nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATS AT
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<ronak> anyone can help me with initramfs for I9100G
<walydani> hola, alguien en español
<ronak> speak english if anyone can
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<ronak> anyone ?
<walydani> ok, install on my gt p1000 10.1 L the cyanogenmod nightly but my tablet is for Latin America and the TV does not work, and the phone does not have the option to call, try to install the stable version, but it gives me error, anyone knows that can be wrong? thank you very much for the help
<walydani> hi hi hi
<walydani> anyone
<walydani> ?
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<walydani> #cyanogenmod
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<n-iCe> hi
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<spY|da> dobro jutro
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<Pymous> Hello !
<Pymous> I'm about to try to root then install CyanogenMod 10.1 on my SGS2, and I need some "help" to confirm I'm doing the good thing
<Pymous> I'm saving everything from the phone, and I will use Odin3-v1.85 with the Kernel Siyah v5.0.1
<Pymous> To root it, is that correct ?
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<n-iCe> hi
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<ewx> Sup
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<nebkat> ohhei
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<n-iCe> nebkat: :*
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<bbqbot> [Link] How To Install CyanogenMod Android for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GSM) ("p5100") - CyanogenMod
<n-iCe> that's yours
<Brendan55> I have the i497 for testing and was told not to install the 5100 mods on the i497
<Brendan55> And the 5100 is UK and I'm in the US
<Brendan55> am I wrong?
<n-iCe> is yours Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (GSM) ?
<Brendan55> Yes
<Brendan55> It's the Galazy Tab 2 10.1 SGH-i497
<Brendan55> from AT&T
<bbqbot> [Link] (ODIN + CWM 6 + ROOT + Stock) ATT / TMOBILE Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 {SGH-i497} {SGH-T779} - xda-developer...
<Brendan55> I'm pretty sure that's the one I am currently using. The tablet is at 4.0.4
<n-iCe> have you seen roms for the tab?
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<Brendan55> I'm starting to confuse myself. I don't think I have found rome for this device.
<n-iCe> neither do I
<Brendan55> I have a Verizon SCHi915 that I can get to 4.1 but can't root. I have a P7510 that I can root and get to 4.2 but it has no 4g. I have an AT&T SGH-i497 that I can root but can't update to 4.2
<Brendan55> I was going to try the Sprint P500 next but I haven't confirmed that it can be rooted yet
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<Brendan55> On another topic: When trying to use heimdall on my mac I get errors with the interface or protocol. (ERROR: Claiming interface failed!) Anyone know how to fix that?
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<ronak> Hi im having I9100G i want ramdisk.cpio and ramdisk-recovery.cpio
<ronak> i can find it in kernel sources
<ronak> can anyone help
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<bbqbot> lolwat
<Baskey> lolwat
<lolwat> lolwat?
<Baskey> lolwat
<lolwat> lolwat!
<Baskey> lolwat
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<nebkat> !wat lol lolwat
<bbqbot> |O|
<bbqbot> \O/
<bbqbot> /O\
<bbqbot> |O|
<bbqbot> -O-
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<Baskey> !wat nebojsa
<Baskey> !wat lol nebojsa
<bbqbot> |O|
<bbqbot> \O/
<bbqbot> /O\
<bbqbot> -O-
<bbqbot> |O|
<nebkat> !wat high Basket
<bbqbot> <officer> SON, HOW HIGH ARE YOU?
<bbqbot> <high> NO OFFICER, ITS HI, HOW ARE YOU
<nebkat> !wat high Baskey
<bbqbot> <officer> SON, HOW HIGH ARE YOU?
<bbqbot> <high> NO OFFICER, ITS HI, HOW ARE YOU
<Baskey> !wat high Basket
<bbqbot> <officer> SON, HOW HIGH ARE YOU?
<bbqbot> <high> NO OFFICER, ITS HI, HOW ARE YOU
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<ewx_> !wat high
<bbqbot> <officer> SON, HOW HIGH ARE YOU?
<bbqbot> <high> NO OFFICER, ITS HI, HOW ARE YOU
<ewx_> !wat
<ewx_> =(
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<nebkat> ewx_: :D
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<spY|da> i need sshfs on my mobile, so i can mount my rootserver and watch my series
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<frankdrey-tab> spY|da I'm actually setting up LAMP on my tablet right now lo
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: sup frankie?
<frankdrey-tab> nebkat: gonna run my website off my tablet lol
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: not a bad idea :P
<frankdrey-tab> :-P
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<spY|da> dobro vece nebkat :D
<nebkat> spY|da: dobro jutro? vec je 1 ;)
<spY|da> nah, tek ako sam lego da spavam
<spY|da> nebkat, is there a popular serbian website providing recipe's on latin? my kyrillic is very rusty
<nebkat> no idea
<nebkat> mine is too
<nebkat> :P
<spY|da> how is that?
<nebkat> i live in ireland
<nebkat> never write it
<frankdrey-tab> Man.,.
<nebkat> and rarely read it
<frankdrey-tab> This is already getting messy
<spY|da> grown up in ireland?
<nebkat> yeah
<nebkat> here since I was 3
<spY|da> so you speak english like a native?
<nebkat> yeah
<spY|da> nice
<nebkat> irish accent apparently
<spY|da> nice
<spY|da> and your now in beograd visiting family?
<nebkat> yeah
<nebkat> well i live with parents in ireland
<nebkat> im 15 :/
<spY|da> ui
<spY|da> 15 :D
<spY|da> now im feeling kinda old :D
<spY|da> im even older than "c"
<jomp16> 15 too
<nebkat> spY|da: c?
<spY|da> c...x
<nebkat> oh
<nebkat> haha
<spY|da> so im off, wish you all a gn8
<nebkat> spY|da: night
<frankdrey-tab> Gnate?
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: Gunome
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<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: maybe they say gnate in australia
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<waratte> Do they say gafternoon too?