xplodwild changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT http://irclog.whitequark.org/teamhacksung-support/
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> April fools is successful
<Jiangyi> Told all the Chinese i9100g users that I'm not helping them anymore and they're on their own, and they actually bought it xD
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<michael`> !supported Samsung
<clibot> michael`: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<michael`> I'll be honest, I'm not sure if this where I should ask, but I will anyway
<michael`> Do the CM10.1 nightlies for Note 2 suppor the S Pen?
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<Kaik541> michael`: it physically has the capability to recognize it
<Kaik541> but there are no apps that specifically take advantage of the S Pen functionality like it does in a Samsung ROM
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<frankdrey> hi Jangi
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, hi :p
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<Jiangyi> frankdrey: ohai
<Kishidan> April fools! That's not frankdrey! >:D
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<Jiangyi> lol?
<Jiangyi> ._.
<Kishidan> April fools again, it is! Got you twice! >:D
<Jiangyi> lol x2?
<Jiangyi> ._. x2
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<frankdrey> lol
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<Bert__> Oh, great! now I won't know if the i9100 problems are REALLY fixed!
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<waratte> :(
<Bert__> But, in the meantime, I will play with my Turbo Encabulator.
<clibot> [Link] www.youtube.com: "Turbo Encabulator" the Original - YouTube
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: You'll like this thing I'm going to send you in a bit ;-)
<Jiangyi> It's perfect for your devices
<frankdrey> :o
<frankdrey> ok :p
<frankdrey> how will you send it :p
<frankdrey> eh
<frankdrey> i gotta go
<frankdrey> school tomorrow :(
<frankdrey> it's been a while since i physically went to school D:
<frankdrey> now i have to get up at 8 am !!!!
<frankdrey> D:
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<waratte> haha
<waratte> Sucker
<frankdrey> :/
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, send ittttt
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: Play store link in a bit
<frankdrey> bro
<frankdrey> oik
<frankdrey> hurry up :(
<frankdrey> I want to go get fatter
<frankdrey> (eat)
<Jiangyi> ._.
<frankdrey> before going to sleep :D
<frankdrey> "sleep"
<frankdrey> aka Prison Break on my phone
* Jiangyi wants to get thinner
<frankdrey> then again, my eyes are tired
* frankdrey wants to get fatter
<frankdrey> I weight 130lb
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I don't even have school tomorrow lol
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, loser
* Jiangyi is 140 he thinks
<frankdrey> I'm starting Calculus 2 tomorrow
<frankdrey> forgot everything from Calculus 1 which was 2 quarters ago
<Jiangyi> I'm starting trig on Wednesday
<waratte> Calculus 2 is a joke.
<frankdrey> waratte, HAH
* frankdrey should study up
<waratte> It's just calculus 1 part 2.
<frankdrey> but eh
<frankdrey> who studies?
* frankdrey never studies
<frankdrey> I didn't study for my Calc 1 final
<waratte> Then you fail.
<frankdrey> 102% or so
<Jiangyi> Who studies for math?
<Jiangyi> :p
<waratte> Cheater.
<frankdrey> math = easy
<frankdrey> waratte, i never cheat :p
<frankdrey> people cheat off me :D
<waratte> Sure.
* Jiangyi only cheated once on a French quiz
<frankdrey> I once wrote the wrong answers on a test, because my neighbor was copying me
<frankdrey> he went and turned it in
<waratte> How's it up there in your Ivory tower on your high horse?
<frankdrey> i erased it and redid it
<frankdrey> waratte, it's great :D
<frankdrey> I'm pretty awesome
<Jiangyi> That's cause I remembered the definition of the word, but I forgot how to spell the word -_-
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, hurrry up with the link
<frankdrey> all xchat ever corrects is "teh'
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I'm waiting on teh other guy D-:
<frankdrey> what other guy?
<frankdrey> oh, my tablets dead
<clibot> [Link] secretpagecongrats.snowman77.com: Index of /
<frankdrey> is it available for iCrapOS?
<Jiangyi> RamExpander.apk
<frankdrey> oh :p
<Jiangyi> gogogo
<frankdrey> lo.
<frankdrey> *lol
<clibot> [Link] www.downloadmoreram.com: Download More RAM!
<frankdrey> ok, gonna go
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<waratte> Doesn't give anyone the time to say bye, what a jerk!
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<Jiangyi> +1
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<Ric> hi, I need your help.
<Ric> regarding the google search bar.
<Ric> the voice button.
<Ric> it is not functionining, as i trying to click the voice, it tends to appear "unfortunately , google search has stopped"
<Ric> even i tried to use GOOGLE KEEP. the new app.
<Ric> same things happened when i click the "mic" button
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<Jiangyi> EVERYONE
<Jiangyi> You should totally get this: http://secretpagecongrats.snowman77.com/RamExpander.apk
<Jiangyi> Best app ever, makes phone so fast!!!!!!
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<codeworkx> FASTASFUCK
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<angelsl> Jiangyi: i thought that was a virus
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> nah
<angelsl> you hardcoded toast text!!!!!!
<angelsl> bad bad bad
<Jiangyi> I know :-/
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<Jiangyi> Friend was lazy
<Jiangyi> and it was really late at night
<angelsl> ahaha
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<chadouming_> Jiangyi: what does it make ? add ro.ram=16GB to build.prop ?
<Jiangyi> chadouming_: Nothing xD
<Jiangyi> chadouming_: menu -> check improvements
<chadouming_> lol
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<Thiagovfar> Somebody should totally anounce CM10.1 support for Nokia 3310
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<codeworkx> Thiagovfar: i can do
<codeworkx> Thiagovfar: announcing is different from really running it
<codeworkx> i can announce everything you want today
<Thiagovfar> Provide a download link
<Thiagovfar> and some impossible way to flash it =)
<Thiagovfar> Tell people they'll have to type in a 10MB text file, using the ringtone editor
<Thiagovfar> Or use the touch screen to navigate through the instalation
<clibot> [Link] forum.xda-developers.com: New leak! I9100CMLRA Android 4.0.4 - xda-developers
<chadouming> last year april fool :D
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<Thiagovfar> chadouming: you did it too soon
<chadouming> that was last year
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<Thiagovfar> on march 30th
<Thiagovfar> too soon
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<Baskey> @google novi
<Baskey> BOO
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<galaxytabuser> hi I wonder if anyone knows if USB OTG works on galaxy tab 2 CM 10.1? Thanks
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<Thiagovfar> Baskey:
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<Baskey> Thiagovfar:
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<Thiagovfar> !google test
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Create Tests for Organizational Training and Certification Programs ...: http://www.test.com/
<steve____> Hello,I want to flash CMX on my S2..but right now using phiz kernel..Thought to flash ClockworkMod Recovery.Can I flash it using Mobile Odin or need to use desktop Odin only? Thanks
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<a-st> steve____: just flash cwm through philz recovery
<steve____> nothing will happen? I mean like get struck or something...I want to take a nandroid backup before flash CMX
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<a-st> steve____: So you got philz kernel installed right now?
<steve____> yes
<a-st> steve____: reboot to recovery and flash cmx ;)
<steve____> but CMX dont support that
<a-st> support what?
<a-st> After flashing CMX you'll have stock CMX kernel :)
<steve____> but I want to take backup also
<a-st> you can backup using philz kernel
<steve____> oh...Well I like ODIN way more..can you say if mobile odin can do that work or not
<a-st> just try it ;)
<a-st> Never did that before
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<steve____> oh :(
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<Alram> hey xplodwild
<Alram> are you swimming in money now
<xplodwild> Alram: heh no
<Alram> :(
<xplodwild> I'd have bought samsung otherwise
<Alram> nice work though
<Alram> did you fix that bug
<Alram> that made bbqscreen not work at all for me
<Alram> very descriptive, Alram
<Alram> well nvm ill try later :D
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<xplodwild> we'll push an update tomorrow fixing lots of stuff
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<Baskey> xplodwild: WHAT IS HWCOMPOSER?
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, hi
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<frankdrey> you should check out this awesome game i've made
<wifi> "awesome"
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<frankdrey> meh
<frankdrey> never mind
* frankdrey is too lazy to put together a trollface viewer app
<frankdrey> wifi, my shit's always awesome
<wifi> "always" "awesome"
<frankdrey> wifi, I'm so famouse, you're quotingmeh
<frankdrey> *famemoose
<wifi> yeah right
<frankdrey> I'm a famous moose
<frankdrey> yeah...right :)
<wifi> we kill moose with bear hand here
<frankdrey> how do you kill the bear?:o
<xplodwild> you can even smell them with Google Nose
<wifi> with guns
<wifi> yeah, google smell is awesome
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<wifi> i just put my screen brightness to max and i gave my whole room a fresh odor :D
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<nebkat> !js strings = "Enlarge,Uncountableset,GeorgCantor,Mathematicalproof,Infiniteset,Bijection,Naturalnumber,Uncountableset,Cardinalnumber,Cantor'sfirstuncountabilityproof,"
<clibot> Enlarge,Uncountableset,GeorgCantor,Mathematicalproof,Infiniteset,Bijection,Naturalnumber,Uncountableset,Cardinalnumber,Cantor'sfirstuncountabilityproof,
<nebkat> !js for (var s in strings.split(",")) {bot.getIrc().message(bot.getSession(), "ChanServ", "info " + s);}
<clibot> undefined
<nebkat> !js for (var s in strings.split(",")) {bot.getIrc().message(bot.getSession(), "ChanServ", "info ##" + s);}
<clibot> undefined
<nebkat> var strings = "Enlarge,Uncountableset,GeorgCantor,Mathematicalproof,Infiniteset,Bijection,Naturalnumber,Uncountableset,Cardinalnumber,Cantor'sfirstuncountabilityproof,Realnumber,Russell'sparadox,Gödel'sincompletenesstheorems,Entscheidungsproblem,Editsection:Anuncountableset,Sequence,Countable,Editsection:Interpretation,Constructivism(mathematics),Bijection,Subcountable,Classicalmathematics,Editsection:Realnumbers"
<nebkat> !js var strings = "Enlarge,Uncountableset,GeorgCantor,Mathematicalproof,Infiniteset,Bijection,Naturalnumber,Uncountableset,Cardinalnumber,Cantor'sfirstuncountabilityproof,Realnumber,Russell'sparadox,Gödel'sincompletenesstheorems,Entscheidungsproblem,Editsection:Anuncountableset,Sequence,Countable,Editsection:Interpretation,Constructivism(mathematics),Bijection,Subcountable,Classicalmathematics,Editsection:Realnumbers"
<clibot> undefined
<nebkat> !js strings = "Enlarge,Uncountableset,GeorgCantor,Mathematicalproof,Infiniteset,Bijection,Naturalnumber,Uncountableset,Cardinalnumber,Cantor'sfirstuncountabilityproof,Realnumber,Russell'sparadox,Gödel'sincompletenesstheorems,Entscheidungsproblem,Editsection:Anuncountableset,Sequence,Countable,Editsection:Interpretation,Constructivism(mathematics),Bijection,Subcountable,Classicalmathematics,Editsection:Realnumbers"
<clibot> Enlarge,Uncountableset,GeorgCantor,Mathematicalproof,Infiniteset,Bijection,Naturalnumber,Uncountableset,Cardinalnumber,Cantor'sfirstuncountabilityproof,Realnumber,Russell'sparadox,Gödel'sincompletenesstheorems,Entscheidungsproblem,Editsection:Anuncountableset,Sequence,Countable,Editsection:Interpretation,Constructivism(mathematics),Bijection,Subcountable,Classicalmathematics,Editsection:Realnumbers
<nebkat> !js for (var s in strings.split(",")) {bot.getIrc().message(bot.getSession(), "ChanServ", "info ##" + s);}
<clibot> undefined
<wifi> create a channel nebkat
<wifi> stop spamming
<nebkat> wifi: sry
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<GabMus-NDS> hello guys, yes i am connected from a nds ;]
<waratte> NDS! :D
<GabMus-NDS> it is pretty damn awesome xD
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<RedShift> NDS?
<GabMus-NDS> yes, using a chineese r4 modded cardigage
<RedShift> what is an NDS?
<GabMus-NDS> nintendo ds
<RedShift> ah
<RedShift> cool :D
<GabMus-NDS> lol
<RedShift> pictures/screenshots?
<GabMus-NDS> ill send you a photo in a moment
<GabMus-NDS> uploading...
<GabMus-NDS> goo.gl/4SRVI
<RedShift> that is damn impressive!
<GabMus-NDS> pretty cool
<RedShift> what software did you use?
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<GabMus-NDS> i used a modded r4 cardigage. it's called r4ipoke
<GabMus-NDS> there are many similar alternatives
<GabMus-NDS> i found this in a chineese store in my town
<GabMus-NDS> there are some different firmwares that do different things. this one is called ds organizer
<GabMus-NDS> you can also launch .nds games, but also nes and snes games if you have a rom
<RedShift> awesome
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<RedShift> I have to go to sleep
<RedShift> bye
<GabMus-NDS> bye
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<a3Dman> so facebook can barely make a useful app, they're making a rom? xD
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<frankdrey> LOL
<a3Dman> well, at least they can hack dalvik as much as they want so that it wont crash
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<a3Dman> I think it will be worse than touchwiz
<a3Dman> :D
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<frankdrey> oh gosh
<frankdrey> it'll probably load the browser on start, and open an html5 UI
<a3Dman> it's just a lame launcher with facebook lame app
<a3Dman> and probably a blue htc lame phone
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<Ravenheart> ?
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<Jiangyi> Definitely not touching that phone, even with a 10m pole
<Jiangyi> It'll be worse than the iPhone :-P
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<Bert___> I am too lazy to google.... How can I backup and restore the EFS partition on my device (i9100G). I want to upgrade from 20130217 but am worried about the soft-unlock EFS corruption issue.
<frankdrey> Bert___, ^
<frankdrey> :)
<Bert___> Ugh, never mind... I will stay on what I have... Can't afford to brick my company phone.
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