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<ernie`> @nebkatQuote
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<jomp16> yeah, freenode give all a *net *split
<jomp16> only me and other users still connected
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<ernie`> is there a net split now?
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<mschafer85> Does anybody know why the mic doesn't work on cm10.1 on my gt-p3100 (Galaxy tab 2 7) was working on stock but i cant find any reports of known issues for the mic
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<r-g> hi, i'm new here, and i need some help
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<r-g> i wanna flash my samsung galaxy s2 gt-i9100, i get the root user with cwm and busybox, i need to know if the kernel i'm using doesn't have the superbrick-bug
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<daef> !changelog i9100
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<daef> hmmm.... !changelog doesn't seem to do anything at all ;)
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<daef> i run a 9.0.0 nightly from the 9th august 2012 (since then until today) - but since it really works well i thought I'd update to the current 10.1 nightly - wanted to check out the status first - but where can i find a changelog for the last few days?
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<deviker> Hello, I try to connect to and it seems the web server is down.
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<codeworkx> deviker: teamhacksung is dead
<deviker> Hi codeworkx: I've read you no longer wish to por cyanogen for Samsung S4. Is anyone continuing support the galaxy S2 ?
<deviker> s/por/port
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<deviker> Since all of us are on teamhacksung irc channel and it seems teamhacksung is dead could someone please change channel Topic to some other URL indicanting why is teamhacksung dead.
<Thracky> shh deviker
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<deviker> !changelog i9100
<deviker> sorry I was at the wrong window
<codeworkx> deviker: i'll not get the s4
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<deviker> codeworkx Ok, I won't buy Samsung again and I've seen your posts at xda about the Samsung and S4 but I'd like to develop for a SII I9100 I already have .Teamhacksung wiki and github repositories seem to have dissapeared and I'd like to know what to do now. Ok Thracky I wont say anything else.
<addi> o_0 so it's all over? I thought only wiki was down
<codeworkx> deviker:
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<KaZo58> my note is looking more beautiful and more stable than newer galaxy series. kurz auf deutsch: mein note ist zum zigsten mal auf bordsteinboden gefallen und hat keinen einzigen schaden/delle. aber ein s3 zerbricht schon bei 1. landung ^^ liegt wohl am design (rahmen-glas-plastik)
<KaZo58> its my latest samsung plastic/exynos phone
<koegs> KaZo58: how is this related to CM?
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<Syphyr> Hello
<Syphyr> Hi codeworkx
<Syphyr> I just finished reading that saga on g+ about exynos by Andrew Dodd
<Syphyr> What an ordeal
<Syphyr> He mentions you how you are selling off your devices and switching over to Sony
<RedShift> Syphyr URL?
<Syphyr> I was just hoping that you won't sell all your Samsung stuff
<Syphyr> I think that is the beginning
<deviker> Syphyr, THX
<Syphyr> Omap isn't that bad is it?
<Syphyr> I mean you would just sell the ones that have dicked you around
<Syphyr> Or does it mean everything now
<Syphyr> I was hoping we would get you enough donations to get a p3100
<Syphyr> Since it is already completely functional. I don't expect it to be able to handle any updates anything past 10.1
<addi> OMAP isn't bad, yes, but I hear the latest kernels aren't supported for it since TI stopped OMAP dev
<Syphyr> They did? Oh
<addi> OMAP 5 will be last before TI moves on to making processors for cars etc
<Syphyr> But omap4 will still have support?
<addi> not sure it will ever get support for the latest 3.4 kernels.
<addi> but who knows
<Syphyr> Do you guys know if android 5 requires >= 2gb ram?
<addi> 2GB RAM will never be a requisite
<Syphyr> Good to know
<addi> and if anything, Google needs to optimize and reduce RAM usage, not increase it
<codeworkx> addi: add more fancy stuff
<addi> 1GB of RAM sucks for multitasking now, I'd shudder to think of what 2GB RAM requirement will do :P
<Syphyr> I just figured they were heading on that path
<addi> yay for Java and its atrocious RAM usage -.-
<RedShift> gah, when it comes to phone hardware, we're at where pc's where at 15 years ago
<Syphyr> Hi codeworkx
<Syphyr> Wb
<addi> codeworkx, maybe Google will adopt TouchWiz features? that's as fancy as stuff gets :P
<Syphyr> So are you totally fed up with Samsung?
<codeworkx> addi: then i have to stop buying android devices
<codeworkx> Syphyr: i will not touch any of the new samsung devices
<addi> i was fed up the moment I picked up an SGS3 and noticed my GNex was smoother than it -.-
<Syphyr> Would you touch old ones?
<addi> I'm not sure those low-power A7 cores will be able to handle TouchWiz for general tasks :P
<codeworkx> only the ones i'm already supporting
<Syphyr> I have no illusions on the new devices
<Syphyr> Great
<Syphyr> Thanks
<Syphyr> I was scared for a minute
<codeworkx> but i'll probably not trying to port some of them with next android version
<codeworkx> they'll stay at 10.1
<Syphyr> Any chance the tab 2 will move on to the next one?
<addi> Xperia Z could do with a proper CM. That S4 Pro doesn't seem enough for 1080p, every animation for app opening had stutter when I tried the phone
<addi> good old Sony with their last year hardware -.-
<MaXim_> i think that is just sony's launcher being crap
<codeworkx> Syphyr: i could answer this if you would tell me more about the next android version
<addi> MaXim_, hopefully
<Syphyr> Cool
<Syphyr> So you might if you can
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<Syphyr> That's all I could ask for
<MaXim_> codeworkx: still getting xp z? :p
<codeworkx> Syphyr: it seems that google is going to drop mdpi/hdpi completely
<codeworkx> Syphyr: so 10.1 might be the last version
<Syphyr> Ic
<addi> o_0
<codeworkx> MaXim_: hope so. but currently i'm trying to get a HTC One
<MaXim_> ah
<addi> so it might become an OS for only high-end/upper midrange 720p devices? :P
<MaXim_> i haven't tried htc one yet
<codeworkx> addi: which new device isn't xhdpi?
<codeworkx> even the mid ones are
<codeworkx> 1080 is a standard now xD
<Syphyr> Is the nexus 7 also mdpi/hdpi ?
<addi> yeah, that's true. so I guess low-end will have to go, which I'm not sure Google will want if they want to keep the market share :P
<addi> Syphyr, xhdpi
<Syphyr> Oh
<codeworkx> tvdpi
<addi> xD
<cdesai> addi: that's a problem for the OEMs
<codeworkx> 1280x800
<Syphyr> I didn't realize it was that much more
<codeworkx> Syphyr: the galaxy tab 2 is low end if it comes to display
<Syphyr> Yeah
<addi> cdesai, OEMs that are responsible for that market share
<Syphyr> Agreed
<cdesai> and they will still make low end devices
<addi> meh, they won't drop mdpi/hdpi
<codeworkx> they already did partially
<cdesai> hdpi is less likely do be dropped
<codeworkx> 4.2.2 was totally broken for hdpi/mdpi
<addi> yeah, HDPI is WVGA I guess?
<Syphyr> I think that is a bad decision
<Syphyr> Yeah the small font on the status bar is way too small
<Syphyr> Almost unreadable
<addi> oh well, lets see what happens. so many new OS that might never stick around more than a year to look forward to as well :P
<cdesai> and so many forks
* cdesai looks at Firefox and ubuntu
<addi> what happened to Ubuntu getting regular updates for those ports that are out? still just the Feb 21 version available -.-
<Syphyr> Well I feel better now.. I wasn't sure how mad you guys were about all this
<Syphyr> They don't like losing control of their software and are being lane
<Syphyr> Lame
<Syphyr> They=Samsung
<Syphyr> I won't be getting another
<Syphyr> Support means everything
<Syphyr> But I don't really understand how they can get away with breaking the license agreements
<Syphyr> I guess licensing gets complicated and all that legal bs
<addi> are they expected to release more than the kernel source?
<Syphyr> And they choose some other licensing model
<Syphyr> It seems like they are not obligated to release anything that works
<Syphyr> They always leave something critical out
<Syphyr> Well thanks for everything you guys do
<Syphyr> I would thank noobnl too
<cdesai> addi: yea they do have to release some more shit due to licenses :-P
<cdesai> mostly external/blah
<addi> which they don't? not surprising then :P
<cdesai> they do
<cdesai> platform.tar.gz
<Syphyr> Is there habius corpus in the android license agreement world?
<Syphyr> Everybody picks on Linux
<Syphyr> I never thought I would think this but the world needs more copyright lawyers
<Syphyr> Anyways.. :-)
<Syphyr> Did I see the changelog correctly that a2dp support was just added? That is great.
<Syphyr> Looks like someone has been holding back their merged for about a week
<Syphyr> That is a ton of changes
<Syphyr> I'm off to have some pancakes
<Syphyr> Thanks again everyone
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* RedShift starts looking at Sony smartphones
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<RedShift> codeworkx: what would be the best sony phone to get, in terms of support for it?
<RedShift> I'm looking at the Xperia S, but that one doesn't have cm 10 (yet?), so if its so well supported, I would have expected it to already have newer releases
<RedShift> or am I wrong?
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: cahm heer
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<pinkerton> I'm having some trouble with the samsungServiceMode
<pinkerton> i checked the code and it seems to be the same as for Cmod7 but it doesn't launch after entering the codes on the dialer
<pinkerton> is this feature intended to be blocked for cmod10? otherwise, I'd like to give it support
<pinkerton> not sure if the problem is caused by the changes on RILD
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<codeworkx> pinkerton: device?
<nebkat> Thracky: wanna test something?
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<RedShift> thanks
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<fahi> Hi. I was just wondering if there is any known fix to the "Black Screen of Death" issue on the Samsung Galaxy S2 with CM9 on it. It seems to happen to me only when It's plugged in with wlan connected.
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<RedShift> fahi: I saw some fixes for that in the dorimanx kernel
<RedShift> maybe try it?
<fahi> RedShift: thanks, I'll have a look
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<KNUBBIG> Hey! Would be nice if somebody had an answer to this: (I9300 rebooting/crashing randomly). Thanks in advance :)
<RedShift> KNUBBIG is that with the stock samsung software & kernel?
<KNUBBIG> No, it's cm10.1-nightly
<RedShift> does it crash with the stock samsung software & kernel?
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: I don't know, I have the cm since about half a year and not gone back since
<RedShift> have you wiped?
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: not yet (was planning on doing so today if no solution is found), I hoped the logs would give enough hint on what's the problem. By wiping you mean factory reset and re-installing cm and gapps?
<RedShift> yes
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: okay, thanks I'll be doing this this evening I think. Any hint on updating Clockworkmod-Recovery, by the way? I found this some time ago but the dd command did nothing at all and now I'm concerned the command might have something to do with my problems
<RedShift> dd does not give you any output by default
<RedShift> it'll just exit when its complete
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: I know but the cwmr wasn't updated
<RedShift> so you might think it didn't do work, it did do work
<KNUBBIG> So I supposed it did nothing
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<KNUBBIG> when I ls /dev/block there's no mmcblk0p22 as well
<RedShift> maybe something simpler, try clearing cache and dalvik cache
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<KNUBBIG> RedShift: okay I will do so after backing up. Should I consider installing twrp by the way?
<KNUBBIG> Another thing I noticed the last time cm (28.02 or so when there was the reboot fault) didn't boot I tried reflashing with Odin and Odin just hang and did nothing anymore. Can that be the cause of my problems? Although the hanging/rebooting occurred some time later.
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<RedShift> KNUBBIG when my S2 stopped flashing an Odin hanged, that turned out to be a bad USB cable... so try again
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: okay, thanks. I always figured ODIN hanging was like worst-case
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<RedShift> been through worse
<RedShift> I don't know twrp
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<KNUBBIG> Hm I just saw I don't have the most recent versions of gapps. Is it possible that that's causing me problems?
<RedShift> don't think so
<KNUBBIG> yeah updated them but did nochting :)
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<prasad1337> hi guys
<prasad1337> I just rooted my Galaxy Note 2
<prasad1337> with chainfire's auto root
<prasad1337> but no CWM
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<amin_> hi
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<pinkerton> codeworkx: sorry, my connection dropped. The device is a samsung galaxy s2 with 10.1
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<dddd> !supported samsung
<dddd> !supported Samsung
<dddd> !device
<dddd> use "!device"
<RedShift> !supported Samsung
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<RedShift> looks like the bot went away
<pinkerton> the error I get is: E/SamsungServiceModeActivity( 8258): Datasize 544 larger than expected
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<Fabio> Hi
<Fabio> I need help
<Fabio> i am installing a rom for the first time on my gt-n7105
<Fabio> i enter in the clockworkmod-recovery and i put to install cyanogen rom but it appera installation aborted
<pinkerton> Looks like the code for the SamsungServiceMode has been directly ported from cmod7 with few modifications. Last commit is from 4 months ago. However, the driver for ICS is completely different (2x size) and does not exist on ICS.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ...
<Fabio> can someone help me?
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<Fabio> !supported samsung
<Fabio> !gt-n7105
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<JSiu> !device
<JSiu> !device t889
<JSiu> !supported Samsung
<JSiu> "!supported Samsung"
<RedShift> the bot's offline
<JSiu> !device
<JSiu> o, so those command is not working?
<RedShift> indeed
<JSiu> actually I am looking to see if anyone encounter wifi issue with the t889 (galaxy note 2)
<JSiu> Wifi connection stuck at "Obtaining IP address" if I use CM, but it work perfect when I use stock rom
<a-st> maybe a dhcp issue
<JSiu> The static IP tricks sometimes works, sometimes not. It happen to all wifi router I regular connect to. There are 4 of them. All 4 connections have same issue. Once I flush the rom back to stock rom, issue went away.
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<JSiu> I wonder if this have something to do with specific batch of Note 2 as not too many people complain online. I read a few, but not many. So it seems it doesn;t happen to all note 2
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<a-st> Maybe different Wifi Chip?
<JSiu> How do I verify the exact model of the wifi chip?
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<codeworkx> pinkerton: does exist
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<pinkerton> yup, I just realised it moved from /frameworks/base to /frameworks/opt
<pinkerton> the error seems to be when the response from the telephony module is received at the SamsungServiceMode with the Async call
<pinkerton> it breaks in line 96: Log.e(TAG, "Datasize " + aob.length + " larger than expected");
<pinkerton> I'm building it again to see what's the structure of the message reported by the telephony manager
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<JSiu> I get the following info regarding my note 2 wifi "<4>[38779.614572] c0 brcm_wlan_power Enter: power on <6>[38779.614602] c0 111brcm_wlan_power Enter: power on"
<RedShift> p-p-p-p-power!
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<RedShift> have you tried other firmwares, or than cm?
<JSiu> only stock and cm 10.1
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: factory reset hasn't helped a bit
<KNUBBIG> And factory reset moves everything into /0/ recursively -.-
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<KNUBBIG> any quick help on going back to stock and stock recovery?
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<codeworkx> pinkerton: LINES = 16;
<RedShift> KNUBBIG for the original firmware
<RedShift> just flash using odin
<RedShift> JSiu so on stock it works like it should?
<pinkerton> codeworkx: thanks, it seems to be 11 atm
<pinkerton> private static final int LINES = 11;
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: thanks
<JSiu> RedShift, yes, I flushed back and forth mutiple times, stock from always work right away. CM10.1 is by luck, and if it is working, it will stop working after reboot.
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: do I get the samsung ROM from the same place or somewhere else?
<RedShift> you get the samsung ROM from
<RedShift> for odin, it's on xda somewhere...
<RedShift> google
<KNUBBIG> is that for the recovery as well?
<KNUBBIG> kk thank you
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<RedShift> that's for download mode
<RedShift> there's ton of tutorials on how to use odin, search
<KNUBBIG> so recovery and "operating system" are in the same package, ok. I know how to use Odin (at least I think so), problem is DL on samfirmware isn't working
<RedShift> what do you mean, not working?
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<KNUBBIG> I get the firmware for my device, click on Download and nothing happens
<RedShift> try another browser
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: did, trying
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<pinkerton> @codeworkx: awesome! :) Will let you know if I find more bugs :)
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<Jim45> !supported Samsung
<Jim45> Bot offline?
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<KNUBBIG> will flashing an image from the sammobile homepage give me a stock recovery as well?
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<KNUBBIG> obviously does
<KNUBBIG> but now it's in a boot loop
<KNUBBIG> god I'm so tired of thsi
<frankdrey> what?
<frankdrey> what's up?
<KNUBBIG> restored to stock ROM and unrooted because my i9300 kept on hanging and rebooting randomly (
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<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, did you wipe data?
<frankdrey> in recovery?
<KNUBBIG> frankdrey: yes, several times
<KNUBBIG> tried different nightlies as well
<frankdrey> no, i mean
<frankdrey> you say your stock is in bootloop?\
<KNUBBIG> I got that fixed now, sorry
<KNUBBIG> had to wipe data thrice
<frankdrey> heh
<frankdrey> alright, yeah, it usually boot loops if data ain't wiped
<KNUBBIG> bam random reboot
<KNUBBIG> guess I'll have to get a new phone -.-
<KNUBBIG> why wouldn't it download everything I purchased on Google Play -.-
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<pmgnet1> Stock AT&T phone has "Add to reject list" in the call log as a feature. How do I get this on CM10.1? 
<frankdrey> yeah, sounds like hardware issue
<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, probably sees it as a new device now
<KNUBBIG> frankdrey: any way around that?
<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, not that I know of :/
<frankdrey> i don't even use google backup
<KNUBBIG> frankdrey: nah I only wanted all my purchases on my device
<jomp16> Builded CM for P3110 with custom kernel, now i will flash
<KNUBBIG> does that mean all $$ spent are gone?
<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, ohhhh
<frankdrey> no
<jomp16> no, download again on Play
<frankdrey> did you sign in to same google account?
<frankdrey> go to "my apps" in Play
<jomp16> you brought = you will own that app forever
<KNUBBIG> yeah same way as I did about five times today when it works
<EgotisticalElf> pmgnet1, in the people app, open the contact and then hit the menu button and there is a "send all calls to voicemail"
<KNUBBIG> frankdrey: yeah I'm there but it only shows preinstalled apps not the ones missing
<frankdrey> go to the "all apps" tab
<jomp16> try searching a app?
<frankdrey> there's two tabs, one installed, one all your apps
<pmgnet1> EgotisticalElf: thanks.
<EgotisticalElf> frankdrey, it's actually a "recently installed list of apps"
<KNUBBIG> and in the all tab there are many I tried but don't want. Any way to automatically install all I had previously installed?
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<frankdrey> EgotisticalElf, actually "all apps ever installed" :p
<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, automatically, no if you didn't use google backup
<jomp16> on recents installed order
<akSeya> hello ;)
<KNUBBIG> I did use google backup
<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, press the little delete icon to remove those you don't want in the list
<jomp16> scroll to bottom to see the olds apps
<KNUBBIG> worked until I installed stock ROM
<KNUBBIG> yeah i see all I had installed at some point
<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, yeah, then it sees it as a new device
<KNUBBIG> gosh that sucks
<jomp16> Google backups don't work in new roms
<jomp16> like i installed cm from stock, no restore
<jomp16> but if i do a clean install of cm when i have cm, google restores
<frankdrey> no, that's just because it sees it as a new device
<frankdrey> when going stock<->cm
<KNUBBIG> I need a new device with root -.-
<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, nexus 4
<KNUBBIG> thank you guys :)
<jomp16> all devices is un-rooted
<KNUBBIG> frankdrey: yeah but probably will have to go to the support and have my s3 replaced
<jomp16> somes has bootloader unlocked, like Sammys devices
<frankdrey> KNUBBIG, samsung is a bad choice
<frankdrey> :p
<KNUBBIG> frankdrey: I came to notice, yes :D
<frankdrey> 99% of the people in here hate Samsung :D
<jomp16> Google: WHY YU DON'T SELL NEXUS 4 TO BRAZIL?!
<KNUBBIG> Im coming to that as well
<jomp16> I like trains :)
<jomp16> Yah! My cm build with custom kernel working fine :)
<jomp16> kernel = landscape kernel
<KNUBBIG> by the way, could the reboot/crash issue be related to a single app from the appstore?
<KNUBBIG> (or a bad combination of them, that is)
<jomp16> lol wat!
<jomp16> Custom kernel max freq set: 1.5GHz!
<jomp16> cool
<RedShift> po po po power!
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<jomp16> I need to change the default max freq by default on source
<jomp16> 1.2GHz is good for daily use
<jomp16> and setted to peformance too...
<KNUBBIG> why does the eMMC checker tell me that I have an insane chip?
<jomp16> because you have a insane chip?
<KNUBBIG> what does that exactly mean? From what I've read it tells me my phone is gonna brick sooner or later
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<RedShift> not sooner or later
<RedShift> it will brick on certain actions
<RedShift> just avoid those actions
<KNUBBIG> ah k
<KNUBBIG> any link what these actions are?
<jomp16> insane chip is?
<RedShift> jomp16 he's talking about the superbrick eMMC bug
<RedShift> KNUBBIG erasing (like factory reset) on kernels with MMC_CAP_ERASE present
<jomp16> eMMC bug is present on Exynos?
<RedShift> ... yes
<KNUBBIG> RedShift: okay so I'm fine with cm10.1+ and stock kernel, right?
<RedShift> yes should be
<KNUBBIG> thanks
<RedShift> my galaxy S II has the broken eMMC chip too
<RedShift> actually its the eMMC's firmware
<RedShift> ironically
<RedShift> jomp16 you didn't know?
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<jomp16> I don't own a Exynos device...
<RedShift> ah ok
<jomp16> my only device is a Galaxy 5 (GT-I5500) and a GTab 2 7 (P3110)
<jomp16> no Exynos
<jomp16> Lucky?
<frankdrey> very
<jomp16> my G5 uses the Code Aurora source, so it's a Qualcomm?
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<jomp16> Why Google removed the AdAway? :'(
<jomp16> Now I'm seeing the ads on YouTube...
<RedShift> why do you think ;-)
<jomp16> because remove the ads? This is good
<frankdrey> google removed adaway?
<RedShift> yes
<RedShift> all ad blockers actually
<jomp16> all ad blockers
<KNUBBIG> It actually seems to work fine on stock
<jomp16> No problem, download the .apk on interwebs
<KNUBBIG> That sucks, I don't want stock
<jomp16> Some peoples who's like the true Android don't want stock rom...
<jomp16> the S3.5 was cool functions, but it's a Sammy ROM, full of bloadwares and etc
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<Yoshimo> slightly off topic but can one hide those nasty group suggestions in the new g+ app somehow?
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<KNUBBIG> Does anybody have a link to a program which enables me to remove all the damn Samsung bloatware?
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<saintjoe> I'm already sorry for asking this guys, but: How are the nightlies working on the galaxy s2?
<saintjoe> I'm asking because I've been away for a while, working in indonesia, but I'm back home and I'm feeling like trying the new cm10.1 I't looks really cool, I just want to know how it is for a daily basis
<RedShift> if cm10.1 doesn't work out for you, try slimrom
<RedShift> it's been working great for me
<saintjoe> I haven't intalled it yet, that's what I wanted to know, how is it? Are there many bugs freezes or swomething of the sort?
<saintjoe> have you tried cm10.1
<saintjoe> ?
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<KNUBBIG> I want cm so much but I don't dare installing it again ...
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<saintjoe> fuck you
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<KNUBBIG> that wasn't so nice
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<Maxxx_> Anyone here who knows how to port Cyanogenmod to new devices?
<frankdrey> Maxxx_, lots of people
<Maxxx_> you?
<Maxxx_> How hard is it? I have a Galaxy Beam but there is no Version for this device ..
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<codeworkx> Maxxx_:
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<frankdrey> Maxxx_, do you know any programming?
<Maxxx_> a bit of Java
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<Maxxx_> And I know how to use programms like eclipse and so on
<frankdrey> Maxxx_, eh...
<Maxxx_> ?
<frankdrey> start by finding a device as similar as possible
<viper0n> I'm just curious why can't the galaxy s3 camera be fixed in any AOSP roms ?
<frankdrey> with CM support
<frankdrey> viper0n, do you want to write a driver for it?
<viper0n> I don't mind actually.
<viper0n> Just haven't looked into the sources yet.
<MaXim_> thank your dear pal Samsung.
<codeworkx> which sources? xD
<frankdrey> i doubt there are any sources :P
<frankdrey> Maxxx_, you'll probably want to learn C...and be pretty good at it :p
<frankdrey> since you'll probably end up hacking together a kernel and drivers
<codeworkx> Maxxx_: linux kernel, android internals, c, c++, java, python
<frankdrey> since we all know how well samsung's kernel sources usually work
<Maxxx_> ok ... so not that simple :D
<frankdrey> codeworkx, you can totally hack something together knowing just C and Java :p
<viper0n> The only reason I can think of for them not able to fix the camera is if the exnoys sources are locked to the developers.
<frankdrey> what exynos sources?
<viper0n> Of course it's not that simple :-D
<codeworkx> exynos is closed shit
<viper0n> @codeworkx No wonder :-D
<MaXim_> well just be thankful that cm even works on exynos devices
<codeworkx> we dont even get a fucking official datasheet for the camera sensor
<codeworkx> there is no
<RedShift> I'm wondering, if the eMMC chips are soldered, are they preflashed or something? I mean, how does samsung get the software on the chip to make the device work?
<frankdrey> be thankful to people like codeworkx ;)
<codeworkx> no
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<RedShift> so there has to be a way, via the mainboard, to access and write to the MMC chip
<viper0n> Preflashed?, I doubt it.
<frankdrey> RedShift, probably something reminscent to JTAG
<frankdrey> there's probably some sort of circuitry for flashing
<frankdrey> it's actually what PSP hackers have been looking for on the PSP for years
<frankdrey> D:
<nebkat> frankdrey:
<nebkat> I got some testing for you to do
<frankdrey> nebkat, I'm scared :D
<frankdrey> *D:
<frankdrey> lemme grab my tab
<RedShift> the chip's probably BGA so you can't access the different connections :(
<RedShift> otherwise you would probably be able to drive it using external equipment
<codeworkx> jtag
<nebkat> Fissurez: I got some test for ya
<nebkat> Jiangyi: ^
<viper0n> codexwork, jtag yes. But apparently samsung eMMC goes directly from product concept to product testing, skips completely over FTL.
<RedShift> where does one get equipment to do what that guy did?
<RedShift> I'm assuming he's not talking about that USB jig thing?
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<nebkat> Fissurez: Jiangyi: are you afraid its a trap?
<viper0n> Redshift, It's no equipment, it's a software. JTAG is basically something which writes binary system level code into your CPU.
<KNUBBIG> Admiral Ackbar?
<viper0n> It's not as simple as it sounds.
<RedShift> that interface is probably not documented by samsung?
<viper0n> God no. Samsung might have built it's own interface for that. They developed the exnoys processor, only they know the device architecture.
<RedShift> actually I have all the equipment needed to get started on embedded development
<RedShift> I bought a grasshopper board years ago
<RedShift> that should still work
<RedShift> never took the time to get started with it
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<jomp16> Hey, anyone here can teach me to mount/write other HD without root permissions?
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<errr0r> hi
<errr0r> im having problem installing cm10.1 on s3 t999
<errr0r> any help please?
<jomp16> Just ask and wait
<errr0r> just did
<jomp16> whats the problems?
<errr0r> every time i go into cwm recovery i wipe everything as usual and i get error onces i go and install it
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<jomp16> WAT THE ERROR!
<errr0r> error (status 7)
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<errr0r> assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device")
<jomp16> flashed correct clockworkmod for your device or downloaded the correct rom for your device?
<errr0r> i went to D2tmo and downloaded my correct rom
<errr0r> and i have the correct clockmod because i flashed few roms
<errr0r> ?
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<errr0r> any help?
<jomp16> ...
<jomp16> probably wrong recovery...
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<jomp16> i see some users here who flashed wrong recovery, and get a error 7 assert
<jomp16> they flashed THE recent and correct recovery, and now can flash
<errr0r> k let me try
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