xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<bmur> I'm trying to root my sgs2(i777) which is running 2.3.4. I've tried doomlords & odin with no success(yes, I followed directions); the only thing I can think is to upgrade my firmware and try rooting from that, or maybe this ExynosAbuse APK? Would anyone be so kind to lend advice on how to proceed?
<bmur> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1311081 this is one of the threads I read, I'll be idling if anyone sees this
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<puyee> !download i9100g
<clibot> puyee: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II (G): http://get.cm/get/jenkins/25016/cm-10.1-20130414-NIGHTLY-i9100g.zip [fb8895]
<puyee> !changelog i9100g
<clibot> puyee: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G): http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9100g/cm10/latest
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<puyee> !download n7000
<clibot> puyee: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Note: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/25029/cm-10.1-20130414-NIGHTLY-n7000.zip [566b62]
<puyee> !changelog n7000
<clibot> puyee: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#n7000/cm10/latest
<puyee> !device
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<puyee> !download cooper
<clibot> puyee: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Ace: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/21400/cm-7-20130301-NIGHTLY-cooper.zip [063713]
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<jomp16> Hey folks, is good for enable testing repo?
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<pawz> if you need to ask, then probably not
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<jomp16> So, wait the packages goes to official repo?
<pawz> i don't understand properly. but basically i'm saying "testing" is for a reason.. it means they may be unreliable
<pawz> if you want to do it, then fine. but if things are labelled testing, then it's for a reason
<pawz> how is brazil btw
<pawz> i have a friend who moved there to open a bar
<pawz> he's french. it's a rum bar
<pawz> (as opposed to rhumba, you american smartasses)
<jomp16> I'm brazillian
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<pawz> i know that. that's why i asked
<pawz> i saw your ip when you first joined
<pawz> i have a similar netblock so i was curious and i looked it up
<pawz> you live in recife ?
<jomp16> Why my unafilliated mask don't show?!
<jomp16> Yes...
<pawz> it did, but only after you quit and rejoined
<jomp16> Ah[
<jomp16> Delay
<pawz> if you want to hide your ip, you should set a delay in your client to make sure it doesn't autojoin channels before you are authenticated to nickserv
<pawz> many clients can take a nickserv password on join and therefore will not do that
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<raymonddull> Yeah you have to use your nickserv password in the box for server password, or if your client can authenticate with sasl that works too.
<jomp16> I use auto identify on XChat...
<jomp16> setted join delay to 3s
<raymonddull> On xchat the server password works with no delt
<raymonddull> Delay*
<jomp16> Bye, install some gnome extensions
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<jomp16> raymonddull, you can see my IP at join?
<raymonddull> Nope shows up as unaffiliated/jomp16
<jomp16> cool =)
<jomp16> Now it's is fixed?
<raymonddull> Yup
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<willc> hey all. not sure if this is the place to ask this, but i'm looking for the FAQ for the t0lte (at&t galaxy note 2) cm10.1 nightlies. i tried the link in the post but it links to a dead site.
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<willc> anyone?
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<zeorin> Hi all, I'm having some problems with my i9100... Used GetRIL premium to flash correct RIL, now I don't have any mobile connectivity (no GSM, 3G, 2G, nothing), just Wi-Fi. It tells me that the baseband version is unknown. GetRIL recommends the baseband version XXKH3, which I've flashed from recovery, but that doesn't seem to do anything, it makes no difference to flash this.
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<dasdasd> hi everyone!!!
<dasdasd> i have a question regarding the camera on the latest update..
<dasdasd> on the settings, it lets you stored on SD
<dasdasd> but when select that and tab on the back button, it will stored back to internal storage
<dasdasd> btw this is using samsung S3 i9300
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<puyee> hi all
<puyee> anyone can tell me if this build can use for Galaxy Ace Plus=> Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Ace: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/21400/cm-7-20130301-NIGHTLY-cooper.zip [063713]
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<harre> When I tick the "use 2g network only" option the network mode doesn't update unless I exit and go back, that's a bug, right?
<harre> also when I untick the option the network mode goes back to "GSM/WCDMA preferred" instead of previous mode selected LTE/WCDMA/GSM)
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<joeltherock85> does anyone have a flashable zip for crt animation off?
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<joeltherock85> cm10.1
<joeltherock85> GTp5100
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<harre> I like the crt :/
<joeltherock85> i know right
<joeltherock85> but how to enable
<joeltherock85> ?
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<harre> ah, I thoight you meant if anyone had a flashable zip to turn it off
<harre> It's on by default on my gt-i9305
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<joeltherock85> yup i wld to turn it on
<joeltherock85> i dont know how to do all that technical framework thingy
<harre> me neither :/
<harre> I don't understand why there isn't any option for it exposed as it seems some like it and some don
<harre> t
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<puyee> !download i9100g
<clibot> puyee: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II (G): http://get.cm/get/jenkins/25016/cm-10.1-20130414-NIGHTLY-i9100g.zip [fb8895]
<joeltherock85> thanks but im talking abt d tab 2 10.1
<joeltherock85> and i jst nd the crt off zip
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<bns2000> hey I have a i-317 and wanted to know what I wanted to know what would be the best device trees to use to build my own build
<bns2000> lol
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<bns2000> repeted me self a little
<bns2000> !supported Samsung
<clibot> bns2000: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<bns2000> t0lte if that helps any more
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<bns2000> !download t0lte
<clibot> bns2000: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE): http://get.cm/get/jenkins/25074/cm-10.1-20130415-NIGHTLY-t0lte.zip [3f41b4]
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<aspix> failed to create multi user on latest nightly using terminal. Dont see how to enable multi user on Setting. Any guide?
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<newbe> hey. soneone here and can help me?
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<zeorin> Hi all, what could be causing an 'Unknown baseband' problem on my galaxy s2 and how would I fix it?
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<theDroid> !supported Samsung
<clibot> theDroid: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<puyee> hi everyone
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<puyee> anybody can tell me this build cm-7-20130301-NIGHTLY-cooper can use for Galaxy Ace Plus?
<puyee> from BBlog this build only for Galaxy Ace on;y
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<Parag> Hello lads. Anyone that could help me out a little bit?
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<Parag> Forget it, got it working.
<Parag> Unless It's gonna decide to be stuck at CanogenMod.
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<hann> Hi
<hann> Can anyone answer for me please if the CM 10.1 supports TV out and/or where this information is located
<codeworkx> depends on the device
<hann> note 2 LTE is the device. any word on that?
<codeworkx> not supported
<hann> OK. thanks. Thought as much, I'm guessing that this is Samsungs fault and not cause it hasnt been tackled yet. Correct me if Im wrong.
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<singer36> Hi everyone... i am a old user of CM roms... but i cannot make tether work with i9300+CM10.1 (latest nightlies)
<singer36> has anybody some working tethering ?
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<frankdrey> !geo user frankdrey
<clibot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", region: "Washington", city: "Lynnwood", latlong: {47.820908, -122.3151}, time: "Mon 13:00 PDT"}
<Baskey> !geo user Baskey
<clibot> Baskey: Error resolving ip for host unaffiliated/baskey
<waratte> !geo user clibot
<clibot> waratte: {country: "Germany", latlong: {51.0, 9.0}}
<waratte> Hmm...
<frankdrey> that's a nice lat/long
<waratte> Yep.
<waratte> No 6+ digits.
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<jaier> Hi it is someone here?
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<jaier> !device
<jaier> !download GT-I9100
<clibot> jaier: Unknown device GT-I9100
<jaier> !download I9100
<clibot> jaier: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/25015/cm-10.1-20130414-NIGHTLY-i9100.zip [709976]
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<willc> !device
<willc> hey all, i've got a question regarding the t0lteatt nightlies. where can i find the FAQ for this device? the link on the xda thread seems to be dead and i cant find any mention of a working link.
<willc> in fact, the entire team hacksung site seems to be non-functioning, or it would appear ive got an old link.
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<Oli> Is it safe (re superbrick) to upgrade a stock SGS2 i1900 (on 2.3.4) straight to CM10.1 with CWM?
<Oli> I've just upgraded another one that was on JB4.1 that went with no problems but now I'm reading all sorts of stuff about superbricking and I really don't want to rinse this phone.
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<jomp16> Hey, someone here can pass a tutorial to flash bootloader of my P3110 with Heimdall?
<jomp16> my bootloader is a ICS version
<jomp16> Only flash bootloader or need to flash something more?
<jomp16> I can download the firmware from sammobile (4.1.2), extract it and get bootloader img? || Any country works fine?
Devourz has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<jomp16> Cody: you are using CWM touch version or the normal one?
<jomp16> Are you *
<frankdrey> cody doesn't use CWM
<frankdrey> he dd's his imgs through adb
<frankdrey> *zips
<jomp16> lol wat!
<jomp16> yeah, good
<frankdrey> unzip file.zip > dd of=/blah
<frankdrey> er
<frankdrey> eh
<frankdrey> i tried
<frankdrey> LAUGH
<jomp16> But's more changes of brick?
<jomp16> Or is same of CWM?
<frankdrey> I'm kidding ._.
<jomp16> '-'
<frankdrey> :)
Kuzon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<frankdrey> why does it matter?
<jomp16> About CWM touch/normal?
Devourz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<frankdrey> jomp16, yes
<jomp16> Err, to know if touch version from rommanager is working?
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<frankdrey> i'm using it on p5110...why don't you just try it?
<frankdrey> and don't install it with rom manager..grab img from clockworkmod.com/rommanager if you haven't already
<jomp16> I need to upgrade the bootloader for JB to run properly CM/CWM?
<frankdrey> i didn't
<frankdrey> works fine *shrug*
<jomp16> And i don't flash with RomManager app, and yes from RomManager site...
<frankdrey> cool
<jomp16> no boot glitches to CWM? Like CM
<jomp16> "and yes from RomManager site..." || I mean download the .img and flash it with Heimdall
<frankdrey> flashing glitch
<frankdrey> but it works
<frankdrey> doesn't bother me
<a3Dman> hey
<pw> gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood evening
<pw> <3
<frankdrey> hi
<a3Dman> can't wait to get a nexus 4 lulz
<frankdrey> pw, i'm gonna guess you've been on irc for a while
<frankdrey> a3Dman, give me one too
<a3Dman> i wish
<a3Dman> well, i hope this guy would buy my sgs2
<a3Dman> if not i wont be getting one
<frankdrey> i'll buy it for $40
<pw> a while :)
<a3Dman> well you, this dude should buy it for 250$
<frankdrey> pw, short nicks such as yours would be hard to get nowadays :p
<frankdrey> a3Dman, they sell for like $100 here ;P
<a3Dman> frankdrey: stuff is expensive here
<a3Dman> for example I wont be getting the nex for 350
<a3Dman> I will be getting it for 530
<frankdrey> yeah i remember
<a3Dman> just swapping two numbers xD
<a3Dman> frankdrey: it's 150$ cheaper than the sgs3!
<frankdrey> SGS3 is a ripoff
<a3Dman> yeah
<a3Dman> it sucks badly
<frankdrey> 'sucks badly' isn't enough to describe it
<frankdrey> if i had a choice between G1 and SGS3, I'd choose G1
<frankdrey> well..maybe a slight exaggeration ;)
<pw> i'm a s3 user, and well it sucks :X
<frankdrey> pw, it's ok, at least it's not an iphone
<a3Dman> at least it's not an iphone memes ftw
<frankdrey> there're memes?:p
<a3Dman> yeah, like there's an app for that
<frankdrey> ah:P
<pw> D:
<pw> :'(
<jomp16> ...
<pw> i need the 7A battery
<pw> !
<frankdrey> you should sudo pacman -Syu to n4
<frankdrey> arch users will get it ;)
<a3Dman> orly
<jomp16> frankdrey, your CWM touch is landscape or portrait mode?
<frankdrey> jomp16, landscape
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<pw> i've to small buttons in my recovery
<jomp16> frankdrey, I'm a little forgotten, the command to flash is heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot ?
<jomp16> or remove the --no-reboot?
<frankdrey> yes, but the --no-reboot is optional
<frankdrey> since you don't have stock anymore
<frankdrey> the problem was that stock deleted CWM on boot
<jomp16> So, i reboot to download mode, plug USB, flash it with Heimdall and the tab will reboot?
phellarv has joined #teamhacksung-support
<jomp16> or i need to reboot manually?
phellarv is now known as Duck_boot
<pw> mh
<frankdrey> jomp16, without --no-reboot it will reboot
<jomp16> so, heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img
<jomp16> with sudo
<jomp16> Why GTab 2 never received a touch version?
<frankdrey> jomp16, it did?
<frankdrey> on rommanager site
<DvineLord> so teamhacksung has no webpage anymore?
<frankdrey> DvineLord, nope
<jomp16> What button combo to reboot to bootloader?
slainer68 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<jomp16> Dumb question: I will not lost nothing (i.e CM, files, etc) while flashing new recovery?
<frankdrey> no
<jomp16> now button combo, or is best to do adb reboot download?
<frankdrey> i dunno
<frankdrey> power + vol up i think
<jomp16> power + vol up for P31XX is reboot for recovery (or is vol up and power?)
<frankdrey> try vol down then
thebestbot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<frankdrey> mwaha
<frankdrey> nebkat, my bot can geoip too
<frankdrey> watch
<frankdrey> -alias add geo "echo !geo $1 $2"
<thebestbot> frankdrey: The operation succeeded.
<frankdrey> -geo user nebkat
<thebestbot> !geo user nebkat
<clibot> thebestbot: Error resolving ip for host april-fools/seventh/nebkat
<thebestbot> clibot: Error: "Error" is not a valid command.
<frankdrey> HAHAH
<jomp16> lolololololololol
<jomp16> ->> your own bot or based of other bot (nor clibot/datagutt bot)?
<thebestbot> jomp16: Error: ">>" is not a valid command.
<frankdrey> lol
<jomp16> prefix: ' - '?
<frankdrey> yeah
<frankdrey> jomp16, supybot
<jomp16> from Cody topic on XDA: vol down + power
<jomp16> Yeah, Arch Linux bot is the same program...
<frankdrey> yeah, i usually just try all teh buttons
<jomp16> Ruby IRC bot
<frankdrey> watch
<frankdrey> -di
<thebestbot> frankdrey: Error: "di" is not a valid command.
<frankdrey> er
<frankdrey> -die
thebestbot has quit [Quit: %1]
<frankdrey> eh stupid bot
<frankdrey> kills himself when you ask
<jomp16> saw about clibot
<jomp16> js System.exit(0) will die bot...
<jomp16> Not a bug according nebkat
<frankdrey> !js System.exit(0)
<clibot> frankdrey: You do not have permission to run "js"
<frankdrey> :)
<jomp16> because of this
<jomp16> no permissions
<frankdrey> it's a feature
<frankdrey> bot admins can run JS
<jomp16> It isn't a bug, is a feature!
<frankdrey> nobutrly :P
<frankdrey> he can run fun JS code
<frankdrey> and System.exit(0) is valid code
<jomp16> Sooooo, lets create a code for formatting the C:\
<DvineLord> anyone ever hear of an app that will make all your contact (XXX) XXX-XXXX orientation
<jomp16> Muwahahaha
<frankdrey> jomp16, if they used Windows, clibot would have crashed a long time ago
<jomp16> true
<jomp16> clibot is a resource intensive bot
<jomp16> nebkat need to improve performance...
<jomp16> clibot can process multiples command at same time?
* frankdrey is trying to connect to freenode over telnet
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<jomp16> Like String blah = "asdf"; System.out.println(blah);
<jomp16> Why no SSH?
<frankdrey> dunno
frankdrey-raw has joined #teamhacksung-support
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey-raw> Hey :D
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> this is awesome
<jomp16> ...
<jomp16> CLI?
<frankdrey-raw> hmm?
<jomp16> Command Line Interface
<frankdrey-raw> yeah