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<QuinnLion> D: I dont know if it's my USB cables, but it seems that my p5113 wont charge.. I thought it might have been a software problem so I wiped and reinstalled.. It's still not charging when in Android. It seems to charge in off/OMAP mode.. but I've nto verified that. any help?
<QuinnLion> I was on a nightly when this thing stopped charging.. I hadnt updated in forever.
<QuinnLion> !changelog p5110
<clibot> QuinnLion: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1(Wifi): http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#p5110/cm10/latest
<QuinnLion> !device p5110
<clibot> QuinnLion: Information for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1(Wifi): http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/p5110_Info
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<QuinnLion> Yeah, Android reports that it's not charging.
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<QuinnLion> and it seems 9 times out of 10, telling it to shut down just reboots it
<QuinnLion> Testing off mode charging. Screen comes on and shows that it's plugged in/charging...
<Kihokki> QuinnLion: My i9100 stopped charging when it's usb port was folded a bit
<QuinnLion> This isnt MicroUSB
<QuinnLion> Some proprietary connector
<Kihokki> Ahh
<Kihokki> Otay
<QuinnLion> The pins seem fine, USB data still works, Both cables are Samsung branded and the pins in those seem fine too :s
<Kihokki> Afk, pharmacy
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<nebkat> DooMMasteR: hah
<DooMMasteR> HA
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: ^
<a3Dman> "fuck macedonia fuck bosni a shqipere fuck you..."
<nebkat> a3Dman: /int/
<nebkat> a3Dman: dont blame me :/
<a3Dman> I'm not
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<DuperMan> I'm trying to get into Cutscenes: Extended
<DuperMan> but meh
<DuperMan> so far bioshock 2 was more fun :P
<DuperMan> it just me?
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<KRaLGsM> selam
<nebkat> DuperMan: uthar?
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<DuperMan> nebkat: angsting the infishock. nospoilers:@
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<nazfalas> Hey guys, quick question as teamhacksung can't be reached to view S3 issues with AOSP: How many are still there? Have any been fixed? Talking about touch 2 focus issue for example
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<frankdrey> Who here knows integrals and such?
<frankdrey> "A particle located at the origin at t = 1 s moves along the x-axis with velocity v(t) = (6t^2 - t) m/s. State the differential equation with initial condition satisfied by the position s(t) of the particle, and find s(t)"
<codeworkx> frankdrey: update bbq
<frankdrey> codeworkx: package-query updated? Also, I use just BBQ packages on plain arch.... although that's basically a customized BBQ :D
<codeworkx> try it
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<waratte> frankdrey: Segmentation fault error
<frankdrey> Not home
<frankdrey> waratte: shut up :-P
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<frankdrey> waratte: I actually lost my flash drive with all my projects. When I redo that project, I will not have even one seg fault. Watch xD
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<frankdrey> codeworkx: wait, does BBQ have new installer and ui?
<waratte> Sure.
<codeworkx> frankdrey: didn't change. it's mate and a gui installer
<frankdrey> Ah, k.
* frankdrey wants to help code something for bbq sometime
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<frankdrey> codeworkx: does it still install from CD? Or using pacman/pacstrap?
<codeworkx> fully from cd to avoid breakage
<frankdrey> aw
<frankdrey> K
<codeworkx> installing from web is slow and creates a lot of traffic
<codeworkx> and might break the installer
<frankdrey> Does it at least update when done?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> it's up to the user
<frankdrey> So it's not rolling release anymore
<codeworkx> it is
<frankdrey> Ah
<frankdrey> Yeah, gotcha
<codeworkx> it's using arch repos
<codeworkx> just the install media is fixed
<frankdrey> So it's up to the user to risk breakage
<codeworkx> i never had a break because of updating
<frankdrey> Same here
<codeworkx> frankdrey: i've something for bbq in mind. a kind of updater.
<frankdrey> GUI updater?
<codeworkx> frankdrey: mate 1.4 -> 1.6: you can remove consolekit now and the configs and some old mate packages
<codeworkx> frankdrey: pacman won't do it for you
<frankdrey> Have it load the news page in a panel, to show any important announcements
<codeworkx> a kind of updater which does exactly this kind of tasks
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<frankdrey> I use xfce4
<frankdrey> Oic
<codeworkx> check the current bbq version
<codeworkx> and do incremental steps
<codeworkx> v16 -> v17: remove a package
<codeworkx> v17->v18: remove a config file
<codeworkx> and so on
<codeworkx> installing from media writes /etc/bbqlinux-version
<frankdrey> How about a package normally empty
<codeworkx> i've a meta package, yes
<frankdrey> But when something like this happens, the package dies that
<frankdrey> Does
<codeworkx> not really
<codeworkx> if a user doesn't update for some time
<codeworkx> the package might have changed 10 times
<frankdrey> Yeah
<codeworkx> so he updates from his old version to the latest
<frankdrey> Hm
<codeworkx> and the steps between are lost
<codeworkx> incremental updater which checks the current bbqlinux-version
<frankdrey> Then add the version check idea to this meta package
<codeworkx> does step by step and writes new version string
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<frankdrey> Whole updater isn't really necessary
<codeworkx> it's currently a separate package
<codeworkx> which runs auto
<codeworkx> everytime it gets updated it's running itself
<codeworkx> and does the incremental steps
<frankdrey> Yeah
<codeworkx> but will take a lot of time to write that shit
<codeworkx> sometimes you have to remove files, create files, replace strings at files and so on
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> I might be able to help out
<codeworkx> the tricky part is to write config files which tell the update what to do
<frankdrey> Do you want to use the package language or an actual program that reads a config script?
<codeworkx> it's python
<frankdrey> Eh, I haven't learned Python yet
<codeworkx> python is easy
<codeworkx> you dont have to learn
<codeworkx> you just do it
<frankdrey> I guess
<frankdrey> OK
<codeworkx> what languages are you working with?
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<frankdrey> Mostly C, I find Perl easy, and a little Java and C++
<codeworkx> you won't have a problem with python
<frankdrey> C by far my #1
<frankdrey> OK
<frankdrey> Shit late for clads
<frankdrey> Class
<codeworkx> cm? kernel?
<frankdrey> $:
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<waratte> Frankdrey, developing, LOL.
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<chadouming> and what have you done waratte ?
<waratte> Well, nothing towards Android development.
<chadouming> can't really laugh of frankdrey then
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<waratte> I laugh at him because because of past events towards developing.
<waratte> Though, only time will tell now, he's trying something different now he tells me.
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<FireGaming> !supported Samsung
<clibot> FireGaming: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmt
<FireGaming> are there any stable builds for galaxy s2?
<EgotisticalElf> not since 9 i don't think
<FireGaming> are the nightly builds okay to install?
<chadouming> nope, they are distributed only to remember you to not use them
<EgotisticalElf> my wife has a nightly on her sgs2 on AT&T (i777) and it runs fine for what she uses
<FireGaming> what i mean is, are there any big bugs or stuff. the site says only for "risk takers" and that scares me.
<FireGaming> !changelog i9100
<clibot> FireGaming: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9100/cm10/latest
<FireGaming> also, theres that big red warning about superbrick, how do i make sure ot avoid such a thing?
<FireGaming> what i want to know is will installing this superbrick my phone? something about when i do a factory reseyt
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<frankdrey> codeworkx: I forgot I had class :p
<codeworkx> lawl
<frankdrey> Anyway, I'll install BBQ today and will see how I can help out
<codeworkx> frankdrey: you don't have to install bbq
<codeworkx> frankdrey: arch is fine ;-)
<codeworkx> frankdrey: pacman -S bbqlinux
<codeworkx> frankdrey: and then create a new user and log into it
<codeworkx> frankdrey: oh wait. this wont install mate
<codeworkx> frankdrey: try the live media
<frankdrey> Eh, but what about mate...yeah
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<Jiangyi> Hrm
<Jiangyi> I guess I can go tell Chinese users to buy the Find 5, now that a bunch of our fine devs got one :-P
<Jiangyi> Would be the first time that a Chinese device good for recommendation.
* Jiangyi never thought he would see this day
<nebkat> Jiangyi: do it
<nebkat> Jiangyi: we were all surprised too
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<nebkat> and the diff from kernel is "impressively" small
<nebkat> caf kernel*
<Jiangyi> Wow :o
<Jiangyi> Either Oppo's being good, or they were too lazy to differ much xP
<datagutt> Jiangyi: you can flash htc dna kernel unmodified
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<Jiangyi> datagutt: Are you trolling me? o_O
<datagutt> Atleast some dev did that
<datagutt> nebkat: confirmit
<datagutt> also, why is this channel not redirected to #teamoppo-support
<nebkat> Jiangyi: its true
<Jiangyi> Cause cody didn't get one xD
<frankdrey> what happened?
<Jiangyi> j/k
<nebkat> he flashed it accidentally
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Seriously? ._.
<nebkat> and now he uses it instead of oppo kernel
<nebkat> yes.
<datagutt> inb4 random brick
<Jiangyi> How do you flash an HTC kernel accidentally... :-S
<datagutt> suddenly wont boot
<datagutt> due to some bug
<Jiangyi> nebkat: How hard is it to flash the Find 5?
<datagutt> that only gets triggered in certain conditions
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: We're talking about the Oppo Find 5 :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: it has fastboot...
<Jiangyi> Seriously? ._.
<Jiangyi> Wow.
<Jiangyi> Oppo has really outdone themselves.
<datagutt> Oppo Find 5 == 1080p nexus that you can flash htc kernels on
<nebkat> it has chinese characters before "fastboot" though
<nebkat> totally ruins the experience
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Why you hate on da Chinese :-P
<datagutt> Jiangyi: can't blame him
<nebkat> Jiangyi: being a canadian surely you understand
<Jiangyi> Eh
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Don't forget that I'm legally a Chinese :-P
<nebkat> chinese letters imply low quality shit (no offense)
<Jiangyi> Fine fine fine :-/
<nebkat> Jiangyi: im legally serbian too
<datagutt> i am legally norwegian
<Jiangyi> nebkat: You can get dual citizenship, no?
<datagutt> but pretend to be chinese
<nebkat> Jiangyi: i can yes
<datagutt> Jiangyi: LETS GO TO THE MALL
<datagutt> TODAY
<nebkat> cant in the netherlands afaik
* Jiangyi can't
<Jiangyi> China doesn't believe in dual citizenship :-P
<Jiangyi> datagutt: Come here, I take you to PMall
<nebkat> Jiangyi: so you arent canadian?
<datagutt> !google the beaver song
<clibot> datagutt: &quot;The Beaver Song&quot; [[Full Song + Performance]] - How I Met Your ...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hqklWJxUTo
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Not yet, 2 more years
<nebkat> hahahahahahahahahahahaha
<Jiangyi> Have to be of age to take the oath :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: are you dropping chinese then?
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Pretty much
<nebkat> smart choice
<Jiangyi> Canadian passport >>>>>>>>>> Chinese passport
<datagutt> True dat
<nebkat> all you need to do now is buy some of my cocaine
<Jiangyi> Chinese passport gets you nowhere, Canadian passport gets you practically into every country
<Jiangyi> Well, in Europe anyways.
<nebkat> nobody wants low quality shit in their country except canada?
<nebkat> </racist>
<datagutt> nebkat: buy weed from a guy in askim
<datagutt> some of my friends know him
<nebkat> datagutt: how much per gram
<datagutt> no idea
<nebkat> i got a couple hundred $ layin around from last app
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<Jiangyi> Posh nebkat is posh