Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<jomp16> Hmmm, some one here reccomend some good movies to me watch?
<jomp16> recommend *
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<jomp16> Current downloading Dark Shadows
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<Spirits-Signt> I posting this quesiton in here as I believe its this team that had done work on the Galaxy Tab (P1): By any chance does anyone know why on the p1 Tab (Galaxy Tab) it is being displayed like a phone instead of in Tablet view? also is there a way to change this?
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<Spirits-Signt> !supported samsung
<bbqbot> Spirits-Signt: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibran
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, want the phone UI on your tablet?
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: right now its the phone ui I would like to see the tablet ui instead
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: I am running the lasted nighty
<jomp16> Hmmm, CyanogenMod by default doesn't have support for changing the UI (I dunno if changing the DPI on build.prop will work), you can flash ParanoidAndroid or PAC-ROM (if they support your device) and change it on preferencies or clone the sauce and modify the framework handling to show the tablet UI
<Jiangyi> Spirits-Signt: Google decided to drop the tablet UI in 4.2, that's why :-/
<jomp16> Jiangyi, PA
<Jiangyi> jomp16: I know, but CM's not PA is it?
<Jiangyi> Just telling him what happened.
<jomp16> If he really want to use the tablet UI, he need to flash PA
<jomp16> Jiangyi, why Google dropped the tab UI?
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Beats me heh.
<jomp16> the Nexus 7/10 uses the phablet UI?
<Spirits-Signt> Jiangyi:, jomp16: Thank you both! I would take the phablet ui, the Tab can be used as a phone so that would work :-)
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Yep
<jomp16> New Galaxy Tab 3, I don't like the hardware button
<jomp16> I like the virtual button
<Spirits-Signt> Jiangyi: is there a way to change to that ui without it being a lot of work? keeping my hardware buttons
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: same question,
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, change to tablet UI or phablet UI?
<Spirits-Signt> phablet UI
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: I am sure its better than the phone UI, first how do I know for sure which UI it is right now?
<jomp16> Hmmm, I dunno, I think the Android handles the UI automatically by the DPI on build.prop (correct me)
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, when you push the notification bar, you can get the notification bar on all screen or part?
<Spirits-Signt> part
<jomp16> Probably you are on phablet UI
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: that link you gave says: The owner of this website ( does not allow hotlinking to that resource (/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Screenshot_2012-08-19-13-14-25.png). (Ref. 1011)
<jomp16> Strange, here opens fine
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, let's see this image:
<jomp16> If you tablet look something like this, is phablet
<jomp16> push on the left part, open the notification, the right part open the quick settings
<Spirits-Signt> I have a phablet LOL, I didn't know this now I do, thanks you greatly for your assistance!
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<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, the phone UI open the notification bat on all screen, you need to tap the right top middle to open the quick settings
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: correct! I figured that out, I don't use this device a lot anymore because I do use a iPad however I still like to look back and see what has changed and test out stuff on the device as I may go back to it or a new device in future
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, personal question: you use iPhone or some Android smartphone daily?
<Spirits-Signt> daily I use iPhone as my Android was having some issues (hardware) and sister gave me her iPhone 4 so I use this. This coming Sept / Oct will decide if go back to Android or next iPhone 5?
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<Spirits-Signt> ? = unknow 5s or other name
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<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: ^
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<jomp16> Hope you buy a new Android phone (preferable a Nexus or some know Sony device, or probably the Galaxy S4 Nexus edition)
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: on this tablet it puts with the cyanogenMod circle not displayed right is there a way to fix that?
<jomp16> incorrect bootanimation location?
<jomp16> on the Galaxy Tab 2 7' (p3xxx) it's a known issue, not sure about your device
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: it has it show strange but it shows then it somehow fix its self after is ran for few secs (15-20)
<jomp16> At the end of the boot, the bootanimation is shown properly (the same with my device)
<Jiangyi> Spirits-Signt: It's a Samsung thing xP
<jomp16> I use a custom kernel who has it fixed
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<Spirits-Signt> Jiangyi: Yes it is a Samsung Galaxy Tab (P100) the first screen is fine, then it goes to the animamated screen that shows up wrong for about 25 sec then it reloads and shows it right
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, known issue, probably for all Sammy devices (not sure)
<Jiangyi> Just the 7in tablets.
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: oh okay so something we live with :-) sounds good
<jomp16> Jiangyi, so, bad code from Sammy on kernel?
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Pretty much
<Spirits-Signt> Jiangyi: what I find interesting is that it does it for about 25sec then it shows it right which looks really nice
<jomp16> Jiangyi, the bootanin is the rotation=240 on build.prop, if remove that properties, the touch will be messed
<jomp16> ^wrong touch
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Yeah, the build.prop hack is needed to make the system work properly
<Jiangyi> However, build.prop stuff isn't set until halfway through the bootanim
<Jiangyi> Which is why it looks weird and then corrects itself.
<jomp16> The Ketut's kernel has this fixed, and works fine with and without that property
<Jiangyi> Samsung uses the same build.prop hack, except they also use a boot animation that's pre-rotated
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: now on my Captivate which is the Android phone I have it flicks two times with the same screen both times but I most say its running better with CM10.1 than it did with stock
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Get someone to submit the fix to CM then :-P
<jomp16> Jiangyi, workaround is copy the other res bootanimation?
<jomp16> ex: 50x100 to 100x50
<Jiangyi> jomp16: That's pretty much what Samsung did afaik, just rotated the boot animation
<Jiangyi> Dunno how well it'll work out on AOSP
<jomp16> While us still waiting for a properly fix on stock kernel, we can tell the build script to copy the rotated bootanin
<Spirits-Signt> is that how the ketut's kernel fix it?
<jomp16> and will look fixed
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, the ketut kernel fix it by changing something on kernel's code
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: is there a way to have that fix submitted to the CM kernel for this device?
<jomp16> Hmmm, I dunno, probably telling Ketut to submit his fix to the gerrit
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<jomp16> the Ketut kernel only fix that bug on P31XX series
<jomp16> (Or the espresso kernel is for p1000 too?)
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<jomp16> Jiangyi, we can tell Ketut to submit his fix (without the OC and whatever) for the Gerrit
<jomp16> Sammy love to workaround and not proberly fix it =P
<jomp16> proberly = properly
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<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: Jiangyi I would be grateful if that was to happen. I don't know much about dev etc ettc all I know is CM is great and can't wait to see future devlopment. in the future I will be getting a Android device even if it is not for ful time use. I want to keep seeing the great things and wait for accessibilty to improve me
<Spirits-Signt> me = more
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, Cody said the bootanin is a low priority problem to he fix it
<Spirits-Signt> jomp16: okay, either way Praise to all the devs that work on this, for the first Tab it is still a great device because of CM
<jomp16> Don't except much from Cody about this (and all Sammy devices, maybe only Nexus and Sony he will fix it fast enough)
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<pari> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> pari: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<pari> !download hercules
<bbqbot> pari: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II (TMO): [9f20cc]
<Spirits-Signt> My next device will be a Nexus of sort or S4 Google editon when I get a new Android device
<Spirits-Signt> Anyhow thank you for your assistance and have a good evening, its nearing my bed time as I got get up early
<Jiangyi> Spirits-Signt: Sony devices and the HTC One are good bets too.
<jomp16> Spirits-Signt, good night and see ya other time ;)
<Jiangyi> And good night!
<pari> hello, i am using the hercules. it is on 10.1 with the most recent nightly. i do not really like the idea of having the 3 partitions, can i go back to just the two?
<jomp16> three partitions?
<jomp16> of what?
<pari> when i go into astro it says my files, my files 2, my files 3
<pari> im not able to format usb storage due to this i believe
<jomp16> Hmmm, what the path?
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<jomp16> You have more than one user on your device (multiuser thing)
<pari> yeah but i dont really care to have it.
<pari> i thought i shut it off but i guess it didnt
<jomp16> 3 file path because of the multi user
<pari> in personal it says profiles are off.
<jomp16> I dunno if removing the users to one will delete the directory
<pari> how can i get rid of all that?
<jomp16> And I dunno if is possible to disable the multi user
<pari> well, how can i shut it off during a flash so it doesn't even happen?
<pari> ah, i c
<jomp16> Jiangyi, help he, I will watch a movie
<pari> @jiangyi, you have a minute manny?
<Yattabot> pari: Command does not exist!
<pari> right on
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<Raoul_> Hello
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<Raoul_> I am flashing a kernel to my captivate, and I put the PDA .tar file in, and I click start, then it says Get PIT for Mapping… There is no PIT partition. FAIL!
<Raoul_> Any ideas? I tried downloading the pit file online, and adding it in, but still gives same error.
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<Raoul_> I am on 2.1
<Raoul_> windows
<Raoul_> does it take time on initializing?
<Raoul_> been stuck there for a while
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<Raoul_> been on initializing for a while...?
<pari> usually you want to do a wipe of dalvik n all that before you reboot in recovery
<Raoul_> it is still in odin
<Raoul_> i clicked start
<Raoul_> nothing is happening. just says Initializing...
<Raoul_> What should I do? Wait or quit and try again?
<pari> what carrier and what rom are you installing?
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<Raoul_> ROM is cyanogenmod probably
<Raoul_> AT&T
<Raoul_> I am on 2.1 froyo
<Raoul_> just exited it, and it said FAILED! Get pit for mapping,
<Raoul_> ?
<pari> that is a zip you can install in recovery
<Raoul_> I can't apply zips from recovery
<Raoul_> I did not flash kernel
<Raoul_> I am trying to now...
<Raoul_> What do I do?
<Raoul_> ?
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<pari> so how do i get rid of this profile, and get a gig of my internal memory back?
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<w00tc0d3> !geo w00tc0d3
<bbqbot> w00tc0d3: Usage !geo user/host <user/host>
<w00tc0d3> !geo user w00tc0d3
<bbqbot> w00tc0d3: Error resolving ip for host unaffiliated/w00tc0d3
<w00tc0d3> !geo user w00tc0d3
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<paulenas> i9300 cm10.1 0519-0522 nightly (latest) data connection not working, is there any workaround?
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<alin_> hello
<alin_> i'm a old user of cyanogen, but in the winter holidays i had to switch to stock because the rom wasn't working really well, and now i want to switch back
<alin_> but i have a few q first
<alin_> anyone with some klowledge willing to respond?
<RoBz> you should just ask the questions, then anyone that can answer, will
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<cl47> is there a possibility to make samsung cam work on cm10? i9300? thx
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<mmmmmm> need arabic roms for Galaxy Discover SGH-S730M
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<XxXuserXxX> hey
<XxXuserXxX> anyone here?
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<XxXuserXxX> HEY
<XxXuserXxX> is anyone hereE?!?
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<Doops> hi
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<DuperMan> re-hi
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<utf8> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> utf8: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<utf8> !changelog i9100
<bbqbot> utf8: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<utf8> what's about utf8 module nsl_utf8.ko for CM-10.1, can't find it!
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<RossWell98> HI o/
<RossWell98> it's possible to return to the old version of BBQ ? :)
<RossWell98> this version is so ... bad and not ergonomic
<xplodwild> RossWell98: your nickname is bad and not ergonomic either :(
<RossWell98> ô.o
<RossWell98> no seriously
<xplodwild> what do you find not ergonomic?
<RossWell98> "Oh I click to "Translations" Oh I need to re-select AGAIN! my device
<RossWell98> "
<xplodwild> that's rather a bug
<RossWell98> Or
<xplodwild> and it works here, it doesn't wipe my device away when I press Translations
<RossWell98> "Oh I want to see the code, Oh I lose 1s to click to "github""
<xplodwild> RossWell98: then you would complain there is too much things on the screen
<RossWell98> The old version is online ? ...
<xplodwild> nope
<RossWell98> Yes too
<RossWell98> fu
<RossWell98> call it the "evolution" ? :(
<xplodwild> RossWell98: we refined the design over weeks to have the best balance between features and look
<xplodwild> first concept was a bunch of google now cards in a similar fashion to what G+ does now
<xplodwild> then we went to something more conventional, and reduced size to fit it in a design that looks like a list
<RossWell98> :/
<xplodwild> we hidden gerrit/github buttons because most people don't care about code
<xplodwild> and it's not like you're looking at ALL patches codes :)
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<RossWell98> before, I had a tab, I click, I see 1-2 seconds, now... I need to take 10 sec to see the changelog
<xplodwild> why 10s?
<xplodwild> just bookmark the new url
<RossWell98> most of the time, I see the code ...
<RossWell98> Nope I have a tab
<RossWell98> but ...
<xplodwild> I open that, I see all changes for next find5 nightly
<xplodwild> I don't need to click anywhere or do anything
<RossWell98> Yes
<RossWell98> But ...
<RossWell98> Before, no fuckin script launched
<RossWell98> now ...
<RossWell98> "Olala useless animation ..."
<xplodwild> no script launched?
<xplodwild> animation lasts 50ms
<xplodwild> as for the scripts, old version had much more things running than this current one
<xplodwild> much heavier things also
<xplodwild> we do much more things on the server now
<RossWell98> Why you not make a SIMPLE thing ...
<xplodwild> what would you make simpler?
<RossWell98> Keep it simple ...
<RossWell98> Not make a new version ?
<xplodwild> right now, you open the page, you see the changes
<xplodwild> what could be simpler?
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<RossWell98> The animation to see other nightlies ...
<RossWell98> so useless
<xplodwild> doesn't make it any harder to browse
<RossWell98> He makes the browse hard...
<xplodwild> why? put your mouse at the top of the screen and click
<xplodwild> regardless of the animation, you can click anywhere on the block, either on the graph or the title
<RossWell98> Yes ... but he eats my RAM ...
<xplodwild> you're using Windows 95 with 16MB RAM?
<xplodwild> even my overloaded macbook that lags like hell renders it fine and smooth
<RossWell98> ...
<RossWell98> BBQ was cool before ...
<xplodwild> we mostly had positive feedback from thousands of users
<RossWell98> And I not want to recode a new "BBQ"
<xplodwild> they love the new website, as well as the app
<RossWell98> And negative?
<xplodwild> lemme check the feedback form
<xplodwild> 3 negative feedbacks
<xplodwild> (and none on the android app)
<RossWell98> But yes they like
<xplodwild> (or one because it doesn't have a dark theme)
<RossWell98> but In a program
<RossWell98> The appearance...
<RossWell98> OSEF
<xplodwild> s'toi l'osef d'abord :P
<RossWell98> It's a good interface for Android or other devices in ANdroid
<RossWell98> Nan mais
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<RossWell98> C'est quoi cette idée de porter des interfaces de telephone sur un PC
<RossWell98> Ça me fait juste penser a microdaube et ça me fout les glandes :(
<xplodwild> demande à Google, ils le font un peu partout
<xplodwild> genre Google+, c'est exactement ça
<RossWell98> Ouais Bah eux ...
<RossWell98> Je sais et j'ai arrêté G+ pour ça
<xplodwild> après voilà, on veut d'un coté faire évoluer le web, et pas rester à une "bête" interface, aussi ergonomique fut-elle être
<xplodwild> donc on a fait au mieux pour rester ergonomique et proposer un design sympa
<RossWell98> On le sait tous Le Web du futur ça pu :)
<RossWell98> Fin je sais que c'est suremnt qu'un petit détaille qui me fait penser de telles absurdités
<xplodwild> on peut pas plaire à tout le monde, et d'un autre côté on peut pas non plus se refuser à des améliorations que 99% des gens apprécient, pour une ou deux personnes qui ne la trouvent pas à leur gtout ^^
<xplodwild> goût*
<RossWell98> Ouais mais au moins laisser un vieux BBQ
<RossWell98> Et je sais que ça coute rien :)
<xplodwild> après voilà, on est absolument pas fermés à améliorer des choses, mais faut que ça soit dans un esprit d'avancer, pas de reculer
<xplodwild> et si, ça coûte que la vieille API n'est plus utilisée
<xplodwild> on récupère les changements et les device différement (via les dépots git directement, et non plus via l'api github + devices dans un xml manuel)
<RossWell98> ah bon ?
<xplodwild> et il faudrait recoder tout le backend de l'ancien bbqlog
<RossWell98> hinhin
<xplodwild> puisqu'il dépendait de ce fichier xml + une façon différente de transférer les commits
<RossWell98> De toute façon c'est très a la mode en ce moment cet objectif de ne jamais arriver a la version finale de quelque chose ...
<xplodwild> bah... si on suit cette logique rien n'évoluerait jamais :)
<spY|da> damnit is my french rusty :D
<xplodwild> certains trouvaient android 2.2 plus ergonomique qu'android 4.0
<RossWell98> euh...
<xplodwild> ils disaient aussi que les animations servaient à rien, que le ring pour décrocher c'était nul, ...
<RossWell98> Je vois ça différement pour une interface comme ça
<RossWell98> Là c'est une interface intégrée
<RossWell98> pas web
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<xplodwild> RossWell98: le seul truc effectivement améliorable serait de placer plus astucieusement les boutons gerrit/github
<RossWell98> ouais
<RossWell98> j'imagine que tu l'utilise en dark toi ?
<xplodwild> le reste ne diffère pas vraiment d'une interface "Web", au sens où techniquement tout est un lien peu différent du précédent bbqlog au final
<xplodwild> euh non je préfère light
<RossWell98> ahah :)
<RossWell98> Moi ça me fait un flash
<RossWell98> elles sont faites en quoi vos animations ?
<RossWell98> parce que ça pourrait peut être possible de faire un truc genre "GTFO les animations" ^^
<RossWell98> une case a cocher ou autre
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<peterperfect> RossWell98: hey i have a question to you
<RossWell98> yes?
<peterperfect> RossWell98: we made a new version of changelog that is intended for thousands of people to you really expect we gonna roll it back only because you don't like it? Serious question, no trolling
<peterperfect> Seems like a waste of time to me
<RossWell98> NOOO
<RossWell98> XD
<peterperfect> well, better than. :)
<RossWell98> Have you saw my FIRST question?
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<peterperfect> RossWell98: nop, just parts of it
<RossWell98> Oh sorry
<RossWell98> I thinks, you've not understood my question ...
<RossWell98> I want to say
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<reufjaha> hi
<RossWell98> "It's possible to have an access to the old version ?"
<reufjaha> i'm new here so i have one question
<reufjaha> i got samsung galaxy s2 with android 2.2.3
<reufjaha> what you suggest me ?
<RossWell98> OMG
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<RossWell98> WTF IS THIS PAGE ?!
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<peterperfect> RossWell98: its BBQ
<peterperfect> :)
<RossWell98> Yep
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<Ritzo90> Hi There
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<frankdrey> HAI
<Ritzo90> I was wondering if there was anyone working on adding V4L2 support on the CM10.1 kernel for the s3 i9305?
<Ritzo90> Any Devs available for a quick chat?
<Ritzo90> I might pop back later, I have some work to do. Thank you
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