nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | CM11 |STATS AT
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<n-iCe> hi
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<oliv3r> Hi, i was wondering if there will be 10.1 stable releases for the i9100. The nightlies work grea, just curious is all
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<Quacked> hey
<Quacked> I have a Galaxy SII with CM10.1, but it keeps losing connection and fills the storage with gigabytes of log files. Any ideas?
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<oliv3r> Quacked: i have a i9100 and with the nightly from a week ago, i see no problems so far
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<Quacked> its a weird bug
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<johntramp> !device i9100
<bbqbot> johntramp: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<johntramp> !changelog i9100
<bbqbot> johntramp: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<starcomobi> After moving from stock to cyanogenmod 10.1, i am feeling overall speaker volume decreased by atleast 40%
<starcomobi> model number i9305
<starcomobi> ? Anyone ?
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<woekls> duno, get some kind of equalizer app or something then
<woekls> my tab seems fine
<starcomobi> let me try
<starcomobi> nop.. same
<starcomobi> nope.. same
<starcomobi> any one?
<angelsl> where did you get 40% anyway?
<angelsl> did you measure the amplitude of the sound?
<flexd1> I'm having some odd issue with my i9100, I flashed the nightly a month or so back and suddenly my phone is having trouble charging
<flexd1> I'm unsure if it's the hardware or software, but it seems whenever I plug the charger in the phone boots up, and then shuts down because it does not have enough power.. and then it continues doing that :/
<oliv3r> flexd1: sounds like broken harware, my i9100 runs last weeks nightly and has no issues at all
<flexd1> Hm.
<flexd1> That _would_ be covered my warranty, but not if it's flashed with CM /
<flexd1> :/
<flexd1> Or actually, it's out of warranty (by like a few years), but if it's a hardware defect not caused by me norwegian law would make them have to cover it for 5 years.
<flexd1> But it might just be the charger plug/a bad connection
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<flexd1> and I really like this phone.. damnit :-(
<flexd1> the S3 is stupidly big and fragile
<flexd1> seems I am not the only one with this issue
<oliv3r> flexd1: there was a lawsuit recently here in NL; where the judge said 'running a custom firmware has no influence whatsoever on hardware flaws and warrant'
<flexd1> Yeah but sending the phone in and there being a big yellow ! when they boot it up is going to make them tell me to sod off.
<flexd1> I know it makes no difference if it's a hardware problem,and they probably do too. But they will still just send it back and charge me money without fixing it.
<flexd1> I have to go over to a local electronics store to return a headset anyway, I think I'm going to ask if I could try another charger and/or battery there.
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<flexd1> Because I did get my phone to charge with my friends charger.
<flexd1> But not mine now (which worked before my holiday) and not a normal USB cable :/
<flexd1> Not entirely sure why it isnt working
<flexd1> hm... phone was plugged into my computer a log time and now it suddenly booted up again.. o_0 maybe it owrks agian
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<mehrshad> !download mint
<bbqbot> mehrshad: Latest build (nightly) for Sony Xperia T: [3ec6fe]
<mehrshad> hi all
<mehrshad> guys?
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<nebkat> mehrshad: hello
<nebkat> ....
<oliv3r> that was what, less then a minute?
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<xintron> Morning
<xintron> Running the latest nightly for SGSII and the last month or so I haven't been able to access my device from the (no remote install/uninstall). Where can I start to debug this?
<nebkat> oliv3r: 2 minutes 5 second
<nebkat> s
<oliv3r> :)
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<Souledge220> Hi guys.
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<Souledge220> I'm using the CM 10.1 nightlies and my phone has been freezing a lot after a failed update via the cm updater
<XDman> Hello one Question. Is Project Butter in Cyanogenmod 10.1 for the GT-I9100 included ?
<Souledge220> What would be the best thing to do? Flash a new nighty via CWM and reset to factory/wipe cache or do I need to flash via Odin?
<bbqbot> lolwat
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<Souledge220> Sry I'm using the GT-I9300
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<scoony> Hi, I have some RIL crashes on a I9100 with daily build, is there a special procedure to upload RIL dumps to inform devs?
<scoony> It occurs especially when I've no network, after that the RIL generate a dump every minute, saturating data filesystem
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<flexd1> datagutt: Måtte du betale toll&stuff på ouyaen?
<datagutt> ja
<flexd1> datagutt: og kom den med DHL?
<datagutt> fikk regning en uke eller noe etterpå
<datagutt> ja, den kom med dhl
<flexd1> fikk hentelapp fra posten nå der det er noe oppkrav saker :/
<flexd1> 222,- å betale
<datagutt> så ikke noe til toll, før regningen kom
<datagutt> Verdien er satt som 60$ eller noe
<flexd1> Sjekket sporinga og den kom fra frankfurt eller noe.. DHL-sporingen sier den fortsatt er i hongkong/ingen flere events. :/
<datagutt> håper du får en kontroller som ikke er fucked
<datagutt> måtte sende melding til support for ny
<flexd1> Så enten har jeg fått en random posten-pakke jeg må betale for.. eller så er det noe annet.. og jeg får vel gjerne ikke se den før jeg betaler heller.
<datagutt> Den fungerer greit, ingen knapper henger seg opp
<flexd1> Tror jeg bare spør support hva som foregår, og hvorfor i helvete de har merket den dyrt. Da kan de bare la den sendes tilbake og så stikker jeg på GAME eller noe for å kjøpe en -_-
<flexd1> Jeg har egentlig mistet lysten på hele griea.
<flexd1> greia*
<nebkat> hey hey hey
nebkat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by datagutt [Nei.]
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<flexd1> nebkat: That was in english, have you forgotten to read english? :-(
<bbqbot> [Link] I recently received my Ouya and after a few days of usage I noticed the joystick stems are slowly be...
<datagutt> But my controller is worse
<datagutt> 1 hour play - much worse than photo
<datagutt> flexd1: there are some good games
<datagutt> but many multiplayer ones
<datagutt> do they sell ouya at game in norway btw?
<flexd1> I've seen pictures of GAME stores having them in other countries.. it wouldn't suprise me if we could find it here.
<flexd1> anyway, with the kickstarter+shipping+toll it's going to be a expensive thing
<flexd1> Like 50% more expensive
<flexd1> so I might as well just let it get sent back and have them refund me, because it's not worth it
<flexd1> especially if the controllers break like that
<datagutt> Well
<datagutt> i think the retail controllers work nicely
<flexd1> and yes, I know, first production run an dall
<flexd1> Yeah
<flexd1> I could buy a PS3 for that price
<flexd1> Seriously, a PS3+controller+a game is like 1500,- NOK these days
<datagutt> Not sure about the price i had to pay
<datagutt> I just let my dad pay
<datagutt> "pappa betaler"
<flexd1> heh
<datagutt> well i did pay for the ouya itself
<datagutt> But he offered to pay the duty
<flexd1> Yeah it's not that I can't pay, but if I find it silly when I've paid like $30 extra to have it shipped
<flexd1> and they send it from hongkong (where I've paid $5 for shipping before), and yet I have to pay tolls as well
<flexd1> It's like two months too late and 50% more expensive.
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<flexd1> I just feel angry and frustrated with the whole thing, and that's not how a game console should make me feel -_-
<flexd1> this much trouble getting it, you can bet there's going to be trouble using it.
<bbqbot> [Link] I was browsing OUYASupport on Twitter and I found this gem... : ouya
<datagutt> Well
<datagutt> it works nicely
<flexd1> heh
<datagutt> But it is not perfect
<datagutt> Me: Could you take a look at my support ticket #number?
<datagutt> OUYAsupport: If you can reply to us with your support ticket number, we can look into it for you.
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<datagutt> so useless
<datagutt> took 2 more tweets for them to send me a mail
<flexd1> I got a reply now where they told me to DM them my email
<flexd1> again
<flexd1> So they just told me I should have my ouya by 7/2 (est delivery).. yeah that did not answer my question at all
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<flexd1> anyway a bit back on topic: I bought a new charger (which seemed to work in the store), and my phone still isn't charging.
<flexd1> They didn't have any new batteries so I just ordered one online
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<GhostDragoon> im feeling like a complete idiot... but i dont understand how to access the internal sd card on my galaxy tablet... does it just mean the actually device
<GhostDragoon> the actual device
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<GhostDragoon> is the galaxy device storage considered the internal sd card?
<n-iCe> yes
<n-iCe> /sdcard/
<GhostDragoon> do i need to create a folder named sdcard?
<GhostDragoon> because there isnt one on the device
<n-iCe> must be
<n-iCe> adb shell to it
<n-iCe> you will see it
<GhostDragoon> ok obviously im going to have to do a bit more research... because im not familiar with adb shell and am going to have to learn to use that too
<GhostDragoon> im just ready to start tinkering and hopeing creating my own stuff
<GhostDragoon> hopefully
<bbqbot> [Link] How To Install and Use ADB, the Android Debug Bridge Utility
<oliv3r> what is still required to be done to get i9100 to a stable/milestone status?
<bbqbot> [Link] [redirected]: CyanogenMod - Google+ - Status Update: ExynosFollowing through on our promised���
<GhostDragoon> ty i have plenty of time to study while im downloading the gapps flash file
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<oliv3r> oh nice one
<oliv3r> ok it 'will be a while' :)
<Jiangyi> Potentially forever, who knows.
<oliv3r> due to the binary blobs, basically
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<scook9> so i saw the post on G+ about exynos 4, I assume unless samsung starts cooperating ALOT more that story wont be changing?
<Ravenheart> its dead jim
<scook9> :(
<scook9> here is to hoping the note 3 is a snapdragon 800 part!
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<frankdrey-food> why would you even buy samsung anymore? D:
<Ravenheart> what would you buy
<frankdrey-food> Sony, LG, Nexus
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<scook9> because i value a removable battery alot
<scook9> and no one else is offering that
<scook9> the sd card is just bonus on top
<frankdrey-food> *shrug*
<frankdrey-food> I value a usable device :P
<scook9> mine is usable, just not with CM
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<frankdrey-tab> Repeat?
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<datagutt> [21:03:19] <frankdrey-food> why would you even buy samsung anymore? D:
<datagutt> +1
<datagutt> not sure why anyone wants samsung
<datagutt> cheap korean plastic phones
<datagutt> I would rather buy nexus, htc one or sony
<scook9> those are nice phones, but the sealed battery still does not work for me
<scook9> sd cards are also nice
<scook9> but not as important as battery to me anyways
<datagutt> Streaming is the future
<datagutt> sd cards are not really needed
<datagutt> they are nice to have
<datagutt> i don't deny that
<scook9> tell that to someone with poor data connection
<scook9> or on a plane
<datagutt> they don't give a fuck about that
<scook9> obvisouly
<datagutt> google only cares about us
<scook9> lol
<datagutt> US*
<datagutt> I have this really shitty provider
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<frankdrey-tab> I don't have data
<datagutt> they have their own network, but fallback
<datagutt> to a better network when not available
<datagutt> The problem is
<datagutt> the fallback functionality doesn't work
<datagutt> well, most of the time
<datagutt> lol
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<scook9> for me I just do not want a sealed battery that a) degrades over time and b) cannot be swapped once dead requiring a multi hour recharge
<datagutt> How often do you buy a new phone
<datagutt> For me, about once a year
<scook9> somehow in the obsession to make paper thin phones, replaceable batteries disappeared in all but samsung phones
<datagutt> maybe every 1,5year, depends
<scook9> same, about once a year but the plan is always to have them longer lol
<scook9> 1-1.5 years
<datagutt> Will the battery degrade that much
<scook9> no, but i will kill it between charges
<datagutt> you will get a new phone by then
<datagutt> atleast i will
<scook9> when i travel i do a lot of hotspot
<scook9> that is a battery slayer
<scook9> lol
<datagutt> hah
<datagutt> i have an battery pack thingy
<datagutt> connect it - it charges
<datagutt> good for ingress players
<datagutt> playing ingress really kills your battery
<datagutt> fast
<jomp16> I have my smartphone since 3 years
<frankdrey-tab> My battery dies fast without data
<jomp16> A Galaxy 5 (with CM7.2)
<datagutt> frankdrey-tab: You are the odd guy with a htc dream and no data
<datagutt> even indians have better phones
<scook9> that is another thing, areas wsith bad coverage kill batteries
<datagutt> and data
<datagutt> xD
<frankdrey-tab> I will get shot if I mention the phone
<frankdrey-tab> Nah, new phone
<scook9> and the external battery, that has to sit plugged into you phone for hours, vs a battery swap taht takes about 90 seconds
<frankdrey-tab> Got it for free, so don't blame me.... I phone 3gs
<datagutt> lololoolololol
<jomp16> #blameFrankdrey
<datagutt> does that support ios7 or did they kill support for 3gs on 7?
<frankdrey-tab> My mom was convinced her battery was dying fast because the government was listening to her phone calls
<scook9> i got a pitchfork, you have a torch?
<frankdrey-tab> Killed
<scook9> lol
<datagutt> ah
<scook9> killed that on 5 didnt they?
<datagutt> weird it even supported ios6
<frankdrey-tab> Right before iOS got a tiny bit decent
<datagutt> thought it was 6?
<frankdrey-tab> Nah, on 6.1.3 right now
<datagutt> twg
<scook9> no shit
<scook9> i have an iphone 4 at home from my old job
<scook9> it is a glorified ipod touch now
<scook9> it has 6.1.3 as well
<datagutt> i run ios7 on an ipod touch
<frankdrey-tab> You know what's fun?
<datagutt> dunno why the fuck i have an ipod touch
<datagutt> i have 2
<frankdrey-tab> Irc on iOS
<scook9> replaceable batteries!
<datagutt> the latest and the previous noe
<frankdrey-tab> Apple decided they aren't cool enough for services support
<frankdrey-tab> So you need to open the app every 10 minutes
<frankdrey-tab> Or it's killed
<frankdrey-tab> I might get an iPod touch
<frankdrey-tab> I got a few games as prizes for ios
<frankdrey-tab> And from promotions
<frankdrey-tab> Gangstar: Rio
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> it has some decent games
<datagutt> i like osu! stream
<datagutt> and jubeat
<frankdrey-tab> :-D
<frankdrey-tab> Galaxy on fire
<datagutt> all weird japanese music games
<frankdrey-tab> For android, GoF is tegra only :'(
<frankdrey-tab> Oh, and I got minecraft on iOS lol
<frankdrey-tab> From some prizes site
<frankdrey-tab> Freeappslots
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<datagutt> hm gof
<datagutt> does that support controller
<frankdrey-tab> Hella fun
<frankdrey-tab> Dunno
<datagutt> might sideload it on my ouya
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<datagutt> also
<frankdrey-tab> I used accelerometer
<datagutt> why the fuck do i have an ouya
<frankdrey-tab> Lol
<frankdrey-tab> Make sure you get galaxy on fire 2
<frankdrey-tab> The first one sucks lol
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<foo__> can anyone explain how Slim Bean ROM (Another AOSP based ROM) has a stable version for the I-9100?
<Rommon> Hi, anyone know something about the GPS problem with sgs2
<frankdrey-tab> foo__
<frankdrey-tab> Stable is a label
<foo__> do they have a loose definition of stable or did they magically deal with the bad ref source problems?
<frankdrey-tab> Doesn't mean as much as people think it does
angelsl has quit [Quit: Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.]
<Baskey> FRANK
<frankdrey-tab> It irks me when people don't install nightly because they are horrible nighlties
<frankdrey-tab> BASKEY
<Baskey> SOUP
<frankdrey-tab> EW
<scook9> foo__, a lot of developers do not have the same standards of stability as CM
* frankdrey-tab doesn't generally like soup
<foo__> so you mean the Slim Bean's "stable" builds are not any more stable than CM nightlies?
<scook9> there is a very solid chance that they are using the CM code base as I doubt there are redundant AOSP efforts
<frankdrey-tab> Yep, I would have called 99% of the p5110 night lies stable
<frankdrey-tab> Try and see?
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<foo__> is the p5110 exynos 4?
<frankdrey> nosir
<frankdrey> my points is you gotta look past labels :)
<foo__> got it
<frankdrey> best way is to try or look through the forums
<foo__> thanks :)
<frankdrey> i doubt you'll get a specific answer quickly here :)
<frankdrey> sorry if i came accross as a little bit snarkY :P
<foo__> nah, you didn't.
<frankdrey> ok :D
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<delete> hi, I'm unable to use heimdall to flash the recovery on p3110
<delete> ERROR: Partition "recovery" does not exist in the specified PIT.
<delete> any idea?
<nebkat> delete:
<nebkat> !device p3110
<bbqbot> nebkat: Information for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (Wifi):
<nebkat> hmm
<nebkat> it shouldnt say that
<codeworkx> delete: try RECOVERY
<delete> codeworkx: yup, that worked thanks
<delete> it will be nice to get the wiki updated
<delete> also step 7 says
<delete> "You need now to manually reboot the phone into ClockworkMod Recovery mode by holding . "
<delete> the sentence is incomplete
<delete> it doens't have the key combination
<nebkat> delete: we dont write the sentences, its all templates
<nebkat> just an incomplete one
<nebkat> if you want you can tell them at #cm-wiki
<delete> will do, thanks
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Baskey is now known as nebubasudatufisu
nebubasudatufisu is now known as Baskey
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<sidthegreatest> !download i9300
<bbqbot> sidthegreatest: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [c2fce4]
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Baskey is now known as VIDOVDAN
<nebkat> hey n-iCe
<n-iCe> nebkat: :))
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<percival> Hey guys, I upgraded to CM 10.1.01 on my VerizonS3 and I lost data. Went back to 10.1 RC5 and it works again. Is this an issue with CM 10.1 or something with the auto updater? Any clues? Thanks
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<frankdrey> I just kickbanned myself from my own channel :D
<nebkat> frankdrey: how :D
<frankdrey> nebkat, just /kickban frankdrey
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> nothing special
<frankdrey> but it works :D
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<nebkat> frankdrey: which chan?
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<frankdrey> nebkat, #amagital :P
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<nebkat> there is some concert nearby
<nebkat> and it sounds like they got a LOT of fireworks
<frankdrey> :D
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* frankdrey is wondering if image.rotate should be called before or after image.blit
<frankdrey> or even if i should call image.blit
<turdle> Anyone know where I can get a QCN file from a device running T889UVBMB4?
<nebkat> this sounds more like explosions than fireworks though :P
<nebkat> its crazy
<frankdrey> o.o
<frankdrey> maybe it's not fireworks D:
<frankdrey> D:
<frankdrey> o.o this loading bar looks weird
<frankdrey> really werid
<frankdrey> *weird
<nebkat> the concert is right beside this building
<frankdrey> :(
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<noobina> hello, im a noob, i have CM10.1 nightly on my GT-I9300, and NFC doesn't work. I flashed official 4.0.4 just to be sure but no go. My googling is failing. help?:)
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<noobina> note: it enables just fine, it just doesnt recognise stuff i present to it
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<lame> hello
<nebkat> lame: hello
lame is now known as Guest8500
<Guest8500> i deleted efs in my i9305
<Guest8500> how i can repair it?
<nebkat> congrats
<Guest8500> imei is null/null
<nebkat> you cant
<Guest8500> why?
<nebkat> when you delete files from your hard disk
<nebkat> you cant just repair them
<Guest8500> my friend have i9305
<Guest8500> and i wish copy efs
<Guest8500> to my phone
<Guest8500> ?
<nebkat> so then you will have the same info as your friend
<nebkat> you cant do that
<nebkat> why didnt you backup as all tutorials say?
<Guest8500> ;<
<nebkat> Guest8500: POLSKA? :)
<Guest8500> ehee
<Guest8500> jestes z pl?
<Guest8500> co kurwa?
<nebkat> Baskey je poljak ;)
<nebkat> ja sam iz Srbije ;)
<Guest8500> aa
<Guest8500> ok
<nebkat> Baskey = VIDOVDAN
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<Guest8500> xD