Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<n-iCe> hi guys, what would happen if in shell(with no rom installed) I do rm -rf *
<n-iCe> will that remove the recovery?
<Onixs> no
<n-iCe> so nothing will happen?
<n-iCe> I can easy flash a new rom?
<Onixs> answer stands
<n-iCe> ?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> deleting a ramdisk is pretty useless
<n-iCe> so
<n-iCe> I can go to ./adb shell, and do rm -rf * with no problem, to make sure there is nothing in the phone? I want a clean install.
<codeworkx> you'll probably kill efs
<codeworkx> and loose your imei
<codeworkx> and your phone isn't a phone anymore
<n-iCe> I see
<codeworkx> format sdcard, format /system, flash cm, flash gapps, factory reset
<codeworkx> that's the cleanest state you can get
<n-iCe> thanks
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<n-iCe> big question codeworkx
<n-iCe> codeworkx: how can I flash the stock rom in mako? (linux user)
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<jomp16> *lol a b "a b c" 'a b c d e f' 'Im a nigga'
<jomp16> Oh, wrong chann
<jomp16> Test args
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<waratte> lolwat?
<lolwat> yes?
<waratte> Oh, not you, I was actually saying "lolwat" and it is a coincidence that you joined.
<lolwat> always those excuses :P
<waratte> You get that a lot? xD
<lolwat> yes
<lolwat> atleast once per day on freenode
<lolwat> and I'm only in 3 channels
<lolwat> its fun though
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<waratte> haha
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<leofloripa> !siii
<bbqbot> leofloripa: Unknown command "siii"
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<fluorine> Hi! I want to run a custom script at boot on my i9100. I already opened a thread at xda, but so far no response. If anyone in here could answer my question, I would be very thankful
<codeworkx> fluorine: /system/etc/init.d/
<fluorine> yep thats where i put my script
<fluorine> but it doesnt seem to work
<fluorine> called it 99userinit, set permissions to 755
<codeworkx> should work fine
<codeworkx> #!/system/bin/sh on first line of the script?
<codeworkx> and change ending to .sh
<codeworkx> dunno if that matters
<fluorine> yes, i added the first line
<codeworkx> /system/xbin/run-parts -l /system/etc/init.d
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<codeworkx> show if it lists your script
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<codeworkx> fluorine: btw. your script should go to /data/local/userinit.d;
<codeworkx> /data/local/userinit.d/
<codeworkx> if it's only one script your could also use /data/local/
<fluorine> it's only the one "mount -o bind" command
<fluorine> weird, my script is listed
<cdesai> add some logging to it then
<cdesai> use log wrapper
<codeworkx> logwrapper is used
sbrissen_gone is now known as sbrissen
<fluorine> I am restarting now via adb and will check the log
<fluorine> I/run-parts( 1871): mount: No such file or directory
<fluorine> I/run-parts( 1871): run-parts: /system/etc/init.d/99userinit exited with code 255
<fluorine> I/logwrapper( 1871): /system/xbin/run-parts terminated by exit(1)
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<fluorine> I now updated the thread and included logcats -
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<joe____> hello
<joe____> i need some help getting the latest version of cyanogenmod on my s3 i9305
<joe____> im using osx
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<brinsjt> joe____: Yes?
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<joe____> im stuck on these directions
<joe____> Place the libusb-1.0.0.dylib library from the zip inside /opt/local/lib on the machine.
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<joe____> sorry im a noob
<brinsjt> Link?
<brinsjt> What's the error
<joe____> i cant find opt/local/lib
<joe____> also on number 5 i type in the command into terminal and it doesnt work
<joe____> this one: On the computer, open a terminal and run the following command from the Heimdall directory: heimdall flash --recovery recovery.img --no-reboot
<brinsjt> pm me
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<fluorine> is there a possibility to run my custom script during boot after the sd card has been properly mounted?
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<fluorine> so i finally solved my problem
<fluorine> I put a sleep command in front of the mount command
<fluorine> that fixed it
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<n-iCe> hello
<fluorine> hi
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<fluorine> is there a nice way to let my script wait until the external sd card has been scanned for errors?
<fluorine> right now let my script sleep for 50 seconds until it binds the directories
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<joe____> can i get help with these directions?
<joe____> Place the CyanogenMod rom .zip file on the root of the SD card: Transfer your file(s): adb push /sdcard/
<joe____> i downloaded adb and it recognizes my device but im still stuck on this
<fluorine> why would you want to adb push the zip file to your phone?
<joe____> im a noob and thats what the directions say
<fluorine> it should suffice, if you simpy connect your phone and put the zip in the root directory of the internal storage
<fluorine> same with Gapps
<joe____> how do i do that tho?
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<fluorine> connect your phone to your pc
<joe____> i put this in terminal: adb push /sdcard/
<joe____> and i get this
<joe____> cannot stat '': No such file or directory
<fluorine> well, did you put the zip file in the same folder as the adb.exe ?
<fluorine> adb push /directory/to/your/ /sdcard/
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<joe____> still not working fluorine
<fluorine> did you boot directly to recovery?
<fluorine> or is your phone currently turned on and you can call someone?
<joe____> it is in recovery
<joe____> what am i doing wrong?
<joe____> anyone know?
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<fluorine> did you run this first?
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<fluorine> adb shell mount /data
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<fluorine> joe____ : are you still there?
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<joe____> i got it working thanks fluorine
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<fluorine> the adb command I gave you was in the install instructions, just one line below the adb push command ;-)
<fluorine> dont forget to also transfer the to your phone
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<DuperMan> blah google. them calls chainfire's apk-matic root 'virus' xD
<DuperMan> I even went to make an anti virus exception and almost bothered to before I thought 'wait I dl this with the firefox'
<Thiagovfar> I've managed to break mako's stock notification bar. It won't pull down anymore. Have you ever seen this?
<DuperMan> mako?
<Thiagovfar> mako, nexus 4.
<Thiagovfar> Not CM and not samsung =)
<DuperMan> aosp. pristine. just works.
<DuperMan> :D
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<Thiagovfar> I may sound like a lie, but I'll tell you: It breaks.
<Thiagovfar> And it breaks often.
<frankdrey-tab> It does
<a3Dman> yes
<Thiagovfar> Wow, I've got backers.
<frankdrey-tab> What are we talking about?
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<Thiagovfar> frankdrey-tab: "AOSP breaks"
<frankdrey-tab> Oh cool
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<nebkat> lolwat?
<nebkat> not joking this time
<nebkat> r u thar
<lolwat> nebkat?
<nebkat> lolwat
<waratte> lol
<lolwat> nebkat, I'm there ... now what??
<nebkat> nothing...
<lolwat> k
<nebkat> was going to say something
<nebkat> but nop
<Thiagovfar> lolwat: does this happen frequently?
<lolwat> Thiagovfar, atleast daily on freenode only
<lolwat> also the question if it happens frequently is just as frequently :D
<Thiagovfar> How frequent are the questions about that question's frequency?
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<DuperMan> frequently seldom
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<Thiagovfar> Good, because I wouldn't want to go deeper.
<DuperMan> you couldn't. rule 34 would need division by 42 and your mind would melt
<DuperMan> hence you humans having a blindspot to avoid such 'buffer overflows'
<DuperMan> I mean US HUMANS
<DuperMan> ;)
<Thiagovfar> Can't we divide by 42?
<DuperMan> see? you can't and won't see the point - so don't worry about it!:D
<Thiagovfar> Do I need to take precautions?
<DuperMan> dude, I just exlpained it all four times wasting two hours of my REAL LIFE TIME and it keeps getting deleted from your existence
<DuperMan> stop it
<DuperMan> you will not "get it", that's how shit works k"?
<DuperMan> ffs
<chadouming> ohhhh, i get it
<DuperMan> you sly dog know you do! ;) why waste breath mentioning it here
<chadouming> i've wasted no breath
* DuperMan does his best agent smith contemptuous face
<DuperMan> well, breath was metaphorical, and metaphors are not of our thinking. oh my. might require to self terminate
<DuperMan> meh
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<beshoo> Dear all ,CM10.1 has a function " hold back key to kill forground app " which is nice function , but it take 2 second to kill hte app , i like to modify the time delay to be 750ms , i dont want to decompile frameworks i am looking for such mthod to redeclare the value of "config_backKillTimeout" on reboot. the value is stored in the "overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/
<beshoo> config.xml"
<beshoo> <integer name="config_backKillTimeout">2000</integer>
<beshoo> !download gt-i9300
<bbqbot> beshoo: Unknown device gt-i9300
<beshoo> !download GT-I9100
<bbqbot> beshoo: Unknown device GT-I9100
<Thiagovfar> !supported samsung
<bbqbot> Thiagovfar: Supported samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<beshoo> !download I9300
<bbqbot> beshoo: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [223f3b]
<beshoo> Please kindly advice.
<nebkat> beshoo: not possible
<nebkat> live with it
<nebkat> is 1.25s worth that much to you?
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<Thiagovfar> !xkcd 1205
<bbqbot> Thiagovfar: Is It Worth the Time? [29/4/2013]: (Don't forget the time you spend finding the chart to look up what you save. And the time spent reading this reminder about the time spent. And the time trying to figure out if either of those actually make sense. Remember, every second counts toward your life total, including these right now.)
<beshoo> Yes , sicne you love the CM speed :)
<beshoo> <@nebkat> so the only way is decompile frameworks ?
<Thiagovfar> beshoo: You can build cm yourself, changing the setting
<nebkat> yes
<nebkat> do as Thiagovfar says
<Thiagovfar> Or you can include a nice menu for setting it, submit to gerrit, ..., profit
<beshoo> <Thiagovfar> but in this case user have to stick with this build , can not update the nightly
<beshoo> since frameworks-res.apk will over-written
<beshoo> true ?
<Thiagovfar> Yes, if you make a change locally and build it, it will not be included on the official CM builds. Obviously.
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<hlai> hello, i have CM10.1 on sgs3, wifi breaks sometimes, can u help me?
<n-iCe> !download i9300
<bbqbot> n-iCe: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S III: [223f3b]
<n-iCe> use that
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<nebkat> n-iCe: have fun
<n-iCe> :)
<n-iCe> hlai: always use the last nightly build, also make sure you did not move your wpa_supplicant file.
<hlai> i already have this rom on my sgs3
<n-iCe> hlai: 20130606 ?
<hlai> yes
<n-iCe> what do you mean with wifi breaks? says any error?
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<hlai> nope, it breakes, It's stable for 5 minutes, than it breakes
<hlai> can u help me?
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<nebkat> Baskey: wtf r u doen
<n-iCe> hlai: no errors? does it stop working with a legend saying wifi has stopped? or just drops the connection?
<Baskey> nebkat: switchin' teh connection
<hlai> can anybody help me?
<nebkat> <-> netcab is now known as Baskey
<Baskey> nebkat: that's my second optional nick
<Baskey> xD
<n-iCe> hlai: what's the answer for the question
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<DuperMan> lol just me
<DuperMan> or n7100 never really needed real hardcore porno sticky cm love?
<DuperMan> ><'
* DuperMan humps his humpback phone
<beshoo> can i make my owun resource apk like "framework-res.apk", it can separate their own resources from android's original res, but i don't kown how to implements it, and i don't kown whether it is feasible. dos CM10.1 support shared libraries with resources !
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<martpwns> someone experiencing random crashes on t0lte with the latest nightly ?
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<RossWell98> n-iCe ?
<n-iCe> Sir?
<martpwns> ox not the only omne on xda are more reports
<RossWell98> n-iCe, not sir please, where you hide what you know in mouth of yours clients ?
<ewx> eh?
<RossWell98> eh :/
<frankdrey> eh?
<nebkat> eh?
<ewx> english plz
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<frankdrey> !kick nebkat
<bbqbot> frankdrey: You do not have permission to run "kick"
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<RossWell98> nebkat, WHY WHY YOU KILL THIS GUY ?!
<RossWell98> KICK*
<nebkat> RossWell98: /troll?
<RossWell98> Mhhh
<RossWell98> No
<RossWell98> We are not in china... we can troll :)
<n-iCe> chinese can troll?
<RossWell98> no
<RossWell98> China = dictator
<n-iCe> :o
<RossWell98> :D
<ewx> are you guys by chance using irc on android? what's your fav irc app? i'm on andchat right now and it seems i cannot setup on-connect-commands like /msg nickserv.. to be executed automatically.
Alram is now known as zz_Alram
<nebkat> ewx: quassel
<nebkat> especially if you got a vps/dedicated that is always connected
<ewx> i was using mirc in the 2000s where you were scripting and automating like hell
<frankdrey> ewx, you can auto-ident with andchat
<frankdrey> edit server > authentication
<ewx> ok, gotta search settings again
<ewx> thanks
<frankdrey> not in settings, press and hold on server
<frankdrey> before it was simply "Password"
<frankdrey> now it's under authentication
<frankdrey> and for commands, theres "Autorun List"
<ewx> nebkat, "vps/dedicated" is what i know as bouncer ("bnc")?
<RossWell98> tried AndroIRC ? :|
<nebkat> ewx: a server that is always connected
<ewx> thanks frank
<nebkat> ewx: quassel has server and client separate
<nebkat> so you can remain connected to irc even when not opened client
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<ewx> i see, good to know
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<ewx> do you think the google vanilla s4 will be snapdragon or exynos?
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<Jiangyi> Snapdragon.
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<ewx> what i also wonder: how come that there is no official cm nightly for i9505 yet? jfltexx is basically identical to jfltetmo, vzw, att,...?
<Jiangyi> ewx: Think it's just a lack of someone willing to step up and be its maintainer.
<Jiangyi> I don't know of anyone on the CM team that has an i9505 actually.
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<ewx> the cm device wiki mentions invisiblek as maintainer
<ewx> whatever
<codeworkx> no one outside US wants to work on s4
<ewx> hehe
<ewx> i consider this strange
<ewx> well, i know the samsung stories, daniel
<ewx> total lack of support etc
<codeworkx> yep. and now samsung lacks community devs
<codeworkx> selfowned
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<ewx> at least there is hope that the release of the google version of s4 will make development much less of a pain
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<ewx> but really, TouchJizz is a big huge joke
<ewx> have a good night guys
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<n-iCe> hi
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