: CM9 is based on Android 4.0.4 (ICS) while CM10.1 is based on Android 4.2.1/2 (Jellybean)
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<Tsz> how about the function?!
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<a3Dman> Tsz: whad do you mean?
<a3Dman> both works on tab 2 without any issues
<a3Dman> work*
<Tsz> which is better for tab2 on now?
<a3Dman> cm10.1 is newer and shiny
<a3Dman> give it a try :P
<a3Dman> bbl
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<Tsz> CM10.1 has any issue?
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<plandream> If you don't dare you don't win.Try it mate.
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<plandream> First time sync takes a ton of time dammnit.
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<neil> hello! i have a question :)
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<a3Dman> just ask
<plandream> Good.What is it?
<neil> will the contents of my sd card be deleted if I flash cm10.1 on my galaxy tab 2 7.0?
<jomp16> And wait a answer
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<a3Dman> neil: no
<neil> the external card? oh god. thank you!!!!
<plandream> No, but back up anyway.Doesn't hurt.
<jomp16> The internal and external don't will be deleted
<jomp16> Only you choosing a option innrdcovery
<neil> and btw, where do i need to put the zip files needed for installing cm10.1? on the external SD or the internal sd?
<neil> on the external right?
<jomp16> Whatever
<a3Dman> neil: it doesn't matter, you select from recovery if it's internal/externa
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<a3Dman> l
<neil> alright. thank you so much!
<neil> keep up the good work guys!
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<neil> last question. i know there's a very obvious answer for this. I just need to hear the answers. Which would you choose CM10.1 or the official samsung 4.1 firmware?
<jomp16> I choose CM10.1, Sammy is a crap
<a3Dman> I can't imagine how I used touchwiz for 1 month
<a3Dman> anyway, there was no cm7.2 back then :)
<xplodwild> I used it for 1 hour
<neil> and what if I didnt like CM10.1 can I just download any samsung firmware on the internet that has the same model on my phone?
<a3Dman> yes
<jomp16> I used TouchWiz for +- 3 weeks
<neil> alright. why is the cm10.1 has a small file size compared to the samsung firmware? because of all the shitty bloatware?
<jomp16> My mother don't allowed me to flash CyanogenMod :'(
<a3Dman> jomp16: I remember when I installed cm7.2, I was like "woah"
<jomp16> Basically, yes
<a3Dman> neil: yes, you figured it right :)
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<jomp16> My GTI5500 officially has 2.2, but psyke83 ported CM7.2, and now its is the best ROM ever for that device, has CM9, 10 and 10.1 (its lags, but run)
<neil> thanks! i will now install cm10.1. wish me luck!!
<neil> it's my first time haha
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<jomp16> Why Jenkins build is breaking?
<jomp16> error: Cannot remove project "kernel/samsung/tuna": uncommitted changesare present commit changes, then run sync again
<Bert_> neil: also, there are no google apps included.
<neil> i got a assert failed on flashing
<neil> error status 7?
<neil> what do I do?
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<neil> the installation is aborted
<jomp16> Downloaded the right .zip for your device?
<jomp16> Or flashed wrong recovery?
<neil> i think I got the correct file in here
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod Downloads
<jomp16> Your device is a p3100?
<jomp16> Flashed correct recovery.img?
<neil> yep p3100. how do I know if I flashed correct recovery img?
<jomp16> You downloaded recovery.img for p3100?
<jomp16> Or for p3110?
<neil> p3100
<jomp16> Checked MD5sum for the .zip?
<neil> wait. i think I have seen the problem. my cwm recovery is version 5+ while the one for p3100 is 6+?
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<neil> how do I remove clockwork?
<neil> or update? can i use the app
<xplodwild> why would you remove clockwork?
<neil> i mean update. i think i've installed a wrong version before
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<avinashrbhat> jomp16: hi, i flashed the cwm recovery (6.0). it didn't work so i asked again here, and Thiagovfar told me to flash the cm using cwm 5.5 (which is working here) and flash again with cwm 6.0. will that work?
<jomp16> I flashed ClockWorkMod 6 with heimdall without problem
<avinashrbhat> on gt-i9100 ?
<jomp16> Flashed 3 times, first install, and the latest is update for 10.1
<jomp16> P3110
<jomp16> I never has a SII, so no support, ask other person
<avinashrbhat> ok
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<SinQ> I successfully flashed a S2 (i9100) with clockworkmod 6.0
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<avinashrbhat> SinQ: using heimdall?
<SinQ> yes on linux
<avinashrbhat> ok
<avinashrbhat> finally, XD
<avinashrbhat> you can help me right?
<SinQ> i don't know, I only wanted to say, that cwm 6.0 runs on S2 without problems
<SinQ> but I can try
<avinashrbhat> apparently when i flash using command 'sudo heimdall flash --kernel zImage --no-reboot --verbose' to flash'
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<avinashrbhat> it is not even booting to recovery
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<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: Oh, hi
<SinQ> ok, you have i9100, right? You used the VolUp+Homw+Power button (in this order) and you have no USB cable plugged in your device?
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: hello
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<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: if you are not bsy, can we start flashing my S II?
<avinashrbhat> ^_~
<Thiagovfar> You didn't flash that yet?
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: i'm kinda nervous
<Thiagovfar> Samsung phones always have the download mode.
<Thiagovfar> You can almost always get away.
<avinashrbhat> he he
<avinashrbhat> :whoo:
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<avinashrbhat> i should flash gapps too right?
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<avinashrbhat> and do a data wipe and factory reset?
<Thiagovfar> Yes
<Thiagovfar> Flash CM -> flash gapps -> wipe data
<avinashrbhat> and then flash the cwm 6.0
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<Thiagovfar> you don't need cwm
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: then?
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<DuperMan> yum yum yum
<codeworkx> nom nom nom
<DuperMan> schtoopied szcent awe ash
<DuperMan> I'm just trying to weekend warrior myself a vpn on a vps outta thin air. is that too much to ask?
<DuperMan> :\
<Thiagovfar> avinashrbhat: CM running?
<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: starting to flash, copied cm and gapps to device
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<avinashrbhat> Thiagovfar: fucking awesome!! running CM 10.1. YOU ROCK!!!
<waratte> :O
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<prasad> Hi Guys, I am new to CM10.1 ROM and I have flashed the ROM with 10.1, and have question, about updating the M1 ROM with nightlies, Are these nightlies are cummulative, ?
<prasad> After I have CM10.1 M1 Experimental, Can I just update that using update option on phone to the latest nightlies that is available like 02222013 one
<prasad> and no need of all other inbetween M1 to 02212013 updates ?
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<prasad> Please advice.
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<prasad> [12:33] <prasad> After I have CM10.1 M1 Experimental, Can I just update that using update option on phone to the latest nightlies that is available like 02222013 one [12:33] <prasad> and no need of all other inbetween M1 to 02212013 updates ?
<prasad> ??
<prasad> Can anyone answer my question please??
<jomp16> Wait
<jomp16> Rules: ask and wait a answer
<jomp16> If you want to upgrade, download the latest .zip, reboot to recovery and flash, reboot and you updated the CyanogenMod
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<clibot> [Link] BREAKING: Samsung ditches own AMOLED and EXYNOS inside new Galaxy S IV | SamMobile
<Fissurez> yeaaaaahhhhhhh
<Fissurez> although if the exynos octa was having overheating issues i wouldn't be suprised
<Fissurez> the dual was pretty hot in my nexus 10
<jomp16> If Sammy changes the design, I will be happy
<jomp16> S3 has a poor design
<jomp16> But hardware is good
<Fissurez> and also cheap ass materials
<Fissurez> wait
<Fissurez> hardware as in?
<jomp16> Hardware of S3 is good, but the design and materials no
<Fissurez> so you mean the exynos 4420 or whatever and all he internal stuff is good
<Fissurez> ok
<Fissurez> hardware usually includes the outside bits too
<jomp16> For you hardware is bad?
<Fissurez> i don't own one
<Fissurez> but i know for a fact that the cheap plastic of the s3 is meh
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<jomp16> Note 2 has a good design
<jomp16> Materials? I don't know
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<clibot> [Link] This is what Android 4.2 might look like on the Samsung Galaxy SIII | Ars Technica
<Fissurez> oh fod
<Fissurez> *god
<Fissurez> those quick settings
<Fissurez> so many XD
<Jiangyi> Meh
<Jiangyi> CM's got about the same number :-P
<jomp16> The quick settings has a good image
<jomp16> But isn't holo, is TouchWiz
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<jomp16> Is possible Sammy using CyanogenMod and not AOSP to use in yours devices?
<jomp16> Only putting TouchWiz and a new kernel
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<frffsffdss> halp me pl0x
<frffsffdss> ned instal cynogmod on glxy s 2
<lolwat> lrn 2 spll pls
<lolwat> nd read guides
<frffsffdss> sry im 8 yrs old :(
<jomp16> WAT!
<frffsffdss> ?
<jomp16> Speak English! Do you know to speak your motherfucker?
<Jiangyi> .....
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<jomp16> Speak it ... *, forgot to add a it
<jomp16> A 8 old guy has more chance to brick the device...
<frffsffdss> hi
<frffsffdss> sry internt disconnct
<frffsffdss> jomp halp
<frffsffdss> im sry wut shold i do?
<jomp16> Talk correct English?
<frffsffdss> im still lrnng school
<jomp16> "I'm still learning English in school"
<frffsffdss> jomp16 tell me how plz
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<jomp16> i9100?
<Jiangyi> !bomb frffsffdss
<clibot> Jiangyi: You do not have permission to run "bomb"
<frffsffdss> yeh teh one with no g
<Jiangyi> Bah.
<jomp16> !device i9100
<clibot> jomp16: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<Jiangyi> @help
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<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i9100 - CyanogenMod
<frffsffdss> is easy to reed?
<jomp16> Ask your parents for flash for you
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<frffsffdss> they say void smthng
<jomp16> 8 old guy has more chance to brick the device
<frffsffdss> not sur wut wrkong with zem
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<Jiangyi> frffsffdss: Why are you even doing it if your parents don't approve.
<Jiangyi> -_-
<frffsffdss> i like opensurc
frffsffdss was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Jiangyi [Kindergarten is elsewhere!]
<jomp16> But you will change the sauce code?
<jomp16> If no stick with the stock
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<frffsffdss> wht happen?
<Jiangyi> frffsffdss: Come back when you learn how to read and write properly.
<jomp16> In 2020
<frffsffdss> all this cuz im young
<frffsffdss> i hate this wrld
<avinashrbhat> frffsffdss: no because you are too young
<jomp16> If you want to flash
<jomp16> Read this
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i9100 - CyanogenMod
<jomp16> If you brick, not us problem
<frffsffdss> ok
<frffsffdss> will i dnt drop my fone why shuld it brick
<frffsffdss> thats weerd
<Jiangyi> .........
<frffsffdss> ?
<avinashrbhat> frffsffdss: please consider this : ASK YOUR BROTHER TO DO THIS. YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO DO SO
<frffsffdss> ok
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<frffsffdss> Thanks for your help gentlemen.
<dannyy> hey kann mir einer bei einem problem mit cm10.1 auf einem gt-i9305 helfen?
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<avinashrbhat> dannyy: perhaps english???
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<avinashrbhat> jomp16: you could kicked him (frffsffdss) out i guess
<dannyy> my english is very bad. work mhl under cm10.1?
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<Espenfjo> dannyy: Nein
<avinashrbhat> use
<dannyy> ist die funktion geplant oder kann ich sie nachrüsten?
<Jiangyi> dannyy: i9305 is not supported
<avinashrbhat> !i9305
<clibot> avinashrbhat: Unknown command "i9305"
<dannyy> i have the cm10.1 version from codeworkx for the i9305
<avinashrbhat> !device i9305
<clibot> avinashrbhat: Unknown device i9305
<avinashrbhat> dannyy: saw that last entry? means no support
<Espenfjo> dannyy: Vielleict in der zukunft. Es ist viel arbeiten. Samsung macht so viel merkwürdich
<dannyy> achso ok danke :) in der tat ist samsung merkwürdig :D
<Espenfjo> :P
<Jiangyi> Espenfjo: You speak German too? :o
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: lol
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<Espenfjo> codeworkx: :D
<Espenfjo> Jiangyi: No.. not really
<Espenfjo> Ive had some in school, but cant remember a thing
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<Jiangyi> Ah ok
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<Jiangyi> Still more than me :-P
<Espenfjo> Actually.. I have had five years of it. But cant really understand a thing
<Jiangyi> All I know about German is the incredibly long words they have. :-|
<Espenfjo> I still do not understand why I didnt flank
<Jiangyi> My German vocab consists of: danke and auf wiedersehen :-P
<Jiangyi> Oh, and Guten tag :-D
<Espenfjo> Sauerkrauten!
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<Jiangyi> Bah, Google translate just fails with German. :-/
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: works fine
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sauerkrauten -> Sauerkrauten on my end ._.
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<codeworkx> invalid
<codeworkx> Sauerkraut
<Jiangyi> Ohhhh
<Jiangyi> There we go :-P
<Jiangyi> Yeah, I have no understanding of German grammatical structures.
<jomp16> I have a cow called Jairo
<jomp16> @Off topic B-)
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<jomp16> Hey, help me, "has" is for "she", "he", and "it"?
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<jomp16> And "have" is for some pronouns and plurals?
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<en1gma> GS2 Tmobile. any free way to unlock it?
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<en1gma> or if no free way who is cheapest reliable business to do it
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<plandream> Creating kernel zip... Bootimage not found... skipping.
<plandream> how can i fix that?
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<RossWell98> Hi :)
<plandream> hi
<plandream> OK i think i got it
<plandream> wrong directory\
<RossWell98> I've just a question ...
<plandream> fire away
<RossWell98> to download sources
<RossWell98> I have a bad reply for the "lunch" command
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<plandream> hmmm I am doing almost the same thing now.
<RossWell98> it's normal or not? he can't download the sources
<RossWell98> he found the repository but he download nothing
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<Loser> @Jiangyi just wanted to say thanks for the camera update assistance. after several learning hours on adb, i finally figured it out. Thanks again.
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