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<Thiagovfar> Why are SSDs so freaking expensive?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: there?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Yeah
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Sorry, haven't gotten to the patch yet
<Jiangyi> Been writing my essay the entire day :-S
<Thiagovfar> =)
<Thiagovfar> No problem
<Thiagovfar> It is now on gerrit
<Thiagovfar> Dumb me was trying to build without proprietary blobs
<Thiagovfar> Kept asking myself "Why the hell is logcat complaining about surface flinger?"
<Jiangyi> lol
<Thiagovfar> "Okay, I'm going to #teamhacksung-support and ask for SOMEONE ELSE to test it"
<Thiagovfar> True story
<Thiagovfar> As of now, I'm off to sleep. Bye.
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<sigtrm> thanks kahtahs, at least I know
<sigtrm> is there a specific reason why bluetooth 4.0 is not supported?
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<codeworkx> sigtrm: aosp doesn't support it. but 4.3 might do
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<sigtrm> sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is 4.3?
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<kahtahs_> sigtrm: next android version
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<nebkat> cdesai: IDIOTTE
<a3Dman> NO WAI!
<a3Dman> nebkat: giev 4.3 plz
<nebkat> a3Dman: k
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<Space-> guys, I have a question
<Space-> will S4 have a perfectly working CM ever?
<Space-> (Exynos one)
<codeworkx> Space-: if someone will work on it maybe
<codeworkx> Space-: nobody of us is working on it
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<a3Dman> exynos is meh
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<Space-> codeworkx, so it's useless to get one?z
<Space-> because all ROMs almost all ROMs are based on CM
<Space-> and I don't like Touchwiz
<codeworkx> i'd say its useless
<Space-> seriously?
<Space-> that was unexpected, lol
<codeworkx> we've already said more than a hundred times over the last months
<Space-> I want a good device because I will use it for next 2 years
<Space-> and One isn't good because of that non-removable battery and no SDcard slot
<Space-> :|
<codeworkx> you ever changed a battery?
<codeworkx> and 32gb isn't enough?
<Space-> on my current Galaxy Nexus, yeah
<codeworkx> i never changed one
<codeworkx> and the battery can be changed
<Space-> and what the fuck
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<Space-> I just realized there is 32 gig version
<a3Dman> Nexus 4 is win
<a3Dman> HTC one is good one also
<Space-> 2 years is too much with that phone lol
<a3Dman> S4 was meh
<a3Dman> didn't try Xperia Z
<kahtahs_> <@codeworkx> i never changed one <- i thought you got the extended battery
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<codeworkx> kahtahs_: ? never
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<sigtrm> thanks kahtahs_ and codeworkx, I guess I will have to wait and see for 4.3 then, hope they add bluetooth 4.0, especially the low energy feature
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<a3Dman> sigtrm: no way Google will not be adding this...
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<sigtrm> yeah I just got a fit bit and although it works with stock S3 it doesn't with CM on S3, thats why I am wanting bluetooth 4.0 low energy feature
<sigtrm> so good to know
<sigtrm> any ideas or speculations on when we might see 4.3?
<a3Dman> a rumor says 10th of June
<a3Dman> anyway, 4.3 is too close
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<sigtrm> thanks a3Dman
<kahtahs_> sigtrm: also samsung's bluetooth stack is pretty broken:
<a3Dman> you're welcome
<a3Dman> yes, all samsung implementations suck at something if not everything
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<colo-work> hi there
<colo-work> I'm looking to buy a handset to run the latest CM release on; I think I'd like to go with the Galaxy S II because the other options are too expensive for my tastes. which is the "best" model to buy to run a CM-release on? there's so many model numbers, and I'm kinda overwhelmed by the available options...
<chadouming> I9100G
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<EgotisticalElf> nexus has good support, Qualcomm gs3 has good support too.
<EgotisticalElf> Exynos == bad support :)
<colo-work> thanks; I'll be on the lookout for that model then
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