nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<XDS2010> im thinking about getting the galaxy s3 but i want to know if the bluetooth low energy dual mode bug has been fixed yet ?
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<ravel> alright, I have finally stock rom on my phone.
<ravel> however, mobile Odin would not touch /efs and some other partitions that I need fixed. I was already able to trace some of my problems to loose microUSB connector.
<ravel> do I need to reflash the stock rom with Odin? is mobile Odin of any help any more? or is there something else I should do to fix the /efs partition?
<clibot> [Link] Forum | SAMSUNG Developers
<XDS2010> has this issue been fixed ?
<XDS2010> < More info here. It seems its hit or miss with BLE and BLE DM devices now. So i guess some minor support has come to pass or is coming soon. But these issues still need to be resolved before i will consider switching from iOS
<clibot> [Link] Information on Samsung Galaxy S3 Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (Smart Bluetooth) - xda-developers
<ravel> ok, I tried the SGS Repair application, didn't work
<ravel> another one seemed to work
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<ravel> ha! unlocked.
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<ravel> thank you for all your help
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<Luchigo> Hi, i need help! xD My device: P3100, Samsung. And my problem: When i listen music and i have a call (or i called to s-body) - he don't listen me (volume is very-very low).. This problem occures on CM10, 10.1 etc... Player - Play Music, PowerAMP, Apollo.
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<sebnimh84> help. is anybody there. have upgraded from 4.2.1 nightly from last month to today's nightly (3-Mar) and phone doesn't seem to boot now. Gets stuck at Loading screen even after data wipe, cache wipe, dalvik wipe
<sebnimh84> have tried earlier nightlies and still doesn't work. Help. Am using Mar-13 GAPPS
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<Bella> Hey guys, I've got a small question.
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<DebadattaBose> !changelog i9100
<clibot> DebadattaBose: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<DebadattaBose> After coming from a Samsung JB ROM, is it safe to format /preload partition since all the data there is redundant
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<ling_> EVENY TIME Shut down MY GS2
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<nebkat> chadouming:
<nebkat> !plugin reload
<clibot> nebkat: 18 plugins loaded. (1 updated)
<nebkat> chadouming: you did ddave instead of DDave
<nebkat> but works now
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<a3Dman> Finally, Mac remote app...
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<Shark> anyone knows how to fix call problems with cyanogenmod 10.1 on galaxy note 2 n 7100
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<codeworkx> nebkat: ^
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<a3Dman> nebkat will make your phone smooth
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<datagutt> [16:33:32] <a3Dman> nebkat will make your phone smooth
<datagutt> nebkat even made my mizu smooth
<nebkat> true
<a3Dman> yes
<wifi> eww
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<Anni> Hello there
<Anni> my headset is not working on the [ROM][GT-P31XX][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies
<Anni> any solutions?
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<DvineLord> boobs
<waratte> sboob
<DvineLord> never gonna get this ipad back from gf
<DvineLord> was gonna sell it or trade it for android tablet
<DvineLord> someone offered me a transformer pad for it tf101
<Devourz> ipad
* Devourz giggles
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<DvineLord> exactly why i dont want it
<DvineLord> my wifes gf gave it to me
<DvineLord> i was offered 350 for 1st gen ipad 64gb+3g
<DvineLord> i could get an awesome android tablet for that mouch
<DvineLord> *much
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<tracker_> hey guys. i have a xperia s. you guys think it's worth trading for a gnex?
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<Kihokki> tracker_, ABSOLUTELY
<Kihokki> Do it
<tracker_> Kihokki, I don't know. I think the guy should give me some money back hehe
<Kihokki> Well it's your loss :p at least I would trade my S2 to gnexus
<tracker_> I trade my S2 for the Xperia xD
<Kihokki> D:
<tracker_> It was a good thing hehe. The only small problem is battery life
<tracker_> that's all
<chadouming|m> Eh I don't have problem with battery life on my phone
<chadouming|m> And I have a galaxy nexus
<DvineLord> gotta find another rom, slimbean and hellybean seemed slow with touchscreen
<DvineLord> that or i777 is a slow phone for aosp jb 4.2.2
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<tracker_> chadouming|m, how much time do you get?
<tracker_> with wifi
<chadouming|m> I always have WiFi and BT on
<tracker_> chadouming|m, does gnex has photospare?
<chadouming|m> I get usually around 2 days with medium use
<chadouming|m> Yes it has photosphere
<chadouming|m> You can also buy spare batteries
<tracker_> chadouming|m, use full stock cm?
<chadouming|m> They are cheap
<tracker_> rom+kernel
<chadouming|m> I use custom cm and custom kernel, but the difference are not worthy to mention
<Kihokki> DvineLord, How about that supernexus?
<chadouming|m> Kernel it's only for fast charge and ROM is only ui
<Kihokki> lol using S2, stock battery and lasts whole day with constantly wifi on, random Twitter use and calls
<tracker_> chadouming|m, do you think kernel 3.4 ia a good factor for comparing?
<Kihokki> Supernexus 2 build 2 rom
<chadouming|m> Gnex have 3.0
<DvineLord> im still about to try it Kihokki
<tracker_> you think 3.0 vs 3.4 is a big difference
<DvineLord> i might try 4.1.2 first since it seems more stable to me on my evita
<DvineLord> but samsung is very different from htc
<chadouming|m> Well, ofc
<DvineLord> ofc?
<tracker_> 'off course' i guess he
<chadouming> yup
<DvineLord> odin 1.85 the only odin people use besides mobileodin?
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<DvineLord> found a different hash value on the one on softpedia
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<KraYzeE> !supported Samsung
<clibot> KraYzeE: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Kihokki> DvineLord, it will work anyways, and 1.85 is for your device, use it
<KraYzeE> !changelog i605
<clibot> KraYzeE: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (VZW/LTE):
<Kihokki> and google stuff
<KraYzeE> :/
<DvineLord> Kihokki, im probably gonna flash supernexus after flashing a few other roms first.
<DvineLord> flashed AoCP 4.1.2 version i like it better then the other two i tried
<DvineLord> ill probably move to 4.2.2 as daily driver when cm10.1 and aokp become stable
<DvineLord> i think aokp already released a stable build though
<DvineLord> are you a dev Kihokki?
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<Kihokki> nope, but take a look on these roms
<clibot> [Link] [18/02] INDEX of ROMs [Android Development Forum] - xda-developers
<Kihokki> I think you've not checked that list
<DvineLord> i thought we could only flash i9000 roms if they are ported
<DvineLord> i have i777
<Kihokki> Umm sorry :'D
<Kihokki> I was thinking my own device at that moment
<DvineLord> i like that index page one of the best ive seen
<DvineLord> quick loading also
<Kihokki> So, it's that AT&T model?
<DvineLord> pyea
<DvineLord> yea
<DvineLord> messing with it since my friend bought like 30+ of them
<DvineLord> glad he actually builds supernexus for this phone instead of someone porting it
<Kihokki> Well I think that rom will satisfy you :p
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<Kihokki> There will be a new release when the developer finishes his exams on school
<DvineLord> thank god for young devs
<DvineLord> =)
<DvineLord> how does an aokp thread get 27,XXX replies
<DvineLord> guy must be amazing
<Kihokki> XDA is amazing too
<Kihokki> Awesome community
<Kihokki> DvineLord, Btw did you know that you can get FM radio working with Spirit FM?
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