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<rekoil> does anybody know what the actual check by the "system status" function looks like?
<rekoil> does it check for things like intact imei or anything like that?
<rekoil> basically, is there any chance that "system status" could get it wrong?
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<rekoil> because if radio is required then there is literally no way I will be able to get this thing to say "stock"
<rekoil> (I9305, so when I say radio I of course mean baseband)
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<rekoil> this is stressing me out so much, fuck, I really need to get this thing in order soon
<rekoil> i am literally spending at least 2 hours per day just reflashing and running triangle away in different ways, nothing resets the system status flag!
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<Kihokki> rekoil
<rekoil> Kihokki:
<Kihokki> What you're trying to achieve?
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<rekoil> i'm trying to make my I9305 say that i've not modified it so that i can return it and get it fixed
<rekoil> currently the baseband only works if i am running perseus kernel
<rekoil> but the system status flag is never being reset
<rekoil> only the flash counter
<Kihokki> because perseus kernel
<Kihokki> So you're trying to make us assist with warranty fraud?
<clibot> [Link] xda-developers - View Single Post - [Q] Stockifying a GT-I9305(N)
<rekoil> that's what I did just now
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<rekoil> Kihokki: i wouldn't call it warranty fraud
<rekoil> the way i see it they are committing fraud by not honouring warranty for rooters
<rekoil> i admit, yes, this is a software issue probably caused by modifying the device, but the fact is the device shouldn't be able to be fucked with like this
<rekoil> radio data shouldn't be writable
<XDS2010> Kihokki: stop being so politically corect
<XDS2010> give the nigga a chance
<Kihokki> XDS2010, and chicken
<XDS2010> and watermelon!
<rekoil> and the fact that on samsung phones there needs to be a stickies warning people to be careful with the imei and back it up and shit
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<rekoil> you shouldn't need that
<XDS2010> dont forget the fucking watermelon
<Kihokki> MELONS
<XDS2010> rekoil: this issue is the least of your worries
<XDS2010> rekoil: The bluetooth wifi and sleep of death issues should be top on your list
<rekoil> well, they don't affect me
<rekoil> everything else works fine
* XDS2010 slaps rekoil with a oversized large trout
<Kihokki> Odin it?
<XDS2010> rekoil:
<Kihokki> then getril
<rekoil> but unless I am running perseus kernel I can't use the modem
<XDS2010> The bluetooth and wifi issue affects EVERYONE
<rekoil> Kihokki: i have literally reflashed stock twice today
<rekoil> complete stock packages
<rekoil> bootloader and everything
<rekoil> until i flash perseus kernel i can't access the modem
<XDS2010> rekoil: that cant be good for your rom/ram
<XDS2010> not to mention the nor chips
<rekoil> probably not
<rekoil> but i don't intend to be using the phone for 100 years anyway
<rekoil> if i reflashed the entire nand 5 times a day it would still last about 7.5 years
<XDS2010> rekoil: why dont i just save us all this grief. send me the phone ill throw it up against the wall for you
<XDS2010> lmao
<Kihokki> rekoil, Are you using S3 stuff or S3 sprint ones?
<rekoil> i have an I9305 so I am using I9305 binaries
<clibot> [Link] [UPDATED 12/30/2012][Sprint Only]UnRoot and Return to stock - Android Forums at
<Kihokki> Try it
<rekoil> I don't have a snapdragon device...
<Kihokki> Why the fuck you didn't make backups....
<rekoil> i have fuckloads of backups mate
<rekoil> i have backups of the modem NVRAM, i have efs backups
<rekoil> i have about 10 nandroid backups
<rekoil> i have titanium backups
<Kihokki> use nandroid backups
<rekoil> and i have sms backups
<rekoil> i have _ALL_ the data for my phone
<Kihokki> why did you even messed up with stuff you don't know about...
<rekoil> i haven't bloody messed with anything
<rekoil> i flashed a kernel others were running fine
<rekoil> before i did I took backups
<Kihokki> so get a better kernel
<rekoil> but now when i return to stock I can't apply the backups because QPST configurator doesn't detect a phone
<rekoil> because the phone doesn't power on because its not finding its own data
<rekoil> which is only working in perseus kernel
<rekoil> its nearing 2 am here so i'm gonna call it a day and probably spend countless hours over this tomorrow as well
<rekoil> fucking useless piece of shit
<rekoil> the modem data shouldn't be writable
<Kihokki> lol, speak of yourself
<rekoil> that's basic security
<Kihokki> You bricked it :D
<Kihokki> :DDD
<rekoil> hey it works fine
<rekoil> i have all the data
<rekoil> i just can't run stock or cyanogenmod
<rekoil> it definitely isn't bricked
<Kihokki> Soon it is I meant ;)
<rekoil> with perseus kernel and stock rom it runs better than when i got it
<rekoil> yeah... thanks for being so fucking cheery
<Kihokki> Well try Siyah at least
<rekoil> if it existed for I9305 i would
<Kihokki> Durr, luckily I always choose int. versions
<rekoil> ...I9305 is an international version
<rekoil> it's international LTE model
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<Kihokki> lol now I misread model numbers
<Kihokki> I go to sleeps
<rekoil> yeah, do that, and maybe not be so quick to judge people in the future...
<Kihokki> rekoil: Or what?
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<Jiangyi> rekoil: Any luck with the i9300 sbl?
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<DooMMasteR> lol the federal prosecutor working on my case wrote me an eMail… at 0031
<DooMMasteR> wtf
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<waratte> Yeah, wtf
<Fox__> hi all
<DooMMasteR> smasung local servise damaged my phone
<DooMMasteR> I wanted the 5GHz WiFi of my nexu replaced (it broke for me like it did for many others)
<Fox__> is it possible to use slide at lockscreen with pincode? @ cm10.1
<DooMMasteR> and they said they would not do it… because it hat waterdamage… which it clearly never had… but not enough… they also borked my volume up button
<DooMMasteR> which kinda sucks…
<Fox__> anyone can help me figure this out?
<DooMMasteR> so I filed charges of damage to property against them… and the prosecutor just answered me in the case… he wrote Samsung a message warning them about the possible lawsuit and offering an extrajudical solution… replacing my phone with a new one :P
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<DooMMasteR> feels like the prisecutor is my attorney :P he also said that in the case they run for a lawsuit it would take at least a year… -.-
<DooMMasteR> and that would only be the state lawsuit
<DooMMasteR> I would then have to file another one for compensation -.-
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<Fox-s2> Is one dev online?
<Fox-s2> @cm10.1 does it support standerd slide with after password or pin code?
<Fox-s2> At lockscreen?
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<Fox-s2> Anyone here?
<DooMMasteR> wait
<DooMMasteR> let me check
<Fox-s2> I have cm10.1 now but i cant find it
<Jiangyi> DooMMasteR: Their water damage indicator thing is pretty badly implemented.
<Fox-s2> Thank you for looking
<DooMMasteR> Jiangyi: they are all fine
<Jiangyi> It gets ticked off just in really humid weather. :/
<DooMMasteR> and it is not about the water damage
<DooMMasteR> the prosecution is about the now broke volume up button
<DooMMasteR> which was fine before the tried repair
<Jiangyi> Well, I'm just saying that they use the water damage excuse way too often. :-P
<DooMMasteR> my phone was in an full case whenever outside
<DooMMasteR> Jiangyi: yeah that is another thing though :P
<DooMMasteR> there is the waterdamage
<DooMMasteR> they now claim the broken volume up is also a result of the water damage
<DooMMasteR> and since it it is could not be fixed
<Fox-s2> Lol
<DooMMasteR> the water damage is right below the antenna connector
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<DooMMasteR> I talked with the prosecutor and he told me they will like just replace the phone to miss the court in such a case
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<Entropy512> I don't see any damage...
<DooMMasteR> otherwise they would risk having to repair broken buttons which are broken as result of a real water damage
<Entropy512> there's cruft on the USB port but that might be Samsung's conformal coat anyway
<DooMMasteR> Entropy512: there is some kind of resedue below the minimininano connector on the bottom of the picture
<Entropy512> no red indicators anywhere
<DooMMasteR> Entropy512: that is a lot of dirt
<Entropy512> that's bullshit
<Entropy512> that is NOT water damage
<Entropy512> and any water that is visibly ONLY THERE could not be the possible cause of problems
<Entropy512> Samsung's shit is conformal coated
<DooMMasteR> They claim it is and also that that is the reason they could not replace the mainboard
<Entropy512> it's actually pretty hard to damage it with moisture unless the moisture hits a connector
<Entropy512> they are
<Entropy512> as usual for Samsung
<Entropy512> full of shit
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<DooMMasteR> Entropy512: USB and all the stuff works just fine… or so said worked :P
<fox-s22> Irc quit..
<fox-s22> Goodluck.
<DooMMasteR> all in all I am pretty happy about the prosecutors nice attitude
<fox-s22> Will it cost you a lot?
<fox-s22> From which country are you
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<fox-s22> No cm devs online?
<DooMMasteR> fox-s22: no not at all
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<DooMMasteR> they commited a crime in the sense of german law
<fox-s22> Im from the netherlands.
<DooMMasteR> this case would only prosecute the crime, not my damage
<fox-s22> Its late here /germany
<DooMMasteR> I would then later have to file another case to get compensation for the damage
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<DooMMasteR> fox-s22: 0318… just fine :)
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<jomp16> @off topic: I'm creating a forum and I'm using phpBB, but you prefer phpBB, MyBB or SMF?
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<avinashrbhat> jomp16: you could look at this forum thread
<clibot> [Link] phpBB vs MyBB 1.6
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<jomp16> I like IPBoard, but I don't have money for buy, and I don't want to use retail/nulled
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<avinashrbhat> then you can use mybb but i can't tell you how secure it will be
<eldabest> hey guys I'm on cm10.1 on an i9100 feb 24th nightly, and my camera isn't focusing (and hasn't been for a few nightlies now)...what should I do?
<eldabest> I saw there was a camera nightly...but what's the deal exactly?
<eldabest> tried clearing data from dice
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<avinashrbhat> eldabest: i've used same thing here, no probs for me here
<eldabest> yeah...ugh...there don't seem to be a lot of people with problems
<eldabest> I'll try updating to 02/26
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<eldabest> anyone else?
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<DooMMasteR> SMF rox :P
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<cm-t> !changelog I9100
<clibot> cm-t: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<nosklo> I need to access the SIM card menu, is there a way to do it on CM10.1?
<nosklo> STK
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<wangwey> !changelog <sgs2 i9100G>
<clibot> wangwey: Unknown device <sgs2
<wangwey> where can i see the changelog for the newest nightly for the sgs2 i9100G?
<wangwey> and are there any problems accprding to the nightly from the 28th of february 2013 for the i9100G?
<gladiac1337> !changelog i9100
<clibot> gladiac1337: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<wangwey> i need the G version
<wangwey> and for CM 10.1
<gladiac1337> !changelog i9100g
<clibot> gladiac1337: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G):
<gladiac1337> s/cm10/cm10.1/
<wangwey> Thanks!!!^^
<gladiac1337> np
<wangwey> !changelog i9100G
<clibot> wangwey: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G):
<wangwey> are there any known issues?^^
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<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod10.1:GT-I9100G:Nightly:Known issues - Teamhacksung Wiki
<nosklo> STK doesn't work on CM10.1 really? It's not on the known issues
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<jimbo24> hey guys? can anyone help with the deleting on the 26th zip? and using clockworkmod?
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<gladiac1337> jimbo24: like... deleting a file using adb?
<jimbo24> no like i deleted the last nightly
<jimbo24> and now i cant flash the 26th to have my phone working again because i was low on storage
<jimbo24> i tried to mount /sdcard in clockwork and it didnt work i just wanna put the .zip file on my sd card to flash :(
<gladiac1337> oh, i guess adb is broken since is set in recovery and auth does not work there, right?
<jimbo24> ive never tried adb
<jimbo24> i tried to look tutorials up and nothign for the s3 :/
<jimbo24> im trying droid explorer
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<Qwertan> Hey
<Qwertan> Can someone here help me? im having problem with stuck on boot after trying to upgrade from cm 10 to 10.1
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<Kihokki> Qwertan, Try wiping it
<Qwertan> i cant
<Kihokki> why
<Qwertan> i can only acces the download mode but nothing happens from there?
<Kihokki> ...
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<Qwertan> cwm is gone for some reason and when i try to load it again with odin i only get "Fail"
<Kihokki> What have you done D:
<Qwertan> hehe i ask myself the same
<Kihokki> Did Odin work before this?
<Kihokki> Can you access recovery?
<Qwertan> yes it worked before i start usin cm
<Qwertan> no cant acces recovery
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<bossov> hi
<Qwertan> i have the dl screen on the phone atm and odin is on and says that it is connected to my phone (yellow sign)
<Kihokki> So Odin recognizes the phone? Sounds like a kernel problem
<Kihokki> What device you have now?
<Qwertan> yes it does :) how do i fix it :D
<Qwertan> Samsung Galaxy s2
<bossov> I updated to the latest nightly on i9300 and since then any time i boot it gets stuck after 2 minutes of work.
<Kihokki> i9100 or i9100g or other?
<Qwertan> 19100
<Kihokki> Hmm, and now it has CM10.1?
<bossov> kihokki - yes
<Qwertan> yes i downloaded the latest nightly and after that it didnt boot
<Kihokki> bossov, It's a nightlie, expect bugs
<bossov> even after downgrade to 21th cannot work more then 180 sec
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Try this kernel, it works for me[02-00]-[26-02]-MALI-V2-TAR-FOR-ODIN.tar
<Kihokki> You can flash it via Odin of cource
<Qwertan> do i flash it as a PDA?
<Kihokki> It should reboot and make your phone work again and use less battery, it's called DorimanX
<Kihokki> Yes
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<Qwertan> Kihokki: same there i get fail... :(
<Kihokki> bossov, Maybe kernel flashing would work for you too...
<Kihokki> bossov, Try Siyah, it's quite same as DorimanX and compatible with CM10.1 as it says
<clibot> [Link] SiyahKernel S3-v1.8.6 | SiyahKernel
<Qwertan> is there no way to just wipe everything and start all over? :)
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<Kihokki> Qwertan, There is no need to start over, you've flashed CM10.1 and all your apps and settings will work after flashing the kernel
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<Kihokki> I use DorimanX too
<Qwertan> Kihokki: tried flashing the kernel you posted but it didnt help.
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<bossov> <Kihokki> - could not find downloadable file on given link
<bossov> <Kihokki> - disregard please
<clibot> [Link] Dev-Host - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
<Kihokki> There they are
<bossov> <Kihokki> - install with clockwork mod?
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Well try opening the recovery now?
<bossov> thansk...
<nosklo> Ok, there's no way to access the sim card menu (sim toolkit) in CM10.1 ?? I see Stk.apk in /system/app but it doesn't show up in my application list, and no, it is not hidden in the launcher
<Kihokki> bossov, Well if you have CWM then put that zip on your sd card and flash :)
<bossov> tar id for odin and zip if for CWM, correct ?
<Kihokki> bossov, Correct
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<Kihokki> nosklo, I don't have too, but I inspect that now
<bossov> Kihokki - thanks , tring now
<Kihokki> bossov, In Odin tars go to PDA field
<Qwertan> Kihokki: now i get the dorimanx kernel boot screen but nothing more happens :(
<bossov> Kihokki - ok, will not change any other options....
<Qwertan> and now cyanogenmod bootscreen started...
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Well it sounds promising
<Qwertan> what should i do now?
<Kihokki> Well do you get into lockscreen?
<Kihokki> See keyboard leds lit?
<Qwertan> nope only cm bootscreen
<Kihokki> Can you boot into recovery? At least that should work
<Qwertan> i press vol dwn + home + pwr and then i get to the downloading screen but no recovery
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Well. Maybe we should start all you have any stock roms ready there+
<Kihokki> ?
<bossov> Kihokki - not booting, purpule splash screen, then black screen, then nothing
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<Qwertan> that sounds good :).. no i have no stock roms i have looked but didnt find the exact i sjould use. as u might have figured im a noob at this
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Where are you from? I'll try to find the latest rom matching your country
<Qwertan> sweden
<Kihokki> Great, so we both use Nordic roms ;) it's yer neighbour Finland here
<Qwertan> hehe nice :D
<Kihokki> bossov, Does the recovery work for you then?
<bossov> Kihokki - im in recovery now
<bossov> what kernel should i flash?
<bossov> galaxy s3 i9300 international
<Kihokki> bossov, Does in the kernel read anything about Siyah?
<Kihokki> Qwertan, It's a biiiig file but it's also the latest stock ROM for us
<clibot> [Link] 1-CLICK Dateihoster:
<bossov> kihokki - it has Yin and yang on boot
<Qwertan> hehe this will take some time
<Kihokki> Qwertan, You should not delete it, stock roms are handy sometimes :D
<bossov> and after 3 seconds screen goes dark :(
<Kihokki> bossov, Is your battery level low?
<Kihokki> I think it should read on the right corner
<bossov> not sure because cannot boot but connected to charger..
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<Kihokki> Disconnect the charger and try again
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<bossov> did not try yet but the screen is pure white now
<Kihokki> bossov, What if we flash you stock for you too and start over?
<bossov> Unfortunatly i did not back it up :(
<bossov> Any idea where i can find original rom for Israel - orange
<Kihokki> Your files on sd card and in internal storage are safe but you'll just lost data and apps, you can install them later :p
<jexner> just an FYI: today's nightly bricks my i9300 - stuck on CM logo.
<jexner> Recovery works though and I went back to the nightly from Feb 26
<jexner> just wanted to share
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<Kihokki> Hmmmm
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<Kihokki> bossov, Did you flash todays nighlie? Maybe we should try same as jexner
<bossov> dowloading it now
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<bossov> <Kihokki> and <jexner> Thanks the rom from the 21 works for me so far. not stuck for the last 5 minutes.. Big thanks for your help
<Kihokki> Awesome :D
<Kihokki> Qwertan, How is your download?
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<markit> !supported
<clibot> markit: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<jexner> Good to know, <bossov>
<jexner> I wonder who else has issues with the Feb28 nightly or whether it works for anyone?
<Qwertan> Kihokki: almost done 4 mins left
<Kihokki> Well it's a nightlie after all. Glad I got 26.2 on i9100
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Which nightlie you have ready?
<Qwertan> Kihokki: 28 feb
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<Qwertan> Kihokki: download is done.
<Kihokki> I use 26 feb, I think if you should get that too...
<Kihokki> Well, look inside the zip
<Kihokki> There should be a md5 file inside right?
<Qwertan> yepp it is
<Kihokki> exract it, and plug in your phone to pc with download mode on
<Kihokki> When that is done you can start your Odin too, make sure that phone is detected
<Qwertan> done
<Kihokki> Put the exracted md5 file into PDA field
<Qwertan> load as pda?
<Qwertan> oki :)
<Kihokki> Make sure there is no re-partition selected
<Kihokki> only Auto reboot and F. Reset time
<Kihokki> If they are okay, you're free to press Start and beging flashing :D
<Kihokki> *begin
<Qwertan> woho now something is happening :D
<Kihokki> :D While you wait can you download CM10.1 26 feb to make sure this works?
<Qwertan> ok
<Devourz> lol
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<Kihokki> I'm watching this again
<clibot> [Link] Big Fucking Business. - YouTube
<jexner> <Kihokki> I'm not complaining, just asking out of interest. IF it works for others, I might have an issue on my phone or configuration
<Qwertan> Kihokki: And now im stuck on this samsung boot screen
<Kihokki> Qwertan, I was on too. Recovery works now, and wipe :D
<Kihokki> Do a wipe, I almost forgot.
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<Kihokki> jexner, Yeah, but talking about nightlies we should be sure.
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<Fox-s2> When will cm10.1 support lockscreen slide with password?
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<Fox-s2> CM 10 has that. But 10.1 not yet
<Fox-s2> Or do i not see it at 10.1
<Fox-s2> Can anyone tell me pls
<Fox-s2> Nobody here?
<Devourz> im here
<Devourz> but have no idea aboyt ur q
<Kihokki> Fox-S2, It works for me
<Kihokki> Umm slide with password?
<Kihokki> Why do you need slide when you have password?
<Qwertan> Kihokki: should i wipe all? (data/factory and cache?
<Fox-s2> Its faster that way. I slide to my app and then it will ask for pincode
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Data/factory option takes care of cache in addition :p that one
<Kihokki> Hmm well now I'm trying Supernexus rom
<Qwertan> Kihokki: then reboot?
<Fox-s2> CM did have that. But i cant find it at cm10.1
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Yes
<Fox-s2> Do you have it?
<Kihokki> Now I have Supernexus 2.0 build 3
<Kihokki> That's as Nexus as possible
<sorin2189> cm10.1 has more functionality as the stock nexus 4.2.2 ..
<sorin2189> than*
<Kihokki> It's not Nexus rom...
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][AOSP][JB][4.2.2][JDQ39] SuperNexus 2.0 - I9100 - BUILD 3 [17-02-13] - xda-developers
<Qwertan> Kihokki: It Worked!!! thank you so much!
<Kihokki> >Stock Jelly Bean Look and Feel
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Horray! :D
<Kihokki> No problem
<Qwertan> so now i need to do the "Fully" cm 10.1 installation from scratch and this time use the daily from 26feb?
* Devourz patts Kihokki on the back
<Devourz> you did good
<Devourz> kind sir of the internet
<Kihokki> Qwertan, Hmm we need to root your device firstly
<Qwertan> aha ok
<Kihokki> You'll need to download the second from top
<Kihokki> Dorimanx 8, tar version
<Kihokki> It's not only a great kernel but it roots your device too :å
<Kihokki> *:p
<clibot> [Link] [Kernel 3.1.Y][24 Feb] Dorimanx 7.49 ICS+JBMALI SGII 8 Platforms +Touch Recovery+ROOT - xda-develope...
<Kihokki> Tar is flashed as the same way we did with Odin, phone is in Download mode and tar is put on PDA field, then flash
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<Kihokki> omg this is cool, found an app which shows pizza & kebab menus, restaurants nearby and I can give my order via app!
<Qwertan> Kihokki: dorimanx is up and running :D
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<Kihokki> Wohoo :D now, you can put CM10.1 on your internal storage
<Kihokki> also Gapps too
<Qwertan> woho :D thanks once again :D
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<Kihokki> Then you flash firstly CM10.1 zip and and Gapps, then you do a wipe, flash Dorimanx again because CM installation replaces Dorimanx and then you can reboot and enjoy CM10.1 :D
<Kihokki> This time you can flash Dorimanx via recovery
<Kihokki> No need to do stuff via odin
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<Kihokki> Just download that zip version and put that too on internal storage
<Qwertan> ok so i dont need cwm anymore?
<Kihokki> Nope
<VIad> why can't android animate gif? would make mms more fun otherwise...
<Kihokki> Depends on which sms app you're using
<VIad> just default apps :<
<VIad> none seem to animate the gif
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<Kihokki> This is awesome, my phone is now a wallet! :) Also I can create temporary MasterCards for paying online
<Kihokki> Now I need 'payment market' to stick on my phone and places where I can pay with this
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<SoSimple> Hello
<SoSimple> I'm a CM 10.1 nightly 28/02, stuck in boot.
<SoSimple> How do I install previous version?
<Bert_> Make sure you wipe the data.
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<SoSimple> And I will loose my data?
<Bert_> I think so.
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<RussianRoot> !download GT-I9300
<clibot> RussianRoot: Unknown device GT-I9300
<RussianRoot> !download gt-i9300
<clibot> RussianRoot: Unknown device gt-i9300
<RussianRoot> Guys help
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<a3Dman> !download i9300
<clibot> a3Dman: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [d546d2]
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<Edo995> Hy
<Edo995> on my galaxy s3 i9300 i have the nightly 22/02 cyanogenmod 10.1...
<Edo995> can I refresh the nightly to 26/02 ?
<Edo995> !download >I9300>
<clibot> Edo995: Unknown device >I9300>
<Edo995> <I9300>
<Edo995> !download <I9300>
<clibot> Edo995: Unknown device <I9300>
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<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> y people are so stupid
<Bert_> !download i9300
<clibot> Bert_: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [d546d2]
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<Kihokki> Bert_: Install BBQTools and Install updates via it
<clibot> [Link] BBQTools - Android Apps on Google Play
<Kihokki> Also let roms settle down a bit, constant updating is not only annoying but can affect your battery life
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<Frd^> there is updater in setting about phne
<Kihokki> Frd^: BBQTools looks better, you can view changelog, you can automatically install updates and install Gapps and stuff
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<Frd^> Kihokki: newest is best
<Frd^> ;)
<Kihokki> Wat
<Bert_> Thanks for the info. I like to install 1-2 days old ROMS, just in case there are issues... like the post 20130217 i9100 problems.
<Frd^> i use nevest nightly ;)
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<itunes> i
<itunes> Hi*
<itunes> does anyone have a second? i got into some trouble
<itunes> i own a Galaxy S2, I9100. basically i installed last night's nightly build, 28
<itunes> and got boot loop
<itunes> then after trying another rom from a previous day, i dont know what happened, but now my smartphone does not even pass the Samsung logo (soft brick i think)
<itunes> im able to go into recovery mode
<itunes> i tried wipping dalvik cache, cache partition, fix permissions, another rom, no go
<itunes> any clue?
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<itunes> !download i9100
<clibot> itunes: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [fff9fc]
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<Kihokki> itunes: Go back to stock, root and then CM10.1 26 Feb nightlie
<Kihokki> This is why you should make BACKUPS
<Kihokki> You install a nightlie so you should be aware on what you're doing
<itunes> can i try factory reset before? is it worth it?
<itunes> im making a major adb pull before to backup everything
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<Kihokki> No, you already did factory reset by wiping your phone
<itunes> yeah i know i should make backups but this has never hapenned to me before, i've had bootloops and passed that ok.. i wasnt expecting a brick
<itunes> i didnt factory reset yet
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<itunes> i just did dalvik cache and cache partition
<Grinch> Hello all
<itunes> my photos are still there, im pulling them
<Grinch> enyone know of the samsung s3 i9300 Nighty build and errors ?
<Kihokki> Yeah it's not enough. Do backups via recovery if you do them and now it's too late.
<Grinch> i have a quastion and it might be easy
<Kihokki> Hnnngh
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<yaser> hello
<yaser> anybody here ?
<Kihokki> itunes: There is usb mount option in recovery. No need to mess with adb
<Grinch> i just install the Nighty 10.1 rom and followed the how to.... and now i just get the Cyanogenmod wheeel spinning at 1st and thats it
<yaser> i have a problem
<yaser> could anyybody help
<itunes> i tried usb mount storage, didnt work. nothing showed up. im on a mac btw
<Kihokki> yaser: Yea, bootloop?
<yaser> yes
<Kihokki> >mac
<yaser> you are genious
<Kihokki> Well okay
<yaser> what to do ?
<itunes> yaser flash a previous build
<itunes> 27
<yaser> i tried..
<Kihokki> This is because you installed the latest nightlie
<yaser> but it says no file found
<Grinch> Does enypne know my problem or have heard of it ?
<yaser> how to flash the previous build ?
<yaser> in recoverymod ?
<Kihokki> Easy method to get away from trouble: Use Odin/Heimdall and flash stock rom, root it and install CM. Then: ALWAYS MAKE NANDROID BACKUPS
<itunes> boot your smartphone into recovery mod, mount storage, download a previous build in your computer and pass the file to the smartphone, flash it
<yaser> the probblem is my pc is not detecting the phone memory
<itunes> Grinch did u flash 28's build? i think u have the same bootloop problem..
<Grinch> kihokki you seem like you know some, could you help me ?
<Kihokki> I take a shower now, sorry but then
<Kihokki> After shower
<itunes> yaser, did u try mount storage?
<itunes> are u on a mac?
<yaser> no i m on windows
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<yaser> windows 7
<itunes> did u try mount storage?
<yaser> how
<itunes> if you have android tools installed on your windows (adb) i know a way, other than that i dont know, we can wait for someone else to respond
<yaser> wht is adb
<itunes> in recovery mode, there's an option, mounts and storage
<itunes> then mount USB storage
<yaser> yes
<yaser> it say mount sdcard ,,,,
<yaser> but when i try to select it .
<yaser> nothing happens .. the option remains the same .. like as if the sdcard is still not mounted
<yaser> but i can browse through directories ..
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<itunes> try to connect your smartphone with the cable to your computer
<itunes> then boot into recovery mode
<itunes> and see if u have the option mount USB storage
<itunes> the idea is for you to be able to see the storage as a PEN on your computer, and copy the rom
<yaser> ok
<itunes> btw dont choose any of the options "format"..
<yaser> i have
<yaser> mount /efs
<yaser> mount cache
<itunes> last one
<yaser> mount data
<itunes> before go back
<yaser> mount data
<yaser> nothing like mount usb
<itunes> damn =/
<yaser> imy phone gona die .. save her doc , save her
<yaser> lol
<Grinch> Enyone know how to fix the Cyanogenmod wheel stock ?
<yaser> anyways ... i have the first release of cyanogenmod 10.1 on phone ... when i try to execute the setup in recovery mode ... it says at the end installation aborted
<yaser> cant oopen file
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<yaser> so guys ?~
<itunes> im with the same problem
<itunes> im making a backup
<itunes> and then ill try to make a factory reset
<itunes> im using adb, which is a command of android that comes with android tools for development
<Kihokki> Durr
<yaser> i have a backup on my phone as well . then i did factory reset .. and still no luck
<Kihokki> Hay guess what, even if you flash stock rom and wipe your data your images and videos etc. will stay
<Kihokki> Only userdata is removed and all the apps
<Kihokki> No need to try backup for them
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<itunes> mine just booted
<itunes> yeye
<itunes> i did factory reset
<itunes> but i backed up everything
<itunes> even app settings
<yaser> and how much time it took to boot up ??
<itunes> more than it usually does
<itunes> first time takes more i guess
<Kihokki> It's not recommended to transfer apps with their data over roms but whatever :p
<itunes> i know but its the same rom lol
<itunes> just one day before
<Kihokki> Luckily I have Supernexus rom...
<Kihokki> Grinch: wake up! Booting my PC now
<yaser> the wheel is still going round and round
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<Kihokki> But you got your files back?
<itunes> i did, yaser is not able to connect the smartphone to the pc
<itunes> :S
<yaser> offffffffffff´
<itunes> can u help him? im going out for now
<Kihokki> On PC now
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<Kihokki> yaser, Whats the situtation now? In what condition your phone is now?
<yaser> its still booting
<yaser> now my pc is showing the Mass storage device
<yaser> but when i go inside .. its empty
<Kihokki> you get into os?
<Kihokki> what device?
<Kihokki> does it show how much space there is in there?
<Kihokki> do you see files on your phone?
<yaser> nothing...
<yaser> i tried to send a file into it ..
<yaser> copy
<yaser> it said . the device has failed to respond
<yaser> can i flash it somehow through keys to original backup ?
<yaser> keis
<Kihokki> Well, which device you have now+
<Kihokki> ?
<Kihokki> Also shutdown KIES when doing stuff with Odin
<yaser> s3
<Kihokki> model?
<yaser> i9300
<yaser> its the international version .. galaxy s3 i9300
<Kihokki> Which country?
<yaser> portugal
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<Kihokki> yaser, Well here are the firmwares but I'm not sure which Portugal versison is for you so you need to choose
<clibot> [Link] Firmwares | SamMobile
<Grinch> Thx for the awsome help, just figured it out meny thx...
<Grinch> for ....... . .. . .( o )
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<yaser> ok
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<yaser> it was unlocked when i bought ,, n here we only have firmware for network locked phones ?
<Kihokki> yaser, Link me the version you chose. It actually does not matter which one you took because we're going to flash CM
<Kihokki> Hmm
<yaser> ok
<Kihokki> yaser, Download this :D It's for Spain but it's unlocked and will work
<clibot> [Link] 1-CLICK Dateihoster:
<Kihokki> Sure it has portuguese language
<yaser> just download ?
<Kihokki> Yes, then we later flash it with Odin to get you stock
<yaser> it would take 2 hours to download ?
<Kihokki> Yes, it's big
<Kihokki> but worth of it
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<yaser> and odin link please ?
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<alpharender> salut a tous, Hi all
<chadouming> !geo
<clibot> chadouming: Usage !geo user/host <user/host>
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<chadouming> !geo user
<clibot> chadouming: Error resolving host for user (user not online?)
<chadouming> !geo hos
<chadouming> !geo host
<clibot> chadouming: {country: "France", region: "Ile-de-France", city: "Nanterre", latlong: {48.891403, 2.2003021}, time: "Thu 21:02 CET"}
<chadouming> eh, i feel bad now
<chadouming> so much error xD
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<alpharender> Hi all, in which file or folder I can find the parameters of wifi, as 802.1xEAP, PEAP, TTLS, etc. ..
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<Kihokki> alpharender: Wat
<chadouming> which parameter you are looking for exactly ?
<alpharender> wifi, I'm looking for sollution for EAP-SIM
<chadouming> no idea what that is
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<alpharender> Oh, in wifi parametre, when you try to add manually a new network, you chose security system, like( wep, wpa, or 802.1x EAP)
<alpharender> im looking for these parameters,
<alpharender> I think the parameters are here wpa_supplicant
<Kihokki> androcheck: Yes? What you're trying to achieve?
<alpharender> to creat the same thing for galax note (
<clibot> [Link] xda-developers - View Single Post - EAP-SIM Freemobile French topic
<alpharender> but, it's hard for me
<alpharender> Pfff
<alpharender> i cant edit wpa_supplicant in the zip file.
<Jiangyi> Xplody say EAP-SIM isn't doable :-P
<Jiangyi> said*
<alpharender> yes, EAP-SIM work with a hack in stock rom but not on CM lol
<alpharender> in the links above, it work on CM9 ( samsung galaxy S2), i dont have this device, so i cant try it.
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<diegoviola> hi
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<diegoviola> i have a i9100g here, i flashed cwm in it, but i can't see the external sdcard from cwm, any ideas please?
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<diegoviola> the phone has some old build of cm10 on it, i want to install cm10.1 in it
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<nosklo> Ok guys, I've tried everything. I'm using the latest CM10.1 Nightly here. I need to access the SIM Card Menu aka SIM Toolkit. I just want to know if it is possible or not. I have the Stk.apk file in place at /system/app but it doesn't show up in the list of applications, and it is not hidden. Any clues?
<nosklo> I've tried to install it, remove it and move to user applications...
<Jiangyi> diegoviola: Is your external storage in FAT32?
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<diegoviola> Jiangyi: yes
<Jiangyi> Then I don't see what could be wrong.
<Jiangyi> What error does it give?
<diegoviola> no errors
<diegoviola> i just don'
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<diegoviola> i just don't see "install from external sd card" in cwm
<Jiangyi> ._.
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<jomp16> Here always show this option
<Jiangyi> Not sure what to say about that......
<clibot> [Link] [KERNEL][GT-I9100G] ClockworkMod Recovery - xda-developers
<Jiangyi> You flashed that right?^
<diegoviola> no, that's cwm i have
<diegoviola> should i flash it anyway?
<Jiangyi> Where'd you get that from?
<diegoviola> but i got that ages ago
<Jiangyi> Yeah, use the one cody provided.
<diegoviola> ok
<diegoviola> flashing via heimdall should be alright, no?
<diegoviola> i'm on a linux machine atm
<Jiangyi> There's not even an i9100g CWM on ._.
<jomp16> Ignore this -> Or use recovery.img from Jenkins...
<diegoviola> Jiangyi: yeah i noticed that too
<Jiangyi> Sure, just extract the boot.img from the tar file and flash with Heimdall.
<Jiangyi> jomp16: This is an S2, no recovery partition. recovery.img = useless
<diegoviola> what i don't understand from cody's post is this: "This is a kernel including ClockworkMod Recovery for use on Samsung roms. Don't use this kernel on aosp based roms like CyanogenMod!!!"
<diegoviola> this phone is currently rooted with cm 10.0
<diegoviola> old build
<Jiangyi> Wait what
<jomp16> Oh
<diegoviola> it's using cm 10.0 m2
<Jiangyi> So you're on CM, with CWM that comes with CM, and it doesn't show that option? :-S
<diegoviola> yes
<jomp16> No external recovery partition? :-$
<Jiangyi> ..... Well, that's a new one.
<Jiangyi> diegoviola: That's old as hell either ways, why don't you update it? ._.
<diegoviola> Jiangyi: that's what i'm trying to do, i'm trying to upgrade it, but i can't see the ext sdcard from cwm
<Jiangyi> Use internal?
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<diegoviola> ok
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<Jiangyi> Uhh...... ._.
<clibot> [Link] Apple erasing iCloud emails containing phrase 'barely legal teen' | The Verge
<wifi> hmm, isn't that a good thing ?
<wifi> less pr0n tho
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<waratte> Less pr0n is bad.
<Jiangyi> wifi: I don't even know what that phrase means.
<Jiangyi> :/
<wifi> wut ?
<Jiangyi> 'barely legal teen'
<Jiangyi> What does that even relate to.....?
<waratte> hahaha
<diegoviola> Jiangyi: i've connected to adb from cwm and mounted the ext card from adb... is there a cwm for i9100g that will actually mount the ext sd card to /ext_sdcard or something like that?
<xplodwild> I read "barely legal", my mind read "teen pr0n"
<Jiangyi> diegoviola: external is mounted at /sdcard in CWM.
<Jiangyi> Well, a properly working CWM. :-P
<Jiangyi> Your CWM is just...... blah :-S
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<diegoviola> where can i get a decent cwm
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<diegoviola> i9100g
<Jiangyi> Just upgrade CM. It'll come with a newer kernel with a new CWM.
<diegoviola> i thought cm and cwm was different
<diegoviola> or they were flashed separately
<wifi> Jiangyi, this mean 18 y/o girls
<wifi> xD
<diegoviola> ok i'll flash on top of this
<Jiangyi> For devices without recovery partition, CWM's fused with the kernel.
<Jiangyi> wifi: Oh.... :-/
<diegoviola> flash latest cm10.1 nightly will also give me a new cwm?
<diegoviola> really?
<Kihokki> Yes
<diegoviola> ok
<Jiangyi> btw, latest CM10.1 nightly will get you stuck on boot anim. Remember to do cody's fix or use 0226.
<diegoviola> yeah i'm getting 0226
<diegoviola> ty
<diegoviola> ;)
<diegoviola> i've seen the forums
<diegoviola> ty
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<diegoviola> ok i've installed cm10.1 0226
<diegoviola> and it also flashed my cwm
<diegoviola> to
<diegoviola> nice
<diegoviola> but i still don't see a way to flash from ext sdcard
<diegoviola> i can see the ext sdcard in file manager just fine
<diegoviola> nvm
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<nosklo> I'm running out of ideas here, /system/app/Stk.apk just doesn't generate an entry - I've tried to find something wrong with the file but it seems to have all pieces
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<tother> i'm experimenting with cwm and now i want to flash my own cwm on a i9100. it seems that this a little big complicated. simply running heimdall doesn't work, there is always the old recovery image. how can i build the image and flash it to disk?
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