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<deathcode> after downloading the cm rom, my mobile data stopped working
<deathcode> it doesnt load, just like it doesnt exist
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: Wanna go see a concert at Massey Hall for $10? xD
<Thracky> lol, well, I'd have to go to Massey Hall
<Thracky> so more then $10
<Jiangyi> :-/
* Jiangyi is performing there :-D
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<chadouming> music is one thing i miss from high school
<waratte> Music is overrated.
<chadouming> Jiangyi: there is a wikipedia page about my director/teacher o.O
<Jiangyi> chadouming: lolwhut ._.
<chadouming> only in french tho
<Jiangyi> That's my teacher
<Jiangyi> He can be scary at times. :-/
<chadouming> Back in New York in 2008, he returned with 6 awards: two Gold Award First Place (concert band and jazz band), an official invitation to the Festival of Gold 2009 a Adjudicator's Award, an Instrumental Sweepstakes Award and the Outstanding Instrumental Group Trophy.
<chadouming> that was with us
<chadouming> :D
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Didn't see that one coming xD
<chadouming> s/back in/back from
<chadouming> use google translate xD
<waratte> xD
<chadouming> i was in his class in 2008-2009
<chadouming> well, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009
<chadouming> that's how school years are made xD
* Jiangyi is just happy that he'll be performing at Massey Hall next week xD
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<Mort3> is there like a video to help you walk thro this or somone willing to talk thro it over skype if so my skype is mortejoe
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<Mort3> is there like a video to help you walk thro this or somone willing to talk thro it over skype if so my skype is mortejoe
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<puyee> !download i9100g
<clibot> puyee: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II (G): http://get.cm/get/jenkins/25367/cm-10.1-20130418-NIGHTLY-i9100g.zip [4d085f]
<puyee> hi experts
<puyee> i notice when i open any website or blog that attached with youtube, it can't be opened because it's displayed 'This plug-in is not supported'
<puyee> currently im using cm-10.1-20130415-NIGHTLY-i9100g.zip
<puyee> any suggestion to fix this?
<puyee> many thanks
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<puyee> owh i almost forgot that it's the same if im using browser 'Chrome' or 'Browser'
<Frd^> i got that with stock and Chrome also
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<Thiagovfar> Is BBQTools open-source?
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<chadouming> No
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<patalc> Hello. When I turn on my screen after it has timed out and locked, I can briefly see the application that was open before the screen lock takes over the screen. Any way of preventing this? cm10.1m3 on n7000
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<noobguy> can somone help me i am a root loop?
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<unknown__> hi, where can i find note 2 cm 10.1 known issues? and is the rom stable enougth for everyday use allready?
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<bamma> hello i think i fucked up with my phone :) I accidentally did data wipe earlier, before installing CM10 and clockworks, it is stuck at CM logo in the start. Is it safe for me to turn it off and on or is it just a process that takes a long time ?
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<danyasd> hey, does cm10.1 support the spen? n7100 standard version
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<codeworkx> danyasd: spen app only runs on stock roms
<codeworkx> danyasd: but your pen will work
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<danyasd> thx. i guess allshare cast, the awesome music player and this spen hover thing won't work, too? any ports available?
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<Guest92598> Hi, i have just bought a gs3, new to rooting, it came running touchwiz android 4.1.2, do i have to flash an ics rom to flash this cm10.1 rom?
<codeworkx> no
<Guest92598> can i just flash it straight? it's just the instructions said i had to be running stock ics in order to flash it and have wifi working did they not?
<codeworkx> follow the official guide
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<Guest92598> where can i find it?
<codeworkx> where would you expect it?
<Guest92598> i'm not sure, i know i'm being stupid, sorry, just want to get it flashed :)
<codeworkx> www.microsoft.com probably not ;-)
<Guest92598> thanks
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<danyasd> codeworx, what phone do you use as daily phone?
<danyasd> close, I was trying to type codeworkx
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<codeworkx> xperia z and nexus 4
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<AlexandreCGD> Hello :) My camera is in shooting mode with the flattened image is normal?
<danyasd> are you satisfied with them?
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<AlexandreCGD> With what?
<codeworkx> danyasd: i'm happy with them
<AlexandreCGD> Can you help me? Quickly! Just wanted to know if it is normal to be camcorder with flattened image!
<codeworkx> ???
<AlexandreCGD> GT-i9300
<codeworkx> no idea what you're talking about
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<AlexandreCGD> The camera from my GT-I9300 is the image distorted when I'm filming! I'm using a 10.1-cm-20130419-NIGHTLY-i9300
<codeworkx> no idea
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<a-st> Good evening :)
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<Jiangyi> So boring these days :-/
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Tell me about it
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<Jiangyi> lol xD
<chadouming> "sinkhole swallow 2 cars. . . err. . . 3 cars"
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: Got dat Windoze installed yet?
<chadouming> no
<chadouming> aint not gonna install windoz
<joethc> pfft 4 low that yota is out...... the car just added more traction :D city drivers........ thats a pothole here
<Jiangyi> Aw :-/
<Jiangyi> I wanted to play a video game or something
<joethc> whats good chad been a while sir
<chadouming> he
<chadouming> hey*
<chadouming> been busy with optimus G
<chadouming> ported CM to it
<chadouming> now working on my kernel
<chadouming> you ?
<joethc> been building t0lte
<chadouming> that's tab 2 ?
<joethc> note 2
<Jiangyi> Note II LTE
* Jiangyi builds it sometimes for his friend :-P
<joethc> i decided to check out cleanrom for split screen and spen shit but im back on cm again thanks god......cant fuck with bat life on cm
<joethc> so good
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Up for a game of BF3? :-P
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<chadouming> haha, yeah, i couldn't stand LG stock rom
<chadouming> so i got CM working on it xD
<chadouming> + I had my phone in repair for 2 months and 1 week
<joethc> i just thought i was missing out on the split screen and i actually am one of the few that uses mhl
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: nexus 4 here doesn't have nubs
<a3Dman> weird, all the stock is from 21th of march
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<danyasd> hey, got another question. I wanna backup the whole system (n7100), EVERYTHING. clockworkmod backup + whole ext sd backup + what else? /data partition? or everything on /? I'm confused.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: bf3 no runs on linux
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: But you haz Win8 :/
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: can't work on xperia z while gaming :-P
<Jiangyi> :-/
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Give yourself a break and play. ^^
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<danyasd> If I'll wipe data and everything selectable at cwm, will everything in /data/media be deleted?
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<codeworkx> danyasd: there's a wipe data and a wipe data + data/media
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<mahmed> Hi,
<danyasd> codeworkx: are you sure? can't find anything that sounds like that. maybe just an old cwm version
<mahmed> I was just trying to cutomise my android samsung s2 I9100 today for the first time but i dont know what happend and now if i turn it on it will turn on up to samsung galaxy s2 i9100 with an yellow triangle and then it restarts.
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<mahmed> i will be very pleased if one of you could help me out
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<mahmed> i mean anyone ???
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<Jiangyi> All teh easter eggs!
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<Espenfjo> you cant direct link...
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<chadouming> aww
<chadouming> but all the eggs i found
<chadouming> i didn't note the sequence :(
<frankdrey> I tried that
<frankdrey> i tried typing in 2013
<frankdrey> in binary
<frankdrey> :/
<frankdrey> nothing
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<mk4y> hey folks
<frankdrey> hi
<mk4y> someones here that could give me a quick answer?
<frankdrey> maybe
<frankdrey> depends on the question :)
<mk4y> i got a i9305 and i just like to install a custom downloaded .apk on it
<frankdrey> easy
<mk4y> i can scroll down an see install but i cant click it
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<frankdrey> settings > security > unknown applications
<mk4y> i allready have setup that i can install unknown sources
<mk4y> thats weird
<frankdrey> incompatible apk?
<mk4y> hm
<mk4y> i tried many
<mk4y> anyways ive i hadnt check that box it would give me an error that i have to activate unknown sources
<mk4y> afaik
<mk4y> iive * if
<Jiangyi> chadouming: http://gizmodo.com/google-i%5Co/
<chadouming> aww, broke all the fun
<mk4y> ok so i think u cant get me an answer but thanks for your try mate
<mk4y> maybe ill post on xda thread
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* Jiangyi is trying his hand in reviewing French translations xD
<Jiangyi> Only pointing out obvious things though :-P