Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
<DuKeTHeReaL> !changelog i9300
<bbqbot> DuKeTHeReaL: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<stogas> hi all, what is new/changed in the experimental/test release of cm for the i9300 posted yesterday on
<stogas> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> stogas: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<skjjfufuf> hi everybody :-)
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<xintron> Morning!
<xintron> What exactly is this "mali" stuff? :)
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<jhon-do-do> what are the changes from the latest nightly ??
<jhon-do-do> i have a p-1000
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<pw> jhon-do-do:
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<jhon-do-do> tHx
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<xintron> That was interesting. Went from Paranoid Android, did a factory reset and put latest nightly on (SGS2). Now I can't install Google Chrome. Not supported by the device :S
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<DuKeTHeReaL> ja
<DuKeTHeReaL> fc
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<eike_> hello, i have a problem with my bluetooth, I have installed the CynaogenMod on my Samsung I9305 and I have a problem with the app "Torque Pro".. I have no conntection with my bluetooth adapter, on the stock rom it works
<eike_> do you have any idea how i can fix it?
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<eike_> on the samsung stock rom it works..
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<eike_> hello, i have a problem with my bluetooth, I have installed the CynaogenMod on my Samsung I9305 and I have a problem with the app "Torque Pro".. I have no conntection with my bluetooth adapter, on the stock rom itdo you have any idea how i can fix it?on the samsung stock rom it works..
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<eike_> any idea?
<eike_> help me please
<eike_> i need this app :)
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<jomp16> Cya'
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<i9305> i am very new to my galaxy s3 i9305
<i9305> i was to update android 4.2.2
<i9305> i want update
<i9305> hello
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<flexd> This might be a stupid question, but is the play store available when using CM?
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<emze> hey there
<emze> i tried looking up the Known issues for galaxy note 2. but the webpage isn't loading up
<emze> hope someone could help me
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<emze> helllo?
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<n-iCe> hello guys!
<n-iCe> is there a way to change the GT-I9300 CM 10.1 dpi?
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<nebkat> n-iCe: yes
<nebkat> are you on windows?
<n-iCe> no sir, linux
<nebkat> n-iCe: you are lucky, I was going to troll you
<nebkat> in that case
<nebkat> edit the build.prop
<nebkat> but you really shouldnt be changing dpi
<nebkat> apps arent made to support dpi changes
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<flexd> I guess I can ask again now that someone that knows stuff has answered: Does google play work on CM? Or will I need to download all apps and stuff from somewhere else?
<Baskey> flexd: Google Play works on CM
<flexd> alright then.. does it take long? I have maybe an hour now, I just need to backup my phone first (I suppose :-p)
<flexd> it = getting cm
<flexd> I have an exam tomorrow so I can't spend all night on it :-
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<Baskey> flexd: just follow the tutorial and everything's gonna be alright
<Baskey> I'd say I'll take about 10 minutes
<flexd> Hm
<flexd> I guess taking a backup will take longer
<Baskey> It'll*
<Baskey> depends
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<Baskey> @geo user flexd
<Baskey> gah, bbqbot y u no work
<flexd> Hehe, I'm going to guess that tries to geolocate me? :-p
<n-iCe> nebkat: question, I see that for thr GT-I9300 are daily nightly updates to download, but when I change changelogs no changes have been made, why
<Baskey> yeah
<flexd> probably won't work, I am in norway
<flexd> right, now I just have to find the correct url again, I've got a sgs2
<flexd> I had it open the other day hehe :-)
<Baskey> our fellow datagutt is from Norway
<flexd> Ah, right.
<flexd> That nick is familiar, not sure where I've seen it
<Baskey> if you have any more questions or you just wanna to speak in your native language you can poke him
<flexd> english is fine, I write more english than norwegian these days :-)
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<Baskey> yep
<flexd> MMC-SUPERBRICK bug sounds bad.. I guess I'll either google my kernel or just flash the other thing
<Baskey> there's an app that can check if your phone is vulnerable to that thing
<Baskey> I don't remember the name tho
<Baskey> but AFAIK CM is free of mmc superbrick
<flexd> hmm
<flexd> Should I get a stable or a nightly? I know the difference but if the nightlies aren't that far ahead/not unstable it doesn't matter to me
<flexd> as the thread linked to the nightlies and nothing else :-)
<Baskey> nightlies (CM 10.1) are fine for me
<Baskey> they're not perfect, but still better than the crap from Samsung
<n-iCe> I love cyandelta
<Baskey> n-iCe: yeah, that's a nice app
<n-iCe> error
<n-iCe> sd card marker not found
<flexd> Hm, I guess I need ClockworkMod-Recovery then, since it says if unsure, flash that, and the next line says to make sure you have it anyway :-P
<n-iCe> error processing rom manager script. please verfy that you are performing the backip restore or rom installation from rom manager
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<flexd> Baskey: 'gotbrickbug' seems to be the app
<Baskey> good to know
<flexd> so uh yeah.. maybe not
<flexd> that just tells met he eMMc chip is known to have the brick bug
<flexd> Shouldnt' matter when I'm running 4.1.2 3.0.31-1156082 maybe
<flexd> Build JZO54K
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<datagutt> flexd: Hey
<flexd> hey
<datagutt> not sure where you have seen me
<datagutt> But i am currently in 93 channels
<flexd> Might be several people with your nick :-P
<datagutt> flexd: i know of one named "datagutten"
<datagutt> hangs out on
<datagutt> but that is all pretty much
<datagutt> i register my nick everywher
<flexd> Is nff (not football) familiar? Or we have just talked in ##javascript
<datagutt> not familliar
<datagutt> ah freakforum
<flexd> shit, accidentally powercycled my windows machine
<datagutt> datagutten
<datagutt> != me
<bbqbot> datagutt: Unknown command "="
<datagutt> :P
<flexd> Dark under my tesk and I was trying to find the USB :-(
<datagutt> But i do hang out in ##javascript
<datagutt> but i don't talk that much
<datagutt> [20:06:52] <flexd> probably won't work, I am in norway
<datagutt> oh the command would work
<datagutt> if i finished coding it
<datagutt> lol
<flexd> yeah.. but my ip won't resolve to norway :-)
<datagutt> Ah
<flexd> Or actualy it might hm, digiplex.
<datagutt> @geo host
<Yattabot> datagutt: {country: "Norway",region: "undefined",city: "undefined",latitude: "62",longitude: "10",time: "20:36:57 CEST"}
<datagutt> "undefined"
<datagutt> atleast country is correct
<datagutt> Hm, i see you have some node.js stuff on your repo
<datagutt> YattaBot actually runs node
<flexd> I figured, I saw JSON :-P
<datagutt> actually, i turn the data into json
<datagutt> i think it gets returned in xml or so
<datagutt> i should output it in a more non-programmer format
<datagutt> :P
<datagutt> flexd: i recognize your avatar
<flexd> Hm... any tips for moving the CM files to my sd card?
<datagutt> i would do "adb push file /sdcard/"
<flexd> Hm
<flexd> Now the question is.. why won't it boot :-(
<datagutt> Hm so you installed CM?
<datagutt> but it wont boot?
<flexd> No.. just clockwork-recovery like it told me
<flexd> oh
<flexd> it boots, I see a yellow !
<flexd> and then a 'spoing'-sound, and nothingness.
<datagutt> Hh, seems it didn't install correctly
<flexd> well that isn't good.
<flexd> ah right, so the yellow triangle thing is a binary counter to detect unofficial software or something
<datagutt> Well, yes, if it booted into bootloader mode
<datagutt> triangle means you have custom software
<datagutt> it appear on boot
<flexd> Yeah.. but I am not getting into clockwork-recovery
<datagutt> appears*
<flexd> I mean, I can't seem to get into download-mode again
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<flexd> nevermind
<flexd> I got it into clockwork anywya
<flexd> so far so good.
<datagutt> Ah
<datagutt> good
<flexd> but I still need to get CM and gapps onto the phone :-P
<flexd> should have done that first I suppose.. damn.
<Thiagovfar> adb sideload them
<datagutt> You can still boot into stockrom
<datagutt> Well, unless you wiped /system
<flexd> I haven't, but if I just boot it nothing seemed to happen
<flexd> anyway, I haven't got adb on my windows machine
<flexd> 420MB for the sdk -_-
<Thiagovfar> mounts and storage > mount usb storage
<Thiagovfar> that should give you access
<flexd> Yeah, but it needs to boot into the stock rom first
<flexd> which does not seem to happen
<Thiagovfar> That option is available on clockworkmod
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<Thiagovfar> Did you find it?
<flexd> not yet, I've been trying to copy the gapps file from one machine to the other :-P
<flexd> right.. found it
<flexd> it is mounted, but not visible on my machine
<Thiagovfar> Which device is that?
<flexd> sgs2
<Thiagovfar> i9100?
<flexd> yea
<Thiagovfar> Is there a SD card on the slot?
<flexd> No.
<Thiagovfar> Do you have one available?
<flexd> Nope
<n-iCe> hello, I had a I9100 maybe I can help
<flexd> I am about two minutes away from having the ADK unpacked.
<flexd> windows does seem to think the phone is connected, so it might work :-)
<n-iCe> flexd: you want to move CM and Gapps to your device?
<flexd> yea
<n-iCe> if your device currently running any ROM?
<flexd> It was running the stock rom, but I forgot to copy the CM rom and such over before I installed clockwork-recovery
<flexd> clockwork works, but I haven't gotten it to boot the stock rom again
<flexd> Anyway, was it adb move file?
<n-iCe> Well, go to stock again, clockworkmod will not be deleted
<n-iCe> flexd: ./adb push /file/ /location/path
<n-iCe> or you can go directly to your stock rom, go to,
<n-iCe> and download the rom directly to your phone
<n-iCe> same with gapps ( I recommend you to use wifi for this )
<flexd> yeah but it does not boot stock :-)
<flexd> It just does nothing.
<n-iCe> oh
<n-iCe> then, adb :)
<n-iCe> you did not needed to download the 400MB+ though
<n-iCe> just the basic sdk and install adb feature/tool
<flexd> right, the phone local sd-card path is /sdcard?
<flexd> right
<n-iCe> yes sir
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<n-iCe> do, ./adb shell
<flexd> ahh cables.. almost pulled my phone off the desk :-D
<n-iCe> go to cd /sdcard/, I would recommend to create a folder "CM", inside sdcard do, mkdir CM
<n-iCe> flexd: haha
<flexd> right, both filed moved in a second.
<n-iCe> uhm, should take time
<n-iCe> since it is like 100MB+
<n-iCe> both of them
<n-iCe> did you check both files were downloaded correctly? MD5 and file size?
<flexd> Yeah.. 3195 KB/s (160090698 bytes in 48.931s)
<flexd> uh
<n-iCe> good
<flexd> Haven't checked mdf
<flexd> md5
<frankdrey-tab> I never check md5
<flexd> it checks out on the cm-file
<n-iCe> is ok
<frankdrey-tab> If it s corrupt, I re download and flash
<flexd> (first 3-4 and last 3-4)
<n-iCe> move them, go to clockworkmod and flash them
<n-iCe> remember to fist clean data and wipe cache, same wipe dalvik cache
<flexd> Not after?
<n-iCe> I do it twice
<n-iCe> before and after
<flexd> okay, so wipe cache partition and... wipe data/factory reset?
<flexd> aka. which menu options :-)
<n-iCe> yes
<n-iCe> and dalvik cache
<flexd> uh, can't mount /sdcard/
<flexd> nevermind
<flexd> :-D
<flexd> internal sdcard, much better
<n-iCe> that's internal, external_sd is the external sdcard
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<flexd> yeah, I have no external_sd, so I want the internal?
<n-iCe> of course
<flexd> that seems to let me choose files from /emmc/
<n-iCe> good
<n-iCe> you found your files?
<flexd> No
<flexd> They are not there
<n-iCe> where did you move them to
<flexd> my /sdcard/ is empty except for the files I pushed over.
<n-iCe> pwd can tell you the path
<flexd> they are in /sdcard/cm
<flexd> /
<Thiagovfar> (you forgot to mount the card)
<flexd> but I can only browse to /emmc/
<flexd> Oh
<n-iCe> correct
<flexd> hm
<flexd> error mounting /sdcard
<Thiagovfar> mount /emmc
<flexd> that is mounted
<flexd> Hm
<flexd> running mount /sdcard in the shell tells me there is no such file or directory /sdcard
<n-iCe> plug and unplug
<flexd> I will just try a reboot
<Thiagovfar> reboot into recovery
<Thiagovfar> and do: mounts and storage => mount /emmc
<n-iCe> the usb, if does not work, rm -rf /sdcard/ ( if you don't have anything important there besides the gapps and cm file), then, ./adb shell, mkdir /sdcard/Download, then move the files again to /sdcard/Download/ ( worked for me once )
<Thiagovfar> if that fails, try mount /sdcard
<Thiagovfar> one of them will work
<flexd> /emmc was mounted
<flexd> but /sdcard was not to be found in there
<Thiagovfar> where did you push the files?
<flexd> /sdcard
<Thiagovfar> push them to /emmc
<Thiagovfar> which is what you got mounted
<flexd> hum
<flexd> /sdcard is empty now
<flexd> :-P
<Thiagovfar> mount, push, flash
<n-iCe> flexd: good
<Thiagovfar> in that order
<flexd> pushin to /emmc/CM now
<flexd> alright.. still pushing the file, but I can see it in the 'apply update from zip folder now.
<Thiagovfar> don't even think about it
<flexd> what?
<Thiagovfar> flashing an incomplete file
<n-iCe> don't do that, select your file
<n-iCe> yeah
<flexd> well yeah
<flexd> I waited until it was done
<flexd> I just said I could see it
<flexd> it's doing it no.
<flexd> w.
<Thiagovfar> For extra safety, enable signature verification
<Thiagovfar> It will checksum the file
<flexd> uh yeah, too late :-D
<flexd> right, so do I need to do another data wipe/factory reset after installing?
<flexd> I did one before.
<flexd> it seems all I need to do now is reboot.
<Thiagovfar> It's wiped already. Wiping again won't hurt.
<flexd> did a factory reset, then rebooted.
<Thiagovfar> Wipe at will
<flexd> ooh
* n-iCe np: Daft Punk - Burnin' / Too Long (0:27 / 7:09)
<flexd> fancy shiny spinning cyanogenmod thing
<Thiagovfar> =)
<Thiagovfar> Did you install gapps also?
<flexd> yep
<Thiagovfar> then, have fun
<flexd> first and last time I will see this logo maybe.. it's the second time I've seen the samsung logo on that phone.. I've restarted it like three times since I bought it
<n-iCe> flexd: you will love CM
<flexd> How long is this spinning thing supposed to take anyway?
<n-iCe> 1-2minutes
<flexd> k
<n-iCe> first time only
<flexd> oh balls.. my wifi key
<flexd> it's a 40-80 characters long :-P
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<Thiagovfar> Why so long?
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<n-iCe> I'm back
<flexd> actually, I've changed it
<flexd> it's 'a very secure password' now
<flexd> Hard to crack, easy to remember :-)
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<n-iCe> flexd: boot it?
<flexd> I'm guessign no google backup and restore.
<flexd> well, no restore.
<flexd> It's booted.
<flexd> but yay or nay on google restore?
<flexd> said no, no point anyway
<n-iCe> don't tell you don't do google account backups?
<n-iCe> haha
<flexd> I do, but I thought perhaps restoring one would be bad ? :-P
<n-iCe> Always do backups with google account, and dropbox for pictures and files.
<n-iCe> You will not need more.
<flexd> I used JettaCloud
<n-iCe> Since gmail saves your apps, contacts, etc
<flexd> jettocloud?
<flexd> damnit lol
<flexd> jottaclouid
<flexd> cloud*
<flexd> there we go
<flexd> alright.. holy shit this looks aewsome
<flexd> awesome*
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<n-iCe> I know ^^
<n-iCe> nighlty builds flexd ?
<flexd> Yea
<flexd> but damn, now I need to install all the apps
<n-iCe> check the new features! expand desktop, and on camera, you cna take pictures now with the voice, saying whiskey, cid, cheese or ok !
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<flexd> is there a way to tell google play to just install everything I had installed
<flexd> ?
<n-iCe> flexd: just run it, should do it.
<flexd> nope.. just gives me a big list of stuff I have had before.
<n-iCe> you were not lucky
<n-iCe> sometimes it does for me, sometimes not, don't know why it happens
* n-iCe np: Daft Punk - Robot Rock / Oh Yeah (0:28 / 6:27)
<Thiagovfar> That behaviour is part of the android restoring your device. He skipped it, I guess.
<flexd> I did.. no way of redoing?
<n-iCe> hahaha
<flexd> :-P
<n-iCe> no idea, seems Thiagovfar knows more
<n-iCe> !changelog i9300
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<n-iCe> shit bbqbot smartass
<Thiagovfar> reboot into clockworkmod, wipe data, start over
<Thiagovfar> repeat as desired
<n-iCe> right
<n-iCe> hahaha
<flexd> I don't have to flash it again do I?
<Thiagovfar> No
<flexd> Just wipe the data and it'll be as good as new.
<flexd> k
<n-iCe> codeworkx: around?
<flexd> anyway.. I have an exam in 11 hours
<n-iCe> you guys think halo feature will be included on CM?
<flexd> so I'm going to get to bed after this :-0
<n-iCe> flexd: stop studying, use your phone.
<flexd> shit
<Thiagovfar> what halo feature?
<flexd> i was supposed to do some light studyng too.
<flexd> noooo
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: have not you seen it :o ?
<Thiagovfar> No... I guess
<n-iCe> I really like it
<n-iCe> But I don't like PA at all
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romann|afk is now known as romann
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<frankdrey-tab> Man....
<Thiagovfar> Why is there a hole at the screen?
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: hehe that's the halo feature!
<frankdrey-tab> I wanted to keep my tablet over clocked, but it's melting
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: stop it
<frankdrey-tab> What?
<flexd> What does it do?
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<flexd> ooh
<flexd> google play seems to be downloading stuff now
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: you will take time life of your hardware.
<n-iCe> flexd: great
<n-iCe> life time
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: don't you like it?
<frankdrey-tab> n-iCe: Yeah, I put it back now haha
<n-iCe> I think it is pretty useful, I use it in facebook, for messenget chat, it is called, popout heads, that's where Paranoid Android take it from.
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: :p
<n-iCe> what tablet by the way frankdrey-tab
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<frankdrey-tab> Gtab2 10in p5113
<n-iCe> I have never bought a tablet
<frankdrey-tab> Parents got it for me
<frankdrey-tab> *shrug*
<n-iCe> Not sure if I would use it, or if I find it useful, since I have a big phone which I assume it can do pretty much the same.
<frankdrey-tab> 364 days ago
<n-iCe> so today's your bday?
<frankdrey-tab> I have an iCrap 3gs
<frankdrey-tab> Tomorrow
<n-iCe> I mean tomorrow, sorry.
<n-iCe> so, GT- p5113 ?
<frankdrey-tab> :p
<frankdrey-tab> Yes
<n-iCe> seems pretty, running CM right?
<frankdrey-tab> Course :-D
<n-iCe> nightly?
<frankdrey-tab> Yup
<frankdrey-tab> Haven't updated in a while though
<n-iCe> you like the new camera features'
<n-iCe> you like the new camera features?
<frankdrey-tab> Don't really use camera haha
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: download cyandelta and download CM, it won't download the whole system 140MB+ it will download just the upgrades files around 10MB size.
<n-iCe> cyandelta can be found in play store
<frankdrey-tab> Yeah, download isn't a problem
<n-iCe> do it!
<frankdrey-tab> Internet here at school crazy fast
<frankdrey-tab> Just lazy
<n-iCe> haha also check the changelogs
<frankdrey-tab> :-P
<frankdrey-tab> I used to check them everyday
<frankdrey-tab> Right now, everything works and I'm content
<n-iCe> yeah, that's good.
* n-iCe np: Daft Punk - 11 - Fragments of time.mp3 (0:16 / 4:37)
<n-iCe> I really liked the new Daft Punk album.
<frankdrey-tab> Alright, time to head out
<frankdrey-tab> Going home
<n-iCe> frankdrey-tab: good luck
<frankdrey-tab> Peace! :-D
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<n-iCe> peace out
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<n-iCe> Xbox One, really Microsoft?
<Thiagovfar> Microsoft goes really crazy when counting stuff. Windows 8 comes after windows 2000. Xbox one succeeds Xbox 360. Go figure
<n-iCe> I know
<n-iCe> I'm a Play Station gamer anyway
<n-iCe> who wants to play FIFA 13 ^^
<Thiagovfar> I wonder if n-iCe is nebkat's alter-ego.
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: interesting theory
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: the only thing in common is that we use linux and like fifa? :P
<n-iCe> are there still people using Windows?
<n-iCe> *g*
<n-iCe> guys, the notification bar is supposed to be shown in notifications with one finger, and if you drop it with two fingers go to the shortcuts, right?
<Thiagovfar> nebkat: You're both quite verbose.
<nebkat> wat
<Thiagovfar> n-iCe: Correct
<Thiagovfar> As opposet to quiet verbose.
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: well, not in my device, If I use one or two fingers both goes to the quick launcher things, and not to notifications.
<n-iCe> kinda annoying, don't know why is this happening.
<n-iCe> GT-I9300 CM10.1 today's build.
<Thiagovfar> n-iCe: Try one finger at the middle of the screen
<n-iCe> oh, does it matter? middle, left, right?
<Thiagovfar> YEs
<Thiagovfar> but you can disable it
<n-iCe> that's new, then I'm an ass.
<n-iCe> I could like it.
<n-iCe> to state a way to make it work and don't being stupid pointing my finger on the left or right.
<n-iCe> nebkat: what Fifa team you select
<nebkat> n-iCe: psv eindhoven
<nebkat> I support red star belgrade but fifa dont have the serbian league
<n-iCe> Got a PS3?
<nebkat> no
<nebkat> pc
<Thiagovfar> n-iCe: If pulling down the notification is broken, it's nebkat's fault.
<nebkat> ordered an xbox 360 controller which should arrive tomorrow
<nebkat> so I can do all the skill moves
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: I have not tried that middle thing, since I'm playing Draw Somethig hahaha
<n-iCe> nebkat: sounds great, so are you running Fifa in a linux pc?
<nebkat> no
<flexd> nooooooooooo
<nebkat> dual boot
<flexd> I can't remember the password to my fun run account :-(
<n-iCe> oh
* n-iCe hates dual boots
<n-iCe> flexd: fun run account? temple run? *G*
* n-iCe np: The Black Keys - Unknown Brother (1:56 / 3:59)
<flexd> n-iCe: fun run.. search in play store :-P
<n-iCe> Well guys, I'll be here for years, so try to understand me and love me.
<n-iCe> I has been in Cyanogenmod for long, but they just told me the guy in charge of the GT-I9300 build devs is in here.
* n-iCe looks around
<n-iCe> checking flexd
<Thiagovfar> nebkat: In my head, he's definitely you.
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: ...
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: hug me
* n-iCe dances
<Thiagovfar> I solved the riddle. Where's my prize?
<n-iCe> what a song
* n-iCe np: Daft Punk - 02 - The game of love.mp3 (1:59 / 5:21)
<n-iCe> flexd: so, I'm watching on youtube how's the game like
<n-iCe> Swing Shot, also a multiplayer game.
<flexd> its really fun
<n-iCe> nebkat, Thiagovfar, does the channel has twitter? or do you guys?
<nebkat> no
<n-iCe> so no teamhacksung-support twitter account to follow the news? that's sad
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<n-iCe> I downloaded and tried a ROM called slimrom, they incorporated an IRC client connecting to his server and his channel for assistence, you guys should do it, I think you will have more IRC users and publicity.
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: where are you from?
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<Thiagovfar> n-iCe: home
* n-iCe np: Daft Punk - Something About Us (1:50 / 3:51)
<n-iCe> You think I'm going to stalk you?
<n-iCe> I'm in México, I assume you are far away.
<flexd> So, what should I be using for power saving?
<flexd> I've been using batterydoctor2 before, but I guess there might be better solutions?
<n-iCe> Disable GPS, WIFI or data, depends the one you are using, set the display to the lowest.
<n-iCe> And close apps you are not using
romann is now known as romann|afk
<flexd> well yes, I do all those things
<flexd> but i figured there was something more automatic? CPU scaling/governing, other stuff?
<flexd> anyway exam and such as I said tomorrow.. going to bed o/
<Kihokki> flexd: hey
<flexd> hi.
<Kihokki> Try different kernels
<Kihokki> :3
<Kihokki> Like DorimanX if you're on i9100
<Kihokki> You could then adjust almost anything on your phones hardware like cpu governor and voltage
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<flexd> Maybe some day :-D
<Kihokki> Kernel and bigger battery is key to epicness
<n-iCe> I have read about that shit
<n-iCe> But how the heck to know what's the best kernel for battery life, for the device, etc
<Kihokki> I bought a 3500 mAh battery and it keeps my phone running for two days with regular use
<n-iCe> mine is 2800mAh I think, GS3
<Kihokki> Well you have to try kernels
<Kihokki> Dorimanx may work for you too
<n-iCe> try and see how the battery life goes?
<Kihokki> Yes
<Kihokki> Also let roms settle down about a week after install
<n-iCe> nah
<n-iCe> that's for people who has nothing to do
<Kihokki> Expect when you encounter a very awesome rom
<n-iCe> I do
<n-iCe> My love <3
<Kihokki> SuperNexus <3 for four months!
<n-iCe> eew
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<n-iCe> hello!!
<n-iCe> n-iCe 's in tha hoouse
<DuperMan> how lovely
<n-iCe> I know <3
<n-iCe> DuperMan: howdy
<DuperMan> <3 let's get married n-iCe
<DuperMan> nebkat too
* n-iCe jumps on DuperMan
<chadouming> that escalated quickly
<n-iCe> chadouming: don't be jelous
<n-iCe> neither jealous
<chadouming> don't worry
<n-iCe> I don't
<n-iCe> According to some, this is what Microsoft did today.
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<chadouming> i bet even doing this they still make more money in one minute than you in a year
<n-iCe> who's discussing that?
<DuperMan> chadouming, does n-iCe consist partially of a naturally occuring vagina?
<n-iCe> And I bet they do money in a minute more than I will do in my entire life.
<n-iCe> vagiiiiiiinaas
<n-iCe> I love how my CM looks like.
<DuperMan> ewwwwww bifuricated kidhole
<DuperMan> ARE U WOMAN??
<n-iCe> yes
<n-iCe> ( . Y . )
<DuperMan> sorry. must be hell in irc. my gf is a female also
<DuperMan> and she... well I don't know much about her
<DuperMan> but she loves me and knows much about me so good on me
<DuperMan> always a good moral
<n-iCe> come one, do you really think a girl will use IRC? IRC girls are gone!
<n-iCe> My ex used to IRC though, but now she's gone.
<n-iCe> see? all they are gone
<DuperMan> no, they're just intelligent enough to give a fuck not
<n-iCe> undercover
<DuperMan> call it what you will. OFF TOPIC
<DuperMan> my dinovo mini (og, bt version) is coming soon
<DuperMan> yay
<n-iCe> but you liked the idea while you thought I was a girl haha
<n-iCe> dinovo? googling that
<n-iCe> We don't have such device in Mx I think.
<DuperMan> it ain't a phone silly
<DuperMan> ultimate media center keyboard what's win encrusted if not made of win
<DuperMan> *win plated
<DuperMan> awesome encrusted
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<DuperMan> even capplenet gave it a 4
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<n-iCe> DuperMan: and what do you want that for
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<n-iCe> No FM radio, I read time ago there is an app to use instead?
<Thiagovfar> n-iCe: IIRC, CM supports FM radio on qualcomm devices
<n-iCe> : o
<DuperMan> n-iCe: controlling xbmc while having sex
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: friend, there is not FM radio icon at least in my GT-I9300 of that I'm sure.
<chadouming> use spiritFM
<chadouming> spirit radio*
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: No we don't ._.
<Jiangyi> chadouming: It is Spirit FM lol
<chadouming> close enough
<Thiagovfar> So there's support but not an app?
<Thiagovfar> Or did I just imagine the whole thing?
<chadouming> you imagined
romann|afk is now known as romann
<n-iCe> does it use 3G or something, network I mean?
<n-iCe> Or needs an antena like the headphones.
<Jiangyi> Headphones yes.
<Jiangyi> No data.
<n-iCe> Awesome
<n-iCe> Downloading
<n-iCe> spiritfm?
<n-iCe> can't find it
<jomp16> the bad of spirit fm is you need to buy it to enjoy (i know it has a free version, but is horrible to me)
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<n-iCe> oh
<Thiagovfar> ^ Not completely a dream
<Thiagovfar> Still, missed the target by far.
<jomp16> n-iCe, probably this is the free and recent version of spiritFM (the free version is only mono and basic things)
<n-iCe> So the one you guys say is Spirit FM Unlocked ?
<jomp16> to get the full features and etc you need to buy the unlocked version
<n-iCe> it is just 1 dollar
<n-iCe> I will buy it
<jomp16> I dunno the unlocked version is an app with unlocked features or is a key for the free version
<jomp16> n-iCe, wait!
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<jomp16> n-iCe, the play link for the unlocked is
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<n-iCe> oops
<n-iCe> that's 10 bucks
<jomp16> yep
<n-iCe> worth it?
<n-iCe> Have you used it?
<jomp16> I'm brazillian, I don't have a credit card
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<n-iCe> lol
<jomp16> I used the free version on my old Galaxy 5
<n-iCe> bought it
<n-iCe> wait a second
<n-iCe> it asked root permission
<jomp16> give root
<jomp16> SpiritFM need root to run
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<n-iCe> done
<n-iCe> it works without the headphones
<jomp16> working?
<n-iCe> awesome
* n-iCe hugs jomp16
<n-iCe> few stations without headphones, but working, so the headphones are really an antena
<Thiagovfar> I never quite understood why my old i9000b needed an antenna for radio
<Thiagovfar> The device had TV on it (and an antenna for it).
<n-iCe> that's why
<n-iCe> haha
<jomp16> all phones with FM support need to plug the headphone and get the signal
<jomp16> Thiagovfar, the GS(II) with digital TV support?
<Thiagovfar> They have put a damn telescopic, extendable antenna on it. Might as well have connected it to the FM RX.
<Thiagovfar> jomp16: SGS
<Thiagovfar> jomp16: Don't know of any SII variant w/ tv, down here.
<jomp16> The antenna doesn't work with FM signal
<Thiagovfar> It should
<Thiagovfar> << Hardware noob
<jomp16> Thiagovfar, digital TV is more or less 470 to 806 MHz, FM is more or less 87.5–108.0 MHz
<jomp16> the antenna probably only works with the digital TV frequency, not less or more than it
<jomp16> on Brazil
<n-iCe> wow you know this
<n-iCe> but you don't have a credit card
<n-iCe> *G*
<Thiagovfar> All hail the internet
<jomp16> Interwebs
<jomp16> n-iCe, I'm 15 years old guy, I don't have enough years to get a international credit card
<n-iCe> you are 16
<n-iCe> don't lie
<n-iCe> But yeah, I had a credit card till 21
<n-iCe> I'm 24
<jomp16> the jomp --> 16?
<jomp16> Really I have 15 years
<jomp16> I born on 16/12/1997
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<Thiagovfar> jomp16: My brother shares your birthday
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<linhares> list
<linhares> !changelog
<linhares> !changelog I9300
<bbqbot> linhares: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<jomp16> Hmmm, people loves Ubuntu (because is easy to noobs to install?)
<jomp16> Some people uses Gentoo, other uses Debian, other uses Arch Linux, other uses Fedora (and more)
<jomp16> probably 90% of the world uses Windoze
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<n-iCe> jomp16: I use Ubutnu
<n-iCe> Ubuntu
<n-iCe> Used Debian for 6+ years
<n-iCe> They are just *too* stable.
<n-iCe> No upgrades, talking about looking and software/hardware support.
<n-iCe> Just moved to Ubuntu, but using openbox.
<n-iCe> I did install from scratch, 0.
<n-iCe> lubuntu and open manager.
<n-iCe> System: Host ubuntu Kernel 3.5.0-31-generic x86_64 (64 bit)
<n-iCe> Desktop LXDE (Openbox 3.5.0) Distro Ubuntu 12.10 quantal
<n-iCe> And I'm happy with it.
<n-iCe> It detects all I plug in it.
<Thiagovfar> n-iCe: Get Gentoo. You'll be recompiling the system on a daily basis.
<n-iCe> Thiagovfar: I had it, but you know at the beggining it take years to compile even a burn package tool
<n-iCe> I got tired quickly.
<jomp16> I use Arch Linux
<jomp16> Good system, good wiki, support and is rolling release
<n-iCe> Yeah, I don't like that at all "rolling releases".
<n-iCe> I like big differences jumps.
<n-iCe> That's why I read the changelogs in CM before upgrade, if I don't care about, I don't upgrade :p
<Thiagovfar> Weren't you the one complaining about things being too stable?
<n-iCe> yes I am, but Debian was 3-4 yeard old
<n-iCe> that's just lot of time
<n-iCe> and they did the big jump to gnome 3 in wheezy
<n-iCe> which for me, SUCKS
<n-iCe> and using a one year at least old kernel.
<jomp16> I'm using RC2, haven't upgraded yet (and not pretend to upgrade)
<n-iCe> I'm in 12.10 and has a recent kernel than wheezy which was released a couple weeks ago
<n-iCe> there is no RC2 for GT-I9300
<n-iCe> .<
<n-iCe> :<
<Thiagovfar> #blamesamsung
<jomp16> Yeah, because of the cursed Exynos
<jomp16> #blamesamsung
<n-iCe> yeah
<jomp16> I need moar time and coffe to code my own bot
<Thiagovfar> I usually take some sleep hours, instead of coffe.
<n-iCe> bot?
<n-iCe> tcl?
<jomp16> Mhhh, good tip
<jomp16> n-iCe, an IRC bot
<n-iCe> but tcl coded? eggdrop?
<jomp16> like the bbqbot and YattaBot
<jomp16> n-iCe, written from scrath, using sockets and Java code
<n-iCe> use an eggdrop
<jomp16> Why?!