xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<Jiangyi> Bleh
<Jiangyi> Google Now, why u no recognize the Chinese words that are coming out of my mouth properly :-P
* Jiangyi is trying to localize the cam voice shutter thing, experimenting with words atm
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<rndio> must be careful with words, a lot of people hate this sound ;)
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<Jiangyi> Hmm
<Jiangyi> So according to Google Now in Chinese
<jomp16> ...
<Jiangyi> Cid = Sex
<jomp16> lol
<Jiangyi> And I can't just put "sex" into one of the words to look for lol
<jomp16> That isn't a bug, is a feature =)
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<Aj_> ANy 1 ter..??
<frankdrey> *anyone
<frankdrey> *there
<frankdrey> *Is there anyone here?
<frankdrey> Yes.
<Aj_> dude... Need a bih help from ya all..
<Aj_> got ma phone I9300 through customs & found it with Cynogen mod 10 rom inbuilt..
<Aj_> Is that possible..??
<frankdrey> customs?
<Aj_> n i would like to roll back it to Stock ROM which m not able to...
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<frankdrey> *bit *you *my *CyanogenMod
<Aj_> From other country at a cheap rate to INDIA>.
<frankdrey> why would you want to put it back to stock?
<frankdrey> that's like a major downgrade, dude
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<frankdrey> CyanogenMod 10 is much better than stock
<Aj_> but i wish to.. My cynogen not working properly... :(
<Aj_> possible to downgrade..??
<frankdrey> well we can help with that
<frankdrey> how is it not working properly?
<Aj_> guide me with et pl...
<Aj_> m not able to install third party apps...
<frankdrey> settings > unknown sources
<Aj_> even s voice is not getting installed & not found too..
<Aj_> exactly..
<frankdrey> settings > security > unknown sources
<frankdrey> >.>
<frankdrey> you're trying to install samsung apps?
<Aj_> only some apps not getting installed rest getting ...
<frankdrey> why would you even....
<frankdrey> *sigh*
<Aj_> yep.. so apps.. Voice apps..
<frankdrey> (We hate Samsung apps)
<frankdrey> anyway, go back to stock
<frankdrey> wait
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<Aj_> but its new to us... :D
<Aj_> not a big modder like y'all.. :)
<frankdrey> Samsung Apps suck. They're poorly coded and are bloat.
<frankdrey> Samsung is the big modder.
<frankdrey> We run CyanogenMod which is CLEAN android
<frankdrey> no extra bloat
<Aj_> i dint find ma phone booting in recovery... :) not able to Root it again too..
<frankdrey> just plain Android from Google
<frankdrey> ...if it's running CyanogenMod it's rooted
<Aj_> but m not able to get into recoery mode...
<frankdrey> CyanogenMod includes root
<frankdrey> find firmware for your device and flash with odin
<frankdrey> must have fked up recovery
<frankdrey> go into download mode and flash stock with odin
<Aj_> Forgot to tell.. Downloaded stock ROM for INDIA & connected it with odin.. Getting NAND write failed after some steps..
<Aj_> Will i be able to post some screenshots here..?
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<frankdrey> Aj_, fun
<frankdrey> sounds like your hardware is screwed up
<rndio> maybe pit problem? wrong odin version?
<Aj_> but m able to boot into cynogen roim..
<Aj_> rom..*
<Aj_> usin 3.04..
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<Aj_> tried every version of odin.. not getting...
<Aj_> found 1 through samsung website to.. ll get ya the link now..
<frankdrey> then keep using CyanogenMod and stop wanting Samsung crap :p
<frankdrey> what's the derivative of ln(g(x))
<frankdrey> ?
<Aj_> not able to get ya..
<Aj_> m aving some more doubts to.. hope yo can solve et bro..
<Aj_> Ma device showing 16** ram instead 8** something..
<frankdrey> what?
<Aj_> and the device model changed to SGH-i747 which is written on tha about...
<frankdrey> >.>
<frankdrey> you probably flashed wrong stuff
<Aj_> back side below the battery has I9300 dude..
<frankdrey> O_o
<Aj_> i didn't flash any.. :( came like that..
<frankdrey> then whoever had it mighta fked it up
<frankdrey> or samsung wants to mess with your mind
<frankdrey> and is doing it's weird version number thing
<rndio> does the phone even look like i9300? check the pictures ;)
<Aj_> :( :( out of mind now.. not able to flash through odin & even through Kies... Showing some eroor as well..
<Aj_> checked all man.. same like otherz...
<Aj_> any recommendations.?
<rndio> check the forums
<Aj_> did all bro..
<Aj_> not any to flash any custom ROM's either... :(
<Aj_> not able to**
<frankdrey> Kies won't work since it's custom
<frankdrey> flash clockwork mod recovery
<frankdrey> with odin
<frankdrey> and go from there
<Aj_> got some CF file around 8mb.. Added it to PDA n Odin 3.04 & 3.07 as well.. pressed start and process started.. then immediately Failed..
<Aj_> Tried with other friend phone.. same version & same files working on that...
<Aj_> wierd..
<rndio> you may try to flash with heimdall it may give you a more detailed error message
<Aj_> CF-Root-SGS3-v6.4.. used this to root..
<frankdrey> you dont need to root...
<frankdrey> you are already rooted
<frankdrey> im surprised your phone is still turning on...
<frankdrey> learn what you're flashing before flashing it
<Aj_> yea man.. not taking any risks.
<Aj_> but no sign of root..
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<Aj_> tried csc selector too to change country.. Not getting in...
<Aj_> tried mobile ODIN.. not booting into recovery.. i wish i oculd find a to get into recovery altleast..
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<frankdrey> flash clockworkmod
<Aj_> right but after that m getting error in ODIN bro.. anything about that...
<Aj_> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2173863 can i use this link to root ma device..??
<Aj_> is it possible for a s3 I9300 device to have a custom ROM of SGH-i747 & a RAM with 16**mb.???
<frankdrey> your device is rooted
<frankdrey> i don't even know how to help you man
<Aj_> could u helpme if i get u the ODIN error screenshot..??
<Aj_> could you help me if i get you the odin error screenshot.?
<frankdrey> i don't know
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<Aj_> Any way bro.. Thanks a lot... will find a solution and post et back here... Thanks again..!!
<Aj_> Anyway man.. Thanks a ton..!! will find a solution somehow..
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<nebkat> !nick clibot
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<rcp> storage space is running low on my SII. i keep deleting my apps, but the problem doesnt get resolved
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<RossWell98> Hi...
<RossWell98> A problem with cyanogenmod ?
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<nebkat> RossWell98: do you?
<RossWell98> BQQ is dead or... ?
<nebkat> wat are you trying to say
<nebkat> !geo user RossWell98
<bbqbot> nebkat: Error resolving ip for host unaffiliated/rosswell98
<RossWell98> http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#/cm10.1/undefined
<nebkat> RossWell98: what device
<RossWell98> no device
<RossWell98> CM globally
<RossWell98> no updates
<nebkat> RossWell98: ah yes github is fuct
<RossWell98> ah :/
<a3Dman> sgs4 is 825$
<a3Dman> do not want
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<rndio> imagine we have a used device (with quite some remapped onenand blocks)
<rndio> what would happen if we cat mtdblock5 >/dev/null
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<rndio> i get onenand_wait: correctable ECC error and end_request: I/O error
<rndio> so I wonder if I format it with yaffs2, would it deal with those i/o errors?
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<scook9> heard there is not much interest in the GS4 by team hacksung, what will you guys work on then?
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<codeworkx> scook9: xperia z, htc one, oppo find5
<scook9> interesting
<scook9> i got a note 2 about 6 weeks ago :( longing for some proper AOSP but samsung is making that quite difficult (which you guys know better than anyone else!)
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<nebkat> scook9: international?
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<scook9> no, verizon
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<nebkat> scook9: dat sux
<scook9> well I like the phone alot, just not the TW crap
<scook9> greatly prefer AOSP
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<wilfred> hello
<wilfred> anyone here?
<scook9> at least 3 of us lol
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<wilfred> lol
<nosklo_> my client says 127 people total
<nosklo_> I'm having lots of trouble with latest nightlies on i9300 Samsung Galaxy S3 :(
<wilfred> i have a question about the network search on the n7105 on cm
<nosklo_> Since the last 5 nightlies, the phone freezes a lot, like 20-30 times a daty
<nosklo_> anyone having this issue? How can I debug it?
<nosklo_> I've already formatted data and system and cache and dalvik and flashed a clean copy of CM + gapps
<wilfred> the network search seem to show nothing when I perform the search
<nosklo_> And the phone freezes before I can enter google information
<wilfred> on it will display the same carrier like three times
<wilfred> or it will*
<wilfred> seems like there isn't any developers online
<wilfred> nosklo
<wilfred> can you try to perform a network search and tell me your results?
<wilfred> everyone lefted? :(
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<RedShift> !changelog i9100g
<bbqbot> RedShift: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G): http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i9100g/cm10/latest
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<nosklo_> no, I can't. My phone freezes before I can do it
<nosklo_> Tried nightly of 26 27 and 28
<nosklo_> all with full wipe and wipe data and format everything before install
<nosklo_> I'm not sure what to do now
<nosklo_> Is there an old archive of nigthlies? I want to return to older one
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<nosklo> damn another freeze
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<vanessa> Quick question
<vanessa> What driver should I select for i9100 on zadix?
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<Guest6389> Did it a while but not remember
<nosklo> :(
<nosklo> already pulling my heart out
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<nosklo> ok something is very wrong
<nosklo> I'll flash stock
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<SwissCM> Hey, so uh I looked around and can't find a known problems list for Cyanogenmod 10.1 for the Galaxy S2. Is there a clear list of what exactly isn't working?
<SwissCM> I have the international variant (technically the unlocked australian one but from what I understand the hardware is identical)
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<Baskey> SwissCM: TeamHacksung website is down, so... nope
<nosklo> SwissCM: I have a i9100 with CM10.1 latest nigthly and it is working fine
<a-st> SwissCM: I'm using the CM10.1 nightlies on my GT-I9100 too and there are no issues :
<SwissCM> Well last time I checked, USB file transfers were slow, HDMI output didn't work and the audio stack was incomplete or something
<SwissCM> Also no radio but I don't think anyone cares about that
<SwissCM> like, FM radio
<a-st> HDMI only works on stock samsung rom iirc
<nosklo> Well, I don't do usb transfers anymore, they need a cable
<nosklo> HDMI is known to not work since the beginning on any samsung phone
<a-st> USB is fast :) ~4500 KB/s
<SwissCM> So, no other issues really? I understand that some games crash because of audio issues.
<nosklo> Anybody with the i9300 out there? Do you have issues where the phone freezes?
<a-st> Yeah some games freeze but that might be mali driver issue
<nosklo> Like, all the time?
<SwissCM> I heard it was the mali driver but someone else piped up saying that the games worked if you disabled audio on them, which seems to indicate that it's an audio issue.
<SwissCM> Like, I read it on a forum. Somewhere. Probably on XDA
<a-st> Cut the Rope works fine for hours :D
<SwissCM> It's my mums phone and she likes those fucking jewel matching games.
<a-st> They shoul work fine :)
<a-st> *should
<a3Dman> I'm very glad I sold the damned i9100 :)
<SwissCM> I have a galaxy nexus
<SwissCM> With cyanogenmod 10.1 on it
<a3Dman> nexus 4, cm10.1
<SwissCM> It's been having weird performance problems lately. Loooots of lag.
<SwissCM> Like, swiping screens in the launcher can have a 2 second delay, or more.
<SwissCM> Everything loads slow.
<SwissCM> Also, must note it was doing this with the stock rom too
<a3Dman> my nexus s doesn't lag that much...
<SwissCM> Yeah, it's pretty bad
<SwissCM> I figured it could be flash performance so I ran some trim app
<SwissCM> Didn't really do anything noticable.
<a3Dman> didn't use galaxy nexus at all, but nexus 4 is pretty awesome
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<SwissCM> I want something with an expandable battery.
<Nelson_> i just installed cm for my i317
<Nelson_> I am unable to get LTE to work any recomenndations?
<SwissCM> I got a 3800mah battery for my gnexus and it's quite helpful.
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<SwissCM> Even if it makes it look like it has a tumor growing on the back
<a3Dman> I can't stand these battries
<a3Dman> I'm thinking of a portable battery
<a3Dman> anker astro
<SwissCM> Oh, no it's built into the phone. Came with a new (fatter) battery cover
<a3Dman> I know it's built in
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<SwissCM> Anyway, thanks for da infoz
<SwissCM> exit
<SwissCM> derp
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<nosklo> ok found my problem
<nosklo> I'm experiencing this, which means my phone sucks
<nosklo> I need to put it in a barely working state so I can sell it and never buy samsung again
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<a3Dman> that's what I did...
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<nosklo> Next phone: Nexus 4 or Xperia Z.
<nosklo> Who wants a freeze-every-5-minutes s3?
<Fissurez> free?
<Fissurez> fissurez will happily take any free phones
<a3Dman> :P
<a3Dman> nosklo: does this with stock rom also? warranty finished?
<Baskey> Fissurez: FISSUREZ
<Fissurez> BASSU
<Baskey> FISSU
<nosklo> a3Dman: yes
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<nosklo> I hate samsung
* nosklo cries over spoiled milk
<waratte> Get more milk?
<nosklo> milk is very expensive
<a-st> get a cow :D
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<waratte> Clone a cow, that's probably cheaper.
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<Jiangyi> Bleh, BBQLog's completely borked :-|
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: github is terrible
<Kihokki> Surprise
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<sss> hey all
<sss> anyone can help
<sss> i got an issue with installing rom
<frankdrey> ask
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<sss> i installed mobile odin
<sss> unfortunatly was not able to install a new firmware
<sss> after sometime in installation the hone goes off
<sss> i tried to install via pc odon
<sss> odin
<sss> it didnt work due to drivers
<sss> now i am helpless am a newbie and got no clue
<sss> i tried to install drivers for samsung didnt work i got i9100g btw
<sss> what do u suggest
<frankdrey> what are you trying to install?
<sss> i wanted to install 4.2.2
<sss> now my phone stopps at recover page when i turn it on
<sss> if i press volum pwer and home the downloading dont turn off message shows
<sss> if i dont a the other menu will sow asking to install from sd and wipe stuf
<frankdrey> why are you using mobile odin?
<frankdrey> are you trying to install cyanogenmod 10.1?
<sss> i dont know really
<sss> all what i know
<sss> i had it on 2.3.6
<frankdrey> you need to know what you're flashing...
<sss> and was rooted i had cwa
<frankdrey> do you still have CWM?
<sss> my phone is not sttarting
<frankdrey> do you still have CWM?
<sss> i should have cwm (i wiped everything using the recovery mode )
<frankdrey> CWM = Clockwork Mod Recovery
<sss> yes
<frankdrey> ok, get into it
<sss> ok
<sss> am in
<frankdrey> and use adb to push cm10.1 zip and gapps zip
<Jiangyi> sss: Flash to 4.x first.
<Jiangyi> No AOSP ROM will boot on a 2.3 bootloader.
<sss> oh wait
<sss> let me download and search for frankdrey recomendation
<frankdrey> sss, listen to Jiangyi
<frankdrey> he knows better than me
<sss> ok
<sss> ok jiangyi please help me flash to 4.x
<sss> how is that done ?
<sss> sorry please bare with me i feel i know nothing about android
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<sss> juangyi
<sss> plz help me
<sss> plz
<sss> anyone please
<nosklo> sss: which phone is this?
<nosklo> oh i9100g
<sss> i9100g
<sss> s2
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<a3Dman> 16gb sgs4 available storage is 8.8gb...
<a3Dman> here's your touchcrap :)
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<chadouming> dafaq
<a3Dman> chadouming: too bad, right?
<chadouming> well, i know 8GB phone with more free space than that
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