xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<Carl__> Hello all. Trying to flash CMMOD10.1 via TWRP and it just fails. Any ideas? (Galaxy S3 GT I9300)
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<jomp16> Coded URL, so what new?
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<freeport> im trying to find a specific article for upgrading my samsung note 2 for us cellular [sch-a950] to android 4.2
<freeport> but the problem is i dont havean sd card
<freeport> all the directions state to put it on one
<freeport> what other options do i have
<freeport> when i unlocked the phone i didnt need to?
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<Carl__> !device
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<jomp16> Coded Google shit =)
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<jomp16> !google can't
<clibot> jomp16: can&#39;t - Wiktionary: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/can't
<jomp16> Yeah, i'm trying to unescape the title...
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<jomp16> Ok, unescaped HTML and the bot show the text fine
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<jomp16> *google CyanogenMod
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: CyanogenMod | Android Community Rom based on Jelly Bean (em http://www.cyanogenmod.org/)
<jomp16> Yeah =)
<jomp16> Probably less resource intensive as clibot?
<jomp16> Here show 35 MB used and 1% CPU usage =)
<jomp16> *google Galaxy Tab 2 7" XDA Defelopers
<jomp16> *google Galaxy Tab 2 7" XDA Developers
<jomp16-bot> jomp16: Galaxy Tab 2 7" Android Development - xda-developers (em http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1600)
<jomp16> 0% CPU usage
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<juliusx> !supported Samsung
<clibot> juliusx: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<juliusx> Anybody here right now?
<jomp16> I'm here...
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<jomp16> Lets see the RAM usage...
<jomp16> currenty 10MB in two channel
<jomp16> refreshing in 15 in 15 seconds
<jomp16> now 4,7 MiB in three channels >.<
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<juliusx> oops so hello guys , I'm kinda having a problem with with CM on my GT N7005
<jomp16> What the problem?
<juliusx> Alright so firstly , i tried installing a ROM from the site , the latest NIGHTLY version , and that didnt work for me . So i downgraded to CM9 and it works but its been 10 minutes and it's still stuck at the splash animation boot screen
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<jomp16> err, see something in logcat?
<juliusx> Im kind of a beginner , you might wanna explain more .
<jomp16> One question: you can reboot to CWM?
<juliusx> Well I could , before I installed the CM Rom via the recovery menu
<juliusx> Now it's just stuck there . But I removed the battery and I was able to reboot to the CWM
<jomp16> Whats your CWM version?
<jomp16> btw, N7005 has a own recovery partition?
<juliusx> Just rebooted into CWM , version is
<jomp16> Try a clean install (wipe data, cache, dalvik, and enter mounts and storages -> select format /system) and flash again CM9
<jomp16> And see if this boots
<juliusx> Im currently restoring it back
<jomp16> to run CM 10.1, you need the latest CWM (
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<Mort3> hey
<jomp16> not that version, but the 6.X series
<Mort3> i was wondeirng if anyone could help with a small problem i am having trying 2 find a rom for my note 2 samsung
<juliusx> Alright , will get back to you as soon as im done . Thanks .
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<Nukular> morning
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<DooMMasteR> Not sure if reality is real or just fake
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<Nukular> we have 18°C
<Nukular> still warm enough
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<DuperMan> "In spite of all of my good will, my experience with this seller was beyond atrocious. The item was not as described and I wasn't informed what was mis-listed as it. Nothing was delivered. I was refunded (despite my explicit disapproval) thought I made clear I utterly required the item or similar for sustenance. Putting faith in this seller damaged me financially and professionally."
<DuperMan> writing bad reviews is the funnestest
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<garply> !supported Samsung
<garply> no bot there?
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<KaZo58> !device n7000
<KaZo58> !commands
<KaZo58> !help
<Bert__> The bot is borked.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY_Yf4zz-yo#t=08.5s
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<safty> i removed the stock rom by accident, now my device (Samsung Galaxy S3) doesnt boot, only on recovery mode, i am running siyah kernel, i want to know if i can flash the cyanogenmod and if i can with no stock rom?
<codeworkx> flash cm, flash gapps, do a factory reset
<safty> do i have to change the kernel 1st?
<codeworkx> siyah should work
<safty> i dont have much time, do i have to download the google apps?
<safty> or can i download it later?
<codeworkx> you wont have google play store without it
<safty> so i can do it later?
<safty> flash the gapps later?
<codeworkx> sure
<safty> ok thanks bro :D
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<DuperMan> but WHY
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<DuperMan> yo codeworkx: fallout 3 collector's edition on sale for 50$ on amazon again
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<codeworkx> wtf?
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<DuperMan> -_-
<DuperMan> omg wtf or why tell me wtf?
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<Stones> Hi there
<Stones> i am having some issues with my data after the last OTA upgrade of cyaogenmod 4.2.2
<Stones> i have an I9100G
<Stones> i am asking in the right place?
<codeworkx> maybe
<Stones> i would appreciate any help
<Stones> i have seen that this is a common issue, but i could not find any resolutions
<Stones> is there a way to roll back to previous version??
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<Stones> can somebody please tell me how this works?
<codeworkx> "issue with data" = not clear
<codeworkx> i've a issue with my car, how to fix it?
<Stones> i have not 3G on my mobile
<codeworkx> try different modems
<Stones> i cannot setup any APN
<codeworkx> you'Re doing it wrong
<codeworkx> :-P
<Stones> what do you mean try a different modem? how can i do that?
<codeworkx> read the forums
<Stones> any hints?
<codeworkx> i'm not doing your homework ;-)
<Stones> thanks for that
<Stones> I found previously some information about downloading RIL using getRIL
<Stones> is that the same as downloading the zip file and installing them
<Stones> ??
<codeworkx> dont touch ril
<Stones> ok, so it's different
<Stones> can i just confirm that if install the wrong modem, it won't lose connectivity for good
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<Stones> i am assuming to similar to installing the wrong drive in any computer
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<codeworkx> Stones: if the modem is for i9100g everything should be fine
<Stones> cool
<Stones> thanks for your help mate :)
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<kundancool> codeworkx: can you please update links to official cwm recoveries @XDA http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1728987
<kundancool> codeworkx: if possible provide me links to odin flashable zips of GT-P3110_ClockworkMod-Recovery_6.0.2.7.tar
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: they are chinese, what did u expect :P
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<a3Dman> u racist aginst chinese community
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<nebkat> a3Dman: the language barrier does not imply racism, but if you say so
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<a3Dman> nebkat: that was a joke
<nebkat> a3Dman: that was a joke too
<nebkat> IF U KNO WAT I MEEN
<a3Dman> lulz
<a3Dman> I'm so bored...
<nebkat> a3Dman: go buy oppo
<a3Dman> I'm getting nexus 4
<a3Dman> do not want oppo lol
<Thiagovfar> When I get my nexus 4 I will have to solve a dilemma.
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<Thiagovfar> Flash CM to it or keep stock so I can get the next android updates faster?
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: you can always go back to stock
<Jiangyi_> Thiagovfar: CM
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<Jiangyi_> nebkat: You racist :-P
<nebkat> Jiangyi: <nebkat> a3Dman: the language barrier does not imply racism, but if you say so
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<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: I decided keep stock
<a3Dman> and flash next cm nightlies
<a3Dman> it's not touchwiz...
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: already purchased?
<Thiagovfar> Purchased ages ago. Will only get my hands on it by the end of the month.
<a3Dman> what's weird is, no single ad for nexus 4, but ad every 100m for the new samsung thing which is coming soon
<a3Dman> and nexus 4 simply blows the competition here, but no one knows about it, fail marketing is fail...
<Thiagovfar> Maybe nexus isn't for mass market
<a3Dman> I'm not sure who's supposed to advertise for this device
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<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: but I think they want to get it in hands
<a3Dman> it's not about mass marketing, it's about getting people to know the product
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: shudda just got oppo find5
<Thiagovfar> nebkat: wat?
<nebkat> !google oppo find 5
<nebkat> damn server dc/d
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: Dbrand skinÉ
<Jiangyi_> ?
<a3Dman> yeah
<Jiangyi_> Damn it, french keyboard layout :-À
<Jiangyi_> :-/*
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<a3Dman> no problem
<nebkat> !google oppo find 5
<clibot> nebkat: OPPO USA: http://www.oppousa.com/
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: ^
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: Seems nice
<nebkat> Jiangyi: this is why you shouldnt be canadian.
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: I already have a white official bumper and cruzerlite cases, so I won't be needing that :-P
<a3Dman> Jiangyi_: yeah looks like a bumper and it's a case and shows the glittery back
<a3Dman> and it's slim also
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: I forget, is the back plastic or glass?
<a3Dman> people say both are GG2
<a3Dman> I'm not sure though
<a3Dman> the phone is solid and too damn fragile at the same time
<a3Dman> a case would be a must for me
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<Thiagovfar> Do we have CM for that Oppo thing?
<Jiangyi_> Thiagovfar: Yep, just brought up by xplody and entropy
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: Yeah, the bumper is really nice
<a3Dman> Jiangyi_: ringke's case is hybrid, this is great
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: Saved my phone 3 times already, and it makes the buttons much more solid
<a3Dman> I drop phones much
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<a3Dman> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41xi0v1SJ-L.jpg Jiangyi_ is this thicker that the official bumber?
<a3Dman> to me it's too slim, not sure about the official bumber
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: By a bit I guess
<Jiangyi_> Official bumper is quite slim
<Jiangyi_> Feels like part of the phone
<frankdrey> Jiangyi_: y u no answer
<Jiangyi_> frankdrey: Answer what? ._.
<a3Dman> frankdrey: he's stuck with a french layout keyboard :P
<frankdrey> Have you played gof2?
<a3Dman> Jiangyi_: wtf bumber is 40$ on amazon
<Jiangyi_> frankdrey: Not yet
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: I got mine for $21 after tax :-P
<a3Dman> hybrid cover then :P
<a3Dman> only 14$
<a3Dman> Jiangyi_: u has screen protector?
<frankdrey> Screen protector will scratch easier than the screen
<frankdrey> Screen is gorilla glass
<a3Dman> my sgs2 got scratched
<frankdrey> You can scratch it only by hitting with scissors with considerable force
<frankdrey> My friend can testify
<a3Dman> not really
<frankdrey> Lies, my tab is gorilla glass
<a3Dman> my sgs2 has scratches, but they were visible in sun
<frankdrey> Not a scratch
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSSKNlk4S_Y this is good for 4$ tho
<a3Dman> now I think I need to order them
<frankdrey> I dunno what you're talking about but my tab has same glass and screen is crystal clear
<a3Dman> frankdrey: get another phone, fire the flash, you will see scratches
<frankdrey> Flash?
<a3Dman> frankdrey: I WILL UPLOAD ONE PIC
<a3Dman> lol
<frankdrey> Oh
<a3Dman> frankdrey: the scratches that was on my 2 years old sgs2 didn't bother me when using the phone tho
<a3Dman> very light scratches
<frankdrey> Looking at it under direct light
<frankdrey> Nothing lol
<frankdrey> Only smudges from fibers
<frankdrey> Fingers
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: Yeah, SGP
<a3Dman> Jiangyi_: SGP?
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: Spigen front and back protectors
<a3Dman> is these good?
<Jiangyi_> Yeah, they're pretty darn nice
<Jiangyi_> alright gtg, back to class
<a3Dman> checking them now on amazon
<a3Dman> ok have fun
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: uploading the pic now
<frankdrey> Hurry up IMA need to go to clad Lol
<frankdrey> Class
<a3Dman> ok
* a3Dman blames connecttion
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> OK I gotta go
<a3Dman> frankdrey: ^
<a3Dman> lol uploaded wrong one
<frankdrey> Lol ehhh get back to me later
<a3Dman> k
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<frankdrey> !geo user goody123
<clibot> frankdrey: Error resolving ip for host gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<frankdrey> !geo host
<clibot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", latlong: {38.0, -97.0}}
<frankdrey> >.>
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<nebkat> frankdrey: wat
<frankdrey> no city
<frankdrey> and shit
<frankdrey> it's in the middle of nowhere
<frankdrey> that's why
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: here's the scratches http://i.imgur.com/WQ4aHuR.jpg
<frankdrey> oic
<frankdrey> she's probably getting a screen protector
<frankdrey> (my friend)
<a3Dman> frankdrey: btw, this is great for gorilla glass, these scratches are only noticable with direct sun light and high flash
<nebkat> frankdrey: nothing is known other than country, latlong is approximation of country location
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<noob01010110> hey
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