Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
waratte is now known as wadawadde
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waratte-shower is now known as waratte
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<Thiagovfar> grrr
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<DuperMan> derp
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<tweetergal> Hi, I flashed samsung firmware via Odin but the modem seem to be wrong, anyway i could install the modem manually by extracting it out the firmware ?
<xplodwild> tweetergal: there are modem CWM packages around on xda
<DuperMan> killed an ipod 3rd gen
<DuperMan> this ain't my day
<DuperMan> :(
DuperMan has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> "this ain't my day" said I and promptly blew a power fuse
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<DuperMan> ffs
<DuperMan> Imma nipped the plastic tip off of a ribbon connector for a certain circular touch interface type thing
<ernie`> @dood DuperMan
<Yattabot> DuperMan,
<Yattabot> whats up dood
<DuperMan> !dood Baskey
<bbqbot> whats up dood
<bbqbot> Baskey,
<DuperMan> sorry ernie`, it's his fetish
<ernie`> wait, so now theres a YattaBot that responds to @, and bbqbot responds to ! ?
<DuperMan> !dood
<bbqbot> whats up dood
<DuperMan> @dood
<Yattabot> whats up dood
<DuperMan> no
<DuperMan> you're totally off the mark dude
<DuperMan> @say yo
<Yattabot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<DuperMan> !say f u
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Unknown command "say"
<DuperMan> :O
<Baskey> !dood DuperMan
<bbqbot> whats up dood
<bbqbot> DuperMan,
<DuperMan> @kick Baskey
<Yattabot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to execute that command!
<DuperMan> :D
<ernie`> !dood YattaBot
<bbqbot> whats up dood
<bbqbot> YattaBot,
<DuperMan> @bomb Baskey
<Yattabot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to execute that command!
<DuperMan> !bomb Baskey
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You do not have permission to run "bomb"
<DuperMan> @seen </#>
<Yattabot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<ernie`> they have different strings :O
<DuperMan> !seen </#>
<bbqbot> DuperMan: </#> not seen in last 3 days, 17 hours, 41 minutes, 24 seconds
<Baskey> !seen netchip
<bbqbot> Baskey: netchip not seen in last 3 days, 17 hours, 41 minutes, 36 seconds
<DuperMan> !seen %%
<bbqbot> DuperMan: %% not seen in last 3 days, 17 hours, 41 minutes, 37 seconds
<DuperMan> !seen %24h
<bbqbot> DuperMan: %24h not seen in last 3 days, 17 hours, 41 minutes, 50 seconds
<DuperMan> :(
<angelsl> why the hell does sammy have so many phone variants
<ernie`> !seen ernie`
<bbqbot> ernie`: ernie` last seen ago ([CommandEvent] <ernie`> ran "!seen ernie`" on #teamhacksung-support)
<DuperMan> it doesn't take injection like a man
<Baskey> #blamesamsung
<DuperMan> !seen ֶֶֶַַַָָָׂׂׂׂ
<bbqbot> DuperMan: ֶֶֶַַַָָָׂׂׂׂ not seen in last 3 days, 17 hours, 42 minutes, 27 seconds
<DuperMan> ^^
<DuperMan> @help
<Yattabot> Available commands: @help @geo @google @images @tts @time @translate @twitter @uptime @dood @weather @8ball @money @define @xkcd @download @supported @changelog @lastfm
<DuperMan> !help
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Available commands: !help, {!8ball}, {!changelog, !device, !download, !supported}, {!geo, !time}, {!google, !translate, !tts}, {!math}, {!money}, {!seen}, {!encode, !hash, !text}
<DuperMan> @tts
<DuperMan> @tts
<DuperMan> @define
<Yattabot> Definition for : Its a fucking musical note!
<Baskey> @define baskey
<DuperMan> @define fucking
<Yattabot> Definition for KL KL BEAN: Kl KL BEAN
<Yattabot> Someone that is cool.
<Yattabot> Sometimes used sarcastically.
<Yattabot> KL KL BEANS
<Yattabot> Cool,safe,sound.
<Yattabot> Definition for Fucking: 1. The man's erect penis rapidly thrusting back and forth in the woman's vagina (or an anus).
<Yattabot> 2. The woman's vagina (or an anus)rubbing up and down on the man's erect penis.
<Yattabot> 3. The action of the penis penetrating an object or a person.
<Yattabot> 4. An insertion of the vagina that is pleasing to the woman.
<Baskey> KL KL BEANS
<DuperMan> not bbqbot is not bbq
<DuperMan> fails for flood
<Baskey> @define israel
<Yattabot> Definition for israel: a country the size of your fingernail that gets 10% of all international media coverage and has more trouble than half the rest of the world.
<DuperMan> !kiwf YattaBot
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Unknown command "kiwf"
<DuperMan> 10% of all (should mean 10 percent of every country's media outlets' time) leaves no rest
<DuperMan> but I second the sentiment
<DuperMan> @define Baskey
<Yattabot> Definition for KL KL BEAN: Kl KL BEAN
<Yattabot> Someone that is cool.
<Yattabot> Sometimes used sarcastically.
<Yattabot> KL KL BEANS
<Yattabot> Cool,safe,sound.
<DuperMan> <3 Baskey
<DuperMan> @define codeworkx
<Yattabot> Could not find definition.
<Baskey> @define nebojsa
<Yattabot> Definition for Macedonian: An ancient people assimilated into Hellenic culture. Non-existent as a people today, although the history of ancient Macedonians has been stolen by slavic-Macedonians in FYROM (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). They insist, through revisionist history and outright lies that they are the descendants of Alexander the Great.
<Yattabot> It is well documented that the composition of FYROM is a majority Bulgarian with Serbs in the North and an Albanian majority in the West and Northwest.
<Yattabot> The Slavs migrated to what is modern FYROM in the 7th Century and have only recently been calling themselves the descendants of Alexander.
<Yattabot> Upon the creation of FYROM, all of the political leaders in power declared that they WERE NOT the descendants of Alexander (see statements of Macedonian President K
<DuperMan> >< Baskey you tweaker
<Baskey> @define ookie cookie
<Yattabot> Definition for ookie cookie: step 1) place cookie on table
<Yattabot> step 2) gather bored guys (preferably frat members)
<Yattabot> step 3) get them to stroke it, last one to cum, eats the spooged cookie
<Yattabot> see also [circle jerk]
<DuperMan> used to be 'limp biscuit'
<DuperMan> @define yo mama
<Yattabot> Definition for yo mama: 1. A phrase used as a formal declaration of defeat. For example: "Kenneth replied 'yo mama' when he realized he could not counter his opponent's point."
<Yattabot> 2. The principle part of a "Yo Mama" joke, usually entailing a description of your mother being so "something" that "something" occurred as a result.
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> @define samsung
<Yattabot> Definition for samsung: I'm korean. I'm sorry that talk about irrelative 'samsung'. I don't speak English well, but I want to tell you true.
<Yattabot> Most of korean never eat dog. And most of korean hate them who eat dog. They who eat dog are senior, and will pass away soon.
<Yattabot> Eating dog will be illegal by law.
<Yattabot> So, don't biased about Korean.
<Yattabot> p.s. I have two dogs, and they are our family. I love them.
<Baskey> @define bulbus glandis
<Yattabot> Definition for knot: The KNOT is a Slang term used to describe the Swollen area of a Canines penis. This swollen area is call the "Bulbus Glandis". Its is located towards the base of the penis. During the act of mating, when the male dog enters the vagina of the female dog, this area swells up. Once swollen, the dogs will be "TIED" together for upto 25min while the male is ejaculating. This increases the changes of conce
<DuperMan> @define vas deferance
<Yattabot> Could not find definition.
<DuperMan> @define glans
<Yattabot> Definition for glans: The fireman's helmet; the head of the penis; the red, sensitive part near the tip: the part that if you lick it hard enough will make your man cum.
<DuperMan> @define vas deferens
<Yattabot> Definition for vas deferens: the vein/tube that connects the [testicles] to the [prostate gland], and then to the [urethra] to release [semen].
<Yattabot> (This IS a real word!)
<Baskey> @define spam
<Yattabot> Definition for SPAM: spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam sp
<DuperMan> @define define
<Yattabot> Definition for define: Verb. 1. To explain the meaning of a word or concept.
<Yattabot> 2. To impart greater clarity or resolution to.
<datagutt> @bomb Duperman death
<Yattabot> 10
<DuperMan> @define redundant
<Yattabot> 9
<Yattabot> Definition for redundant: see "redundant"
<Yattabot> 8
<Yattabot> 7
<Yattabot> 6
<DuperMan> brown
<Yattabot> 5
<Yattabot> 4
<Yattabot> 3
<DuperMan> red
<Yattabot> 2
<Yattabot> 1
<Yattabot> BOOM!
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Yattabot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was PLUM]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<cdesai> DuperMan: needs moar colors
<Baskey> PLUM
<datagutt> [13:28:07] <ernie`> wait, so now theres a YattaBot that responds to @, and bbqbot responds to ! ?
<DuperMan> and less sounding like Baskey was he as talkative as I
<DuperMan> :D
<datagutt> Yes, that is very confusing
<DuperMan> ?bomb
* cdesai does @prefix !
<DuperMan> :P
<datagutt> I made it join in here for some reason
fissurez has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<datagutt> cdesai: I need to fix the cm plugin first
<datagutt> mine sux
<DuperMan> datagutt: teh horror
<datagutt> oversimplified it
<cdesai> @downloads
<Yattabot> cdesai: Command does not exist!
<cdesai> @cm
<Yattabot> cdesai: Command does not exist!
<DuperMan> @define DuperMan
<Yattabot> Definition for Duperman: A generic-brand Superman ripoff. Basically a toy for white trash children who can't afford the real thing.
<datagutt> @supported
<Yattabot> Supported devices: p5110 p5100 p4wifi p4 p3110 p3100 p3 n8013 n8000 n7100 n7000 i9300 i9100g i9100 galaxysmtd galaxysbmtd fascinatemd vibrantmtd i777 t0lte
<DuperMan> phew
<DuperMan> oh shit
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> awesome
<DuperMan> as am I
<DuperMan> @define nebkat
<Yattabot> Could not find definition.
<Baskey> @define johnnie jack and jim
<Yattabot> Definition for Johnnie Walker: The greatest whiskey/ scotch blend known to mankind. Mix with Jack Daniels and Jim Beam to create a drink known as "The Three Wise Men." (Some prefer to add Jose Cuervo instead of Jim Beam.) Very popular amongest the Indian community (from India.)
<DuperMan> what a peculiar stalkery bot
<DuperMan> @define author
<Yattabot> Definition for author: (n.) The writer, one who writes. The source.
<DuperMan> @define yourself
<Yattabot> Definition for Yourself: The name that everyone but you has- the soul of a different entity.
<Baskey> @define ok, thanks
<Yattabot> Definition for N'ok: 1. Somewhere in between no and ok.
<Yattabot> 2. an ambivalent choice word
<Baskey> @define no problem
<Yattabot> Definition for No Problem: Casual "you're welcome." As in "there's no need for thanks, it wasn't a hassle."
<Baskey> @define ok, I won't
<DuperMan> @source
<Yattabot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<Yattabot> Definition for You Won't: Whenever someone says they'll do something, someone else comes back with "You won't!" It's almost like a dare. If the person does said thing, the "You won't"-er usually comes back with something like "OK, so maybe you will."
<Yattabot> Commonly used by the surf-bum kids who pioneered such gems of slang like "Dude" and "Sweet".
<DuperMan> @define godwin
<Yattabot> Definition for godwin: Verb
<Yattabot> Typically used on internet chat forums, to Godwin a thread or topic is to somehow make reference to Nazi Germany, or Nazis in general, which has the effect of derailing the thread and completely changing the intended subject.
<Baskey> @define surf bum kids
<Yattabot> Definition for You Won't: Whenever someone says they'll do something, someone else comes back with "You won't!" It's almost like a dare. If the person does said thing, the "You won't"-er usually comes back with something like "OK, so maybe you will."
<Yattabot> Commonly used by the surf-bum kids who pioneered such gems of slang like "Dude" and "Sweet".
<DuperMan> @define nazi
<Yattabot> Definition for nazi: An acronym for National Socialist; from the German NAtionale soZIalist.
<Yattabot> Refers to members of the National Socialist party, or anything to do with the National Socialist party.
<Baskey> @define szwab
<Yattabot> Definition for szwab: szwab is a Polish definition for german solider
<Yattabot> the Polish kicked there arse like shit :)
<DuperMan> can't even godwin the smartass bot
<DuperMan> @define polski
<Yattabot> Definition for Polski: This is a Polish word that in English means Polish.
<DuperMan> how astute
<DuperMan> @define moldova
<Yattabot> Definition for Moldova: Moldova is a Republic in eastern Eurpoe, landlocked between Ukraine and Romainia. It's now one of the poorest countries in the former USSR. Moldova can be used to express rural poverty.
<Baskey> @define polska
<Yattabot> Definition for Polska: Short for Rzeczpospolita Polska.
<Yattabot> Meaning: The Republic of Poland
<Baskey> @define poland
<Yattabot> Definition for Poland: An Eastern European country whose inhabitants, contrary to popular opinon, are NOT DUMB. Polish citizens, in fact, have won Nobel Peace Prizes in every category, and Polish scientists, philosophers, explorers, and mathematicians have made numerous beneficial contributions to their respective fields (ultraviolet light; the set theory; semantic language theory). Marie Curie (née Sklodowska), the esteeme
<DuperMan> @define jew
<Yattabot> Definition for jew: 1. Someone who practices Judaism.
<Yattabot> 2. Derogatory term for someone tight with their money or someone not very generous.
<Baskey> @define holocaust
<Yattabot> Definition for holocaust: something that did happen, but 11 million people were killed, everyone hears about the 7 million Jews who died, but no one even cares about the 5 million peasants, christians, Roman Catholics, and others who were killed
<DuperMan> and here I was assuming jew is derogatory for jew
<DuperMan> @define life
<Yattabot> Definition for life: A sexually-transmitted, terminal disease.
<DuperMan> liked that'n
<Baskey> @define negroes
<Yattabot> Definition for Negroes: A proven myth. Everybody knows negroes don't exist, they died out a long time ago
rndio has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
<DuperMan> @define honky
<Yattabot> Definition for honky: a derogatory term for a Caucasian person.
<Yattabot> there are three main theories for the origin of the word:
<Yattabot> 1. the word originated from the practice of white males wishing to hire African-American prostitutes in the 1920's, and going to the appropriate part of town while honking their car horns to attract the whores. Some versions state that the reason for this was that the white men were too afraid to actually stop in those neighborhoods, so the honking would bring the hookers to them. Others say that since few African-Americans
<Yattabot> 2. the term comes from the word "honky-tonk", which was used as early as 1875 in reference to wild saloons in the Old West. Patro
<Baskey> @define lost terminal
<Yattabot> Definition for binghamton: A commonly mispelled city in upstate new york that is often called Binghampton. Binghamton is a roughly terrained city that is part of the triple cities. Any area that once strived on factories such as EJ Shoes, IBM, Universal and a cigar manufacturing plant. Binghamton is the second rainiest city in the United states besides Seattle Washington. Binghamton is surrounded the towns of Johnson City, E
rndio has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> so, encyclopedia dramatica or urban dict?
<Baskey> urban dict
<DuperMan> @define dirty sanchez
<Yattabot> Definition for Dirty Sanchez: You guys are wrong, its when a man and a woman engage in anal sex, then the man takes his penis and rubs it on the girls upper lip leaving a moustache.
<Baskey> @define kentucky
<Yattabot> Definition for Kentucky: A place where the word holler rightfully exists; a place of wonder; a place where children can dig their fingers in the dirt, use their imagination, and dream; a place where parents want more for their children and do everything possible for their wishes to come true; a place where most people in the united states like to underestimate and pretend that the only thing that exists there is 'inbreds';
<DuperMan> who ffs was ever wrong about that one?
<DuperMan> @define children
<Yattabot> Definition for children: 1. Humans under the age of 13 or so. Many of which were accidently conceived. Lots of children these days are [annoying], [spoiled], [bitchy] and [stupid]. Commonly known as [stupid short people].
<Yattabot> 2. Spawn of [Satan] hatched from a dark egg in the center of the earth with devils that are cutting themselves standing in a circle around it.
<DuperMan> wait wtf. I made urb dict
<DuperMan> :|
<Baskey> @define yummy mummy
<Yattabot> Definition for yummy mummy: A young, sexually attractive mother. There is an important age distinction between a yummy mummy and a [MILF]. Yummy mummys are younger than 30, while MILFs are older than 30.
<DuperMan> @define twitter
<Yattabot> Definition for Twitter: A stupid site for stupid people with no friends, who think everyone else gives a shit what they're doing at any given time.
<Yattabot> Also lacks the functionality of other social networking sites, not that it matters because just like Twitter all those sites suck anyway.
<DuperMan> @define facebook
<Yattabot> Definition for facebook: a stalkers dream come true
<Baskey> @define twatter
<Yattabot> Definition for Twatter: A word Joe Jonas apparently likes to use.
<Baskey> @define joe jonas
<Yattabot> Definition for joe jonas: Brother of Nick, Kevin, and Frankie Jonas. Member of the Jonas Brothers. Destined to go solo one day. He makes the tambourine so sexy. Reigns from my home state of new jersey, which obviously makes him even more awesome. He makes tight pants look good. He's notorious for acting insane, talking without thinking, randomly taping himself along with his brothers and posting in on youtube. He used to roc
<nebkat> DuperMan: DUDE
<Baskey> @define serbia
<Yattabot> Definition for Serbia: A loyal and brave country that is widely misunderstood as a bad guy for some strange reason. Not perfect, but certainly not evil. They have a rich culture and a very unique language, as well as very intellectual people (however, out of all those smart ones, it's usually the dumb ones that are placed in positions of power). Serbia consists of many people who's pride matters most, and they seldom (for a
<cdesai> datagutt: I told you make it use pm
<DuperMan> @define urban dictionary
<Yattabot> Definition for urban dictionary: A place formerly used to find out about slang, and now a place that teens with no life use as a burn book to whine about celebrities, their friends, etc., let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about.
<Baskey> @define undefined
<Yattabot> Definition for undefined: A word in the [urbandictionary] that is lacking definition.
<DuperMan> bbqbot! !say all the things
<DuperMan> @define jehova
<Yattabot> Definition for Jehova Driveby: When a gang of Jehova's Witnesses in a car, too lazy to do their daily door-knocking, decide to throw the word of Jehova in the form of magazines at unwary passersby. Similar to a driveby committed by a gang, except the motive is to convert, not kill.
<Baskey> @define john paul ii
<Yattabot> Definition for John Paul II: A good pope. I am a sympothizer with Marxist principals, but I admire him a lot. He fought corruption, capitalism, and Iraq. He was a good Pope, and even though I disagree with him on gay marriage, he at least was for treating gays like Human beings. And he was against Aparteid.
<DuperMan> @define awesome
<Yattabot> Definition for awesome: Something Americans use to describe everything.
<DuperMan> @define anything
<Yattabot> Definition for Anything: A special privilage given to one person by another, normally in exchange for information or as an apology. Allows the holder of the proverbial 'anything' to be granted anything they like, without limitations.
<Baskey> @define everything
<Yattabot> Definition for everything: -All things sacred
<Yattabot> -Anything that matters
<Baskey> @define black hole
<Yattabot> Definition for black hole: An area of space-time with a quantum singularity at its center. The singularity has a theoretically infinite mass, making it impossible for even light to escape. Around the singularity is an Event-Horizon. This is also known as the point of no return because it is the critical area that light can no longer escape from, and time itself comes to an end, or is at the same time ad-infinitum. Much w
<DuperMan> ew
<DuperMan> @define stfu
<Yattabot> Definition for stfu: 1) Acronym used for the phrase "shut the fuck up" for efficiency reasons.
<DuperMan> @define 42
<Yattabot> Definition for 42: The Almighty Answer to the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything. It was calculated by the computer Deep Thought for seven million years and when asked to build a better computer to discover the Question to the Life, the Universe, and Everything, it built the Earth. Before the Earth could tell the Question however, it was destroyed by the Vogons to make room for an interstellar highway bypass. For
<Baskey> @define sit the fuck down
<Yattabot> Definition for sit the fuck down: Originally coined by God when he choke-slammed Satan to what is now known as Hell.
<Yattabot> To tell someone to "sit the fuck down" is to rub-in a victory of any proportion.
<DuperMan> @define 43
<Yattabot> Definition for 43: A # that can stand for "LOVE YOU"
<Yattabot> cause love has 4 letters and you has 3
<DuperMan> @define 41
<Yattabot> Definition for 41: close to the answer for Life, the Universe, and Everything
<Baskey> @define 40
<Yattabot> Definition for 40: A bottle containing 40 fluid ounces of malt liquor beer. The beer is of low quality and fairly cheap to buy. A bottle can run you usually between 2 and three dollars depending on brand. 40's are popular in a variety of areas and are drunken by many types of people. Gangstas will drink 40's and will sometimes pour out a little of the beer onto the ground for their dead homies. Teenagers also like to drink 4
<DuperMan> @define 69
<Yattabot> Definition for 69: Simultaneous oral sex. Can be practised by M+M, M+F or F+F.
<Yattabot> The reference is that the numerals 6 and 9 are inverted versions of each other, reflecting the physical position that the couple must adopt when engaged in this sexual practice.
<DuperMan> @define 96
<Yattabot> Definition for 96: 69 but backwards instead of giving each other oral pleasure u fart on each others heads.
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> @define tiger blood
<Yattabot> Definition for Tiger blood: Only the Gods, Tigers, and immortals have tiger blood, such as Charlie Sheen. You are invulnerable to anything, including drugs. You win every second of the day and your a bitchin' rockstar. Also known as Adonis DNA.
<Baskey> @define tiger woods
<Yattabot> Definition for Tiger Woods: Tiger Woods - To have your ass whooped with a set of golf clubs from your wife after she found out you were cheating on her ass....
<Baskey> @define morning wood
<Yattabot> Definition for morning wood: A morning erection that is naturally caused as the brains enters the REM-deep sleep phase. At this stage, the body's skeletal muscle structure relaxes and causes hypervasodilation in the capillaries of the body, resulting in said erection.
<DuperMan> @define contributor
<Yattabot> Definition for Top Contributor: A Top Contributor on [Yahoo Answers]is a person who is particularly knowledgeable in up to three sections on the answers website. The specific formula is not known, but one can become a Top Contributor by doing the following:
<Yattabot> *~Getting a lot of best answers for the category
<Yattabot> *~Keeping questions to a minimum
<Yattabot> *~if a question is asked, choosing the Best Answer yourself, as opposed to going letting it be decided by vote
<Yattabot> *~Reliably reporting abuse
<Yattabot> *~voting for best answers on unresolved questions
<Yattabot> Top contributors are identified by the bright orange badge underneath the avatars of users. They are reviewed weekly, and if you do not maintain the previous level of contribution, you can lose top contributor status.
<Baskey> lol
<DuperMan> @define yahoo
<Yattabot> Definition for yahoo: Australian slang word meaning uncouth lout.
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> @define
<Yattabot> Definition for an outdated search egine that hardly anyone use except the occasional joker or computer granny.
<Baskey> @define open source
<Yattabot> Definition for open source: 1. A group of software whose source code is available to the general public for the purpose of improvement, modification, etc.
<Yattabot> 2. Any software released under the GPL, LGPL, or other open source licenses.
<Yattabot> 3. The stuff that makes Bill Gates' life sad.
<DuperMan> egine
<Baskey> @define java
<Yattabot> Definition for Java: A programming language commonly used as a solution to everything and anything.
<DuperMan> @define dead jobs
<Yattabot> Definition for the working dead: Poor unfortunate stiffs that can't enjoy life because they exist in a limbo where they have to work at unhappy, menial, shitty jobs.
<Baskey> @define apple
<Yattabot> Definition for apple: The alternative to the orange.
<DuperMan> @define orange
<Baskey> @define orange
<Yattabot> Definition for orange: The colour which vain assholes turn after a session in the tanning salon; Often confused with Hepatitis.
<Yattabot> Definition for orange: The colour which vain assholes turn after a session in the tanning salon; Often confused with Hepatitis.
<DuperMan> ><
<Baskey> @define hepatitis
<Yattabot> Definition for hepatitis: Hepatitis is a term that means inflammation of the liver.
<Yattabot> Inflammation is a natural reaction of the body to injury and often causes swelling and tenderness.
<Yattabot> Alcohol, chemicals, drugs and viruses can all cause hepatitis.
<DuperMan> @define tomorrow's weather
<Yattabot> There are several different viruses that cause hepatitis, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Each of these viruses may produce similar symptoms and they can all infect and inflame the liver. The main difference between the viruses is how they are transmitted, the way they cause liver damage and the effects they have on a person's health.
<Yattabot> Hepatitis is described as either an acute or chronic illness. An acute illness will only last a short time and although it may be severe, most people recover from the illness within a few weeks with no lasting e
<Yattabot> Definition for Texas Weather: Bi-polar weather that is unpredictable. Known for drastic changes in short amounts of time, often exibiting one seaon's expected weather in a different season. Weather seemingly changes on a whim.
<DuperMan> @define winning lottery numbers
<Yattabot> Definition for Playing the numbers: A predecessor to state-run lotteries in the 1960s and '70s that thrived in poor neighborhoods.
<Yattabot> The number was determined on a given day, by taking the second and third digits from the total amount of money in bank clearances from a predetermined bank, and the third digit in the Federal Reserve Bank's credit balance. On a day when the bank clearings were $589 million and the Fed's credit balance $116 million, the "89" from the first amount was combined with the "6" of the second to establish the day's winning number, 8
<Baskey> @define today's weather
<Yattabot> Definition for Slick Reuben: You're bangin' your chick doggy style and just before dumping your load, you pull out and jam an umbrella in her ass and while reciting today's weather forecast you drop a clump of MAN-aisse on her back.
<Baskey> wtf
<DuperMan> @define islam
<Yattabot> Definition for Islam: A religion of perpetual outrage and violence. It's followers have a dangerous preoccupation with death.
<DuperMan> @define christianity
<Yattabot> Definition for Christianity: A religion that would have made sense had it not been for the nature and character of its followers.
<DuperMan> @define budhism
<Yattabot> Definition for bootyism: Bootyism is a sexy religion often confused with Budhism.
<Baskey> @define mad ave
<Yattabot> Definition for famly plan: A group of niggas who grew up playing sports together and are "not" a gang. They just mobb on LA niggas on Highland Ave.
<DuperMan> :DDDDD
<Yattabot> Originated in Fitchburg,Massachusetts.
* DuperMan converts
<DuperMan> @define the best race
<Yattabot> Definition for Cuban: Cubans are a race of people who do not think they are the best WE KNOW WE ARE THE BEST!! We usually stick to our own. We have tried to carry a civilized conversation with someone out of our race and long behold you remind us why we do not socialize outside of work with people out of our race. We are happy in love with our island people. We DO HATE fidel castro. Our elders have million of stories of "
<Yattabot> And being named after your papi's favorite cigars.
<Yattabot> It's getting diamonds pierced in you ears at five days,
<Yattabot> Wearing Royal Violets perfume everyday until age 15,
<Yattabot> And throwing a 15th birthday party that cost your parents
<Yattabot> more than your first car.
<Yattabot> It's loving Marti and hating Castro.
<Yattabot> Lighting candles at mass for La Cari
<DuperMan> XD
<DuperMan> @define &&
<Yattabot> Definition for : Its a fucking musical note!
<DuperMan> @define random; life; moses
<Yattabot> Definition for Random: The latest buzzword used amongst mindless teenagers as a way of showing just so utterly irreverent their predictable sense of humour is. Particularly dominant among English teens and University students, the word "random" or the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. Trouble is, bein
<Yattabot> Often used by an [MTVeenager].
<cdesai> !mute YattaBot
<bbqbot> cdesai: You do not have permission to run "mute"
<cdesai> lolwut
<cdesai> @mute
<Yattabot> cdesai: Command does not exist!
<DuperMan> @define random+life; moses
<Yattabot> Definition for mook-life: A site/blog from based in Montreal about life, in the main. They write article on [graffiti], [weed], [people], food, and plenty of random shit. These guys are fresh, funny and chill. Beats most internet shit today in my opinion. props!
<DuperMan> @define 3247328947
<Yattabot> Could not find definition.
<DuperMan> @define ?=1
<Yattabot> Definition for 1 spec: 1 spec is something from runescape. A person with a dragon dagger would do a special attack and 1 hit KO you. That would be a 1 spec.
<DuperMan> @define ?=hi
<Yattabot> Definition for Hi Buddy: The perfect way to say hi to anyone and everyone, even complete strangers.
<DuperMan> @define ?=hi/?=s
<Yattabot> Definition for sara: Sara : the most accurate definition of a sara is a hammy fat loser bitch who will stab you in the back because she is such a jelous spreckled ham WHO IS PRONE TO JELOUSY EVEN THOUGH SHE SHOULD GET REAL AND SEE THAT EVERYONE IS BETTER LOOKING THAN HER EVEN A PERSON WHO HAS SUFFERED FROM FOETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME,even her own mother dislikes her,bcos the cheap slapper stole her moms knife(she was too cheap t
<DuperMan> @define ?=hi,2
<Yattabot> Definition for hi 5: a brain-cell-killing australian show where 2 guys and 3 chicks sing pointless lyrics with synthesized music to brainwash little children to sleep with them. the 2 guys are share a bond with each other and frequently sing homosexual songs about each others bungholios. the 3 chicks are are lesbian and touch each other during a live performance to scare children.
<DuperMan> @define ?=hi,?2
<Yattabot> Definition for hi 5: a brain-cell-killing australian show where 2 guys and 3 chicks sing pointless lyrics with synthesized music to brainwash little children to sleep with them. the 2 guys are share a bond with each other and frequently sing homosexual songs about each others bungholios. the 3 chicks are are lesbian and touch each other during a live performance to scare children.
<DuperMan> @define ?=?
<Yattabot> Could not find definition.
<Espenfjo> fail
<DuperMan> @define ?=?f
<Yattabot> Definition for F.A.H.: The Premier Squad-Up Klick brings to you, the elite coalition of Husla's, Pimps, and Balla's of the West Side of Seattle. Headquarters is located at "Tha Hot Spot" A.K.A. "Pili-Locos' Crib" Founders of F.A.H. consist of: Jerminator, Pili-Locos, Marioso, and G-Money (a.k.a Young Geezy) F.A.H. is furthermore copyrighted as of May 2006, all rights reserved by "Squad-Up Incorporated" ......FUCK-A-HOE!!!!
<DuperMan> @define f
<Yattabot> Definition for f: 1. Short for "fuck."
<Yattabot> 2. A shitty grade.
<DuperMan> @define ?=f
<Yattabot> Definition for F.A.H.: The Premier Squad-Up Klick brings to you, the elite coalition of Husla's, Pimps, and Balla's of the West Side of Seattle. Headquarters is located at "Tha Hot Spot" A.K.A. "Pili-Locos' Crib" Founders of F.A.H. consist of: Jerminator, Pili-Locos, Marioso, and G-Money (a.k.a Young Geezy) F.A.H. is furthermore copyrighted as of May 2006, all rights reserved by "Squad-Up Incorporated" ......FUCK-A-HOE!!!!
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [ok]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> @define ??=f
<Yattabot> Definition for F.A.H.: The Premier Squad-Up Klick brings to you, the elite coalition of Husla's, Pimps, and Balla's of the West Side of Seattle. Headquarters is located at "Tha Hot Spot" A.K.A. "Pili-Locos' Crib" Founders of F.A.H. consist of: Jerminator, Pili-Locos, Marioso, and G-Money (a.k.a Young Geezy) F.A.H. is furthermore copyrighted as of May 2006, all rights reserved by "Squad-Up Incorporated" ......FUCK-A-HOE!!!!
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Espenfjo [OK.. enough now.. ten minutes break]
<ernie`> datagutt, seems you actually make the irc connection yourself in b0tbecue?
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<DuperMan> @define stupidity
<Yattabot> Definition for stupidity: See George W. Bush
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> ehrm.. sorry again
<nebkat> ernie`: what do you mean
<ernie`> using net and until to connect to irc
<ernie`> *util
<ernie`> when I made an irc bot in node, I took the easy way and used the node-irc module :P
<DuperMan> ask bert
<ernie`> I don't speak with bert anymore
<DuperMan> :|
<datagutt> ernie`: yattabot does not run b0tbecue
<datagutt> it runs my custom irc module
<datagutt> + a bot i also made
<datagutt> YattaIRC*
<RA3OR> -[Saturday 03:14:55 PM]- [+DuperMan] @define stupidity
<RA3OR> -[Saturday 03:14:56 PM]- [@YattaBot] Definition for stupidity: See George W. Bush
<RA3OR> lol
<RA3OR> .
<datagutt> [13:47:01] <@cdesai> datagutt: I told you make it use pm
<datagutt> Uhm
<datagutt> defeats the point
* RA3OR does a long, complicated handshake with DuperMan
<datagutt> just ban the idiotte doing the @define
<datagutt> ernie`: node-irc code is terrible
<ernie`> Hmm
<datagutt> i prefer my way of doing it
<datagutt> But it misses a few important things, like topic parsing
<ernie`> I will check out your code
<datagutt> I added parsing of topic etc but it doesn't seem to work correctly atm
<ernie`> And maybe switch over
<RA3OR> my phone cant join, +i need
<datagutt> The thing with node-irc is that they handle everything in a big switch()
<RA3OR> +r, sorry
<datagutt> it is messy
<ernie`> Indeed
<datagutt> uses events and parsers
<datagutt> i stole the event and parsers idea from nebkat, he did the same in his java library
<ernie`> aha
<ernie`> my irc bot right now is pretty simple, just a simple link title parser and logging with a simple frontend for the logs
<datagutt> Ah
<datagutt> i still need to make proper logging and frontenf
<datagutt> frontend*
<datagutt> I got plugins for all sorts of stuff, but didn't do that yet
<datagutt> i didn't write parsers for everything yet
<ernie`> mhm
<ernie`> due to how node-irc is made, my logging only logs message events
<datagutt> I never checked if mine handles more than 1 serve
<datagutt> r
<datagutt> in theory, my library should
<datagutt> with modifications
<datagutt> multiple servers was the plan, but i never needed it
<ernie`> hehe
<ernie`> the frontend, I finally got it to update the log in realtime using
<datagutt> nice
<datagutt> i had a web control panel in the earlier version
<datagutt> but it was pretty much useless
<ernie`> hehe
<datagutt> ernie`: Norway?
<ernie`> yeah
<datagutt> you were in 2 norwegian organizations on github
<datagutt> so i kinda figured that out
<datagutt> lol
<ernie`> ^^
<datagutt> 10 days
<datagutt> May 15 - May 24
<datagutt> Longest Streak
<ernie`> We have talked about it before, though :P
<datagutt> i must remember to commit something today
<datagutt> Yeh i knew your nick was familliar
<datagutt> 1.2k starred
<datagutt> kill me now
<ernie`> Your father works for a mobil, doesn't he?
<ernie`> *amobil
<datagutt> Yes
<datagutt> Hah
<datagutt> this one was written by my father
<ernie`> cool
<ernie`> but Ill check out YattaIRC and maybe adopt it to my bot, if that is okay?
<DuperMan> norway isn't sweden's "drop-bear" equivalent?
<DuperMan> it's srsly real???
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<ernie`> @define norway
<Yattabot> Definition for Norway: Not to be confused with [Sweden]. Despite having very cold winters, is the best place in the world. If you aren't there right now, go there. A country that nobody hates. The women are hot, but not sluts.
<Yattabot> Possibly the only way to improve Norway would be to make a couple of bigger cities. Oslo is the biggest city, though isn't really that big at all. If you want a modest town that reflects the perfect Norwegian way of life, go to Trondheim. All Norway needs is one or two cities the size of Brisbane or Melbourne.
<Yattabot> Norwegian people are:
<Yattabot> As easy-going as Australians, though as gracious as the British.
<Yattabot> As not-caring as the Americans, though as courteous as the, erm, British.
<Yattabot> As skilled as the Australians, though as modest as the Australians. (hehe)
<Yattabot> As outgoing as the Americans, though
<ernie`> haha.. go to Trondheim
<datagutt> Go ahead
<DuperMan> wow. cold boring suicide prone northerners sure have rich imaginations, regarding self perception
<DuperMan> :)
<ernie`> I am in Trondheim :P
<ernie`> (for now)
<datagutt> if you write some more code for yattairc, send a pull request
<ernie`> sure thing
<datagutt> Well, if it actually fits
<ernie`> of course
<ernie`> fork fork fork
<datagutt> Someone forked another node project of mine
<datagutt> then commited some fixes
<DuperMan> no! merge into main trunk!
<datagutt> I hope they actually fix it so it works
<datagutt> I broke it while refactoring
<datagutt> and i switched to another http library that might actually prevent it from working
<datagutt> lol
<DuperMan> oapijoijoidja http libs for teh irc????
<DuperMan> :|
<datagutt> No
<datagutt> that is another project
<datagutt> unrelated to irc
<DuperMan> oh lol. got it
<ernie`> haha
<DuperMan> might break buildtree or something
<ernie`> what does node tag do?
<ernie`> *nodetag
<DuperMan> fucking nostalgia
<DuperMan> surely you joke
<datagutt> "Wi-Fi enabled ambient electronic device"
<datagutt> The official server shut down, so i made one in node
<ernie`> haha what
<DuperMan> oh! kinda sweet
<DuperMan> it kicked furby's ass
<datagutt> It is quite cool
<datagutt> i should make it speak out gerrit notifications
<datagutt> That would be awesome
<DuperMan> karotz came out after mindscape dieded
<DuperMan> wtf
<ernie`> hahaha.. indeed it would
<datagutt> i have a karotz
<datagutt> as well
<datagutt> it runs linux
<datagutt> and i got root :)
<DuperMan> diff server?
<datagutt> I use the official one
<ernie`> or if you have it at the office.. yell at the person who broke the build
<DuperMan> xD root all teh bunnies!
<datagutt> it runs node apps
<datagutt> The nabaztags are quite cheap now
<datagutt> Open source firmware and everything
<DuperMan> my ebay finger is itchy
<datagutt> written in some odd programming language called metal
<datagutt> Karotz runs linux but is closed
<datagutt> Nabaztag runs some custom-written thingy and is open source
<datagutt> :P
<DuperMan> big boy programming language or scriptorama?
<DuperMan> :PP
<ernie`> I can't spend money on toys at the moment
<DuperMan> bleh. only ears on ebay
<datagutt> this one is a fork
<datagutt> DuperMan: Uhm, that is just some extra attachment
<datagutt> You can switch out the ears
<datagutt> ahaha
<DuperMan> hmmm... 30k lines of code firmware or thereabout?
<DuperMan> yeah. I am dismayed
<datagutt> something like that
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<datagutt> firmware in this dir
<datagutt> compiler for the custom lang in the other dir
<DuperMan> shame phones made us geeks feign mobility
<datagutt> xD
<datagutt> metal is still better than java
<DuperMan> humbug! look at his code. he applies same methods to folding :P
<DuperMan> hehe what a feat
<datagutt> (
<datagutt> if !vstrcmp src 8+14 ip 0 4 then
<datagutt> let strsub src 8+8 6 -> mac in
<datagutt> (
<datagutt> Secho "found MAC target : "; MACecho mac 0 1;
<datagutt> set larp=[ip mac]::larp;
<datagutt> call cb [mac]
<datagutt> wat is dis
<datagutt> so odd
<DuperMan> lyspy
<DuperMan> trying to pretend it's low level
<DuperMan> so cute
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<DuperMan> propriatery cpu arch?
<datagutt> The bad part is that it only supports wpa
<datagutt> But the wifi card firmware is open source
<datagutt> lol
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<ernie`> MetaL is a dialect of XML?!
<datagutt> nope
<datagutt> that is another language
<DuperMan> >< dang. ehrm.. yo data
<datagutt> DuperMan: yes?
<ernie`> oh
<DuperMan> you have a dedicated router for it
<DuperMan> admit it!
<datagutt> i have my router upstairs set as wpa/wpa2
<datagutt> Mixed mode or whatever it is called
<datagutt> But i need the router upstairs to use internet upstairs
<datagutt> So yeh
<DuperMan> ah. I have my old gear not connecting ^^
<datagutt> DuperMan: nabaztag is ancient tho
<datagutt> i should look into making a custom server for karotz
<DuperMan> 2004 iirc
<datagutt> THe original one maybe
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<DuperMan> right alongside that dinosaur dude thing
<DuperMan> me needs compares them
<datagutt> Pleo?
<datagutt> Nabaztag > *
<DuperMan> yeah
<DuperMan> then there was sony's cree-pets
<waratte> yep
<DuperMan> then iphone controlled choppers
<datagutt> Out on market on 12 December 2006, Nabaztag/tag is an improved model of Violet's Nabaztag. T
<DuperMan> then fun died
<datagutt> man
<DuperMan> :D
<datagutt> this is old
<datagutt> Fuck i need to fix my server
<DuperMan> brb, good food is good!
<datagutt> i tried writing one in php
<datagutt> same thing happen
<datagutt> wouldn't connect
<datagutt> Because it couldn't download the bootcode
<DuperMan> have nabz servorize ;P
<datagutt> (it loads the firmware on boot)
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<DuperMan> loads... like, compiles into memory?
<DuperMan> otherwise bootloaders are kinda common
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<datagutt> DuperMan: Well, the only firmware is has is basically a bootloader yes
<datagutt> Contacts the server, gets the firmware, then loads it
<DuperMan> interesting. so it's a thin client as envisioned by hp and sun
<DuperMan> lol
<datagutt> DuperMan: that is why people cried when the company ended up bankrupt
<datagutt> but someone already had unofficial servers ready
<DuperMan> why not shove a pi thing in it?
<DuperMan> raspberry
<datagutt> DuperMan: not sure.. might do it eventually
<datagutt> Not sure if the parts would work on linux
<datagutt> Since it runs a microcontroller and shit
<datagutt> Maybe the karotz is a better thing to put an rpi in
<datagutt> already runs arm + linux
<DuperMan> should. great little box. rip it out and let something standard push the servos if needed
<datagutt> Yeh
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<DuperMan> :)
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<angelsl> HEY
<angelsl> since when do i get 3.0.64
<angelsl> yay :D
<DuperMan> grats
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<nebkatte> !invite nebkat #blamesamsung
<bbqbot> nebkatte: You do not have permission to run "invite"
<nebkatte> ugh
<jomp16> WAT!
<DuperMan> is that srsly neb's girl?
<DuperMan> :( sorry you exist world
<nebkatte> hahahaha
<nebkatte> its me
<nebkatte> I fuct quassel
<nebkatte> cdesai will cry xD
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> @define nebkatte
<Yattabot> Could not find definition.
<DuperMan> @define DuperMan
<Yattabot> Definition for Duperman: A generic-brand Superman ripoff. Basically a toy for white trash children who can't afford the real thing.
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> brb
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<beer_> DuperMan: DUPEY I FIXD IT
beer_ is now known as nebkat
<jomp16> DuperMan, good definition about you =)
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<DuperMan> INDEED
<DuperMan> ^^
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<DuperMan> @define division by zero
<Yattabot> Definition for division by zero: 1) The number one ingredient for a catastrophic event in which the universe enfolds and collapses on itself and life as we know it ceases to exist.
<Yattabot> 2) A mathematical equation such as a/0 whereas a is some number and 0 is the divisor. Look it up on [Wikipedia] or something. Pretty confusing shit.
<Yattabot> 3) A reason for an error in programming
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<nebkat> DuperMan:
<nebkat> !js 1/0
<bbqbot> Infinity
<DuperMan> !js sqrt(1/0)
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You do not have permission to run "js"
<DuperMan> :@
frankdrey-tab has quit [Quit: Bye]
<jomp16> Hey, can I upgrade bootloader of my P3110 with Heimdall?
<jomp16> I don't have Windows on my PC
<DuperMan> !supported
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<DuperMan> @supported
<Yattabot> Supported devices: p5110 p5100 p4wifi p4 p3110 p3100 p3 n8013 n8000 n7100 n7000 i9300 i9100g i9100 galaxysmtd galaxysbmtd fascinatemd vibrantmtd i777 t0lte
<DuperMan> !@!
<bbqbot> DuperMan: Unknown command "@!"
<DuperMan> @!@
<Yattabot> DuperMan: Command does not exist!
<waratte> !@
<bbqbot> waratte: Unknown command "@"
<waratte> @!
<Yattabot> waratte: Command does not exist!
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<RossWell98> Hey why you've switcher the SGS2 kernel to smdk4412 ?
<RossWell98> switched*
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<frankdrey> DuperMan, it was you I talked to about a build server, right?:P
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<ernie`> god, I hate my net right now
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<frankdrey> whaddaya think?
<Kihokki> I would take it with 2GB if available
<frankdrey> but that's a lot moar monies D:
<jomp16> Playing Most Wanted and Modern Warfare 4 with a dualshock is goood!
<jomp16> I don't like much FPS
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<frankdrey> what do you guys think of this motherboard?
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<frankdrey> if i find a decent micro-atx board, i can cut away the case, as i have a micro atx case
<frankdrey> how is Biostar as a brand?
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I'd be willing to sell you my 4870 :-P
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, how do i buy stuff from random internet people around my parents/:P
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: I'm moving to CM again.
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: MSI mobos are nice I guess
<frankdrey> hmmm...actually i think i'm gonna star tover
<frankdrey> the CPU i chose is very tricky
<frankdrey> few mobos suppor tit
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: +1
<frankdrey> *suppor tit
<frankdrey> BLARGH
<frankdrey> *support it
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Why you no use Intel :-|
<Thiagovfar> frankdrey: I like the original bettter
<Thiagovfar> better*
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, intel is crazy expensive
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: i3 probably outperforms that
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, nope
<frankdrey> myth
<Thiagovfar> My old phenom beats the crap out of my new i3
<Jiangyi> :-/
<Thiagovfar> Even through the i3 is on a laptop...
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Pretty sure laptops are different :-|
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, don't be an Intel fanboi ;_;
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Fine fine
* Jiangyi has just never built an AMD machine before
<Jiangyi> 965 OC'd would probably be better than i3 Ivy I guess
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: What do you want to do with your comp again?
<frankdrey> iunno
<frankdrey> but i'm redoing that spreadsheet
<frankdrey> :P
<Thracky> amd is good if you need cheap
<Thracky> they're just garbage for high end
<Jiangyi> What Thracky said
<frankdrey> yeah
<frankdrey> what i'm choosing is relatively low end
<frankdrey> ok, chose a more compatible CPU
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: What's yo budget again?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, iunno
<frankdrey> probably not gonna end up buying this xD
<Jiangyi> .......
<frankdrey> I'm making it so that I have something to save up for
<frankdrey> ~$2 per day
<frankdrey> :P
<Jiangyi> lol kthen
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Will only take you about 3/4 of a year :-P
<frankdrey> :P
<Chuck_Bartowski> What does "ToD" mean?
<frankdrey> blargh
<frankdrey> there are no decent micro atx boards
<frankdrey> which means i also need a case
<frankdrey> which means this thing is impossible
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Lemme edit, I wanna blah all over it
<frankdrey> i'll just save up blindly :P
<Thracky> frankdrey: you know am3+ boards can handle am3 chips right?
<frankdrey> Thracky, yes
<frankdrey> problem is 125w
<Thracky> ah
<Kihokki> Get bigger psu
<frankdrey> no, some mobos don't support 125w cpu
<frankdrey> the one i found does...
<frankdrey> but...
<frankdrey> ATX
<frankdrey> which means i need a new case
<frankdrey> :/
<Thiagovfar> Chuck_Bartowski: Top of Descent.
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: <-Buy from NCIX, cheaper
<Thiagovfar> Chuck_Bartowski: Pardon me, I'm too addicted to flight simulators.
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, i don't think i can get gift cards for that through my earning site :P
<Jiangyi> :-/
<frankdrey> i've split my goals into
<frankdrey> 1. new gpu and psu, since i can use with my current setup (Psu because my 380w will not handle that card xD)
<frankdrey> 2. new mobo, CPU, RAM
<frankdrey> 3. new HDD
<frankdrey> 4. an SSD :D
<Thracky> why not get a real job? :P
<frankdrey> Thracky, I probably will soon as summer comes around :P
<Thiagovfar> frankdrey: Buy a raspberry pi. New computer.
<frankdrey> but then my parents would control that money ._.
<Thracky> ah right I forget you kids are still in school
<Thracky> how on earth do your parents control money you make working your own job
<Jiangyi> Thracky: I shall start finding a job as soon as I'm done my exams/summatives
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<Jiangyi> But for now, 8 page careers essay in French >_>
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> I started ibm last week
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<Thracky> still another 2 weeks until my first paycheque :|
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<frankdrey> Thracky, my parents control money that is mine
<Thiagovfar> frankdrey: Put the money on Sweden.
<tweetergal_b> is CM avaliable for S3?
<tweetergal_b> is CM avaliable for S4?
<frankdrey> tweetergal_b, of course
<frankdrey> tweetergal_b, of course
<tweetergal_b> frankdrey r u a bot?
<frankdrey> tweetergal_b, no
<frankdrey> so my dad is suggesting i get a laptop
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi is
<frankdrey> but those things are expensive as crap :(
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Whut? ._.
<tweetergal_b> frankdrey where can I get offical cm10 for s4?
<Thiagovfar> tweetergal_b: Jiangyi is a bot.
<Jiangyi> Oh lol
Jiangyi is now known as AndrewTheAndroid
<AndrewTheAndroid> Now I am. :-P
<frankdrey> !google CM10 galaxy s4
<bbqbot> frankdrey: CyanogenMod 10.1 (CM10.1) For Galaxy S4 Download Now ...:
<Thiagovfar> See, he's not that clever
<AndrewTheAndroid> tweetergal_b: No CM for i9500, only for North American variants
<Thiagovfar> Can't understand simple cues.
<tweetergal_b> can i use it on i9505?
<frankdrey> AndrewTheAndroid, eh...i'll look at the parts when i haz teh monies
<frankdrey> for now i save :D
<frankdrey> some of these laptops i'm looking at are stronger than my desktop :P
<frankdrey> i wonder how much i can sell my tablet for
<AndrewTheAndroid> tweetergal_b: No build for i9505 yet
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> i am doing 2 jobs on june 8 & 9
<frankdrey> will have $175 or so afterwards
<frankdrey> sell tablet for $300?
<frankdrey> $475 laptop?
<Thiagovfar> Why do you need a new pc?
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<martpwns> is incredibly slow for me can someone confirm ?
<Thiagovfar> martpwns: confirmed.
<martpwns> i alrdy thought my something is wrong with my network ^^
<Thiagovfar> martpwns: not entirely unlikelly
<martpwns> !changelog t0lte
<bbqbot> martpwns: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (LTE):
<Thiagovfar> !geo host
<bbqbot> Thiagovfar: {country: "Germany", region: "Rheinland-Pfalz", city: "Saalstadt", latlong: {49.316696, 7.550003}, time: "Sun 00:13 CEST"}
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, Pentium 4 should say it all
<Thiagovfar> martpwns: but you're too far away from me to suffer from the same network failure. The problem is likelly to be at
<Thiagovfar> frankdrey: Well, some P4's are pretty badass
<martpwns> yep they were completely down for me few minutes ago so i guess they´re overloaded
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, eh...mine's...meh
<frankdrey> 3.2ghz hyperthreaded
<frankdrey> i mean..not bad
<frankdrey> but with DDR1 ram...
<Thiagovfar> I know someone who won't trade his p4 for any modern cpu
<Thiagovfar> He uses single-threaded applications, and challenges anyone to show a modern pc which runs his things faster
<Thiagovfar> If someone can, he promisses to change over
AndrewTheAndroid is now known as Jiangyi
<martpwns> May this one should cheat on him making him buy a new pc ^^
<martpwns> baaah download aborted... cmon
<Thiagovfar> martpwns: Use a download manager, so you can resume
<martpwns> i actually did but the server was unreachable again^^
<Thiagovfar> Today is not a good day to get gapps
<martpwns> now its downloading with 5kbyte/s -.-
<martpwns> lol speedboost on g-apps dafuq 600kbyte/s^^
<Thiagovfar> install this and call it a windows phone
<Thiagovfar> People won't notice
<martpwns> haha seems like ^^
<Thiagovfar> The difference is undetectable
<Thiagovfar> Windows Phone doesn't have google apps
<martpwns> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> martpwns: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<martpwns> clockwork with or without touch hard descision i think i will go with the one without touch ^^
<frankdrey> why?
<frankdrey> why not get touch?
<Thiagovfar> martpwns: Depending on which device you've got, there might not even be the choice.
<martpwns> i used it once it was completely fked up using the sgn2 lte (t0lte n7105)
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: How much are you getting paid for your internship again?
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<Thracky> Jiangyi: not a ton, only like 20/hr
<Thracky> it's technically a coop job
<Jiangyi> Wow, not bad.
<Thracky> but because I'm not in coop until next year they don't get money from the government to hire me
<Thracky> so they pay lower
<Jiangyi> Thracky: My careers essay is on becoming a software developer
<Thracky> heh
<Jiangyi> Have to write education, skills, wages, etc etc
<Thracky> I don't plan on being a developer but it will sure help to have experience in development
<Jiangyi> Pretty darn annoying :-/
<Thracky> education, minimum CS degree
<Thracky> skills is easy heh
<Jiangyi> So far, I've decided on the Computer engineering program at U of W
<Jiangyi> Well, it's asking for specific and transferable skills
<Thracky> easy :P
<Jiangyi> Can't quite think of much heh
<Thracky> well, teamwork is a huge one
<Thracky> nobody does solo projects
<Thracky> problem solving
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<Thracky> creativity
<Thracky> etc
<Jiangyi> Hmm... I think it's looking for more specialized skills than those, but alright :-P
<Jiangyi> Thanks!
<Thracky> specialized are the specific skills
<Thracky> transferable are the non-specific
<Thracky> specific skills would be like programming languages, computer architecture, algorithms etc.
<Jiangyi> Yeah, programming languages was all I had heh
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<Jiangyi> it's also like, elaborate on each of these specialized skills and whether you have them or not. If yes, give proofs. If not, how would you acquire them?
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi is back
<frankdrey> codeworkx, ohai
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I never left :-P
* frankdrey 's parents left somewhere
<frankdrey> maybe i should check out Star Conflict
<frankdrey> meh...
<frankdrey> too caught up in Moon Breakers
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What are you binhaxxing now? xD
<frankdrey> oh yeah, codeworkx, where do i begin to learn how to break kernels using C?
<frankdrey> I couldn't even finish building my Gentoo kernel, it got too overwhelming :P
<Thiagovfar> It's not hard to break something using C...
<frankdrey> I know :D
<frankdrey> Segfaults everywhere :D