nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
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<kZard|nb> is it just me or are the newer builds not as stable as the older ones (two to three months back) were?
<kZard|nb> (for the i9100 now)
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<kZard|nb> Or did I just install a very unstable build?
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<hmmwhatsthisdo|M> Does anyone have a Samsung Skyrocket they can test CM10.1 on?
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<asdewqdsa> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> asdewqdsa: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<asdewqdsa> hello!
<asdewqdsa> is there an option to disable camera shutter sounds?
<nebkat> asdewqdsa: they should be disabled when sound is disabled
<nebkat> im not sure on that though
<nebkat> but im always on silent
<asdewqdsa> yes, that is right
<asdewqdsa> is there a a reason there is no option in the camera application?
<nebkat> mmh not sure
<nebkat> i'll ask internally
<nebkat> asdewqdsa: did you check sound settings etc
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<nebkat> asdewqdsa: no we dont have that right now
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<HellRazorGod> Hi. Would there be a CM 10.1.0 stable for the i9100 international version in the near future? If so, why was it not released yesterday ?
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<asdewqdsa> nebkat: I checked, thank you
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<asdewqdsa> nebkat: is there any plan to implement this feature?
<nebkat> asdewqdsa: I might do it
<Espenfjo> No, it wont get implemented
<Espenfjo> Disabling camera shutters is illegal in many countries
<nebkat> Espenfjo: we already support it
<Espenfjo> So disabling it is a no go, and disabling it while on silent is a no go
<nebkat> and we discussed we could use values-mcc-
<Espenfjo> no we dont?
<kZard|nb> it is disabled when on silent, isnt' it?
<nebkat> Espenfjo: disable your sound
<nebkat> ;)
<kZard|nb> mine is
<asdewqdsa> Espenfjo: what about the countries where it is not illegal?
<Espenfjo> wtf
<Espenfjo> asdewqdsa: too bad for them
<asdewqdsa> Espenfjo: thank you very much
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<nebkat> Espenfjo: its not our responsibility to keep it enabled btw
<nebkat> the japanese can keep the setting on
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<asdewqdsa> nebkat: +1
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<eeem> !changelog <i9100>
<bbqbot> eeem: Unknown device <i9100>
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<nebkat> fucking idiot
<nebkat> datagutt: xD
<datagutt> nebkat: nubs
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<asdewqdsa> is it only me or is it not self-explaining how to plot a graph with the calculator?
<asdewqdsa> ah, found it, sorry
<asdewqdsa> still not self-explanatory :D
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<Beuta> hi to all of you!
<nebkat> Beuta: HELLO MY FRIEND
<Beuta> I hope iI reached the correct chat, I own an oppo find 5 and flashed 10.1
<Beuta> :-)
<Beuta> I cannot seem to make video recording work nor I am able to find any info on the internet, I am a bit lost, anybody can help?
<nebkat> Beuta: yeah, I got one too
<nebkat> what is the issue exactly?
<Beuta> well I start the camera app, switch to video recording click red button and...
<Beuta> ,...nothing happens! :-(
<Beuta> I mean really nothing, if I try and enable timelapse it records but at a very high speed
<nebkat> Beuta: I think timelapse isnt actually recording mode
<nebkat> as in it takes pictures and merges to video
<nebkat> so that should work
<nebkat> hmm i'm having the same issue
<Beuta> aw yes you are correct I didn't think about this
<Beuta> eheh I see I am not alone
<nebkat> checking now with xplodwild
<Beuta> however this is a pretty big bug, why it is not mentionend in known bugs?
<nebkat> Beuta: it always worked for us
<Beuta> maybe a solution has been found and we don't know
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<Beuta> thanks a lot!
<nebkat> Beuta: I am one of the devs, btw :P
<TheWindrunner> good day all
<Beuta> sorry [bows]
<nebkat> hello TheWindrunner
<TheWindrunner> just wondering what are the current issues for the cm 10.1 on the I9100, in nightly mode, i can't find the original teamhacksung wiki :/
<Beuta> and thanks a lot for your work, I wouldn't have had any other rom on this other than yours, really!
<nebkat> TheWindrunner: teamhacksung is... dead
<TheWindrunner> facepalm
<TheWindrunner> what happened
<nebkat> TheWindrunner: main issues are fmradio, tvout
<nebkat> TheWindrunner: we just stopped, samsung isnt releasing enough sauces
<nebkat> etc etc
<nebkat> but we are still in cm
<TheWindrunner> alright, thanks..
<TheWindrunner> jeez those asswipes
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<nebkat> Baskey: Baskey
<Baskey> nebkat: nebkat
<TheWindrunner> do you feel that cm 10.1 will reach to stable for the I9100?
<nebkat> TheWindrunner: the "stable" status isnt really important
<nebkat> i9100 generally works fine
<TheWindrunner> umm alright, but you did mention generally, so would there be any quirks or small bugs, that would lead to power drainage?
<nebkat> not that I know of
<nebkat> but I havent used i9100 for over 1.5 years :P
<TheWindrunner> lol
<TheWindrunner> agreed, its time to upgrade
<TheWindrunner> but i really love the little beast
<TheWindrunner> first android phone and first smart fone,
<nebkat> its a great device really
<TheWindrunner> still holds cherished memories
<TheWindrunner> it is indeed
<nebkat> if only samsung could give a bit more
<TheWindrunner> lol that is true, they seem to be a bit corporate stingy atm
<TheWindrunner> anyways thanks nebkat, been extremely helpful, cheers!
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<Beuta> @ nebkat please let me know if I can be of any help providing additional information
<YattaBot> Beuta: Command does not exist!
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<datagutt> [14:39:29] <@nebkat> its a great device really
<datagutt> plastic fantastic
<nebkat> datagutt: s2 was awesome
<nebkat> I remember playing modern combat on it
<nebkat> so good
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<bbqbot> [Link] Kreyos Meteor Is A Removable Smartwatch With A Speakerphone, Indiegogo Flexible Funding Campaign Liv...
<datagutt> i like this better than that sony one
<datagutt> i don't like the icons on the sony one
<datagutt> xDDDD
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<Beuta> nebkat, for the time being thanks a lot even only for taking time to reply to me, as additional info, I can tell you it started not to work since the 23 Jun nightly. thanks a lot again
<nebkat> Beuta: great thanks
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<rickx> hi can anyone tell me what kernel is cyanogenmod uses in samsung galaxy s3 i9300?
<rickx> anyone there>
<rickx> ?
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<nebkat> rickx: we use our kernel
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<rickx> can I flash another kernel in cyanogenmod 10.1 on my phone
<rickx> ?
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<Patrick> Before I ask my question: Is there anyone there?
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<nebkat> Patrickagain: just ask...
<Patrickagain> Oka, cool.
<Patrickagain> So I have an i9100G (s2), and I was following the guide to load on Cyanogen mod.
<Patrickagain> Now before that, the guide was requesting that I load up clockwork mod. I did this... But now the phone won't boot past the screen that says the model number of the phone.
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<nebkat> Patrickagain: which guide exactly
<bbqbot> [Link] How To Install CyanogenMod Android for Samsung Galaxy S II G ("i9100g") - CyanogenMod
<nebkat> Patrickagain: get into odin
<nebkat> and flash from there
<nebkat> you can use heimdall to flash img
<Patrickagain> Flash what from Odin? D:
<nebkat> recovery, stock, etc
<nebkat> something to let it boot
<nebkat> Patrickagain: so it cant boot into anything?
<Patrickagain> It can boot into download mode, and the CWM I put on there through Heimdall from the guide.
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<nebkat> Patrickagain: does normal system boot?
<Patrickagain> Other than that: "Samsung GALAXY S II GT-I9100G" screen forever.
<Patrickagain> No, see above.
<nebkat> can you get into recovery
<Patrickagain> Yep.
<nebkat> then just flash cm?
<Patrickagain> Slight problem. :D
<Patrickagain> CM isn't on the internal storage.
<Patrickagain> Would it work from an external sdcard?
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<nebkat> Patrickagain: yeah
<nebkat> install from external sdcard
<nebkat> in recovery
<Patrickagain> So, just to clear it up.... Is the reason it won't boot because the kernal I've loaded on with Heimdall simply isn't compatible with the stock Android that's on the phone?
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<nebkat> Patrickagain: yes
<Patrickagain> Awesome, thanks a tonne. Another question: Is there anyway I can boot it so that I can access the internal storage via my PC... So I don't have to go buy a card tomorrow? :P
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<nebkat> Patrickagain: use adb while in recovery
<Patrickagain> ADB is....
<nebkat> !google adb
<bbqbot> nebkat: Android Debug Bridge | Android Developers:
<nebkat> google some adb tutorials
<nebkat> its faster than me explaining
<Patrickagain> Okay, sure! :D
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<syon> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> syon: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<syon> !changelog i9100
<bbqbot> syon: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<Patrickagain> Hey, Nebkat!
<Patrickagain> I managed to get adb up and running.
<nebkat> Patrickagain: hey
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<wokels> nice guys, 10.1.0 released :)
<wokels> just installorizing now
<Patrickagain> The guide advises me to push the file to /sdcard/, but, when I go to install from /sdcard/ in recovery, it can't be mounted.... Because, I assume, I do not have an sdcard in the phone.
<nebkat> Patrickagain: try the last option in install zip menu
<nebkat> install from internal sdcard
<nebkat> or something like this
<Patrickagain> Yep. It brings up the file directory of the phone.
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<Patrickagain> But there's nothing of use in there.
<spY|da> good evening
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<spY|da> nebkat, is there a trebuchet.apk to install it on a stock rom?
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<nebkat> spY|da: steal it from your nightly
<nebkat> your device nightly
<spY|da> ok, it should work, you havent linked to cm specifiy stuff?
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<Patrickagain> I've managed to push a 'test.txt' file to /sdcard/ and it shows up in the file list in shell.
<hmmwhatsthisdo|M> Does anyone have a Samsung Skyrocket they can run CM10.1 on? I need to see if there's a show-stopper bug with the radio.
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<Patrickagain> Ugh. Finally found where to push the zip and it's now installing.
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<Patrickagain> Ahh... This is beautiful.
<Patrickagain> Thank you nebkat, for being supportive. You're an asset to this community!
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<chf> hello. is it possible to enable the fm-radio function on galaxysmtd with cm 10.1?
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<Kishidan> lol
<nebkat> Kishidan: he joins every time we are having a conversation?
<nebkat> lolwat has terrible luck...
<lolwat> oh yes i do
<Kishidan> :P
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<oliv3r> Hi all; I'm thinking of getting a new phone (got hero-gsm atm) and while the S3 is interesting spec-wise, I care about having as much as opensource bits as possible, which brings the S2 as a much more interesting device. Is this still true?
<oliv3r> !changelog i9100
<bbqbot> oliv3r: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<oliv3r> !device i9300
<bbqbot> oliv3r: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<n-iCe> hi
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<Jiangyi> oliv3r: Both are nowhere near as opensource as you might think it would be :-P
<Jiangyi> Exynos != Opensource
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<nebkat> !wat random
<bbqbot> nebkat: nomad:
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<Deus_> I just upgrade my Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket to Cyanogenmod 10.1. Everything works great except for the phone. For whatever reason I keep losing my phone signal. It isn't a matter of being in an area without coverage. It is as if the phone radio itself is bouncing in and out of service. Did I miss something? I did not have this issue with 10.0
<Jiangyi> Deus_: Try another modem?
<Deus_> Forgive my ignorance. It is on AT&T and set for LTE/GSM/WCDMA. Is that what you are referring to?
<Deus_> That would be the preferred network
<Deus_> For APNs it is set for ATT Phone
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<n-iCe> hi
<Deus_> What did you mean by try another modem?
<n-iCe> Deus_: to flash other modem.img I guess.
<Deus_> <@n-iCe> I upgraded from 10.0 to 10.1. Everything works except for my phone radio. My signal keeps bouncing in and out of service. When out, I get Mobile network not available message. It happens quite often and the phone is basically useless for making or taking calls.
<n-iCe> what phone
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<Deus_> <@n-iCe> Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket on AT&T
<n-iCe> so skyrocket
<n-iCe> !download skyrocket
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S2 (ATT/LTE): [aaf933]
<n-iCe> Are you using that nightly build? 20130624
<n-iCe> By the way, stable just came out for your device 10.1.0
<Deus_> No. I went with the new Stable build that was posted yesterday.
<n-iCe> Did you clean your data? wipe cache, wipe dalvik and fix permissions before flash the new zip?
<Deus_> First time I did an upgrade. Same results. So I did all that you listed and I formatted the system. Everything works but I still have the issue with the phone radio going in and out
<Deus_> Preferred network is set for LTE/GSM/WCDMA
<n-iCe> I see, did you add the correct APN's?
<Deus_> It has a few already listed. ATT, ATT Activation, ATT Broadband, ATT LTE, ATT Phone, StraightTalk ATT
<Deus_> I tried ATT, ATT LTE, ATT Phone and all have the problem
<n-iCe> ok, what did you use to flash? odin or heimdall
<Deus_> I used Odin when I first rooted and installed 10.0
<Deus_> I just did the update from 10.0 to 10.1.
<n-iCe> was there a modem/Radio/baseband change?
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<Deus_> That is when the problem started. So I booted into recovery and cleared everything, wiped user data and dalvik, and formatted system. Then I did the install from zip from external for 10.1
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<n-iCe> sorry
<n-iCe> who was there
<Deus_> @n-iCe: What do you mena by a modem.Radio.baseband change?
<YattaBot> Deus_: Command does not exist!
<Deus_> What do you mena by a modem.Radio.baseband change?
<n-iCe> hi Deus_
<n-iCe> you know what your modem is?
<n-iCe> Baseband/radio/modem are all pretty much different terms for the same thing, part of the firmware that controls the cell and wifi radios inside the phone.
<Deus_> How do I check or update that?