xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<luis_> !19100
<bbqbot> luis_: Unknown command "19100"
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<luis_> Hey guys I'm sorry to bother you. Thing is I'm having problem wih my cell phone that exceeds my abilites. Im running CM10.1 and today the phone reeboted and then I got a kernel panic. everytime i rebooted since it hung at the Galaxy S2 splash screen. I have already odin'd another kernel and reflashed CM10.1 and still the same thing. I even did a factory reset. I dont know wha else can I do. Maybe its gone for good.
<luis_> Any advice?
<luis_> NOw odin is telling me there's no pit partition
<luis_> now its back ok
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<Onixs> carefull with the pit
<Onixs> it could , and coud kill you
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<nosklo> I didn't say today I hate samsung yet. So here's it: I HATE samsung
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<peterperfect> nosklo: buy nexus
<nosklo> peterperfect: yeah
<nosklo> peterperfect: how much would you pay for a sgs3 with the sudden death chip and freeze bug but still working?
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<peterperfect> nosklo: Cyanogenmoded?
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<BookCat> Hello there - I have installed a nightly build of cyanogenmod, but I have no idea how to get Google Play on the phone. Can someone help?
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<chadouming> flash gapps
<chadouming> goo.im/gapps
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<BookCat> Cool, thanks! I assume that can be done through CWM?
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<chadouming> yes
<BookCat> Great -- thanks!
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<steack> thanks a lot for your work
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<PussyDestroyer69> is this chat room to figure out how to hack into a schools internet?
<chadouming> dafuq ?
<PussyDestroyer69> your mom bithc
<PussyDestroyer69> *bitch
<PussyDestroyer69> chadouming
<chadouming> that's my nick
<PussyDestroyer69> naw shit dumb ass
<chadouming> i tell ya dawg
<PussyDestroyer69> tf? are mentally ill or some shit
<chadouming> i believe i am mentally sane
<PussyDestroyer69> get tf outa here you pussy
<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> i don't think so
<PussyDestroyer69> ok then dick
<chadouming> you haz no power here
<PussyDestroyer69> fuck your mom
<chadouming> beside being pathetic
<chadouming> which is not a really cool power
<PussyDestroyer69> better than yours biotch
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<chadouming> mah
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<chadouming> yay
<chadouming> thought you were gone
<a3Dman> hmm
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<chadouming> a3Dman: i like to feed the "troll"
<a3Dman> me too
<a3Dman> I give 'em breakfast, lunch n supper
<a3Dman> supper is usually a kick sometimes xD
<chadouming> PussyDestroyer69: it's not a nice nick from someone in jesusland
<Baskey> !geo user PussyDestroyer69
<bbqbot> Baskey: {country: "United States", region: "Texas", city: "Woodville", latlong: {30.775208, -94.4155}, time: "Fri 09:01 CDT"}
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<PussyDestroyer69> i didnt' know this was some god damn jesusland
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<chadouming> oh, so we get a little rebel
<PussyDestroyer69> ?
<chadouming> well, first of all, your nick is PussyDestroyer69
<chadouming> that's the first sign you are a rebel
<chadouming> either a 14 years old or a troll
<chadouming> or both
<chadouming> then the way you entered here let me believe you are a wanna be troll
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<PussyDestroyer69> that was luck, i actually am 14 i don't even know what you mean by troll the
<PussyDestroyer69> *thoe
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<chadouming> well, that was fun, hope to never see you again PussyDestroyer69
PussyDestroyer69 was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [You are not at kindergarden.]
<a3Dman> chadouming: you kill children's creativity
<jomp16> chadouming: what occurred?
<a3Dman> at least he will figure out what's the meaning of "trolling"...
<Thracky> lol I just scrolled up and read that
<chadouming> nothing happened
<chadouming> keep acting like everythnig is normal
<jomp16> I will read the log
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<Guest33697> Hi, I got my phone back from the service center after getting the mainboard replaced resulting from SDS, getting frequent freezing in spite of the latest software workaround in the latest kernel. However, I'm having some problems restoring (or even when installing a fresh copy of CM10.1) my nandroid backup - WiFi does not work! It says "connecting..." then "Saved, Secured with WPA2" and it stops there. This happen
<Guest33697> I have tried downgrading to 4.0.4 (ICS) then installing CWM and installing CM10.1, but still no luck. I've tried downgrading to the ICS bootloader, but still no luck, WiFi still refuse to connect. It works perfectly in stock 4.0.4 though.
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<Guest71948> Hi
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<gargrg> hjghjdg
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<chadouming> that was a good comment !
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<nebkat> chadouming: indeed
<nebkat> Jiangyi: wat i do
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<frankdrey> nebkat, everything
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: Whut? ._.
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: halp
<Jiangyi> nebkat: ?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: stahp
<Jiangyi> What.
<Jiangyi> ._.
<frankdrey> nebkat, STAHT
<nebkat> Jiangyi: u r penml
<Jiangyi> penml?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: unyc zru gru puvarrm e tbva gjb gnrx bihe gru jbeqy
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Speak the Queen's English please. ._.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: its ciphered :P
<nebkat> hint
<Jiangyi> Hint == ?
<nebkat> !math 7683/591
<bbqbot> nebkat: 13
<frankdrey> nebkat, uhi?
<nebkat> frankdrey: lrf
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<frankdrey> I cracked the code :D
<nebkat> frankdrey: :D
<frankdrey> :D :D :D :D
<nebkat> Jiangyi: have you ever been to rotterdam?
<frankdrey> now to translate that long-ass message you wrote Jiangyi ._.
<nebkat> frankdrey: there is a reason I have my cloak :D
* Jiangyi is working on cracking it
<nebkat> Jiangyi: they'll get harder and harder to crack
<nebkat> this one is super simple
<frankdrey> eh, first word is halp
<frankdrey> i'm too lazy
<frankdrey> i need paper or something
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<nebkat> frankdrey: there are ways to do it online :P
<nebkat> but dont post the answer
<nebkat> Jiangyi: will you go to ROTterdam in 2013?
<nebkat> !math 2013-2000
<bbqbot> nebkat: 13
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: radio collisions ftl xD
<nebkat> Jiangyi: u r such n00b
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<jomp16> I dunno how the teh encryption works
<jomp16> Change a letter for other with some master key?
<a3Dman> read about it
<Jiangyi> halp meh teh chineez r goin tao taek ovur teh aordl
<a3Dman> cryptography is awesome
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I'm just slow. :-|
<nebkat> Jiangyi: congratz
<nebkat> rot13
<Jiangyi> nebkat: No, I've never been to Rotterdam.
<nebkat> sarcasm or idiotte?
<nebkat> I cant tell
<jomp16> a3Dman: you have a own encryption?
<a3Dman> no
<a3Dman> I use GPG
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<a3Dman> Jiangyi: do you use ad2p on your nexus?
<frankdrey> nebkat, so rot13 is really that simple? >.>
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Nope, I rarely use bluetooth.
<nebkat> !encode rot 13 gtl
<bbqbot> nebkat: ZME
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, I CAN READ IT ALL :D
<nebkat> !encode rot 13 lrf
<bbqbot> nebkat: EKY
<nebkat> !decode rot 13 lrf
<bbqbot> nebkat: EKY
<nebkat> !decode rot 13 unyc zru gru puvarrm e tbva gjb gnrx bihe gru jbeqy
<nebkat> !decode rot 15 unyc zru gru puvarrm e tbva gjb gnrx bihe gru jbeqy
<nebkat> !decode rot 14 unyc zru gru puvarrm e tbva gjb gnrx bihe gru jbeqy
<nebkat> !decode rot 12 unyc zru gru puvarrm e tbva gjb gnrx bihe gru jbeqy
<nebkat> ffs
<frankdrey> again, Russia, where everyone has a dashcam
<nebkat> !encode rot 13 yes
<bbqbot> nebkat: RXL
<nebkat> !decode rot 13 RXL
<bbqbot> nebkat: EK?
<nebkat> bleh
<Jiangyi> Fail?
<Baskey> nebkat: NEBOJSA WUT R U DOIN
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [you are canadian, that is a bigger fail]
<jomp16> WAT!
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<nebkat> jomp16: wat
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, only russian cars are light enough to be picked up
<jomp16> I dunno what you are saying
<nebkat> Jiangyi: this is why you will never succeed in life
<nebkat> jomp16: you dont wanna no
<jomp16> I will study about ROT
<jomp16> nebkat: your rot is the 13 version?
<frankdrey> jomp16, rot is easy
<jomp16> Yeah
<jomp16> Replace letters
<jomp16> Someone translate it: nzb ibpr vfnqben
<frankdrey> !decode rot 13 nzb ibpr vfnqben
<bbqbot> frankdrey: GSU BUIK OYGJUXG
<jomp16> Wrong?
<frankdrey> !encode rot 13 nzb ibpr vfnqben
<bbqbot> frankdrey: GSU BUIK OYGJUXG
<frankdrey> broken xD
<jomp16> The real string is "AMO VOCE ISADORA"
<jomp16> Without quotes
<jomp16> Let's create a private encryption
<frankdrey> i have some ideas
<frankdrey> disguise them as jpgs
<frankdrey> encode them as the image data with a jpg header on top
<frankdrey> gibberish image :D
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<Shoogy> ok so is there any one else on here that is paying attention that can help me with my tethering
<Shoogy> I have a samsung t989
<Thiagovfar> What is thy problem, citizen?
<Shoogy> OMG finally someone replies
<Shoogy> ok so I have the t989 and it is on todays nightly with the newest radio that I could find
<Shoogy> and when I go to activate tethering it looks like it activates but is not broadcast
<Shoogy> also it has wakelocked 5 times in the last hour
<Shoogy> and this is a fresh flash
<Jiangyi> Shoogy: For the wakelocks, it could be that your system's still scanning through all your media.
<Jiangyi> As for tethering, I have no idea.
<Shoogy> ok
<Thiagovfar> me neither
<Shoogy> so you guys have not heard of any problems with tethering
<Shoogy> with the newest radio and nightlys
<Shoogy> I mean it shows that it turns on
<Shoogy> but is not broadcasting
<Thiagovfar> Depending on what you need to tether, bluetooth or usb tethering might help
<Shoogy> usually I am tethering to my nexus 7
<Shoogy> SOB it just wake locked again
<Shoogy> I am doing a fresh flash again
<Thiagovfar> The nexus will accept bluetooth tether
<Shoogy> I am about to just use my upgrade and get a s4
<frankdrey> fresh flash will definitely wakelock because scanning media
<Shoogy> I just want to hold out though and see what the note 3 has to offer
<frankdrey> s4?
<frankdrey> WHY?
<frankdrey> WHYYY?
<frankdrey> SAMSUNG??
<frankdrey> get nexus 4 :P
<Shoogy> the nexus 4 is already old
<Thiagovfar> Yeah, take my nexus 4
<frankdrey> Shoogy, doesn't mean it's bad
<frankdrey> S4 is still crap compared to it :P
<Shoogy> and how dare you diss samsung in a samsung hack channel
<Shoogy> :P
<frankdrey> We all diss samsung
<Thiagovfar> Shoogy: is your device the one codenamed 'hercules'?
<frankdrey> codeworkx, SAY SAMSUNG SUCKS IF YOU'RE AWAKE
<Thiagovfar> Samsung is the root of our problems.
<Shoogy> wait what?
<Shoogy> oh as a company?
<frankdrey> We all hate Samsung
<frankdrey> and their devices
<Thiagovfar> Should they have locked bootloaders, nobody would care about how their crap support for the community.
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: They're starting to have those
<frankdrey> we hack them to get rid of Samsung software
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: *Properly* locked
<frankdrey> so that they're less Samsung-y
<Jiangyi> Shoogy: Yeah, everyone who gives support here hates Samsung one way or another :-P
<Jiangyi> in one way*
<Jiangyi> Ironic, I know lol
<Shoogy> I love my samsung
<Jiangyi> Shoogy: I'd recommend the HTC One.
<frankdrey> how many times has it broken on you?
<Shoogy> none
<Shoogy> surprisingly
<frankdrey> at all?
<Shoogy> nooe
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<Shoogy> nope
<frankdrey> my friend replaced his s3 a few times in a month :P
<Thiagovfar> Shoogy: that's because your not a developer for any of sammys devices.
<Shoogy> yeah I know
<Shoogy> I was about to say that
<Jiangyi> Well, t989 uses qualcomm, so it's not as bad.
<Shoogy> it has not broke once
<Shoogy> but I have broken it with bad flashes befoire
<Shoogy> I am thinking either s4 or note 3
<Jiangyi> Whatever you do, don't get it from ATT/Verizon.
<Shoogy> if the note 3 is any bigger than 6 inches I will say fuck it
<Shoogy> tmobile here
<Shoogy> but I hate tmobile cause of the buy it at a reduced price then pay 20 dollars a month for the next 2 years
<Jiangyi> T-mo's not a douchebag yet :-P
<Shoogy> So I buy from newegg or best buy for my devices
<Shoogy> pay a little more up front but then it is yours
<Thiagovfar> 2 years contracts are too long these days
<Shoogy> I agree
<Thiagovfar> so many new phones everywhere!
<Shoogy> especially with new phones coming out every 6 months
* Jiangyi is gonna sell his N4 when the the X-phone comes around
<Shoogy> lol
<Shoogy> I am planning on getting a note 2
<Thiagovfar> Will it have unlocked bootloader?
<Jiangyi> You don't wanna do that lol
<frankdrey> X-Phone?
<Shoogy> then using my second line to get a s4 or note 3 when the note 3 is announced
<Jiangyi> Note 2 will probably run worse than your t989 right now
<Jiangyi> Stupid Exynos :-|
<Thiagovfar> frankdrey: Motorola's rumoured next pure android phone
<Shoogy> I am sure it will run better cause it wont wake lock and it wont overheat
<Shoogy> my phone is wakelocking and is a fucking furnace
<frankdrey> It better be pure
* frankdrey is sick of modded Android
<Jiangyi> Shoogy: No, support for phones with Exynos4 chips has been a huge hack-fest with horrible performance.
<Shoogy> which is why I use cyanogenmod
<Thiagovfar> Shoogy: give media scanner some time, man
<Jiangyi> #blamesamsung
* Thiagovfar Blames samsung
<frankdrey> Ironically, CyanogenMOD is clean Android :P
<Shoogy> its not media scanner
<Jiangyi> Oh?
<Jiangyi> What is it?
<Shoogy> I have no idea
<frankdrey> (with cm3-cm7 it wasn't clean, so it makes sense)
<Shoogy> but media scanner finishes
<Shoogy> it usually happens when I am doing something and I get a notification
<Jiangyi> Shoogy: Use Betterbatterystats to check.
* Thiagovfar Thanks Codeworkx for helping make my i9100 a better phone
<Shoogy> or when the screen is off and I get a text
* frankdrey thanks codeworkx for making p5110/3 a better tablet
<Shoogy> I used wakelock checker
<Shoogy> and it says maps is wakelocking it
<frankdrey> and he still has to say "samsung sucks"
<Jiangyi> Oh lol
<Shoogy> which does not make sense cause I have not ran maps at all today
<Jiangyi> Shoogy: Maps causes wakelocks on every device out there xD
<Jiangyi> Even when not running
<sinc> well, maps + google now sucks battery on pretty much every device :(
<Shoogy> lol really?
<Thiagovfar> Shoogy: blow maps out of the planet
<frankdrey> Shoogy, Google tracks you :3
* Jiangyi just freezes it with TiBu til it's actually needed
<Shoogy> tibu?
<Jiangyi> Titanium Backup
<frankdrey> what if you turn off the google location thing?
<Shoogy> oh ok
<Shoogy> I turn all that stuff off
<frankdrey> hmm
<Shoogy> all the google location shit
<Shoogy> and I turn off the gps
<Thiagovfar> I guess google maps goes mad when it can't find your location
<sinc> you'll have to disable it from google maps settings
<Shoogy> thats it
<Shoogy> my phone is just going crazy
<Shoogy> :P
<Shoogy> well I am backing up with tibu right now
<Thiagovfar> that was fast
<Shoogy> so I can completely do a fresh flash
<Shoogy> ok lol
<Shoogy> now it says calculator is causing my wakelocks
<frankdrey> xD
<frankdrey> now Google is calculating where you are
<frankdrey> using your phone's processing power
<Shoogy> yeah I think it is time to fuck this format reinstall
<Shoogy> doo dah doo dah
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<Shoogy> thank you so much for helping guys
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: do you use ad2p on your nexus 4?
<Shoogy> on the other channel all I get is cant help you
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: You wanna look into something for me?
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: My crappy bluetooth headset is too lame for me to notice if there is a problem on the phone
<a3Dman> no, just notice wifi
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: If reasonable
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Locale change -> Quick settings brightness tile -> Brightness adjustment popup
<a3Dman> wifi connection gets interrupted
<Thiagovfar> Shoogy: And you thought we wouldn't say a thing.
<Jiangyi> The auto text locale doesn't update :-P
<Shoogy> yeah I know
<Shoogy> I love that you guys are acutally talking
<frankdrey> Oh, we can talk more
<Shoogy> thank you so much for the advice gentlemen
<frankdrey> I can talk a lot
<frankdrey> so much
<Shoogy> :P
<frankdrey> So, I have a history midterm on monday
<frankdrey> I don't like history
<frankdrey> I wanted to drop this class
<Shoogy> I am not a huge fan of it either
<Shoogy> or math
<a3Dman> I don't like midterms.
<frankdrey> but my mom made me keep it and now if i drop it, i get a mark on my transcript
<frankdrey> I love math
<Shoogy> I dont like finals
<frankdrey> I'm in Calc 2 right now
<Shoogy> I was not a huge fan of school
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<a3Dman> I like triple integrations :)
<frankdrey> a3Dman, :D
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Thank you, now my phone is in russian
<Shoogy> LOL
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, :D
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, nu teper ti budesh krutiy! :D
<Jiangyi> lol
<Shoogy> ok
<Shoogy> I will talk to you gents later
<frankdrey> (err...that was more Ukrainian)
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<frankdrey> vsrani ruski dumayut scho tilki voni mayut klassnoho yazika
<frankdrey> MI TOZHE KRUTI
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: wo bu zhi dao ni zai shuo shen me
<Thiagovfar> dafuq
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, TI SHO MENE NE PONIMAYESH?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, NU KITAETS!
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: How long for wifi to drop?
<Baskey> frankdrey: JA PANIMAJU
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: 2 seconds max here
<frankdrey> Baskey, CHO VI STAVITE J NE Y
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: On stock?
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: I noticed it when streaming music on the car
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: on both
<frankdrey> lol Baskey, Ukrianian and Polish are so similar :D
<Baskey> yeah, that's true
<frankdrey> Ti ce ponimaesh?
<Baskey> I can easily talk with Ukrainians (I live ~15 kilometers from Polish/Ukrainian border)
<frankdrey> :D
<Baskey> MAYBE
<frankdrey> I come from close to the Polish/Ukrainian border I think
<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: Still going. I'll keep streaming. If it drops, you'll know.
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: you use 2.4 or 5.0 GHz WiFi?
<a3Dman> seems like it doesn't happen with 5GHz
<Thiagovfar> 2.4
<Thiagovfar> I've never seen 5ghz wifi around here
<a3Dman> same here
<frankdrey> we have 5ghz at my church
<Thiagovfar> Which is bad, since my model plane flies on 2.4ghz
<frankdrey> cuz we kewl
<frankdrey> Thiagovfar, does it fly by itself?
<frankdrey> can i hack into it?:D
<Thiagovfar> You can hack the radio
<Thiagovfar> But you'll need skillz to fly it
<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> i haz skill
<Thiagovfar> unless you're just trying to break havoc. Then you just need to hack
* frankdrey 1337 hacker
<a3Dman> orly?
<frankdrey> orly
<frankdrey> i know all teh code
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<a3Dman> "I just got the Xperia ZL from Sony. It uses the same S4 pro and i assume the same BT chip and this same bug is also present there. As soon as you start using a BT headset wifi dies."
<a3Dman> seems like problem with S4 then
<frankdrey> i can hacktivate your wifi IP in the domain realm of the root access.
<frankdrey> Pie
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: not hardware issue though... which is great
<a3Dman> I hope 4.3 will fix all wifi issues
* Jiangyi agrees
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: they depend on Qualcomm anyway...
* frankdrey will agree once someone gives him a free phone that runs 4.x
<a3Dman> frankdrey: if I wasn't poor I would have gave you one asap :(
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I will have a spare iPhone in about an hour. :-P
<frankdrey> lol
* Jiangyi will also get 9100G back in an hour
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, Android 4.x not iOS 4.x :P
<Jiangyi> lol
<frankdrey> i have an iPHone 3gs my mom gave me for free xD
<a3Dman> iphone 3gs is too damn slow now
<a3Dman> xD
<a3Dman> used my friend's from 2 days
<a3Dman> it's not usable at all!!
<frankdrey> nope :(
<frankdrey> it's not
<frankdrey> usable
<Jiangyi> wtf
<Jiangyi> my home phone line just died
<a3Dman> omg, they're closing in...
<frankdrey> lulz
<frankdrey> who has home phone lines?
* Jiangyi raises hand
<a3Dman> no phone line, no internet.
<a3Dman> xDSL sucks
<frankdrey> cable internet ftw!
<frankdrey> well, ftl
<frankdrey> it's down half the time
<frankdrey> screw this
<frankdrey> i'm gonna stop stressing about this midterm
<frankdrey> i took ap world history last year
<frankdrey> slept in calss
<frankdrey> *class
<frankdrey> barely put any effort in :P
<frankdrey> got 4.0 on exam :D
<a3Dman> never slept in a class before
<frankdrey> it was at 7:30 or so :P
<frankdrey> i slept in Physics today
<frankdrey> and that was at 9 :P
<Jiangyi> False alarm guise
<Jiangyi> Wire magically came out of the wall jack....
<Jiangyi> I don't even know how that happened :-S
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, ghosts
<frankdrey> owait
<frankdrey> that's me :P
<frankdrey> i traced you through your G+
<frankdrey> the ghosts did the other thing.........
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<Jiangyi> lol
errdos has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: It's ok, I have another friend who's an ub0r stalker