Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<SolisticE> hi
<SolisticE> anyone awake ?
<EgotisticalElf> brraaaiinnnss.s...
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<frankdrey> datagutt: DID YOU CONNECT UR PI TO UR MIZU?
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<snikt> hi
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<snikt> i just did a Nandroid and IMEI backup to my phone. Before i start doin anything, should i also do a EFS backup?
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<alphagamer1903> hi
<alphagamer1903> hello
<alphagamer1903> i wanted to know whether the nightly builds on will work with a normal Galaxy Note 2. In the sense, the Note 2 which is factory unlocked
<alphagamer1903> !device
<bbqbot> alphagamer1903:
<alphagamer1903> could you tell me if my answer is a yes or a no please? :) I need to get back quick
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<jomp16> I'm back!
<jomp16> datagutt, coded help shit
<datagutt> k
<jomp16> and added a console plugin, you can code plugin for add commands for the console
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<jomp16> *help all
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: Ajudas disponíveis para os seguintes comandos: google, say
<jomp16> *help google
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: Ajuda do plugin: google: Procura no Google usando o termo usado. Uso: *google "<o termo para procurar>" N (em que N é a quantidade de links para dar, máximo atualmente é 4, opcional)
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<Termineitor-2> hola
<Termineitor-2> hay alguien hay?
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<angelsl> is it just me
<angelsl> or did they release new stuff here?
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<jomp16> Hmmm, what the correct phrase in English: "you don't have permission to run it" or "you doesn't have permission to run it" ?
<angelsl> the former
<angelsl> though i wouldn't use contractions in a user-directed message
<jomp16> angelsl, write your phrase
<angelsl> "Permission denied."
<jomp16> Hmmmm, probably
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<dblakout> hi
<dblakout> anybody around?
<a3Dman> Don't ask to ask, just ask, if someone knows, he/she will probably answer.
<dblakout> alright, i think i made a mistake by not installing properly and now the cyanogenmod loads but without the Gapps
<dblakout> the best part when i connect to the PC it doesnt show the serial number i wonder i have bricked my phone for good
<dblakout> i know this is a stupid honest mistake but just searching for answers
<jomp16> Model?
<dblakout> i wonder if i am able to Flash stock my phone back to original and start from the begining
<dblakout> Samasung Galaxy S3 International
<jomp16> Hmmm, you can reboot to ClockWorkMod?
<dblakout> ummm there only two options for me
<dblakout> one is Android recovery and another is Odin mode *download mode
<[SkG]> Didnt flashed CWM Recovery? Anyway if you can reboot to Odin download mode you can flash stock and start again
waratte is now known as waratte-away
<[SkG]> dblakout, follow this for a correct install:
<dblakout> ok thANKS
Andy__ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Andy__> Hello all - need some help with my phone
<Andy__> let me attempt to explain
<Andy__> Today, I was just taking some pictures with my Galaxy S2 [GT-I9100 uk version] when all of sudden it locked up. I wasn't able to power cycle it or anything. I removed the battery and put it back and then I was able to power it up, but each and every single time I try to do anything , I get warnings about services and apps stopping. I can access the phone via the computer when I plug it in via USB.
<[SkG]> Andy__, have you trired to wipe cache & dalvik cache?
<Andy__> I can get that.. let me try.. one sec please
<Andy__> I am thinking that phone is rebelling since it thinks I am going to get the new unlocked S4? :)
<Andy__> okay.. so from the recovering menu goto advance that then do the wipe dalvik cache correct?
<Andy__> recovery
<[SkG]> yep
<[SkG]> After that reboot and it should popup an "Android Update" progress bat
<[SkG]> bar*
<[SkG]> like when you update the phone
<Andy__> okay... I get E: unknown volume for path [/sd-ext] and then Dalvik Cashe wiped
<Andy__> reboot system or reboot recovery?
<[SkG]> reboot system
<Andy__> rebooting
<[SkG]> that error is safe
<Andy__> thanks.. I am a raw newbie to this... thanks for the help... and good on that error
<nebkat> jomp16:
<nebkat> !js java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
<bbqbot> 75444688
<nebkat> 75mb sounds about right
<Andy__> getting the android updating now
<Andy__> err.. ugrading
<jomp16> hmmmm
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<nebkat> jomp16: what do you get for yours?
<S2i9100User> Hi, I have a modem related question: I know there's no "best modem" recommendation because one needs to tests. But I see most modems are for JB 4.1 and the latest CM10.1 is JB 4.2.2
<nebkat> jomp16:
<nebkat> long usableFreeMemory= Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()
<nebkat> -Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
<nebkat> +Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
<Andy__> in layman terms, what is the Dalvik Cache?
<nebkat> !js java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() - java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() + java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
<bbqbot> 7418400304
<test12345444> nebkat: Error translating
<test12345444> 2761793304
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<jomp16> hmmm
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<Andy__> SkG - that didn't seem to fix the problems, as I attempt to use the phone I get the 'Unfortunately... messages again.. for apps and services"
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<jomp16> *ram
<jomp16> ram
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: 4528936
<[SkG]> hmmm Andy__ are you using nightly builds?
<jomp16> nebkat, translate it
<Andy__> yeah... from a few months back
<S2i9100User> So whats the general rule to know which modem to take for JB 4.2.2?
<[SkG]> I suggest you to update and if the problem persist... make a data backup and wipe data (factory reset)
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<Andy__> okay... I will update it now... I downloaded the latest
<[SkG]> S2i9100User, I usually have a look wich ril libs is using CM for my phone and flash the same modem version
<nebkat> jomp16: opening MAT to analyze now
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<S2i9100User> Thnaks, but I see "getRil" is not compatible with JB4.2.2, where do you see the RIL version? I only see my baseband
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<jomp16> *ram2
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: 614648432
<Andy__> [SkG] I rebooted into download mode.. how do safely exit out
<jomp16> *ram
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: 6108560
<Andy__> or is that a way in this mode that I can get the nightly moved over?
<[SkG]> Andy__, poweroff for long time or pull out battery
<jomp16> nebkat, ram2 is the code you give to me, and ram is the total - free
<nebkat> jomp16: you have to show how much is free to use
<nebkat> err
<nebkat> to take away
<nebkat> I assume that is the stuff not gc'd yet
<Andy__> Thanks SkG - that worked.. rebooting again..
<jomp16> no, no Garbage Collector yet
<Andy__> remind me.. do I put the nightly on the internal or the external?
<[SkG]> S2i9100User, for me is working... (i9100 european unlocked version), I9100XXLLS8
<jomp16> the System.gc()
<nebkat> jomp16: geoip plugin is 18mb
<S2i9100User> Thanks I'll try that I9100XXLLS8
<S2i9100User> bye
<[SkG]> S2i9100User, XXLS8*
<jomp16> nebkat, challenge: copy your bot jar without any plugin to see the ram consuption =)
<jomp16> start *
<[SkG]> Andy__, can work on both, just select the correct storage at the recovery
<angelsl> sorry to butt in, but doesn't maxMemory() report the limit that the JVM has? not the actual memory used
<Andy__> okay
<jomp16> angelsl, I use total - free
<angelsl> yeah, that makes sense
<jomp16> *ram
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: 6275384
<angelsl> but not max-total+free
<jomp16> *ram2
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: 614398112
<nebkat> jomp16: looks like its 31mb
<Andy__> btw - this is the nightly that I am applying -
<jomp16> the ram2 is max-total+free
<[SkG]> angelsl yes, maxMemory is the "-Xmx" value
<jomp16> nebkat, my bot won =)
<jomp16> and the YattaBot?
<nebkat> jomp16: I never doubted that :D
<angelsl> [SkG]: ah
<jomp16> *google 'Get used memory at runtime Java' 4
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: Link #1: Getting Java JVM heap size, used memory, total memory using Java ... (em
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: Link #2: Java Performance - Memory and Runtime Analysis - Tutorial - Vogella (em
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: Link #3: Using the Java Runtime API for JVM Memory Details | Javalobby (em
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: Link #4: Java Runtime: Get Free, Used and Total Memory in Java • Crunchify (em
<jomp16> Srry for spam
<Andy__> [SkG] installing nightly now
<jomp16> "help google
<jomp16> !help google
<bbqbot> jomp16: !google {description: "Searches a query google", usage: "<query>", level: NORMAL, plugin: "google"}
<jomp16> *help all
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: Ajudas disponíveis para os seguintes comandos: google, say
<jomp16> *help google
<jomp16-bot1> jomp16: Ajuda do plugin: google: Procura no Google usando o termo usado. Uso: *google "<o termo para procurar>" N (em que N é a quantidade de links para dar, máximo atualmente é 4, opcional)
<[SkG]> Andy__, hope that works. I have to go to the market now so... I'm leaving.
<Andy__> [SkG] I understand.. seems to be stuck at the Samsung screen though..
<[SkG]> pfff, that happened to me some time ago, if you can't get out of that screen... you probably have to wipe data (factory reset)
<Andy__> okay.. I pulled the battery.. seems to be rebooting now... upgrading android
<Andy__> doing the factory reset... will I still be able to apply the nightly or are we talking stock before the root?
<[SkG]> it only will wipe out the data an apps
<[SkG]> Clean CM
<Andy__> then.. I will have to install GAPPS again?
<[SkG]> nope
<Andy__> oh.. then..I can live with that. :)
<[SkG]> that are part of the system
<Andy__> have fun at the market... :)
<Andy__> and thanks!
<[SkG]> when you make a factory reset it delete user data and user apps
<[SkG]> np, :) cya
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<jomp16> I'm sad :-(
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<frankdrey-tab> jomp16: why
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<jomp16> frankdrey-tab, for nebkat's stats
<jomp16> lol
<frankdrey-tab> ah
<nebkat> frankdrey-tab: he managed to make me derp teh statz
<frankdrey-tab> THEY SUCK RIGHT
<nebkat> the troll told me to run bbqbot locally
<frankdrey-tab> :P
<nebkat> which wrote a log file
<nebkat> and when I deployed it wiped the stats
<jomp16> Ahhh Yeah!
<frankdrey-tab> lulz
<nebkat> now I have to talk to beat you in number of lines again frankdrey-tab
<nebkat> I WAS FIRST
<frankdrey-tab> I'LL BEAT YOU
<jomp16> jomp16 1 x nebkat 0
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<jomp16> my bot beat all of you
<frankdrey-tab> that means your bot is a spam bot
<jomp16> jomp16-bot1 wrote the longest lines, averaging 88.0 letters per line.
<jomp16> I'm the second person to said much things
<jomp16> frankdrey-tab, coded help shit, console plugin shit and other shit
<frankdrey-tab> good shit
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<nebkat> !uptime
<bbqbot> nebkat: Current bot uptime: 13 seconds Total bot uptime: 13 seconds
<jomp16> Jiangyi, why you aren't OP?
frankdrey-tab has quit [Quit: Bye]
<Thracky> chinese copy everything, he can't be OP.
<jomp16> lol
<Thracky> (i'm kidding, I know you mean oper, I meant OP as in original poster ;-)
<jomp16> WAT!
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<Jiangyi> Thracky: lol
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<nebkat> jomp16:
<nebkat> !uptime
<bbqbot> nebkat: Current bot uptime: 16 seconds, Total bot uptime: 16 seconds, System uptime:
<nebkat> uptime?
<jomp16> what?
<jomp16> I don't have a uptime command yet
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<nebkat> !uptime
<bbqbot> nebkat: Current bot uptime: 27 seconds, Total bot uptime: 27 seconds, System uptime:
<nebkat> !plugin reload
<bbqbot> nebkat: 19 plugins loaded in 217ms. (1 updated)
<nebkat> !uptime
<bbqbot> nebkat: Current bot uptime: 1 minute, 34 seconds, Total bot uptime: 3 minutes, 6 seconds, System uptime: 263 days, 23 hours, 4 minutes, 28 seconds
<jomp16> ah
<jomp16> get the system uptime
<jomp16> uptime on Unix based system, and something on Win
<nebkat> fuck win
<nebkat> I only did unix
<jomp16> nebkat, you are killing the Java purpose: multiplatform
<nebkat> jomp16: they have everything else
<nebkat> they dont deserve uptime
<nebkat> anyway does a windows machine exist with good uptime?
<jomp16> probably no :P
<jomp16> nebkat, your server is online almost a year?!
<nebkat> jomp16: yeah
<jomp16> whats the system? Arch Linux?
<nebkat> debian 6
<jomp16> hmm, Debian 6 is the most stablest system of the world
<Jiangyi> Space Station's switching to Debian 6 lol
<Jiangyi> From WinXP
<Jiangyi> A good call, I'd say :-P
<jomp16> Good idea
<jomp16> With Win any hacker/cracker can exploit the space station
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<jomp16> datagutt, developing?
<datagutt> jomp16: new version of my irc library
<datagutt> so updated it
<datagutt> s/it/bot
<datagutt> mostly cleaning and bug fixes
<datagutt> but it was also supposed to track topic changes
<datagutt> but never got it working
<jomp16> cas a code for Win too
<jomp16> has *
<S2i9100User> I again, I have a question related to XXLS8 modem for CM10.1. I don-t understand the versionning. For example is there only 1 version of " XXLS8", or this " XXLS8" has several releases? (i'm trying to find a XXLS8 on the web, there are several...(
<datagutt> !eval require('os').totalmem() - require('os').freemem()
<bbqbot> datagutt: Unknown command "eval"
<datagutt> @eval require('os').totalmem() - require('os').freemem()
<datagutt> wrong prefix
<datagutt> @eval bot.message(require('os').totalmem() - require('os').freemem())
<nebkat> jomp16: involves IO
<datagutt> right
<datagutt> sends pm
<nebkat> ugly
<datagutt> i forgot
<nebkat> well
<jomp16> @eval bot.message(require('os').totalmem() - require('os').freemem())
<Yattabot> jomp16: You are not allowed to execute that command!
<nebkat> involves runtime*
<jomp16> datagutt, whats the ram consuption of your bot?
<datagutt> @eval process
<datagutt> lemme see
<datagutt> jomp16: just wait a bit
<datagutt> i evaled process, which is a HUGE object
<datagutt> keeps spamming me
<datagutt> xD
<jomp16> hmmm
<datagutt> @eval var util = require('util'); process.memoryUsage()
<datagutt> [19:24:12] <YattaBot> { rss: 21008384, heapTotal: 15439872, heapUsed: 10406736 }
<jomp16> around 2MB?
<datagutt> 21 008 384 bytes = 20.0351562 megabytes
<jomp16> WTF!
<datagutt> BUT
<datagutt> v8
<datagutt> heapUsed is v8 (javascript engines) usage
<datagutt> so
<datagutt> 29 megabytes
<jomp16> nebkat, also the datagutt's bot uses much RAM too =)
<datagutt> 29MB
<jomp16> my bot with some plugin is around 10MB
<jomp16> without calling the Garbage
<datagutt> well
<datagutt> i do have a bunch of plugins
<datagutt> and a bit too many circular references
<datagutt> xD
<jomp16> also the nebkat bot without any plugin uses + - 20MB, with plugins more than 100MB
<datagutt> !js java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()
<bbqbot> 75442160
<datagutt> jomp16: this is with all plugins enabled
<datagutt> except the ingress one
<jomp16> ingress is the Google game?
<datagutt> Yeh
<datagutt> but the plugin aint that interessing
<datagutt> @eval var util = require('util'); process.memoryUsage().vsize
<jomp16> only show the stats?
<datagutt> wtf why is not vsize set
<datagutt> jomp16: yeh
<jomp16> datagutt, you store the datas at a json file?
<jomp16> I store to a SQLite database
<datagutt> json yeh
<datagutt> for ingress plugin i just cache the data in memory
<datagutt> @lastfm
<Yattabot> datagutt: datagutt is listening to Congratulations by MGMT
jomp16-bot has joined #teamhacksung-support
<jomp16> *help
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: Sintaxe: *help "plugin" para mostrar uma ajuda do plugin ou help all para mostrar todas as ajudas disponíveis
<datagutt> *commands
<jomp16> *help google
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: Ajuda do plugin: google: Procura no Google usando o termo usado. Uso: *google "<o termo para procurar>" N (em que N é a quantidade de links para dar, máximo atualmente é 4, opcional)
<datagutt> @uptime
<Yattabot> datagutt: 19 minutes, 40 seconds
<jomp16> the current command coded for non op is the google
<jomp16> *google "datagutt github"
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: Link #1: datagutt (Thomas Lekanger) · GitHub (em
<jomp16> *say #teamhacksung-support 'Ohai!'
<jomp16-bot> Ohai!
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: Mensagem enviada!
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<jomp16> my bot also has a console plugin (you can code console plugins instead of IRC plugin)
<datagutt> http.//
<jomp16-bot> I
<jomp16-bot> Título: Google (em
<jomp16-bot> Título: Arch Linux (em
<jomp16> the slow speed is the my slow internet
<jomp16-bot> I'm sad :-(
<jomp16> datagutt, my bot has multilanguage support
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<jomp16> *help google
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: Plugin help: google: Search on Google using the term given. Usage: *google "<the term to search>" N (where N is the number of links to give, current maximum is 4, optional)
<jomp16> datagutt, source:
<datagutt> yeh i saw that
<jomp16> Alright, I will stop showing my bot
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<S2i9100User> I again, I have a question related to XXLS8 modem for CM10.1. I don-t understand the versionning. For example is there only 1 version of " XXLS8", or this " XXLS8" has several releases? (i'm trying to find a XXLS8 on the web, there are several...(
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<RossWell98> S2i9100User ?
<S2i9100User> yes?
<S2i9100User> hi,
<RossWell98> juste a one version called XXLS8
<RossWell98> if you want the new version try XXMS8
<RossWell98> XXMS2 *
<RossWell98> I thinks the versionning is from A to Z
<S2i9100User> I flashed this "XXLS8" today... I'll give it a test
<S2i9100User> ha ok, that is what I was not understanding
<S2i9100User> I know the RIL has to match and all that, but I was wondering about the "naming"
<RossWell98> with the MS2 I had a good sped :)
<S2i9100User> So, between XXLS8 and XXMS8, you think the "new one" is L???
<RossWell98> the RIL of CM is LS8 i thinks
<S2i9100User> I think it's kind of regional and then... I dont know there must be some versionning somewhat
<S2i9100User> yes,,its XXLS8, I found out in the official discussion forum
<RossWell98> ABC... KLMM...XYZ ;)
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<RossWell98> alphabetical
<S2i9100User> ha yeah, LOL I got the L and M in the wrong alphabetical order :D
<RossWell98> x)
<S2i9100User> i'll give it a try, I want to wait a few days to test and wait that the modem "settles"
<RossWell98> I recommand to reflash CM after x)
<S2i9100User> Oh yes thanks I had been there
<RossWell98> or no :/
<S2i9100User> I book marked it a few days ago
<RossWell98> not needed to bookmark, just type "modemRIL" in google :D
<S2i9100User> In that link you'll see it said Android 4.1.2, but with latest CM I have 4.2.2
<S2i9100User> But RIL was not updated so I used XXLS8...
<RossWell98> Yes the RIL of CM isn't updated
<S2i9100User> Also, my question was related to the link you gave me>
<RossWell98> and no, it's the 4.1.2, the version of the official rom
<S2i9100User> Because the "developper" site was down on that page, so I could not download the XXLS8 from there
<S2i9100User> And yet on google I found few zips of XXLS8, with different size...
<RossWell98> :/
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<S2i9100User> So I was wondering if it was like XXLS8 old, or new, or anything. At the end I chose a link from someone who posted in XDA, and tried, it seems it was okay... :)
<S2i9100User> But thanks a lot for the link
<S2i9100User> haha thats exatcly the one I have
<RossWell98> ...
<S2i9100User> and
<S2i9100User> at the end I flashed the one you mentionned
<RossWell98> :/
<S2i9100User> Okay I need to go now, so thanks for your information
<RossWell98> and if you have two zip with different size
<RossWell98> se what is in the zip
<RossWell98> if he has a folder called "system"
<RossWell98> remove it
<S2i9100User> yes I looked, they were similar, but thats why I was wondering... no none of them had "system" so I guess the RIL was the one in CM (which is good). Yes
<S2i9100User> correct I wanted to flash "modem only without RIL"
<RossWell98> ok :/
<RossWell98> np
<S2i9100User> must be just compression then, probably. But I was not sure if it was a new version.
<S2i9100User> Anyway thanks a lot, I 'm disconnecting >)
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<Freecycler> Hi all, I have a strange question.... On CM10.1, do you have a file called "SDCARD" at the root of the internal storage ? (it's 90.9 MB (95,417,279.00 bytes))
<RossWell98> no
<Freecycler> Thanks Rosswell98. Hmmm...
<RossWell98> what is the content?
<Freecycler> I' wondering what that file could be, I think it can be a result of a poor command I made with ADB
<Freecycler> I dont know, it-s a file only...
<RossWell98> ahh :D
<RossWell98> a file with dd maybe :/
<RossWell98> copy it with the name SDCARD.1 and remove :)
<Freecycler> I think I was trying to move the .zip to the /sdcard, and im wondering if that's not a weird case were I renamed the file into sdcard...:D
<Freecycler> ok i'll move ittemporarily, if it;s working fine then it will be ok.
<Freecycler> thanls
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<nebkat> !uptime
<bbqbot> nebkat: Current bot uptime: 2 hours, 50 minutes, 36 seconds, Total bot uptime: 2 hours, 52 minutes, 8 seconds, System uptime: 264 days, 1 hour, 53 minutes, 30 seconds
<nebkat> !plugin reload
<bbqbot> nebkat: 19 plugins loaded in 194ms. (8 updated)
<nebkat> !uptime
<bbqbot> nebkat: Current bot uptime: 2 hours, 53 minutes, Total bot uptime: 5 hours, 48 minutes, System uptime: 264 days, 1 hour
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<jomp16> nebkat, total bot uptime is?
<nebkat> jomp16: total time the bot has ever been on
<nebkat> current + saved
<jomp16> ah
<RossWell98> so, tomorrow, cyano has 1 year?
<codeworkx> 1 what?
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<fissurez> meep
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