xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<turin> !device i777
<clibot> turin: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II (ATT): http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/i777_Info
<turin> !changelog i777
<clibot> turin: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (ATT): http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#i777/cm10/latest
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<DuperMan> http://www.amazon.com/Creative-NOMAD-Jukebox-Xtra-Player/dp/B0002AZNKA only device worthy of dev attentions
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<baseball43v3r> !supported samsung
<clibot> baseball43v3r: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibran
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<Jiangyi> Damn
<Jiangyi> Saw my friend's HTC One today
<Jiangyi> That thing is damn sweet
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<frankdrey> G+ needs an IQ test for registration
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<chadouming> frankdrey-eats: you get a G+ account only by having a gmail
<frankdrey-eats> chadouming, mhm?
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<frankdrey> chadouming, doesn't prove they're smart
<chadouming> do you really think google will make an iq test before they give you an email ?
<chadouming> do you really think they will refuse money cause you are not intelligent enough xD
<chadouming> they make billions with stupid people
<frankdrey> ah, well there are steps one must do to go from gmail to g+
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> iq test there
<frankdrey> eh
<frankdrey> I'm tired of
<frankdrey> "Iphone r better ur stupid u iphones r great" on G+
<frankdrey> contaminating our social network
<frankdrey> :(
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<Jiangyi> We must not let G+ become what is now Facebook.
<Jiangyi> :-P
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, let us fight
<frankdrey> to the end
<frankdrey> or the beginning
<frankdrey> and then we clean it up
<frankdrey> from the beginning
<frankdrey> because the end is where we begin
<frankdrey> ya know?
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> :3
<Jiangyi> Wait what ._.
* Jiangyi is confused
<frankdrey> I don't even...
<frankdrey> know
<frankdrey> I'm confused too
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<chadouming> you just failed the IQ test
<frankdrey> chadouming, nah, I'm just high off of hiccups
<frankdrey> I r prety smert
<frankdrey> gah
<frankdrey> ok, i'm normal now
<frankdrey> no i'm not
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<frankdrey> ok
<frankdrey> :)
<frankdrey> I'm starting to hate Calculus again
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<taggie313> Hi. Looking to either enable multi-user mode on a note 2 or disable policy forced lock screen. Anybody have mods/instructions for either?
<frankdrey> 1. get a tablet 2. don't use encryption
<frankdrey> j/k hold up
<taggie313> Heh.
<taggie313> doesn't the note2 count as a tablet? :)
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> good point
<taggie313> Awesome, thanks for the link, don't know how I missed it in my search.
<frankdrey> google search > xda search
<jomp16> Compiling openjdk8...
<jomp16> Compiled apache24 and php from sauce (changed apache 22 from Arch, also needed to compile again php)
<taggie313> I guess so frankdrey.
<frankdrey> taggie313, is the lock screen due to exchange email or encryption
<frankdrey> eh, i have to go afk
<frankdrey> someone else help him/her
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<taggie313> Lockscreen is due to google policy push tool. Basically the same thing as activesync policy
<frankdrey-afk> eh yeah
<frankdrey-afk> don't try
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<frankdrey> only exchange one can be bypass
<taggie313> Bummer. That would have worked for my old job, but new job just went gmail/gapps for everything.
<frankdrey> well, as far as i know
<frankdrey> maybe someone knows a way
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<frankdrey> who wants to do my homework?
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<frankdrey> my fricking goodness
<frankdrey> so i spent like 20 minutes on one problem
<frankdrey> thought i got it wrong
<frankdrey> erased the whole thing
<frankdrey> when all i needed to do was flip my results for displacement and distance traveled
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Anyone knows why I get an IOException on my self-made flacs on Cyanogenmod while there were none on Stock Rom and there are none with flacs from friends. Play length is shown as 0 in music players (not in vlc which I think implements an own library?)
<DuKeTHeReaL> Ubuntu tells me everything is fine with those files
<DuKeTHeReaL> even over mtp
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<gschanuel> download i9100
<gschanuel> !download i9100
<clibot> gschanuel: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: http://get.cm/get/jenkins/25861/cm-10.1-20130423-NIGHTLY-i9100.zip [452ee9]
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<gschanuel> folks, I just can't find latest cm10 build for i9100. get.cm just lists 10.1 nightlies and for galaxys2 it shows only up to 9 nightlies
<gschanuel> !help
<clibot> gschanuel: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !translate, !tts}, {!math}, {!money}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<gschanuel> !download help
<clibot> gschanuel: Unknown device help
<gschanuel> nope?
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<Frd^> so lates is 23
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<akSeya> hello
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<GuineaPiet> hey guys, what linux desktop environment would you recommend?
<frankdrey> Xfce
<GuineaPiet> any particular reason?
<knix> The one you can use.
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: BBQLINUX
<GuineaPiet> Im using cinnamon at the moment but sometimes my panel at the bottom stops responding and it is very frustrating -_-... googling the problem doesnt yield resaults
<GuineaPiet> BBQLINUX is a 1gig Download T_T
<codeworkx> who cares? xD
<frankdrey> GuineaPiet: really fast, has normal windows, not tablet style like gnome3, great for productivity
<frankdrey> Can be themed
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: Use Mate and be happy
<frankdrey> Xfce > mate
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> What does mate offer over xfce.... Other than more overhead xD
<codeworkx> MATE IS USUM
<frankdrey> Lolz
<codeworkx> what does xfce offer over mate? :-P
<frankdrey> Scrollable workspaces is one
<frankdrey> Scroll through workspaces with wheel
<frankdrey> Lighter
<frankdrey> Less bugs
<frankdrey> Official arch support, no extra repos
<codeworkx> slow development ;-)
<frankdrey> It's complete
<codeworkx> it's old
<frankdrey> What is there to add?
<frankdrey> X11 is old and is slowly developed
<frankdrey> But it's great
<codeworkx> xfce needs some gui love
<codeworkx> looks like win 98
<codeworkx> even if it's themed
<GuineaPiet> aaaaaaaaand FIGHT! Will use whoever wins this discussion's desktop :P
* frankdrey isn't one for eye candy
<frankdrey> But win98 is an exaggeration
<frankdrey> I'd say XP with custom theme
<codeworkx> mate is based on gnome2 which was the most awesome DE
<codeworkx> the most used
<codeworkx> the most stable
<codeworkx> it has future
<frankdrey> Linus uses xfce
<frankdrey> :-P
<codeworkx> cody is using mate
<frankdrey> Your argument I'd invalid
* codeworkx wins
<frankdrey> Is
<codeworkx> who the fuck is linus?
<GuineaPiet> xD
* frankdrey is using xfce on a 2005 pc
<GuineaPiet> linus travolde or something like that i assume
<GuineaPiet> cant spell his name
<frankdrey> Torvalds :-P
* GuineaPiet is close enough
<frankdrey> Fudge 5 minutes until class and I'm not done with hw
<frankdrey> Yay done
<frankdrey> Stupid mistake
<frankdrey> Took me 5 sec once I figured out
<frankdrey> codeworkx: xfce would probably run on my g1
<frankdrey> codeworkx: please tell me you hate gnome3 at least
<frankdrey> YOU BETTER
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<GuineaPiet> guess its off to install mate then
<GuineaPiet> its a shame. I really liked Cinnamon but I cannot live with this bug T_T
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<GuineaPiet> codeworkx: If I have finished installing MATE and booted into the desktop, should i be able to run pacman -Rdd gnome to remove all gnome packages and their dependants?
<GuineaPiet> I'll just do it and see what happens...
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<codeworkx> pacman -Rs gnome gnome-extras
<codeworkx> dont use Rdd
<codeworkx> its force remove. might break the system because of depencies
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<GuineaPiet> heh that explains so much :>
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<Thracky> I think I'm gonna nuke my mint install and replace it with arch for my desktop linux heh
<Thracky> my little server is running arch already but it's just a headless box
<DuKeTHeReaL> GuineaPiet
<DuKeTHeReaL> Which OS did you use before and what do you like to do with that pc?
<GuineaPiet> I used windows and used it for just about everything you can think of. Games, 3D modeling, coding etc. I know windows is probably more suited for me but I want to see how for I can get with only using Linux
<DuKeTHeReaL> Hm I guess Ubuntu would be the best then
<DuKeTHeReaL> It looks like Apple, but it's easy to use
<DuKeTHeReaL> you can play games that are ported via steam
<GuineaPiet> I'll stick with Arch for now. I have just installed so many packages already trying to get a nice Desktop
<DuKeTHeReaL> omg
<DuKeTHeReaL> Arch
<GuineaPiet> I think my system is so bloated by now
<Thracky> I'm actually sick of windows, I only really want/need to use it for gaming
<GuineaPiet> +
<DuKeTHeReaL> Hope you're not some "I like to reinstall everything every day"-Guy like me
<DuKeTHeReaL> Ahh I liked Stock-Rom - let's reinstall it
<GuineaPiet> lol I have to reinstall coz I break it ><
<DuKeTHeReaL> Ah no - I'm idealistic today - let's install cyanogenmod but without g-apps
<Thracky> I'm finding Mint isn't 100% doing what I want, like permissions on automounted USB drives for example heh, and I'd rather just do something more custom like Arch instead of fiddling with mint.
<DuKeTHeReaL> Or - Oh let's try this driver update before recognizing, that it kills the system
<DuKeTHeReaL> hmmm
<DuKeTHeReaL> I'm not using mint
<GuineaPiet> I have fucked up my system 3 times in the last 2 days requiring me to do full reinstalls of arch
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<Thracky> mint is nice, if you want an "easy" desktop linux I prefer it to Ubuntu by far
<DuKeTHeReaL> but I guess you can configure your usb-mount-problem easily
<Thracky> oh I'm sure
<GuineaPiet> I liked Mint with Cinnamon. It gave me no problems
<Thracky> but I'm already well versed with Arch anyways so I might as well use it for my desktop distro as well
<DuKeTHeReaL> Are you building your system from SRC? :P
<GuineaPiet> despite its setup being a pain in the ass to set up, Arch is pretty straightforward
<Thracky> GuineaPiet: but you learn so much more being able to do an arch setup :P
<GuineaPiet> being able to follow a guide to do an arch setup* :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> and it's saving resources if you're doing it right :p
<Thracky> DuKeTHeReaL: heh no I'll be using packages for whatever's available
<Thracky> if I have to I'll grab shit from AUR
<DuKeTHeReaL> than you're not a real archy :p
<DuKeTHeReaL> for me :p
<Thracky> well, arch has pacman for a reason :P
<Thracky> doesn't make you a less legitimate user for using it
<DuKeTHeReaL> Arch is the perfect VM-Enviroment xD
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<DuKeTHeReaL> afk shower :p
<DuKeTHeReaL> And I'll stay with ubuntu
<DuKeTHeReaL> I like apt-get :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> and I like unity (now come and kill me :P)
<GuineaPiet> Is there some way to remove all unused packages from your system?
<Thracky> how would it know they're unused? :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> like xserver :p
<GuineaPiet> lol xserver only puts ugly icons in my app drawe
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> i'm thinking about getting a tablet
<diegoviola> i like the nexus 10
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<diegoviola> which one do you guys recommend?
<diegoviola> do the samsung tablets suck?
<diegoviola> i want to run cm 10.1
<diegoviola> i'm not sure if getting samsung again after the nexus 4 fiasco
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<diegoviola> err
<diegoviola> exynos 4 fiasco*
<diegoviola> sorry
<diegoviola> please recommend
<diegoviola> ;)
<diegoviola> i love the nexus 4
<diegoviola> i hate exynos 4
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<GuineaPiet_> Lies I am here :O
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<GuineaPiet> damn now I still have GNOME as an option for my desktop ---
<GuineaPiet> -_-
<GuineaPiet> and I cannot remove it via -Rs because it is required by libgweather... whatever that is
<codeworkx> remove that too
<GuineaPiet> libgweather is required by evolution-data-server
<DuKeTHeReaL> evolution sucks too :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> use thunderbird :P
<GuineaPiet> I get the strange feeling im going to fuck up my installation soon
<DuKeTHeReaL> with enigmail and openpgp
<DuKeTHeReaL> but wait
<DuKeTHeReaL> mint uses evolution too??
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<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: just add all that packages to your remove command
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<deepak> Hi
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<nebkat> deepak: hello welcome to teamhacksung support
<a3Dman> :)
<nebkat> I was going to make a joke about technical support, but based on the ip user could be offended
<nebkat> but damn im psychic, I could tell the location of the ip before it checked
<nebkat> how awesome am I?
<nebkat> then again it is a 1/6 chance
<nebkat> a3Dman: r u impress r wat
<a3Dman> nebkat: no wai
<nebkat> a3Dman: "no wai"
<nebkat> as in
<nebkat> "no wai im impressed"
<nebkat> or
<nebkat> "no wai dat is so awesome dud"
<a3Dman> as "we got a badass over here"
a3Dman was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [I prepared this kick in advance, so I could kick you as soon as this happened]
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<nebkat> I was expecting the 1st option, but my written text should never be put to waste
<a3Dman> fail
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<GuineaPiet> holy shit was it hard to get a DM working :O
<GuineaPiet> using lightdm now eventho it looks like total shit
<a3Dman> great
<codeworkx> GuineaPiet: theme it ;-)
<GuineaPiet> lol im done playing around for one night, my heart can only stop so many times
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<GuineaPiet> I wouldnt even mind if it was a picture of a turd logging me in, as long as it works
<GuineaPiet> anyways. thanks codeworkx for the help even tho its with something totally unrelated to CM
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Guess you guys will hang me - I like lightdm xD
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<cassoilo> !supported samsung
<clibot> cassoilo: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<cassoilo> hi all
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<cassoilo> using "!supported samsung" doesn't list my device (i9305), does this mean I shouldn't has here ?
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<d_ed_> !device
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<d_ed_> I did something stupid and I've super bricked a phone (only shows a black screen), is there anything I can do at this point?
<Jiangyi> d_ed_: Get a new phone. :-P
<d_ed_> thanks
<d_ed_> (sort of )
<nebkat> d_ed_: send me some money?
<nebkat> best thing to do no matter what the situation
<d_ed_> :)
<Jiangyi> Bah
<nebkat> Jiangyi: u too
<Jiangyi> Freaking Chinese users want me to add Chinese phone location to CM T_T
<nebkat> Jiangyi: sup?
<Jiangyi> Stupid Chinese devs, did the feature addition tutorial with backsmali
<Jiangyi> Do they not realize that CM's opensource?! >_>
<nebkat> use banhammer 9000
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Banging my head against homework and Samsung users
<Jiangyi> you?
<nebkat> in bed
<nebkat> gonna sleep in a sec
<Jiangyi> k
<Jiangyi> gnite
<nebkat> just wanted to check how mah favorite boy was doin
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<nebkat> gud luck, chadana, and good night Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> lol funny
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: My friend's about to go buy a slightly broken S3 for $100 xD
<Jiangyi> Repairing it will only cost $10
<jomp16> Good
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<Jiangyi> It's a North American Qualcomm one too
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: nice xD
<frankdrey> cool, he should give it to me
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<frankdrey> anyway
<frankdrey> i'm gonna go be active
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