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<abhishek> '!device'
<abhishek> "! device "
<abhishek> "!device"
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<tabbipudding> guten morgen
<tabbipudding> ich hab ein galaxy s3
<tabbipudding> hab gestern mit odin 3.07 cmw 5.5 geflasht
<tabbipudding> danacht die zip von cm 10.1 installiert
<tabbipudding> und jetz bootet das handy nicht mehr
<tabbipudding> irgendwelche vorschläge wie ich vorgehen könnte
<codeworkx> tabbipudding: cwm 5.5?
<tabbipudding> datei heist:
<tabbipudding> cf-sgs3-v5.5-v1.5
<codeworkx> chainfire
<codeworkx> keine offizielle cwm
<tabbipudding> des hab ich schon probiert
<codeworkx> kannst mit heimdall flashen
<tabbipudding> aber ich hatte null ahnung wie ich diese img datei flashe
<tabbipudding> ah ok danke
<tabbipudding> :)
<codeworkx> warte
<codeworkx> tabbipudding: kannst mit odin flashen
<tabbipudding> cool danke
<codeworkx> tabbipudding: recovery flashen, CM zip flashen, gapps flashen, factory reset machen, geniesen
<tabbipudding> cant mount sd card
<tabbipudding> ah externe
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<tabbipudding> also recovery funktioniert, dann hab ich vm und gapps geflasht und factory reset und wipe cach
<codeworkx> factory reset wiped den cache sowieso
<tabbipudding> nachm neustart bleibt das handy wieder am startbildschirm (samsung galaxy s3 gt-i9300) hängen
<codeworkx> wo hast die cm zip her? welche gapps?
<tabbipudding> dxa-devellopers
<tabbipudding> die cm is von da original seite
<tabbipudding> ja die 20130504 hab ich
<tabbipudding> vermutung: ich hatte mein handy davor verschlüsselt hab aber bevor ich mit dem flashen gestern nach überhaupt begonnen hab es zuerst auf werkseinstellungen gesetzt
<tabbipudding> kann das probleme machen
<tabbipudding> also die verschlüsselung
<codeworkx> jo
<codeworkx> aber factory reset sollte es beheben
<codeworkx> formatier mal data
<tabbipudding> wie
<codeworkx> cwm
<codeworkx> format
<codeworkx> data
<tabbipudding> ok
<codeworkx> glaub in mounts and storage is es
<tabbipudding> jop
<tabbipudding> hat sich nichts geändert
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<tabbipudding> also zwischenbericht xD
<tabbipudding> mit 9.1.0 gehts
<tabbipudding> also android 4.0.4
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<tabbipudding> warum dann nicht mit dem neusten nightly
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<tabbipudding> hat noch jemand eine ahnung was ich probieren könnte??
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<codeworkx> tabbipudding: wast du mal auf ner stock 4.1 ?
<tabbipudding> ja
<codeworkx> welche gapps hast du geflasht?
<tabbipudding> die die du mir geschickt hast
<codeworkx> das echt strange
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<codeworkx> tabbipudding: formatier mal system, data, cache per menu einzeln
<tabbipudding> ich hab jetz no bei google irgendwas von ner boot.img gelesen
<codeworkx> tabbipudding: dann cm10 zip
<tabbipudding> ok
<codeworkx> tabbipudding: dann gapps
<codeworkx> tabbipudding: dann booten
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<codeworkx> tabbipudding: is es auch wirklich ein i9300?
<codeworkx> oder ein i9305?
<tabbipudding> ka ^^
<tabbipudding> gt-i9300
<tabbipudding> *kla
<tabbipudding> ^^
<codeworkx> ok
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<tabbipudding> nope
<tabbipudding> keine veränderung
<tabbipudding> wie kann ich den boot.img für den bootloader bei odin in tar packen
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<hackrid> hello, i'm on the latest cm10.1 nightly and cant find a working kernel module xpad.ko for my sgs2
<hackrid> it's missing in system/lib/modules, other devices contain this file. why isn't it there in the sgs2 nightly ?
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<Andrev01> Hi there, I've got question - is it possible to have SamsungApps.apk and other Samsung stuff installed after flashing CM 10.1 on SGT P3100 ? :)
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<Andrev01> No chance? So what do I lose with SamsungApps?
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<a3Dman> probably nothing
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<a3Dman> there's always google's play store
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<MaXim_> oh
<MaXim_> noticed that the camera app in 10.1 improved lately
<MaXim_> hdr and storage device selection
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: Fissurez
<cdesai> a3Dman: thanks
<a3Dman> you're welcome...
<a3Dman> nebkat: that was weird
<nebkat> a3Dman: thanks ;)
<a3Dman> :P
<nebkat> but you answered incorrectly
<nebkat> :P
<a3Dman> was it a matter of right and wrong, or opinion?
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<nebkat> a3Dman: opinion
<nebkat> but when I am involved you arent allowed to have an opinion
<a3Dman> diaf
<nebkat> so therefore it is a matter of right and wrong
<nebkat> a3Dman: when you are reading the changelog do you care about who the commit authors are or not?
<a3Dman> yeah, specially if it's a nice feature
<nebkat> a3Dman: why
<a3Dman> curiosity?
<a3Dman> not that important though, I tend to click to see more details about the commit anyway...
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<nebkat> a3Dman: but in normal usage when you are skimming through to see what is new
<nebkat> (you rarely get bigger features)
<a3Dman> I click on the commits anyway, so yeah wont be that useful
<cdesai> !op
<bbqbot> cdesai: You do not have permission to run "op"
<cdesai> @op
<cdesai> nebkat: fixit
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<nebkat> !kickban cdesai #teamhacksung-support I told you already that you have lost perms because you are idiotte
cdesai was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [I told you already that you have lost perms because you are idiotte]
<nebkat> !unban cdesai
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<Frd^_> =D
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: ?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: cleaning up the list a bit
<nebkat> you still have ops on bot iirc
<Jiangyi> OK.
<Jiangyi> !help
<bbqbot> Jiangyi: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !translate, !tts}, {!math}, {!money}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<nebkat> join #blamesamsung will be there in a sec
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<nebkat> !admin add Jiangyi!~quassel@zeus.shocksystems.net
<bbqbot> nebkat: Gave admin privileges to 'Jiangyi!~quassel@zeus.shocksystems.net'
<Jiangyi> OK, back to CM on 9100G
<Jiangyi> Everything seems so oversized all of a sudden O_O
<a3Dman> congrats, your phone has grown up
<Jiangyi> LOL
<Jiangyi> Also, AMOLED's burning my eyes off again :-P
* Jiangyi is gonna go figure out colour calibration on this thing
<Jiangyi> But yeah, it's practically just as smooth as my N4 atm.
<a3Dman> did your status bar burn in the screen yet?
<Jiangyi> don't think so...
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<nebkat> hey snowman77_away
<snowman77_away> hi
<snowman77_away> nebkat: gtalk ?
<nebkat> sure
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<GoogleAndroid> hi. so im about to flash cm10 on my vz note 2. do I have to format the sd card to fat32?
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<Rockj> Hm, anyone able to pinpoint me again on how to fetch stock room? :-)
<Rockj> for samsung S2
<Jiangyi> sammobile.com
<Rockj> Hm, I tried clicking download but it does nothing.
<Rockj> site broken?
<Rockj> Tried downloading GT-I9100 Galaxy S II - Norway (Telenor)
<Rockj> oh
<Rockj> logged in
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Did you lose the @ in front of your nickname?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Yes :-/
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Abusing power?
<Rockj> Jiangyi: quick question, this can be flashed with download mode and odin? :-)
<Jiangyi> Nope
<Jiangyi> nebkat decided to do a cleanup
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<nebkat> Thiagovfar: its called op
<Thiagovfar> nebkat: I was not sure of that.
<nebkat> but yeah I was just cleaning up
<nebkat> because he never uses it...
<Thiagovfar> ... and nobody knows what he's capable of, once he becomes sentient of the powers he had?
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<nebkat> Thiagovfar: exactly
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<Jiangyi> Rockj: Yes
<Thiagovfar> why is MTP faster than adb pull?
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<nebkat> Thiagovfar: adb is terrible
<nebkat> but it works all the time
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<Thiagovfar> fair enough
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